Who is the most forgotten mob in Minecraft?

by Extreme-Plane-264


  1. Minister_xD on

    Probaply Endermites.

    Which is weird, because they actually have a use for Enderman farms. But it feels like 95% of the community don’t even know they exist.

  2. APIwithallcaps on

    I think that the giant is one of the most forgotten mob. The illusioner is more interesting and more people talk about him, but no one hardly talks about the giant. I feel bad for him, he just a big boi.

  3. Serioushorsej on

    Hmm, a bat or a polar bear? But, I will say, the new texture of the bat is great

  4. TheBurakReal on

    If you didnt watched these minecraft videos back in 2016, probably giant and killer bunny

  5. BreAKADarylsgirl on

    Cave spiders. I feel like the regular spiders were more popular than the cave spiders and sometimes I forget they even existed 😅

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