Busting Scary Minecraft 1.21 Myths That Are Actually Real

with every new update players discover terrifying myths haunting game but in the newest version of Minecraft these reports have Shed from the flesh melting beam of light of the blood bulb to the guts spilling from the half eeden armadillo these are the newest scariest mins and we’re testing to see if they’re actually real so to start you’re heading home from an adventure with your beloved pet wolf when suddenly you see a shadow behind the trees you turn around and grab your pet hoping to protect him only to find his body ripped in half with the shadow coming to rip your face off next this is the myth of the half eaten armadillo even though this supposedly cute mob has only been released for a couple of weeks now reports are already beginning to surface on the internet about this entity’s counterpart that will only spawn if you manage to murder one of these armadillos just as the game crashes now this is basically impossible because the game crashes in 1 1,000th of a second luckily on a computer you can actually hit the B and F4 Keys which will instantly crash the game and then I should be able to kill the armadillo with my mouse at the same time but still that requires an immense amount of perfection all right here goes nothing 1 two I don’t actually know how many hits it takes to kill the armadillo three all right my hands are literally on Old F4 right now guys four oh we missed him does is he does he have more strength in his shell four that was it he died okay I crashed the game did that work was I too late I felt like I might have been too late there guys loading in come on come on it’s still alive didn’t I just kill it are you serious because clearly that last hit never registered the game crashed so does that mean I crashed too early but I swear it was too late unless this is half feet in armadillo but I don’t think so it looks pretty normal to me guess we really do need to get that timing right because quitting the game exactly when the armadillo dies causes it to glitch cutting the armadillo’s code in half why is say they’ve seen it wandering waiting to tear animals and other mobs in half hoping to restore the code that it was cut from at least now we know it takes exactly 4 four hits to kill the armadillo which should allow our timing to be much more accurate okay I’ve got my fingers literally on alt f4 on the keyboard here we go 1 2 3 and this is it four okay game crashed at exactly that moment I literally didn’t even see the frame where the mob fell over but how will we know if this is actually worked where is the armadillo it’s gone does that mean it worked did we summon this half Eden armadillo but then if so shouldn’t it be like you know like right there where we killed it I I don’t know I mean how could we say that it worked when first off we’ve got no Visual Evidence and secondly it could have just died and nothing happened maybe we can just find like another armadillo they are the only native mob to the Savannah Biome so they should be everywhere hold up what is that is that a sheep wait it it is what no way guys okay I’m sure some of you in the comments right now like h e is a sheep is very normal why are you freaking out over nothing clickbait clickbait well no not clickbait clickbait what do you notice about the Sheep guys it is sheit sheeps do not spawn in the game it’s literally not in the code something has taken its wall and I look I’m it’s not another player look I’m not open to land guys the world is single player could this be the armadillo or an armadillo at all what if it was something else a player an entity but how does that have to do with crashing the game while killing them all I am so confused it really shouldn’t be that complicated wait a minute guys okay it’s really hard to tell from the grass here but I’ve played a lot of Minecraft and something about that pig is off it looks like it looks lopsided am I crazy guys please comment down below am I officially losing am I freaking out over nothing here what is going on wait wait it is no okay wait wait wait was that just a visual glitch hold up hold [Music] up no what huh that is not a normal Pig okay first the Shar sheep and then just like a few CM down the road we have this pig how does this even happen could it be the armadillo I mean they said that it would eat mobs I I don’t know what that means is that what it’s done here eating the sheep’s wool it’s got it back I’m assuming it ate some grass that’s totally normal where did the pig go where did the pig go okay it’s over there it’s over there wait maybe this is a brand new update guys perhaps it’s just like a bug a glitch in the generation this myth there is nothing to suggest this myth is real all right we haven’t seen this half eaten armadillo anywhere I reckon we just need to find like some carrots maybe even a carrot on a stick and try riding it cuz that would update the model and in theory would show that this m is fake clickbait I collected a few resources to make a carrot and a stick came back to see if this really was regular Pig and now for the first test a regular Pig would respond and get updated by seeing a carrot so if I hold the carrot on his stick he’s coming towards me okay so that worked next up let’s try riding it huh we can seem to ride it just fine I mean it’s pretty low Health it only has one heart it’s lost its other four I might have hit it accidentally when I was trying to like build a little structure here guys but even if I hit him once with my hand it shouldn’t have done four hearts of damage is that somehow connected to its missing legs I’m not sure we’re riding it and yet the model still isn’t updating maybe this is just a bug in the latest update right seems to be normal it functions perfectly as a normal [Music] Pig uh okay now it’s a bit less normal it’s like looking to the side but it it keeps Walking In One Direction what the bro it just straight up walked into a c it’s just walking in One Direction dude you’re seeing this right now now that is definitely not normal what happens if I like break the blocks in front of it will it will it keep walking forward maybe like on the sides here oh there it’s going look what we need to keep clearing its path guys I need to know where is this pig going is it potentially leading us to the armadillo worse what if the armadillo is trying to lead us to him but why would the armadillo want us I doesn’t make sense it seems like the other mobs at least are fine it’s just this pig is whacked out the Sheep has got its W back but everything else seems to be [Music] hey what it’s not even moving I just realized that this cow ain’t moving I mean yeah probably because it’s missing its inside dude that’s what the pig was walking towards or was it I mean it it couldn’t have been cuz it’s still going that direction but it could be me to the armadillo the armadillo passed through here it did that to this cow dude it’s completely dead what if we hit it it it doesn’t even respond it it’s just I don’t I don’t get it okay no we need to follow we need to follow that pig passing even more half aeden mobs I followed the pig hoping it would lead me to the halfen armadillo man guys this Savannah Bome is really really really beginning to freak me out all right I this many mobs this frequently all in one by him next to each other while this pig doesn’t seem to want to walk in any other direction other than I don’t know this way something is definitely wrong with this world hello okay piggy is no longer interested in walking in that direction hey o oink oink you wanted to go that way you just don’t want to anymore why no he’s moving again he’s going towards the Outpost bro you’re going to get yourself killed one of these pillagers are going to shoot you actually where are the pillagers um what guys there are no pillages none zero they’re they’re gone wait is this their loot no way let’s just check you’re Dam DED ominous bottle Banner They’re All Dead the mobs inside the cages are gone and the pig doesn’t want to see to leave okay guys did you hear that did you feel that is something watching us okay maybe I’m just freaking out because like there should be mods in there aren’t but I I swear I felt that something was watching me you know that feeling you get you just know guys that something is here I’m literally checking everywhere you guys always flame me in the comments for missing things I am trying my best not to miss something I don’t see it if you guys see it please let me know how much has this armadillo affected the game just making every mob disappear then they’re not even inside the tower they just totally gone shouldn’t there even be like a chest in here or something oh he’s half eeden as well dude that doesn’t even look like a glitch that looks like a straight up bite bro but why is it not doing it it’s not even moving bro can I just like bump it I can what if we like give it one of its bows back nothing it can’t pick up items it can’t move okay at least now we have a vantage point here at least we can see in the distance the armadillo could not have gone far and the pig was going in this way so he should be over there is that it I can’t tell that’s it that’s it that’s got to be it right it was like a brown ball thing but were there like red splurges there were red spudgers it was there the armadillo was watching me it’s down there we we’re so close we cannot let that thing get away I need to prove that this is real and we need to capture it watch until the end of the video to see the true horrors of the half eaten armadillo but in the meantime throughout Minecraft’s life players have always used commands to help them but but one command in version 1.21 that Ben’s time holds a very dark secret hidden in the world will unleash a mob covered in Black watching your every move for the rest of your life except you would never ever even imagine that this command could be bad in fact it is so unbelievably popular people thoroughly love it including myself and everybody on Reddit is talking about it but there are a few Whispering about this seed now you may be asking how could a seed be connected to a command that makes no sense yeah it doesn’t I actually have nothing to give you for that other than the fact that on this specific World using the command can cause your game to be frozen forever releasing some sort of deadly mob into your game except I take that with a grain assault because nobody can seem to tell me what this deadly mob is right I mean you mean to tell me that a bunch of random letters typed into chat can somehow curse you or summon in an evil entity it just sounds ridiculous in fact you can’t just type the command in because well that won’t do anything any of you can do that it’s the order in which you do it and you have to do it at the exact right speed like like it just all sounds so stupid guys apparently you need to type in tick freeze and then immediately type SL tick unfreeze after it all right so I’m going to copy it so we can paste it in really really quickly here and you need to do that five times in a row like what are we I’m not in like primary school here trying to do random weird rituals okay I’m going to prove that this is nonsense it’s fake here we go SL tick freeze bang and then unfreeze then there and we do five times that’s 2 3 4 and five that’s the fifth time they’re frozen okay I mean I’m not seeing anything obviously everything is Frozen it’s still pretty funny to me look at bro learn he has become God horse he can now travel above the chicken has the send it the command is hilarious I’ll give it that but it’s not scary bro we got an egg bro what chicken did that come out of that chick’s butt just like flying through the air but uh yeah nothing cursed is happening there something I miss okay the instructions say here after doing that I need to slow down the game with another command okay wait so it’s not just the tick phrase command before I un phrase it I need to do SL tick rate five now from memory guys yeah here it is the default rate of the game is 20 so that means there are 20 ticks in every second of the game so I’m assuming if we set that to tick rate Five that means we’re changing it so that there are five ticks every second of the game all right and then after that we need to do tick unfreeze what did that do holy moly dude what the dude look at me walk look at that Bee’s Wings you can literally see it flapping okay this is crazy dude they’re definitely moving slow but nothing’s happening to them they’re still normal mobs just moving in slow motion I think I’m going to have to say this is fake maybe it’s not maybe I did it wrong or it’s a game of chance if that’s the case try it in your world otherwise I think that’s it guys the command’s great it works but I don’t see anything nothing at all maybe you guys rewatch The segment let me know in the comments I don’t know but even worse is this new block the copper bow when you least expected it transforms into the blood bulb with a light so powerful it sucks the blood out of every living creature including you except I’ve actually been lying to all of you guys look I’m sorry it’s just that the original form post for this myth doesn’t actually mention the words blood bulb anywhere it’s just the nickname I’ve given to this thing because it says that these copper bulbs will start to bleed the world but but that could really mean anything like it doesn’t say bleed into the world it doesn’t say put Blood on the world I mean for all we know these are copper it it could have something to do with the oxidization spreading I’m really not sure all I do know is that this guy has really Specific Instructions which is actually what caught my attention in the first place so if we open up the start menu he’s asking us to duplicate our world file so we’re going to type in percent app data percent and that will open up all my computer files I’ll open the do Minecraft folder to enter my Minecraft files and pretty obviously there’s a folder called save this is our world files and here’s the one that I’ve been using for this video then he says we need to copy it into itself see this is what I’m saying the instructions are so clear so specific that how can this be fake usually things that are fake are really vague and hard to understand but this this guy knows exactly what to do and then delete the entities folder okay before we delete it what’s actually inside of it holy moly okay this is why I am not a developer because this just terrifies me I don’t know what this means but apparently by deleting it which we’re going to do right now this is going to somehow replace the entity Behavior or will pass it on to the blocks folder so wait but why does it only pass it onto the copper bulb is it because it’s a new block and it’s like somehow bugged and why does it get confused is it because there’s like an entity folder still inside this copy wait are we supposed to delete that one I I don’t know maybe we should just load up the world and see crossing my fingers and toes I loaded in into the newly changed World hoping what I had done caused something anything to happen so I left these copper bulbs out in the open to test for quite a while now and yeah I’ve observed literally nothing so I think we can probably stop just staring at them let’s actually try some stuff the first thing that comes to mind is well obviously we should try switching them on and off right all right let’s turn them on okay they’re all on we’ll turn them off okay they’re still lit I think it’s because the new bulbs they hold their light so if we turn them again yet and now they’re off and the Red Dot means that the lever is activated we turn them off the dots turn off and nothing I mean they were supposed to bleed into the world I I don’t see any kind of bleeding well I guess that’s a good thing cuz I am too handsome to bleed speaking of which while we’re waiting for the bulbs to do something I’ve actually launched my very own skin pack just for you guys on the Minecraft Marketplace so you can turn into me or any of my friends simply just head to the Minecraft Marketplace search for eying friends in the search bar and then boom there we are hit that mine corn button go to the dressing room and you can literally select any one of our skins actually wait a minute we’re using levers to activate it guys literally every blood myth that has ever existed that I’ve ever done has not being done with levers because well they’re they’re not blood right what if we activate it with a redstone torch what if we go like all around like I don’t know if you guys see guys the clickbait thumbnails they always look like this I’m using bulbs oh wait I’m not I’m actually using oxidized copper bulbs because I’ve been waiting so long that they’ve been oxidized for those of you who don’t there’s actually tons of different colors of copper usually they are orange but the longer they stay out in the open the more oxygen gets to them and they rust turning into this green maybe we just have to get rid of the oxidization we can do that using an axe okay so we do that and slowly you can see look at that it’s becoming more and more orange it’s totally fixed it’s now it’s actually a copper bulb what else can I do to them Yo wait a minute maybe it needs to stay in that state if we wax it that will stop it from rusting I grabbed a be n chucked it on a campfire to whip up some honey and was ready to wax the bulbs still no bleeding whatsoever we’re turning them all into official copper bulbs whip up the honey wax them all up okay nothing nothing’s happening literally no point great hello wa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why are they flashing wait whoa whoa whoa what’s that what’s that what is that is that wait a second wait a second wait what is that text in the chat okay I apologize for saying that you were fake can we stop this now what is that what is that it’s chasing it’s chasing me it’s chasing me run run run the guy what why is it red what are they doing what what is it saying in the chat oh how did it get out here it just took out that tree dude I think that message says something I can’t tell is it is it upside down guys I can’t I don’t have time to look upside down can one of you guys take a screenshot and flip the image for me check for me what does that message say we just need to get rid of it we got need to destroy them I don’t want to touch that block it’s clearly chasing me which means we can’t do it we can’t do it okay um Okay jump jump okay quick quick quick quick quick we got to mine these mine it what guys I’m clicking I’m click that’s not breaking okay well it turns out we can’t go back where do we go where do we go um okay a jump jump jump H H come on come on come on just keep it going keep it going go go go go go ah I can’t do anything I can’t move I can’t move um it said it would bleed into everything I I understand what that means now but I I’m just literally standing here I’m so useless dude I’m so useless what the wait I’m frozen I’m frozen what is this world is that that corrupted okay I have never seen this error menu in my life the bulb literally just destroyed the entire game just like the Forum said it bled into everything but hold just a second why did the game give the bulb so much power I think there might be more to this than we think okay let’s get back into the world if we return to the main menu I can’t even return dude I have to literally uninstall Minecraft but if I do that I’m going to lose the world what do we do let me know in the comments but now it’s back to the dark Savannah the half Eden armadillo was in my sight we can catch it I’m getting this first video evidence there it is look at that thing no it’s running it’s running it’s running you get back here what damage has it done it doesn’t seem to want to attack me it’s just running away why why is it running what is it hiding that we need to oh my gosh the pig the broken cow the Sheep is that supposed to be a drown bro it’s damaged all these mobs why are they actually why are they all just staring at me wait it’s coming towards us hold up why are you walking towards us dude stay back stay back what the what the ball he’s running towards us he’s he’s rolling he’s rolling go go go go go go go no no no no no why is it chasing us wait it’s it’s not just chasing us the mob’s are following us too the mobs are following us bro that thing is Fu the mobs are running after us leave me alone okay okay okay okay please please please please you can you can get the code from the other mobs you can you can steal their code you don’t need to steal my code guys if it rips into my computer I don’t want to lose my PC it’s up the stairs it’s coming up the stairs no no no no no no no no my bank information te my password there leave me alone he’s controlling the mobs oh no the mobs are coming the mobs are coming that’s okay all right it it can control them but it can’t control me I’m a human I’m a player oh no it’s up here it’s up here do we jump do we jump no we’re going to have to kill it we need to kill it otherwise it will take control of me attack huh H why why is my game not moving what what no no no no what’s happening to my screen no no no no wait I’m stuck I’m stuck nothing’s happening it’s taking control it’s taking control of my computer do we turn off the computer do we wait it’s asking for my my password it’s filling in my password no no no no turn off the computer thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want to shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey megaan

Testing Secret NEW Update 1.21 Cursed TRUE Minecraft Mysteries! Will we Catch them on CAMERA!?

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. Bro I thought ey was telling the truth bout the half eaten armadillo but when he said it's single player and he shows game menu because he shows proof that he is in a single player world but if u look down by open to lan and options u can see mods so he must've used mods to do this myth and prove it is real.

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