#1 Stardew Valley (New Slow Farm!) w/ Bryan of Dechart Games

what is this what is this we need to stop way down why is there a Buffalo there that’s a fluffal hello everyone welcome to today uh I I actually I took the camera outside and took some some photos took some photos of our baby of little deck Hearts uh do or do not there is no try good to see you welcome thank you for being here I am really really ready for little stardo uh the notion was to um start again have a new Farm we could take a quick tour of the Old Farm just to remember and we could burn it we could burn it all to the ground if you want if you want we could burn the Old Farm to the ground smiski welcome back 28 months how’s the uh mic level for everybody is it okay I made a couple of adjustments to the microphone um o we got ourselves into quite a jam on that farm I I was too productive on them on my previous Farm start new mic is good perfect sounds good cool shirt it’s fine carrot de what’s up carrot do welcome back for three months I like your name and splat meme thank you for the cheers um Farm ARS is from Marson I was speed running each day is a good way to put it um in stard val that might be how I see life sometimes not always but I am sort of anxious to be productive and stardew Valley really really showed that last time we played so this time we have to be not productive we have to be like as as passive like we’re gonna try our do we not do not there’s no try we’re gonna we’re gonna be rest restful on the farm what’s our Mantra we need like a that’s not a good phrase restful on the farm no one oh yeah I’ll go there no having a little bit of God of War flavored smoothie I got to be chill I got it we what’s a good way to describe the kind of farm we’re building it is a Star Wars tshirt Amilia gave it to me for my birthday I really like it Amelia may join us uh we’ll see how the stream goes we’ll see what the hype necessitates we’ll see how the baby chills we’ll see we don’t know we don’t know is Scott of War flavored it’s it’s uh Ambrosia and blood flavored uh blue star o 210 welcome back for 63 months a disorganized farm that would drive me mad Lads I couldn’t handle if we had a disorganized Farm let’s see this is the screen of the game but we just need me and I don’t need a thing that says who’s playing right now and uh Amilia may join us in the chat I don’t know like I said I just don’t know I just don’t know click on the leaves click on the leaves well I I can’t because I’m on uh I’m on the goodly the goodly PlayStation I can’t click on the leaves I think that’s a PC moment you’re just starting stardo okay so I should do a little poll to start things off who here has played stardo uh let me know let me know let’s get let’s get a formal poll um H I have played stard do not played or joined on a stream Where am I help perfect okay here we go let me know I have one in the chat play stardo number two in the chat not played stardo number three joined on a stream for a stardo number four where am I help Nicole wandering welcome back for 33 months in a [Music] row to just be having a smoothie I hope my my love is eating her part of this of this smoothie I hope my I hope my beautiful wife is is enjoying some smoothie and if not is soon enjoying some smoothie crispy Cactus welcome back for 27 months balers Gate 3 yeah actually yeah you know we got so many game recommendations we literally got right now 28,000 and N game recommendations not exaggerating that’s the actual number as of this morning right before the stream uh and uh we we decided we had to put it all together what do you got Bippity Boppity Boo we’re playing Spider-Man on Saturday okay that’s the deal and you all know what’s happening on Tuesday that stardew Valley these days right about now and these are the things that are happening on dear games of course you know the place but it’s going to be a Sunday Kind of balers gate that’s the plan so if you can join us I would be blessed to have you with me as I Endeavor to see what happens to us when we play balers Gate 3 I’m expecting a lot of unusual moments and that’s always good for me um Kingdom Hearts quite candidly I had to take a breather on Kingdom Hearts I may come back at Kingdom Hearts 2 cuz you all said so kindly about how great Kingdom Hearts 2 is and how you commended me for going through the janky controls of 10 years ago Kingdom Hearts 1 but I think I think I need stardo and Spider-Man and balers gate and then we’ll be doing some bonus streams I do plan to play some OverWatch it some random times so many people say Kingdom Hearts 2 is so much better than one so I feel like it might be a better representation of what Kingdom Hearts even though I get the anyway we’re here to play stardew in The Valley Of Gold stardew Valley is a game that 58% of you have played but for the 27% of you who have not played don’t worry uh it’s pretty much we’re gonna be explained everything that you need to know uh we’re gonna have a farm and uh for the 9 oh that’s actually 9.4 is a lot lot of you that are lost um okay uh what year is it let’s see if they get this bit um the biggest thing there’s no wrong way to play stard dude that’s true that’s true but I will say uh literally literally I will say that we are craving questing we need peace we need peace we need a meditative Garden none of you know what year it is so I’m going with New York City 1776 the year is 1776 we’re Upstate New York City and We crave ex exclusively peace I’m into it mhm M mhm okay I’m in it I’m in it we’re here just for the peace we are pilgrims no we are convicts no what are we what are we when we when we go when we when we seek peace in stardew Valley Upstate New York 1776 what what are we we’re homesteading but we got to have I mean that’s implied um we’re protesting what are we protesting we’re protesting uh no non- peace we protest we peacefully protest all things non peaceful and we are alive we’re [Laughter] Jammers uh that’s what we did last time we made a ton of jam we hope you like jamming too we jamming we’re jamming we’re jamming we’re jamming we hope you like jamming I just have to take you there we don’t have to burn it to the ground but this is bingus oh my gosh nearly 5 million gold and6 hours of his life exchanged can someone do the math for me uh on in-game currency at my 4.9 million what was my hourly rate how much did bingus get paid per his 156 25 hours of work I I want to was this a Perfection save this was a lot all right how is the game level you want the game audio so you can hear this twinkly like this it’s probably too loud because it’s like $31,000 per hour $ 31,39 per hour now this is called Revenue modeling for those of you that are in business or have small businesses or create on you know some sort of pretty productive how’s the volume now uh I turned it down just a tiny bit but we can tweak it with this knob here up up up up nice all right I’m going to adjust the microphone a little bit let’s go check in on bingus down here is olive olive as you can see spent considerably less time consider what it is is I’m going to turn down my headphones just a sco nice that’s it oh oh team Olive was there on weasel cheese farm but we had Zeno Farm these were the controls and they still are to this day oh my gosh I forgot what we did we have th this oh my and to be here under these circumstances not rushing like right now this is insane like bingus would have popped out of bed and immediately as you can see started jamming [Music] because it was our life ancient fruit jelly and and and we made so much Jam we made so much gem that we had no chance but to do anything in this exact circuit I remember eat miners treat yeah [ __ ] it let’s have some coffee how do we have coffee I remember um oh my gosh it’s all coming back immediately I just give me coffee I don’t have any coffee all right let’s just keep gone apple jelly peach jelly pomegranate jelly ancient fruit jelly cherries apple jelly oh my gosh what a blessed place to be here this music I just want to cry and listen to this music the sub Jam rooms and the basement the additional Jam space I just feel like enough of you haven’t seen oh wait there is there is this the song is so good to cry to here’s where we grow our cheeses of course and by grow our cheeses I do mean grow our cheeses the Cheese room do you sell stuff in this box or no you got to take it to the guy you got to take it to the guy it’s all coming back all right let’s just do it we’re going to do one quick tour or one one chill tour oh my God the Orchards oh I love this game I love this game what a be beautiful beautiful place oh I love it here y’all are going to go crazy when you see what’s in here more jams various Gams of plenty oh my I used to walk this route every day this is where I would come and gather corns oh the and and these cherries cranberries all the various cows who are you tytin and Phil and goatee and honeydew you’re all here the gang’s all here Ty get out of here you greedy Captain Dino oh my gosh Cowboy Wilbur van goat we have to pet all these animals Harvey Milk uh all right cheddar holy cow the goat I feel good about this babe babe and Wilbur all right what’s going on in here we got eggs coming up we got goat milks coming up who’s this that’s again you all right we met all the animals here let’s keep going chill bro chill you don’t have to race I love this place though like look at this place oh my gosh so much time was invested here oh the Honeys so we we grew a lot of Honey or we we we allowed for a lot of Honey to be here let’s put a bunch of stuff in here so we can oh man the Galaxy sword oh how much time oh only a pandemic worth of time could you could you do this oh my gosh I put so many hours oh my goodness more than any game really at the time fairy Rose honey Fair roses I mean look at this I loved this I love this so much I love this place I love I love this place this is a real place for me this is where Olive lived when Olive came to visit uh by the chicken coop this is po oh and squat nut we love squat nut squat nut is Aces and bro the chicken name bro I got brown eggs around here and white eggs I love it here I love it excuse me but I got to have more of this uh beautiful God of War flavored taste yeah I don’t think she lived in the coupe I think she lived near down down over in this corner though when she comes to town maybe there’s a house over here right is that how it [Music] works oh I love the pomegranates I had so many fruits going so I do think I would go for I’m going to go for an orchard it’s going to be like mostly plants in the new one for piece like Gardens oh and I love these Honeys fairy Rose honey of Plenty look at this we had all these Hey Duck come here duck Gilbert Gilbert the duck of course and now we have uh some some chickens nutmeg Thumper Thunder and Kingus you know get out of here I don’t want to be in there all right smells in there this is the place I love this green housee I love this greenhouse in real life I want to have a greenhouse like this it’s like an Atrium really uh wow the peaches and the apples just just what a blessing and all these these beans what are these magical things those were rare weren’t they these are rare are some kind of rare fruits H trust a bro hey Farmers what’s up everybody hey uh Palace of kfco welcome back for 73 months that’s amazing so kfco is definitely around when we’re doing this bunch of bunch of fairy wines and fancy Fant pomegranates maybe I don’t know uh new sub badge Raleigh jogger Jones good to see you how you doing farmer yeah so we’re going to we’re going to be peaceful protesters who peacefully protest anything that’s not peaceful by being as peaceful as we can uh so then there’s a way up here that’s like onto other places right all right we didn’t build that way let’s go look down to the last little bit that we built and then we’ll we’ll Ramble On what’s in this little Hut is this our collection of stuff what is this oh this was our guest house we moved it we moved the guest house I just love this like the little Pond okay if we did IRL stardo like in real life like do you do you like it because good music and pixel art or if we were like really on a farm streaming it would you be down these are all of our Awards and stuff this is a giant bear okay and a rib cage I don’t know I just I feel like in real life one of my favorite things to do is like plant plants and dig holes and move rocks like that’s like what a what a an ideal situation for me is and if I just had like a pair of like glasses that gave you like POV and we would all just like like what if we just make a nature preserve maybe that’s what it is we’ll be a farm and nature preserve and we’ll just our stardew Valley land is we’ll just go get some land you know next to the Wilderness and we’re just going to like take care of it and like let the animals live there for free put some nice stuff for the animals basically just like Steward it for mother nature you know if a bunch of people did that and preserved their the land it would be great let’s do it and good internet it’ll have good internet it’ll be good for nature nature indigenous species and strong strong internet all right let’s do it we don’t need this life anymore this life is our old life um how do we uh how do we tell it we’re done we don’t want to do this anymore we want to do a new life what if it was like that what if you could all right so stardy Valley new game load it up let’s do it love La deviant welcome back for 13 years of pure awesome thank you for the Good Vibes all right this music is feeling right good morning demonic [ __ ] 44 hello my name is Brian and I have to choose my random life we could just keep keep hitting Shuffle okay everyone press X to shuffle there we go tml got you all right bar the geek shy El go got you okay got you yort I see a river break I see deviant Jewels I see little col coiler is it coiler there it is jazz got it okay how you doing betg shuffling shuffling shuffling shuffling shuffling shuffling it’s me sopia shuffling okay a couple oh W Bunch extras I’m getting the right exact right amount we’re just going to keep shuffling random random random that person me perfect sleepy owl6 thank you yo uh Susie septic guy welcome back for 63 months we’re going to keep randomizing this and we’re just about there all right if you’ve if you’ve not yet pressed X now is a good time to do so we’re going to find the perfect person by randomizing as many times as we possibly can and we’re going to make only and I do mean only one adjustment no matter what and I think two more oh that person sent a lot of X so I should do a couple uh anybody else needs to push X if you already push x uh I already got you um okay xxx iron girl got it all right oh we got one more from Mira one more for sleepy salmon more axes this could go forever I would more oh okay rocker girl hey awesome Jedi 99 what’s going on Welcome Back for 63 months holy smokes that sounds great oh my gosh I’ll read more soon and uh and call me ghosty thank you for being here for 20 months an awesome Jedi 63 months is amazing uh call kylo Thanos all the perers juli rose got okay oh yeah uh matcha Mochi got you and then I think spider br’s already got you I think we’re good all right everyone pressed X um this is us this is this is us uh skin one hair one shirt 76 pants one and these are our hair colors these are our lives we do have the same hair actually hold on let’s try this there’s all the time in the world where’re we’re doing the slowest the slowest playthrough slowest playthrough of stardo Valley ever live on Twitch slower than you can possibly [Music] imagine is this me he’s touching grass feels right I don’t know I like [Music] him Miss Courtney Olivia as I live and breathe six whole years mission [Music] accomplished very cool yes Amilia and I are going to be at PA we’ll be at Pax West in Seattle Washington all right we are allowed to make one adjustment one thing we can tweak about our self here is it going to be our uh eye color our hair color our pants color that seems important pants color does seem important oh and we can pick different kinds of houses on the side really no way Beach Farm what Wilderness Farm got to be or Forest Farm but the forest Farm’s kind of what we had Riverland Farm standard [Music] Farm add glasses I see a lot of add glasses I had standard Farm were other Farms available when I started let’s read them this is the slowest playthrough of stard New Valley on all of twitch if you need to get slow you’re in the right place we’re peaceful protesters who protest peacefully anything that’s not peaceful by being more peaceful as to make everything more peaceful I’m eating God of War flavored smoothie if you want to know its exact contents I’ll tell you but only under the circumstances that there’s so much demand that I will tell you I will tell you all the ingredients there are one two well in this case I added an extra ingredient one two three four five six and sevenish six and seven six and seven ingredients I’ll tell you the ingredients but only if the demand is so so sufficient uh because remember this is the slowest stream on Twitch Lura 122 welcome back for two months yippee and lizan 889 welcome back for 30 7even months appreciate you I will shot them out if you get it right we got the mango there is mango mango is one of the six ingredients the demand is increasing but mango is certainly one of the ingredients strawberry is another one of the ingredients and banana yogurt as well you’ve guessed four of the ingredients banana strawberry mango all previously frozen oat milk yes I did put a little bit of water water was the secret ingredient I didn’t have quite as much oat milk as I would normally want so I needed to water it down so it wasn’t just too much like icing you know or like a kind of a I don’t know what’s the word it gets like um like a s b but it’s just too it’s not it’s not a smoothie yet so the ingredients are yogurt milk oat milk specifically and then in this case a little bit of water to compensate just for total volume and overall thickness uh oat milk yogurt water slowest stream on Twitch and then blend that up that’s the best if you do that on its own step now you have like this like cream that’s great you’re going to love it then you put in the frozen banana if you got a real banana like a fresh banana that’s the best put a fresh banana if you can but if you can’t put the frozen banana banana frozen strawberry frozen [Music] mango anybody want to guess the last ingredient it’s kind of a trick question there’s one more thing in my smoothie that I do put I put like it’s not love there’s there’s a Little Love in there but it’s not it’s ice Dirty Dan NOS yes I just put like for if it’s for one person like two ice cubes if it’s for me and Amelia like four ice cubes and then those just get get kind of busted up and then it just keeps the whole thing is like you know anyway it’s pretty dope but having the frozen fruit makes it extra smoothie e because if you know you have fresh fruit it can be it more like juice all right I do like this shirt it asks for our animal preference right now it says cat I do want to look at the options since we’re to change one thing I want to wh uh oh I’m not sure how to do that all right um cats oh these are type various oh I have to I have to make the one that looks like my my cat to Twee Theo toes yeah it’s going to be Theo toes um but I don’t know is that kind of my one my one change I guess it is now do you want to do um I’m going to do a little poll while we pick the last thing uh do we want to skip [Music] intro like the beginning um you all decide I remember the intro but it was you know 150 hours of game play here we go [Music] all right most of you have made up your mind we need a name all right we’re not going to skip the intro I did I didn’t even I didn’t even didn’t why did I even ask [Laughter] foolish I we’re the slowest stream on Twitch Miss Michaela Rose welcome back for six months if the hype is is strong enough I’ll go really slow [Music] I’ll do things very slowly I’m going to WN whn I’m going to change the title from chillest stream on Twitch to slowest but I’m going to do it slowly [Music] all right that’s about as slow as I can do that change the stream title for you slow is smooth and smooth is fast slow bro slow slow SN Jax [Music] Jax you might be a genius pat yourself on the back everyone especially Jack but if you’re just even alive at the same time the Jacks came up with slow SN it’s really going to work for [Music] me there’s also just a little part of my mind that wonders if Amelia might be like right now thinking or would be thinking don’t name him slos [Music] SN and as she’s thinking that I’d be typing in [Music] slow SN so [Music] slowly it’s got a nice ring to it slow SN Nation rise [Music] up have an idea don’t worry and [Music] not we got to do everything slowly cuz let’s face it if we’re here we got the [Music] time [Music] right I just want people to know hey Amelia we just named [Music] ourselves slow [Music] SN I [Music] know Amelia would you like to help us name the farm Amelia [Music] yeah she’s disappointed is she I’m going double earbuds team I’m doing this we’re slos on it her silence speaks [Laughter] volumes low snof Farms snurtle snurtle maybe maybe a favorite thing well favorite thing [Music] is Sosa’s favorite [Music] thing I mean turtles are really excellent at going slow check check turn the music down just a little bit more being slow slow SN let’s see Farm name slow grains huh Farm name H what should it be it should be peaceful slow is the game audio still here right you should still hear a [Music] little yo I like that this slower the stream is the more people want to join everyone think real hard this is important once we make this decision we’re here we’re we’re stuck with it forever slow Valley oh I like [Music] that slow but risky wait what’s the other fast but risky slow but what strolling this is so Dopey I know slow but risky yep I see my wife type slow but risky into the [Music] [Laughter] chat it’s hilarious slow [Laughter] but all right remember we got to take this nice and slow but [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] risky oh our favorite thing what’s our favorite thing what’s our favorite thing what is it what is our thing that’s it’s so it makes us so happy when we see it we just we even giggle about it it’s so nice we just what is it going to be we need a favorite thing if you don’t have a favorite thing what are you doing everybody’s got a favorite thing this is a nice little play the positive moment there’s a lot of good ideas coming in here sleeping is is really covering a lot of ground sleeping is if everything [Music] is paint drying snths snails and sloths silence this music maybe um procrastinating ah no it that would cut me too deep deep I’m going to be so slow but risky I’m going to be so slow I’m sorry but slow but risky is really really funny to me personally naps oh man what if if you say naps I might take a nap favorite thing are naps I do think it’s gardening napping in the garden naps Garden naps we’re going with Garden naps his favorite thing is garden naps with [Music] turtles that was too fast I need to slow down Garden naps that makes sense right like sleep gardening uh I’m on a PS5 um I got to slow it [Music] down if you need to slow down you’re in the right place just breathe in breathe [Music] out you know slow but risky a nap is slow but napping in the garden could be risky it’s less risky than like you know napping on the railway this stream’s going to make you go for a nap There You Go codus codus Games sometimes if you feel if you crave a nap you just might need one maybe just close your eyes or just one close just one eye and then go ah never mind he close them both should we all just think of one little garden app as soon as we get in the garden let’s do it all right I’m satisfied I’m going to make my hair a little more Brown I think it’s the only adjustment I’m going to make my hair a little [Music] more ooh that’s fun but my one Ed these are [Music] eyes there can we do we dig it do we dig it hey speaking of slow I got to rewind the time real quick and say thank you to some folks from the start of the stream wow that’s a lot of folks who have resubscribed and I am slow to get to it welcome to slow but risky Farm my name is slow SN my favorite thing our garden naps I welcome my friend crispy Cactus for 27 months who is so slow crispy cactuses grow very slowly indeed and we line the perimeter of our garden with Crispy cactuses to defend us balers Gate 3 indeed is coming your way on Sunday Sunday is the day spooky Scarlet thank you for cheering 38 minutes ago if this isn’t the slowest stream on Twitch I don’t know what is if you’ve subscribed 38 minutes ago like siik parvis 887 welcome back sick parvis welcome back for 55 months thank you for chilling with stardew with us thank you for the slow Vibes we got to pick where our farm is going to be and I need you all to help me decide where all right will you please we’re going to enhance because this is the slowest stream on Twitch and if you have a friend who really likes things going slow why don’t you just go ahead and reach out to him let him know hey things are getting real slow over here on on deckart games let me just let me just shout out to my friends who like it real [Music] honestly that’s good let’s do like this what do you think of my my edit exotic meow hey thanks for typing in the chat with those D dancing dinos there’s always time for dancing dinos on a slow stream everyone please just show some some dancing dyo emotes if you have them ah Anya thank you for the raid we’re having a very slow stream hello hello would you like to help us decide Raiders where we’re going to live will we live on a standard Farm a simple plot of land with a large amount of open space to design your farm well we did that last time so no thanks you keep your simple farm for for other days enhance we could also live on a Riverland Farm your farm is spread across several islands and Scenic Riverbanks fish are more common here than usual I personally am not great at fishing in this game what’s the slowest would you say you like the forest in the wilderness all right let’s read them out speaking of slow Sunny vibing welcome back for three months thank you for vibing everyone feels a sunny warmth of Sunny Bin’s Vibes and sleepy salmon swims by for 36 months and in the river you hear sleepy salmon say hell yeah hell yeah thanks for being here sleepy Salmons the forest Farm the woods limit your farming space however the Bounty of the forest is nearly at your doep the Bounty of the forest what kinds of things do we find in the forest that could be a good place to be a peaceful protester who protests peacefully Jessica Louise 1994 welcome back for 65 months always so happy to have you here thank you for the love and thank you for the slow slow Vibes lots of wood and slow [Music] shrooms hardwood and forage do we need hardwood to construct buildings we’re mostly going for trees and plants not so much building oh very things are going so slowly here everyone’s getting very relaxed by how [Music] slow next up is a Hilltop Farm Rocky terrain and winding River make it difficult to design your farm however a mineral deposit provides mining [Music] opportunities Digi blue slush welcome back and thank you for being here with your Prime and if you’re actually about to fall asleep that’s fine just chill well Rocky terrain would be slow but what about this the Wilderness Farm there’s plenty of good land here but beware at night the monsters come out slow but risky slow but risky oh oh this seems [Music] perfect Four Corners Farm is land divided into four Parcels each with its own perk perfect for a group well that’s good for multiplayer I like that idea it’s kind of like Katon and last but not least the beach Farm is good for foraging and fishing in tons of open space and sometimes supplies wash up in crates on Shore oh the poll has just ended and it seems the results are slow quill Star Lord thank you for being here for two months in a row hey hey nice thanks for the resub and Jax 3379 again welcome back for 72 months thank you moderators thank you lieutenants for helping us on Twitch and on Discord slowly well it’s plain we’re going to the Wilderness the Wilderness Farm has got to be the one for us it’s slow and risky all right oh no well lucky for us this is the slowest slowest stream on Twitch and we had all of the natural things besides hair no even the hair was that one we just had shirt 46 or something was it shirt 46 why do I remember 46 it wasn’t 46 it was 40 something 76 Soldier 76 or shirt nice uh we had Greener eyes before but this is accurate to [Music] me this is my cat my name slos SN [Music] slos SN yall want the hair to be darker how about like that going a bit too fast slow but [Music] risky is this a good Pace what was that too fast slow down everyone breathe in I’ll compare screw if you want to drop it in cl2 uh favorite thing Garden naps [Music] uh yeah we’ll probably upload this to YouTube what do you think scree should we drop this on YouTube see what happens thank you all for being here and being so slow with us Magnolia Sims thank you for the gift sub to even slower the more hype there is the slower the stream becomes I’m going to set our young dude slosa here to the previous settings exactly okay team so you’ll see the adjustments happen here very slowly on [Music] screen got to change his eye color slightly [Music] to get us as close as we [Music] can this music is so relaxing that you want to go slow there’s really no reason to not slow down do you realize we live in the most technologically advanced age presumably that our species has ever experence experienced isn’t it reasonable to assume that you can accomplish with minimal effort that which would take someone an entire day in a matter of hours isn’t it probable that all of human existence has built to this moment where you can benefit by the backbreaking toil of your ancestors to make life a little bit easier that now you just have to just chill a second take a nap in the garden [Music] damn Mary 1220 welcome back for 6 months slow is good I feel good so this is this is about as close as I can get we’re not going to skip the intro we’ chosen the Wilderness Garden nap slow bisky snow slow SN cat face eyes are right hair is Right shirts right this is the same dude before Oh and CI Meister welcome back for 11 months and Mr confused thank you very much thank you for being here appreciate the the good quote and teeny Sky welcome back for 10 months let’s get on with it shall we or would it be too fast fast I guess everyone in the entire chat has to press X and and then we’ll [Music] begin this is history welcome back for 38 months and Susie septi welcome back for 63 a blazed Ash is back for 13 [Laughter] Mary Nix thank you very much for the big cheers my other twitch was deactivated while here well good to see you on this name and Hera haunt thank you for the gift sub to Slowpoke and red Ellard thank you for the gift sub to slow Vibes and chill and Amidala thank you for the gifted sub to slow down dude and Suzy the nose thank you for the gift sub to slower and Magnolia Sims with a gift sub to even slower and for my very special grandson I want you to have this sealed envelope no no don’t open it yet have patience listen close there will come a day when you feel crushed by the burd of Modern Life and your bright spirit will fade before a growing [Music] emptiness when that happens my boy you’ll be ready for this [Music] gift now let Grandpa rest joa join us Thrive work work work work life’s better with Jojo Jojo Jojo Jojo well the person in front of me died so long ago that they are a skeleton now and the the rest light has never blinked in the whole time I’ve worked here I think it’s time to open this this letter dear slos SN if you’re reading this you must be in dire need of a change the same thing happened to me long ago I’d lost sight of What mattered most in life real connections with other people and nature so I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong having closed the deed to that place my pride and joy slow but risky Farm it’s located in stardew Valley on the southern coast it’s the perfect place to start your new life this was the most precious gift of all and now it’s yours I know you’ll honor the family name my boy good luck love Grandpa P if LS is still alive say hi to the old guy for me will you [Music] oh I paid the bus driver extra to go slow stard Drew Valley half a mile away hello you must be slow SN I’m Robin the local Carpenter major LS sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home he’s there right now tidying things up for your new arrival the Farm’s right over here if you’ll follow me this is slow but risky Farm hydration what’s the matter sure it’s a bit overgrown but there’s some good soil underneath that mess with a little dedication you’ll have it cleaned up in no time and here we are your new home ah the new farmer welcome I’m Lewis mayor of Pelican town you know every everyone’s been asking about you it’s not every day that someone new moves in it’s quite a big deal so now you’re moving into your grandfather’s old Cottage it’s a good house very rustic rustic that’s one way to put it crusty you might be a little more apt though rude don’t listen to her slow SN she’s just trying to make you dissatisfied so you’ll buy one of her house [Music] upgrades anyway you must be tired from the long slow Journey you should get some rest tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself the town’s people would appreciate that oh I almost forgot uh if you have anything to sell just place it in this box here I’ll come by during the night to collect it don’t ask why I come by during the night and don’t ask why the Box is just outside your window anyway well good luck good [Music] luck monsters come at night here go to sleep for the night you know what honestly I kind of think we should just go to sleep for the night we won’t upup would it just be slower to sleep through the whole first day oh let’s take a nap I’m so tired we deserve it we made our way all the way through the Character Creator and the intro I sleep for a night all right let’s do it everybody get comfortable everyone get comfortable Ferris bad boy welcome back for 42 months I’m going to tell you all a good night nap story killer sheep 13 was hyped for a whole year and jumped over the bed as we wandered to Slumber it’s time to rest everyone get Co cozy lesbian assfu is here for 19 months and Mary Nicks is here for 6 months months everyone’s getting cozy and snoring who’s snoring yako Warner fabr must be snoring was that you and France I hear you snoring welcome back for 27 months and Rain welcome back for two months we’re going to slowly take a nap chriso games welcome back for 34 months let’s go to sleep for the night it is 6: a.m. we got 500 gold in the bank account and it is all right whoa um I feel pretty well rested honestly we should probably stretch if we’re going to have a slow morning eh I’m going to do this how do we feel about this team maybe that’s good geek Vibes thank you for a gift sub to Jaz is the yawning contagious even through twitch I’m sorry I we’re just so sleepy what a great actor he can he can yawn on command he can even yawn when he needs to can confirm it is all right good all right we got to do some early morning stretching if it’s going to be slow but oh slow but risky wherever you are around the world if you’re comfortable and able to do a little stretching I encourage it we can even stretch our gamer hands stretch our gamer wrists keep it real slow remember if you’re going too fast there’s only one solution and that’s to slow down Grand Hof Tarin woot woot welcome back for 33 months all right we’ve been stretching for two hours it’s 8:50 and we should get on let’s go look out the window look at the crispy Cactus or it’s a cat tower maybe all right thank you irony Knight what’s this parsnip seeds we receiv received 15 parsnip seeds here’s a little something to get you started mayor [Music] Lewis all right well I don’t want to watch TV oh I go outside I came all the way to the Wilderness look at this I have a shield on my wall and looks like Monsters great oh wow oh wow it’s bright out oh 9:30 the air is feeling [Music] fresh hello there just got back from a fishing trip you should come down to the beach sometime I’ve got something for you Willie okay Willie well I guess we should just kind of you know yeah get the lay of the land walk around look at the grounds all right well we have full energy we’re feeling pretty good wow this is a lot of wilderness I like all the shrubs and stuff can’t hardly get through there though it’s too too much of a cluster I have to use my sight oh look at this you’re yawning I think everyone is yawning if this game if if this this game’s giving you restful Vibes and the yawning is giving you restful Vibes I hope you’ll enjoy all right we’re going to have to clear some stuff real slowly I see oh yeah we’re all super tired this is going to be the slowest stream well I like that we have this big pond in the middle that’s very beautiful uh love that for us oh here’s the greenhouse from the old Olden Vibes I hope you’re relaxing I hope you’re relaxing nicely all right well we can we have our Scythe we have some parsnip seeds we could plant I would like to get these in the ground today because it is parsnip season um and I do feel like I desperately want to just go into like manic uh productive mode and I’m resisting that urge hard so I need I need you all to pray that we can do this slowly and not just start going crazy with it but where’s our parsnips going to be probably as far from our home as as possible that could slow us down and slow and that is risky slow and risky is this the other side of the map I feel like this is as far this is as far away as I can get isn’t it team I’ve been yawning so much that I’m kind of crying a little bit why why am I crying I’m sorry I’m yawning so much oh we rest we’re we’re too restful all right so you are too why is that happy tiar it’s just like a little just a little crying okay here’s a rule of our lands we cut down no trees okay Stones we can clear logs we can move but we cut down no trees there’s more water over here we should build a list of like principles of our of our place here’s a hoe I don’t know why we all yawn so much is it something where we just like our brains are looking at us being like that guy is over over there yawning get some of that yawning like is that it survival Instinct uh what are they doing I’ll do that too get like enough oxygen to our brain so we can refill our water uh our watering can right here that’s awesome all right and I’m only going to go for like you know kind of more organic shapes to our Gardens or to our beds just going to plant these parsnips because it seems like the key to the whole key to the kingdom parsnips like to grow in a little bit of shade I hope cuz they’re going to get it this is not a very sunny garden spot the stream’s going really slowly which I think is good ah yawning cools the brain and keeps blood flowing to the [Music] brain all right I like this little path so we have some wild seeds here maybe we plant them in the middle now what do I do with the um this is one of the coziest dreams that’s what we’re going for chillest coziest slowest most relaxed most gential I will need to eat some food I’ll take a little eating break and check in with Amelia and see what’s good all right so we could go into the big town I guess our first order of business would be clearing these these weeds but if we want we could just leave the weeds and become one with nature like honestly I just we did a lot of work already we’re already very productive just sit by the lake I love it there team I’m gonna hydrate and get a little bit of a snack and check in with my lovely wife see how Amelia’s doing um for the hydration break I’m just going to leave it chilling like this I think with the with the game so give me just a second to set it up will the monsters come to get me in the shrubs oh yeah I guess I kind of can’t because the timer will will run out should probably go home probably go home so we don’t die in the woods let’s go home before the sun sets and we die in the woods we’re going to go slow but risky got to get home I got to get home it’s getting dark it’s I’ve been too risky too slow oh too slow let’s go to bed what time do we got to be in bed by in the night what’s what’s the cut off 2 a.m. all right perfect well let’s get to bed at 900 PM then that sounds good H let’s continue with the chillest stream on all of twitch and like you know a little bit see you in five minutes friends thanks for hanging out be r b yep I’m here I’m a r this is that doesn’t work on this screen anymore how about we get rid of that team we’ve been sleeping for a while I was going to put the timer in slow motion and I didn’t get back in F I didn’t get back fast enough I made myself coffee we were going so slow that I was like actually like yawning and tearing up and like starting to fall asleep like I I fake yawned so many times that I started real yawning so many times and I couldn’t stop yawning it was like downward spiral so now I have some coffee and a snack and I’m back and I’m you haven’t yawned yet okay so fake a yawn and if you need to yawn feel like you need to sleep fake a yawn on and then get another Yar and before I know you’re doomed team team if we don’t want this coffee to make me go too fast if the coffee speeds me up too it’s like a stress test we want to hit the sweet spot we want enough coffee to not fall asleep but not enough coffee to not be going slowly River break art welcome back tier two for five months River break Art thank you for being here hey space monolith welcome Raiders welcome Raiders to the slowest stream on Twitch we are resting we are relaxing we are sending comfort and peace to people who need it and we need it so it starts with us team it starts with sleepy us if you are sleepy I send you a yawn I send you a nice yawn slow down you move too fast you got to make the moment last now kicking down the Cobblestone feeling groovy you look completely out of it mate I am doing the slowest possible stream I can I have not got a haircut in very recently as you can see it’s needed Captain kadia thank you for hanging out with us my friend slowly I will say wait don’t leave just yet I have something I want to say captain quadia I hope you’re not in a rush but I just wanted to I wanted to mention just this one thing and this is slow the antisa patient team I’m G tell you something I’m G tell you something this coffee is is little lukewarm and needs to be like a little more warmed team [Music] and I really I really do I really do need like a split second to warm it and grab like a little bit more of a snack I think so I’m I’m not just set it outside for real Heatwave it I’m not gonna take a timer timer break but I am gonna do a voidfish sleep nap check this out voidfish voidfish You are not alone but you are in the void with a fish enjoy the void I will be right back for e e You are not alone but you are in the void with a fish enjoy the void I’ll be right back hello hello hello let’s go to sleep for the night all right 6: a.m. good morning everyone welcome back hope you had a nice time I have nice warm coffee I’m ready to [Music] go let’s get out and see what else oh rainy that’s good for the plants what do we want to do with a nice rainy day honestly R to day it’s gonna no I’m not going to go to sleep for night I just want to be here in bed for just a little bit on a rainy day isn’t it nice to just rest in bed what do y’all think about this since this is the slowest stream on Twitch I could enhance what do you’all think I like this do you like that I mean that’s a pretty good size right well let’s go for an early morning walk in the rain um but I could also do I mean seem since we’re going slow we could even new H this do we like this all right we’re going to collect some fibers some various grasses um and then I mean is there a way to just do this in game I mean maybe maybe the the developer is like Made A Way you can just zoom in in the settings all well I want to make our own little our own little widget just because why not just to slow us down rainbow wolf 66 thank you for being here and I guess the only other thing you need is the health the health monitor right or the energy bar we’ll do this just to um people would be like is that a mod and I’ll be like yeah it’s a really mediocre mod I made for you what do we think team do this does this hold visual interest it is slow is it risky Anonymous Edward welcome back for 26 months my friend thank you for being here and supporting our channel for 26 months you make it possible for Emilia and I to play video games all the time it’s great we’re a little too fast Ava Etsy thank you for the gift sub to alet appreciate you and rainbow wolf 66 thank you for the big cheers um I made a new new screen I think this is okay I like this this has got all the stats does that feel good team these F it’s giving like that up close in personal experience not really sure why I’m clearing all these fibers just seem like a thing to do you know should we go check on our parsnips I mean that could be a we do need some kind of clear path let’s go check on our pars that’s something we would do at about 150 p.m. our parsnips are sprouted um that’s great we don’t have to water them because it’s raining lots of stone need these fibers this one’s in my way so maybe I guess a path is the first thing we’re going to do we’ll build ourselves a path or do we want to just have no path and have a trail I I would probably have the path go along the water Trail we could do a wooden wooden trail that would give us something to slowly do all right so we got to collect these wood planks if we’re going to build a trail right that’s not right cool there we go all right friends press square let’s collect these little bits every log that’s on the way and we have to build a path that’s going to be slow but risky so from the door to the parsnips the slowest way to get to the parsnips from the door is actually you’re walking away from the house coming behind the house and then leaving entirely but we can’t our our rule is we can’t cut down a tree we’re allowed to harvest Fallen logs but no tree cutting down I don’t know those sounds are kind of spooky and I don’t know what that’s about so we’re going to go like this then we’ll go here past the do you want to go past the cave slow bit risky over here this is slow bit risky and then there should be like a labyrinth that would slow you down behold slow s wait for my return on the dawn of your third year Grandpa Huli welcome back for 22 months Huli welcome back 22 months Grandpa salute you so we’ll have our our route to the parsnips that’s slow we’ll go over here to Grandpa’s Shrine this is going to be a labyrinth over here a meditation Garden it’s very ominous very ominous so how many wood do we need to make a wooden path Trail and do we need like a a recipe for that I forgot how do we how do we craft things up the meadow the grassy meadow should stay and then we’ll come down along the water oh I like can thump sounds too and then we’ll go around the water the long way we’re going to go to Robin screen knows where it goes hi spooky cloy how’s it going welcome back 47 months thank you for your support thank you for hanging out we are doing a Wilderness Farm starting from the very beginning today my name is slosa you can plainly see my identity is that I’m a newcomer and I have no skills what do you think team do you like it punched in or should I return to the to the original way should we sell our fibers all right we’ll leave it this way so then we’ll come around the pond for a second time and out a different way so do we have any we have some more seeds let’s do a little night gardening just a of night gardening all right we’re probably going to die if we don’t go home soon how long does it take to run across this we got to go slow but I mean how long does it take it’s getting dark in his monsters and stuff oh that wasn’t too bad you can go a little slower take care Warrior let me tell you something real slowly this time we get to bed let’s get to bed everyone who’s in favor of of the day coming to a close at 1120 hey scarf how’s it going welcome monsters are going to come out and everything let’s just get to bed listen to the sound of that rain welcome to the slowest stream on Twitch where we make sure sure we’re all relaxed make sure you’re physically comfortable friends wherever you are in the world just get yourself comfortable like Get Cozy it’s getting late slowest stream ever I don’t even know how to define that but I mean tomorrow we’re going to go talk to Robin get some recipes for some wood planks and start building the longest slowest indirect path to our parsnips we can hopefully in time for harvesting hey poman [Music] slowest some ever welcome back oh we got to go to bed slow very slowly this is a slow run a slow run of starting Valley rainbow wolf thank you for the cheers let’s get to bed everybody nice and nice and slow got to bit oh almost holding coal why am I holding coal put the coal down to go to [Laughter] bed I’m still holding [Music] it this is no way to be good morning everyone ni nice and well rested [Music] oh so slow what a slow morning look at these lands you know why I think we ought to head up to our friend Robin let’s go see about Robin but slowly [Music] we almost lost it all there team we almost woke up at the hospital because we were just laying in bed holding coal instead of sleeping can you imagine oh look here a leak a leak [Music] The chillest Vibes available Ed Robins is this where Robin Lives who are you oh aren’t you the one who just moved in I’m Maru I’ve been looking forward to meeting you um Maru uh here she is not interested in this clump of [Music] grass open at 9:00 a.m. we’re here too early I guess we should just get our Yaya out just getting them out I’d like to shop I’d like to Crystal path oh wow I remember that uh wood floor that’s what we want right the untold gamer hello my name is Connor my name is Connor I’m the Android sent by cyberlife rustic sold Robin likes this have an additional leak all right we’ve already given her a gift well let’s get to uh how do we build a plank now I oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh okay okay nice let’s begin jemu jemu welcome back from 28 months team we just got our 28th thousandth game recommendation isn’t that crazy do I have to pick this up and plant it or is that just going to plant itself if I leave it there we’ve chosen our next Sunday game we’re going to play balder’s gate going to start off Boulder’s Gate all right let’s do the thing all right rustic floor planks we’ll have I don’t know 88 that’s the only thing we do fast around here is [Music] craft all right so begins the longest path to the [Music] parsnips if I whack this will it will it come back to my inventory yes okay let’s go a little further out of our way here if we’re truly the slowest stream on [Music] Twitch do you know when I played the game for the first time it was like 50 hours of playing the game I was pressing x x x x x instead of just laying down holding it down holding X down so many times I didn’t need to press X individually all right I don’t want to hug the wall too much this is not the way Lea T welcome back for 22 months nice cozy game stream to end my hectic 36h hour workday what what yo Leah you need to relax and just sleep this is the slowest stream on Twitch this is for you this is for you this game is our plan is we came into the Wilderness we are protesters we’re peaceful protesters who protest anything that’s not peaceful by being more peaceful bring rest and peace and sleep to the people of the Town who may especially need it I personally am grateful for rest in a way I’ve never been a way I didn’t know I needed to respect sleep I already really liked sleep in the before Times by The Cave yeah I guess we want a path to the cave should we go see what’s in the cave that would slow us slow us down nothing in there no bats I used to be big on the bats the bats would bring us stuff like fruit right is that was that the deal with the bats well we’ve spent uh all of our path here so far we’re building the longest slowest possible route we’re going to come over here and do a labyrinth for grandfather’s Shrine that we’ll visit every day we swear we solemnly swear in the name of Grandfather to visit a shrine every day and um then we are going to walk around here we’re going to come to the river and then we’ve been going south is this the way yeah I think this feels the most like Wilderness SE then you’re going to come down here and then we come back up here and an oath it won’t be kept no you guys have to remind me every single day about grandfather’s Shrine the Woodpecker and then you come here come back down and then and only then can you cross this path [Music] here take the long slow way to the old town and just water your water your daily preons in the adjacent soil So the plan is to build like a garden compound a secret garden a nature preserve and we will be able to make it safe for the Wildlife by making it hidden to the outside world so these parsnips will be only for the lizards uh we’re on day four of all days um whoa whoa yes slow stream is in order for you Leah so let’s get some more planks to continue our our path oh we’ve had one oath which is that we shall not chop down a tree and we’ll see how our second oath is our grandfather first oath no tree sh chop you gonna have to play stardo again yeah I’ve thought about revisiting stardew for a long time and here we finally are we we visited our old place at the very start of the stream yeah the goal is to preserve as much of this nature as we can let the biodiversity thrive and if we need to go out of our way because of the log that’s you know that’s fine it’s a log TB wonders welcome back for 10 months my friend thank you for hanging out we’re keeping things real slow oh these wild flowers are nice I’m G to bring the game audio up just a little bit got a lot of work to do but we’re going to do it so slowly we don’t even notice doing it thank you for being here TV wonders appreciate you and if anybody else has Amazon Prime and would like to link it to Twitch you can get a free subscription with exclamation point Prime and exclamation point free in the chat all right starting to get dark I should probably get a weapon for dealing with the monsters our farm is called slow but risky so our goal here is to do things in the most slow but risky way possible 18 more boards I do hear monsters where are where are the monsters mostly are they going to come for me here starting to feel a little bit out past where I should be hey Black Thunder Black Thunder welcome back for 43 months wow that’s amazing 43 months think about it it’s a long time thank you for supporting our Channel and hanging out all this time and playing games with us is great it’s great slow bit risky Farm we are here we haven’t really ventured out much going to make some rustic floor planks and it is risky and slow to do this here and now somebody keep an eye on oh this is this could get dangerous somebody keep an eye on the the clock don’t let me stay out too late we have to build the Labyrinth to grandfather’s graveyard shrine at night we swore to him we would always follow the path all the way home even in darkness oh my gosh there’s an owl it’s a little bit risky slow bit risky so tired oh good work everyone well you know what time it is you know what time it is it’s time to rest it’s time to rest Jana oh welcome back Jana 28593 how you doing welcome back for five 25 oh my goodness 25 months it probably does make it a little faster to go on the path actually it’s true I think we need to sleep for just would you all be down for like 5 minutes of sleep would you all be down for 5 minutes of sleep let’s do it let’s actually take five minutes of sleep I’m GNA make the alerts huge um I’m gonna put up the timer and we’ll just take five minutes let’s do it I think this is a great idea I think this is a great idea this is a slow stream on Twitch we got to take Garden naps we love garden naps that’s slow SN thing uh sunflower Andy welcome back for 38 months happy Tuesday everyone 30 eight months all right give me just one second I’ll set up this I’m going to give some chill Vibe some music one sec e all right the people summon voidfish I mean we could have voidfish but I’m actually going to go for like straight up napping yeah yeah so um I’m put up this timer and let’s just take five minutes I’m gonna Siri set a timer for five minutes and 50 seconds all right that’ll give me a chance to start this up and uh yeah we’re just gonna we’re just GNA take five minutes to sleep um if you want to just close your eyes you can if if you want to just yawn at the screen you can um if you want to just hang out you can you can do whatever you like you can literally do whatever you like here’s a timer let’s do it let’s see if we can stream five minutes of sleeping [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that was nice where’s my timer hello Susie the nose thank you for the gift sub to slow naaps these songs are by my buddy low low the music man if you want to check out his music exclamation point l in the chat you can listen to anytime you want on Soundcloud and other platforms hey Jana Jana welcome back for 25 mons we are snoozing on the slowest stream on Twitch napping in stardew Valley uh spreading weeds have caused damage to our farm but we don’t mind we don’t mind this is the slowest stream on Twitch if you like slow gaming you’re in the right [Music] spot all right do we like the [Music] uh hello male no joer Mark I don’t want to talk about that Eliza FR thank you for the gift to yawning fish um I do like the low jams what do y’all think would you like stardo music or low Jams number one in the chat for stardo two in the chat for low jams just for the next little bit slippy [Music] TS put a low jam on it all right well let’s run this song Back sleepy stards I like [Music] this we only Harvest as much wood as we need each day how are the audio levels my friends and Dr Jedi Knight 13 welcome back for seven months my friend thank you for being here everyone please welcome back Dr Jedi Knight 13 weeds of damaged our farm thank you friends the audio check and TMI liio welcome back for seven months glad like The Vibes this my buddy Lowe’s music Low Music Man each day we slowly walk the path that we plan to cut into the Labyrinth for grandfather and say hello to a shrine just briefly because nothing much changes there and on we go on the path to find some Woods in the wood hello cop pen welcome how do you do on this fine day how would you rate your current mood friends on a scale of 1 to 10 one being a disfavorable mood that you do not enjoy and 10 being a favorable mood that you very much enjoy being in what is your mood help me Harvest each of these young logs from their fallen Place nice well good on you everyone for checking in with Where You Are are whether you feel like you’re a four or an eight continue hanging it’s good for your Vibe I find that even if I’m a two saying I feel a two I start to feel a three but even but if I’m a seven and I don’t say I’m a seven I could be walking around feeling like four you know so give voice is what I mean moonrise Andrew welcome back for a whole year moonrise one one one seven moon rise welcome back Andrew we’re going to look for a little bit of new Lumber up here and if I’m not mistaken there was a place that you could get Lumber to the South as well oh a leak [Music] dained I’ll turn the music down down just a tiny bit how about [Music] this we have sworn to not chop a tree so we will only collect Fallen Lumber here’s the center of town today is just Friday yeah it’s true Earth’s lungs the the trees convert daffodil uh carbon dioxide which we exhale into oxygen that we inhale oh a Dancy song again smil I’m in love just going foraging a [Music] bit our inventory is full we’ll let the daffodils [Music] grow the furthest I’ve played in stardew Valley was four years fall of a fourth year I feel like almost five years I don’t know KN that [Music] I’m so each day we plan to take our very indirect route to check on our small parsnip garden and we only grow as many parsnips as we could need on a personal level you never want to have too many parsnip I don’t know if we’re winning but we are slowing down we are peaceful protesters who protest anything that’s not too peaceful by being more peaceful and adding peace to the world it’s a slow and arduous life but somebody’s got to live it we’re slow running stardew Valley honestly I’m even watering these things a little quickly I should Miss more indirect water everywhere no not wasteful slow but [Music] [Music] risky all right let’s find some Lumber down here in the old Woodlands is this where the woodlands are and the cow lands here we go we’re saved also four years yeah how how long have you all played a stard to life oh there’s a magical moment I want to say hello to this swagon ear wood fence can’t afford anything else I’m out of here three years two minutes yeah um and I think a lot of people are referring to ingame time I think I had like 150 hours or something I said Dr Jedi Knight thank you for the cheers I wish you well take some time for [Music] [Music] yourself it’s going to take us a long time to build our wooden path but it’ll be a nice wooden path and what’ll be nice about it is it’ll be constantly overgrown with weeds and we’ll probably have to rebuild it a lot stresses your brain out too much I got to say that in in all this time playing through just like one simple goal I like it so far we’ve only just begun I do feel like we’re more peaceful although I am pretty pretty consistently chop chopping the jamming conundrum yeah eventually you get to a point where you’re just like serving this Jam Ferris wheel this like Perpetual [Music] Jam I do think we’ll be able to go this whole time without chopping down a tree I mean we might just like lose parts of the map but that’s going to happen to Nature you know we’re trying to we’re not trying we are turning it into a nature preserve uh we’re giving the land Back To Nature by only maintaining a small amount of par Snips enough to sustain ourselves through foraging and [Music] parsers I could just every now and then um enhance yeah we can leave some down trees for insects but I think insects are also going to be living inside of our um our foot paths I think we’re creating Terin for them still they’ll be all right what’s up flip uh Yes actually it’s me how about this Stu no oh there’s a beach down there with lots of good stuff can’t get over there yet hey Knighthood Knighthood welcome back for 24 months that’s two whole Years thank you for your support my friend for [Music] [Music] all right I get the feeling that we should work until the last possible second of every day right that’s the most restful way no we should go home let’s go home and [Music] sleep let’s go home and [Music] sleep H it is slow [Music] that’ll be for tomorrow all right team what do you think another five minutes of sleep should we give it a go again now back to sleeping all right I’m going to tip back a little bit in this chair um thank you thanks for hanging out uh zoria zorina all right this is it nap time let me switch us back to the right category [Music] [Music] nap time [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] n n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n n [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] team it’s time moving slower is it just me there’s five more minutes [Music] oh Raiders hello Raiders chaotic chibi welcome welcome thank you for being here oh my goodness little deck heart’s good you can tell we’re we’re a bit sleepy holy whoa that song wasn’t a nap song at all at the end there I’m in the wrong I’m in the wrong world you know what I was dreaming about I was dreaming about OverWatch I had five five independent thoughts during that nap why don’t I take a real nap that was a real nap that was all right um I think we should play just one round of OverWatch I think I I think I should play a round of OverWatch and then I should go to bed slatch slatch is hilarious slatch new stream title it’s happening uh R pow welcome back for six months we’re gonna play a little slow OverWatch

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#1 Stardew Valley (New Slow Farm!) w/ Bryan of Dechart Games





  1. I started laughing hysterically when I saw the jam situation on Bingus's farm, that is so unhinged, Bryan. 😂
    Could you imagine having every room in your house completely taken up by jamming barrels lmao

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