ANOTHER CC ROOM DONE! (Stardew Valley 1.6 Let’s Play) – Ep 26

hey what’s up guys it’s Nash and welcome to another episode of my 1.6 stardy Valley let’s play we are back and today is going to be an exciting day because it’s Sebastian’s birthday and the Book seller is in town and we have some other things that we are going to be working on Welcome Back you guys I hope you are having a great day week weekday weekend whatever it may be for you it is going to snow tomorrow in game what is our Fortune looking like today the spirits are feeling neutral the day is in your hands okay and then a queen of sauce rerun for glazed dams which we already have so that is perfect we don’t need to kind of rehash that let’s make sure we water my uh I almost said coconut plant no that is way wrong my coffee plant that we got in the last episode and uh yeah a lot of exciting things happened in the last episode we had a giant mysterious wind that uh oh are we getting another we got a ling con oh my gosh two of the fish that we uh that we need but I don’t think when your pets give them to you it counts towards the collection and pretty positive that it doesn’t uh or it would be showing up here I think right what am I wrong about this my I don’t know I’m not seeing them like we got rainbow trout salmon uh these are just all the fish that I’ve caught so yeah I don’t I don’t when your pet doesn’t give it to you it doesn’t count as you fishing it which I think is a good thing but yeah that totally just distracted me uh anyways in the last episode we got the chest upgrad so now we have bigger chest we uh uncovered The Mystery of the stump if you guys missed it I highly suggest going back and watching now that we don’t have to water our crops things have been a bit easier we have a lot more time to do other things so it’s been nice in the last episode we also unlock the Quarry so we can go down there and get anything that we really want to we worked on the Museum like I’m seriously telling you guys we did a lot of progress anyways today I want to work on some quests I also want to give Sebastian his birthday gift uh because it is his birthday we need to catch a squid still and we need to do Clint attempt so it said Clint Clint wants you to give Emily an amethyst he wants you to tell her it’s from him so we got to do that today and then I need to get a frozen tier 4 Sebastian and we’re just going to kind of make our rounds around town and see if we can get everything done in the last episode we also got a prismatic Shard from the Quarry is very exciting that was like one of every time I get a prismatic Shard it is like Beyond exciting to me and then today we are also going to try to upgrade our axe so that we can get into the secret Forest because we have this new stump Journal quest to fix up the giant stum but we need 100 hardwood and we are very far off of doing that so let’s grab a frozen tear let’s go see um actually let’s go see if we can find Emily first because Sebastian likes to sleep uh I think he sleeps in so I don’t think we’ll be able to go talk to him this early in the morning there’s also a few uh winter fish that we need to catch we haven’t been really doing that and that might be something nice for us to accomplish soon she might be in her room and I think I’m good enough friends with her to where I can go into her bedroom this makes life so much easier hello Emily I have an amethyst from Clint so oh my favorite Stone you’re so sweet huh it’s from who oh you got it at Clint well I don’t care where you got it from it’s beautiful thank you Smooch ah she thinks we we gave it to her have you ever tried cooking without a recipe it’s kind of liberating and who knows you might discover something amazing o what is she working on it’s a bolt of blue cloth there’s a piece cut out of it and a little embroidered pattern Along The Fringe also she has her little bird it’s so cute there’s Haley kind of hanging out in her room I really haven’t looked around uh Emily’s room it’s Emily’s computer it’s password protected so you can’t Snoop around in it dang it a my secrets have been revealed little cacti uh there’s a little note on the pot something to remember me by Sandy that’s so sweet I think her and Sandy are like best friends so that’s very cool anyways I guess we can go up to the Mountain Lake and do some fishing while we wait for Sebastian cuz that’s kind of the only other thing we need to do aside from going to Clint let’s go to Clint first anyways oh no I need 5,000 gold I totally forgot okay looks like we’re not doing this today I completely forgot guys bummer okay we can always come back and do this later no worries there’s always a good way to make money in stardy Valley and that is to do some fishing so we’re going to head up to the Mountain Lake see if we can catch the perch as well as has the Ling Cod which might sound weird it’s like Nash you have a ling cod in your uh in your inventory I do I do but we need to Fresh Catch it for it to count towards the fishing collection like you have to catch it yourself so we got to make sure that we we we do that you know I don’t want to miss out on it for the winter and have to wait until next winter uh let’s go see if Sebastian’s in here I’m sure we’ll we’ll find him later if he’s not but we might be able to go into his room are we are we good enough friends no we’re not but he’s in there on his computer okay hopefully he’ll come out later we’ll have to keep an eye out I really got to remember to bring bait and Bobbers with me I always forget those but anyways we’re just going to do a little bit of fishing while we wait for Sebastian and wish me luck on getting the two fish that we need we got our first hit and it’s a crazy fish it’s a very crazy fish what the heck is this going to be oh my gosh okay I’m really hoping I can catch this one darting around I saw dark right there oh my goodness why we like almost had it it was like nope nope nope there it is the Ling con my first catch beautiful okay so I did not realize that that was going to be a little bit of a tricky fish to catch but I’m glad that we got one so now we just have to wait uh and get the perch man if we could get these back to back that would be amazing but this one’s also looking kind of like a link Cod because well it’s darting but it’s not darting as much as the other one was I would say I’m sticking with this one a bit better so sturgeon okay very nice very nice good to catch a sturgeon not what we’re looking for but still good to catch we got another hit here this one’s going a little bit more calmly so could this possibly be the perch that we are looking for that would be amazing if it was and it is a chub okay there it is we caught The Purge nice got our first catch I was actually just about to call it and be like I need to go check on Sebastian uh see if he’s come out of his room yet I would assume he probably has by now it’s about 4:00 p.m. but maybe not no he’s still in here I don’t know if he’s going to come out do we just wait and peek over his door I guess I guess we’re going to do this until he potentially moves from that computer if he ever decides to he’s coming he’s finally coming out all right we’ll meet him out here so it’s a little less awkward like I was I was waiting in the lobby I wasn’t waiting outside your door happy birthday Sebastian oh really I wasn’t expecting this it looks great though thank you glad you enjoy it Sebastian seems lost in thought hey Maru what’s up I guess winter is a good time to work on my gadgets it’s the perfect time I wonder if I could make anything use ful for Farmers hey I will be your tester if you would like now we have another mission we have to do a little bit more fishing today guys we are going to try and see if we can catch the um the squid now we have to go down to the the ocean to do this and this is a quest for Willie but I also need it to count towards catching all of the fish in the game so uh we can get that star drop later that is kind of what I’m Hing for but it would be nice if we could catch it today I mean that would be beautiful you can catch them from 6:00 p.m. I believe it is ooh wait what is this what is this squid Fest waa this is awesome I yeah this is this is obviously new but Friday the 12th and Saturday the 13th uh a 2day squid fishing Bon Bonanza squid fishing Bonanza okay so we can catch squid here if we want to if you can catch our daily catch targets you’ll win prizes no any personal items found near this sign will be sent to the lost and found oh if your inventory is full you can drop those drop your stuff there so interesting does that mean since squids come out past 600 p.m. is the squid fest going to be like a nightly thing I’m really interested we’ll probably get a letter tomorrow on the mail that kind of EXP explains a little bit more about what the squid event is going to be like but it’d be cool if we could get a little bit of a uh kind of like a head start today by catching a squid if possible I have a feeling that they’re going to be pretty hard to catch like the bar is going to go up and down really fast they going to be kind of squiggly uh so we’ll see if we catch one we’ll know I’m sure we’re back at the farm we are going to go through and sell all of the fish except for the Ling Cod and the perch that we caught this will make it a little bit of extra money so hopefully we can go ahead and upgrade my axe tomorrow be pretty wonderful if we could actually do that we’re going to save all of these goodies and going to put everything else away feels so good to have more inventory space if you guys haven’t um invested in the the chest upgrade I highly recommend doing it it is so nice I’m going to over time in um I’m over time going to upgrade all of my chests oh look at a no hanging out in my bed sleeping with a cat oh it’s so nice there we go 2,000 okay I thought we’re going to get a little more than that so I don’t think we hit our goal of 5,000 I think we’re around like 3,000 is but still that is a okay yeah 3,000 the book seller is in town today uh but yeah we can go check out the book seller today let’s go ahead and check the TV of course so we’ve got beautiful and sunny day tomorrow the fortune teller says it Spirits are very displeased then we have a living off the land which says there’s a couple of fish you can only find in the winter the squid and the link Cod so we caught the link Cod but not the squid squid can be caught from the ocean in the evening lingcod can be found in freshwaters all day of course there are rumors of extremely rare and unique fish that can only be found in particular seasons but I don’t have any information on them that’s interesting to keep in mind I have heard uh rumors of the legendary fish and I have not caught one yet in the game like at all in my entire stardy Valley life I just got a snail from my cat I will take that I will give that to Vincent cuz he’s quite quite a big fan but uh yeah I’ve heard Legend of the Legendary fish in the game I have never got one though never gotten one so I’m hoping that this is the time not today of course that would be a big undertaking but uh it would be really cool by the end of the season maybe we could give it a try uh try to catch our first legendary since I’ve never done it before and there is a winter legendary fish you can catch so it would be worth a try I think let’s go ahead and grab all of these mushrooms we are starting to get a pretty good supply of mushrooms here if I can work my way around there we go and these are good to sell if you kind of just like hoard these a little bit and then kind of wait and sell them you can get quite a quite a decent amount of money from those in fact you know what I did want to upgrade my axe today so maybe if we go ahead and sell our mushrooms um this would be a good way to do it and I’m just going to keep like two of each and then we will sell the rest blueberries are still doing okay in here and uh I do kind of want to think about getting another fish pond as well very soon I want to upgrade my axe first though it has been very slow during winter time I will say with us uh progress getting towards uh the end of the community center I would love to finish that up uh so maybe we’ll go on a bus ride today to the desert try to see if we can catch the Scorpion carart because that’s one of the fish that we need for the bundle and it’s one of the fish that we haven’t caught yet so let’s go to Clint really fast oh I think I had some dang it I think I had some mystery boxes we could have opened that’s okay we have plenty of time to do that first things first let’s go say hi to Clint and upgrade our tools oh yeah we can’t do that yet until we go to Pier feel like I’m the only one who goes into the mines I guess except for Marlin do you guys think Marlin goes into the mines or is he just kind of The Watcher over the The Adventurous Guild he doesn’t actually go down there he just kind of hangs out in the guild and and watches over it anyways I got to sell all of these mushrooms there we go I told you guys mushrooms mushrooms are pretty great for getting some extra money and we could always sell my mayonnaise I have $18,000 worth of mayonnaise in my inventory what holy crap also I’m so tempted to just buy the wheat flour from this because I have no idea when we’re going to be getting cloth oh wait actually can’t I can make you know what we’re going to try to get cloth no cuz we need wool and we’ need sheep for wool you know what I think I’m just going to buy the 100 wheat flour I said I wasn’t going to do this oh wow this is taking all my money oh my gosh that took all my money I’m going to sell some of my mayonnaise cuz there’s so much mayonnaise where that came from yeah these are $100 each this is so expensive 98 99 100 that was worth it you guys cuz that was so expensive we’re going to be selling all my mayonnaise I mean I have $18,000 worth of mayonnaise in my inventory I should be doing something with it and we haven’t gone uh and did anything ooh buying one squid yes sure I need to catch squid anyway um we’ll go check the book seller in a second but I’m going to go to the community center first then we’re going to go to Clint we have so much to do got to keep it all straight in my brain but I just want to keep getting the community center bundles finished so the more we can do this the better let’s go ahead and put the wheat flour in there and this fully completes the Bolton board for the community center we get complete breakfast and we get the little tunos [Music] yeah so many wonderful bundles thank you thank you anytime anytime look how wonderful this looks oh every time it makes me so happy The Vault looks amazing bulletin board now looks amazing so we just have to get the boiler room all good to go we’re making progress guys and it feels so good thank you little junimo ah you’re a great help I love to dance with the junimos whenever I can look at that we only have two rooms left so we just have the boiler room over here and then we have the fish tank and again like I said I do want to to go try to get the Scorpion carp if possible and then I was kind of thinking so we can catch the blob fish at the night market and that’s one of the other fish that we need for the bundle so if we could catch the blob fish that would be amazing but I don’t know if I’ve ever caught it before and I remember trying to catch it before uh in one of my previous playthroughs and I found it pretty difficult so it’ll be interesting to see if I can actually get it what’s up marello uh I have a book trade in for you oh if we had the hardwood one we could get 20 gosh that would be awesome I’m going to get some stuffing for the Jack be nimble Jack be thick oh did I just sell that to him oh I just sold it to him for money I didn’t even see how much that was uh I didn’t even know you could do that very interesting okay so I want to look for this Woody secret wonder if I have any Woody secret back at the base back at the base back at the farm back of the Bas sounds so weird in this game hey we got another bone flute hello Clint I back here what you asked for here’s the steel axe thank you I’ll get started on this as soon as I can should be ready in a couple of days thanks very much great appreciated Clint as always and how are we going to get a battery pack guys didn’t even look at the traveling cart the other day and I should have let’s go donate to the museum let’s get this uh little ancient pot in there that’s one more that we can take off so that is a beautiful thing somehow the bridge and the the bridge for the Quarry is rep repaired I’m shocked it must have taken a whole team to fix that thing who could have done that H I don’t know I have absolutely no idea who could have done that definitely wasn’t us we had no part of that nope hello Pam I know this is expensive but we’re going to take a trip over to the desert hopefully this is work worth it because that was a lot of money to spend but we are all good we’ll make the money back I’m not worried about it there is so many cacti around all right pretty sure this is where we can catch the Scorpion carp so if we can catch this that’s one towards the master bundle we are on the right track so wish me luck guys so we only have until 8:00 p.m. to catch this this is probably going to be a sandfish right here if it is the Scorpion carp that would be incredible cuz that would be our first catch and we would be really lucky but this is probably going to be a sandfish yep there we go all right that is my first catch though and we got one so hey I’ll take it so we have about a half an hour more like 20 minutes now to catch the Scorpion CB it doesn’t look like we’re going to get it today unless we get really lucky here in the last 10 minutes man this is a tricky fish to catch where this is going to take us a couple rounds it is eight yeah we’re we’re not going to be able to catch it now but I am going to go around really quickly before we head home and just kind of grab some of the wormies that’s around anything else look at the dancing fireflies they’re beautiful anyways we’re pulling back into stard Valley thank you so much Pam for for staying up and driving me but we are going to go ahead and sell all of my sandfish you guys I uh got quite a lot of them I got eight that’s uh pretty impressive so I am going to probably just sell off we’ll keep two and then kind of sell the rest of everything else that’s just random but you guys that is going to have to do it for this episode of stardy Valley thank you so much for hanging out with me today as always and just relaxing and I’m playing some stardo with me I always greatly appreciate it but we’re going to finish off this episode here because the next episode is going to be the squid Fest uh it should be pretty interesting a new event in 1.6 that I’m excited to take on with you guys we’ll see if we can finally catch the squid that I’m looking for not only for the quest but also for my own achievements in the game it’s going to be a blast so stay tuned have a very beautiful wonderful day thank you to my patrons as always you guys are amazing and thank you so much for the support and I will catch you guys in the next episode of stard D Valley bye guys

ANOTHER CC ROOM DONE! (Stardew Valley 1.6 Let’s Play) – Ep 26

Welcome to the wonderful cozy peaceful world of Stardew Valley! The game has a new 1.6 update and it is HUGE! In this let’s play we will be exploring the new update while we play through the game! 🤗


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Thank you for supporting my channel and watching my videos! Hope your day is amazing, hope to see you in the next video! ❤️️ #stardewvalley #stardewvalleyupdate #stardewvalleyletsplay


  1. Let's goooo. I get to enjoy this while I get the grill ready. Happy 4th of July to you and yours and anyone who reads this. I appreciate the entertainment Nashy, keep being the best!

  2. Yay! More Nash content! I started watching this series at some point after the 25th episode was uploaded and I binge watched the whole thing before becoming a new subscriber

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