We have made Grandpa Proud!~ Stardew Valley 1.6 Part 17

e e e e greetings everyone welcome back that might be a bit Loud Let’s see that should be better okay let’s go live so we left stuff yesterday thank you for the lucky lunch and I have put in the fridge most of the ingredients to cook everything however I am missing uh one eel and some kale I planted it so it’s going to take a bit to finish that that’s so now I just remembered that I haven’t gone to Ginger Island to pick up the Quest for this week because I only have this leak one for George Let’s just teleport there it’s raining oh maybe I can catch the eel from here let’s double check that I do like this little sight that we get give me my grapes okay that’s a bunch of blueberries gotten hello Mr key go into the school Caverns but you can’t eat or drink or find aund of each these are both bad but this one I have two days um what can I use for red though red orange yellow green blue purple they’re both bad let’s see how we’re doing with perfection we’re at 60% um we’re working on the ovalis and on the ship things however we’re missing a star drop I’m hoping cras will give me the star drop because if not I’m going to have to marry someone that can give it to me okay let’s see if we can cat the eel because Ginger island is technically an ocean so 5050 lion f fish oh wait the eel doesn’t come out till 2: p.m. forgot that g okay let’s clean up inventory a bit we’re doing good on grapes we need to have a lot more grapes for making raisins uh we won’t be using the hoe or this actually let’s go into the mines and we’ll come out at two volcano let’s see if we can get a couple more Cinder shs you know I still haven’t gotten any eggs from slimes oopsie okay that’s three Cinder shards oh treasure room maybe no oh there is a treasure okay let me water cool we get the dwarf dagger that’s interesting two Cinder shards usually these things always drop Cinder shards so I’m going to try to kill them whenever I see them treasure from question mark no treasure no treasure be sad bu ametist what is that is that an omni geod node that looks so pretty though h this that’s one Cinder Shard and two more we are at level four and level five we’ll throw ourselves down and go check if we can get the eel hello wait nothing here mushroom here down we go and let’s go to the docks good enough inventory this mines take so much longer just to go from down 10 floors oo treasure uh we love treasure in the house always trash trash trash trash okay you are not an eel because you’re too easy flounder I’m going to look up on the wiki e start I don’t think it’s possible to cash it on Ginger let’s see geod and R let see me not paying attention because I’m trying to look in the wi the sard wikii is like the best thing to have when playing okay octopus no I can catch an octopus but not an e well I guess that means I’m going back to the island let’s take our two statues I need to make two more for the other one am I full oh I won’t be fishing until we get a rainy day in the valley so that’s okay and you go here up you go and my weapon it’s a pretty nice dagger uh let’s save the row okay couple of you are done good good don’t eat the blueberry I guess the ancient fruit one is the only one that takes longer from the other ones let’s go check our threes and cut off a bunch of trees that might be the most useful thing we can do today oh look leaks I planted a bunch of spring seeds but if we find them all before they grow we might as well finish that Quest earlier perfect okay we can make a couple more Cask a cask uh cegs so let’s do that and we have one more uh Tre area to check because we did uh started planting the Mystic seed three so it might look pretty there wait I’m cutting you off and you oh I can’t go that way they knew I was going to be cutting everything another leak oh wow everything grew up look at them pretty blue threes what do I need to make the heavy tappers The Toppers are nor normal but I had heavy tappers radioactive bars that’s going to take a while to farm but I guess in the meantime I can just do normal tappers oh my God my three Farm looks pretty I didn’t think they were all going to grow like the first day let’s go to town and I’ll just cut trees from the forest and then go up I had already finished this one so obviously this one is the important one what you doing outside achievement good ner neighbors help your Forest neighbors grow their family is that the people here one second that must be the raccoons are you done having kids one two three four five six seven eight wow help us and I’ll give you you something nice you want more help okay kale juice and pickled carrot um I’ll help you later I don’t have any kale right now so when the kale throws up I can give you that I should have some carrots left that I can pickle for you though I didn’t know he kept giving Quest this is fine we can cut trees in the farm so let’s do that that’s a lot of kids oh they have started leaving a bunch of um English truffles one two oopsie it is 12 we’re going to need Bunches of wood how are you guys doing that’s fine I guess I’m going need to break this down I thought I could play co-op but I didn’t put it when I started the game so it won’t work you you oh I have sits okay so that’s sit stappers not bad and okay 10 KS and one of these wait I didn’t pick up the carrot one carrot okay you go there and the carrot for the no oh that’s a I’m special that’s a cask and not a preserve shs where’s The Preserve shs here I need to read I need to read okay where’s that extra Cask I made I’m being special how long have you been playing stard Valley for I have been playing stardew Valley for a couple years uh I hadn’t played in the computer for a while though I started playing it on the switch and then I was like I want to try stue Valley again I wanted to fly the new um one point sits and that hasn’t come to switch yet so I downloaded it again on my computer I have a bunch of safe files here but I haven’t been even close to perfection in any of this fried e and new fruit uh I do I enjoy playing stard I do I love having I love collecting stuff like my favorite thing was like getting all of the fishes and then I just sped through trying to get all of the things for the museum now I need to figure out what everything is so I can finish this I have never finished the shipping part so it’s a learning experience my inventory is full oh I want to go check if that boy egg SEMA watch Ley that sounds nice um yes I like to play a bunch of phone games like gening NAD woa and star rail I also played um shop Titans that one’s probably not very known but I love that game it’s so fun um wait here couple more more CS let’s pick up some fruits here that way will use that to Kake while we wait for uh the ancient fruits to be done on Sunday Saturday we’re going to need to go to find this Prismatic butterfly too um what other games do I play uh Final Fantasy 14th I have been playing that one too especially now with the downt tril um update it’s been a bit hard with my schedule for work getting changed but it’s working out okay three apples you and you oh that’s basically it let’s see we finished here I made some extra cakes but that’s fine I’m just going to put them here oh this one’s are done too CS give more money than this ones anyways but it looks weird oh I know I’m GNA put them here in that little line and that line is just going to be of kicks that might look better do you play stardew valy quid on came back yes stardew valy is a great cozy game but I can see how you would need a break from it right now I have never hid perfection in the game so after I get Perfection I’ll probably get bored of the game and start uh and do another game but that’s the fun of playing you can just choose what you want to play I’ve been looking at Moonstone Island that looks a little bit like well it’s a collecting game for Pokemons basically W farming so I might try that one too okay okay now we need a bunch of fruits so I guess we’re going to fill up everything with blueberries because I have a bunch of blueberries I’m trying to set up my Ginger Island for ancient fruits but it’s sing a bit I’ll get there though and we’re going to need 10 Milli 10 billion for the clock and that’s going to take a while all yours it’s 11 a.m. we still need to find a prismatic butterfly so maybe we’ll go look for that uh I don’t need you I don’t need you n it’s fine oh since I have these I can give to kobus this is a loved item for him oh there you are you are welcome I should put some of these here in the chest that way I can give them to him more often okay let’s go back to the three farm and tap a couple of the trees there because I want to get the one for the new tree the Prismatic tree I did go the community center route it took me one year and one day because I had enough time for my my truffles wouldn’t come out and I got so mad because uh I had the pigs grown up for a week and a half before winter and it didn’t give me the Truffle and then the first day of spring it immediately gave me one and I was like okay be like that um as of right now we have uh all friendships with everyone thank God that doesn’t go down and we finished the museum and we have the community center and the theater done so we pretty much have everything however Robin has a couple of community Arrangements that I haven’t seen before but those are expensive see all done I have never gone the Georgia route I’m going to have to do it uh like once I guess to be able to get the achievement but it just feels wrong to go the Geor R leaks how many leaks do we have five hi I don’t see any more leaks they usually only appear on this area of the map okay let’s continue cleaning up trees in the farm because we need a bunch of wood let’s actually do preserve yours today I’m waiting for Sunday to go to the mines because I have a bunch of Jade I can exchange for uh staircases and that might be the easiest way to do the no food one no food challenge it didn’t say it wasn’t with without staircases I guess I also have the fairy so it might be doable with the fairy all of my trees oh God this is going to fall okay it didn’t fall on the water no hope we are going to need to fill up the silos again but at least now we have a bunch of uh grass nope I didn’t think I was going to give uh wood for some reason okay and B bubber our golden mystery Bots oh I haven’t G to pet my animals because I have out ofs for them and that’s really nice let’s see oh it’s night time for them how are you guys doing one two I was need to start your Valley on my first play through I went on the Georg Road biggest regret I have ever had I mean it just feels wrong because you came from working yourself to death by joa and then you’re going to go to the valley and continue working with them you got to agree that does sound weird I haven’t seen that Prismatic butterfly though are you lying to me maybe I passed by it without seeing it hi Leah is there even places that the butterflies just don’t spawn maybe that’s it maybe I’m just looking at the wrong areas ooh that’s a bunch of spring onions you know that’s what I’m missing I’m missing that cut scene with Jaz and Vincent what are you do you want a bream I can give you a bream thank you I appreciate it I have my streaming scheduled uh somewhere on the page let’s go look for a bream for the weird is that a be I think it might be up be oh Jades okay so that’s an alore that’s APR okay and my extra books go here uh it’ll be fine can kill this one deforestation because we’re out of wood out of wood but first let’s say how to our little friend the bear bye Oliver I hope you have a great day night um whatever time when you’re in here you go wait you’re not a bear you have a that tail is not a bear oh wow okay pink cake why would I carry a pink cake with me how many things do you think the weird bear thing is going to ask for I should count them it’s like the raccoons the raccoons have been asking for things every week you know what I should have the materials to make a cake but I kind of want to wait till I have everything to cook that’s fine there’s my cake and we’re running again I went to look for a butterfly and I finished with a weird bear and now I don’t have anything no and here we go again again there you go there’s your cake you happy I don’t what is that oh I haven’t cooked things so I can’t really see it yes we know what we’re doing tomorrow we’re cooking to figure out what he’s asking for maybe Autumn bony I think it might be Autumn’s bony or dish of the sea one of the two it ask for a lot of things it’s kind of funny how so many of the NPCs in this game are um animals like the bear that gives you the salmon berries are worth more money and the wrath for the achievements okay up we go hello oh we have enough money to make another one of the it’s raining I got it thank you thank you crowz wait does that mean I have 14 hearts with you no okay okay let’s clean up our inventory so we can start cooking and at 2 p.m. we need to go catch that eel you go here you go here I can sell that fish but I’m going to cook it first sure why not and I guess I’ll put seeds here you here and um you here first three fish you cook up are going to be easier you know what that’s great because we need to go fishing today okay now let’s get cooking I already did this one so let’s do the omelet salad uh wait I have the cheese here cheese cauliflower baked fish uh parsnip soup vegetable mle we have the cook achievement complete breakfast it needs one fried egg one I’ll skip this one for now lucky fried mushroom pizza Bean PT uh carps hash brown pancake complete breakfast I was missing one egg okay uh okay the kale is for this one fish taco needs a tortilla and Mayo which I do have one second okay let’s put these back here and I’ll be moving this ones back into the fridge because I need them to cook okay and oh wow it’s been getting cleaned up slowly but surely okay now we can do the tackle a crispy bass hot pepper bread um I don’t know what that is sous chef rainbow trout cake we did the pink cake yesterday so we don’t have to do that one tomato fried eel I need another eel for this one not doing those red something tomato eggplant rice puding ice cream blueberry itams Bounty pumpkin soup super meal cranberry sauce stuffing so I needed The Omelette that I put in the other one another bread hash browns I’ll wait a second minor Street Roots triple shot espresso the seaon Ping algae pale brute BR pudding artia dip okay up you go and I needed the um omelette and I’ll put this ones back in here I’ll take the bread in case I need to cook something else with bread okay so we go down and we skipped the farmer’s lunch so there it is coffee uh the kale we missing it roasted hazelnuts pumpkin pie radish fruit salad blackberry cobbler um cranberry juice Bretta Co SLO Fiddle Head rotto poppy seed muffin shouder fish stew esar cot okay almost done almost done we we’ll we’ll continue on gee I’m just going to start putting the foods in here too oh wait I have another fridge I can put stuff in netline Lobster bis Maple bar crap cakes shrimp cocktail ginger ale banana pudding mango sticky rice POI topical Curry squid ink and M soup and now we’re going to go here and check what we’re missing so we’re missing the wheat the strange bun but I’m missing the bo boid Mayo for that one the glazed jams we should yeah we have enough for that one skip that one okay we’re missing the kale for this one and we’re missing the spicy eel for this one now I’m missing one more s uh hash brown and dish of the sea uh wait not what I wanted to check and for this one I’m missing also the kale perfect okay so I’m missing kale for two boy Mayo for one and one eel and let’s take this dish of the sea to the I don’t even know what to call it the weird bear it’s not a bear I know it’s not a bear you come here you are welcome okay I need you to grow up please I wonder how many times it needs to grow up how many days let’s go to Robin and see if I can buy another mini fridge I don’t need another mini fridge I I just need to sell all the food wait we’re going to the bear thing more trees grew up there so I can close them up okay and down we go go oh more spring seeds we like the spring seeds let’s hope is this one wait it’s not here maybe because it’s raining it doesn’t show up it’s fine okay let’s go into Willies no it’s early okay let’s cut a couple trees and then we’ll go fishing we can leave the farm at 1 p.m. and we’ll make it there at two when the eel can start appearing another book there we go and oh that reminds me I need to make the thing so that I can okay let’s go look for stone and O Diamond okay I need you you you you coal and stone and 12 of them that’s pretty good one two three four five six seven wh okay I’m out of wood again I can make another cake yeah let’s make another cake okay I have an extra chest I wanted to put there um chest I’m going to be putting extra vegetables here to cook to cook uh so I can make the items and I’ll be using the pineapples that looks like something good to utilize I think that should be enough because we only made 12 okay now that we have these oh wait I need one of these to have the carrot and then I can continue and you get pineapple juice and we keep this here perfectly organized after this it’s one so let’s go get our our eel so we can finish that other uh fishing the spicy CEO I should catch two just in case I want to put some in a pond I’m debating if I’m going to fill up the place with ponds hello what’s up Sebastian what’s up I’m surprised to find you out here in the rain I’m surprised to find you here what’s happening look at those dark clouds looping Over the Horizon I hope they come this way I like this weather because it makes everybody disappear you know being around people makes me feel anxious I don’t feel that way around you though a we’re getting soaked oh here there’s room for two I like how he was getting wet this whole time when he had a umbrella okay let’s get fishing oh we have this thing right um the first couple of fish are going to be easier to cash the first three fish you hook today will be much easier it’s asking too much for it to be an eel right nope I guess it isn’t making the sardines being easier ooh treasure we’re always going to try to get the treasure okay I’m going to put that dresser on my yes I don’t have any you know what hi Willie let’s see spinner slly increase bait I’ll buy a treasure hunter too that way we get more treasure treasure makes the life go around I get happy when I see treasure come on I need one eel that’s all we’re trying to catch here and I keep getting sardines I’m pretty sure it’s from 2 p.m. forward andby seaweed um at 4:30 we’re going to go sell the fish to Willie that way we make more SPS come on I need that pretty little eel and not sardine hopefully I get two heels but okay this one’s I don’t think this is an eel that was the easiest eel ever isn’t eels supposed to be difficult difficult okay one more one more and this is probably a sardine it is a zardin well maybe you’re an eel I don’t know okay that’s two let’s go back home and cook that spicy eel and that way I’ll only be missing the kale and the boy Mayo I just got my boy chicken so it shouldn’t take too long to get an egg hopefully oh Quest I don’t want to go finding Ghosts no ghost for you today since after this is basically a waiting game for the the chicken to grow up and the kale to grow we’ll be start going to the mines okay and spicy eel now we’re only missing the ones that we’re missing the ingredients for perfect and I have the other two ingredients here uh uh I can’t tell where it is it’s fine let’s put the rest of the cooking uh plates in here for when I need them and about you I have a lot of food oh the bread okay now that that’s out of the way up you go up up up up up I don’t remember what the wizard need needed to continue uh to buy the N upgrade Let’s see we have four obelisque so this would be the third one we build in the farm and after that one more more and then we can start saving money for the golden clock let’s see up we go hi wizard so 10 irium bars and 10 Earth crystals for the mountains or 10 idium bars 10 10 clams and 10 corals for corals oh God I don’t think I have quarels okay let’s go back to the beach and try to gather things but we can definitely build this one I think corals go uh appear year round so that shouldn’t be too much problems at least is not not at Le shells I think that’s only for winter okay up we go we’re going to put it in the same area or we can start decorating and figure out what we want to do but that sounds like too much work right now I kind of like how it looks here maybe I’ll move this chest and put a line here okay rabbit’s feet um I think I have finished most of the heart events with people and there’s going to be something happening I have gotten the bad option before but apparently there’s a way to do a good option but it only happens if you have a rabbit’s feet hi Sebastian I was just about to head out hop on I want to to show you something okay I can show you the world it does look pretty that’s suzu City in the dist I come here when I want to get away from everything and just think are you smoking so what do you think you should quit smoking kind of ugly it gives me a strange sound it’s beautiful um yeah that’s exactly how I feel too okay I look ridiculous with my head the city used to draw me in but now I’m finding myself happier at home in the valley yes I don’t usually bring girls to this place in fact you’re the only one you know what I’m trying to say don’t you just look at him kiss this is not PG we’re getting kissed okay let’s see if that pops up the bend cut scene at the saloon flower flower flowers flowers trash trash for some reason you decide to place your hand in your pocket you touch the rabbit’s foot and feel a sense of relief what’s up you showed up just in time for the first ever pican Town eightball tournament don’t worry I have never played before either it’s easy you just got to put some mustard on the C Ball what you played around a pool with the boys Sebastian won of course but it was still a lot of fun okay that’s a lot nicer than the one that happens when you um okay I thought there was going to be one with the females too since I’m dating the females too when you don’t have a rabbit’s food they don’t talk to you for the next week I think and they’re mad at you and you lose hearts with them because you’re dating everybody in town how there you um Georgia wait I thought I had a trash uh box that’s decorations ah there it is and you get my flowers not you and you I’ll put the row here I can put this row later in the things here preserve yours everything’s doing good I need to oh I forgot I wonder how long those things have been without anything in them seems I forgot to fill them up we’ll work on it okay okay tomorrow we’ll be going into the mines and I have a couple of bombs staircases I won’t be able to utilize healing so I’ll keep my fairy on me and I’ll keep this in my inventory that way I can get energy back since I won’t be able to eat other than that okay this thing said I’m missing so this is the boy mayo and the boy Egg and I should be good with everything else let’s see I just need 15 shipped of the crops that’s good good good good good definitely doing good with the blueberries maybe I need need more rice my ho should be nope did I misplace my hoe oh that’s my extra fish oh my God where did I put my hoe this was UN organize at all so it might be here yes let’s take these back to the farm okay I have three corals here and one clam and here I don’t have any um I needed 10 of each we work on that okay how many do I have here I have nine okay so I have enough corals what I don’t have enough it’s enough clams I have six clams and 10 corals I’ll be putting them here and I need to find four more clams and blueberries I brought um 100 is good there let me put them here then for when we need to refill this okay I’m going to leave my urum rod there and where’s my water Pond I guess I can put them here second rice shoes oh wait I have a perfect place to do this I even S have a couple of ho uh places hold one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 okay so now that that’s going to grow there I can sell it in case I need that for shipment oh the other thing I’m going to do is take with me the Jades okay we’re about as ready as we’re going to be let’s see Friday irium it’s a bad luck day oh right he doesn’t talk on Fridays I keep forgetting let’s find coal and butterfly coconut I have been cutting the trees here let’s double check I’m pretty sure you don’t sell the staircases today you do not okay okay the idea is still to come back on Sunday to finish this Quest if we can’t make it since we can’t eat I’m not even going to bother too much I’ll put this in case we start dying oh no Should I reset the day I left my pickaxe no I I won’t raise it day I won’t raise it day it’s fine run I thought I had everything cries in a corner okay now we’re ready we have the fairy we have the ring for energy and that should be enough let’s hope okay so slimes don’t do damage so those are the best to go around for okay that’s my first entrance uh level three it’s so nice to see staircases right after you enter huh okay I’m going to be going to get that shade I don’t see monsters here o hole sit levels and I hear a slime we’re already on level 10 11 oh that’s what it meant so I can get healed with those type of slimes that’s nice and you’re gone nope come on I need a that’s it y the and that’s it well I see an emerald there there denied diman okay let’s just start opening every Rock because nope nope nope oh ho perfect eight levels that’s a lot level 19 oh wait let’s check this out yeah yes we got the buck killer in our sword now I need another weapon so I can put the one that kills the mummies I like swords but I might try the hammer for that I haven’t really tried to play with a hammer that’s going to be interesting we just need a lot more of of the shards level 20 and it’s 10:30 not too chabby come here okay and you get a BM Oh I didn’t see you h come here might as well break a rock with it maybe the exet is at the entrance because oh hole 11 levels woohoo there you iridum yes it can be a crap if it’s not irium that isn’t as one okay let’s kill you two and bomb and stairs and decoration a house plant from a mummy okay 33 and okay let’s go get that shade we need all the Jades we can get okay let’s go kill the monsters are you a monster no let me out let me out let me up nope nope there we go yes okay there’s that o an egg I haven’t gotten a slime egg so I need to get that okay let’s throw out the cave Cavern and 3.9 seconds I think that’s better than the one I have and I’ll throw you out I’ll leave the eggs dinosaur eggs are selling for a good amount of monies so we are going to keep those no what it okay and you one I love how all of the food is dropping today and it’s like I can’t eat when I need food nobody drops food okay 30 sets about time ooh crabby crappy Patty okay let’s throw out the bu meat and the s and oh God come here I’ll be getting the amethyst because at least I can sell that bomb and okay oh what I wanted to do put on this okay because I need energy so might as well since I cannot eat if this lonely rock is the one that has the yets okay I was going to say ooh perfect seven levels and we are in level 45 at 3 p.m. let me put it on the floor that’s it no it’s that’s fine okay at some point we’ll get an oh irium or not it always hurts when you think it’s iridium and it’s crab it’s like really there’s a way to figure out if it’s a crap before you do it because if you hit it with a sword it’s going to do the zero damage sound oh my God hello is there an exit here okay no exit maybe here two one one two there okay 406 may I say about time 47 40 bombs aoy oopsie and here okay let’s heal I picked up the radium so down we go okay run all the way to the end and we make it to 50 by 530 um let’s pick up the coal I don’t have time I don’t have time there’s my ID is this energy thing actually working o nice okay there’s one you hole come here that works to I guess that’s a crab pretty sure this is a crab you see and I hit it that’s zero that means it’s a crab not real not real no it said you have a chance to drop batteries and I like that come here fine okay we got get coal and we can kill you in one little bone and there we go 54 and it’s 7:30 we’re not going to make it to 100 it’s fine oh that’s it if we were in 70 that I could use the staircases I have and make it to 80 maybe to 100 hello little slime come here oh oh my God fine one it no two sits no let me out let me out lady please I ask you pretty please okay yeah no IR radium I’m going to try this just to see if I can make it down that’s a staircase free staircase 10 68 70 okay so I need two perfect however I wanted okay back 79 80 81 82 four five okay okay so that works 89 okay you come here come on die perfect okay nope nope let’s see 10:30 and it’s 10 p.m. I don’t want to use the Rocks I have left perfect okay let’s call the serpent par deck okay we have a hole and we’re down three levels we are uh 94 progress progress okay bomb here and only for the irum iridum oh my God okay there’s come back one more okay I am going to be changing my ring back because I don’t feel like this is actually giving me energy it’s fine and just get all of the idum on the floor there we go okay 95 this is pretty good it’s 12 fair you got your work cut up for you since I don’t know why the thing kept hitting me two one two three okay there’s a bat okay come on give me an exit okay we’re going to have to use the stone to make ET sits huh Prismatic Shard okay I don’t think I’ll have enough okay there’s a staircase for fit okay I need let me get this rock and I’ll make one last staircase R till and we made it another P purple slim EG we go back home and we finished the key Quest well at least I took the staircases just in case so that worked out hello and one of you I know I don’t have to keep giving him any but I want to get him to 14 Hearts we get money for the agricultural fun okay thank you appreciate it now that we have time oh it’s a level four parrot perfect because my last one was level three and the other ones are two trinkets I’ll leave the purple X here you go there every 3 seconds every 4. nine and so this is the best one for now I have only gotten one of these that’s amazing well I got a good amount of money there okay so I need 10 Earth crystals and 10 of you oh is it the butterfly one again no it’s the fish one okay now I needed here nope I think this is what that bear thing was asking so let’s go talk to him and the kill isn’t done right no oh let’s go check on the kitchen Chicken Kitchen oh you’re big did you put an egg for me yes we have a Bo egg when we come back up we’re going to pick it up and make that food hey kids oh cut scene hello what are you guys doing hi I’m misel what’s up spring onion mom sends me out to pick this sometimes they’re too spicy for me a you’re really nice for our grown-up so I’m going to show you a secret what’s the secret when you see it like this it looks good right yeah I have eaten it like that but if you peel it a little bit it’s F no it’s full of boxs no cool huh y what do you do with the books bcent usually I just squash them that’s horrible no no no no please put the books back in the grass so they can leave in peace sure you learn how to clean the spring onion without harming any bugs springing onions are now worth five times the gold o dance dance dance your new neighbors seem to be driving oh that looked fun let’s go see if this is the food that this guy wanted I think he didn’t appear yesterday because it was raining but yes that was it okay got what’s up oh he cleaned up the the mess nice bye oh it doesn’t over you fit the dog a it’s adorable okay so we finished that Quest well not Quest but what he wanted so now hi little hat mouse let’s go talk to the wizard I’m a wizard up we go and hello Mr Wizard we have the Earth monolisk sure while I figure out where I want them let’s go let’s go to the beach because we need to pick up uh see if they have some clams on the floor but did I leave my pickax in the desert I left my picka in the desert didn’t I back we go tomorrow we need to come to change the Jades into staircases y uh I’ll take the Jade too that way I’ll just make them staircases tomorrow my inventory is probably not going to be full anyways so give me the woods okay hello spring seeds um the other thing I need to do is hopefully find another lucky ring and I’m going to be coming for a day just to gamble because we need a bunch of points or a bunch of money to buy the points which that might be better probably okay okay first of all let’s go to the beach Georgia COA let’s check if we can get clams we need four more I think hi Leo that’s one two three h they didn’t double up oh never mind there’s a clam right there finito and I’m going to clean this up too the next thing I need is money for the last one and tomorrow is there you go okay let’s go this way and we’ll kill threes in the forest trash trash can I kill you oh so it doesn’t matter how many times I do it it cannot be cut I wanted to try wait do you still have that Quest or did it go away with the cut see yeah he’s still there okay that’s fine I just don’t have kale for you guys yet I have so many things to do with kale is amazing oh the mayor should be done so let’s go get get it so we can make the strange bun and after that we can just the next egg that we make into a Mayo we need to sell it and a Mayo to finish the shipping part very important give it to me okay you’re not going to grow because you’re too close Okay more wood okay they are done so I’m G to move you to here blueberry jelly oh I think I’m going to need a lot more blueberries okay at 30 and missed one okay okay missed another one up you go back down you come let’s check on the wine okay the wine isn’t up you go up to go um where did I put the extra artifacts here you are an artifact and strange bun another thing cooked let’s get the ho the the site oh and we do have enough of the things we needed that’s 10 and 10 so now we only need to be able to upgrade so we need 500K okay it’s not grown so we’re gonna be back tomorrow I had forgotten if the they reset it was today or tomorrow and we have more blueberries and some gems ooh okay I have some of the ancient fruits here so let’s make them into seeds so I can fill up the areas here okay an anent fruit ancient fruit and ancient fruit let’s do the lower quality first this isn’t done yet wood oh I took out the mushroom LS to do something with them and I forgot inventory full there okay that’s three no no there we go I know I have space here four more and okay slowly but surely it’s getting filled up sits so okay I think tomorrow this one’s might be done because it already has fruits but they’re kind of brownish let’s go with silver okay nothing here nothing here oopsie uh coconut confusion and down we go again perfect and I think they filled up everywhere oh there we go H okay these are pineapples two three four six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 the thing is I know I need to leave a couple of plants here that are not ancient fruits while they grow because if not I won’t have anything to put in the the for money the problems no don’t give me ancient don’t give me mint seeds that has happened to me so many times it’s like oh you want ancient seeds we can do that and I’m like no okay I’m going to leave these here and I’m going to make the gold uh the gold ones into wine that seems valid oh I wanted to go to Mr Key’s room and see what I can do with the uh coins I have bottom okay so wait I know I finished the quest yeah I was GNA say okay I can buy the uh Force later theconstructor what’s the Mr ky4 elevates that’s not needed okay so I can either buy the deconstructor or wait till I can buy the Horse flute too bad the horse flu isn’t a key item it’s something you actually have to be have on but I finish this this was the last one and for food I’m almost done I’m missing two plates I don’t know what this one is cery recipe almost done there craft every item that’s going to take a while shipped 15 of each crop ship every item uh how are we doing with shipping oh I’m missing things I don’t know what they are it’s fine maybe I’ll go through the wiki and make a list of the things I’m missing I’ll start crafting stuff tomorrow that seems like a good use of my time okay up you go okay I’m going to put pineapples in Winter because pineapples only happen in the island fall you have the Cranberries summer you have the blueberries when’s the Yum I’ll I think gem is actually fall I don’t think I have sold that fairy Rose so I’ll take that oh no well guess I’ll come tomorrow to fill that up because it’s 1:00 a.m. and I don’t want to pass out okay let’s sell these get some money and kitty yeah they sell for pretty good money thank you thank you is my kale done my kale is done so let’s cook every recipe wait can you move I can cook with you there okay salmon dinner and uh stir fry yes I’m the Gat Chef yippee I have cooked every recipe now I’m going to use one of these kale to make kale juice uh you going to be kale and wait I’m not doing blueberries my ancient seeds should be done from here yes okay this Mastery site is really good okay if I don’t have enough of these I can just fill it up with uh fruits do I need to fill these ones up some of them okay let’s fill them with fruits and you no don’t eat it oh I have the pickle carrots for the um raccoons raccoons and 50 seats of this okay up we go and here one missing let’s see am I missing see any of the ones I have passed oh I ran out of and you and everything’s moving so it should be good and I have 23 left 91 is pretty good one of those is going to be done faster because it’s for the Cal juice okay now let’s come here and we should have one void egg you’re going to be Mayo hello okay I’ll do the Kell juice in a bit today is Sunday so tomorrow we get a new Quest let’s go see if there’s any more of the uh leaks we need because I think those refresh today too two three and and yes okay so the ones with the heavy Toppers are done earlier I don’t know if I want to continue filling up the valley with EGS but it is one of the best ways to get money maybe I should just be fishing a bunch hi lonus look at my gorgeous Tree Farm ooh it is done okay so that’s mystic syrup I kind of want to destroy these threes and just plant them again um bust up oh today Sunday so we’ll be going um to change my staircases 172 staircases hello that way we continue getting Keys challenge I kind of want to learn how to use a slingshot so we can utilize it in our Cavern runs actually I’m going to go into the mines and I’m going to change them into the um the dangerous ones that way I can get a radioactive ore out of them um one two coconut you you no I can give you to Sandy you you you you you that seems fair does restart till tomorrow hi I am so far away do we want to make it to the train it might drop something good yes okay I’m a bit faster so let’s see if we can make it make it there and up we go okay does it not drop anything I have had terrible luck with this uh fine be like that hm I feel like I’m going to move my tappers from here to the other one say bye to all my threes I also need to kill this ones I need a bunch of moogan seeds so I can plant more of the Mystic seed ones okay we can do this we can do this all of the wood almost there well this give me wood fiddle ferns that’s funny four one two and how much wood do we have 600 okay and one two three four this is where I Ed all my radiat before okay and now let’s actually go into the mines change it so it gives me um ractive or so let’s go to floor 120 yep here Quest will be granted overnight thank you let’s go to the Quarry okay I need to be careful because I can’t break this ones this ones are the important trees no Okay g I can only make one but that’s fine okay tomorrow I’m G to come with the rest of my seeds and try to create more of these trees the idea is these two lines are going to be those thes and I’m G to be destroying this ones I made only one line in between for each but I don’t know if that’s enough okay let’s go to bus stop and there’s some wooden logs that I took off to put in there there we go one two three and you going to go back there you also go there and yes fiddle ferns should be it is there why are you making noises huh and house plant oh wait one two three four yeah I don’t have mahogany seeds it’s fine Quarry this this maple trees okay now that that’s done let’s create two more of these which is what I have and two the ones I have the most is pine cones so pine cones it is okay and here we go again filling it up okay let’s go back into bed tomorrow we’ll be going to Robin and checking if we can oh wait so so Kitty my kitty got giving me fish see good amount of money now the Winter’s over we’ got a lots of productive days that is true cut scene spaghetti from Gus and I don’t have enough Heartwood I’m pretty sure I need a 100 and I don’t have enough hardwood okay what we’re going to do is construct another Silo which I’m pretty sure is wood I’ll take the iron in case but because we didn’t have enough food for our animals on winter so we might need uh four silos instead of two especially since we have so many animals Robin is not here on Mondays oh wait it sits in the morning I keep forgetting I can access every every house now no matter the date and it’s just confusing me okay let’s check if the kale juice is done it is not you nope and here okay we have a couple crops to do okay we have some seeds we’re going to need more seeds okay this is seven seeds let’s see if it’s enough nope I want seeds of something that can I can’t regrow that’s what I wanted to say continuous to harvest continuous to harvest wait this ones are done too okay we have these so might as well potato and no grapes are not not the one we should put in there I’ll sell these actually there was a flower here oh fairy Rose what is this should be something from the water I have no idea what this can be this looks like tea oh the Mystic syrup I need to sell one and for out what this is okay egg plans regrow okay I have more okay give me seeds please okay potatoes and I think that was oh never mind okay nothing here nothing here I forgot how long this oh you’re not going to grow this tree St to grow nope nope nope okay that should be enough okay let’s go to Robin so this is the community upgrade that I’m scared about because 950 wood and half a million to build Pam a house it wasn’t wood it was Stone when crafting here you’ll have access to materials in any adjacent chest and a telephone okay let’s start crafting everything well let’s see if we can craft everything that’s the correct way to look at it this is basically my craf thing area okay okay I need Dragon toots for this I have two okay let’s not worry too much about that let’s just do it and we’ll figure out what’s left thing okay the problem is this doesn’t Mark what you have and what you have to do so oh wait there’s something I wanted to do fiber seeds tea sapling so I need wild seeds okay sure okay this is looking pretty good I’m going to want to do it by lines I know I’m missing the mini Forge I think I’m going to write it down okay have a paper and okay uh five Dragon toes for the mini Forge okay let’s grade one wooden fence stone fence iron fence hardwood fence grass started Blue Grass starter gate I know I have created this two so I won’t make those big Stone chest torch furnace be house same for the the scarecrows and these two I think I created this but I’m not sure this one hurts because it’s 50 bars okay now I’m going to put one of the stone chest in the floor and I’m going to put everything that we have been no what we have been building here that way we can keep track if we stop at some point okay garden pot wood sign Stone sign dark sign test cheese press Mayo seed maker Loom I’m out of fiber God okay hardwood recycling machine I know I have created these okay and I know I have created preserve jars Char k i created these and this and this um slime incubator slime press crystalarium mini jboots I don’t think I have done the single sprinklers okay for for this I’m just going to put it here and let’s do this again sure um let’s clean up a bit and let’s put the seeds back here and the clay back here here okay okay I have created these basic fertilizer three fertilizer I have created these drum block I need a fish for this that’s doable in case I need more for fish I’m G to put this here okay we continue quality fertilizer basic retaining soil quality retaining soil speed grow dutes hyper dutes the soil this is what I need to do theuts retaining soil one bomb one bomb one bomb explosive ammo one bar one thing I have done this I’ll do this in a bit tea sains honey firei okay I have a problem with the fiber give me a second I swear I had fiber and I’m hoping I left it in the other Farm 525 it’s better than nothing and 171 fiber okay a bunch of fish too okay we got it let’s go back and for the seeds wait I I just crafted a bunch of Summers of spring seeds for the quest so that one should be be good okay one spice Berry One Sweet Pea huh oh one grape I thought grapes weren’t considered picked UPS okay here let’s have one Wild Plum uh one Blackberry one grape I am not sure you know what let’s let’s make this easy one of these okay I picked everything I needed one for each for winter one two three and four oh crocus crocus crocus okay I can make the tea saplings I have tea saplings now oh honey I have one honey one of these two corals oh I used my fiber I shouldn’t have done the tea saplings it’s fine I did not mean to do that I did not meant to do that gee okay I finished this line for here I finished everything I already did this one brick floor wood pad you you why am I starting in the second line don’t know a pumpkin and a torch pumpkins should be here and I just made a torch one treasure totem okay for here I’m missing truffle oil for the rain totem um Beach totem cookout kid a tent kit one acrn one Maple one pine cone okay other floors that I was needing normal wood straw Decay this crystal stone stone I have this done uh delut bait no wild bait yeah wild bait okay challenge bait magnet spinner dress trap sonar cork treasure bark bober uh oh 10 garlics and one oil that’s interesting why isn’t that something okay I’ll just need one oil for that okay life elixer I need a purple mushroom a moral and a Chantel did I miss the purple okay I’m special oh and I’m moral a moral should be huh no morals uh guess I can do that later then let me put it on the list of things missing and life eliter okay one crap pot I did this ring of Joba stir the ring and huh Warrior ring top of flowers I need a bunch of seeds um wooden brazer Wicked brazer Stone I am regretting making so many uh fiber seats I thought I was done with Fi gold brazer uh campire fire and stone base bracer car bracer School bracer Barrel Buck meat quality monster musk marble raser Wood Lamp I’m out of batteries huh I don’t lamp post and fairy does if I just need a fairy I have one okay that’s that line last line perfect look we can have batteries later geoc Crusher you magic bait when enemies damage you they damage themselves okay I did this and I know I did this before I did this because I have my ostriches and okay mini Obelisk and the farm computer oh and a hopper I need radioactive bars for that okay I’m going to put them here too most of them are decorations anyways so shouldn’t be too much of a problem let’s put this down here because we need to start having batteries and since we’re out of item mostly because I just don’t put to put the bars to make let’s make some my God okay hey you are done okay so I’m going to sell those two maybe okay and I had a couple of flower pots and you I have a mess in my house I know yipp usually before we could create this um those things and they would sell for money but I feel like they don’t sell for as much money as before because it’s said only 7K for them okay H good enough we’ll see if it actually gives me mushrooms or not and since we’re already here which levels do you think start getting the radioactive ore 65 55 I don’t like this floors because it has the jumping things oh right I have the monster that gives the parrot gives money when you kill monsters I need hardwood so this is fine where’s my radioactive ore maybe this is something I’m going to have to do in the skull Caverns instead of here 115 my God the monster collection there is amazing 25 15 no well today seems to be a very good luck day because everything is dropping stuff okay come on I’m not even going to go down because I’m trying to find GE radioactive or am I this unlucky can’t be no well this is going to be a good way to get money though because of the parrot maybe I get a level five parrot and I get even more money money yeah I don’t think resetting it does anything it’s time for the wiki I’m figuring out a radio active War like where can I find big chunks of radioactive War okay I have an idea you and you um NOP I’m special hello little birdies can you please take me to the volcano before I do something special again thank you thank you thank you hi Monkey okay so oh I can’t can’t give it anything this one already has powerful what did I get I got powerful again no I need something more B okay shaving efficient oh I’m out of Cinder shards farming Cinder sh is hurts I wonder if there’s something I can do with the monkeys monkeys oh there’s a bunch of fiber here maybe it’s because this is the special one and not the gold one we’ll see okay and wood woody woody wood still I think I managed to finish a good chunk of the things to create and there’s one recipe that I’m going to need well the stream is almost over so let’s go to Mr key and check uh how we’re doing for Perfection because we have crafted everything we could and we finished the cooking challenge so we have finished that so let’s see if it was 60% at the start of the stream and now is 86s nice okay I’m missing 15% of the CRA crafting recipes I finished cooking I have all of the Star drops and um I’m still at 92% of shipped I need to figure out what I’m missing for shipping and one ovalis and after that the only thing we’re going to miss is the golden clock for Perfection maybe by the end of year of the year I might be able to get it oh another no eating one sure I have to eat I have the stairs for it I guess after level 100 we going need you know what I’m going to change it into the the hard Caverns uh and we’re going to go down and hopefully we get radioactive ore yes yes that’s going to be the plan then since he’s making us do it anyways might as well okay do I have anything I have the most random things in the fridge okay you can keep it yourself there and we gone we got this up you go I’ll leave the fish here and all right we have a telephone well guys I appreciate having you all and good night I passed out by the bed how much money did we make be beep okay well I’ll be seeing you all I hope you enjoyed the stream and I’ll see you guys on

I really enjoy these 100 days challenge videos so I wanted to try it out~. I have a couple of hours in the game but have never done perfection so thats the end goal~


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