The Stardew Valley Mod Where Emily Dates Sandy

so originally I found a mod where you actually marry Sandy and I was going to play through the entire marriage storyline till I noticed something much more interesting on The Mod page there is an optional rival heart event storyline with Sandy and Emily oh holy So today we’re playing through the Sandy and Emily romance mod where our two favorite quirky girlies fall in love in a story of friendship blossoming romance and me battling my crippling gambling addiction so I started up a new farm called Stu Yuri farm and hopefully it’s going to be working cuz we had a few issues uh last time I’m pretty sure we need to get into the desert which means this is broken and the only way to fix that of course is Jo Jamar it’s in the Name of Love look at them working away moris is like come on boys work harder we’ve got love to get going the cat I feel like I’ve got right I feel like just because it’s like the thing right now you know what I mean okay now if we take the bus in we should we have to wait for Pam come on Pam love can’t wait for your slow alcoholic walk get that booty moving please we need the opening cut scene with Sandy for this mod to work please please please a customer welcome to sy’s Oasis you like just like the new farmal that Emily wrote To Me about oh lovely pin Pals huh then the bus line to St Valley is back in service oh I’m so happy I’m happy too because you don’t know the stress that I’ve gone under to get this working for the people at YouTube we had a few issues with this mod beforehand I can’t give her anything what wait she’s not even in the list of people why is it not working so now the real test to see can we actually gift her things what does she like deodal I’m going to go with a deodal just like Haley would here do you like this oh my God I can give her a gift oh that makes me so relieved oh wow nothing says spring like a stu Valley dael wait she’s so sweet so the first event that we need is for Sandy to get up to two hearts and for Emily to also be at two hearts just Chow Down on these daffles for me will you I don’t know where you’re going to put these in the desert why are you digging through the trash you’re trash bro hi Emil ah spring the season of pastels I actually preer jewel tones myself all right well okay you prefer jewel tones well then prefer these jewel tones I’m going to put this under my pillow and hopefully I’ll dream about the ocean that doesn’t seem comfortable but that’s fine two hearts two hearts two hearts okay okay first heart event chat here we go is this going to work too out of itti baby for some reason she’s all the way in the corner over there that’s it’s fine no we got chat don’t celebrate too early yet this actually worked yesterday this isn’t the one that broke I was just thinking about going to the desert to try and convince Sandy that she should come visit pelicant Town more she’s always talking about how lonely things are over there but I can’t seem to persuade her that it would be worthwhile to make her trip here maybe if you come along we could talk to her together what are you saying n know well I’ve met her once but yeah sure I’m sure I can I’m a very convincing man I’ll bring my axe maybe that’ll convince her bro third Wheeling already I know oh hi sweetie did you tag along with Emily you here to buy our seeds Sandy don’t call me sweetie otherwise this isn’t going to be a rival ofan mod this is going to be a marriage showcase no Nino’s here with me we wanted to talk to you about visiting picant Town more often oh see you to a gang it up on me huh yeah we are Sandy we start pulling out like chains in the a I brought along you’re always going on and on about how bored you are out here in the desert that’s true but who will manage a store when I’m not here to to be honest with you Sandy you have one customer you somehow manag to move to the one place in the valley that has more failing businesses than Pelican town you don’t even get that many customers all right Emily straight to the point you can afford to take a break now and again it’s not good for you to be cooped up in here all the time the bounce is gone you don’t want feeling the need to go play some blackjack no just just me okay Emily you win I’ll visit on Sundays sound good it absolutely sounds good to me Sandy oh this is going to be so great Sandy we’ll be able to spend more time together W wig wi nudge nudge Emily cute wait no why am I back in the valley I wanted to do some gambling I don’t know why she’s so reluctant to go to the valley she loves it so much yeah why does she stay in the desert because she’s [Music] Sandy all right hey Sandy how’s it going I’ll see you next Sunday sweetie does does today not count uh here’s the thing um we actually can’t see the sick and heart event yet so we have to skip forward a few weeks three weeks later oh Sandy what’s going on Welcome to the valley you want me to show you around I could show you to this really cool house at two girls liveing the sisters it’s pretty cool please work I’m praying and now if we walk in we should get the three heart of in why is it not working Emily oh no no no God no yes yes I really appreciate you mending the tear in the skirt Emily oh yeah of course Sandy how’d you end up tearing it anyway well there’s a lot of cactus in in the desert Emily well I went out dancing last night with another girl who do you know that’s not just like the bouncer did you try to do a split on the dance floor again no no my skirt got caught on something I swear wow M I can’t believe you remember that a cute did they go out dancing together like I’d ever forget it oh wait that’s actually really sweet that’s like a cute little backstory it’s been how many years 10 10 years ago you went on one date 10 years ago and you haven’t forgotten it you taking me to zuu City to go dancing you love dancing oh no I believe me I’ve seen it everything was G so well the music was great the energy was great the things got a little too festive and suddenly I got the bright idea to just split in that dress I bet that would be so fire I want to go partying with these two I made you that dress orys and it looked amazing well I don’t know about that it was one of my first attempts that’s is so cute they bonding over like sewing and going out partying and stuff but it did look amazing on you everything always done does oh look so look she’s blushing cute oh wow she’s not even subtle with this dude too hard of and she’s going straight into it oh come on Emily don’t sell yourself short your Creations have always been beautiful you have that magic touch that’s any moving a little bit forward there and of course you always came to my rescue I barely even realized what happened before you were whipping out a scarf from who knows where and wrapping me up so I wouldn’t be embarrassed oh oh you know me always happy to to help a friend oh no look look at her face as she’s saying that too if they had kids do you think their kids would make like their hair color would be between like blue and red I just realized there’s a big barrier that would stop them from being able to have kids I didn’t think about that you know him I really miss those days I’ve missed well I’ve missed it here what just move back into the valley Sandy you’re not you’re not missing anything what are you getting out of having a random shot where no one lives wow now that bus is back in full service we never have to be strangers to each other again you’re right Emily thanks for not giving up on me and our friendship that was very cute get out of the way Haley that was actually pretty cute okay Emily what are you doing your girlfriend’s out there no wonder if she doesn’t come into the valley brunch is the most lesbian activity ever I would would think kissing other girls is the most lesbian activity ever but sure I guess brunch could overtake that okay so that was the first rival hard event between the two and what I can GA is that Emily has a bit of a crush but there doesn’t seem to be much reciprocation from Sandy there do you know what I mean Emily that was a disaster what what was that like I’m sorry there was just no like you just friendzoned yourself you said she looked amazing she was into you and then you retracted your statement awful Emily but like I would give that like a three out of 10 I like that their colors are like reverse too like Emily’s blue with a red dress and sy’s red hair with a Blue Dress we need Sandy back in the City more okay we need to get Sandy away from that shop into the big city of Pelican town all right she can open a business here I mean I mean look at it the town is thriving who’s coming into the desert to buy coconuts Sandy I can pick those up from outside you even encourage me to pick them up outside this is a terrible business model Sandy you know just move back in with Emily seriously what about a crocus even a winter St Valley has beautiful flowers you’re a beautiful flower Sandy and with Emily I’m going to make you flourish now get back to the valley and fall in love if I’m Emily’s wingman I like to think that Pam is my wing woman in this don’t worry kid we have those disaster lesbians falling in love for the next H event to help Emily and Sandy fall in love and and kiss and and get Sandy out of the desert we need them to be at the saloon on a Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. which to me makes it sound like the girlies are going out for a little dance dude I hope to God Sandy does a split in the dress oh hi sweetie stop it you oh stop it Sandy didn’t expect to see me here on a Friday night huh well I’ve been thinking about what you and Emily said how I should be more sociable and not lock myself in the store all the time so here I am trying to be more sociable you should have seen Emily’s face when I walked in I bet she was Star Struck unfortunately I don’t know many people here oh well I mean I can introduce you to people listen listen Sandy the only thing you got to do just don’t talk to the guy to my left every everyone else is fine sure if it’s not too much trouble I’d love if you can introduce me to some of the people here oh my God I wait I actually get to that’s so sick this is Leah she eats uh plants off the ground this is Louis and mani they’re secretly fing uh this is Clint don’t ask him about any online forums this is Pam don’t ask her where she was Jan 6 2021 that’s Pierre he’s a capitalist nice to meet you Sandy I’m an artist and aliot here is a writer he likes to say he’s a writer Sandy never actually written anything well hello Sandy it’s good to see you mingling with the town’s folk does this mean we’ll be seeing you here more often at the saloon well anything’s possible now that the bus is back in service I want you to know that you’re always welcome to join our festivals wait that’d be so cool if Sandy showed up to the festivals you must be Clint Emily’s told me all about you oh no C uh well nice to meet you yeah that’s about the best interaction you’re going to get with Clint Emily a Sandy well I think that’s enough new people for one evening but you didn’t even you didn’t even me Pam oras the best ones I introduced you to two like three of the worst people in the valley and we’ve got the two best over here why don’t you help me pick a song to dance to on the Juke Box all right Sandy you ever heard of Chapel Rollin is a song called good luck babe it’s sick thanks for introducing to me to your friends Nino I wouldn’t call them friends I can’t wait to come back next week I like that even Sandy was weirded out by Clinton like as much as I was dogging on Lewis and Elliot I think it’s funny that they were very receptive to her but Clint just couldn’t get a word out when talking to another woman Sandy told me m Lou invited her to attend our festivals I’m so happy that’s so cute nothing is more sad than an injured animal all right that was a there’s a whiplash there Emily let’s go to the lowow and see if she rocks up Sandy you dancing with okay she’s not dancing with Emily that’s that’s disappointing not seeing any Sandy out here wizard you dirty dog always with someone else’s woman huh the Brae on the ocean is so refreshing well it’s nice that she comes to the fbls anyways we need to actually travel to Winter for the next rival heart event so with the power of editing o we’ll be there oo five five um what am I doing what am I doing going to time winter 11 yeah so I think I think that should work oo we’re back wow the power of editing we fast forwarded a whole rest of the year oh this here we go s’s walking on the star drop Emily and she’s so cute and a red red beanie dude Sandy wait up it’s pretty late and it’s such a long walk to the bus stop why didn’t you just stay at my place tonight smooth this is smooth oh that’ be great Emily I do hate trudging through the snow back to the bus let’s [Music] go am I meant to be see am I meant to be seeing this AA blur that blur that blur them out we don’t want to get we don’t want to get demonetized here are you sure you’re comfortable m i I can sleep on the couch Emily’s like no no no no it’s fine it’s fine you just know it’s all good I won’t hear anything of the source Sandy this bed easily feds two people oh that’s why she has such a big bed because she’s a player I get I get it have you heard from your parents lately Sandy this is not good pillow talk I’m not I’m not going to lie to you it’s terrible Pillow Talk No sometimes I don’t think they’re ever coming back I know Haley and I are adults and we take care of ourselves but I still miss them I think Haley does too but she doesn’t want to let on sometimes it’s so hard managing this whole household by myself Haley’s here but you know how she is I love her but it’s so difficult to get her to help out and I think she hates my cooking well if you just stop making squirrel food Emily like I’m sorry but can you blame a girl she deserves better I’m sorry M I know it’s tough how about when I visit on Sundays I make the two of you brunch oh oh that’s really cute oh I couldn’t ask you to do that you’re supposed to be a guest oh please I insist it’ll be one last thing for you to do and besides I enjoy cooking well if you really don’t mind I’d love that I always have loved your cooking we should probably try and get some sleep I wouldn’t want to wake up Haley without chattering I don’t think you have to worry about that Emily it seems like Haley’s gone to the void good night Sandy hey hey m m s’s like are you for real I didn’t go home for this I’m just going to go to sleep damn Sandy really killed the mood with that question huh you fumbled the bag so hard dude in 2 weeks Emily’s going to be laying in bed and she’s going to be like oh can I like dress up in Winter fits look at me in my cute little winter outfit wait this is from Sandy can you stop by the Oasis when you get a chance I need your opinion on something interesting Sandy what the hell did you want me to see you at the Oasis today I’m going to need a hot bowl of soup this afternoon maybe I’ll stop by the saloon oh oh yeah I forget you come into the valley now okay we’re going to pretend we didn’t see you and we’re going to go into the oasis why don’t you just use warp totems shut up Emily keeps trying to get me to join Caroline’s aerobics class but I’m not really into that sort of thing but I do think I need some sort of hobby wouldn’t you agree I think kissing Emily is a hobby and you should get into that of course you know I love flowers so I was thinking maybe I could start making either flower crowns or hair pieces to sell I don’t know how good of an entrepreneur Sandy is I just like selling them I don’t know who’s buying them amori reference that’s what I think of when I see flower crowns too the problem is I can’t decide on which flower crowns or hair pieces I kind of want this to go down to Like A Midsummer or Mory uh storyline so I’m going to go flower crowns thanks Nino that’s just the kind of decisiveness I needed uh you also need to move into town and get out of this desert to see the next rival Hardin mod we actually need to be out of winter editing magic w W so we just going to go to yeah to [Music] W we’re so wow we’ve editing magic we’ve skipped forward an entire season M oh it’s you imagine you imagine you walk at the store and someone looks at you and says oh it’s you for a second I thought you were Emily that’s all yeah okay you didn’t to hurt my feelings like that you know is everything okay what if I chopped liver yeah what if I walked into this what if what if I saw you walk into town and I was like oh Haley oh no oh no it’s just the stinky red head with the failing business huh is everything okay Sandy no I’m offended by that I’m offended by that no no of course not Nino I’m mad I’m helping you start your like your your your flower crown business which in today you know what in today’s economy Sandy it’s a failing business can I confide in you Nino okay but only because it’s June it’s been really nice being back in the valley hanging out with new people reconnecting with Emily I’d almost forgotten how much she means to me yeah so much that you disrespect your own customers like that and I think if you were to ask her she’d say I’m like family to her yeah maybe if you’re in like Alabama or something dude except well I don’t really think of her as family I think of her as more than a friend a best friend do you understand what I’m saying Nino yeah I get it you want to be two best friends who live together and perform art together right is that what you’re saying but I haven’t told her because we’ve been friends for for so long if she doesn’t feel the same way it would ruin everything I don’t think I’d be able to show my face in Pelican town again it would be too awkward and and painful what would you do in my shoes uh well a little hard considering I’m a bloke but you know what just tell her [ __ ] it just do it you know hail Marriot she literally has blue hair pronouns I think you’ll be fine you know what I mean I guess I’ll have to think about this some more promise me you won’t say anything regardless of what I decide thanks sweetie stop hitting on me I’m trying to get you a girlfriend rare seeds for sale damn that’s a business mindset straight back to it can I gamble Club card right oh Jesus sorry sorry Sandy I think I just blew up sorry you didn’t see that listen Sandy as much as I want to try and help you and Emily out and you know gamble on love or anything I got some bu is turn 10 to oh yeah this is this is what I’m talking about I just really got to do this 16 they never say to hit over 16 but I feel like it’s our first run so hit me double or nothing baby let’s go come on we’re on a roll six hit me 11 hit me oh we can hit five cards Dude Hit Me Wait no that’s it we hit five cards don’t we get something if we hit five cards hit me what the do I do no I have to stand there’s no way I get a four or lower what standing on an 18 18’s good are you [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are you serious 19 stand on a 19 that’s a good card that’s a good [Music] card what what’s going on here N9 out of 10 gamblers quit before their big win all right I think we just go again nine oh 10 okay no that’s a good hit 18 that’s a good stand how this table is for Big Shots it’s 1,000 coin bit listen chat I think we’re all nothing here hit me hit me hit me Sandy do you have any change for the bus ride didn’t expect to see me so early huh I know it’s a little romantic Sandy considering it’s pissing down with rain I cut right to the chase Nino do you I to like come inside first it’s just soaking remember how I wanted to start making flower crowns well Haley has agreed to try out a prototype if she likes it she’s going to recommend Mia Lewis buy some for the flower Dance Festival isn’t that great a blonde woman in white dress wearing a flower crown oh no I’ve seen this one before as long as we keep those old people away from the cliffs I can agree to this now as you know sunflowers are Haley’s favorite so I wanted to make a good impression on her but they don’t don’t really grow in the desert I was wondering if you’d be able to grow some for me I’ll pay you of course grow do you does this Farm look like it’s in you Sandy ah Nino you’re the best thank you so much you won’t regret this oh dude she’s getting us involved in a midsummer festivals thank God there’s no bears in sadu Valley dude oh wait there is oh no Emily okay why is everyone just showing up at my doorstep at 6:00 a.m. Emily I I really want you guys to date but maybe a little bit later in the day I wanted to talk to you about something about Sandy actually o you see no know having Sandy back has brought back wonderful memories even though I’m surrounded by friends and family here I still really missed her presence in my life I hadn’t realize how much until the bus got fixed you can thank Jo jimat for that Emily don’t forget that I feel like such a hypocrite though here I am trying to tell people to be true to themselves and live their best life here it goes chat here here we are this is the realization moment I can I can feel it meanwhile I’m too afraid to tell my best friend I love her there it is disaster lesbian realization let’s [ __ ] go look she’s so cute she’s blushing wa don’t ex shocked Nino you’ve been sitting this up the whole time what should I do Nino tell her you might be surprised you know what go on you stupid animal get out of here you really think so oh Emily I know so okay Nino I’m going to do it thank you for giving me the courage I needed Sandy go on Sprint to her Sandy your true love is waiting Sandy here we get the confrontation hey M should I get started on brunch oh yeah brunch I forgot about that I thought I thought it was I forgot it was Sunday I was thinking of making a burger I managed to convince gust to L me special secret Source but he still won’t tell me what’s in it maybe we can figure it out together oh sure Sandy that sounds great oh no Emily’s had too many of him her magic potions this morning is everything okay Emily you seem a bit distracted to be fair though s Andy when does Emily not seem a bit distracted everything’s great I actually wanted to talk to you oh what about well you see Sandy you can do it Emily oh Sam must be practicing Again Sam shut up with the Weezer what what were you trying to tell me maybe we should wait until Sam finishes practicing wow Sam in June 2 Ah that’s better as I saying Sandy this is a homophobic bird tell me that bird didn’t just do that on purpose Emily I get the feeling you’re trying to tell me something important I am but I wanted things to be just right this is a disaster top to bottom a disaster Sandy I brought these flowers for you wait is that oh it’s a bouquet I wanted to tell you how happy I am that you’re back in my life I hope you feel the same way and that maybe a maybe I’d want to be your girlfriend oh this is actually really cute yeah oh Emily I’m so happy happy I’ve been so scared to say anything because I wasn’t sure you felt the same way and I didn’t want to ruin things of course I feel the same way I think on some level I always have 10 years 10 years and you didn’t say anything I guess that oh they’re kissing let’s start planning our first date I guess that night when Sandy busted down in the splits really just like stuck with Emily did you hear Nino Sandy and I are a couple now yeah I was listening in through the walls Emily I’m so proud of you thank you so much for your encouragement oh Nino I’m so happy Emily and I talked and she feels the same way about me we actually still have two more uh cutcenes left weirdly we have to go to the secret Woods I don’t know what they could be doing in the secret Woods oh isn’t that where you have the camping cut scene they’re camping wow and this was a great idea I hope this isn’t in the same way that it did with me at least not while I’m watching I think the last time I went camping was well I think it was actually with you wait you guys have like done everything together I forgot how chilly it gets at night though come on Emily put those moves out yeah yeah that’s my girl that a girl that’s what I’m talking about I really feel at peace here with you Sandy I feel like I’m finally home when I’m with you look Emily a shooting star quick make a wish I don’t have to I already got my wish a little little over the top Emily but it’s still cute I love love you Emily damn that’s like this is the first date I love you too Sandy guys it’s the first date let’s go to bed Emily oh look at that eyes maybe she’ll actually get the hint this time Sandy guys you left the sleeping bag out here guys you only have one sleeping bag what the heck those silly girls they only had one sleeping bag in the tent why do they that’s so s what are they going to do with one sleeping bag Jesus jeez Louise how cute dude okay we have one more art event to do to go sunflowers for Sandy wait Sandy needs a flowers so she can make a flower crown prototype for Haley I didn’t know there was qus in this hey have these thanks hun you’re a life saav it hi Nino thank you so much for the help with the sunflowers Haley loved her crown and told me Lois about it and he’s agreed to order my crowns for futures flower dancers this means we seeing more flower orders for me in the future so keep an eye out let’s go so now tomorrow Emily should show up on our front dick good morning Nino I’m sorry to drop by so early but I want to invite you to join Sandy and me for brunch today oh you can tell me all about how you’re already getting married go go go go I know it’s 6:00 in the morning but go go go go go oh s’s making brunch for us oh hi sweetie hi Sandy I’m just finishing up deviled eggs oh that’s what we’re having for brunch not like egg Benedict or anything you know Nino I just wanted to thank you for joining forces with Emily and encourag me to get out more and of course for helping me with my little side project which I couldn’t have got off the ground without you if I hadn’t started visiting townmall I don’t think I would have gotten together with Emily either you’ve been a good friend and I’m really grateful to you I’m going to be grateful for these deviled eggs hi Nino I thought I heard you come in wait until you taste these deviled eggs sy’s making she’s a great cook I I just can’t help but feel deviled eggs is a bit of a weird thing for brunch oh you know just one of my many hidden talents Emily was right the eggs were delicious that was it that was the final cut scene we just ate some eggs that that was how we end it the SP took me 6 hours was to fil we’re going to go to the flower dance hey girlies Caroline’s like so you two are getting married right huh so they let you do that now W I’m stuffed have you tried the red jelly yet yeah I bet you tried the red jelly huh Emily old dog hey Sandy ask Emily to be your dance partner who [ __ ] no what the hell I do love flowers so of course this is my favorite Festival oh me too are these two going to dance together this is literally homophobic this is literally this is lit homophobic Shane I I swear to God I’m actually so mad this is the most like anticlimactic ending we could have had maybe Pelican town just needs like a few more years to get with the times you know what I mean when all is said and done that was still a fun little storyline so that’s something you have a cat right Nino I’d love to stop by the farm and say hello to Chapel I forgot that’s what we call the cat listen we might have not have gotten the wedding but we got a lovely romance story and that’s all we could ask for happy June everyone [Music] [Music]

I found a Stardew Valley mod where Emily dates Sandy, someone play Good Luck, Babe!

I Film Everything on Twitch! ❤︎



Edit by: ahvahh



  1. Genuinely love the cover pic! I love the idea of Emily and Sandy getting together and Clint realizing his self pity won't get him anywhere, then again I can't force myself to hate npc's lol!

  2. I feel like Emily would be a Lesbian. From my experience, when I married her in the game with the female farmer it was a pretty fun experience! I can’t really say that it was much different with male farmer because I’ve never married her as one.

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