Minecraft but I can BE ANYONE…

guys I’ve been nominated for Nickelodeon’s Kids Choice Award for best gamer be sure to vote for me if you want to see me get slimed in real life thanks huh what’s going on did I leave the lights [Applause] [Music] on py I oh yeah murder mystery party woo what is happening wait you guys threw a party at my house without me wait wait weren’t you throwing a murder mystery party or uh no this was supposed to be a dance party wait it’s neither there’s no party in my house I wasn’t invited and why is there water coming from upstairs no what the for the beach party is Sil ghost what I’m going guys please I just oh my God I just decorated my house roast awesome roast party no out now guys come on how many times I got to tell you it’s not that kind of roast party here watch let’s see oh no my dear friend AAU has more diamonds than anyone else do you think she can afford the rest of that shirt cam it’s bad enough you’re the one who stole my diamond cre guys you need to chill I party is over everyone I’ve heard someone out there just say they want to crack it up to 11 if you party people want to get this thing started make [Applause] some the roof of my house they’re lucky I landed in water my house is destroyed oh I can’t believe my friends would do this to me not only that dare to roast me in my house without asking me first I can’t believe this I would have come back with more comebacks if I knew it wait what are these things did the do the fire melt their faces off why are their faces here ooh Sur board nice oh okay I’ve got everyone’s face did they respawn oh my gosh that was awesome let’s keep this party wa heck what happened to the party and your house wait what’s going on you guys happened you parted in my house you blew it up you insulted my shirt I like my shirt is it really do we really do that good wow this thing’s gone can’t believe this Pierce I said the part’s over can you please leave but why you say we go to the beach and get away huh uh yeah I’d actually liked wait why you saying it’s such a threatening Manor got him I wasn’t expecting that okay this isn’t a sure thing but what do these masks do maybe I could figure out if oh H wait a minute I’m annoy oh maybe I can use these masks to become anyone let’s see how they like to have jerk friends for once oh Pier all righty let’s show him a beach day huh wait are there oh Pi is building out a beach now let’s see here now it’s a real beach party but does it wait does he bore sand uh uh I kid always bore sand he can never have too much I got to figure out what these emojis in my hot bar mean Pierce wants a beach party I wonder if he’ll be able to Surf by s s hello hey buddy oh no hey you baby whoa you know it’s been a buddy hey no what what’s going on you act a little weird did you came for the party right oh jeez I kind of came for the party no noi hello anybody in there I mean can’t waste a beach party I guess he can’t hear me well I was doing my best no impression too all right well maybe these emojis have something to do with it no say something all right that’s what friends are for what oh don’t scare me like that man come on I’ll show you around we got a lot of things going on like uh I can say phrases and noise voice that’s pretty cool so this the cooler right here and all this is volleyball volleyball SL sand castle pit what what should we do first um should we do volleyball should we do sand castle whatever you think oh I get what you say it we should do sand castle volleyball all right so you over there I’ll build sand castle over you build sand castle over there and then we throw volleyballs at each other until we die they’re so cute hey you little you CR you’re supposed to be here this is for athletes only get out of your stopid oh okay I think I’ve got this see over here and yeah get him show them his boss wait hey what are you doing over there our drinks are in there what you wanted drinking crab juice whatever you think oh yes I do and you know what else I know that actually looks super fun I want to try get one of these put some more of these in here and I missed yeah this is actually pretty fun this whole crab grab thing but I think I’ve got a new game it’s called bobbing for crabs all right you ready here watch I’ll show you all you got to do is you just got to line up on the cooler and then you just got to and then grabs grabs why I should have kind of expected this but it’s still anyway that so funny all right let’s see while he is busy maybe I can do one last little prank to get back at him somebody all right get these crabs off my face no I do something about this he hey uh that’s probably my fault what uh uh what do you mean it’s your fault wait hey uh you don’t need I need to be able to stand on it hey what are you doing that shows him for breaking the plumbing in my house and making a surf beach in my house Beach don’t belong in house Beach belong on beach time to go get revenge on others all righty Kim you like roast well I got some beef with you you’re going to have to call the fire department once these sick Burns drop there we go Casey what do I have to say oh that’s so cute okay voice lines I can use perfect ah go away I a the player you are trying to reach is at home please leave a message after the beep okay let’s see a that’s not very nice oh wait is that oh Casey it’s just you oh thank goodness what’s that supposed to mean oh I was just worried you were at now I wouldn’t be surprised if she were here for a get old revenge or something you think she’s prettier than me have to do it anything Casey fine fine she’s not prettier than you okay she just smarter deadlier and better at Minecraft there how’s that hey wait whatever did you need something or it’s so cute uh what’s cute a it’s so cute oh boy she’s definitely not as smart as aan a it’s so cute okay I get it you think things are cute but what exactly are cute what huh what is that huh hey wait a second hold on hair looks like oh hey hey is this your idea cute oh yeah I bet you’re going to look really cute when you don’t have any hair get over here a that’s not very nice I’m going to give you a haircut you’ll never forget looks like they’re eating on each other oh my gosh oh got to get away what you what’s this doing here huh Kip buys all her potions online what Casey you big Li is going to think of a faker oh you know what move I’m taking this down and then I’m going to take you down I think Kim should be very careful that sign might actually cause a bit of a board oh got [Laughter] her all right I think uh oh get this thing out me a it’s so cute a so you feel when I get out of here I’m going to somebody help me all right perfect now I’ve got the lines ready let’s go ahead and trick him a bit where did he go where did he go oh G wait oh wait was that Kim okay Kim what’s going on what can I do you for huh wait NY what oh I think I know what you’re trying to say did Pier fall down the well again is he in danger what the hecky okay I guess that’s not it oh well uh okay uh what do you got to show me then uh it’s my DJ booth thank you so much Kim Oh I thought I lost this man I was so scared to go back to half’s place I thought she’d be so mad at me oh man what can I do to repay you anything you want I got it anything you want anything at want mama needs some Violet I should have any of that um how could you do this to me oh I got it I can drop some sick beads for you here I have a special set I made just for you are you ready to be in state of noise let’s get this party started wo wa interesting I guess he’s spawning in villagers that want a party all right let’s see if you want more music Make Some Noise oh I get his name now maybe I can make some noise of my own what do you think Kim there we go okay I can dig it always need more cowbell wait wait oh oh Golem oh W okay that’s enough go about okay help oh well help oh okay help someone Golem are my favorite gu okie dokie who is next oh maybe the disco ball Zan had maybe I could find that and oh huh Pierce no Pierce Pierce open up I need to talk to you who’s there hold on hold on wait Pierce right now I made her a special music set and she totally turned the audience against me and threw me out of my own show yeah I’ll take you out with party wait the heck what are you hitting me for well sures you right for trying to kill me with crabs I say good day sir good who who W Pier Pier Pi wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I didn’t do anything like that wait what wait a minute something seems sus what do you mean other than be being to kill with crabs and sand and what all here I think we need to figure something out oh no they might figure it out they use our brain oh wait let me check my inventory um H let’s see do crabs like that fish maybe I can try hello kbby Krabs kbby Krabby kbby Krabby krabbies oh this is not working wonderful H ooh wait oh where’re you dead party Golems though I don’t know I mean I need to get them for my next set but they started carrying me off I mean I just went to the distance and oh let’s see hope they follow a fish come on go go go go go you got a fish oh perfect I do oh he CBS crabs no no no no little guys the crabs not the crabs let’s see them up little wrong they’re just little guys oh the little guys are pitch all kinds big don’t worry boy here to [Music] party they’re dancing on get it’s time to party no stop encouraging them they’re mean and vicious and kind of adorable don’t don’t let that succul J move over fool you there those crabby moves all these guys Rock Bunch your claws in the air woo don’t you dare show me up crab I see your game I know what you’re rough to oh wait a minute wait a minute I um oh don’t you run away away just like the cow there you are oh I don’t know where that came from that’s not what I planned but whatever revenge is Revenge I guess a fish bester cold all right Casey I heard you like to cook well guess who’s going to cook you you got to call a fire department again all right let’s use Pierce right now what phrases do I get let’s see I have no idea woohoo okay all right let’s see Pierce what are you doing here oh no is e not mad do we need to hide I am very disappointed sir hey that’s a perfectly good cake I have no idea what that is you don’t know what a cake is wait oh you don’t know got a make a cake well why don’t I show you let’s see I know right I feel the same way about cake now making cake is easy let me see get some sugar oh you can’t forget about she’s making cake with a hopper must be a modded cake and Tada you’re ready to bake oh okay and then you have your big all right since she’s such a good teacher maybe you can teach her some manners all right now you try let’s see Fish and there that’ll be perfect all right what if I just add everything else in between uh there we go and put a fish potato sugar milk more fish all right that’s good Wait no that’s disgusting weren’t you even listening Pierce doesn’t listen at least I didn’t set your house on fire exploded and blew off the roof I’m not crying sweat workout sweat a well it’s fine maybe it’ll look better once we bake it so then you just have to bring it over here and then there you go t I am very disappointed sir what fine let’s see you try then all right I have no idea what that is were you even listening you just open the oven hey let me out of here what if I just uh ooh who’s roasted now gotcha hey why can’t I move help oh I guess that’s my C to go sorry looks like Casey got her just desert me out herey oh got hide got to hide got hide hidey in here Casey Casey Casey Casey Casey we really got to tell you something Casey oh where’s casy Casey oh a cake they ate the cake all right mission’s been successful so far wait what’s this oh is that s’s disco ball explosion must have blown it over here H all right bad enough they wrecked my house but they had to litter all over the Hub I can’t believe this littering is not cool all right perfect let’s cover this up and then up there we go nice all right let’s see uh put that there no more damage ever all right are you sure you haven’t seen AF anywhere uhoh got to get here got to get here she should have responded by now oh AF Mouse silly me let me just check into my pocket here no of course I don’t know where she is oh Zane don’t you dare sass me you’re already on thin ice wrecking her house how can you have a dance party without a disco ball I make no apologies ow are you serious hi hi hi okay okay okay I’m sorry listen you can help me prove it by helping me find a you check her house and I’ll look around the Hub unless you need me to egg you a little bit more nope all good I’m going to head on up over there that’s what I thought all right if Z’s looking for me maybe I can help him find me I was just looking for him all righty let’s see they’re going to my house oh no it’s so much worse than I thought it was oh my God what oh he’s actually sorry I can’t believe this a maybe I shouldn’t prank him after all what did they do to you don’t worry one day you will Sparkle again what I can’t believe this cares more about a disco ball than me oh wait a minute let’s see Since Aaron was involved before let’s make him a world again all right let’s See’s use a you doofus you’re doing it all wrong I can’t you see I’m grieving here wait hang on I thought you told me to doist you’re doing it all wrong jeez get some new insults already besides you’re the one who told me to come here in the first place too sure about that one what then what am I supposed to be doing then huh seriously I just came from there make up your mind already oh that’s awesome babe I I am not your uh fine you know what I’m just going to go this way and you do whatever all right let’s grab this right here and move it over there all right just got to get him to follow me let’s see um oh that’s awesome babe hey hey my disco ball you doofus you’re doing it all wrong what am I doing wrong here all right let’s see give me that what are you ow all right perfect you doofus you’re doing it all wrong well I was following you I mean hey on the bright side I did get my disco ball back I was looking for it and now it’s all back together perfect and now to get you out of there [Music] bye-bye you’re welcome babe H Aaron isn’t answering the door don’t see him inside or anything where could he be I want to talk to him and see what his involvement oh oh wait a minute is he actually rebuilding my house oh he does care I guess I’ll take it a little easy on him then all right time a day outfit there we go perfect Perfect all right I got some uh some phrases let’s see how this goes how about this one to start um how is this possible Zane now you’re going to lie and say you didn’t have anything to do with this this doesn’t make any sense of course it does would you forget what happened you idiot you know what I can’t if you don’t remember maybe you can build this on your own oo H just use these blocks there we go I just can’t even I can’t even what are you doing Zane Zane are you inept do you really think those blocks go there huh huh it’s alive what are you talking about why would you put that there is this how you build your dumb houses I I just can’t dude if you’re just going to make it worse than I these and there we go the Bell really the Bell it’s alive it’s alive oh yeah you want to know it’s not going to be alive you after I’m done through you’re going to be dead let’s see you do it then Mr Smarty Pants oh oh my God that’s what I was doing right from the GetGo but now you’ve added your stupid bells and crafting tables that’s it I just can’t know it’s alive that’s it you know what I’m just going to un alive your entire build Zane I don’t want to hear a peep from you this is get rid of this I think I pushed him long enough time for the big reveal let’s see take off the mask there we go perfect all right let’s see time for the grand finale what is wrong with that scrawny little man I can’t oh my house oh my gosh what did you do wait a Where Have You Been what do you mean what I do this was all Zane do you not remember with this disco ball and all that stupid nonsense wait a minute where where did he even go oh where did Zane go Zane you idiot get out of here I think I’ve seen enough Aaron you wanted a murder mystery party you join a murderer party I cannot believe this you became a house murderer want to had fun with you and I listen I knew Z was bad right there’s so much evidence around me no no listen I’ll find zand I’ll prove it to you okay let me just go get him Z zand M where are you okay he’s so cute when he’s flustered all right I think that my pranks went a little well maybe a little too overboard but you know what my house took forever to build so I cany get back over here get away from me oh make fun of my hair will you well I’ll give you a haircut you’re going to love he the girls are fighting you red my set and turning my fans against me you were my beach party with guys everyone calm down listen listen to me hear me out all right you probably did something okay clearly something weird is going on here and we’re going to get to the bottom of it right Aaron I mean you’re a man of reason right that’s awesome babe why are you doing that stop calling me babe it’s weird come here here away me get over here want to spread some popping be stop it this has been fun

If you can be anyone, why not be everyone?

Don’t forget to vote for me in the Kids Choice Awards! Click on the link right here 👉 https://www.nick.com/kids-choice-awards/vote/share?category=favorite-gamer

💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_

====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Aaron: Jason Bravura
★ Zane: Kestin Howard
★ KC: MegaMoeka
★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg
★ Noi: Michael A. Zekas
★ Pierce: Shado_Temple

NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft.

#Minecraft #Aphmau


  1. Congrats Jess! Anyway,Day 22 of asking for shadybug and clawnoire as kc and Zane and ladybug and cat noir as aph and aaron(yall I’m on vacation so please make this blow up so she sees it because I don’t have time😭😭)

  2. Happy Fourth of July! And APH I have a video idea Ghost dragon family secret role with a ghost hunter and protector too pls😊

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