I Survived 100 Days as RAINBOW TITAN in Minecraft!

what would happen if you fuse the power of light into a Titan you would get the rainbow Titan a Titan that can bend the entire spectrum of color and light to his own will now for the next 100 days I’ll be surviving as the rainbow Titan using my incredible powers to defeat the shadow skibbies while transforming into bigger and stronger forms will I be able to stop the darkness Titan from consuming all color or will I be lost in the void you’ll have to watch until the end to find out on day one I spawned in is a TV man on a sky island full of color my father emerged before me the god Titan today is a big day for you son today you will gain the power of light to help us defeat the skiy toilets suddenly dark clouds gathered in the sky as a black portal opened on the ground we watched as the darkness Titan emerged before us your light has ruled over long enough now it’s time for everything to be bathed in Shadows the darkness Titan ran in to attack me but my dad jumped my defense he used use his godly power to try and strike down the corrupted Titan but he was no match for his evil Magic the darkness Titan fired back with a powerful beam and my dad was left weak on the brink of death Dad no son I love you please take my power and protect our world my dad used what was left of his divine power to strike me with a rainbow beam of energy my body shifted into one of vibrant colors granting me five more hearts and new powers I was now a baby rainbow Titan the the darkness Titan hit my father with another blow finishing him off for good no you’re mine now the enemy closed in leaving me with nowhere to run I frantically looked around and noticed the fountain below me before diving into it in a desperate attempt to escape on day two I swam down into the depths of the fountain trying to escape the wrath of the darkness Titan you can’t escape the darkness down there little Titan to my horror the tentacles made of dark energy bursted out around me hi did my best to avoid them as more continued to sprout in my path I swam up and gased for air but when I did I realized I was heading straight towards a waterfall I plummeted down over the edge Falling Towards what I thought would be my certain Doom luckily the water at the bottom broke my fall however something still nagged in me I definitely saw something interesting as I was falling go back and watch at 0 25 speed and see if you can spot it more crazy surprises will be hidden all throughout the video so try and find them all before I had a moment to rest SK toilets drained of color began to crawl out All Around Me Slowly closing in like zombies must consume all light I tried to run away but more were lurking around every corner I was surrounded with nowhere to flee I BRAC myself as the zombie skibbies attacked on day three I was about to be slain by skib toilets when out of nowhere I Unleashed an incredible rainbow beam attack in my new rainbow form I had new powers looks like it’s time to fight right back I began to use my abilities to my advantage taking out a few of the skib toilets in the process Unfortunately The Horde was still too much for me to take on alone it was only a matter of time before I was overwhelmed completely I was knocked to low health and surrounded I’m sorry Dad just as I was about to lose hope a paintbrush man jumped in to help me leave him alone armed with his staff he beat down zombify toilet after zombified toilet saving me from their attack his skills were amazing and I was eventually able to back him up with my new powers before long he had taken down The Last Enemy oh are coming let’s get out of here I followed the paintbrush man across the surface where we discovered the city was already being drained of color as well patches of Darkness had popped up everywhere infecting the area like mold be careful where you step if you touch the darkness you’ll become zombies just like those toilets just then a Darkness Titan minion emerged from the black gooze in front of us they found us run on days 4 through 7 the paintbrush man and I avoided the shadowy area around us as the darkness minion continued hot on our trail soon we were cornered by a massive pool of Darkness on the other side we could see the remainder of the road there isn’t any other way around this we have to cross over we began to jump from platform to platform doing everything we could to avoid the deadly ooze around us unfortunately things got worse as the darkness minion was able to move freely through the Dark Void below us it came after the paintbrush man and I trying trying to knock us into the Shadows with them we evaded the attacks and pressed onwards until finally we both reached the other side in one piece as we continued to run suddenly the minion popped out of nowhere ambushing us look out the paintbrush man ended up getting knocked into the darkness and when he reemerged his body was drained of color turning him partially gray oh no paintbrush man I quickly struck down the minion with my rainbow attack but the damage had already been done the paintbrush man was corrup Ed are you okay I don’t have much time before the darkness spreads you have to come with me now with my Ally now on a timer the two of us continued onwards running into a nearby tunnel determined to find help before he completely turned on days 8 through 10 I followed my paintbrush Ally into a cavern where his Titan was waiting inside I noticed that he was also infected by the darkness and his body had already turned partially gray at last you found the rainbow Titan you were looking for me but why the Titan paintbrush man waved his staff sending me into a vision there are six mythical colored fountains spread across this land only the rainbow Titan has the power to harness these fountains to their full potential if they are all located and activated their power will combine into the ultimate combination of light and color strong enough to stop the darkness Titan please collect the power of all the fountains and save our realm from Darkness suddenly Darkness minions invaded the area threatening my new friends both of them were weak from their condition so I used my powers to defend them the best I could I was beginning to get the upper hand on the enemies until a massive dark monster emerged to stop me you won’t get away rainbow Titan The Entity tore open a black hole The Vortex began to suck everything towards it dragging me towards certain doom on day 11 through 14 I fought for my life as I was being pulled closer towards the center of the black hole High thought fast and blasted down some rocks from the ceiling with my Powers the Rocks crashed down filling the black hole completely and causing it to close escap through the tunnel we’ll hold this guy off for now I listened to my friends and ran towards the exit I rounded a curve and jumped deeper into the caverns to make my Escape before I knew it I found myself in a huge tunnel system I didn’t have time to rest as the scuttling sound of toilets grew louder and louder the rainbow Titan went this way find him I better keep moving I ran through the winding Passage doing my best to outrun my pursuers and not get caught I finally managed to escape the underground tunnels but soon the ground beneath my feet became unstable the floor collapsed sending me falling into the depths of the Underground on days 15 through 17 I landed inside a cavern full of redstone at the very center was a fountain encrusted with red gems there it is that must be the first colored Fountain I ran towards the structure but when I got a closer look I realized that the water was wasn’t flowing like it should have I looked closer and realized shadowy energy was blocking the Water Source get out of the way Darkness I Ed my power to blast away the Shadows clearing the blockage however the energy gathered and transformed into a terrifying monster you will not harness your full power bow before me the enti began firing a shadow blast attack nearly wiping me out with a flurry of projectiles I did my best to defend myself with everything I had at my disposal but it was clear the monster was far stronger than anything else I had faced so far in my current state I didn’t stand a chance I need the power of the fountain I ran towards the fountain but the monster knocked me away before I could touch its red water your little tricks won’t work so long just as I was about to be killed the Titan paintbrush man dropped down to defend me leave him alone he swung down his mighty paintbrush knocking the monster away from me you’ve restored the fountain’s Color Run to it hurry I took my chance and dove into the red water of the color Fountain its power surged through my very being causing me to grow bigger and stronger in size I gained five hearts and new Titan abilities now it’s time for you to feel my true power I jump back into The Fray and unleash my new Rainbow laser abilities onto the enemy killing him instantly thanks for the help back there suddenly an overwhelming sensation came over me causing me to grow dizzy I was transported into a vision where I was a younger version of myself with another small cameraman we were playing together in my home how is this possible am I seeing something from my past on days 22 to 25 I continued to run around but the little Titan caught me winning the game of tag you little Titans be careful now you’re not at your full strengths yet that’s true sir but one day I’m going to be the strongest Titan there is we continued to play together before I was suddenly re awoken in the present day I had a best friend but where did he go how did I forget him I have to find him and get some answers he might even be able to help me finish my quest just then I looked and saw the Titan paintbrush man wasn’t feeling well Darkness I can’t hold it off anymore I watched as his color faded and he suddenly became completely gray he had been consumed by dark energy must eliminate color the darkness had made him into a Mindless zombie and he came right at me I braced myself knowing I had a tough fight on my hands on days 26 through 28 I clashed with the corrupted Titan paintbrush man I was hesitant to fight knowing he was a good person before the corrupt and consumed him but he used his black paint glob attacks on me with clear intent to kill please snap out of it I’m your friend and we will be friends once more if you join me in the Eternal Shadows he came after me with another attack which he landed cleanly forcing me to retaliate with my new Rainbow laser abilities I can’t get through to him I have to think of something else I looked around and spotted a wall of cobwebs that I could trap the Titan in I quickly ran to the cobwebs as the Titan pursued me I ran went through just in time and he was caught in the wall of web join the Shadows join the shadows I’m sorry I promise I’ll find a way to save you just then I noticed that the Titan had dropped a map right next to me I picked it up without hesitation maybe something on this map can help me cure the Titan paintbrush man I followed the map making my way outside towards a marked area but when I got there I found a town that was completely corrupted by Darkness I searched the area hoping to find some survivors who had been Untouched by the darkness as I explored I came across a small cave I went up to it and peaked inside hello is anyone in there suddenly I was startled as a dark skibby toilet flew out of the cave and attacked me on days 29 to 32 I was hit by the dark skibby and launch backwards I landed on a platform surrounded by darkness and the skibby loomed over me menacingly looks like I have company as the toilet came at me I tried to fight him off with my rainbow attacks managing to keep him from overwhelming me traed blows back and forth but through clever use of my Powers I started to win the fight just as I was about to deal a killing blow I was caught up guard but the Ski’s knockback attack I was knocked into the darkness and the Ooze quickly damaged my Titan form when I reemerged I had turned partially gray and my body was corrupted you’ll pay for that I blasted him with another powerful rainbow beam and took the skibby down for good but now I knew that the Clock Was ticking for me if I couldn’t find a cure I would lose my mind just like the Titan paintbrush man did just then I spotted a piece of paper that the toilet had dropped upon his death I picked it up and read it it was some kind of cure to permanent Darkness but the recipe called for orange fountain water looks like I can’t cure anyone until I locate the next Fountain just then I spotted a droplet of orange on the ground in the distance I crossed over the darkness to investigate and found even more droplets this must lead to the orange Fountain the corruption was weakening me but I pushed on determined to find a way to cure everyone on days 33-35 I followed the trail of orange droplets until I found myself in a strange cave looking deeper inside I spotted the orange found deeper within there it is unfortunately for me though there was a Darkness monster guarding it the monster looked too tough to take on directly so I began looking for a way to get around him as I did I did a double take at the fountain and I thought I spotted something swimming inside but when I looked back it was gone is the gray illness making me see things go back and rewatch at 0 25 speed and see if you can spot what I saw I kept quiet as I sneaked my way towards the back of the fountain unfortunately as I did the darkness monster turned and spotted me there’s the Rainbo run away you’re mine now the monster jumped down and came at me I tried to retreat to get my bearings but he was quick and strong he used his shadow breath attacks on me dealing heavy damage but I was able to endure the hits I tried to fight him off with my rainbow powers but the corruption of the gray curse was slowing me down and rendering me too weak to win H this curse is no joke but I have to get that orange Fountain no matter what I ran past the monster and took my chance to jump into the fountain the water touched me caused me to transform into my third form I gained five hearts and new powers Stand Down Beast I Unleashed my new Rainbow slam attack striking down the boss taste the power of my upgraded wao out of nowhere I began to feel dizzy my vision blurred and went dark when the darkness faded I looked around and saw that I had once again appeared in my childhood home this must be another flashback on days 36 through 39 I was experiencing a flashback to my younger years and I quickly bumped into my childhood friend Dre hey Max I have something cool to show you what is it Dre come with me I followed behind Dre and he eventually led me to an area full of skibbidy toilets what are those things my surprise Outburst caused one of the toilets to spot us Intruder everyone attack the toilets ran towards us and attacked Dre and I we didn’t stand a chance and were immediately backed into a corner we were about to get hurt when my dad suddenly arrived and slammed into the toilets protecting us both what are you boys doing Dre was just showing me something cool dad yeah we were just playing playing you think this is a game I told you boys a thousand times how dangerous those creatures are and you lead my son directly to them Dad please go easy on him he could have gotten you killed son I didn’t think we’d be spotted sir I’m so sorry save your breath you’re no longer welcome here leave now the god Titan forc my friend Dre to leave before I could see what happened next I awoke from the flashback snapping back to reality my dad broke up our friendship whatever happened to Dre I need to find the next colored Fountain and find out where my friend went I focused on my main mission once more and gathered up some orange water using the recipe I had obtained from the toilet earlier I placed down a bruise stand and began following the steps written on it before long I had created a cure this is just what I needed I just hope it’s not too late to turn the Titan back without any further delay I headed back the way I came determined to cure the Titan of his corruption on days 40 through 43 I returned to find that the Titan had fortunately not escaped from his captivity while I still had the chance I used the Cure on him and it worked purging his body of the darkness you how how did I get here and why am I entangled in these webs it’s okay you got corrupted but I cured you I then used my rainbow beam powers to break the webs holding the Titan much appreciated Titan do you have more of that potion I do here take this cure and use it on your people I dropped a few leftover potions for the Titan to take to his people right thanks for your help Max the paintbrush men will be eternally grateful for what you’ve done for us just as we were about to leave we both spotted the darkness Titan enter the cavern we quickly took cover to avoid being spotted he glanced our away but soon continued on where is he going he might take me to some valuable Intel I must go cure my people you go after him I parted ways with the Titan paintbrush man and followed behind the darkness Titan at a distance he soon led me to a Rainbow Bridge the bridge led to the next Fountain which was levitating high in the sky the rainbow Titan will never reach this one he used a laser attack on the bridge crumbling it and leaving a huge gap in the middle once he had broken a section of the bridge to pieces he left the area completely allowing me to come out of hiding and approach the Gap little does he know I have wings now I spread my new wings and flew over the broken bridge however when I landed on the other side of the Gap I was immediately ambushed by a swarm of flying dark skiy it was a trap on days 44- 46 I was being swarmed by a group of dark flying skibbies hyr the not them out of the air with my rainbow attacks but they fired back down on me with attacks of Their Own these things are annoying I took to disguise myself to even the playing field using my wings I was able to get in close and knock several of them out of the sky the fight was turning in my favor but unfortunately one of the Skies landed a hit on my back and clipped my wing I began to fall oh no not good as I plummeted towards the bridge below I thought I was done for out of nowhere though my paint brushman Ally showed up and used a bucket to place a pool of water beneath me I land landed in it and it cushioned my fall saving my life are you okay yeah thanks for the safe but how’d you get over here I painted my own bridge to come over and help wow that’s amazing but we’ve got trouble that Fountain is too high up for me to reach now that my wing is hurt I think I can help you but you’ll only get one shot just then the paintbrush man took out a potion of levitation and threw it at me it took effect immediately and I began to float upwards towards the fountain in the sky on days 47- 50 the potion of levitation was making me float upwards the fountain was drawing near but the last dark skib minions set their sights back onto me as I levitated past them must eliminate color the skib used his dark magic attack on me nearly knocking me out of the sky leave him alone my paintbrush man Ally backed Me Up From Below firing projectiles up at my Foe and keeping them from Landing additional hits on me thanks to my paintbrush man allies backup I soon outran the skib and found myself approaching the fountain above me just as the potion wore off I managed to reach out and pull myself up onto the fountain I made it there’s no time to waste I dove into the fountain water soaking in it and absorbing new power I gained five new Hearts new powers and my wings were mended time to show you the real power of a Titan I dropped down from above landing on the dark skib and taking him down in a single Mighty stomp attack as he fell my vision blurred once again and I drifted into another flashback on days 51- 54 I was once again in a flashback from my childhood I was my younger self following my friend Dre into a clearing within a dark Forest thanks for meeting me out here we can’t risk your dad seeing us together of course you’re my best friend now what did you want to show me I think I discovered something that can help us defeat those skibbidy toilets check this out Dre Ed some kind of dark magic draining the area around him of color I watched in awe as he was then able to shoot a bolt of energy from his body and destroy a tree next to us wa I’ve never seen anyone do anything like that before I looked backed over at Dre and saw that part of his body had turned gray hey are are you okay ah don’t worry about that what matters is how strong this power is those toilets won’t know what hit them and then your dad will have to let us be friends again I don’t know this seems a bit dangerous dangerous I’m just willing to do what’s necessary to deal with the skibbies if that’s what it takes for your dad to let us hang out again then so be it but I guess our friendship doesn’t matter as much to you Dre stormed off and I suddenly returned to reality the path Dre’s going down looks dangerous I have to make sure he’s okay maybe the spot from the flashback could show me where he went with my repaired wings I thanked the paintbrush man and took to thegu I flew through the air until I arrived at the forest for my flashback it was surrounded by warning signs telling people not to enter and to turn back I’ve come too far to get scared off now I’m Coming For You Dre I entered the forest determined to find Ray on days 55 through 57 I Traverse the Dark Forest in search of any clues as I wandered through the forest I found myself becoming disoriented I’ve been here before am I lost I tried to fly upwards but a strange Forest pulled me back down to the ground G this Forest is creepy be I need to find what I’m looking for quick I continued on foot instead but as I moved through the forest I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was watching me who’s there I looked past the brush and saw something standing in the distance H I panicked and ran unsure of what this creature was and whether or not it would try to follow me in my Panic State I wasn’t paying attention to where I placed my feet and almost ended up stepping on a massive hole in the ground fortunately I spotted it right before falling in what’s up with this place it’s like I’m being hunted suddenly I heard the sound of something approaching me I couldn’t see it but I knew it was closing in on me quickly on days 58- 61 the creature that had been chasing me broke through the nearby Greenery and came into view it was terrifying and I tried to strike it down with a rainbow tag quickly unfortunately it was fast and dodged everything I threw at it it’s too quick I can’t hit it I was forced to run as the creature gave Chase I did everything I could to stay ahead of the creature as it pursued me but I knew it was gaining on me and that I was running out of time I ran back into the forest and as I circled back to the pitfall I had gotten an idea the creature closed in on me and attempted to strike me but I managed to avoid the attack by taking to the air I flew over to the pitfall and hovered above it in place this idea was risky but I had a feeling it could work come and get me ugly the creature lunged in for the kill but I pivoted backwards and it landed in the pit killing it for good next time you should look before you leave with the threat neutralized I continued searching the forest for the area from my flashback eventually I came across the clearing from my Visions but it was now covered in dark ritual summoning circles I don’t like the looks of this just then something appeared on one of the circles and then disappeared but I didn’t manage to see what it was did you see that watch back at25 speed and comment if you saw it I began investigating the summoning Circle for some kind of hint as to where Drake could be but in doing so I stood on it and caused a void skib toilet to appear out of nowhere your power will be mine on days 62- 64 the void skiy came at me and I began to fend him off dark magic emanated from his being supercharging his attack he threw out several dark glob attacks to me I pop back with my rainbow beam to keep him at Bay you can’t hit Shadows watch me try I was about to slice my rainbow sword into the void toilet but he suddenly began using the ritual circles to teleport around the area I couldn’t hit him hold still you freak I began to destroy some of the ritual circles limiting how many places he could teleport to soon there was only one left but he had another trick up his sleeve get over over here he summoned a black hole which sucked me into another dimension we then both reappeared in a new area we were inside a facility of some sort and I saw that the next color Fountain was nearby way to go idiot you took me right where I needed to be oh crud I dashed towards the fountain as quickly as I could and dove into the green water as soon as I made contact with it I was granted five hearts and new powers let’s see what you look like with a little more color I ran back towards the void skibby and use my new Rainbow blast attack to Strike It Down For Good As it fell the effects of the colored water took a hold of me and I was taken into another flashback on days 65- 67 I found myself in a new flashback from my childhood I was back in my younger body looking up at my father you’ve seemed upset lately son what troubles you nothing why would anything be wrong nothing did our friendship really mean so little to you suddenly clouds gathered in the sky and I felt a sense of dread wash over me I watched as Dre stepped out before us r i exiled you and that was your biggest mistake now I’ll show you my true power power that makes yours pale by comparison he began using dark magic draining the world around him and himself of color Dre stop it was too late and before I knew what was happening Dre mutated and trans formed into the darkness Titan he then set his sights on my father it’s time that I put an end to your rain he lunged at my father and they clashed it back causing me to snap out of the flashback this flashback left me drain and I was shocked to my core I I can’t believe it Dre was the darkness Titan this entire time so you finally remember I turned and saw the darkness Titan moving over me before I had a chance to respond he used his abilities on me causing me to black out on day 68 to 72 I woke up inside of a cage where the darkness Titan was standing before me it took some time but I finally caught you rainbow Titan or should I call you old friend so it is you Dre why are you doing this we used to be friends don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten you and your father both exiled me you were dabbling in dark magic I wasn’t happy about your Exile but my father did it for your protection no he did it for your protection he couldn’t stand that his precious son might get hurt even if it was in the pursuit of a power that could save the world he treated you like a baby Trey this dark power has messed with your mind this isn’t Who You Are You Don’t Know Me Anymore you didn’t even try to stop your father from sending me away but the Shadows have always been my friend and now I’m going to use their power to overthrow you both and rule this world myself it’s not too late let me help you we can make things right we can work together like you always wanted enough lies I’m going to end this now he powered on a machine that began to fill my cage with toxic gas without another word he left my lungs began to burn and each second was a step closer to Suffocation I needed to get out of here I tried to use my sword attacks on the cage but it wouldn’t budge and with every second I spent in the gas I could feel myself growing weaker come on I can’t die here I used my remaining strength to unleash a massive rainbow blast attack and blast the glass bring myself as I escaped the cage Sirens began to go off high ran before backup could arrive on days 73 to 75 I ran from the facility as the darkness Titans minions emerged to stop me I had come far on this journey of mine it was strong enough to blast through hordes of them as I ran but they just kept coming I didn’t have time to face them all and knew I needed to get as far away as I could as I was escaping I heard a distressed voice calling out from the back of the facility help oh no someone’s in trouble I flew back to the sound of the screaming and came up on a drill man trapped outside the facility while every extra second I spent here added to the risk of getting caught I knew that I couldn’t leave him to die I ran up to the cage and broke the drillman out of it let’s get out of here together I tried to escape back the way I came but a larger guard arrived to stop us nowhere to run rainbow Titan that’s what you think follow me rainbow Titan the drill man dug into the ground and created an Escape Route for us both right under the minion’s nose we soon emerged on a nearby mountain and out of sight of the threat that was close thanks for helping me back there please take this he handed me a map titled colored Fountain where did you get this I stole it from one of the darkness minions as it was being imprisoned the darkness Titan is using the Titan drill man to guard the fountain you need to cure him and harness your full power leave it to me I won’t let you down I thank the drillman for his help and began following the directions on the map on days 76 to 79 I followed the map and soon Came Upon the next colored Fountain unfortunately just like the drillman had warned me the corrupted Titan drillman was standing guard in front of it time to put this cure to use I moved as silently as I could and managed to successfully sneak up on the Titan with my orange water cure I had prepared I threw it at him once I was close enough but to my horror nothing happened the Titan then turned around and set his sights on me Must Destroy color he came after me and our fight began as he attacked me I tried to figure out what I had done wrong why didn’t that work do I need to use the blue fountain water instead the Titan drillman struck me with a drill attack staggering me and allowing him to run in for a close-range strike before he could reach me I used my rainbow beam attack to put some distance between us I kept up my barrage of Sword attacks but he dug into the ground to get out of the path of fire and reemerge behind me key landed a melee head with his drills knocking me backward under some electrical poles all color must be destroyed he charged at me for a follow-up attack but I dodged at the last second causing him to strike the electrical wires it shocked him stunning the Titan temporarily now’s my chance I ran to the Fountain and dove into it causing me to gain five more hearts and new powers the Titan drillman recovered and stormed towards me but unfortunately for him I had already created a new cure using the blue water take your medicine I through the Cure at him as he came close the Cure caused his color to return and restored him to his original form oh my head rainbow Titan I need your help the other alliance members were captured and corrupted like me don’t worry when I’m done with them they’ll be back to normal before I was corrupted and captured I was attempting to rescue some of our allies from a facility north of here I need to get back there and you need to recover I’ll go save them I followed the lead the Titan drill man had given me and headed north towards the facility on days 80 to 83 I eventually arrived at the facility the Titan had told me about if he was right then my allies were trapped inside I stealed my way up to the outside wall of the facility and peered inside I saw many alliance members trapped in cages and all of them were drained of their color this is worse than I thought I need to get to them and help I used every ability that I had on the door nearest to me but nothing seem capable of breaking through it I guess it just needs a key or something just then I realized that using my powers on the door had accidentally revealed a secret rainbow path what’s this could it lead to the key I followed the rainbow path hoping that I would find something useful at the end of it I kept moving until I spotted a golden key floating at the end of it looks like there is gold at the end of this rainbow I approached the key but when I went to pick it up a leprechaun skib dropped down and snagged it first this is me gold nobody can have it on days 84 through 86 the leprechaun skiy was trying to run away with the key fortunately I was able to use my powers to create a barrier and stop him in his tracks hand over the key never the only way to get this key from me is true a trade a trade yes one gold key for one pot of gold that’s it I give you a pot of gold and I get the key you’ve got yourself a deal I flew off overhead surveying the land below me for a source of gold soon I spotted a quarry I dropped down into it hoping it wasn’t full of coal in a stroke of luck it was full of gold ore score this must be the Luck of the Irish I wasted no time and used my powers to mine the Gold soon I had tons of gold nuggets in my inventory once I had 100 gold nuggets they fused and transformed into a pot of gold with the pot of gold in my possession I flew back the way I came and soon returned to the leprechaun I handed the pot of gold over and he picked it up quickly there’s your gold I kept my side of the deal now it’s your turn give me that key a Deal’s a deal let me just ah look an alien I glanced over my shoulder and the leprechaun ran off trying to escape but he didn’t get far before I hit him with an attack and killed him with a single blow he dropped the key upon his death and I picked it up all you had to do was hold up your end of the deal man I went back the way I came and returned to the sealed entrance I used the key to unlock it and made my way inside ready to rescue my allies on days 87 to 89 I was using my rainbow beam to destroy the cages holding the alliance members and the machines draining their color are you guys okay we’ll be okay but there are more of us trapped deeper in the facility please hurry I heeded the clock man’s words and headed deeper into the facility entering a large room holding more colorless alliance members I looked around the room for a way to free them when I saw that the final Fountain was here the final Fountain was here all long I have to harness its power and free these guys determined to help those that needed me I ran towards the fountain but I set up a pressure plate causing a security protocol to engage as alarm spared around me the cages in the room all opened at once all of the colorless alliance members then came after me the security protocol had robbed them of their Free Will must to take colorful Titan oh no these ones are too far gone to be reasoned with they swore me trying to overwhelm me with their sheer numbers High was strong enough to fight them off but I didn’t want to risk killing any of them I tried to use the cures I had on hand but when I threw the potions at them they seemed to have no effect I have to make a new cure using the purple fountain I knocked the alliance members back and made a break for the fountain once again but the Titan clockman dropped down before me stopping me in my tracks just like the alliance members he was gray too must eliminate all color he attacked me and I knew that I was about to face my toughest opponent yet on days 90 to 92 two the alliance members stopped their approach and watched as I was fighting the corrupted Titan clockman he fought with ferocity as he tried to cut me down with his Time sword his blade hit hard but I was able to keep him at Bay using my own rainbow sword deflecting his strikes but even when I put distance between us he was still able to severely damage me with his Gatling gun he was strong up close and at long range so I knew that I couldn’t overpower him in a fair fight I needed the fountain water to give me an advantage I tried to go for the fountain once again but as I got near it the clockman used his powers to rewind time sending me right back and allowing him to strike me once again fortunately he knocked me right over to the Fountain no the Titan clockman tried to use his time powers on me again but I was able to hop in the fountain before it affected me the colored water powered me up I was granted five more Hearts new powers and I was able to craft a new cure from the new water sorry clockman but Gray’s not your color I charged at the Titan and threw the Cure at him when it made contact with his body it restored his color and changed him back to normal I just had a strange dream that I was no longer golden I’m afraid it was no dream Titan clock man but you’re cured now help me cure everyone else we worked together and ran around using the cures to save the rest of our allies soon they were all back to their normal selves once everyone had their color restored I explained everything to the Titan I see well things seem to be looking up for us after all you successfully obtained the power of a rainbow Titan now all that’s left for you to defeat the darkness Titan defeat him but he used to be my friend there has to be a way to save him instead well your father always had something up his sleeve maybe you should see if he left something behind maybe you’re right I guess it’s time to pay home a visit unsure of what to expect I began to make my way back to my home on days 93 to 95 I made my way back to my home from day one with the power of all six fountains now residing within me I couldn’t help but think about how much things had changed since I had last been here when I landed I found the place was drained of color and corrupted by patches of Darkness all around me there has to be something here that can bring the old Dre back I scoured the area until I reached a massive portal that was grayed out and no longer functional this used to be full of color I wonder if I could get it powered on again my gut told me that my dad left something important inside the portal I got to find a way to open it I looked around and spotted a rainbow colored slot which gave me an idea about how to open the door I Unleashed my rainbow abilities into the slot lighting it up and Power ing on the portal the portal flowed with colors and I could feel that it would allow me to pass through I walked inside and found a huge room with a massive orb of rainbow light energy in the center of it I feel like it’s drawing me in I stepped closer to the orb unable to look away from it before I could touch it I was suddenly sent into a vision on days 96 and 98 I appeared in a realm of pure light I looked around trying to understand where I was that’s when I saw my father standing before me Dad what are you doing here what is this place I see you’ve gained the power of all six rainbow fountains and reached this realm here you can speak with me even though the darkness Titan killed me so many days ago Dad I know the truth now that the darkness Titan was once Dre my best friend how come I didn’t remember until I started interacting with the fountains when I first fought the darkness Titan you were caught in the crossfire you sustained a head injury and God Amnesia The Fountains must have healed you why didn’t you tell me it was wrong of me to hide that information from you I was trying to protect you I’m sorry son I don’t want to kill Dre but I can’t forgive him for killing you Vengeance isn’t the way my son if I had been more understanding towards him he may never have lost his way like this with your color you can still guide him back to the right path how am I supposed to do that with my power of course he imbued me with his Godly light suddenly causing me to gain five hearts and new abilities wo I feel incredible you now have the combined strength of color and light use it to save the darkness Titan from himself I love you son I love you too Dad I W let you down I returned back to reality and realized that I now had a map in my inventory Darkness realm this must be where the darkness Titan is hiding it’s time that I finally brought my friend back on day 99 I arrived at the location on the map and found an area completely consumed by Shadows to make matters worse it was also infested with the darkness Titans minions this must be the right place it’s time that I showed all of them my true power I flew in and began my attack on the darkness Titans Army I was at the height of my power and cut several of them down with ease there’s the rainbow Titan get him man shadowy enemies emerged from my surroundings and came after me in unison they were trying to overwhelm me but I had come too far to let them best me I unleashed the new light abilities I had obtained from my father onto these enemies and found that they were extremely weak to it Taste the rainbow my beams of light cut through the dark figures like they were nothing just then I was struck by a shadow attack I looked up and saw the darkness Titan Landing onto the battlefield well well well like father like son huh then I guess I’ll just have to kill you two before I could move the darkness Titan opened the black hole that pulled both of us into another dimension on day 100 I was on the other side of the portal in a world full of Darkness finally I was face to face with the monster behind everything my rival and former friend the darkness Tian Dre please it’s not too late for us to make this right as if your father sealed me away and now I’ve returned to finish what I’ve started the world will soon see what strength comes from ridding it of color the darkness Titan closed in and landed an attack on me dealing heavy damage my dad’s power had granted me Darkness resistance but not even that was enough to stop him from breaking through my defenses you leave me no choice then I’ll show you the light I unleash my God light upon him knowing that this battle would decide the fate of the world he attempted to land a heavy laser attack on me but I dodged and unleash a barrage consisting of many colorful Powers I had gained along my journey this dealt notable damage to him but he was able to take it he endured the attacks and closed in Striking me with a precise and devastating claw attack knocking me to the edge of a cliff I was inches away from falling to my utter Doom your father was a God and he couldn’t defeat me you you’re nothing and I’ll kill you just like I killed him hearing him talk about my father like that filled me with rage and I Unleashed a Godly sword attack sending him flying back you’ll pay for taking him away before he could recover I Unleashed My ultimate light attack the blow was devastating and left him weak and defeated I flew over him with venance in my heart knowing that I could end his life right now if I wanted to but then I remembered what my dad said no I don’t want Vengeance I want my friend back I threw a cure onto him and he shrunk down to his original form as this happened color was restored to the world my color I never thought I would feel this way again you saved me rainbow Titan anything for my best friend make sure you never lose sight of the light again Dre had done terrible things but I had managed to put him back onto the path of light I knew that the future would be Bright Now that we are reunited but wait did you catch all the Easter eggs that golden TV Man is Hard to spot so make sure you re-watch the video to find them all bye

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What would happen if you fused the power of light into a titan? You would get the RAINBOW TITAN, a titan that can bend the entire spectrum of color and light to his own will! Now, for the next 100 days, I’ll be surviving as the Rainbow Titan, using my incredible powers to defeat the shadow skibidis while transforming into bigger and stronger forms. Will I be able to stop the Darkness Titan from consuming all color, or will I be lost in the void? You’ll have to watch until the end to find out!

Mods utilized:

Curseforge Mods:

Additional Lights – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/additional-lights
Alex’s Mobs – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/alexs-mobs
Citadel – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/citadel
Angel Ring – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/angel-ring
Curios API – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/curios
Cyclic – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cyclic
BetterAnimalsPlus – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betteranimalsplus
Architectury API – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/architectury-api
BMorph – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/budschies-morph-mod
Carry On – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/carry-on
Catalogue – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/catalogue
CMD Cam – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cmdcam
Creative Core – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/creativecore
Configured – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/configured
Custom NPCs – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/custom-npcs
Dynamic Surroundings – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dynamic-surroundings
Effortless Building – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/effortless-building
Fakename – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fakename
Flyspeedmod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fly-speed-modifier-mod/files
Hide Armor – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hide-armor
Just Enough Items – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei
LuckyTNT – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/luckytnt
Mob Battle – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mob-battle-mod
MorePlayerModels – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/more-player-models
OptiFine – https://optifine.net/adloadx?f=OptiFine_1.16.5_HD_U_G7.jar&x=59c3
Pehkui – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pehkui/
Shrink – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/shrink_
Supplementaries – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/supplementaries
Selene – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/selene
The Mighty Architect – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-mighty-architect
Warp – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-warp-mod
Wings – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wings
World Edit – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/worldedit

Suggested rating: TV-PG
This video contains material not suitable for younger audiences.


  1. who thinks hat max craft is just making skibidi toilet 100 days . it just the same .i now like feel bored .i now dont even feel like watching max craft . it is not fun anymore .earlier it used to make me laugh .now i just get bored .please bring a new 100 days not in any skibidi multiverse

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