I just bought Stardew Valley, do you think I should do a blind playthrough?

by XokoKnight2


  1. Ancient-Sock1923 on

    You should sure do one, i always regretted not going raw in the game

  2. yes! it’s such a good feeling finding out everything yourself and makes it more fun

  3. RhombusObstacle on

    For me personally, I started out blind and did as much as I could do on my own. But at a certain point, I found it more frustrating than fun to try to solve EVERYTHING on my own, so eventually I started looking things up when I got stuck and had exhausted all my feasible hunches.

    So I definitely recommend going into it with an eye toward self-reliance, but it’s not a moral failing if you relax your standards after playing for a while. Do what’s fun for you, and if that includes hitting the wiki sometimes, that’s fine.

  4. i-split-infinitives on

    This game has a high replayability, in fact you actually can’t see everything in one playthrough because there comes a point where you have to choose between two different routes, so I would totally do a blind playthrough and discover everything for yourself. You can always play again and use a guide if you’re big on completion, although it’s hard to permanently miss anything; you could get a guide later in your current playthrough if you need help or get stuck.

    Also, using mods can make it practically a whole new game so that you never have to get bored. You can automate pretty much anything that doesn’t interest you, make visual and quality-of-life changes, and add virtually unlimited additional content. There’s even a mod for whichever of the two routes you don’t choose.

  5. Significant_Stick_31 on

    I’m going to be the one contrarian and say that I wish I’d had more of a plan when I started the game. Stardew Valley doesn’t really give you a lot of “hints” about what you’re supposed to do outside of the basic quests. There are a lot of things I never found or realized in my first playthrough that I regret missing (although you can often go back and do them later). Even after reading the wiki, you still never completely run out of surprises. I feel like I learn something new every day being on this subreddit.

    Just keep in mind that I often read the last chapter of novels first, so I’m a weirdo, and your mileage will vary based on how much you care about spoilers.

  6. Pretty_Tradition6354 on

    I made my first runthrough blind, and I’m so glad I did. It’s an experience you can never replicate

  7. Yes but if you get really stuck i wont blame you for looking at the wiki lol

  8. I say go blind. And don’t scroll around much in this subreddit.

    But keep in mind there is a wiki as well that will have most answers you will need. There are spoilers there as well but often just the very top has enough info on a lot of things. Like where an item spawns or drops from. Or what level in the mine to find an ore or monster type. So you can get some info without spoiling too much. It just depends on the info you are looking for I guess. But I found it helpful with the odd help when I first started out.

  9. eshawants2die on

    Yes but If u need help look the specific thing u need help with not everything

  10. I enjoy knowing a little but it’s up to you. I would start blind but it gets frustrating not knowing you can google it.

  11. Jolly_Pressure_2486 on

    Yes. Avoid guides and wiki. This will spoil fun of discovering the game for You. I started with blind playthrough and was having a blast. Later I started to check some stuff on wiki and it actually made me start new save and go on min-max rush which in effect spoiled the fun. Don’t get me wrong. Game is still great but I miss this feeling when I discovered some game mistery by myself.

  12. Some_nerd_______ on

    Absolutely. There’s no wrong way to play it so just have fun for your first playthrough doing what you want to do. I’m sure you

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