Remember These Forgotten Terraria Weapons?

here are some more terrarian weapons that I believe are forgotten and barely are used at least by me the first weapons being the phase blades and the phas saers I honestly cannot tell you the last time I have ever crafted or even thought about these weapons in a Terraria playthrough they’re just very generic lightsaber weapons with no cool abilities next up after that is the AL tosser the idea of this weapon is pretty funny but I legit have never use this in a playthrough next up is Medusa’s head a weapon that I really used to love back in 1.3 but once they made it a hard mode item I feel like I’ve never gotten my hands on it the last weapon I’m going to mention is the jousting lances specifically the shadow jousting Lance it has a 4% drop rate and I really don’t think I’ll ever use jousting lances in a playthrough unless I’m specifically jousting other Terraria YouTubers on horses so what are some Terraria weapons you guys find yourself barely using in playthroughs let me know in the comments

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