Best way to obtain this and the endless shimmer bucket?
I’ve read stuff online but it doesn’t seem to be accurate or perhaps I’m missing something🤔
It’s for a house I’m building

by Yogi422



    Well, the only way to get it is from angler fishing quests. The chances are something like 1/70 after the 10th quest and a guaranteed reward after the 25th quest. Shimmer bucket is the water bucket crafted with some luminite or the bottomless water can be transmuted into the shimmer bucket after killing Moon Lord.

  2. You can get the Bottomless Water Bucket from the Angler at random but also guaranteed at the 25th quest completed – this is why the wiki (use not fandom) is super helpful

    Bottomless Shimmer Bucket can be made only after the final boss >!Moonlord!< has been defeated by crafting >!luminite!< bars together with a Bottomless Water Bucket or by shimmering a Bottomless Water Bucket after the final boss has been defeated

    Hope this helped and good luck on your build, seems super cool 🙏🏻

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