Crafting A Workbench In Terraria’s Hardest Skyblock

sky blocks are perhaps one of the greatest challenges you can take on in vanilla Terraria from the in-depth knowledge required to make any kind of meaningful progress to the massively restricted options you’ll have to use against bosses playing this Niche game mode will test all of your limits with that being said it seems I haven’t learned my lesson from the last Sky Block I did as I’m back to gr my way through an arguably even more difficult map where something as simple as a workbench will take multiple hours and many steps to obtain if that doesn’t sound hard enough I’ve also decided to take on this map in legendary mode a decision that even I don’t fully understand so let’s get started the first thing you’ll notice upon spawning into the world is that there isn’t much but surprisingly this small island holds everything we’ll need to beat the game there’s no trickery with medium core which I’m very thankful for as I can’t think of anything worse than a legendary mode Sky Block in medium core instead we’ll need to use the few blocks we have on the starter Island to progress these ice brecks can be thrown into the sh to De craft them into ice blocks which can then be crafted into ice platforms for twice as many usable tiles I carefully collect all of these replacing the bricks surrounding the Shimmer with [Music] blocks I do end up falling into the Shimmer a couple of times but this is nothing a relog can’t fix [Music] and the end I’m left with 30 usable ice platforms main is the one being used as my spawn point using these I begin to expand downwards into the underground layer this map uses a variety of secret seeds including remix so the only enemies I’ll find on the surface are zombies which don’t drop anything particularly useful from enemies in the underground though I can obtain quite a few items that will make this run a little more bearable the most common enemy slimes can rarely drop ores which can be used as extra blocks potions which can be deced into some useful items and since this is remix slimes are also the only source of fallen stars there’s also the incredibly rare chance that slimes will drop the Slime staff but it’s so unlikely that I’m not even considering this from Undead miners I could get the bone pickaxe or some mining armor which is somewhat ironic considering the distinct lack of blocks to mine however I can also get bombs from these which will be incredibly useful once I have access to dirt we then have a few enemies that can drop weapons that would massively speed up my farming but aren’t necessarily game-changing drops included in these are regular skeletons whose bone sword would be a welcome upgrade to my copper one cave bats who can drop both the bat bat and since this is a remix world the KO Cannon and the trio of salamander Giant shellies and crads who can all drop the rally there’s also a very rare mob that’ll be keeping Secret for now but I’m sure some of you can guess which one I mean I’m not looking for any of these enemies though or at least I’m not looking for any of them in particular the most useful drop at this point can come from any enemy and that’s money well I can’t yet build housing for NPCs there is one NPC I can trade with that doesn’t require any housing at all so I keep taking out enemies and stacking my money high oh and dying a lot of dying for a long while the only notable drops are some bombs fallen stars a compass and a carton of milk that definitely expired long before the skeleton carrying it was dead buried brought back to life and slowly killed again in a small ice box with a copper shortsword eventually after 3 and 1/ half hours of jumping between platforms I get the spawn I actually wanted that being the skeleton Merchant I carefully block the Two of Us in so no enemies can drop in from above then collect my hoarded gold to buy over a th000 rope 16 bone torches and 56 bombs before running out of money it’s no matter though as this should be plenty of bombs to carry me to the point that the demolitionist can move in with rope I can now descend much deeper into my world so I pack up all the blocks and platforms at my disposal and go on a vacation to Hell which is surprisingly hospitable at this time of year the only enemies that can spawn in the center third of hell are lava slimes and the secret enemy I haven’t yet named both of which are very easy to trap allowing for a much larger spawn area than other layers unfortunately however the lava slimes don’t drop anything other than gel and money so after around 40 minutes of farming here I bring an end to my vacation and head north to the caverns which in this seed is actually the surface and also kind of the ocean I don’t know the Remake seed is weird it doesn’t take long for the super secret mob to spawn and if you guessed it was a mimic then you guessed correctly and have earned yourself a moderate amount of my respect to claim your prize simply like this video and leave a comment stating exactly how many hours you’ve spent memorizing the Terraria Wiki after slowly poking the mimic to death with a weapon that deals one damage to it I get incredibly lucky and it drops the most useful item it could drop that being the magic mirror now you may be wondering how does an item that simply allows me to teleport home in any way useful in a Sky Block well it isn’t at least not in its current form once I throw it into the Shimmer however it dcrafts into eight gold bars 10 glass blocks and three diamonds now this isn’t Minecraft so the diamonds are quite useless but the other two components are going to give me everything I need to get a staggering amount of blocks compared to what I’ve been working with and also sets me down a path towards a workbench furniture and NPC housing I take the gold and Shimmer into gold or then take 25 of those and Shimmer them into tungsten then silver then lead then iron then tin then copper then Stone and eventually dirt I also take the 10 glass and Shimmer into 20 sand which I then place on the surface in the hopes that will grow Cactus over time I can then combine the dirt with the bombs I got from the undead Miners and skeleton Merchant to make dirt bombs which when exploded will generate over twice as many dirt blocks as was used to craft them [Music] it takes a full half hour of exploding Mining and crafting dirt bombs to get through almost all of the 60 bombs I had on me netting me over 1,600 dir to work with I do hold a couple bombs back so that once I have housing the demolitionist can move in with my new found supply of dirt I get straight to work upgrading my mob farm and spend some time there hoping for a weapon upgrade another mimic spawns and after my six-minute fight with it I get a shiny pair of Hermes boots so I can run faster across all the blocks in this world after another couple hours with no useful drops I descend once again to the underworld and set up a farm there since the camera stops moving at the bottom of the world I can see enemies that spawn and keep an eye out for any mimics while the lava slimes don’t drop any useful items they do drop money so I take them out regardless after a while a third mimic spawns and drops a pair of shoe spikes which somehow might actually be my most useful accessory so far Upon returning home perfectly voluntarily I find that after over 3 hours only a single Cactus has grown that’s nowhere near quick enough for the amount I need for housing so I collect up the sand and head down to the cavern layer I’m met by a surprise Goblin Scout which I guess doesn’t have the same spawn restrictions in the remix seat from it I get some tattered cloth which will be very useful later on for now though I place my sand down once again and begin moving up and down my rope hoping for an antline spawn just like Goblin Scouts these appear to have different spawn restrictions in remix when compared to normal worlds usually you need at least 40 sand blocks for ANL to spawn but in this map it can be as low as 10 before one spawns though a mimic is kind enough to give me a weapon upgrade in the form of the mace after another 20 minutes of rope bouncing an antline spawns and I begin harvesting it Sandy vomit for blocks [Music] I AFK here for around an hour then while trying to kill some enemies I end up dying and losing the antline so I have to go through the entire process of getting another one at least I have more sand now so I can create a much larger spawn platform my next AFK session lasts even less time and is cut short by a rather unlucky falling starter I learned my lesson from this and place a roof over my next ant lion after going through this process for a third time I finally have enough sand to build an artificial desert and still have some spare so I return to the surface and start laying out some rows of sand as Cactus grows much faster on the surface than it does underground even with the surface boost this still takes a long time so I end up getting a fourth ant line to spawn and AFK while the cactus grows at least I should never have to worry about sand again in this playr when I return to the game I collect up all the cactus from my underground platform and Ascend my rope ladder to see that my cactus Farm worked perfectly and after chopping down each one while leaving the bottom block to regrow I’m left with a grand total of 82 Cactus way more than the 10 needed to craft a workbench this groundbreaking feat of engineering will unlock an entire new age of progress but to see that you’ll have to wait for the next video unless of course you want to join my patreon where I’ve already uploaded part two if you enjoy my videos and want to support the channel this is without a doubt the best way of doing so regardless thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next one [Music]

Skyblocks might just be my favourite way of playing Terraria, and Shimmering Skies is one of the most confusing and challenging ones out there! So join me as I battle my way through not just bosses and events, but the hoops I’ll need to jump through and puzzles I’ll need to solve just to spawn them in the first place. This challenge is going to take a lot longer than just 100 days!

To see the next episode early, join my Patreon using the link below:

Download Shimmering Skies and try the pain for yourself:

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Thumbnail/title inspired by @TdLmcwastaken


  1. Very good video, defiantly worth the wait. I'm interested to see what part 2 will be like. I've always wanted someone to do a video series like this on an extremely hard skyblock, there are some other people who have but i find yours more interesting probably because you made shimmerblock and know what your doing, actually i guess i also had a series like this with terrablock but your videos are better so I'm not counting mine. also the map i was referencing in my comment on your community post was the one i basically stole from kinkoos and made it slightly harder which is way harder then terrablock.

  2. Textbook run. 0 mistakes. I wouldn't have left hell the first time until getting a mirror and a mace, but that doesn't matter when you luck out and get a mirror on your FIRST mimic kill… and then complained about useless mimic drops… When I did a timing run to get a workbench as fast as possible, I got shoe spikes 50% of the time. With extreme luck and a little skill, you can get NPC's in 7 hours, but with a couple mistakes and bad luck it could take 20. That does not include the time spent AFK'ing for a full desert.

  3. Very good video! Your shimmer block series is what bought me to the channel, so cool to see something similar! And to claim my moderate ammount of your respect, I have spent 3 years memoriseing the terraria wiki 🙂

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