Terraria, But It’s Jujutsu Kaisen…

Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen the anime about the battle between Sorcerers and curses in this video I installed a couple of Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen mods for Terraria that adds new weapons accessories armor and curs techniques into the game I’ve got to say things got a bit crazy but before I get to all of that let’s start with the beginning so upon entering the world I noticed two new items in my inventory there’s something called The Wolf silhouette which uses cursed energy to summon a pair of div dogs to fight with me these dogs are used by meam figuro in the anime and for every boss defeated their damage increases they only have two damage at the moment so they’re quite weak now on the topic of cursed energy there’s the other item that I have I started off with 100 and this energy can be used to allow myself to perform cursed techniques so I summoned my Divine dogs one white one black and oh my God these things were adorable I thought they’re attack would just be to pounce on enemies and yes I was right about that well partly but they also have their own special ability they both can spin really fast into a ball and hurl themselves to do a bit of extra damage I didn’t really know what to do but the best way to start is by chopping down some trees for wood as I was doing that my dogs killed a slime and that slime dropped cursed energy yes I know it has the same name as the one I have in my inventory but with a different appearance now I’ll get to that later in the video but after I was done collecting wood I opened up my recipe browser and saw that I could craft the Jiu-Jitsu Shrine it can be used to craft items that contain cursed energy so it was basically the Cornerstone of all curs energy related items I had all the materials needed however I had to be near a crimson alter to craft it so I made my way down to the Crimson biome and crafted it afterwards I went inside a cave exploring it finding Life Crystals ores the webslinger hook the ice formation which creates ice around me that’ll deal damage to enemies this one was pretty cool and strong as it dealt around 20 to 30 damage upon contact as I kept exploring I found a suspicious looking finger consuming it permanently increases damage by 1% but only a maximum of 20 can be consumed these fingers are from sua the king of curses and once all 20 has been consumed then I would regain full power I found a couple of these underground and knowing myself being power hungry I of course consumed him in a heartbeat I finished Gathering materials so I teleported back home placed the jitu shrine and saw that I was able to craft Mi Katana as this was my first actual weapon I didn’t expect it to have such high damage and critical strike chance I equipped it and my God this thing was huge I began building a house and also saw an accessory called The Cursed amulet which carried Untold curses and hidden power I made it and placing it into my accessory slot increased the bar above my screen from 200 to 250 this bar is my cursed energy meter and depending on what weapons I use it’ll drain this bar I stored some of my items away and drank a gravitation potion to find accessories like the shiny red balloon lucky h and fledgling wings along with another finger I did some exploring on the left side of the world and found a living wood tree I went down opened a chest and found an unbranded binding vow I had the option of turning this vow into the speed damage defense or health binding vow but all came with its own downsides I had a hard time deciding so I held off for now I had a summon and melee weapon but now I needed a ranged weapon my eyes were set on the cursed bow Tier 1 and just like with Mi Katana this also had some high damage luckily enough I collected enough materials last night to craft it but shooting with this weapon was a bit lacking a bow called The Cursed bow you would expect it to shoot projectiles other than wooden arrows right seeing that I still only had 160 health I decided to enter the jungle to find some more Life Crystals and accessories I I stumbled upon my first domain expansion Horizon of the captivating scanda this uses for cursed energy that deals 15 cursed damage and temporarily provides swiftness I didn’t know how to use it at first I kept clicking and I was hearing noise but nothing happened that was until I tried holding down my mouse button and saw my domain expansion deploy I figured it out a little too late so I ended up getting killed by a spiked jungle slam I returned and found a crazy amount of Life Crystals enough to achieve Max Health back up at the surface I began building an arena to face off against the first boss the eye of cthulu I used the bow first for the majority of the fight and ended things with my domain expansion since it has a wide range of attack and attacking the boss when a second phase with a bow I would probably miss a lot of shots I opened the treasure bag and received the Blazing courage that had a measly 10 damage but was able to inflict onfire and oiled debuffs as well as a 1% chance to deal a black flash and I got the flowing red skill which grants 12% curse damage for 2 minutes but my life regeneration would decrease I tested out the Blazing courage and I was able to hit that 1% chance for a black flash this gave me a buff that increased my curse damage by 10% and gave another 1% chance to do a black flash I turned the critin ore into bars and could now craft the head of kugisaki noar this gave three defense and 3% increased curse damage I paired it up with the Jiu-Jitsu uniform the body and legs to get the set bonus that enhances country girls Hammer that I didn’t even have but what’s special with the uniform is that it’s able to improve its stats as I defeat more bosses Just Like the Wolf silhouette I then use some cursed energy and a dayoon seed to craft Cur seeds that summoned noi and just like that I’m back into another boss fight but this was barely a challenge as the boss was very slow upon defeating the boss it dropped a treasure bag I opened it up and received noise lucky feathers that gave one defense and increases Max health and Mana by 20 noise feathers and noise mask that boost the effects of the Zone States this would be whenever I deal a black flash with some Noy feathers I can craft the head of fushiguro Megami as well as the bird silhouette that slightly increases movement speed and and flight time it also amplifies flight effects for noi type Wings once I equipped the head I got a new set bonus this bonus summons noi to fight with me I also made noi wings but comparing it with the fledgling Wings they were a lot worse unless I used the bird silhouette then they were equal to each other after I was done with all of that it was time to take on the second boss the brain of cthulu so I made my way into the crimson built an arena and then broke some Crimson Hearts to summon the boss I used mu Katana at first clearing out some of the creepers but then realized that my domain expansion would be a lot better especially when the boss reached second phase I was able to hit anywhere within the domain so when the boss started cloning itself it was no problem at all I defeated the brain again to make sure I had enough materials and opening the treasure bags I received the eye of an adventurer granting me the splunker and Hunter effects permanently as long as I have it equipped there was also the piercing blood bow that had 39 curse damage able to do a black flash and imuse My Arrows with blood that’s not all luckily enough my summons killed a demon ey that dropped painkillers this gives a significant increase in life regeneration while I’m below 50 Health now when I used the piercing blood bow I was expecting some bloody arrows but they were regular wooden arrows exactly the same as the cursed bow with some tissue samples I made the tiger silhouette and this increases the black flash Chance by 1% for 1 minute as well as the deathbringer pickaxe I built some NPC houses and then went back to the Crimson to farm vertebrae these would be converted into Rotten Chunk and then into leather once I had enough I crafted the cursed naginata this weapon was insane when it came to damage cuz it had 169 melee damage just a reminder that I’m still in preh hard mode I used it to farm some more vertebrae to then make the slaughter demon and this weapon was more like the fatigued B necks with its fast attack speed not to the point of the fatigued B necks though and finally I decided on the damage binding vout that gives 12% increased damage but reduces my Max Health by 50 so that brought my cursed naginata to 188 damage I then made my way to to the dungeon built an arena and then talked to the old man to summon Skeletron this fight was quite fast considering I had a weapon that dealt over 200 damage and 400 damage when I landed a critical hit after Skeletron Was Defeated I went inside the dungeon opened the first gold chest I saw and found that there was the dismantle tier one that had 106 magic damage another finger and the mamasa I also found the Cobalt Shield Shadow key and many many more fingers I killed the monsters and found that they dropped what’s called Heavenly physical this increases cursed melee and range damage by 8% movement speed by 4% gives two defense but I won’t be able to utilize cursed energy mana and minions there was also this gigantic Hammer that dropped from an enemy called deadly sentencing that had 68 damage I started attacking with this thing and man this looked so funky it was just out of place in my opinion so I ended up not using it I found one more finger totaling 13 which means my damage has been increased to 133% soon after I got a message saying that a goblin army was approaching so I teleported back home to take care of them after defeating the Army I made the head of zenin macki this gave four defense and 5% increased curse damage pairing Zen and macki with the uniform it gave the set bonus that enhances Heavenly restriction and basically that doubles the stats of Heaven physical this brought my cursed naginata to 206 damage I noticed that I still hadn’t gotten myself Hermes boots so I took the time to explore the underground ice biome finding flurry boots and another finger while I was in the ice biome I farmed some flings for the fur because it was needed to craft the soul split Katana now if you thought the naginata was insane this goes beyond that this thing has 262 melee damage and ignores enemy armor but guess what I got annoying on it after spending all that time getting those flings fur it’s almost time to take on the wall of flesh so I began mining down to Hell once I made it down I opened Shadow chests finding more fingers the treasure magnet and Min hellstone I used the hellstone to make myself the molten pickaxe with the treasure magnet you guys could not believe what I can make the cursed technique blue the one that Gojo could use that sucks in anything in its path it has a whopping 350 damage and uses up 50 cursed energy per use even though I wasn’t near the level of Gojo just yet I had to make it how could I not I tested it out in the crimson and saw that I couldn’t spam it I had to wait until it disappeared before using it again what was really funny though was that whenever I used it it played a Cojo voice line the traveling Merchant arrived so I purchased the DPS meter and because I defeated the Goblin Army from earlier I went underground to search for the goblin tinkerer I found him so I purchased Rocky Boots and the workshop I combined my accessories together to make Specta boots and reforged my annoying Soul s splitter Katana to deadly then with some hellstone bars tissue sample and cursed energy I upgraded the curs bow tier one to tier 2 it added an additional projectile with more damage but still nothing new with the arrows it was now time to take on the wall of flesh but on my way there I killed a demon and it dropped a horn this horn can be used to craft the a silhouette except I needed two I decided to get it later so I kept going to the edge of the world collecting the last finger to achieve 20 fingers total I now stand at the top granting me 20% increased damage I finally made it all the way to the right side of the world so I tossed in the voodo doll to summon the wall of flesh I used the dismantle that I got from earlier to start off with but quickly decided to use my soul split Katana I threw right up to it and started smacking the crap out of it not really caring about my health because I thought I’d be able to kill it before it killed me but that wasn’t the case I backed off and used my cursed bow and finally used the cursed technique blue this tore the parts of the Wall of Flesh right off of its body and seeing my health dropping very low I finished it off right when I was about to teleport back home I killed another demon and it dropped another horn I now had enough to make the Au silhouette it had 61 damage 2% black flash chance and damaging enemies with this causes them to become confused these oxes were freaking huge and I was able to somewhat spam the attacks I then upgraded my cursed amulet into the Amulet of the Fallen this increased my Max Energy and boosts the Regeneration rate of it I now have 300 maximum cursed energy I went to the Crimson to farm more cursed energy because I was going to upgrade it again into something better while doing so I found the cursed speech this costs 40 cursed energy to use and it unleashes a shock wave that immobilizes enemies for 2 and 1/2 seconds but after using it my throat becomes sore and will become unable to use it for 30 seconds after gathering enough cursed energy I crafted The Amulet of the dead that boosted my Max Energy even more to 350 I had some Souls of Light which made it possible to craft the one and only itadori Yuji this had seven defense and 8% increased curse damage the set bonus increases black flash Chance by 2% I know it’s not a lot I also made the toad silhouette and this one was by far the coolest one it surrounds myself with bubbles that inflict ier and cursed Inferno these debuffs last for 12 seconds when I used it I wasn’t expecting this many bubbles to spawn there was also the missile fist I made with a Titan glove cursed energy and Souls of light this was a weapon that I personally enjoyed using I went up to a sky island farmed some wyverns for Souls of Flight to use later on to craft the wings I needed either the mythro Anvil or or Calcom Anvil so I broke some Crimson altars to spawn in the hard mode ores I went underground mined the ores made the Anvil and right when I was about to craft wings Pirates invaded me so I figured I’d deal with them first I killed some Pirates and eventually one dropped the cutless after the Pirates were defeated I made demon wings that had wng on it and the blood Edge this weapon uses my life instead and well I can’t really say much for this weapon it was just a cutless covered in blood that dealt more damage no special effects there was also an item called binding barrier and when I’m in range of this object my damage increases by 15% when I’m out of it then my damage gets reduced by 15 with 25 vertebrae five Life Crystals and some cursed energy I made the blood manipulation piercing blood this technique drained my cursed energy meter extremely fast so I was only able to use it for a solid one to two seconds it finally became Knight so I summoned my first mechanical boss to fight I shot my piercing blood first that chipped a little chunk of Health off the boss and then used a combination of the missile Fist and cursed technique blue to deal massive damage I also figured the ox silhouette would be good against the boss so I use that as well after defeating the Destroyer I summoned the twins next and I literally Spam The Curse technique blue against it the bosses were just stuck in one place unable to move when they got to low health I finish it off with some fists and finally I summoned the last mechanical boss Skeletron Prime for this one I used both the missile Fist and Toad silhouette which did the job nicely [Music] [Music] with some Hollow bars I made inumaki to that had nine defense and 12% increased curse damage which gave the set bonus of reduced cooldown to use cursed speech from 30 seconds to a measly 5 Seconds there’s also the twin eyes that reduce all cursed energy usages by four and the general wheel silhouette that gives 6% damage reduction and six armor piercing while I’m nearby I crafted the pickaxe Axe and then made my way into the jungle to find the plantar bulb which I did I found it fairly fast I found the cloud in a bottle that I used to make the blue horseshoe balloon and then finished building the arena for planta then I did some research on how to obtain reverse cursed energy and all I had to do was kill monsters at night in the Crimson biome I won’t get into too much detail about what this reverse cursed energy you can do until later before I take on pla I crafted cleave Tier 1 this is a technique used by sukuna the same can be said about dismantle for this technique it doesn’t require me to actually aim with my cursor I can simply just click anywhere on my screen and it’ll attack the nearest enemy to me I made the shadow Forge Crystal amulet with the reverse cursed energy so in total total I now had 500 Max cursed energy I gathered even more reverse cursed energy and upgraded the amulets again to the necro mechanical Soul locket for a total of 650 I was finally ready to take on planta so I went back to the jungle and broke the bulb right away during the fight I noticed that the Clea technique was complete booty cheeks like I had to go extremely close to the boss and order to attack with it so I had to resort to other weapons and techniques I shot the cursed technique blue at planta and it pulled the boss and flung it right through the right wall so it took a bit for planta to return to the arena after getting pla to second phase I used the toad silhouett for the rest of the fight next up is Golem I used the temple key I got from planta to enter the temple now I thought defeating Golem would be a breeze but I was completely wrong I failed twice so I knew I had to change something I ended up upgrading my curs bow to tier three and also crafted the sanctum and Shadow quiver this accessory enables my bow to shoot both holy and Unholy arrows which made all the difference against Golem after defeating Gula multiple times I used AET hus to make the head of mayay this had 11 defense and 15% increased curse energy set bonus enhances Blackbird manipulation which I didn’t have but I had it equipped anyway way from the treasure bags of Golem I obtained the eye of the Golem and the St Stone which I used to create the dawn Forge Sun amulet which was the last amulet I could make before moonl Lord this gave me a total of 800 Max curse energy I have the curse technique blue but now it’s time to make the red one this is crafted from an infernal fork in the dungeon fallen stars and reverse curse energy this technique doesn’t have as much damage as blue but instead has an opposite effect instead of an attracting effect it has a repelling effect this technique was also able to create an explosion to destroy blocks I went over to the dungeon again to take on the lunatic cultist and used the cursed technique red against the cultist this ended up to be a huge mistake because it blew away the circle stone to God knows where and when I killed the last cultist the boss despawned instantly I had to rebuild the platform that the cultist stood on and then wait for the next night to arrive when I finally summoned the boss I used the red technique and damn it was bad and when I say bad I mean really bad it was definitely not meant to use against bosses I resorted to use my cursed bow and the blue technique fore foreign after defeating the lunatic cultist I went on to kill monsters near the solar pillar or solar fragments once I had enough I used them to create disaster Flames this was hella strong but it depleted my cursed energy way too fast I used it regardless of that to destroy the solar pillar before I destroyed the rest of these Celestial pillars I wanted to craft the eyes this was a combination of all other accessories I had already and some to be made firstly I killed no again to get the eye of noi this reduced curse energy usage by two I then went to the ocean to kill jellyfish for the Fisher’s eye that grants sonar effects next I killed the brain of cthulu again for the eye of an adventurer that I totally forgot I had already then I got myself some nebula fragments to make the nebul eye that increases Mana by 60 and reduces Mana usage by 15% made Panda’s brass knuckles that increases black flash damage and finally kill the wall of fles again for the jiujitsu emblem that increases curse damage by 15% finally I was able to craft the six eyes along with Gojo satu this head gave 13 defense and 18% increased curse damage now with the six eyes the effects of all other accessories were Amplified by a bit cursed energy usage reduced to one 12% increased curse damage reduced Mana usage by 20% and gave three defense as I now Gojo satu I’m not officially him completely I needed what’s called Limitless this accessory makes me become invulnerable for 2 seconds every 10 seconds and because I have the Gojo set bonus this is reduced to every 4 seconds I grabbed some Crystal Shards and was able to craft it now for the final accessory the jiujitsu Kaizen it consists of even the six eyes and Limitless there are other accessories too that’s needed but some I already had the ones needed were the death swarm miral and ratio I had a black lens so I made the ratio right away the this increases curse damage by 7% increases armor penetration by three and enhances the wrapped Cleaver which I didn’t have for the miracle I used the painkiller and some pixie dust to make this gives an unfathomable increase in life regeneration while below 60 health and for the death swarm I killed Aima until I got it this constantly summons a barrage of aquatic creatures that damage enemies I went on to destroy the vortex pillar and nebula pillar but saved the Stardust pillar until later on in my eyes I still wasn’t ready to take on moonlord so I went back to the dungeon to gather bones and accessories such as a tabby and black belt for the master ninja gear the reason why I gathered bones was to upgrade my cleave to tear to that had 328 damage I summoned the solar eclipse got the psycho knife to upgrade my cleave to tier three that had 547 damage after all that I was ready to take on moon Lord so I destroyed the last pillar and got ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] after defeating moonl Lord and opening the treasure bag I got the domain expansion unlimited void this domain had almost 1,000 damage and using it provided me with nebula Buffs with luminite bars I made the final tear for cleave this had 1,470 Dam damage I summoned Moon Lord again it got destroyed pretty fast with another handful of luminite bars in my inventory I was able to craft the Holo technique purple you know the one that obliterates anything in its path it had 200 million damage so the moment this thing touches any monster they’ll die in an instant I summoned Moon Lord once again but didn’t use the purple technique I tried out the domain expansion unlimited void first and this thing covered the entire boss hitting all three parts at the same time so Moon Lord died even faster compared to using the final tier of cleave I summoned moonl Lord for the last time and used the purple technique killing a body part instantly one at a time this technique also destroys blocks in its path so I made sure to fight moonlord away from my house but there was also the option to craft an alternative That Couldn’t destroy block which was the anti-p purple technique which I tried out of course I finished off things by creating the last pendant called The Cosmic Sovereign pendant which brought my Max curse energy to 2,200 all right that’s going to be it for the Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen mods shout out to the creators of this mod you guys did a a wonderful job if you want to try this out for yourselves I’ll leave all the mods I’ve used in the description below there were some techniques that I didn’t test out so if you do play this mod make sure to try them out if you’ve enjoyed the video don’t forget to leave a like comment down below if you have any other mod or video ideas you want me to try out and of course subscribe to the channel thanks for watching and I’ll see you all next time peace

Jujutsu Kaisen, the anime about the battle between sorcerers and curses. In this video I installed a couple of Jujutsu Kaisen mods for Terraria that add new weapons, accessories, armor, and cursed techniques into the game. I’ve got to say, things got a bit crazy but before I get to all of that, let’s start with the beginning.

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Mods Used:
TJujutsu by: RiceSword
Jujutsu Terraria by: Phamility
Lan’s House Builder
Recipe Browser
Time Acceleration
Shorter Respawn Time
Boss Checklist
Ore Excavator
Alchemist Lite

#terraria #necr0 #terrariachallenge #jujutsukaisen


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