ONLY MOVING with HOOKS in Terraria

I’m only using hooks no movement just hooks making it really difficult to fight enemies since I’m standing still most of the time while I be able to defeat any bosses while even be able to make a base watch till the end to find out but for now we load in and since we can’t move we just break any trees that are near us and our best choice for now is to dig underground so we can find a hook we do manage to find a little cave but there’s nothing in it that will help us out we do get very lucky however because we find an underwater chest with a floaty in it meaning that we can go up and down inside water which is helpful considering how much we’ve been drowning recently and we’re lucky enough to find a mine cart allowing us to move left and right as we please but it is a little bit tricky considering we have to move left and right by getting in and out mple times but this does allow us to get some ores which is really helpful and as you may have just saw I got some lead and some topad meaning we can finally get a hook to move around manag to fall right into a m shaft which is really useful for us because we can get a ton of ores from here we also manag to find our first life Crystal which is going to help us out a ton we start breaking as many crates as we can cuz these drop ORS but unfortunately we die soon after but since we finally have a hook we can finally go on top of the surface meaning we can actually explore our world now we first come across a giant living tree which is kind of hard to move around with just using hooks but we manage to find a lot of decent loot we start heading even further west to see if we can find any good weapons from any good chests and I must say using only hooks is a really fun challenge idea limiting all my movement just to one button it’s really challenging and if you want to see more challenges like this please support me by subscribing we continue traversing this ginormous ice biome but we come come across this cave and I’m really curious as if we’ll get a good item from here we do manage to find not one but two hard crystals which is actually insane we come across an underground house and we go inside to see if we can get anything from its chest and we actually got an ice blade which is actually the best thing we can get from down here meaning we can fight against enemies now so we keep going deeper and deeper until we fall into a trap and we just die but we got an amazing weapon while we were down there I started using our hook to Traverse the world even more to find a desert but then a Blood Moon spawns in and considering that we can barely move it’s going to be really hard to fight against these enemies we start exploring the Crimson biome even more we enter the main Cave System soon before dying since we’re back at spawn I think it’s time to make a base we start by digging this wall as much as we can next I start digging down columns and just like in every single video I want to make the base look as nice as possible and you may be surprised to find out that this base is actually suitable for NPCs we start digging out even more Golems for more NPCs I want to get as many as possible so we can get better stuff soon and in my opinion I don’t think the basee looks too bad and I’m surprised with the quality of the base with how limited her movement is and for now I think our next step is to get some better armor heading into the mines I want to start exploring the M shaft even more considering how much we left behind when we were first down here even coming across a cloud in a bottle and two whole heart crystals and this m shaft was even more massive than I thought it was with multiple rooms filled to the brim with tons of ores however we’re going to have to come back to this later because we need to start making our way down to Hell we do have however come across a life Crystal heading our way down we up to the surface hoping that the traveling Merchant will have something good for us after buying a l sake off of him we melt down all the ores we got from the mines making some very honorable silver armor we grapple our way over to the demolitionist to buy some Dynamite off of him we start blowing up a massive hole straight down to Hell and we are very lucky to come across what seems to be a spider chest with our brand new hook the web Slinger allowing us to shoot not one but multiple webs at once and it shoots a further than the amethyst hook we were using before with this massive upgrade we continue our journey down to Hell we keep hooking onto the walls and throwing our Dynamite straight down to make this massive hole while on the way harvesting as many heart crystals as we can find we make it low enough into the minds that we start finding lava meaning we can get obsidian once we blow it up heading left into the mind we find an underground mushroom biome allowing us to get a lot of heart crystals and a lot of good loot from here riding along these mine cart rails we find a little hole that we can dig down into to Hell while we’re down here I want to get as much flute as possible hoping for some Obsidian Skin potions but before we do that I want to head up into outer space to see if we can get a specific item going through multiple chunks of land to see if I can go up into space to see if I can find a flying Island luckily for us right as our potion was running out we come across a flying Island which did in fact contain a house however inside that house we did not get the item that we needed and we ran out of gravity potions so this is it but since the sky island didn’t have the weapon I wanted we might as well start exploring other choices of weapons heading down into the Crimson biome I find a life C Crystal and two hearts we did in fact get the item that I wanted being the Undertaker since our movement is fairly limited I wanted to get a range weapon allowing us to shoot enemies from far away and as you may have just saw I set up a platform tower for the ailu and considering we can’t move left and right and we can only use our grapple hook I want to use Towers to hook away from the aulu and he’s chasing us it’s not much but hopefully it will do for now we set up a campfire at the top of the middle Tower and we get ready for the aulu fight while we wait for it to turn night time to fight the aulu I really want to ask you to please consider subscribing and help me out on my journey to 10,000 subscribers every little bit counts and if you like this video please drop a sub thank you we up to the middle Tower drink potions and prepare for our first major fight of this challenge my plan for this fight is to stay away from him while he’s Shing his wrenched attacks and then to run away from him with the hooks as fast as I can while he dashes into me since we’re using a frost blade we are able to attack him from afar we have to be very quick with our grapples because we have no movement at all so if he hits us once then he can hit us multiple times as he goes into his second phase things get a lot scar considering that we are in master mode meaning that he’s going to be a lot faster than we can dodge he starts getting our health really low however we manage through it no matter how hard a challenge is I will always try my hardest to beat it and with that our first major fight is out of the way the next obvious thing to do is to go fight the brain Kulu however I’m not too sure if I’m prepared for this yet our best option for now is to stay as distant as possible however this might be a problem with the cramp fighting space as we start building our Arena a goblin army starts appearing from the west but for now let’s hope that’s not a problem for us we throw down two sticks of dynamite to blow up the final or and we race all the way back up to the arena the vessels start spawning in I have to kill them as quickly as possible with our limited movement being targeted is a huge problem but like usual we will always overcome this we head up to the surface and we start taking out the goblin Invasion as quickly as we can I don’t want to lose any NPCs if we don’t have to so I start farming them from the inside of the base until they overwhelm me unfortunately meaning that a lot of goblins got into the NPC houses but we were in fact able to defend the NPCs saving everyone in the base and defeating the goblin army with this confident boost I believe that we can finally defeat the brain cthulu all we need to do is act quickly and attack as fast as we can getting overwhelmed is not an option here even after dying a second time I will not give up till I defeat the brain cthulu after getting it into its second stage we very carefully decide which brain is the real one and we start attacking it and then we finally defeat the brain cthulu this being an amazing moment for us meaning we got the brain of confusion one of the best expert mode items so we head down to Hell and we start our preparations for the Wall of Flesh since we have a crimtane pickaxe now we can finally hellstone gting this molten armor but before we fight the wall flesh I decide why not fight Skeletron and on our way to the dungeon we found a falling meteorite I’m not sure if we’re going to use this later on but hey if we don’t we can sell it for money we head through the Westside Crimson biome hoping that we don’t get attacked by any enemies and we finally make it to the dungeon and while we wait for it to turn n time to summon in Skeletron I do want to announce that I do have a Discord server where if you join you can suggest videos or even be in a future video and this video is actually suggested by one of our Discord members so huge shout out to them thank you for the idea in addition you can votee for next week’s video or you can even join me in one of my live streams and play with me please go check it out links in the description as night falls we summon in Skeletron starting an intense fight as we have to dodge his arms as quickly as we can or else it will do serious amounts of damage to us oh um like you may have just saw that did not go as planned however I am going to craft a fire imp staff so we can attack him even better so let’s try this again doding up and down avoiding his hands as much as we can oh no matter how much we try there’s just no dodging an enemy that’s that fast so as we get down to Hell we start preparations for the Wall of Flesh breaking up a little arena for us to run across we throw in a guide fodo doll to summon him in scaling the walls as quickly as we can to avoid all his attacks and this is going to be easy as hell so yeah don’t play Terraria only using hooks or do I don’t I don’t care but if you do want me to continue this painful terrible I don’t like this series please don’t make me but if you really don’t like me and you want me to continue this painful series then please subscribe show support check out the Discord because this video was brought to you by one of our channel members also I have a huge huge huge announcement I am working on one of the biggest videos that you will probably ever see me make that’s no joke I’m going to have multiple tar YouTubers together and I don’t really want to spoil anything yet but it’s going to be massive so please stay tuned for that it’s going to be amazing but if you are in our Discord server then you obviously know what it is and I kind of already spoiled it a little bit so if you want to know what it is go check out our Discord and if you just want to support me please subscribe it means a lot with all that said thank you for watching in World outro [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] know a

In this video i will be attempting a terraria challenge where i only move in terraria with hooks. this terraria challenge was pretty hard so subscribe if you liked it.

if you like this video “Terraria BUT with 300X TIMES ENEMIES” please consider subscribing cause it helps me out alot. and check out my other Terraria challenge videos like: Terraria 1000 MODS, What if EA owned Terraria. and many other Terraria Challenge videos

Thank you for watching


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