Mikey and JJ Can’t Leave This Circle in Minecraft! (Maizen)

oh my God what are we looking at and the situation is that our characters JJ and Mikey are stranded on an island and in the center of the island we can see that there’s a circle huh what would that mean which means that this is the area where Jay and Mikey are supposed to be so they can’t go outside that red circle or they’ll take damage and they’ll they’re done because there’s all kinds of underwater creatures in the ocean that want to eat JJ and Mikey and now it’s up to them to somehow get out of this place and solve the problem with the circle [Music] so is that what Mikey gets that you say you took damage when you went outside the circle uh yeah it’s like something was keeping me from getting out of there so I don’t even know how we’re going to get out of this place huh we’d have to figure out what to do with the circle to get it out of our way maybe we can destroy it somehow uh do we have anything we don’t even have any supplies and if we get outside the circle the Sharks will eat us so that’s not an option hey Mikey look at this I think there’s a chest over here huh I wonder what’s in it uh wow what’s so interesting about this trunk JJ look at it it’s kind of a jar but we can’t get it open yeah it’s like the locks jamming and we don’t have the key so Mikey look we can create some kind of tool to pick the lock right uh well if we could create a pickaxe we could break the lock and unlock the chest oh and I think I noticed some valuables in this chest it looks like a treasure chest okay all right JJ let’s go get resources from that tree yeah Mikey uhoh oh no huh oh my God Mikey look out there’s dynamite in there huh ouch oh my God Mikey oh no my friend what have you done look at this oh my God your leg oh my God Mikey oh no it looks like you blew yourself up with dynamite and a you lost your leg and it needs to be sewn back on right huh what’s wrong with my leg I can’t feel anything Mikey lie down and don’t think about anything bad I’m going to help you now you’re probably in pain right now you don’t even realize what happened to you what happened to me JJ where are we is this an island oh no Mikey seems to be losing his mind a little bit I need to hurry before it gets any worse okay Mikey you lie there and think about ice cream you like ice cream don’t you and you want to eat ice cream at a time like this well you lie there and I’ll figure out how I can help you don’t worry buddy your leg’s going to be fine I’ll see if I can get some materials in here oh my God what kind of monster is that oh my God is that a spider but what’s it doing here I have to destroy it or we’ll have a problem if there are spiders here oh wait it’s a spider and spiders drop threads don’t they I mean I can use them to help Mikey yeah yeah right I got it I can try to somehow miraculously sew Mikey’s leg back on with a spider web as dumb as it sounds but yes maybe not the best idea ever but it’s worth a try because it might work for me so great the spider is destroyed which means I have his threads and my job is to just sew Mikey’s leg back on huh sounds weird yeah I agree with that but I don’t really have much of a choice I don’t see any other solution to this situation yeah Mikey I know it hurts but just bear with it you’ll be back on your leg in no time J I see stars in the sky what does that mean maybe the sun got a little hot on your head look at this I think I sewed your leg back on now try to get up and walk wo I can’t believe you brought me back to life awesome thank you so much JJ yeah no problem so Mikey it turns out there are dangers on this island there’s a spider attacking me out of nowhere and I don’t like it oh how awful JJ well that means we’re going to have to be a little careful around here yeah Mikey but look over there it looks like there’s iron in there do you know what that means yeah iron is cool we could build a furnace and collect ore to smelt it down and then get iron bars look I think it’s a great idea yes it is I can see you’re ready right well then let’s get down there and go get the ore just be very careful Mikey I don’t know what else to expect oh my God hey are you okay what happened JJ come on down it looks like there’s a secret place a secret place huh n what the hell is this place I don’t get it it looks like it was someone’s Hideout is it true what happened here that it’s abandoned there’s a body lying here with a key next to it what do you think this key is for uh I don’t know like a chest a door a vehicle yeah but uh I have seen any doors or Transportation anywhere anyway I’m taking the key because we’ll probably need it somewhere but where [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] exactly we should get out of here JJ because we need to gather resources if we want to survive yeah Mikey you’re absolutely right which means we have no time to waste there’s no telling what dangers May await us on this island so let this bunker be our safe haven oh my God what the hell is that Mikey look out hurry up and hide oh no JJ does it look like some kind of pirates to you but why did they come here and what do they want with us I have no idea Mikey but I don’t think they came here to fight with us pH I hope it’s safe for now don’t you what do we do next we we have to come up with a plan fight them or hide well standing here is definitely not the best [Music] [Applause] [Music] option oh my god did you hear that I think something’s exploding in here let’s go check it out are you out of your mind they’ve got ships and they’re going to shoot at us so can’t go in there on the contrary Mikey they have ships which means we have to do something or they’ll bombard us like that and we won’t even be able to do anything huh and what are you going to do to them if we don’t even have anything to fight them with you’re right Mikey it seems like there’s more than one ship out there and they don’t look like Pirates it’s like some kind of Underworld creatures it doesn’t matter who it is they want to wipe us off the face of the Earth which means we have to do something but look at this building have we ever been here I don’t remember this thing being here huh yeah you’re right I don’t remember this place let’s use the key let’s see what happens huh I can’t seem to unlock it because there isn’t even a keyhole uh put the key on the keyhole for some reason I think there’s some kind of mechanism involved come on Mikey you’re right wow how did you figure that out so fast and again some mysterious and secret rooms huh what do we have here this time be careful I have no idea what the depths of this island are hiding uh-huh yeah well you know what how can I put this it’s weird that we find stuff like this on such a small island oh wa what kind of control center is this it seems like there’s a lot of technology in here uh there’s computers some kind of monitors what’s all this stuff for H maybe someone was following someone the dude whose body we found maybe he was doing some research how about that uh yeah but I don’t understand anything yet so let’s get a better look around well I see a lot of different things to explore here you know Mikey yeah it’s very interesting and look at this that’s some interesting armor I’ve never seen clothes like that before it looks like some kind of bounty hunter all right Mikey what do we have in the Next Room wa look what’s in here there’s a lot of different stoves in here I wonder how they were used well Mikey I can only conclude that this was someone’s Hideout and it’s pretty cool maybe it was the home of a Criminal Who was hiding from the authorities huh H wo what what is it you look so interesting look JJ it seems like with these things we can fight off those pirates what do you think JJ yeah Mikey you’re right there’s a lot of guns and ammo in here we can arm ourselves with them and take out those pirates take their ships and sail away from this place are you sure we want to leave this island huh I don’t understand your question what do you mean Mikey so Mikey we’re we’re going to need firearms for sure so grab it all uh yeah I see there’s more metal in here which means we can make armor for ourselves that’s right I forgot we need Arrow armor it’ll definitely help with the arrows so I’ll take a sword a pickaxe an Axe and a couple of guns a rifle and a pistol I think that’ll be enough you need armor get over here and make some iron armor yes Mikey thanks for reminding me because iron armor is supposed to protect us from arrows that’s right so hurry up and get all your stuff and let’s go oh and by the way what’s the plan uh well I think we destroy all the pirate skeletons and steal their ships uh yeah that’s a great plan and we can finally get off this stinking Island I’m starting to get a little scared of his secrets so Mikey are you ready if you’re ready load your weapons and let’s go the fight’s about to begin I’m ready JJ especially since I’m curious to know what secrets we can find on their ships and also if we can actually get off this island that would be great come on JJ let’s go let’s go I can’t wait to have a party in here woohoo yeah Mikey just be cool oh they’re still here come on get up on the roof did you think they’d magically float away yes I thought they were so stupid those pirates forgot about us but unfortunately they didn’t Jay there’s another ship on the other side it looks like they’re shooting at us yes our armor protects us from the arrows they can’t even hit us which is what they were hoping for we’re just lucky we found so many guns what if we didn’t have anything huh oh I can’t even imagine what would have happened so yeah it’s a good thing we have so many guns JJ watch out there’s only a few of them left so this is our chance to take them down yes and then let’s get back to the ships we’ve got to get off this island I don’t think there’s anything more for us to do or explore here yeah I think so too it seems like we found enough things to do already well look over there it looks like the skeleton been destroyed we can go to the ships and launch them I can’t wait to get out of here hey Mikey stop there’s that red circle which means we can’t go outside of it you remember that right I think you’re going to take damage again wait JJ I’m so anxious to get out of here I’m going to try maybe something’s changed after all ouch uh Mikey I don’t think so oh my God so what JJ you were right the circle still won’t let us leave the island yeah that’s terrible but wait if the circle is the problem maybe there’s some way we can break it H break the circle huh that’s interesting but how would you do that let’s go to that Asylum where there’s a bunch of stuff lying around maybe we’ll find something that can help us Asylum why do you have such strange associations it’s just in Lair anyway that might help us in this situation and then just build something to break the cycle your idea sounds cool but there’s something wrong and you know it let’s do this we’ll pack back up all the stuff we can get our hands on and then we’ll figure out what to do with it to break the cycle JJ for example look here we’ve got iron I mean iron bars and all kinds of junk but I can’t think of anything to build with it well I don’t get it either if we had gunpowder we could build Dynamite we’ve got a lot of sand here so we could build something ah JJ come here and look at this there’s a bunch of buckets of water huh why do we need water we have plenty of water and lava what do you think you can build with water and lava a boulder why a boulder in your head and we can build a portal to hell and try to get out of there somehow I don’t get it a portal to hell oh we’re trying to get off the island not into another dimension follow me JJ we’re going to build a portal to hell and I’m going to tell you all about it h Huh Mikey how are you going to try to build a portal to hell if all we have is water and lava and you need obsidian for that what are you doing that’s right I’m going to tell you about it so listen to me carefully H so that’s how the water stands here in the Cobblestone and now I just add a little lava and that’s the trick oh look at this how’s that for a portal it looks like we’re going to make it wow Mikey you’re a genius great job buddy but I still don’t understand why we’re going into a portal because we have to go to a different place in hell and build a new portal so we can leave this island you know what I mean I think I understand that you just want to cheat the system out of another space uh yeah yeah that’s right I don’t know and I don’t know if it’ll work but still it’s worth a shot oh my God Mikey I think something’s gone wrong oh no they’re mutants specifically Pig zombies oh my God JJ stay away from them huh they don’t seem to be attacking us but why it’s like they think we’re theirs JJ the most important thing is that you don’t get too close to them don’t touch them and then we won’t have a problem yeah Mikey then you do the same thing that goes for you too what do we do now and how do we get into the portal let’s do this JJ I’m going to try to get their attention so they get mad at me Mikey why it could be dangerous no need we’ll figure something out it’s too late JJ get to the portal now I’ll hold them off for a little while and then I’ll jump right back to you Jesus Mikey be scared we could have shot them all if we wanted to it’s going to be okay I’m a lot faster than those walking pieces of stupid meat wo oh no what look at this ah oh my God it looks like we’re on the exact same island with a circle oh no zero it’s like we’re stuck in a loop uh and look over there it looks like there’s some skeletons why don’t we destroy them why do we need those skeletons what’s the point we didn’t get anywhere uh not exactly JJ I have an idea that might help us try to break the circle again huh what did you come up with this time Mikey here we go looks like we destroyed all the skeletons and collected something from them I think this might help us huh skeleton heads what do we need them for Mikey uh let’s go back to that island and I’ll show you what they’re for I figured out a way we can break the circle huh Mikey I’d like to believe your plan worked and I think I’m starting to get an idea of what you’re up to look at this JJ it’s a skeleton visor that’s going to help us destroy that Circle oh no oh my God Mikey are you sure he’s going to be peaceful and not do anything bad to us I don’t know but should he we’re the ones who created him look Mikey your new friend seems to understand something yeah JJ we can finally get out of this island and get out of here did you get all the resources did we forget anything I don’t think so so let’s get out of here before there’s a new Circle somehow it’s quite possible there could be another one of these circles and then we’d be in a lot worse trouble than we are now so let’s get out of here we have nothing more to do here yeah Jay you’re right we shouldn’t be greedy for jewelry especially since we took our most important Jewel with us our freedom we’re finally free to leave this place so set your sales Jane and let’s go

Mikey and JJ Can’t Leave This Circle in Minecraft! (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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