29 Things ONLY in Minecraft Bedrock Edition

do you know these 29 differences between Minecraft Java and bedrock in Java edition if you punch a mob while sprinting you will never run out of hunger in Bedrock Edition this won’t work as you’ll continue to lose hunger while sprinting no matter how many mobs you punch getting shot by skeletons is funnier in Java than it is in Bedrock this is because the arrows shot by skeletons in Java will stay visibly stuck to the player for a couple of minutes unfortunately this feature does not happen in Bedrock Edition wolves on Bedrock edition Enjoy fish we know this because wolves on Bedrock are able to be fed all fish types both raw and cooked this includes a puffer fish by the way on the Java Edition however you are not able to feed wolves any fish at all skeleton horses are rare but if you manage to find one they’ll act as a great means of transportation now what’s interesting is skeleton horses in Bedrock do not require a saddle to ride one in Java however you’re going to need a saddle or skeleton horses won’t like you in Minecraft your health bar Works differently in Java Edition compared to bedrock this is because your natural health after eating food in Java will regenerate a lot faster than it does in bedrock in Minecraft we’ve all had that main character moment where we Sprint jump around our world in third person but have you guys ever noticed in Bedrock Edition that the Sprint jump animation is just so goofy looking I mean just look at this I don’t know man Sprint jumping to me in Java looks pretty cool but in Bedrock it’s just it’s just tragic in Java Edition snowfall is much slower and behaves more like light snow in your world in Bedrock snowfall travels more diagonally and appears to be affected by wind despite there not actually being any another difference between snow in Java and Bedrock is that the snowflakes themselves appear to be much smaller in Java than they are in Bedrock I mean ser seriously has no one ever noticed how big snow is in Bedrock it’s like a blizzard out here in Java Edition the explosion particles from TNT or a creeper have a much higher resolution than in Bedrock so the next time you go to blow up some TNT or have a creeper explode next to you pay close attention to the particles and how much cooler they look in Java compared to bedrock the difference is actually night and day wow Minecraft death messages can be pretty funny but have you noticed that the death messages in Java are more specific than they are in Bedrock for example if you die to a bee Bedrock will just say slain by be but in Java it will say stun to death another example is in Java edition if you fall off a ladder and die the death message reads fell off a ladder in Bedrock however if you fall off a ladder and die the death message simply reads fell from a high place while we’re on the topic of dying in Minecraft the death screen in Bedrock is completely different to Javas so so in Java if you die you get the same familiar death screen that we’ve had since the beginning in Bedrock however we get this unique death screen where it will zoom out in third person and show the player where you died in Minecraft armored chest plates have a distinct difference with the sleeves in Bedrock Edition compared to Java so in Java if you look closely at the chess plate you can see that the sleeves sit more on top of the arm and going closer to the chest in Bedrock however the sleeves for the chest plate are longer and only go in a small amount halfway across the arm iron bars in Bedrock Edition have a completely different model to the one in Java this difference is most noticeable when you place one iron bar between two blocks cobwebs are a bit more useful in Java Edition this is because in Java you are able to place paintings on the side of a cobweb try doing this in Bedrock and uh yeah it doesn’t work the ghast is a lot creepier on bed rock this is because in Bedrock the eyes for the ghast actually glow in the dark in Java however this doesn’t happen and I’m glad really because I find it kind of scary so you know how I mentioned earlier that wolves in Bedrock can eat fish well that’s not all they can eat that’s right wolves in Bedrock Edition are actually able to be fed rabbits stew okay I get wolves hate rabbits in Minecraft but but this is just awful but yeah wolves in Java Edition can’t eat rabbit stew so uh yeah let’s just move on in Bedrock Edition light emitting blocks appear much brighter in the inventory as opposed to Java for example compared Jackal lanterns or beacons in Java they appear rather dark and you can’t make out all the details but in Bedrock they are a lot more vibrant and actually look like they’re giving off light in Bedrock edition if a phantom manages to get underwater then it will actually die from drowning after 20 seconds of being trapped in Java Edition however Phantoms are not able to drown underwater and we’ll just kind of chill there I guess in Minecraft we’ve all used the SL kill command when in creative mode but have you noticed if you try to do this on Bedrock Edition it doesn’t actually work that’s right if you try to use the/ kill command in creative on Bedrock Edition then you instead get an error message that reads no targets match selector it’s a shame really because I find this feature both useful and funny on Java Edition in older versions of Java Edition you were able to type game mode zero and game mode 1 to switch between survival and creative in the Bedrock Edition these commands are still in the game as IC can type game mode one to switch to creative mode in Java however if you want to change game mode you now have to type game mode survival or game mode creative respectively another old school command that was removed from java Edition but is still in Bedrock is the command known as toggle downfall this command when entered on Bedrock would simply cause your well to rain or snow depending on the biome since toggle downfall was removed from java you instead have to type weather clear or weather rain respectively but oddly enough you can do this in Bedrock as well which means Bedrock Edition has two weather commands in Minecraft you are able to eat puffer fish though I do not recommend it now if you choose to eat the puffer fish on both Java and Bedrock you’ll be inflicted with hunger and poisoning but here is where puffer fish differs between the versions because on Java you will get nausea one from a puffer fish but on Bedrock you’ll get nausea 2 in other words a puffer fish on Bedrock just makes you feel a little bit more sick in Bedrock edition if you place a note block on top of a honeycomb block then it will produce a rather nice flute sound however if you do the same in Java Edition instead of playing a flute sound it instead produces a harp sound axotal are a cute and colorful aquatic mob that look like this now the swimming animation for axotal in Bedrock are a bit cooler as they will turn their heads about while they are swimming in the ocean in Java Edition however axels don’t really do this they just kind of look a little bit more static and lifeless in Java Edition there is a very annoying but kind of funny exclusive feature where you can play the same music disc across multiple jukeboxes at once in Bedrock however this is not possible as when you try to play a second music disc in another jukebox it simply just stops the other music from playing I don’t know if it’s just me but does flying around on creative mode in Java Edition just feel a lot nicer I don’t know man when you’re flying around in Creative in Bedrock it just feels clunky and sometimes difficult to control this is most apparent when you fly straight up or straight down it just feels awful in Java the flying mechanic is just a lot more refined and smoother to use while we’re on the topic of movement have you ever noticed that your hands tend to sway a lot more in Bedrock than they in Java this is more obvious to spot when you’re carrying a weapon like a sword the difference is just night and day between the two versions in Minecraft Bedrock edition if you are exploring a forest biome then you can come across some oak trees that have Vines growing on them in Java Edition however this is sadly not a thing [Music] [Music]

Today I bring you 29 things only in Minecraft bedrock edition. 29 features showing differences between java and bedrock. These include; In bedrock, phantoms will drown in water but not in java. In bedrock, wolves can eat fish but in java they can’t. In bedrock, ghast eyes glow in the dark but in java, they don’t…

#minecraft #features #things #minecraftbedrock


  1. Not suree why Anthrax is between the big 4 and not Sepultura or even Testament, but that doesn't matter right now.

    My favorite openers for Metallica and Megadeth are: (only listened to their whole discography, never heard any full album Slayer or Anthrax)

    Metallica – Fight Fire With Fire, Battery, Enter Sandman, Ain't My Bitch, Fuel, That Was Just Your Life and Hardwired.

    Megadeth – Wake Up Dead, Holy Wars, Skin O' My Teeth, Reckoning Day, Trust, Insomnia, Disconnect and Blackmail The Universe

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