JJ and Mikey on Notch Temple Became Scary at Night Challenge – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft

h j i don’t see where we need to go next Mikey there’s something very big in there I think it’s a statue a big statue in the middle of nothing let’s go there maybe we’ll find something interesting hey wait for me Mikey the last one lost JJ well you ran first it’s not fair here we are JJ this statue is even bigger up close yeah it looks really cool I wonder what it’s doing here maybe this statue is guarding something let’s look around we have to find something here I’m not sure about that it could just be a statue I can’t find the secret passage JJ and we’ll be breaking gold blocks for a very long time without a pickaxe there is only disappointment here well we looked at the cool statue then we can go back huh JJ did you hear that it seems that part of the statue’s face exploded yeah something happened so this is an unusual statue hey there’s someone there what is someone after him hey guys I see you found my awesome statue it looks cool doesn’t it so I have something for you a little gift from me use it guys good luck to you hey the guy from the statue wait don’t leave so fast oh no he left I wanted to ask him where he hides his treasures I don’t think he would have said that Mikey but he left us a chest let’s see what’s inside there is only a map JJ some place is marked on it should we check it out of course Mikey this may lead to the place where he keeps his treasure oh then let’s hurry up there I can’t wait to find out what he’s hiding Mikey do you even know who this is nope why would I know that oh Mikey JJ we’ve been walking here for so long that it’s already night Mikey look at the map how far are we still have to go we are almost there we have only a little way to go oh really we’ve come to a place is this it yes that Guy brought us here let’s move on JJ H I don’t see where we need to go next m yeah it seems that this stone wall is blocking the way further but I can’t figure out how to open it Mikey let’s take a look around I think we missed something okay JJ hey I think I got it look over there huh what did you find Mikey there are buttons under the water I think this will open the way further for us yeah we need to throw something in there Mikey hey the way has opened JJ we’ve done it great let’s go Mikey but we have to be careful there are mechanisms everywhere okay JJ but I think we’ve reached the end there’s no way to go any further huh is that all what is this all about we were led to this Notch’s Stone Face yeah that’s right I’ve Seen A Face here now but is that really all did we go through this path just to look at that Stone Face there must be something here what are those sounds look out Mikey diamonds and gold but from where wow great after all we did didn’t come here for nothing this generous Stone Face gave us diamonds yeah that was very unexpected Mikey JJ we have to repeat this I want more diamonds and gold I don’t think we should abuse it Mikey what’s the worst that can [Music] happen well then I’ll go JJ the diamonds won’t take themselves oh you’ll regret going there a second time don’t worry JJ I’ll get enough diamonds for you I’ll be waiting for you here I don’t like that diamonds are being given out there just like that there must be a catch here what the path is closed hey open up but Mikey hasn’t come out of there yet oh no I need to hurry up to open this who knows what’s going on there Mikey might be in trouble yeah that’s it hey Mikey are you there what where is he what’s the hole here oh no this Stone face decided to drop him down Mikey where are you what it’s him again hey where did you take Mikey oh no he’s very angry probably because Mikey wanted to abuse this place and he got rid of him but I have nothing to do with it why is he trying to get rid of me now and what did he do to Mikey what the door where did it come from here oh no it’s you I didn’t know he could do that I’m doomed huh huh what happened why did the Anvil fall on him I set it up JJ thanks for helping me distract him Mikey I was worried that he got rid of you for good yeah he was very angry because I took all the diamonds and gold from that place I had to run away from there I told you you’d get in trouble for abusing such things yeah but it doesn’t matter anymore I have a full inventory of diamonds and don’t worry I’ll share it with you hey JJ can you believe this I’m out of diamonds I wish I had a lot of diamonds yeah me too my and here you guys are I’ve been looking for you what is it villager guy I found a treasure map but I can’t find it in any way so I thought I’d give this map to you maybe you can find it good luck in your search thank you villager guy a treasure map JJ let’s see what’s on it okay Mikey let’s check it out H I think there’s a Red Cross painted here the Red Cross this means that there is definitely a treasure there let’s find it as soon as possible JJ what do you think we’ll find when we get to this Red Cross there’s only one way to find out Mikey and that’s to follow the map exactly JJ look at the map maybe we are already very close M you’re right Mikey we just need to go straight a little bit I think we’ve reached the Red Cross hey JJ look here there’s a diamond tunnel here and your portrait is above it what can it mean I’m wondering too Mikey why the treasure map brought us here look here Mikey it seems there is another tunnel here only from dirt and above it your portrait what that’s not fair I want a diamond tunnel too JJ how do you like this idea I’m going to the diamond tunnel and you’re going to the one made of dirt Mikey I think I see a cage up ahead are you sure you can do it alone yes JJ I can handle it okay then we have a deal I’m going to the dirt tunnel I hope we both find something cool I wish I could go to the diamond tunnel too but I got this one okay it’s time to see what’s inside it seems nothing unusual just an ordinary dungeon I hope there won’t be anything dangerous here I think I see a chest I should check what’s inside a golden sword bread and one Emerald it could have been better but it’s still a dirt tunnel let’s go ahead oh no the skeleton is here it’s time to fight these skeletons aren’t very dangerous but I have to be careful the gold sword will not be able to last long and may break at any moment as unlucky as I am there are a lot of skeletons here but I’m still doing pretty well please golden sword hold on a little longer it seems I’ve dealt with all the skeletons in this dungeon it should be safe now I hope I find a treasure ahead what Mikey what are you doing here it’s you JJ I do not know how I got here I was in the diamond tunnel and now I’m here but I got scared of those skeletons there and hid here okay Mikey that sounds interesting let’s go back and check out what’s in the diamond tunnel together the way back should be safe I killed all the skeletons here wow JJ you’re so good I would never have been able to handle them so we’re finally back let’s see the diamond tunnel already hey JJ you’re back what the second Mikey who are you oh no there are two of you now but who is the real one what’s happening it’s a zombie he pretended to be you Mikey now that zombie is gone I hope you are the real Mikey and there are no more doppelgangers of course I’m the real Mikey JJ how could you think that but still I was in the diamond tunnel all this time and couldn’t open this cage I need your help JJ okay Mikey let’s see what we can do with this diamond tunnel the cage blocks the whole way forward W Mikey look there’s a small chest have you checked what’s inside oops I didn’t notice this chest there’s only a lever inside a lever Mikey try to put this lever here and press it maybe this way we can go forward yeah JJ you were right the passage has opened now we can pass through here hm what a Mysterious Room JJ look there are three more levers here I wonder what they are for I hope there won’t be any traps Mikey try to pull this lever what what have we been given diamonds wow JJ Isn’t that cool and it seems this thing gives out diamonds endlessly now I’m wondering what the other levers are for this is awesome Mikey let’s check the other lever now wow this one gives us gold JJ I think we’re rich now this is an endless source of diamonds and gold it seems to me that the third lever will give us emeralds yes you’re right Mikey this one gives out emeralds it’s really cool let’s push the s until our inventory is filled with treasures a few moments later wow JJ I will definitely come back here again look all my inventory is in diamonds gold and emeralds and mine too Mikey I don’t even know where to put it all now I wasn’t lucky enough to find anything in the dirt tunnel but we found a lot of treasures in the diamond tunnel Mikey H I heard an explosion from this side but where was it I think I found it is this m ‘s house or what’s left of it I should ask him what happened hey Mikey what is this oh hello JJ a Bad Thing Happened my house was blown up by creeper my family and I have nowhere else to live oh no it’s terrible Mikey I’m sorry about your house hey JJ can you build a new house for us H let me think about it I can build a new house for your family but you’ll give me 100 diamonds for it yeah I agree JJ 100 diamonds for a new house okay Mikey then show me the place where you want to build a house yeah I like this place JJ build a house right here okay Mikey you’ve chosen a good place for a new home I hope you haven’t forgotten that it will cost you 100 diamonds yeah JJ I’ll give you diamonds right after you build the house good then we will start building the house I have already prepared the materials for construction well let’s go [Music] it remains to put beds for this family and it’s ready the house looks good I hope Mikey likes it it’s time to call him and show the result hey Mikey I finished building the house come and have a look wow JJ you finished very quickly awesome this house is so beautiful I really like it JJ the house looks very cool inside too thank you JJ now our family has a home glad you liked it Mikey now if you don’t mind I’d like to get my 100 diamonds JJ the thing is I don’t have any diamonds at all Mikey it’s not fair we agreed that you would give me 100 diamonds to build a house for your family so if you don’t have diamonds then you can’t live in this house I’m sorry I didn’t tell you JJ all my diamonds were blown up by creeper bad things happened Mikey so if if you want to live in this house you should bring me 100 diamonds as we agreed okay family let’s look for diamonds well they went to get diamonds but I should have asked Mikey first if he had diamonds I hope I’m not building this house for nothing okay time to rest what was that hey who was that no one someone left a note we kidnapped Mikey and his family a note from the bandits oh no Mikey is in trouble I need to save him as soon as possible I’ll take my sword and head to the Bandit base here it is the bandits Hideout there are probably a lot of them here there are already guards at the entrance but I need to rescue Mikey and his family so I can’t be afraid let’s go come on you weaklings I’m already entering your hideout there are even more of them here but I can handle all of you wait a little longer Mikey I’ll rescue you Bandits come on attack I still can’t see Mikey and his family they’re probably on the floor above I should hurry up and here they are oh no they’re in a cage JJ is that you have you come to rescue us yeah but I need a pickaxe to break the cage how lucky it’s lying right here wait Mikey I’ll set get you free a little more and you’re free Mikey I’m glad you’re okay wow JJ you rescue us thank you wait a bit I see a chest here amazing there are a lot of diamonds here take this wow that’s really a lot of diamonds Mikey hey I told you I’d give you your diamonds my family and I managed even though we were trapped by Bandits let’s get out of this place already yeah let’s go I don’t like it here either there are no Bandits on the way back hey JJ since I gave you 100 diamonds and even more can my family and I move into this house that you built yes Mikey this house is yours now you gave me the diamonds as we agreed wow thank you JJ you saved us from Bandits and built a house for our family I do not know what I would have done without you glad to help you Mikey I can’t wait to move into our new house it’s so cool JJ hey JJ there’s something down there what do you think it is huh let’s take a closer look at this Mikey yeah let’s go JJ I’m terribly interested in this wait a minute is that blood what oh no something terrible must have happened here and look Mikey these blood prints keep going somewhere JJ it’s not just blood here look at this a bone what is going on here it’s crazy JJ let’s move on with these blood prints yeah maybe we’ll find out something about what happened here JJ I think we found what we were looking for there’s a cage in front and it seems like someone is there let’s look at this that person is behind the cage anyway he won’t do anything to us hey what are you doing here did someone really find me let me out of here before this monster comes back a monster Mikey free him okay JJ it will be done hey what that monster were you talking about why did he lock you up you won’t believe me but the monster looked just like both of you I was lucky that he disappeared when the day came what are you talking about hey wait he seems to have gone a little crazy while he was in this cage JJ yeah maybe he is what about this poor guy it’s too late to save him it seems that his blood and bones were on the way here you might be right Mikey this monster is really very dangerous what should we do about it let’s go back home before we get in the way of this monster Mikey hold on Mikey there’s something outside my house oh I saw it too let’s see what it is what a Footprints these tracks lead to your house JJ do you wear such dirty shoes these are not my footprints Mikey someone was at my house while I was away and what are all these traces of blood what does this mean JJ I think that monster was here last night Mikey do you think he’ll come back here again I’m not sure Mikey let’s wait until Nightfall and see what happens so the night has come JJ are you ready to see the Monster I still really hope he doesn’t come here Mikey what under my floor oh no JJ what is that huh it really looks like us Mikey this is crazy you monster what do you want hey he’s running away and don’t let him come back what could it be JJ why does it look like us with two heads I have no idea Mikey I’m shocked myself has this monster been disturbing everyone around lately we have to do something about it JJ we can’t let a monster that looks like us do Horrors he ran in that direction let’s follow him JJ hey what happened what why is villager behaving like this hey can you tell us what you saw oh no he’s blocking all the way into his house I think he saw that monster and Confused it with us that’s why we have to do something about it everyone will think it’s us okay Mikey let’s go we can’t let this impostor monster ruin our name but we should find it first JJ let’s start looking hey there’s Alex did she see something let’s ask her hey Alex step back both of you don’t come near me what Alex it’s Mikey and JJ you’ve got us confused with someone else what but I saw something terrible that looked like you yeah we’re looking for that terrible thing where did it go it went further I managed to protect myself but I don’t want to deal with it anymore and now once again this monster has set us up it shouldn’t be far away let’s hurry up and find it JJ come on Mikey this cannot happen again yeah we found it let’s attack stealthily while it doesn’t see us JJ what no Mikey stop hold on what was it a trap oh no you stay where you are oh no he went after Mike hey are you there I can’t hear anything it’s bad I need to go after him before he gets into trouble I don’t even know what this monster can do to him what it’s so dark in here what is this place Mikey are you here where are you JJ stop shouting here I am look what I did what Mikey you’re okay and what did you do I knocked him out JJ it was simple I waited until he fell here and hit him on the head with a sword well done Mikey but what’s next to do with it let’s try to get him out in the sun that guy said he disappears during the day yeah Mikey let’s get out of here look JJ the sun is almost out it’s about to start what what’s happening it’s really disappearing look Mikey yeah he’s almost gone huh now he is completely gone JJ did we do it yes Mikey you did it you destroyed the monster that framed us great no one will confuse us with this impostor anymore okay I just need to take a a few items from my chest and I’ll be ready to go to the mine for diamonds I can’t keep Mikey waiting for me for too long what TNT oh no I need to run oh no my house it’s blown up who could have done this to me JJ what happened here I heard a very loud explosion someone set up a TNT trap at my house I almost got hurt myself there it’s terrible JJ there’s nothing left of your house yeah it’s like it just disappeared so what are you going to do JJ I’ll probably start building a new house Mikey I’ve been wanting to build a cool house for myself for a long time oh I would invite you to live with me but I have a very small house there is only room for one hey will you invite me to see your new house of course Mikey then I’ll start building right now 2 hours later and I’ve almost finished building the house All That Remains is to arrange a few couches and everything will be ready I think it turned out well let’s see how the house looks from the outside wow my new house really looks great I’ve wanted this for so long Mikey wanted to be the first to see it so let’s invite him wow JJ your new house looks amazing I really like it I’m glad you like

JJ and Mikey on Notch Temple Became Scary at Night Challenge – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft
OG Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial
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