I Cheated With /VIDEO_GAME In Minecraft Build Battle

my robot quido challenged me to a build battle where the winner gets 10,000 diamonds but what he doesn’t know is that I can use the SL video game command so the coolest video game characters in Minecraft can help me win the first being the tower this is going to be easy oh that’s what you think Guido I’ve Got 5 minutes to make the best Tower I can but of course I’m not going to be doing it alone no I’m going to be using the SL video game Comm okay maybe I’m not well I’ve got to say I was not expecting that why isn’t it working and what is that sound wait a second it’s some kind of care package I wonder what I’m going to get here we go oh I know what this is this is a video game Summoner it’s where all of the characters are going to come from so now if I try the/ video game command boom these are all the characters we can choose from and it looks like the only one unlocked right now is Sonic so so let’s go ahead and bring him in hey what’s going on Sonic mind helping me defeat Guido hey there buddy brought you a little present wait what a present wao what are these speed shoes W this is awesome quido is going to stand no chance now come on let’s stop building got to go first this Tower is going to be so much better than steed he’s never been good at building in fact he’s not really good at anything at all don’t tell him I said that there we go what do you think Sonic pretty impressive right and we barely ate into our time and since I’ve got all that time remaining I can decorate the landscape around the tower so come on grab these blocks and let’s get to work yes this is what’s he laughing about out I’ve got something that will turn the tides of this Bell battle a special custom block that Steve won’t be able to get a guido flag wait what Sonic you heard that right Guido’s got a special custom block that we can’t use let me see flag uh well none of these look like a guido flag he’s got an unfair Advantage you know what Sonic I want that flag go on go to Guido side steal it from me go on go in the meanwhile I will work on the landscape now because Sonic is helping me I want to do something dedicated to him we’re going to turn this area into the Green Hill Zone you know from Sonic and hopefully that’ll just be a nice way of showing gratitude to him uh wait what am I doing I I need to use my speed shoes here there we go this is so much more effective woohooo I’m doing my part I just really hope Sonic is doing his now let me see how did this go again [Applause] all right I think I’m ready for the FL what where did my flag go it was literally right there Sonic’s Bank yes and he’s got the flag and we’ve still got one minute to go so let’s come back to this flag later Sonic help me build up this side of the Arena maybe I can just make my own flag oh this kind of looks like what do I do what do I do 5 4 3 2 1 let’s see what Guido build dude there is no way this is going to be anywhere near my level of deta wait quido what is this oh I of time uh wait what are you wearing on your feet oh uh uh uh nothing uh those were my building shoes H let me show you around my build sure Guido I mean it doesn’t really feel like this is going to take very long I went for a Sandstone exterior okay and what the heck is this on top it doesn’t exactly fit Guido I had some complications okay oh Guido you really should have made more of your time uh anyway come on over to my side is this little Sonic themed where did they even come from oh uh is it um must be a coincidence anyway take a long close look at the tower itself yeah right now it may not be that impressive but it’s what’s on top that counts behold Guido my oneof theind Steve flag what where did you get that from what do you mean Guido unless you’re saying that you cheated and you had a block that was completely off limits to myself h i I didn’t I no oh where are you going Guido it’s only 1 n remember the first to five rounds win and that is going to be me the next theme is ship once again I’ve Got 5 minutes to build this but I’m not going to do it alone let’s use the video game command again and see who we’ve unlocked oh look at that Mario wo It’s a Mario oh it is good to see you huh Steve what was that I uh it was a me this is how I talk now H whatever woo that was is a close one Mario I’m in a build battle right now and I seriously need your help do you think you could help me let’s go oh yeah this is going to be awesome here we go oh no he’s awful what was I thinking he’s not a super fast blue Hedgehog he’s just a normal dude I mean that’s the amount of progress he made Sonic had it all completely done oh but wait Mario came out of the PIP maybe we can get more of the Mario characters to come out the pipe as well hey Mario do you mind bring your friends along of course the Mushroom Kingdom is full of people willing to help yeah yeah whatever just hurry up bring everyone everyone yes why are you listening to me bring everyone what in the multiv oh my gosh this is amazing you see Mario this is so much easier rather than you and I doing all the heavy lifting the toades here are going to build the ship for us this is amazing not as amazing as mine feels I can’t believe I’m nearly finished already wait what but we’ve still got 3 minutes of building time to go oh that is not good ah we still haven’t made enough progress okay we need more characters right now Mario Mario what the heck is this the toades are scared you told them me to bring everyone well obviously I didn’t mean everyone who else is coming oh no it’s a b Z we are so dead ah what a lovely [Music] day bye get back here you little what have you done Mar no oh even the toads are leaving guys come on oh I guess this isn’t going to be as easy as I thought and I’ve only got 3 seconds dude this is over oh Steve I don’t think you got the meow you were supposed to build a full ship yeah well this is a ship after it’s been a big sea Battle or something uh maybe a tornado or Cyclone I don’t I don’t know anyway it’s not like yours is much better what is this white stuff all over it it doesn’t even look like a that’s ins sale oh yeah I mean I guess you’re right I’ve even got a poop p but it looks like your ship only has boo oh Guido that is not funny better luck next time Ste it’s one one I can’t let Guido think he has a chance the next theme is town and once again we’ve got 5 minutes to build something better than him back we go to the command oh and it looks like this time we can use the fortnite characters let’s hope this squad are more effective than Mario Squad okay guys so we’ve got to build a town so what we need to do is wait what what are you guys looking at uh hello don’t ignore me it’s the battle bus hopefully Guido doesn’t see this it’ll be very suspicious wo wo wo look at that the battle bus is dropping us off some gifts in the form of loot slamas I’m guessing that this is what’s going to give me the edge over Guido in this stage of the build battle I better begin breaking them down wonder what I’m going to get I want to make the most of my time so I’m going to become a clo machine and my minions are going to help me build that’s it guys make me a town let St won’t be able to compete with hey what’s this A P water fors that’s an item from the game now this thing usually creates a building wherever it lands so I think I’ve just figured out how I’m going to defeat Guido if this grenade means I can create buildings then I can build my own town in no time I can build my own version of tilted Towers oh that is such a good idea wonder if these other llamas are going to give me something too come on you stupid little llama oh no no I can’t move oh this can’t be happening keep going guys this is looking great well now I know you don’t always get good stuff from the llamas you know it would be really great if you guys could help me what was I expecting ooh RT to go I was just saying that I needed some help so let’s give this a go and now a bunch of fortnite characters are coming to help me out AG Guido is so doomed yeah this is looking good guys we’ve just got a minute left and there’s still some areas where we could use more details like you know this area right here we can use more buildings another building is clearly supposed to go here but you know what might speed this up a another loot llama the last one don’t mind if I do let’s see what we’ve got oh no boogy bombs no no no no no guys cut it out stop stop dancing you’re supposed to be building not boogieing oh this is really bad we’ve still got areas that aren’t built up come on step out of it come on meels oh this a disaster okay this is fine 30 seconds I can just build this by myself let’s see uh I I could build a building yeah anyone could build a building um la la la la everything is looking great I totally got this in the bag no come on come on come on come on help me what are you doing help me teage ready Ninja Turtle help me no hey Guido how’s it going um nice build yes Steve I put a lot of effort into it you know just me all by myself how does his look more complete than mine I literally had thousands of people help me I guess sometimes having all that help isn’t the answer quit talking to yourself now come on show me your side uh okay honestly I think I did a pretty good job you know we got the trees we’ve got the half built houses we’ve got the areas where buildings are clearly supposed to be but they’re not uh is that oh this uh this is a construction site yeah it’s supposed to look like this Steve you ran out of time didn’t you no I I I I told you my Town’s supposed to be like this it’s um it’s um no next time try Finish the build just a pro tip there Steve thanks Guido you know what maybe my problem is that I’m relying on humans I mean right at the start Sonic was definitely the most helpful character I’ve summoned so far but the fortnite dudes and Mario they kind of suck so I you/ video game again ah this time I get to use Pokémon oh now this is cool we’ve got Charizard Onyx Pikachu and Squirtle which is perfect for the next theme Island so this is what I’m thinking guys I’m going to give each of you different roles on this island we’ve got the landmass of the island itself and on there I want different landmarks so Onyx is going to create the volcano you know because he has the power of rocks or something and Charizard is going to create the lava coming from the volcano then of course squircle is going to create the water and Pikachu um Pikachu oh um I’m really sorry Pikachu but I don’t really feel like I have a job for you right now there’s got to be some job I can give you uh you know what you are going to have the most important job of all I want you to sabotage Guido [Music] pikik what are you guys staring at come on let’s get building I’m going to start off by building a glass border around the edges this is going to prevent the water from spilling out into the landscape around it and now that’s finished Squirtle water again Squirtle all right this is looking good isn’t that right guys yep Charizard clearly doesn’t like it uh let’s just begin working on the island itself come on Charizard hop on qu complaining you can fly anyway oh okay sorry sorry my bad now Onyx about that volcano now Charizard spice it up nice I wonder how Pikachu is doing now this is my idea for my Bild I’m going to go for a floating island suspend by a huge tree surrounding the island will be clouds and even some smaller Islands oh my plan is to have people living here wonder if I can pull that up hey what the how are you there I guess I’m going to have to be P control get back here you I’m going to rip you apart Rin I feel so powerful H now do I want to put a tree right here or one over there oh hey Pikachu what’s going on Pik Pik Pik wait what Pikachu I don’t understand you I don’t understand Pik I I don’t speak Pikachu stop it Pikachu you’re freaking me out H clearly something’s wrong with Pikachu but honestly I don’t have time to figure that out I’ve got finish off my Island make sure it’s better than guidos and I’m kind of running out of time so I’m just going to really Rush this tree you know what it’s not like Guido could do much better I’ve had three Pokémon helping me out I mean seriously if Guido’s built something better than this I deserve to lose come on Guido show me what you’ve got H what what how what do you think Steve Welcome to My Island although you’re not the only occupant here here how did you have time to make all of this I mean you’ve got people on this island you’ve got a wheat field you’ve even got smaller Islands on the outside clouds dude is that a giant tree I oh why is nothing working out for me today quit your blubbering we both had the same amount of time it’s not like I got overcharged turning me into the Ultimate Building machine oh okay yeah I’ll just show you my side so um Island water uh bit of grass a tree or at least it was supposed to be a tree and a volcano the volcano is cool right it is but it’s not up to me to decide what’s cool and what isn’t it’s up to the gods of the Minecraft Dimension and they have chosen yeah I’m getting really good at this a he actually is how has he won three in a row the next theme is streets and I think my issue so far is that I using a lot of modern games why don’t I do something from a little further back something like Tetris wo look at this this is so retro now from this arcade machine right here I can play my own version of Tetris we’ve got Guido at the bottom and as you can see the blocks fall from the top now you may be wondering how this actually helps me well what in the mul is B that’s right the blocks actually fall in real life okay this is awesome look at Guido trying to dodge you’re not going to get me you’re not going to get me you’re not going to get me oh quit your squirming you know what let’s just bring this one down right now wa hey wait a second those blocks are falling Wherever I Go which means I can use them in the fild battle wait why has quido suddenly stopped moving okay well it just makes it easy for me ah missed again not this time though just stay still there everything is exactly where I wanted now I can start work on the road and turn this build into my very own stream oh no no I think I know what I’ve just done I just help Guido out um uh okay this is fine I can build my own Street it’ll be much better than his uh where do I even start I’m getting off to such a good start I can turn those mysterious blocks which came out of nowhere into buildings this is going to save so much time I have no time at all okay uh we’ll put wooden buildings I’d really like to do colored ones but I don’t have time to think about all of that uh here we go a buch I guess oh dude this is so ugly I’ve just been rushing all of my bills today it feels like ah this is actually kind of relaxing I even have time to plant trees it’s those little details which will give me the advantage overseas dude I hate this so much does this even count as a street uh I oh my gosh well see you what do you think those those are my Tetris blocks no wonder quido had such an advantage he’s just turned them into buildings themselves that is that’s actually pretty smart why didn’t I think of that looking at the mysterious blocks that came out of nowhere huh they really did help me finish my stream well done Guido come on let me show you my side this is my street um as you can see there’s four buildings um I’d say one of them is probably actually made and even then it still doesn’t really have a door uh yes that is that is my house wanted to be modest and I gave myself the smallest house in the entire Street steeve this is lame yeah I know it’s SL I won again that’s four one to me Steve which means you’re one point away from winning you bet see you in the next round loser I mean at least I hope so I’ve got such a mountain to climb so the next theme is car great that’s going to be even more more difficult than the street anyway SL video game and it looks like we’ve got GTA coming up um hello did that do anything I could really use some help dude what the [Music] [Applause] heck oh hey you guys now listen you three need to follow my instructions very carefully because it feels like all the characters that I’ve encountered so far have done the exact opposite okay I’m sorry Trevor maybe I was a little rude got to remember these guys are criminals all right so we are going to be building a car based off uh well your car right here so take some orange blocks there you go share them equally amongst yourselves guys no arguing and the three of you are going to build this car what do you [Music] think okay okay okay I’m sorry hm maybe they’re not interested in building they’re just interested in causing crimes destruction so you know what guys hand me those blocks back I think I can help you out here heard gunshots from Seaside but that’s not my problem I’m going to build myself a truck so guys what I’m imagining here is something a little similar to what you’d see in your Dimensions I’m talking in oppressor Mark 2 now I think who okay you’re less talking more building got it sheesh these guys are aggressive have the TRU with their wheels and there we go what do you think guys wa wait a second what the heck just happened I think the oppressor came to life was the build that good anyway this is a good thing because those guys are total lunatics and they’re heading straight over to Guido’s side and while he’s dealing with them I will actually start building this time I really am going to make a car oh hey guys cool ride uh wait what are you doing that’s my ride stop I spent so long on this please there we go uh oh the walls are falling already time flew uh wa Guido that’s your car obviously it’s not Steve something happened these three guys came out of nowhere and Destro everything whoa hold on a second Guido three guys are you meaning to say that you had people on your side without telling me therefore cheating in this build battle no let’s stop what I said let’s just go see your build very well come along this is my super car as you can see it’s not exactly to scale but huh neither is yours I mean I just base this on the car I’m going to purchase for myself when I win those 10,000 diamonds you’ll never win this build battle it’s still 41 I think I’m starting to build momentum yes I mean let’s be real there was no real surprise there see you in the next round buddy wow maybe look is finally starting to turn my way next theme Castle next video game Among Us oh they’re already heading to Guido side those guys are definitely going to get up to Mischief I’m just going to leave them to it now it’s important that I nail this build because if I win I will just be one point away from catching up with Guido so got to do this well the theme is Castle so I’m going to get some kind of stone textured blocks and I’m imagining a giant Tower in the center surrounded by a wall on the outside all right better to get to work I can’t believe how much I’ve already gotten done and this case I’ll be finished in no time what the heck is going on what in the Multiverse Steve was that you hey wait my obstacles aners you must have taken them get back here thank you very much oh now what hey hey hey what is this you’re stealing my blocks what is going on today wow it sounds like Guido’s frustrated eh not my problem what of you is sabotaging me so I’m going to go down the line until you tell me who it is so it must be you you’re going to pay [Music] for and there we go I think I’m all finished just in time as well wa Guido yours is actually pretty impressive but wait did you kind of just like give up from here you just stopped building listen something came up I’ve killed a lot of people today Steve don’t test me okay okay jeez what’s going into you but I do have to say my opinion Guido and that is this is very unfinished you haven’t even finished this pillar looks like there are no walls on this corner it’s just a bit me you know anyway what isn’t me is m Fortress right here we’ve got an outer wall completed and mine even has an interior dude what are you doing get out of here nothing to see here Guido just uh need to do something like this there we go H yeah interior as you can see I got a throne all to myself for the king of the build battle Steve the adventurer that’s right I’m one point away from equaling your score Guido it’s getting close whatever stupid doesn’t even know that I’m Mass series killer now wait what did he just say all right I’ve got to win this round if I want a chance of winning Guido is four points ahead but if I win this round it’ll be 44 all to play for so let’s once again do the/ video game command oh looks like we’re using Roblox this time here we go come on Roblox um Roblox what the heck is going on nothing happened did I just get scammed oh come on what is this I don’t really know what’s going on today but it’s just be one thing after another anyway looks like we’ve got some kind of obstacle course ahead you know what I’ll just fly across no way am I going to waste time on W oh looks like I’m going to have to do this legit w w w okay this is scary oh sounds like Guido’s in trouble I didn’t think choosing Roblox did anything but clearly it did I Got 5 minutes to complete this Army and get back to my bill area come on quo you got this here we [Music] go all right so this is what I’ve got so far we’ve got a classic Red Barn deep sleep roof and here I think is where my crops are going to be yeah that seems like a good idea got plenty of room inside the barn for any animals or farming equipment this is the life I hate my life like what even is this wow okay this is strange oh is that even possible no why is this happening to me all right with have 10 seconds left I think we’re just about done and and made it oh my gosh another F okay Guido show me what you got wait a second Guido this is your barn welcome to Guido’s Barn finest form in the entire Minecraft Dimension why are you talking like that seriously this is not a laughing n guo you’ve barely got anything here what did you do with all your time I was fighting for my life I don’t really know what that means but sorry to hear that anyway if you just want to come on over to my side as you can see I have a fully fledged Farm here not only do I have a huge classic red barn but I’ve also got the crops outside and this nice little area to store all my supplies when I don’t need them uh listen Guido I think there’s only really One winner here and that is me yeah 4 four dude next round is the winner I’m on to you Steve and trust me I’ve made sure that there’s no way you’re going to win the final round good luck you’re going to need it wait what what does that mean that robot really gives me the creep sometimes but anyway final round all to play for we’ve got this in the bag and the final theme is dream so here’s my idea for a dream I’m imagining a beautiful cloudy landscape with rainbows connecting the clouds and in the middle we’ll put the focus point a beautiful unicorn but of course I’m not going to be doing this by myself so I’m going to use the SL video game command 2 I I’m going to be using the SL video game command 2 what what is this wait a second Guido must have found my game suer and destroyed it when I wasn’t looking which means I’ve got to build this all by myself okay uh this is fine clouds what do we use for clouds Wool Wool is what we use for clouds uh we can get some blue sky or something I don’t know okay don’t panic Steve let’s St building the cloud um wait clouds are off the ground what am I doing I should have known that Steve was cheating and now I’m going to defeat him once and for all my idea of a dream is me surrounded by those 10,000 diamonds raining from the sky this is going to be so good this is going to be so bad when Guido invited me for this build battle I didn’t think I’d actually have to build at least not without my Summoner friends but and without that Summoner let’s be real adventurers I I stand no chance here this is this is over wait what was that sound it’s another one of those War pipes maybe my video game friends still exist in this world wa Mario Sonic Pikachu uh random fortnite guy I’m guessing you guys came back to help me and now we can win this battle together this is looking so great there’s no way that Steve all buy himself can compete with this that’s it guys work together come on if we can pull this off those 10,000 diamonds are mine 3 2 1 here we go pow how did you bu all of that I thought you R your dumb video game characters now now Guido calm down just show me your side first oh I see so we’ve got you in the center surrounded by a bunch of diamonds well it’s nice you’ve built this because once you’ve seen this side that will never become a reality now come on let me show you around so as you can see you got the giant Cloud right here a beautiful rainbow which is arcing perfectly over the cloud formation and oh did I mention my unicorn this just doesn’t make any sense I made it so you couldn’t cheat anymore cheat me no Come On never I think you’re just a little saw Los AG Guido because clearly the winner of this competition is I’m going to look real stupid if I don’t win this now me yeah woo look at all those diamonds better look next time Guido uh that was nothing H look who I found hiding here steeve wait Guido just calm down relax okay so maybe I cheated a little you don’t need to Guido no no flamethrower mode Guido [Music]

Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/

This is Minecraft, but I cheat using /VIDEO_GAME! When Steve is challenged to a build battle with his best friend G.U.I.D.O Steve uses Minecraft’s most powerful video game characters such as Mario, Sonic, and Pikachu, to cheat his way to victory! Can Steve cheat using Minecraft video games to win the build battle? This is MINECRAFT BUT I CHEATED WITH /VIDEO_GAME!


‣ Check out our WEBSITE and make your own Checkpoint character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/
‣ Buy Checkpoint MERCH: https://creatorink.com/collections/checkpoint
‣ Check out our INSTAGRAM!: https://www.instagram.com/checkpoint.yt/
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‣ Join the Adventurer’s Guild on Discord: https://discord.gg/rzXUDvt

~ G.U.I.D.O Animation by: https://www.studiogoblin.co.uk/
~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations: https://twitter.com/AmbientTeam

Follow our incredible voice cast:
Carimelle: https://estherchristova.carrd.co/#home
Cyrus Rodas: https://twitter.com/CyrusRodas
Dallis MacKenzie: https://twitter.com/Dallisaur
Corey Wilder: https://twitter.com/WilderCorey
Brooke Johnson: https://brookejohnsonvo.com


‣ GTA 5 DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/35VAw0f
‣ MINECRAFT DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/3mKfUOL
‣ ROBLOX DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/2HquZVz


Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

#Checkpoint #buildbattle #Minecraft


  1. hey dude can you do what if you and Guido are in fundamental paper education and try to save Abbie and Claire form getting killed from miss circle and Alice please.

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