I played like 2 hours and here is the result. Pretty basic i know, but because i have nothing to do im gonna post more stuff and progress. Also if you are wondering, that gravestone is totally Ashers fault. That dumbass let zombies in.

I hate flying stuff.

by BowlOfNoodles8


  1. Not as basic as you think, actually. You’re already thinking out of the little boxes that most people like to make when they start up. This one already looks a little farm-silo-ish, and a little factory-ish. Lot’s of potential behind what you have here. I would recommend making the outside blocks double-thick; it’ll make the structure look more grounded and sturdy, and make the angles a bit easier to put background walls behind.

    Don’t know how new of a player you are, but as the structure currently stands, you’ve only got one valid room for NPCs. The room the guide is in, and the one below him only count as a single room, because you don’t have any platforms in the gaps in those floors. As it stands, if you just put platforms in all of those gaps, and furnished each room, you’d have 6 good-sized homes for some folks.

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