help me help me Jake I’ve got no Health eat some dandelions or something is any has anyone got any spare food yeah I actually have dandelions oh great okay delicious are you prick wor preate ever there’s a CU use the chest Nick get off push him in off mate get to the back of the queue I don’t even need to put anything in I’m just looking in it forck sake we got a letter from May Louis Jun this is embarrassing I lost my lucky purple shorts I’m telling you because I think I can trust you if you find them bring them back to me discreetly I’ll pay well mayor Lewis you said it in front of hundreds of people you bastard oh star fruit you found a star drop it’s strange but the taste reminds you of trains mine was you found a star drop it’s strange but the taste reminds you of de’s de de what nuts what what does you say this you found a star drop your mind is filled with thoughts of R um can I get some strong people to go to the mines and get a ton more stuff you’re pretty strong why don’t you come with us because I’m smelting [ __ ] and planting seeds to make you money so the cat can spend it on stuff I’ll get it Nick if you’re full I’ve got all this [ __ ] CH in my bag I just saw you the wet newspaper why are you carrying that round with you ex me my backpack is my backpack just mind your own business would you got a phone I need to phone up 07420 69696 oh yeah I can read I can do thank you 0742 that’s the funny number 69 696 okay I think it should be another nine at the end of that shouldn’t it you’ve dialed an incorrect number oh what lame right everyone get to bed before we lose all the money because yeah yeah we’re just outside the F it’s going to be PR close we got we got all pilot the first H that we see again we’ll have no money for summer if you guys spend all dying [ __ ] oh it’s 15 I don’t know if I’m going to make it get in the first Hut get in the Hut come on oh you curs get in get in the [ __ ] thing oh away has everybody made their furnaces what made F what what what are we talking about making furnaces now got that happen yeah this this is news to me why are we all getting so about such a simple question furnaces oh my God I’m so furn this is [ __ ] you found a star drop your mind is filled with thoughts of duck person a Jesus Christ favorite thing duck person was very anti-climatic I’m using more creative than that what’s what am I doing come on crusty you can do better yeah I thought you were a creative person stupid idiot what are you doing just punching yourself like be funny say more things about dick that’s oh just what did I just build oh I built a charcoal k for sake why did you do that you egy I need I thought I was building a furnace but it’s called a charcoal K I know I clearly wasn’t reading it properly was I but Jake when you hover over it there’s big text that says charcoal kill and there’s another one that says furnace I know I’m not I’m not saying I didn’t I uh what am I saying what’s my story oh I’ve got a strange bun do you want that instead yeah I’ll have your strange bun why not offer you your strange bun to Dick mil what how have you spelled milk We spelled it m l i l k have I I don’t remember bloody hell there is can’t you read or something yeah I don’t claim to I need eight more iron bars okay I’m currently getting iron i’ got 44 iron ingots so that’s you’ve got 44 iron ingots sorry the other one or or what shut up so do you have children I don’t know about cuz that was the biggest dad joke I’ve ever fuing heard in my life or what A Smith than the $5 there hell yeah getting to watch WP stream on my birthday is it possible to have a is it possible to have your yell you for my birthday yep here you go ready so on three we’re going to say you A Smith right ready three okay oh wait no how are weing them uh no who we A Smith we’re not them are you saying a or Aiden a aan okay do we say you as a birthday gift or do we just say you this is too much well the thing that they request is it possible to have your yell you for my birthday lol okay so that’s the thing we got to say so we’re saying you for my birthday lol yeah okay right everyone ready 3 2 1 for [Applause] oh love blueberries oh Jak for [ __ ] right everyone quit the game quit the game it’s the new start of the day just exit to the title and relaunch it oh sorry sorry exit to that blueberry the blueberry and then and then stay away from the farm okay uh thanks very much Ry for the 500 bits thanks very much you as well C we stop we’re stop [ __ ] you too no the smart ass she be 500 bits crusty fits him so well with the wp crew got to love when he joins the stream y’all keep doing what you do best cute dick milk dick milk farms guitar solar for Di milk farm Jesus Christ thank you very much spell for the 500 bits um hey are you are you familiar with Landon Landon who slipped full than Landon de nuts what what can you repeat that okay hey are you familiar with London no slip then land on these nuts that’s a joke come to bed Alice I got par Snips I do have a pnip yeah you do and I’ve got the Mayo let’s Lube up Luben with mayo it’s nice and natural is it though is it made of eggs egss made of egss SM it’s made EGS why are you bullying me it’s like he’s has got the premise of the channel he’s just tapped in he’s like hang on a second I’m bullies how do I build more chicken Co all you need to go visit the person who builds stuff you can upgrade them so then you can get more in there but we need more money for you to do that okay so who’s the person who helps me upgrade it Robin is she the one who sells me the chickens as well no that’s Mar who where the hell’s Robin okay like right open theing map think about it if you went to buy some chickens would you expect that person to also be able to build the chicken cop probably because their specialty as chickens so they would know what their habitat and their needs are no that’s not if I was going to build a chicken coop I would go to someone who does carpentry or knows how to build [ __ ] I wouldn’t buy it from the person who has Chi sounds like you’re wasting your time what you’re just going to make these chickens live in an empty Pepsi can that’s cruel Gabby why would you do that this Sol music makes me want to party no one has ever said that in the history this Summer music makes me want to party yeah that’s like some Elon Musk [ __ ] it’s like what should I say to sound human this staru Valley Music Makes Me want to party oh God what is up fellow kids cath sent me a real last night that just said just a reminder that your eyelids are made out of the same material as forkin so um oh there you go isn’t that lovely they do have similar stretching qualities and I think about it why how’ you know that sorry what oh did I say that out loud he often stretches his fores skin over his forehead oh no no I’m sorry that’s impossible his forehead is so big you haven’t seen my forkin it’s like a sleeping bag that sign that just says EES EES E I find it that laugh that that was funnier than this sign oh I can go visit the wizard how very exciting to see the wizard the best thing you’ve said in a while the wizard is going to be great going to be it’s going to grant me a penis enlargement finally I can turn the light on and off without ever leaving the bed spellers thanks for the 500 bits just want to say after hearing Gabby and Nick bicker they are the ideal siblings from another mother LOL and crusty every time you speak I sense you’re up to some kind of [ __ ] I save us in the best way possible I’m glad you’re more frequent here Kath I love your sweat I love hang on I love your sweat we got a new type of farm to invest in here my life right someone moov the coal and put it into the crafting box and the copper ore oh why yeah why why would someone do that what chck why would sound it’s sounding like I did the thing but I I promise you I didn’t I didn’t do the thing I don’t believe you this box of poo just keeps getting bigger like there’s only there’s there’s three in there before now it’s to distract them talk about oh

Stardew Valley Multiplayer funny moments and shenanigans from your pals at Worst Premade Ever!

Huge thanks to Crusty for joining us in Stardew! make sure to check out his channel here:

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  1. Is Ellis admitting somthing there cause the star drop just reminds you on your Favorite thing that you put in when you start the game

  2. I made a kiln on accident before a furnace too lol.
    I agree that the person who sells you chickens probably knows how to build a coop, but they arent they probably arent the ones who would go out and build coops for others. Though, I guess they might refer you to someone… Which doesn't mean much when there's only 1 carpenter lol.

  3. Come on, give Jonk credit for that "Ore what?" joke. It's not often he gets a wordplay win and it should, cautiously, be encouraged!

  4. You guys could have got me in real trouble I’m on a late shift and laughing my ass off while trying to run my machine I had to stop because I was laughing so much 😂

  5. To this day nothing makes me laugh more than revisiting my old farm save and getting the message “It’s strange but the taste reminds you of catboys”

  6. Sometimes I really wish to know what the real message was before Jonk jonked it. Like I don't remember this Cath's sweat from watching livestreamarchive and I don't have time to watch all stardew ones again to find it myself.

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