1. meet_me_n_montauk on

    I know nothing but I choose botanist for the simple fact of space and one type of item vs all different starred. But take my advice with a grain of salt

  2. IronFlame76 on

    I always go with tracker. Helps finding spots to pan ore from the rivers

  3. Open-Print-7976 on

    Botanist, good money maker and saves inventory space by ensuring foraged items are all of the same quality

  4. Special_South_8561 on

    Why would you need tracker? Just look at your screen, the sprites are the same every year.

  5. I picked Tracker to begin with but honestly I found the little arrows to be rather annoying, it’s handy for sure though.

  6. deformed_bean on

    Botanist is so much better becouse if you are really looking for forage you can find it easy without tracker

  7. Botanist by a country mile.

    -) inventory space (much easier if all is iridium)

    -) gifts (+50%)

    -) truffle

  8. Special_South_8561 on

    If you get Gatherer + Botanist and you have a Barn of Pigs, you can get x2 truffles at iridium quality

  9. ArmaniAsari on

    Botanist. It’s nice not having three types of every forgeable taking up space

  10. I always go Tracker first. I find especially when trying to find a Luck Ring I appreciate having an indication of where the glowing panning spot actually is. That and it helps indicate whether its worth going down to get Spring Onions and what not.

    You can always change it anyway.

  11. Botanist. Everything you pick up is iridium quality.

    Leeks for George, Horseradish for Krobus, Truffles for cash. Even the clams, coral, etc. from the Beach will be Iridium quality.

  12. This is the most unbalanced choice in the game.

    Botanists increases the value of everything you pick up and forage for all time, including truffles, giving you untold riches.

    Tracker is made useless if you have working eyes.

    It should be pretty obvious which is better…

    But honestly, if you are hard of seeing, it does help, but this option should be something freely given and not have to limit your game in other ways to get it.

  13. GhostfaceD6N9A on

    You go for botanist most of the time. BUT. if you like to search for the Lucky ring. Go with Tracking

  14. I always picked botanist, but in my recent play I chose Tracker and I’m loving it

  15. hedgehoggodoggo on

    I go with botanist simply so foragables stack in my inventory—I picked tracker once and had to change it, the arrows were annoying and I didn’t find myself using them.

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