Hello! I have accidentally put a wooden fence in my house and now I can't leave my bedroom. I don't have the axe because I left it with the blacksmith and I have tried going to sleep and it hasn't gone away, so I can't think of a way to remove it. Somebody could help me?
Thank you <3

by ghoulnna


  1. heresarandomusername on

    Can you just wait till you get the axe? Otherwise I’m not sure there’s a way to get past other than maybe the chair hack

  2. You can move the bed outside the fence then wait till 2 AM and pass out. You are now on the other side of the fence

  3. Ok-Operation261 on

    Haha.. this is actually hilarious. hope you get unstuck but idk how you’d accomplish it

  4. Puzzled-Cloud-5104 on

    what do you mean it doesn’t go away when you sleep? you don’t wake up in the bed?

    edit: can you list all items you have access to now?

  5. this happened to me as well. the day i decided to place some fences just happened to be the day i upgraded my axe so when i trapped myself i had to wait til i passed out.

  6. Okay now that you’ve escaped and got it fixed-

    **points and laughs**

    You put yourself in timeout.

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