I Spent 100 Days In Stardew Valley… Here’s What Happened

hey hello howdy how you doing I have a confession to make I’ve never actually played stardo Valley before I have it on my Nintendo switch and I’ve even opened the main menu but I’ve never truly sat down and experienced everything this gem has to offer because of this and the thousands of comments and DMs I get asking for it I finally caved and decided to spend 100 days in stardew Valley but with a Twist all of this was streamed live so that you could all experience this with me all links are listed down in the description if you’d prefer a less edited experience as well with that being said this is how I spent my first 100 days inside stard valy after designing my mini Bob Ross I began my journey through Pelican Town my only objective for today was to meet all of the town’s folk and get to know them there’s 28 people to meet for the starter Quest so I’ll go through some of my favorites for now the first one was Shane who didn’t really care for me I’m throwing him in here because chat spent a good 2 to 3 minutes spanning how I couldn’t fix him so I’m sure we’ll get into that later on next up is Sam who looks like an anime character that was my entire note on him so moving on to my favorite character Abigail the big titty goth chick of Pelican town she was the highlight of the day for obvious reasons outside of that I talked to a few other towns people like token black character Demetrius that’s his real name by the way not just making that up before circling back to an old abandoned Farm before realizing that it was mine the next day I planted the parsnips that I forgot to take care of yesterday before heading down to the beach to meet Willie where I was able to unlock fishing I’m still trying to unwind from a month out salty Seas buy me a new ride with nothing left to do I spent the rest of the day meeting more of the town’s folk I was able to get most of them only needing one more person which was demetrius’s son who likes to spend about 16 hours a day playing CS go in his parents basement on day three I had my first experience with fishing and uh oh boy I know fishing is a viable money-making method but I just don’t see myself doing this any more than I have to in all honesty [Music] after killing a few hours I was able to find Sebastian on the dock just staring out into the water with the introductory Quest completed I went back to the farm and began clearing out some of the [Music] land the following day I learned that if I smack worms with a hoe we can get books after heading to the library to read the book that I uncovered I went back to the farm and grabbed my fish to sell the Willie and see what he had in stock stepping outside on day five I was greeted by Clint standing on front of my door a little creepy but he did give me a furnace blueprint so that was pretty cool he’s quickly becoming my favorite person in town anyway after he left I followed him back to his shop where I watched him pulverize a geode which may be the degenerate gamn me talking but I found it so incredibly satisfying to watch I ended up getting some calide that I donated to the Reddit mod running the museum and set off for the mines this is my first time entering the mines and I was super hyped for it since everyone kept telling me how cool it was was able to mine a few copper nodes and even fight my first [Music] enemy I’m sure we’ll spend a lot of time here in the future so I’m just excited to explore it some more looking back as I’m cutting the footage down and writing the script it’s hilarious to see how bad I am at this early on like I spent so much time and energy just trying to break all the stones instead of just going down the ladder and moving on even when I find a ladder within the first few minutes of each floor on day six I harvested my parsnips making this my first successful harvest in stardew Valley afterwards I headed into town which prompted the following cut scene in which Lewis lured me into an abandoned crack house with Promises of sour skittles only for me to get a borderline abducted by some ghosts hanging out inside with the community center officially unlocked I walked over to the room in the bottom right to touch the slab that King Ramsey so desperately needed the what after touching the slab I headed to Pierre shop to sell my parsnips before buying 22 potatoes to help me reach a late stage capitalism after planning and watering my new cash crop I headed back to the mine for the rest of the day where I found my first amethyst everyone told me Abigail loves this so I set it aside for now and plan to give it to her next time I saw her the next morning I woke up to find a letter from the creepy wizard asking for me to come check out his late front property along with that I also got a Quest from Marlin to kill 10 slime in order to get into the adventurers Guild I chose to hit up the mines first to get my 10 kills since it seemed like an easy task and most of the Town isn’t even awake until at least 9:00 a.m. [Music] [Music] I was able to get all 10 kills by early afternoon and spent the next 7 hours looking for Abigail finding her near Mar’s farm that evening only out rocks i w these day eight saw me crafting my first Scarecrow in order to protect my potatoes after watering my crops I set out to find the Wizard’s Tower which is located on the bottom left of the map near marne’s Farm I’ve never met a true celebrity before so getting to meet Aaron Rogers in his little cabin was super cool he showed me some magic tricks like summoning a jumo though I’m not convinced he didn’t just teleport into its house and kidnap it we even got to do iasa together which led to me tripping balls before passing out after waking up from The Bill Cosby experience I read the scroll located in the community center unlocking a series of bundles from to complete I finished the spring forging bundle but caught lius going through people’s trash while heading home for the night George almost caught him but luckily for lonus George is a geriatric confined to his wheelchair so I was able to diffuse the situation and chalk it up to some pesky raccoons I spent the morning of day9 crafting more chests and organizing my gear I have one chest for weapons and tools one for seeds one for resources like wood and stone and one for Junk I figured that was enough to get me started so I set off to M for a bit I do have a quest to give Sebastian a sun fish but he’s too busy grinding to get out of silver in rocket league so I’m sure we’ll catch him later later happened to be about 7:00 that night about 13 hours after he started his epic gamer grind on day 10 I finally built out a furnace this will allow me to craft metal bars that I can use to upgrade my tools immediately after doing so I accepted a quest together 20 copper or that I can get some use out of after giving Abby some quartz I spent the rest of the day mining for copper that evening I got to watch a cut scene of cupid me coming to bless my crops on day 11 I accepted another quest to find Robin’s axe outside of that I spent the morning mining to recoup 20 copper over for Clint that I accidentally converted into copper bars last night I was able to turn in the copper quest to Clint at around noon that day and outside of that I bought and planted beans kale and extra wild seeds I [Music] had I also went back to the store and bought some cauliflower seeds and spent the rest of my money on [Music] potatoes on day 12 I walked outside to find that I had been gifted a cat I had chat give me some names but I’m not able to show them because I’ll get demonetized and believe it or not I like my job anyway we settled on naming it chonkers he’s a thick boy but he embodies everything I aspire to be fat lazy and given undivided attention other than that I spent all day fishing to prepare for the egg festival thing day 13 was the egg Festival my first stardew Valley festival how exciting I used what little cash I had to buy some strawberries and after that participated in the egg hunt which I thought I was absolutely dominating only to get outclass by Abigail who I’m pretty sure was cheating but whatever after the festival I planted all my strawberry seeds and went to bed day 14 was spent mining like literally the entire day the Highlight came when I almost died while trying to reach level 15 which in retrospect is incredibly sad to admit but from the eyes of someone with hundreds or thousands of hours in this game I’m hoping it gave you a small exhale out of your nose to watch me struggle with something so simple [Applause] I spent all of day 15 fishing after accepting a quest to catch Clint a largemouth bass I think I’m starting to get the hang of this though and it’s becoming oddly relaxing this game is awesome day 16 brought more mining mainly because I’m really enjoying it and it’s addicting that’s what I was trying to do is like I need copper to get that but I also need coal and I’m not really sure how to get coal right now just poison me where are they coming from that was ridiculous I managed to find some more amethyst that I can give to Abigail and reach level 20 officially making it one sixth of the way through the caving system a steel small swword get this Rusty one out of here gross day 17 saw me harvesting all of my potatoes and kale probably the most exciting thing to happen to me so far in this playthrough Scythe ale hell yeah outside of that I spent the rest of the morning making copper bars so I can start upgrading my tools that evening I headed over to the saloon and played stardo Valley’s version of project zood on their arcade machines [Music] the following morning while I was on my Epic Quest to buy more seeds I got a front row seat to watch Morris [ __ ] Pier shop by offering 50% off coupons to all of Pier’s customers if you think about this it’s kind of [ __ ] up right I mean they’re all supposed to be supporting each other they’re a small town and everyone knows each other and then all of your neighbors and friends are just like yeah but coupons and then they immediately flock to the off in Walmart luckily for Pierre the coupons didn’t apply to me and trust me I tried so I was forced to give all of my hard-earned cash in order to buy backpack upgrade and 30 more potato seeds which I planted as soon as I got home that afternoon I built out my own little Fen in area for a chicken C before being told by chat that this is not in fact how it’s done and I needed to find Robin who wants me to Shell out four grand for a glorified shed I was so frustrated at Robin’s capitalistic greed that I passed out chopping trees that evening while trying to flex how blue collar I truly was in reality I probably belong at Super weeny Hut generals but the citizens of Pelican Town don’t need to know that I spent the morning of day 19 chopping trees to gather logs and clear out the farm a little bit more since I was low on energy and didn’t have a ton of supplies to sustain myself I spent the rest of the day just foraging the only deviation from this took place at around 3:00 when I took a short pit stop at the adventurers Guild to see what they had to offer d 20 was spent mining the TV Gods told me life was good so I decided to capitalize on it and see how far down I could go managed to hit Level 25 early in the afternoon and even hit Level 30 that evening throughout the day I managed to loot a dwarf scroll up one of the enemies so I kept that for now and made plans to donate it to the museum whenever I passed back through the next morning I got my first strawberry Harvest along with my beans after selling all of my crops I headed over to Clint and opened up all of my geod before donating what I could to Gunther trying to keep the Good Vibes going I spent the rest of the day fishing and even caught my first purple starred [Music] fish day 22 saw me visiting a hat Mouse I’m told that you can get a few cowboy hats from him so I made it my goal to obtain at least one in this playthrough though I’m not entirely sure how to get any of them yet oh I also triggered a sewer cut scene while walking around this doesn’t play a role in the rest of the playthrough since I end up completely forgetting about it immediately after this but I’m sure there’s some cool stuff down there to explore after an eventful morning I went back to fishing to work towards Community bundles I don’t think it’ll be possible for someone like me to finish all the bundles in 100 days but I’m going to try to complete as many as possible just as a personal Challenge and because I think it’ll help me discover more of the game and put me in situations I probably wouldn’t normally attempt next morning I got to harvest my cabbages there’s a real feeling of a accomplishment when you finally start earning money in this game especially when bulk farming outside of my cabbages I also got an invite to the flower dance spoiler alert I get completely sidetracked and end up missing the dance oops anyway that afternoon I bought a new fishing pole since I was getting wrecked by mid-tier fish naturally we got to test it out so I found a cozy spot and started casting by the end of the day I’d added two more fish to a bundle on day 24 I unlocked preserves jars as well as a recycling machine The Preserves jars will end up being my primary money-making method later on but but for now we’ll stick to Basics speaking of Basics I was able to harvest another round of potatoes and beans this will be the last Harvest I get for the spring so I didn’t bother with anything else farming wise for the next few days later that morning I was able to complete the spring Pantry bundle and by that afternoon I found myself back in the mindes where I’d spend the rest of the day from what I’ve been told missing the first flower dance is all right since you kind of just stand off in the corner by yourself like a weirdo and I didn’t want to experience that level of Shame so early on day 25 was full of ups and downs when once Robin’s shop opened up I went ahead and bought a chicken coup that’ll take a few days to build so while waiting I took a stroll through town stopping to see if Pierre had anything new to sell which prompted a small Abigail Quest where he played video games together and I got to show off how much of an epic gamer I truly am so far so so good right Super Luigi Galaxy well I thought so too until I walked into the adventures Guild to buy a pirate sword only to accidentally sell it back leaving me unable to buy it back I literally just gave the dude my money the next 2 days were entirely spent fishing mainly because I wasn’t really sure what I should be doing while waiting for next season I couldn’t plant any crop so that was out of the equation leaving me really with fishing and Mining I figured I’d done enough mining for now so fishing was what I landed on well all of that and I’m really starting to enjoy fishing It’s oddly addicting well I lived every middle-aged dad’s dream Robin was hard at work in my chicken C finishing it up on day 28 meaning we can go buy some chickens now the Hound would be so proud now that we have a chicken Coupe we need a silo for hay which is to say I spent the majority of the day on the farm smacking trees to get enough supplies to build one all right the first day of summer super exciting stuff since I have money now I was able to buy a ridiculous amount of blueberry seeds we’re talking like 70 plus seeds not including other crops that I’ll need for the summer bundles again looking back this seemed like a ton of seeds at the time which is funny when you see what ends up happening later on in the video now I can’t plant these yet since I upgraded my watering can and don’t have it back yet but I’ll do it first thing in the morning 10 end the day I went back to the mines finally unlocking iron [Music] nodes as mentioned yesterday day 30 was all about planting my crops this took the entire day because I didn’t start on anything until I was able to pick up my watering can I’m also an idiot and couldn’t figure out how I wanted to organize my farm something I probably should have planned for during the last few days of [Music] spring on day 31 I got a quest to find Lewis’s shorts shorts being in quotations looks like our Mar is out here banging the town’s fol naturally I spent most of the day hunting for his purple boxers in everyone’s room incl ining the kids we don’t want another Jared Fogle incident here even lonus had to be questioned eventually I was able to deduce where they were using my incredibly extensive knowledge of stardo lower and by that I mean I pulled up the map and kept guessing random homes until chat felt sorry enough for me and caved now all I need to do is get my hands on them and we can start blackmailing the May into taking over marne’s Farm forming one Ultra Mega super Farm the underlying goal at this point is to befriend Marney there’s just one big hold up I have no idea what she likes and doesn’t like I was given one sole hint that she likes quartz so I just went with that though I’m terrible with remembering to actually check up on her so this goes on for some time funny enough I’ve had absolutely no trouble keeping up with Abigail though giving her amethyst twice per week whenever I walk past her going to make a point real quick here watering crops currently takes me around four in-game hours per day because of this I don’t feel like it’s necessary to show it off every morning so just assume that’s what’s happening from now on outside of watering my blueberries I stopped by marne’s Farm to drop off some more quartz before accepting a Quest from Clint for copper over during my spelunking Endeavors I managed to reach 4 50 gaining Tundra boots as a reward day 34 saw me donating a bunch of [ __ ] to Gunther before heading over to Clint to watch him process all of my geodes this ended up giving me a few more items that I was able to donate to the museum giving me two rewards for today’s donations the following morning I stepped outside to see Demitrius at my door offering to turn my cave on my farm into a Mushroom Kingdom or a fruit bat Sanctuary I ended up going with fruit bats since it seemed like The Logical choice for the bats to forage for me though looking back I probably would have went with mushrooms if given another chance after wrapping that up I spent the rest of the day fishing mainly because I don’t have any money at the moment and also because fishing in stardew is incredibly addicting and I can’t stop honestly Day 36 was pretty quiet I spent the majority of the day in the mine searching for more copper for Clint [Music] [Applause] on the flip side day 37 was booming I upgraded my pickaxe that morning meaning I’ll have to occupy my time in other ways than smacking bugs around after getting back to the farm I planted my mixed seeds and all my summer seeds that I’d gotten from completing a bundle earlier with my crop all tended to I began working on iron bars so I could upgrade my tools and start making sprinklers the next morning I got an invite to the communal potluck taking place tomorrow as long as I remember to bring something this should be a good way to jump start my political career and my journey to overthrow the May outside of that most of my time was allocated to gardening with all the crops and no sprinklers it takes several hours to water everything not the most efficient setup by any means but I really don’t mind it at the moment with what time I had left in the day I grabbed my fishing pole and headed down to the docks as luck would have it I ended up catching two super cucumbers one of which I’ll be using in tomorrow’s potluck to blow everyone’s mind day 39 was pretty exciting I started things out with a bang by sacrificing Kevin the sea cucumber to the Cucumber gods in order to obtain a secret hidden [Music] statue after that it was off to the luau the potluck was pretty entertaining but I also realized a major flaw with the town’s people see they just let you drop in whatever you want like what if a psychopath lived here what if lonus came down from the mountains and just took a massive sh in the soup we don’t be eating J I started off day 40 by placing my Squidward statue on the farm I also received a letter notifying me that I was going to be featured in The stardew Valley Tribune due to all of my progress on the farm naturally I’m going to capitalize in my new found Fame by launching my brand new cryptocurrency stard duyo after sending the idea off to the mayor I head up Clint to grab my upgraded pickaxe that afternoon I managed to stumble onto the spa and learn that I can use it to heal and regenerate my energy to finish off the day I hit up the mines with my newly upgraded pickaxe this managed to work out surprisingly well and I was able to loot a ghostfish which I’ll need for a bundle later on day 41 saw me completing one of the Boiler Room bundles allowing me to unlock access to the safe after leaving the community center I triggered the second event with [Music] Abigail there no real goals left for the day I spent the afternoon fishing with a focus on catching all of the remaining fish needed to complete the lake bundle [Music] day 42 started off with me receiving a letter from booze bag Pam who asks for someone to bring them beer through a postcard in other news I got to harvest my melons which I was able to turn around and sell for about 30 corn and another round of melons outside of that I play some sprinklers but realized way too late that it only does one tile in each Direction so we need to change that in the future the following morning was the most hyped I’ve ever been so far in this playthrough see my blueberries were finally ready to harvest selling then gave me around 12 Grand to work with which sadly enough is the most money I’ve ever had in this game so far to celebrate I set off for the community center to complete my summer garden bundle which rewarded me with a single quality sprinkler that evening I finally pulled the trigger on building a silo so that I could go die for some chickens day 44 was pretty quiet I finished another Boiler Room bundle leaving only one left to wrap up after that I had it done a Wily’s hunt and blew through all of my cash on fishing supplies buying three crab pots and an aridium fishing Bowl been really happy with my progress so far with the fishing skill in general the progression feels very natural and I didn’t really even notice how big the bar had gotten compared to my first attempt back in the beginning of the playthrough in short day 45 was spent in the minds the highlight of today came that evening when I found a lead rod on the floor it has a special attack you can do by right clicking that can One-Shot most of the mobs down here as long as you spam left click at the same time which I thought was a really cool mechanic at the end of the day I’d reached level 60 and received a crystal dagger as a reward daggers aren’t really something I explored all that much in this playthrough but I’m hoping to continue this and give them a shot another time the next day I checked my crab pots and reset them and then used the received items to finish another fishing bundle the only real highlight of the day came at the end of it when I unlocked quality sprinklers remember like 4 days ago when I was super excited about my blueberries well day 47 brought a second harvest selling all of them allowed me to buy 20 radish seeds and the second backpack upgrade completing my inventory expansion naturally I spent the rest of the day working away on the farm planting my new granish seeds and clearing more of the brush out of the way after waking up on day 48 I checked my mailbox to find a Quest from Demetrius asking for a melon since I sold my previous ones I’ll have to wait until my next Harvest before checking that off the list over the course of the last few weeks I’d been accumulating a variety of random items and gems for Mining and using the crab pots because of this I decided to head over to Gunther’s Museum to see how he was holding up in light of the recent Reddit protest to make him feel better I ended up donating a bunch of stuff this must have worked because he ended up giving me starfruit seeds as a reward to continue my quest to overtake Willie’s top [ __ ] I spent the remainder of the day fishing the grind was starting to pay off however since I was able to finish another fishing bundle to end the day day 49 was spent back in the mines I feel like I’m making steady progress here so I wanted to put more focus on it I was able to reach floor 65 in the afternoon and managed to reach floor 70 at around midnight obtaining a master slingshot as a reward spoiler alert I never used this throughout the entire video it just sits in one of my chests next to my house collecting dust maybe in another life continuing on the trend I hit good luck on the TV again so it was back to the mines managed to hit Level 80 by around 5:00 p.m. that evening and I also managed to kill a skeleton that dropped a bone sword so I switched to that since it was an upgrade to the lead Rod I was currently using [Music] outside of that I managed to cap off my run at level 85 for the day Miner you gain more money okay fighter yeah just more base damage day 51 brought yet another blueberry Harvest after selling them I was up to 20K now and living lavishly taking advantage of the fact that I’ve been living like a coal miner for the past week I H up Clint to process all of my geod before upgrading my pickaxe again after saying saying goodbye to him I headed down to the museum to drop off all the random gens I’d received from the goess day 52 was Wily’s birthday I gave him course to celebrate and then set off to find Marne after repeatedly saying how I wasn’t going to focus on animals through this playthrough I finally caved and bought a chicken chick Farley named after Legendary fat man Chris Farley is now a staple in Pelican Town’s Community loved by all immediately after that I bought another chicken and named him bill clucky after known cigar Enthusiast Bill Clint or Superstar comedian Bill Murray whichever you think fits better here my notes on day 53 start with quote George Quest end quote not sure what that means and I’m too lazy to go back and find the footage while writing so enjoy whatever we managed to find and throw up on screen for you anyway I managed to grab my upgraded pickaxe from Clint at around noon and in turn gave him my axe to upgrade I like to think I’m single-handedly keeping this man in business at this point outside of that I managed to hit a dead end mine that evening while spelunking from what I can gather a bat or mob must be stuck off screen for me and won’t add grow on to me leaving us in this predicament not the end of the world but I was a little annoyed since I’d have to reset progress next time I came down here day 54 saw me harvesting more melons outside of that I spent literally all day mining again managing to hit Level 90 at around 2 p.m. where I was given an obsidian sword I also managed to find some Fire Quartz which is the last item needed to complete the Boiler Room in the community center at around 12:30 I managed to hit level 100 and AE to Star like I was playing Mario can’t wait to see how many pissed off neck beards correct me in the comments tell me that Mario doesn’t eat stars but listen I don’t care just watch the [ __ ] video and move on with your day day 55 brought the final blueberry Harvest not for nothing but I also managed to get my first eggs from our chickens as well later that morning I stopped by the community center to wrap up the Boiler Room which unlocks the mine carts that you’ve been seen all over town no no no no no in the afternoon I hit up Clint once again to pick up my Axe and drop off my ho so that it’ll be ready for the first day of fall day 56 was a wash I just needed the pass time to begin the next season so I did what any small town white guy would do and fished oh I also bought a rare seed from the black market Trader 10 the day I went down to the beach with everyone else to drink massive amounts of the Wizard’s potions and watch some jellyfish swim around all right first day of fall super exciting stuff I wanted to be as productive as possible today so I spent the morning placing all of my quality sprinklers while waiting for pier to open up shop once he was ready for business I strolled in and bought 117 cranberry seeds next on the list was to pick up my hoe from Clint with everything I needed ready to go I swung by Piers one last time and bought a few more seeds bringing my total up to 121 cranberries the rest of the day was allocated to planting all these seeds and dumping basic fertilizer on top of them [Music] [Music] with the sprinklers working I now no longer have to spend 4 hours a day watering plants I do think it’s kind of funny that the goal of the farming game is to automate as much of the farming process as possible though anyway I got a cut scene for a new project board that I’ll never use because nobody has time for things like that when there’s money to be made I gave Gunther more junk that I had sitting around and then got to watch Penny try to assassinate George by shoving him towards a mailbox that probably had a pipe bomb inside of it after witnessing an attempted murder I set off for the mines where I manag to get to floor 109 before desperately searching for the ladder to 110 made the decision to head home defeated and managed to make get back at 1:50 a.m. a whopping 10 minutes before passing [Music] out day 59 brought even more mining shocker I know but wait there’s a Twist I actually died this time my first death of the playthrough well almost death for some reason the town’s people just like to go visit hell every once in a while and managed to find my crippled body hanging out with the cave Crawlers wasting no time I headed back in and managed to reach floor 115 [Music] unfortunately there’s no zombies walking around down here just cave rocks with five more floors to go I finished up on the cave system on day 60 hitting the floor cap that evening and retrieving the key for the skull caves in the [Music] desert the next morning I made a mail machine and charcoal k for Co and [Music] Mayo aside from that day 61 was more of a chores day I H up Clint to crush more geod and then donated the Salvage items to Gunther my never-ending quest to obtain a cowboy hat as a reward I received the dwarfish translation guide in order to talk to the dude who hangs out in the caves making bombs and stuff after that I went back to the adventures Guild to check out some of their gear figured if I buy two ruby rings that give me a 20% attack damage increase which is a pretty significant amount after leaving the guild I went to talk to the dwarf and check out his shop there’s nothing worth buying right now but I’ll definitely be coming back in the future before hitting up the skull Caves at this point Chad had told me about that ring that you get from the dust Sprites that rolls lootable items so I spent the rest of the day farming dust Sprites to try and obtain that the next morning I made five preserves jars which I’ll need for cranberries and pumpkins today was really about clearing up the farm some more I’m planning a pretty large expansion here in the next few days and we’ll need a significant amount of space to pull it off aside from yard work I finally built a recycle machine for all the junk I got in the crab pots day 63 started off good with harvesting eggplants I managed to sell those and bought 17 more cranberry seeds with the profits which I immediately brought home and threw in the dirt with nothing left to do but wait I set out and fixed the bridge on the beach only needed like 300 wood so it made sense to just get it out of the way early continuing with a growing Trend I used the remaining time of the day to to get some fishing in managing to catch a few purple starred fish including a sea cucumber I finally placed my preserves jars in the morning of day 64 I can’t use him yet but I’ll be able to start throwing stuff into him soon enough after that I dropped off a hazelnut at the community center only needing a common mushroom to finish the fall foraging bundle I really wanted to finish up the fishing bundle so I took some time to try and catch a few fish near the mines hoping that I can keep making progress on that day 65 was a massive day for integrity Farms it was cranberry Harvest day I made a plan of selling all the golden and silver cranberries keeping the common ones to throw into The Preserve jars I used the money from the first sale to purchase 100 pumpkin seeds which I recognize sounds a little extreme but don’t worry it gets so much worse for some reason I didn’t plant them today and apparently felt compelled to go kick the [ __ ] out of some dust Sprites for the rest of the day so get some footage of that after waking up the next morning I dedicated a majority of the day to planting and water in all 100 pumpkin seeds before going back to fishing I feel like a lot of these days are ending with and then I went fishing so I’m just going to start excluding that going forward for reference if you see me wrapping up at like 2: p.m. just assume I’m throwing Bobbers in the water and I’ll let you know if I catch anything cool or something interesting happens day 67 was another big spender day I managed to find a common mushroom while walking around and brought it to the community center finishing up the fall foraging bundle [Music] to celebrate I hit up Pierre’s shop and bought another 100 pumpkin seeds before spending the rest of the day farming dust Sprites for the extra coal needed to make iron and gold bars day 68 wasn’t a big cranberry Harvest day but it was a corn and eggplant Harvest day this isn’t all that important corn and eggplants are really just to give me some extra farming XP and more spending cash they’re still nice to have though that being said to account for the fact that I now had 200 pumpkins to worry about I removed the corn plots and extended the pumpkin patch to the north unfortunately I’m an idiot and completely forgot that I needed things like scarecrows on my farm after losing a few cranberry plots I crafted two more scarecrows and slapped them down [Music] now it’s time to do something I completely forgot about for like a month and talk to people specifically Abigail I’m supposed to be trying to marry but in turn I’ve just been ghosting for weeks luckily it’s her birthday today so giving her amethyst bumped her up to eight hearts at this point I only need a walleye to complete the night fishing bundle so I spent a good amount of time working on that managing to catch some more iridium fish before finally completing this one as well [Music] [Music] I also managed to run into Abigail again and gave her a bouquet that I bought from her dad which is a little weird in hindsight but who knows may be off brand Bob Ross is just built different all righty so Abby’s trying to [ __ ] me either that or she’s planning to sacrifice me to we demon Gods I don’t know either way it’s wor the risk there’s also the thought that she might just be a gold digger after seeing my second cranberry Harvest continuing to stack up wins today I managed to catch a tiger trout while fishing that afternoon and wrapped up the river bundle for the fish tank that night I managed to stumble upon Abby hanging out in the graveyard and assumed she’d been digging my grave I accepted my fate and prepared to meet God until her dad just Spider-Man out of theing trees leading to an incredibly awkward predicament on one hand I’m literally the only person keeping him in business because all all of his friends think he’s a loser in shop at jojamart for the discounts so it kind of feels like he’s just letting me date his daughter in order to stay in business this shit’s crazy this is a Game of Thrones level of drama going on in the city and you got the mayor piping Marney Abigail’s digging up dead people you got Rob boss running around just avoiding people and going cave exploring weeks at a time I mean the only black guy in the entire game is confined to the mountains with the homeless so George doesn’t have another PTSD episode anyway I’m getting sidetracked back to farming day 71 saw me Harvest my first set of pumpkins I gifted one to Abby to try to boost her to 10 Hearts but apparently it wasn’t the world’s coolest pumpkin so she’s still at nine the Mariners is on the island but I need 10 Hearts to get the amulet from him if you don’t know him you have to buy an amulet from this weird fish dude who just walks out of the ocean apparently when it’s raining this town is a cult I swear that evening I triggered aby’s final event unfortunately this also wasn’t enough to boost your 10 Hearts so we’ll have to wait until next week and hope we get lucky with rain before [Music] winter I woke up the next morning to find some crazy purple haired lady on my porch I couldn’t let the gold diggers get to me though today was a festival day and I needed to dominate all the mini gamess my favorite part of this is the fact that you don’t even need to play the mini games you can just gamble your way to Victory know I don’t want to brag but I’m somewhat of a degenerate Gambler myself and I know from my experience on 15 leg NFL parlays that you never stop when you got a hot hand and the more you hit on green the more likely that it’ll eventually hit red some might call this a gambler’s fallacy but those people are dorks don’t listen to them better all on green and let it ride can you imagine if I stream this on Twitch I’d be banned before I even click to spin this is why this is a great time to advertise the fact that I stream on YouTube here and you can catch me if you want otherwise I have a Kick account that I haven’t touched yet and likely never will we should follow that too just in case because you never know what could happen anyway I ended up buying a rare Crow and another star thing that I ate to gain more energy which I’m not entirely sold that it was just crystal meth but I’m not asking questions and neither should you day 73 saw me fishing my way to Greatness I needed a few thousand doll to wrap up the Vault bundles in order to get pamama job apparently completing the Vault gave me a crystarium I think that’s pronouncing it correctly anyway it duplicates crystals it’s literally a Minecraft Glitch but as an item aside from doing some yard work in the morning I upgraded my axe on day 74 and added a few more items to the community center [Music] a pretty quiet day overall I woke up the next day to see that my first dupe Jade was ready I’d gotten a ton of requests to duplicate Jades based on the fact that you can buy laners with them in the desert so I made that my focus since it sounded important stepping outside I was greeted by a third cranberry Harvest at this point my focus had shifted pretty heavily to grinding gear and items needed for skull caves from what I was able to gather knowledge wse I’ll need bombs food and ladders for food I focused on fishing since I didn’t have a ton of meal recipes and fishing was an easy way to accumulate a lot of food very quickly on day 76 I brought a rarecrow from the dwarf hiding in the caves to continue adding to my collection since I was in the area I decided to swing by the adventurers Guild to check on progress for my kill stats before resuming progress on farming dust Sprites it’s Sunday which means gifts reset which is another way of me saying it’s time to go woo Abby again to accomplish this seemingly impossible task I grabbed the one thing everyone loves and threw chocolate cake at her face until she gave me a 10 heart review for my services now all I got to do is wait for it to rain oh and build an upgrade on my house because again she’s a gold digger and needs a bigger home to even consider marrying me outside of that I finally discovered the secret Woods which was pretty cool now I can get hard wood without needing to pop an ed pill every other day before ending the day I managed to buy a puffer fish from the black market Trader that I’ll be able to use on another Community Center bundle that night while I slept some random pixie fairy from imagination land came floating in and [ __ ] all over my crops to make them grow better or something I had another pumpkin harvest on day 78 keeping it similar to The Cranberries I sold off the Silver and Gold pumpkins keeping the regular ones to turn into preserves I also gave one to Caroline because she wanted one for some reason and I felt like being a good person outside of that I managed to catch a train passing through and stole a bunch of stuff off that was falling off F the process [Music] at the end of the day I chose the option for Artisan Goods to give 40% more rewards because duh why wouldn’t you do that the next morning I got my first big pumpkin harvest I kept up with the same method selling the good ones and keeping the commons I tried to buy the housing upgrade today but for some reason Robin decided she would close shop today truly one of those cases of Vanishing when the world needed her most while farming dust Sprites that evening I triggered another Abigail cut scene where I initially thought she was waiting to murder me but much like everyone else in this town she was just trying to be me this scene also has some pretty heavy cringe in the dialogue if you don’t believe me I highly encourage you to experience it for yourself or you can just watch me react to it whatever your little heart desires same oh no she she want a duel oh no that’s so cringe oh that hurts oh that hurts [Music] you’re safe with me oh God that’s so gross it’s so cringy how is she going to profess her love in the middle of mines around a bunch of bats Bob Ross score one for Bob Ross following up the pumpkin harvest I walked outside to another cranberry Harvest we’re about to make so much money after repeating the same process I use the extra cash to bulk purchase hundreds of stone and thousands of wood from Robin after buying the house upgrade this allowed me to stockpile enough so that I won’t have to worry about running out of material when I want to make the farm pretty as well as buying extra buildings or doing things like completing Community Center bundles which I did later that morning morning that afternoon I crafted five more preserved jars before spending the rest of my time fighting balls of coal I woke up on day 81 to find it was raining outside this was a huge because it means one we have some insane RNG luck and two I can buy the amulet thing from the Marin after harvesting the gem Berry I sprinted down to the beach where I tried to talk to the Mariner who basically just laughed at me and called me a broke [ __ ] looks like I won’t be getting married this playr to cope with this I sold all of my preserves and spent the rest of the day fishing and contemplating throwing myself into the ocean day 82 brought yet another pumpkin harvest at this point I have more than enough pumpkins and cranberries to run preserved for the next 28 days which is pretty crazy to think about the spirits are annoyed today which means it’s a great day to go farm dust Sprites so I did just that I’ll explore exploring that evening I did manage to find Linus’s Berry basket just sitting on the side of the road so we’ll give that back to him at some point well the house is completed there is a very small chance that it could rain tomorrow and I can buy the amulet but I’m not going to hold my breath anyway now that we have a working fridge I moved all of my food out of one of the storage chests and into my kitchen after that I was told to check out the tunnel by the bus stop and bring a battery pack that I’d gotten from a lightning rod that I placed a month or so ago this prompted a mini scab hunt that I completely bit on up by the train station I placed a Rainbow Shell in a box which prompted a sudden and abrupt end the note wants 10 beats which I don’t have so we’ll need to wait for beat season in which case I’ll happily recruit Dwight shud to come manage my farm for me this is used to unlock the casino in the desert or so I’ve been told so it was kind of a bummer knowing I wasn’t going to be able to unlock that yet but it’s all good because I managed to make a few more preserved jars and around 20 bombs that afternoon [Music] it’s also Spirit Eve today so I got to experience that as well purchasing another rarecrow and completing the giant hedge maze finding a golden pumpkin at the [Music] end also I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed this but Maru just standing here looks like the Karate Island guy from SpongeBob when they’re trying to get him to buy a time share you know what I’m talking about all right day 84 was the last day of The Fall season which means I need to clean up a little bit and prepare for winter it also means that I spent an exuberant amount of time trying to get a basic screenshot for the thumbnail thanks for clicking on it by the way I gave lonus his Berry basket that afternoon but other than that I spent the rest of the day placing Cobblestone walkways [Music] [Music] since there’s not really anything to plant in the winter I dedicated a lot of time to just decorating the farm and trying to make it more appealing to look at placed hundreds of cobblestone pathing made two fences and garden areas both equipped with quality Sprinklers and then moved the furnaces to the right hand side and placed a few dozen torches around the walkways [Music] I wanted to wrap up the winter foraging bundle quickly so I spent some time over the first few days just exploring the town keeping an eye out for any lootable items before dropping them off at the community center that afternoon I caught a demon thing walking around in blackace and followed its Footprints to a bush where it gave me a magnifying glass before running off I’m still not convinced it wasn’t just George to be honest but anyway I managed to finish up another Community Center bundle today as well day 87 saw me keeping Robin in business by purchasing more wood and Stone from her along with a workbench that I’ll never use to end the day I finally brought the gem Berry to the secret Forest Place I’m sure half of you watching were like having an aneurysm after I didn’t immediately do this 4 days ago so you’re welcome for raising your blood pressure [Music] [Music] I had this underlining goal to max out all of my skills before the end of this video which is a roundabout way of me saying I spent all day fishing [Music] that afternoon I finally caved and bought two ruby rings for 20% boosted attack damage from the adventures Guild with the rings of power secured I dropped off more forged items at the community center before ending the day I hadn’t really been focused focusing on my chickens at all but I figured I didn’t want pea to come burn my farm down so I went out and bought a heater to throw in their coue this led to me misclicking and buying a milk pale as well which will come in handy whenever I decide to get some cows but for now it’s completely [Music] useless I also completely forgot to process all of my geodes before upgrading my tools even though I was reminded of it at least a dozen times that day alone gold panning I’m thinking of oh it’s still cool oh [ __ ] I’m so dumb oh no oh I completely forgot to do the geod with nothing left to do I built out a station for the workbench using four crates since the workbench pulls resources from crates touching it if I’ve learned anything about stardew Valley in my first 90 days it’s that Pam is slow as sh and also a raging alcoholic and chain smoker unfortunately she’s the bus driver so I’m at her mercy when trying to buy a ticket to Calico the desert is super cool it’s about as descriptive as it can be about it it’s got a different Trader that sells a variety of items depending on the day it’s got skull caves it’s got a pond of fishing some forging items and a casino the big issue is that Pam’s charging me 500 bucks to drive me out here every day I managed to get through a few levels of the cave system before heading back to continue exploring when I got back to Pelican town that night I finished the pantry bundle to repair the bridge that I’ll never use walking outside the next morning I found Pierre on my doorstep apparently he’s like the Jehovah’s Witness of seeds and proceeded to tell me all about seed variety for way too long after Clint opened up I ran over and grabbed my upgraded hoe before dumping a bag of geodes onto his table and asking him to smack him with a hammer this was one of the more lucrative sessions giving me six more items to give to Gunther before heading back to upgrade my watering can I sold more of the preserves that afternoon using the profits to buy a rare Crow from the black market Trader below him is a little mouse who sells funny hats it may have taken 91 days to get it but I finally have a cowboy hat completing the brand image yet again even if it’s pink day 92 was the Ice Festival naturally I showed up and completely dominated at ice fishing which I recognize isn’t all that hard to do when your competition is Pam who spent half the contest slamming Kors [Music] lights after the Ice Festival I wasn’t really sure what else to do so after picking up my watering can from Clint I took a bust to the desert and caught a sandfish which is the last fish I need for the fish tank bundle after that I decided to take a shot at running the skull caves it’s definitely a major step up from the normal minds but it’s super fun and I see how people just grind this out probably could have gotten a little bit further in but started so late so I’m just going to rock that excuse for a bit and try again another time I dropped off the sandfish the next morning completing the fish tank bundle before heading back to the desert this part was pretty cool I was told to bring a prismatic Shard to the desert and find something cool to do with it so I did just that and managed to find the Galaxy sword by walking in the dirt spot in between the three pillars while holding The Shard unfortunately I never get to use it since I changed focus and spent the rest of the day adding more Cobblestone walkways to the farm [Music] back to trying to max out as many skills as possible I grinded fishing all of day 95 which I thought would be enough since I’ve been level 9 for the entirety of the winter so far but looks like I’ll need to keep grinding I wasn’t paying attention and accidentally skipped all of day 96 by sleeping through it this is what I get for trying to write notes while playing on day 97 I received a letter from The Wizard asking for void Essence so I brought him some I feel like I completely forgot about him for the majority of this playthrough so I’m sorry to those who were expecting him to play a larger role anyway later that morning I smashed all of my geodes and managed to pull another Prismatic shard [Music] [Music] throughout the night an explosion Was Heard nearby when I went out to investigate I found a giant meteorite sitting on my farm luckily it had just missed the North Tower and somehow landed gently in my backyard not able to break it with a pickaxe so I sent it off to Clint to go upgrade it for me in the meantime I bought a battery some food and some aridium from the traveling Merchant and managed to give Marty a pink cake thanks again green go for the tip on that this is huge because it finally allowed me to get into her bedroom and grab Louis’s dirty underwear that have been sitting there for months at this point that evening Willie gave me a copper pan so that I could pan for gold or other minerals in the river which I thought was really cool I spent the morning of day 99 trying to catch the glacier fish I figured I spent so much time fishing this playthrough that I needed at least one legendary fish to show off I actually managed to catch it on my second attempt and a quick thank you to Wi sanity for giving me the location of this one anyway I ended up buying a fish tank and tossing the glacier fish in it to keep as my own personal legendary pet along with chunkers and the [Music] chickens well it’s day 100 we finally made it I got to say this game is incredible time flew by and I genuinely enjoyed every minute of it there’s so much to do that it seems like you’d be overwhelming but Strangely I never felt that way at all there was never a moment where I felt like I missed something that I couldn’t just go back and do at a later time which was really refreshing the game itself is incredibly relaxing and reminds me a ton of the Nintendo 64 version of Harvest Moon believe it or not for me personally it was a very welcome change of pace from what I normally do I didn’t manage to Max all my skills like I was hoping but I’m still happy with the progress made especially considering this is my first time actually playing the game past the menu screen I want to give a big thank you to my YouTube members and patreon supporters many of which hung out in the streams and gave me some fantastic advice on things that I never would have thought to explore like that garden with a hidden statue in it or the bus tunnel I’m sure I missed a ton of stuff in this video so please let me know and give me some tips I’d love to continue improving at this game and if the video does well enough I’d love to continue making stardo Valley content for you all anyway this is getting really long so thanks again for watching I appreciate you all and as always thanks for stopping by [Music]

What’s better than a fully blind playthrough of one of the most relaxing games ever created.
Footage taken from streams in July, 2023

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EpidemicSound: https://share.epidemicsound.com/oi44gc
Stardew Valley OST: https://store.steampowered.com/app/440820/Stardew_Valley_Soundtrack/

Intro – 0:00
Spring – 0:30
Summer – 17:18
Fall – 30:57
Winter – 51:32


  1. Didn’t you already post this video a while ago, but it was removed? What happened to it initially? Love your stuff, man.

  2. I love the variety of games you play. I always feel good when you upload new videos. The voiceover for this video is the same wittiness that made me subscribe 🙂

  3. "I don't think I'll spend much time fishing" proceeds to fish extensively throughout the 100 days. I swear this applies to almost every single stardew player 🤣

  4. Man I used to play the shit out of harvest moon 64 as a kid and then the one on PlayStation. I don’t have a switch anymore but I see they have a stardew valley mobile for $5 I might have to try out lol. My wife has commandeered my gaming laptop to watch British tv when she’s home hahah

  5. I was just watching Your sims video and was wondering if you did any 100 days of stardew. So Glad to see it out almost immediately ehhheeee😍

  6. Hearing "i sold the gold and silver cranberries, and im using common in preserves" hurt me deeply lol im still watching but i hope you start using the good stuff in making perserves, wines, cheese, etc etc

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