CohhCarnage Plays Terraria Calamity Mod (First Time/Revengeance Difficulty) – Part 1

hi everybody how are you guys uh this is the beginning of yet another playthrough um I do have a few playthroughs going on currently uh we’re currently playing Elden ring doing a DEX character probably play some more of him we have a Pathfinder evil run want to keep doing that too uh we also have a game I’m very excited for called once human around the corner I’m hoping that release will be smooth and fun and now we’ve got this big game that’s been kind of on my rainy day list for actual years and the question is why are you playing this now like what is going on especially with like once human in 5 days which is going to be big like why are you doing this now let me tell you why two reasons first of all I love Terraria I’ve wanted to be replaying the base game for years and I’ve never played Calamity and only heard good things Terraria Calamity is what I would refer to as a rainy day game I have this big list of games that I know I just love to play but I just haven’t had time for some reason or another Terraria Calamity is on that list so as I do have a little bit of time before my next big game which is once human um it’s a great time to to to play one of those games and get one started and this is that time um so that’s the first reason now the second reason and to be blunt this is the primary reason me and my son Rowan beat the moon Lord in Terraria normal a couple weeks ago in our Co-op game was very proud of him we we played the whole game together we we beat all the bosses together it was a lot of fun it was great uh we also have like an expert World we’re working on and stuff like that however the next evolution of that was he heard I told him about Calamity and he wanted to try it so we fired up Calamity and the first day we played Calamity together which yes I did off stream I’m sorry the first day that I played Calamity together with him it worked fine at the beginning but then for some reason when we tried to play together the next time we kept getting errors he couldn’t connect to my multiplayer world and more importantly when I went to look on it online I learned unfortunately that Calamity is not technically supported in multiplayer it does work and some people have it work fine but others don’t and for those that don’t that it’s pretty clear where it’s like if it doesn’t work there’s not like a lot of ways you can fix it it just doesn’t work for some people so unfortunately it was it that that’s what happened to us we got to a point where I kept getting errors none of the Google searches of the errors were bringing up anything meaningful and after working on it for like an hour I was like dude like this isn’t going to work I’m sorry so my son Rowan kept playing Calamity and he has been for like a week and that puts me in this new really interesting position where my son is continually coming up to me and asking me questions about video games that I don’t have the answer to and as a father as a as a video game father one who plays games for a living that is frankly completely unacceptable that is not okay that is that is that is a that this is a shameful situation for me so that is reason too why I’m starting my Calamity playthrough at kind of a weird time at kind of a weird place but I I need to I want to play this so when my son comes to me and he says things like why what is this wool form scrap stuff I need for this item that you’ve never heard of and I just instead of me just being like what I’m going to be like oh you need that scrap for this so you can do this so you can build that so you can do that’s what I want to be able to say which I which is what I was able to tell him in like the base game we were playing the base game together that was fun um so anyway that’s that’s where we are now that I’ve been doing all that talking we need to get started so if I remember properly I’ve already downloaded t-mod loader and Terraria I I think at this at this point I think I just opened t-mod loader now do as somebody who is brand new to Calamity and I did this in a flurry following a guide online when I did this for my kids a while back so I don’t remember what I did um do we do all this inside of teok or are we doing this outside do I have to go download Calamity somewhere do you say bro it’s all in here okay so where do I actually like activate all the mods oh I I you know I could have done all this offline but I figured I’d do it online so so anyone that’s doing this can do it together with us it’s in the workshop section okay let’s do that first I want to download mods the one I want primarily is Calamity maybe I don’t like down the music’s a bit loud we’ll we’ll lower all that here in a second let you do that now while we thinking about it nice okay so we’re going to Workshop we’re going to we’re going to sort by downloads ah okay clamity mod I want you I I don’t want more I just want to download you it requires the music V okay cool okay oh does this mean it’s already downloaded oh wait wait wait wait wait so wait I I already downloaded this on my other computer that I play with on my kids so maybe it’s all it’s all already downloaded here okay great perfect that I was like why is there no download button on this computer okay that’s cool so it auto downloaded it um now I wasn’t going to use many other mods if any I do want the most vanilla Calamity experience that I can get however I have been told that with the way that I play especially I should look into something called Magic storage that one I’m going to I’m going to use this uh also also there are two others that were suggested that I just saw this in chat and and let me look at this too how about what is recipe browser want to get that and finally one more because I think this would be cool to have is apparently a boss checklist now does this work for calamity yes great okay so all of this has been downloaded now I manage I want you you you which which is a dependency you okay now we need to reload what it say says reload I’m assuming it means the whole game [Music] right I’m I’m going to reload the whole thing I’m going to do that just in case now this is POD racing that’s right hold on I want to hear it like I want to hear that in our new system now this is POD racing I like it I like it oh we got some messages to read out speaking of our new system let’s do that while we’re starting up oh no I just hit pop box instead of pop box and I I messed up I already messed up on new system I finally made it to this interesting number of months and for some reason I’m compelled to say this word nice cozy nice from our buddy William wall thank you so much dude okay all right now I’m going to click the right button and actually save my voice here we go good afternoon sir I hope you are doing well I will be joining fatherhood next month any tips no that was from our friend KIRO games 11 with a 7 months my biggest tips to you are twofold I have two fold for twofold tips for new fathers and the first one is to get lots of sleep now hibernate stop what you’re doing go to the closest bed and get some sleep now like a bear load up on fatty fatty foods go to sleep sleep until the kid gets here go second and this may be the most important thing for you to hear if you’re someone like me here we go very serious about this if you are like me and you are a creature of habit you like to do the same things every day you like to eat the same Foods you like to you are somebody that finds comfort in routine this child is going to be a wrecking ball through your life it is going to change every routine you have and the faster you can get comfortable and adapting to being free form and putting that child’s priorities over every single thing in your routine the smoother your life will be it took me too long to fight that as a new father I thought I could keep doing my routines and I would I would integrate the baby’s life into my routines and that was basically Unstoppable Force meets a movable object and I caused myself so much unnecessary strength let everyone know around you you have a newborn let everyone know around you they are your priority let everyone know around you and every single thing you schedule let them know that if this child needs your attention they will get it first and whoever you’re talking to will wait until you are available do not tell everyone in your life that you will make every deadline you will be there and everything is fine that is the worst thing you can do so that is my biggest piece of advice to you you are going you are in for a stressful experience is a new father and the more you can do in your life to set the expectations of everyone around you to that fact the easier your life will be and the better for that child also because you will be a better parent if you do that there you go okay there’s my advice that was long- winded but I hope that helps all right new world uh do we want to [Music] do all right man we’re going to do we’re going to do a m we’re going to do a master are we going to do a master run is that can I do a master Calamity run okay okay we’re doing this do I want to do large I think I think medium might be fine for a solo player is am I going to lose out on anything by going on medium are there going to be events or special things it happen in large maps that I will not be able to do on medium large gives more loot large would give us more opportunities to get more chests and more biomes yeah I like that but you know what a lot of people in chat are telling me they they do not suggest going medium core for this yeah what are my other options classic oh yeah maybe maybe I don’t want to be dropping all my items on death especially if I’m going to play on large you know what here’s what we’re going since we’re playing on large and the walk back to our corpse could be really long we’re going to we’re going to make the we’re going to we’re going to make that sacrifice we’ll drop to Classic but we’ll go to large let’s do that if I was going to play on CL medium or small I maybe I’ll go medium core cuz it’s but if I’m going to do large which I kind of want to do let’s do that we’ll do that okay that’ll that’ll be our little compromise and then really that’s just me compromising with myself but yeah you know whatever uh need proper old man attire yeah I do I do want to warn people um this is obviously a playthrough we’re starting just kind of off the cuff I’m going to probably play a lot of this I’ll probably get addicted to it let’s be real um but I I am going to play it like when I can that kind of thing you know it’s it’s not going to be uh we’re doing this every day should we go random is there any is there any good reason is is there anything in Calamity specifically that would make us want to go corruption over crimson does it matter random is fine oh I’m sorry I left the overlay on I’m sorry my bad Barry Barry has a big update for this thing coming and one of the big updates is giving me feedback to know if the overlay is on or not which I don’t currently have I’m sorry about that we’re we’re working on it we’re working on it um okay I think we’re doing this name chat landia and we’re going to do the same for this too so if you want to if you want to play with us our seed is going to be chat landia that’s going to be our seed so you can you can play along at home large Master random cat landia three 2 one we’re doing this this is the beginning of the 2024 co- Carnage Terraria playthrough you were here you were here this is the this is the pre- addiction look at me so cute and innocent thinking that I might just casually play this look at it look at us look at you look at me look at us look at we’re just sitting in this little cloud of [Music] ignorance it’s [Music] wonderful once human you mean once I was going to play it then I started playing [Music] Terraria he anyway all right let’s go no I’m actually super pped for once human hey look at this what the hell is this oh hello co my Creator had forgotten to install my v i mean my self-defense chip I’ve been upgraded and now ready for combat sorry what oh to get started you’ll need to craft some storage components this item is the base for all oh this is the store okay give one to a guy and see we can be used we’re going to need to find some iron okay okay so this this dude’s for later this dude’s for later Let’s uh let’s adjust our sound loud okay first let’s get hold on now there we go there we go let’s move our controller away I’m so excited for this play through y’all oh my god um all right let’s go to here where’s my where’s my audio oh it’s over oh it’s right there it’s right there I don’t even need it I’m going to keep the ambient up cuz I love the ambience okay so while I’m doing this um we’re going to go ahead and catch up here this is a message from Zella at Co Carnage high CO here’s the mod you need Calamity Calamity music Calamity vanities magic storage recipe browser boss checklist you don’t need anything else trust me I’ve played it a lot some optional mods would be high FPS support for smoother gameplay but it’s preference okay others would suggest Alchemist in PC to buy potions but since I’ve watched you for seven years I know you want to have your own Farms good luck this is going to be fun to watch C awesome thank you so much for that I appreciate it Zella that those are good tips I picked the mods that we’re using already we’re not using quite that many um but we’re using uh a couple of those so anyway thank you very much I appr apprciate that and you do know me very well that was pretty great nuber with a $10 tip what about now how about now from nuber I I absolutely love it thank you nuber [Music] okay oh oh yeah hey Barry if I do the pop in TTS does it cue the TTS I don’t know how that works anyway oh my Lord all right there we go good show hey thank you very much gaggin Stein appreciate that dude thank you oh yeah overlay Splash is still on I think we’re good oh wait you need to set the difficulty to Calamity intended difficulty there’s a button drop down to do that on the top right when the inventory is open revengance oh enables the adrenaline mechanic you gain adrenaline while fighting bosses getting hit drops adrenaline back to zero when adrenaline is maxed press none for a large okay so we need to apparently okay wow okay well that’s horrifying yep don’t like that I love pressing the nun key as well big fan oh IIs I appreciate it buddy watching this game takes me back to when it first came out times were simpler back then thanks failed marriage thank you for the $10 tip ithis I really appreciate it as always [Music] okay we’re going to flatten this area out and I think we’re going to start by building like a real basic base and to get something a little started here make some rooms and stuff see if we can bring some people in you got to talk to the guide I don’t know if he says anything new uh by the way a little bit of background real quick while we continue so I have played a little this a little bit of this with my son um but not enough to do anything my my entire experience in this game is basically him getting a whole bunch of Woolf for stuff which I still don’t know what that is him asking me what that is and me not being able to answer it um and then in our base we I built him a little basic base and we dug straight down and we got to like uh what’s best way to describe it a lab like a laboratory or something uh it was it was it was a kind of like a base it looked like a tiny base but we got some really weird stuff in that and it was pretty much at that point where I was like Rowan I don’t know what’s going on in this game I don’t want to Wiki it cuz I was planning on playing it so I’m going to need to play this on stream and he was like okay cool so that’s that’s kind of where I am so I I know a little bit about this game or about the mod but pretty much nothing it’s going to be very exploratory as we do this do I have a default Dash is that in base game I thought I had to have a shield for that’s Calamity oh hey Catherine thank you thank you for being here I appreciate oh it does feel strange being here live usually a YouTube lurker hello co hello chat hello and thank you for stopping by we absolutely appreciate it we I I absolutely love it when YouTube folks stop by you can change a dash to a keybind instead of double tap ah yes I would like to do that thank you how how do I do that where is that that now I think this is big enough for our first base the first iteration of our base what the [Music] hell I’ve never seen that before guys is Calamity buggy uhoh um huh it’s not okay that’s weird that’s the first time I’ve ever seen anything like that seeing what there’s like a there’s like a uh gel well maybe he’s gone now there was a gel stuck under the the floor he was like not able to get out of there I’ve never seen that maybe that oh someone says that’s normal oh that happens to vanilla too okay yeah I guess I’ve just never seen it we’re good cently it’s noral he was just chilling just chilling can you please confirm that the mods you have active are magic storage recipe finder and boss checklist yes those are the I’m I’m pretty sure all of those are active yes you got it okay [Music] see how do I want to do this let’s have a nice big open area then I think we’ll do I don’t know how big we need to make this at the beginning I don’t know if we’re going to get like more NPCs I need to build more rooms than normal we’re going to have to experiment with a lot of things but let’s go ahead and just build back here oh lots more than normal okay cool great we’ll just kind of arbitrarily pick a spot to go down okay we’ll do all the measuring and stuff later that I need to do okay so first little spot we’ll have here this will be kind of our way down OHS it’s been a while since I’ve built in this game it’s I’m going to have to get used to everything again I don’t even have a hammer do I uh we’ll probably put the teleporter right there I’m thinking [Music] so we can start all our fun stuff up here we need oh that’s right we got to work on the storage system though maybe the storage thing is going to give us something cool let’s go ahe and make some early armor just to get something probably for the best can we make a broad sword that’s better than our is that better a little bit okay we’ll take it grab a hammer oh what’s this we got a starter bag I need to go through all these hold on give me one wo [Music] I need to seal this up real [Music] quick come here come here there we go all right it was an epic battle but we got there guys we got there give ourselves a bit of a reprieve here before it gets too dark have zombies just smash into our place bro do you want to come inside oh wait let me make them a door okay can we click things into walls yet oh maybe one day technology will advance to that point one day there I think the guy can use the door should be able [Music] to just in case on this side I don’t remember exactly how low it is I think it’s like eight blocks is that is that it we want to make it deep enough so that zombies are not able to like hit the door basically yeah I think I think that’ll be okay oh first time ever on Calamity yes I’ve played Terraria in the past I love Terraria it’s one of my favorite games all right here we go all right uh jeez I definitely missed this when I played with my kid what is all this all right we got some Mana let’s go let’s go right down the list uh we got wow dude did they just give you starting gear oh okay cool agile squirrel staff the bunny is stuck oh it’s gear for every class got some rope okay some recall Potions music box Whispers from on high dance in your ears the tombs of the Dragons stir my eyes lift to see ancient dust dancing from high Ledges these Grand Wings how long has it been since I was a hero worthy of their name feels like centuries have passed yet all I’ve done is Blink look upon my works as they are ruined none would dare seek me out tread my path not awaits them in this cruel world okay uh oh we got a splunker potion cool we got a bow all right [Music] interesting so let’s see what is this all right not a bad range weapon um the sword looks like it could be good and then we got a little summon staff what I love [Music] it fantastic we’re good I think we just won cop to class yet no I don’t even know what we’re doing in this game yet I have no idea oh shoot I know apparently I’m going to farm these zombies for the squirrel that’s happening uh well let’s before we go down into the Earth which is the plan um we got to go get iron so we can start building our storage stuff and we need to make obviously a lot better gear I I do want to get some rooms going here first so we can start moving in is that too loud is that too loud chat it’s SP L [Music] okay A little better sorry about that it’s kind of it’s kind of a weird sound effect I don’t think it’s going to be playing too [Music] often good job squirrel high five there we go all right so um our midpoint is about here currently 40 that way 33 that way all right so let’s pull the other side out more go like there wow we do so little [Music] damage maybe I shouldn’t do this at night maybe that’s not the smartest [Music] thing oh God oh God no nope oh I have made huge mistakes with my life [Music] okay oh God 7 okay are we going to need we’re going to need a death counter for this aren’t we oh my God a techno hippie got fomo for Elden ring ended up with SEO and it’s so refreshing watching your vods and seeing you struggle with the same stuff I do keep on keeping on thanks for all the streams oh dude I love it thank you so much and yeah a SEO I can’t wait to play that game again it’s such a good game I have fa good time with it it’s awesome

Cohh checks out the Terraria Calamity Mod to see what it has to offer. – Watch live at

Calamity Music Mod Contains Music By DM DOKURO:

CohhCarnage Plays Terraria Calamity Mod playlist:

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  1. no WAY! Terraria is one I've hoped you would re-visit for a long time, this is awesome.

    Also, BIG CONGRATS with you and Rowan beating the moon lord. That's an awesome accomplishment for the little man!

  2. Hah! I was not expecting the twist in that story in the beginning. Dadd-ing the right way, Cohh! Keep on brother! For the progeny!

  3. Well am team Rowan now, now everytime Rowan playes something cohh will have to match 😊 I lean into the cozy games more so here I am grateful that Cohh is a dad to make these decisions 😇

  4. I hope me and my future kids can play video games together as well. Sounds like pretty cool father son (maybe even daughter) activity.

  5. Ah, Calamity. I've good memories of this mod, from the boss design, to the themes, to the challenge.

    But then I also beat Birth By Sleep on the hardest difficulty, and Elden Ring on its own, which was somewhat masochistic in its own right. <.<

  6. Been there brother. As much as it annoys me that you aren't blasting a stalker franchise playthrough when I am it's far preferable that you are a strong father figure and able to support your wee lad, everything else takes a back seat. Much love, but get a move on with the stalker content sir. ❤

  7. I've wanted to play Terraria again for a while. Seeing you start a run like this got me going. I went to download the mods you have, and wouldn't you know it, every mod you are using for your run is currently at the top of the popularity chart! I guess a lot of us are downloading the exact same mods as you to start our own run. Good luck!

  8. Cohh i believe the recipe browser mod an magic storage mod need another mod called "Recipe browser magic storage" or "Magic Storage Recipe browser" to work together

  9. Damn beat moonlord with your son? Niiiice. Man I woulda loved to play Terraria when I was younger with my Dad. Such a fun game to play together.

    Weird you were getting bugs with Calamity. I've always played it co-op and its always been fine, annoying.

    What a nice reason to play though.

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