Why Mikey & JJ Became Military in Minecraft Maizen?

yeah I’m going to make it through this boss it’s a good thing I’ve had a lot of time to pump up before this fight okay I think Mikey’s in here somewhere good morning everybody you’re not starting your day with coffee we have a lot of work to do today so wake up everybody who’s yelling like that wait I’m in the army that means there’s some kind of alarm or maybe it’s just general JJ I was sleeping so soundly now I don’t know where to go or what to do now we have a very difficult task ahead of us we all have to improve our skills so it’s time to start learning Mikey I think we should start with you you have the worst training of all the recruits so follow me JJ where are you taking me so suddenly I haven’t even had breakfast yet did someone from above give you an order and you don’t have to realize anything I just came to the realization that there are quite a few soldiers in our unit who are poorly trained so now I’m going to take care of each and every one of you personally first you’re going to have to get through this obstacle course once you’re done we’ll move on to another mission that’s terrible I thought JJ would spare me because we’re friends but now that he’s a general he’s lost his conscience to him I’m just a soldier like everyone else I don’t like that very much but there’s nothing I can do about it for now I’ll have to go through these trials it’s a good thing they’re not that difficult also they didn’t give me any time limits so I can go at my own pace and I won’t get hurt when you think about it that’s that’s not so bad I wanted to stretch anyway now I have the opportunity the only inconvenience is that these barriers are very high it’s hard to climb down and jumping off them is pretty painful but it’s better than wasting my strength you have to pump up your legs after all I wonder what’s going to happen next it seems that in all my time on this base so I think I’ve got the laders sorted out which means it’s time for the next challenge there’s a pool waiting for me which I have to swim through and that would be easy enough but I’m wearing a military uniform and it’s heavy enough as it is but when it gets wet it’s almost impossible to swim in but I should be able to do it it’s only a little while away I think I can already feel the ground with the calipers of my hands I don’t know how but I’ve managed to swim across this pool which means it’s time to move on this part of the challenge has always been the easiest for me all I have to do is just crawl under the barrier I don’t know why they made it so easy they could have at least put spikes on it to make it more realistic that’s fine I feel better when it’s easy iier and I feel like I’m getting to the end of my tether I see that there’s a small number of punching bags I realize I have to break them all now this is really something interesting unlike the previous challenge here at least you can pump up your physical parameters that’s very good because I’ve been wanting to beat something for a while but I don’t like fighting people and by the way I’m done so the streak is officially over got to run to JJ and tell him I’m done okay it’s time for me to go find JJ I don’t know where he is I think he sitting in his garage reading some paperwork as usual well I’m his friend he’ll take me in hey do you know if JJ is still there I think so checked in here a couple hours ago all right well I’ll stop by and see him JJ I got good news for you I finally made it through that obstacle course what are we going to do next yeah it took you a while to get through the challenge I’ve had time to read almost every document they sent me and you’re actually on time let me walk you to your next training session now as you may have noticed we’ve climbed to quite an altitude and all you need to do is just land smoothly on the ground it’s not that hard is it you know I didn’t think we’d start at such a high altitude we could at least go up a little ledge or Hill just don’t drop me you’ll be fine I have faith in you oh my God I’m falling okay I’ve got to pull myself together I’ve flown them a couple times before so I should be able to do it this time at first they won’t let me just rock it to the ground so I’ll be able to hover for a while but I’ve got to get to the base and that’s where the fireworks will help me I don’t know exactly how it works but if you launch it from your hands you can gain speed and direction in Flight that’s very convenient and now you can land quite safely I think that’s pretty good and I’ll admit I enjoyed the training I’ll have to do it again sometime Mikey I don’t know how you did it but you flew your elers perfectly so I give you the highest grade now I got something a little more interesting for you follow me I’ll show you everything huh is that what I think it is is we’re going straight to the range which means I’m about to get some target practice did you think it would be boring not at all here’s everything you need to enjoy your training I’ve got a lot of weapons for you so have fun as you can see this is a shooting gallery all you have to do is hit all the targets don’t let me down this is so cool now I can have a blast I have such a wide variety of weapons I feel like I’m getting closer to heaven and look at this the JJ has brought me not only the usual weapons but something new I’ve never fired one of these before so I’m very interested in what it can do and by the way targets are not a problem for me at all I don’t think I’ve missed a bullet yet all right I think you’ve had enough you’ve shown that you’re perfect with a gun so give it back you could have shot more if you hadn’t shown such a high level of skill but it’s time for the next challenge I think you’re going to like it too okay Mikey now we’re in a mine field this is one of the toughest challenges so be careful one mistake and this place is going to blow up all you have to do is get to the other side of the field bypassing all the mines I believe you can do it that’s terrible now I’m getting kind of scared what if I fail and we die just don’t think about the bad things and you’ll be fine I have faith in you but if you explode it’s your own fault all right let’s go this assignment isn’t really that hard I originally thought the mines would be hidden underground in that case I couldn’t have done it without a dog but this this is a drill so the mines are just on the ground so all I have to do is look carefully in all directions and remember where I am and then I can pass this test with flying colors plus the platoon General himself Believes In Me so there’s no way I can let him down and I don’t have much time left looks like JJ has decided to spare me and not give me a tough assignment I wonder how sensitive these minds are I don’t think they can react conditionally to a flower and I can’t not test it their minds against people not flowers what happened why am I lying on the ground and my whole body literally hurts right I remember what happened I decided to test what happens when you throw a flower on a land mine who would have thought that a mine would react to such a small mass and my god what have I done there’s literally nothing left of this field and it’s all on fire now I got to get out of here now because if I’m surrounded by fire I can’t escape and then I’ll just have to sit here and wait to die but I don’t really feel like dying so I just have to pull myself together and I can just imagine JJ yelling at me I just hope he didn’t see anything JJ I’m sorry I destroyed that field I didn’t see one of the mines and stepped on it and I think you understand the consequences of that wait that’s not really important yet the most important thing is that you’re alive we can buy new mines there’s a report that the Gang has taken several prisoners I can only give you that task I’ll give you weapons and information you will have to infiltrate Behind Enemy Lines and Destroy them order understood comrade Commander I’ll proceed to execution it would be nice if the military unit gave me a car so I can get to the right place faster but according to the data the enemy is not that far from our base so it’s okay I can walk but the most important thing is that they have hostages there so we’ll have to be as careful as possible well I’ve made it to the right place I have to admit their leader is a pretty smart guy he obviously chose an abandoned house like this on purpose after all he realized that it will be checked last because it is impossible to even live here but for horrible people like this gang a house like this would be a five-star hotel nothing I’ll soon bring a lot of joy and fun into their lives and corpses because I’m not going to spare anyone at all the key is to shoot fast and clear just like in the shooting gallery nobody moves there’s a hostage rescue in progress all units take your weapons immediately an enemy has been spotted in our area I repeat we have an army fighter here do whatever it takes to stop him do not let him interfere with our plans so just die you pathetic Army fighter do you honestly think you have any chance of beating me I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you first of all I took you by surprise so I already have a certain Advantage I also have a much better physical condition before I came to you I trained hard and almost exploded in one of the training sessions so pain is nothing to me and I’ve already realized that you’re not very good marksmen or Fighters if you were any better I might have a problem but you’re like live targets to me so even if there’s a hundred of you I’ll still kill you quickly guys don’t fall for his provocations he may be strong but he’s only one man he can hardly hold out against all of us so just crush him with numbers sooner or later he’ll run out of ammo and then we’ll beat him you really think I’m that short on ammo unlike you I’m government sponsored so I have enough ammo for everyone here and even if I somehow run out of ammo I’ll still be able to take you down there was only one right thing for you to do surrender as soon as I got here but you decided to give me a fight so it’s your fault that I’m going to kill every one of you very soon and believe me I’m going to get a lot of credit for it because I’ll save all the hostages like a true hero that’s it I’ve cleared the house all the hostages are alive I should probably get back to my guys they got here so fast I should thank them for that Mikey you did a great job today thanks to you we were able to save a lot of lives for that I’d like to give you a medal of honor let everyone know that you are now a hero of our army thank you so much I’m very happy to be rewarded for my efforts now I think it’s time for me to leave this place I’ve done my part let the others do the hostage evacuation here I’ve made it to our base I wonder what we’re going to do next I feel like I’ve already gone through every possible training session all that’s left is the physical training Mikey I have some very good news for you since you have perfectly applied your skills in practice I was allowed to give you a special training session for this we’ll be stopping by one of the garages I’m sure you’ll love what I’ve prepared for you wow this is a real tank I can’t believe I get to train on such a cool model JJ thank you so much for giving me this training this is literally going to be the best day of my life I’ve been wanting to sit inside a tank for quite some time but now I can not only sit in it I can even drive it so now you’ll have to hit all the Mish hams from the main muzzle of this tank this is not an easy task so I advise you to get used to the controls trust me it’s harder than it looks don’t worry JJ I can handle the tank although I have to admit it’s really really hard it doesn’t behave at all like a normal car that makes it pretty hard to drive but look at how cool I look I’m literally like a character in a movie which alone on the tank destroys all opponents too bad I’m just a Target but you got to start somewhere so that’s fine with me too and I’m still a little scared of the sound and recoil after the shot it feels like the tank wants to fall apart into hundreds of pieces but it never does all right I think I’ve done a pretty good job with everything so I got to get out of this tank hopefully one day I’ll get to sit inside it again and if I also get to shoot from it at other tanks it will be the best holiday of my life in the meantime I got to get back to base I think JJ’s got another workout in mind for me Mikey congratulations you’ve done very quickly and well with the tank training which means we can now move on to the next training session and this time it will be more difficult and that’s because you have to diffuse a bomb wa a real bomb to be honest I’m a little scared now there’s no room for error if I do something wrong our whole base will blow up yeah that’s something I’ve never been prepared for usually it was JJ who did this kind of thing but now that he’s in command it’s only logical that he needs a new man for the job it would have been a lot better if they’d put that bomb outside the base then I’d know that if I made a mistake I I’d be the only one blown up all right it’s not that big of a deal I’ve been told a, and one times how to diffuse bombs like this so I think I can do it I’m off to a good start all I have to do is cut the wires one at a time I mean you can’t start with red and then switch to Blue you have to cut the wires from the beginning to the end only then can it be guaranteed that the bomb will not explode so far it’s really going well and I think it’ll be over in a little a while it’s a good thing they’ve set up a fairly simple mechanism for the bomb if it had been any more complicated I don’t think I’d have succeeded all I have to do is remove one last wire and I’ll be safe from TNT things are going really well for me today I still can’t believe I only hit the Minefield and the only reason it happened that way was because I wasn’t paying attention it seems like I’m growing because I’m making a lot less mistakes I think that’s a very good thing I’m going to be a lot more useful on missions JJ I have some very good news for you I’ll be able to bug free Mine the Bulma I brought you TNT to prove it here look how much of it I have what do you think of that don’t you think I’m a lot cooler you’re really getting better and better at this every time so I thought I’d give you another special training session normally we don’t give access to it but you’ve proven yourself worthy of this stage wow that’s an airplane it’s the one I’m most afraid to get in though usually My Flights end very badly but today feels like it’s going to be different it’s all about believing that it’s going to work out okay Mikey it’s going to be okay you know what they say fear the eyes but the hands will do the work I may have crashed airplanes before but it should be okay now it’s still pretty small and it’s not as fast as the ones I’ve flown before so I’m not really worried it’s really very easy to fly I think I’ll be able to try some of the professional elements although it’s better not to try that wait not again it looks like the airplane has begun a rapid downward descent that’s too bad I’m having no luck stabilizing it why do they always go down for once they should have just let me enjoy the flight I’m just trying to stay centered so I don’t get hurt that’s weird I feel like I’ve crashed and yet I feel so light in my body am I dead oh no I’m just underwater I’ve got to get out of this thing right now I’m going to run out of oxygen very soon and just die in that Barrel what am I going to do JJ’s going to kill me for sure he didn’t do anything to me with the mines though so there’s a chance that everything will be okay now it’s not my fault after all it’s the airplane that decided it needed to go down for some reason too bad one of the water barrels was destroyed Mikey I’m horrified how could you let this happen everything was going so well today and for some reason now you’re just going to let it go to waste how am I supposed to report to my boss but okay it’s not that big of a problem more importantly someone started a fire in a village near our base so as punishment I’m assigning this mission to you I’ve got to get to the Village as fast as I can and start putting it out I’ll give it my best shot and then JJ will realize that the plane was an accident okay it’s time for me to start my firefighting Mission I don’t know who did it but after I put it out I’m going to find him and make him suffer there are so many villagers and children living here and he wanted to kill them all there’s no forgiveness for him it’s a good thing I brought a lot of wo booy Balloons with me they make it possible to put out fires very quickly and I don’t have to get into places I can’t reach all I have to do is throw a balloon or a couple of shrieks on the roof and that’s it the fire’s out it was a struggle but I made it I put out the last fire in this Village which means the mission is officially over it really wasn’t that hard to put out that fire now we have to get back to base as soon as possible and tell the JJ I don’t think there’s any point in them coming here because the houses were barely damaged [Music]

Why Mikey & JJ Became Military in Minecraft Maizen?

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