spending money on useless things in stardew valley (Streamed 7/2/24)

[Music] welcome back oh my voice sounds weird I guess I haven’t spoken all day this is my first time talking today hi welcome I haven’t streamed in like a week or something ridiculous cuz I was at twitchcon um but I’m back and we’re going to play some games and I think we’re going to hang out so it should be fun anyway hi welcome welcome welcome it’s good to see you um I guess we have a lot to catch up on too maybe I’ll put the stardy Valley soundtrack on in the background so we have some noise you know I think that would be good okay hi all she says and frona and Croc and banana and Rosie thank you for the res Subs I really appreciate it I had a really good time in the Netherlands it was really nice I got to do some kind of fun touristy stuff um I went to the convention I got back last night the reason I’m live now I normally stream in like the afternoon my time it’s 9:00 a.m. now um but I have been awake since like 3:00 in the morning because of jet lag cuz it 3:00 in the morning here is like 9:00 a.m. there and so it’s all a mess the jet lag’s all a mess so long story short I’m not going to be awake later or at least awake enough to be streaming in front of people you know so I thought I’ll just stream now we’ll just do it now and then we’ll we’ll go back to normal normal tomorrow was my thought process so that’s the plan it’s your first time watching live well welcome in Millie it’s good to see you okay hold on I’m getting my game open let’s see oh my voice is being weird this morning I have really haven’t spoken at all though it’s one of those things where you realize as soon as you go live you’re like I haven’t talked yet today except to the cats but that doesn’t really count you know anyway Hi C hi cath how are you um I didn’t really warn the mods that I was going to go live either huh I kind of just did I kind of just did um the flight Becca okay so I had to get two planes I flew like 6 and 1/2 hours to New Jersey uh from Amsterdam and then it’s like 2 and 1 half 3 hours to Orlando from New Jersey um so it’s kind of not that bad I guess but it is a long day plus we had a layover and and my flight got delayed a couple hours yesterday the flight leaving Amsterdam got delayed yesterday because the plane left super late on its way in the morning um and so I had a very short layover in New York yesterday and it was stressing me out I was sat on the plane like oh my God I have to get off this plane I have to go through like passport control I have to get my bag that I checked because I don’t normally check a bag but I got like given presents at the convention so I wanted to bring them home so I had a checked bag and then you have to recheck the bag Rego through security get all the way to the ne the other terminal like take train all the way to the terminal I was was very stressed but we made it it was fine and we had a long we had like 3 and 1/2 hours for the connection almost 4 hours but then the plane was delayed by two hours so I was scared but it ended up being okay also hi Jess happy birthday Jess I hope you had a good day um yeah anyway anyway connections are always just kind of stressful um but could have been worse everything was fine everything was fine U no I’ll do it spicy but not yet not yet that’ll be in like a we’ll do it like after not so VAR as over kind of situation that won’t have be happening anytime soon um but anyway yes so it wasn’t that bad to get home um it was just a long day I left the hotel yesterday morning at 6:00 a.m. in reram got the train to the airport did all of that and then my plane landed at like midnight their time so it was a long day it was a long day and 6:00 a.m. in Rotterdam is midnight here so I basically left the house at midnight here and that was so that was anyway time zones are weird the time difference 6 hours is rough um but everything’s fine oh and with okay so with Dan’s papers so Dan has a green card right um but it’s technically it’s a a 2-year conditional green card they call it and the way that that works is after you like we got married files with just status he gets given the green card and then you 90 days before it expires you file to extend and like remove the conditions and then you get a 10-year green card problem is they’re like two years behind on the processing of these so we filed for it the first day we are allowed to earlier this year but he doesn’t have like his green cards expired and then he has like a I set in an application to get the next one so he has an expired physical card and then a letter from the government being like hey this card has been extended by 2 years um so it’s fine like it’s legal it’s just the date on the card doesn’t have today’s date but it was kind of scaring me because it was our first time traveling on it it’s very normal it happens to everybody like everybody who’s in this process takes the same amount of time to get the next one like it just is what it is but I was just kind of like it feels weird right um so well so Z I don’t know if you’re correcting me but I was in Amsterdam and in Rotterdam while I was there I was in both um everybody the people there tend to get kind of um oh my God you and switch C was in rdam and it’s like yeah but I flew into Amsterdam and went to Amsterdam anyway anyway sorry we have the paper and the card well when we got to the airport to check in in Amsterdam yesterday morning um the lady there was like oh we got the paper like she knew she was like kind of laughing about how everybody has it and then when we came through the um like when we were getting our passports checked at the border when we landed in New Jersey um the guy so Dam was like here’s my passport here’s my green card and then here’s the extension letter and he was like oh an extension letter did you make it with crayon like I’ve seen one of those before like he was making a joke about it being fake and I he I think he was being like trying to be funny but that was I nearly started crying I did not like that that he did that cuz it’s not fake obviously but the way he said it I was like oh my God why why are you doing that why are you doing that anyway um so that dude freaked me out Dan didn’t even like understand or hear him but I did and I was like oh my God anyway it was fine it was fine it doesn’t matter it’s fine but like I was scared about it um and then we like had to run to our next plane so that was also stressful um yeah like the traveling internationally with a letter like that is so stressful we had it in like a zipl walk bag hi Snappy are you’re clocking into to stream she might yell in a second here let me get my cat cam ready I had my tripod folded up before I left oh you can see her proof of cat um but anyway it’s been a weird time there you go worm you want to say hi to everybody oh I just okay I just put the cat cam there of course of course um I’m going to try and read some subs real quick I’m sorry I’ve been talking too much um or and Sarah and and marel and Liz we got Studio Ray and castle and dog and Alicia and Sari and Belle and jck and Monique and Kaylee and ox and Amaya and Alex and Donnie and keik and Jess and Mera and Foxy and Gremlin and Maya oh my gosh thank you all so much Holly and reading with tabs and Bambi and ekin and Josie and Emma and Nora and readings We got Jess Christina Christine sorry katsu Ansley sir tati thank you Poppy and W up and Pike and spicy thank you bug and Aaron and Gemini and seeking Andromeda how much did I talk I’m so sorry Jersey Tor and Lou and Confused Elliot and malie and ansy and Susanna and Brit and small reptile and crley and Seine and Kelsey and Kira and Melle and Patty CeCe Anda Rosie moil Kaylee Harry star Eliza oh my God I’m so sorry thank you so much hi Steph I miss you too Steph it’s weird it’s so sad when you spend like multiple days with your friends and then um you have to go back to living on the other side of the world it’s very sad it’s very very sad um also Sushi and dragon and Lady Proto in Jersey and Cath and Jennifer and EZ and Ally and funny ducklings and Victoria and cow planty and pocket and cream and wisteria and Celestial and moose and LJ and try and Ry Leah U thank you all for the subs I think Jess as well Lydia Shady how much did I miss oh my god I’ve been to I’ve been live for I guess 10 minutes and I didn’t stream for a week so um Abie Ali J mellis priny flamingos I don’t want to miss anybody I’m so sorry Abby Panda shundra I think I’m caught up there okay I apologize everybody I’ll be better I’ll be better okay anyway so how else did it go well I got there on Wednesday morning our flight landed oh now you’re back really yeah okay well I got there on Wednesday morning our flight landed at like 7:00 a.m. um which is nice but it was we were in for it cuz that was 1:00 a.m. eastern time um that our flight landed uh when I streamed last Tuesday I literally left for the airport like 20 minutes later I got off streaming I was like I’m going so it was a long day cuz I was live at 7:00 a.m. last Tuesday um but anyway we got there we had to get the train in from Amsterdam their airport into rdam cuz we were staying in rdam the whole time um we left our bags there and then I got the train back into Amsterdam everybody sits here being like Oh my God they’re so far away my chat was like oh my God they’re so far it’s not the same place Kayla oh my God how are you going to visit boat and it was like the local saying that 40 minutes it’s 40 minutes on the train it’s not that bad I I live in Orlando everything is 40 minutes away by car here from me like it’s 40 minutes it’s it’s fine that’s like people’s commute is more than that a lot of the time like I don’t know so anyway I went um I went back and we just walked around Amsterdam all day basically on Wednesday um and then we met up with uh one Steph and Jesse and Sasha land met up with them and had lunch and like hung out and stuff um and then we went back and I think we were in bed by like 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday cuz we were so tired we went straight to bed we didn’t sleep on the plane like barely you know and then um we had a long day of like doing touristy stuff so I went to bed really early people were like oh my god did you do anything wild in Amsterdam I’m like no I went to bed at 600 p.m. I didn’t even see I literally did not see the nighttime like the Sun never I was not awake when the sun set like I didn’t know I didn’t do anything wild afterday the sun sets at like 10 o’clock at night and I was always in bed by then every single day the whole trip so anyway um that was the first day second day I went back into Amsterdam again and we went around and did some tourist touristy stuff I went to a museum you know the art museum and stuff like that that was fun I went to a bunch of bookstores while I was there um we were on like a grand bookstore tour almost um and then on Friday we stayed in rerm and did some touristy things there I went on a boat tour of the port that was fun um and then the convention kind of started so we we went to like the partner party and um went to the convention on Saturday had my meet and greet on Saturday there was a lot more people at my meet and greet than I expected um I thought that there was going to be nobody there honest I thought maybe like there’d be like 30 people or something um which is a lot of people but not when you have a 2-hour time slot like it it was like you know I thought it’d be small instead there was hundreds of people there I think there was like 200 people in the line or something um and it took the full time slot so that was really cool I didn’t I just didn’t know what to expect you never know what to expect with stuff like that it’s like I don’t know you just I guess you just assume that like why don’t anybody Care turns out they did care so I got to meet a lot of you that was very cool um it was a really fun time uh and I didn’t have any like other uh things like any uh like panels or anything at this convention so um oh thank you Danny for giting that sub to step that’s so that’s so nice of you um but anyway it was cool I got to meet a lot of people and a lot of them were like oh my God Kayla I had no idea you were going to be here and I saw your name on the list and I was so excited so that was fun too um but yeah Marilyn the Saturday meet and greet um their Saturday Saturday tickets I guess sold out pretty quickly um for twitchcon this year I don’t have any say in what day my meet and greets on um and they are so like slow to plan it it’s very weird the behind the scenes um so yeah foxy I didn’t go to any other panels at the convention I went to um some things though I went to the drag showcase on the Saturday night at the convention um and on the Sunday I I walked around a lot and got to like finally walk the floor and see everything um I think my final conclusion about twitchcon and Rotterdam I’ve been to a lot of twitchcon now I’ve been to like every single one since 2018 in the US um and I’ve been to only two in Europe I went to the first one that was in Berlin in 2019 and then I went to this one now so I haven’t been to the last couple but um I think that twitchcon EU is it’s significantly smaller than the US twitchcon and I don’t I they had it seemed like a hard time filling in scheduling of the con like it seemed like there was a lot of like very last minute trying to add in meet and greets for people because they didn’t have enough and like they it felt like they they didn’t have a um as much actually happening at the con as they do at the US ones it’s also 2 days and in the US it’s three um which makes sense it’s smaller but um I think that the convention center was interesting kind of weird layout but it was I think good for it and I think that Rotterdam is a good City for twitchcon um because it’s very nearby to a major major airport but it’s in a slightly smaller City and it’s very easy to get around Rotterdam like the public transit is so good so um I don’t know they’re going to do it there for the next like 3 years or something in the EU I think they have a multi-year deal um with the city so that’ll be interesting last year it was in Paris and the year before that it was in Amsterdam um but I hear the Paris one was a nightmare like a not just like for attendees but like apparently everyone says oh it’s not they can’t even see you um the twitch staff or like Paris is impossible to work with it was horrible to plan it like everybody says only bad things about the Paris twitchcon last year everybody comes back and they’re like it’s so bad it was so bad everything was bad and like I guess the city was so hard to work with to organize it that it was like a nightmare and then they come into this year and rdam was like so helpful to them I guess um apparently the like the city like the mayor met with a bunch of twitch staff and was like invited them to the to go meet them and see them and they were like so happy they were there it just seemed like it was a complete opposite experience from what the people in Paris were like um which is kind of funny um but why didn’t I stay longer I did well I went for a few days extra Mary um I landed on Tuesday Wednesday morning sorry and I was there I got to do like two and a half days of touristy stuff while I was there I I mean I was still gone for almost a week and that’s a long time for at least for me I’ve got all of these creatures you know um but it looks like snaps enjoy me being back yeah the cats are excited I woke up at like 3:00 this morning because of the jet lag cuz 3 3:00 a.m. here is 900 in the morning there so make sense but I woke up super early and all the cats were like on Me on the bed I had like I was laying there and I had like cat on the side of me cat on the side of me cat kind of on me all the cats were on the bed I I didn’t know this because I fell asleep like so fast after we got home from the airport last night CU it was a long day U but Dan showed me I don’t know if he sent it to me or if he had it on his phone but he went and like took a shower and I already fell asleep well I showered first but then I like fell instantly asleep and I didn’t even realize um that like I fell asleep that fast but apparently all the cats were on me then but I didn’t know cuz I fell asleep so quickly when I got there um Fiona dog shampoo flower uh and Eli and remix and pixie and Sandra Monique and spicy thank you for the subs um and rad and fancy and dark on it and sage and Kim and lucky uh Danny with the sub gift thank you zo Maya simy Mary Mandy Elsa thank you so much um yeah you know I saw Angel just said how everyone at twitchcon is talking about like a mystery bug I’ve I saw that this morning a lot of people talking about how they got sick at twitchcon they were talking about it being food poisoning though and I’ve seen some people talk about how they think there’s a norovirus outbreak at twitchcon um that’s just like people have just been like kind of saying that I don’t know if there’s any like actual evidence of that but everybody’s been saying that I feel fine thank God but I’ve seen some people talk about like oh I got food poisoning in twitchcon and then they’re like well are you sure it’s food poisoning is kind of the um the thing but there’s a Norovirus has been going around a lot like that um so I am not uh unfortunately I’m not surprised but it’s really scary U yeah Dan feels fine too my friends are fine as well um so I don’t know all right let me get my stardo up oh where am I there I am [Laughter] okay my game oh there we go I think we’re fine um I think we’re fine yeah going to conventions is still scary the the like threat of illness is quite scary to me um I don’t know it’s it’s very hard because I feel like I do especially like with things like my meet and greet right like I I probably met 200 people on Saturday and I in very close quarters with them and like half of them were like can I hug you and that I mean like I don’t want to sit here and be like no you know so I always like hug people when they ask but then you know it is also oh my God the game again I mean like I hugged like 200 people on Saturday you know uh but thankfully I feel okay still it’s only been a couple days but um I feel okay still um hopefully other people are um okay as well the other thing about these conventions is that like there’s always all these parties that happen afterward um that like you know all the streamers go to these private parties I didn’t go to any of them but they exist um and that’s not going to help either um so I didn’t see like any masks at twitchcon I’ll be honest I saw maybe like a handful of people in Mass to twitchcon like a handful of people in Mass at twitchcon I’ll I’ll be honest with you I didn’t wear ask either um I thought about it but this is going to sound so dumb I was like worried that um it was going to like ruin people’s experience at my meet and greet and that doesn’t make any sense and that’s like stupid of me to say but that was like the fear that I had was like I didn’t want people’s pictures to be like half of my face only um or like make them uncomfortable I don’t know I just so maybe I’m stupid for that and it is stupid of me to think that but that was a thought that I had and nobody nobody wore mask nobody wore a mask at twitchcon um but anyway um anyway oh that’s great R it was great to meet you I remember that’s so fun um but yeah Sky that’s the thing literally like a few a few um but for the most part um anyway it’s just not common anymore most people don’t so um but okay well these are done now we are only on the 15th yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes y um anyway I don’t know it’s very complicated and um I thought a lot about it before the meet and greet and I don’t know um I’m sorry if you’re mad at me for that I don’t know um but anyway it’s a weird uh world that we are living in weird time and everything um 65 oisin okay I need to like re remind myself what we were up to last time we played um because we had been we just finished Perfection if you’re just tuning in we already have Perfection we got it like was it last stream um last weekend and so now we’re trying to earn enough money to buy a couple extra things I want the return scepter I wanted to I think we paid for the shortcuts right but they weren’t finished building the shortcuts from Robin um so I think we’re just waiting for those to finish and then we’ll get we need to get 2 million gold for the return sector but that shouldn’t be too bad cuz as you can see these are done um so we have a lot of money coming soon prairie king yeah we wanted to work on Prairie Kake too um sluggy I got Perfection I finished Perfection on this safe so we’re doing some like last minute things after Perfection now uh lunar tayor mainly thank you for the subs I really appreciate that um how did I get bird it’s one of the trinkets it’s one of the trinkets um yeah my sister took care of the cats fly was away um my sister was here with them I think they the cats uh did okay I always feel so guilty when I leave them it was like very distressing to me being gone it’s horrible um forget my sister took care of them so yeah I wanted a fairy trinket too that’s the other main thing is that I really wanted to get a fairy trinket but I still don’t have one I have all of the other trinkets I have like more than one of all the other trinkets but I still have no fairy trinket so I would very much like to get one but but I don’t know how that’s going to go for us so we’ll see um okay that’s nice I think I’m going to have just about enough for this and I’m going to bring the rest of them with me for the other room too cuz I have two rooms of kegs so I’ll go to the other room too um I know right rosan yeah I I felt so guilty leaving my cats um everybody gets at them I think we’re all on the same page okay I’m just going to take this real quick um oh I actually have a little bit more starf fruit than I thought all right that’s not so bad um chill and friendley and cozy and and EES and Paige and chaos and and mura and lunar and Tay and mainly and yep thank you for the subs I appreciate it um you had a dream we a Sim speedr running competition and we won nice that’s so funny um I would love to do like a Sims I I I tried to pitch a Sims twitch Rivals to those people after the stardy valley thing um and they didn’t sound opposed to it but I I tried I tried I brought it up I said you know what would be so cool is if we had a Sims Rivals and they were like oh I never thought about that before maybe we’ll we’ll consider it maybe we’ll reach out to you about it um I was like I’ll help you plan on it um I would love to do something like that I tried I tried maybe I’ll try and bring it up again now that my um fundraiser is over and I have some more time okay hope I had a good flight thanks Mimi I yesterday was a rough day um we had a the flight was delayed and so um our connection our layover was quite short because of the delay of the flight but it was okay we made it we made it I was kind of stressed though we had like a 3 and 1/ half hour um layover in nework and um my flight got delayed like 2 hours um so that was kind of scary oh I need to get that back out hold on but it was fine New York is just horrible cuz it’s usually it’s you know anytime you’re at a like really big really busy airport it’s going to be a nightmare so um with the canal hous is better in real life oh it was so fun seeing them it was so fun seeing them after I built them and I knew going into it like obviously that there were so many bikes everywhere but I don’t think anything can prepare you actually for the quantity of bikes that you’re going to experience if you ever visit one of these cities like it’s wild it is absolutely wild that’s 43,000 from that starfruit wine by the way um there are so many bikes and like this I you walk past like a storage room hold on um you walk past like a storage room at the train station and it’s ridiculous like the kind of I mean hold on I’ll see if I can show you something like this but do you see this like there’s just bikes everywhere so many bikes um like the multiple layers you know like stack backed up it’s just it’s I obviously I knew oh it’s gone um but it’s just that’s like the biggest culture shock for me from here because we have no bikes basically here like it’s very rare that people bike around where I live we have no bike infrastructure like um and that happens in a lot of places in America um so it was very fun for me to see that there I was like this is so cool you know they have so the the roads are so nice they have like like nice dedicated separated bike Lanes in the city and they have like separate like there’s even like a a like a light like a green light for when the bikes can go and stuff in these nice separate safe dedicated bike Lanes it’s so nice it’s so nice and so different from here like here you’re lucky if there’s like a painted online bike lane on the road oh my Golden Chicken oh what should we call it what should we call it we need something kind of clever I think is Goldie too obvious I mean oh wait you know what we were going to do cuz we had all of the other ones were like named after flowers and plants we were going to name it maragold we even got rid of the other chicken we had one named maragold that we sold so we we could replace it with this one that’s right that was the plan okay it’s there we have to wait till it grows now that’s cute I remember now that was good that was good all right let’s grab all these real quick okay yeah your town doesn’t even have sidewalks that’s the thing it’s so common yeah it was very nice being there they have some really good uh infrastructure there same thing with like honestly all of the public transit and like all of the trams that they have and the trains that they have um it’s very nice okay um all of those here let’s do these meanwhile you get run off the road by bikes okay well that’s that’s the other thing the bikes they are kind of scary um as pedestrians I mean you just have to be like really careful and watch out where you’re going and stuff but it yeah it is kind of scary as pedestrians that uh can confirm um okay what are we doing in starting today we’re we’re mostly just trying to earn money cuz I want to buy a return scepter we finished getting Perfections so we’re playing a little bit longer so we can get our return scepter um and then after that uh I don’t know to be honest that’s mostly all the good stuff um let’s go to the island real quick and just check on it um okay Daisy tortoise uh Charlie thank you for the reubs um do you think so Luna really I mean maybe it’s just because I’m not used to it um as a person who is not used to it it’s scary because there are so many of them and they go so fast um but the bikes are scary for cyclist too well so I saw a bunch of people like it was like obvious tourist groups on on like Tourist Bike Tours um and all I could think of was like I do not want to cycle here like I think that I would be scared because everybody else is like so confident and going so fast and I would be like I don’t know I don’t think the tourists and like the bikes in there uh line up it feels like unsafe you know but I saw a bunch of like tourist cycling tourist maybe if you’re like a person who is a cyclist at home or something but um I don’t know it was very interesting to see though um okay I’m gonna grab all these two while I’m here that’s not your fault though Marta especially if you never have a chance to learn I haven’t ridden a bike in a few years um I used to have a bike when I was a kid and um would ride around my parents’ neighborhood and then I have been on a bike as an adult a couple times but not really um oh yeah the tourist taking up the whole Lane by going in the middle yeah that’s bad that makes sense and they probably don’t think about it or like realize that what they’re doing is bad when they do that and that’s not good um that is not good okay um uh Snow White we finished Perfection already um our aim right now is we just got Perfection like literally just got Perfection um like a week ago in game right now I’m trying to get more money so that I can finish decorating my farm finish decorating the inside of our farm houses buy like all of Pam’s house and the shortcuts I already bought Pam’s house and the shortcuts they’re being built now um and uh by the return scepter so we kind of just need 2 million gold and then like some decorations and then we’ve kind of finished the save but I I got Perfection already um oh golden coconut okay yeah that’s the thing if you wanted to ride a bike in the US like I I I don’t really know if I would feel comfortable riding a bike in like any major US city it’s like bikes have you know like small town around your own neighborhood kind of Vibes here like that’s where I would feel safe doing that here you know um just kind of different from other places uh there’s it’s honestly not even safe as a pedestrian in general like on foot in a lot of places where I live um so I don’t know very different depends on the city but here I wouldn’t really recommend riding a bike um that would not be my advice to you okay I’m going to sell some of those silver quality ones and then we are going to probably try and put some things and the dehydrators I think is the next plan okay okay yeah that makes sense tree Wizard I mean everybody like the the US is so big that like everywhere is so different with that kind of thing like you can’t really make a generalization about the whole country’s bike safety because it’s so different everywhere um okay okay yay that’s good what’s next after stard do I don’t really know yet Mooney I don’t really know yet we shall see we shall see um I want to do another stard do save that we play with mods um is one thing that’s kind of on my M my phone’s ringing hold on hold on it’s me Pierre how are you doing good that’s good well I just wanted to say that I appreciate your business i’ like to remind you that Pierre is General store carries the finest seeds and produce anywhere oh you carry the finest produce where do you get it from just wondering tissue tny blueberry and cornflake and Nell and Cat and Mara and ner and tat and Evelyn and Bria and Elsa and Daisy thank you for the reubs I didn’t stay in Europe to to see Taylor Swift no she’s coming to the Netherlands to Amsterdam this weekend right um oh no it’s the first day of the Night Market oh my God I’m so silly um yeah she’s coming uh this weekend but no I I didn’t wasn’t going to stay a whole extra week I went just for the convention and for a couple days early um to do some touristy stuff so I am going to see Taylor in August um because we got pre-sale tickets like last year for two days after my birthday um so we’re going to stay at Dan’s parents house and um it’ll be fun okay well we have arrived hi everyone Night Market friends yeah I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers on it Tilly I like didn’t want to watch any footage when I could I’ve seen like some random pictures and like some small Clips um but I haven’t really seen the set yet so I’m excited to see the the new album set um okay do I need any of these these things no oh I do think I need that that’s what I see that’s going to be so good in my Island house that is The Vibes oh do you think I should buy a piano we talked about buying the piano at the night market didn’t we should I get it okay I’m excited about that too that was fun okay yay um do you want to fish oh you know what else I will buy from you mister oh I didn’t mean to buy so many of those but that’s okay I was going to buy five and then I bought way more than five um I wanted to buy some seasonal plants from you so I can decorate the outside of the farm a bit more I think this will be good right um get another one of those I really like these too all right we’ll start there all right hello wow stream today yeah well so normally as you all know I stream it this time on Wednesdays um but I got back from Amsterdam yesterday like last night around 8:00 or something basically went straight to bed and then I woke up at 3:00 a.m. because of my jet lag so um I was this morning I was like ah cuz I had originally planned on streaming this afternoon like I normally do um but then I was like I don’t know that would that would include me going live at like 1 p.m. Amsterdam time um and I don’t think I’m going to make it I was like I don’t think that starting the stream at that time after this um would work you know so I need I need today to adjust and then tomorrow we can go back to the normal stream time anyway sorry to all the Europeans snap about when I stream I know it’s bad time for a lot of you normally um uh I usually stream at 4:00 eastern time um um and it’s currently 9:30 a.m. eastern time um chat lag is a choice yeah well my choice is going to bed super early so I was in bed by 10 o00 the past few days this whole week that I was there so anyway I can’t be up that late today it’s been a long couple of days so I wanted to still stream though so I went live now I even I thought about going live even earlier than I did but I was like Kayla I don’t think you should stream at 6:00 a.m. like that seems like a bad idea so I didn’t but I did think about it cuz I was awake so I thought maybe I will I decided probably shouldn’t do that probably shouldn’t do that I streamed at 7:00 a.m. last Tuesday before my flight so there’s that okay that one took a long time hi blobfish oh blobfish row okay that’s nice um you were Beyond confused yeah well so I streamed at 700 because I think my flight to Newark left at like 11:30 or something on Tuesday last week so I streamed from like 7 until 8:15 and then basically immediately left for the airport I didn’t tell you the urgency that I was under um but it was urgent I went live and then streamed for like an hour and then basically immediately left afterward um so that’s how my Tuesday went but I still wanted to stream I was like that I I’m going to be awake and I already packed like the day before and stuff so I didn’t need to do anything so I’m went live I did like a small apartment build in The Sims so um it was fun any plans for the fourth no no I’ll be streaming um I don’t really celebrate um that so you love us too much well it’s not necessarily just that but also I felt bad cuz I knew I wasn’t going to be able to stream while I was gone um oh you know what I did get offered by uh Logitech and streamlabs had like a booth at the convention um where you could book a time slot to stream I wonder if I could find a picture I so basically though I I’ve seen a few different variants of stuff like this at conventions um where they’ll have often times like a glass Booth around it in this case it was literally a long table of like 10 PCS and then across from it there was 10 more so there was like 20 total maybe even more than that I don’t know but there was no no barriers in between um and everybody was just sat there with like a headset and a headset mic and everybody’s around you’re like sat this far away from the person next to you streaming and I’m sure that the sound was okay but it was on the convention floor and everybody’s around so like I don’t know how those people were able to stream from there it would have been cool just to see it but like I didn’t end up taking them on the offer cuz I once I saw it there in person I said oh I don’t think I can do this I’m too scared scared of that um but anyway interesting um imine bringing your computer and monitors with you well I had a I had Dan’s laptop we brought Dan’s laptop because I I made a video from the hotel when the trailer dropped um which actually I think the sound and video quality of was not even that bad so that turned out okay um but I did have a laptop so oh oh she’s on the floor oh my gosh she never does that well that’s a first okay she likes the sun she usually sits in the in the little bed but we want the sun right now this is better that’s actually so cute um AA and SOS and Titi and S and Mac and shella thank you for the reubs um also Eden and Christa and Tuda and rage thank you jeem and tissue cat thank you um used to move your dog’s bed of the Sunny Spot yeah I do that sometimes for her too I didn’t realize that she had gotten out of it though otherwise I would have um oh I’m going to pass out don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t you should get teleported home no stop uhoh uhoh anyway the cats have been thriving now that I’m home I think they were very excited yesterday when I got home last night um the kittens both came running out like screaming at me um so excited like rubbing up against my legs you know how they do that um snap didn’t know that I was home um cuz she doesn’t hear very well so she was in my office she was just in this bed um and so she didn’t know that I was home until I walked up and woke her up and then she got so excited um like saw me ran downstairs with me um but they were all very happy that we were home so it was good it was good oh really Grandma Eugene yeah it makes me feel so guilty like like the fact that they get that excited about me being back makes me feel so bad for leaving in the first place you know okay I think I’m going to go to the island today and decorate a little bit um your cat refused to speak to you when you came back from holiday oh that would just break my heart if they were mad at me that would truly break my heart I think I would have been devastated I was worried about that too oh maybe we should work on decorating a few things on this Farm first what do you think St been mad at me no snap doesn’t really get mad at me um her and I have uh sort of special bond where you don’t belong in there you belong in here um what’s left to do I basically nothing we’re trying to get enough money to buy the return scepter right now um that’s kind of our main thing I’ve got Perfection already and stuff so we have that um but just uh various little things like that decor and stuff um you like Sims 4 or stardew Valley more oh no I I don’t really think that um that’s even a fair comparison we The Sims 4 is in my humble opinion one of the greatest games of all time oh there’s that thing um I love stardy Valley but the Sims 4 is built different for me at least for me um they’re so different too it’s hard to compare them you know uh beautiful goddess D the G thank you for the subs here we go um there we go I think um I want to go put these things away like I said and then we have to put a few more of our little plants down maybe I could have some of these could maybe line this right here just to have some more stuff it might look better when it’s summertime as well you know how it goes okay that’s nice more stuff um I will probably put these in here for now as well maybe I’ll bring a couple with me to the island all right let’s go to the island now am I going to play coral island again maybe I don’t have um a specific date in mind but we’ll see um we shall see lots of stuff that I want to do and not enough time to do all of it you know so thank you beautiful goddess thank you I appreciate it um okay let’s go to the island we’ve been working on decorating the Farmhouse so that’s kind of our our next big thing I guess is to try and finish some more decorations in here I’ll show you what we’ve got so far we kind of started this last time we played um we had talked about maybe trying to replace I think that there was talk about replacing the fish tank with a piano right except it doesn’t look as good with the piano so I don’t know about that cuz the fish tank feels like it fits so nicely maybe this should be at home then oh I would have loved to have had this thing somewhere maybe I’ll put that right there creepy snake picture right okay and then maybe if we just have like another chair or two I don’t really know did I save all my stuff here or did I leave it at home oh my God I think all my stuff’s at home that makes me a fool it’s okay can you even put this out here oh you left again what are you doing what do you want we’re back again on the floor in the sun spot she’s on the Move she’s on the Move okay well I think I left my stuff at home so I thought I had it here turns out I do not oh lost what oh you want up come here you can come up give her a second come here you can do it Brave Snappy okay I’ll get you you can’t do it I guess you all right let me turn the cat cam off oh she put her tail in my mouth T lavender IAH thank you for the re okay let’s go inside I think I must have brought it all back home so we had talked the last time we played we had discussed moving the kids room into this space potentially um but it’s so big in there that I don’t really know if I want to do that so we’ll have to see I’d love to have this piano somewhere I feel like nowhere really is good enough unless we made like a fancy formal Library sitting area thing in here we could move all the kids stuff we could do a big huge kids room well that’s the picture of Dan oh that’s cool oh but that’s my only cookie wallpaper isn’t it so I’d have to replace it yeah I could put it where the bookshelves are in at least one of the areas but is it weird to have this giant thing in like the middle of the room that was kind of my concern I feel like it needs to be up against a wall you know maybe we do need to build like a library room again I think you have yours by the TV yeah I could scoot everything over a little bit and we could put it in by the TV if we wanted to cuz I don’t need to have this door is fake like we don’t have to have a door there so it it like would be fine if we tried to hold on um maybe I will put Windows behind my big thing we could get some more of these lights like I have on either side of that and maybe I’ll put some artwork here not exactly sure what kind but we’ll see maybe that would be fine I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I’m overthinking this I think lb Lola meow thank you for the subs I appreciate it okay get up let’s go and try to get a two square oh my God Snappy you’re being so cute thank you so much and we did get per ection yeah classin we’re currently uh trying to do some decorating cuz we finished Perfection already um okay I’m looking for some wider artwork I might have some in a chest that we want to use we can look and see okay I keep a lot of stuff in here oh my God her tail again okay um are you the right size oh that could be nice I don’t know what to put behind the TV maybe it doesn’t have to have anything behind the TV her tail is so tiny I know she has like this ridiculously short little tail uh em Emily they year for the 32 months um I really appreciate that too okay I think what I might do honestly and this maybe is silly of me I don’t know but I like to use these little things and then put stuff on them cuz in my mind I really like having all this these little sets of Decor maybe the house plant oh well is that fine like that or is it too can I get another one that’s a seasonal one that one looks bad inside go down here it’s not pushing me yeah she’s like rubbing her face into me is what she’s doing um she’s just hanging out rubbing her face into me um I thought about getting some wall lights are there anything are there any items in this no this one can go away I don’t have any mods in this save no coffee I’ve not been playing with any mods on this one this one is completely mod free okay I’m looking now for another house plant an elegant vase is not so bad and then I had these nice wall sconces too oh maybe the vase is cool I don’t know we’re going to have to get my bookshelves back down here as well I think it’s nice to have some more lights this looks silly so we can’t do that anymore I wish that you had a little bit more control on the placement you know this is my house not the community center dummy it’s my house that we are in right now um okay what do I want to do in this room then so one of them is going to be the kids room still and then one of them is going to get switched into um this room has never been anything so there was talk about making this into a kid’s room cuz it’s huge or we can make it into something else I already have fish room I already have magic room I have a greenhouse I have my bedroom got like this huge living space we have a like kind of a library already um so I’m unsure I feel like everywhere in this house is kind of already a library do you know what I mean what okay I’ll put the cat can back on you don’t no need to yell Lily bad EA confus Kitty thank you for the subs um have I married someone yet yeah popcorn we got Perfection and everything um I married tomorrow in this save but we are indeed married we are indeed married um that’s how we have kids I think I’ll get rid of the crib because I can do that tomorrow I’ll talk to Robin about it I think I’ll do that tomorrow and then we’ll do the next thing thing um I think that should be our plan okay B time anxious otter thank you for the 10mth resub thank you so much oh yikes yikes all right Snappy they’re putting in a lot of orders so you better get to work okay you better get to work I keep checking this hoping hoping oh it is finally there oh my God I was going to say I keep checking this every day hoping and hoping and hoping and hoping that it’ll be ready and it never quite is but now it is that’s the spirit okay so we’re going to have 51 of these 321,000 that’s pretty good life and cookie thank you for the sub um oh I want to make some cookies today maybe I’ll bake cookies today this sounds like a good idea 500 gold wow thank you so much wow okay let me take all these back real quick um baking stream today oh I don’t know I am so exhausted uh after my flight and like the jet lag from the trip that’s why I’m live now is cuz I was like I don’t think I’m going to be awake at least I’ll probably be awake tonight at 4: when I normally stream but I don’t think I’ll be awake enough to to like stream successfully does that make sense cuz I went live early on purpose thinking like I’m not going to be like all there you know when I go live later if I do it so that’s why I went live now cuz I was like I know I can stream fine now feel awake and fine but later I don’t know if I can make that same promise okay let’s put a lot of these eggs two three one one two one two there you go all right wow she is really really going for it isn’t she so funny okay maybe I will put a couple more of these little um decorative things in cuz that’s kind of cute right let’s have over here do I ever use the hopper no not I never use the hopper really oh that’s what I wanted to do oh my God we let’s go to the island I want to get a Quest from my buddy um my buddy the Walnut man Mr key um cuz I want to try and buy the rest of his stuff that we’re missing um we probably could try and get going with the Hoppers but I haven’t really done it maybe we you know what maybe we’ll do that let’s have that be another goal for today is to try and get the hopper set up how so do I just need to put oh I got a golden Mystery Box do I just need to put it like on a chest with a chest that’s next to the machines how does it work how many do you need for it to be successful oops um I have achieved Perfection yeah um they’re only 10 golden egg why would you buy it from him for that much money um you just put it behind a machine okay does it collect stuff from it too or does it just put stuff in it hardwood or or rium bar radioactive bar oay o this looks like fun let’s do the no eating in the skull Caverns uh which thank you for the subs I’ve never played Little Gnome Galaxy you said it’s like stardo in space Oh My Gosh um cookie goes still waiting on my biscuit orders but for SNAP I’ll wait forever she’s scamming you I’m trying to tell you she’s accepting all these orders but she’s never going to give them to you Leah thank you for the up too um okay okay oh that’s just there as a decoration I’m pretty sure okay one two three oh now she’s resting okay well sorry everybody looks like if you haven’t got your order yet it’s not coming today Ash thank you for this though oops okay put the pumpkins back and we’ll sell all this she worked too hard yeah um honestly sell that extra Prismatic Shard at this point sell like all this stuff no not oh I didn’t mean to sell one of those things that’s okay it’s okay oh that’s fine and this I’ll put like right there okay um I said Hoppers oh wait I have more of the pumpkin things let’s do that and then I could probably make I don’t know how much hardwood we have but I could probably make some more Hoppers oh we can make a bunch of them I think I have one in here okay that’s six okay once you Soo all your cheeses and you got so mad oh no we need those the cheese is so useful all right shall I be using these for my cheese let’s see if we can reorganize a little bit maybe we can get this to look a bit nicer you sell your cheese stash by accident regularly oh it’s terrible I always use my cheese to uh have food in the skull Caverns um best way to get a lot of hardwood o honestly you need to plant hardwood trees if you get those mahogany seeds you got to plant some and put some tree fertilizer on it it’s kind of the only way Snappy they can’t see you there you go okay um so let’s see how it works I never use them let me get some aha that’s pretty good you got to admit that’s pretty good I don’t know if I want to use them for all of this I feel like what’s probably more worth my time is to use the Hoppers to like smelt me bars and stuff it basically just you put it in there and then it puts it in the machine on its own so it’s useful cuz you can just put it in there and then it will fill the machine itself um doing it with a keg for coffee is probably a good idea too um so that’s maybe another thought cuz I can make a whole bunch of kegs maybe I’ll think about some of those things okay let’s see what we can do I’m I’m just mostly trying to figure out placement for this stuff that’s going to look cute I know it sounds silly to say but like half of my concern right now is what looks good as I’m doing this that’s like my whole motivation is how are we going to make it look nice so I’m going to base a lot of the stuff that I’m doing around that okay maybe I could put let’s see if there’s like a nice sort of flooring that we could make I just made 50 of those I did not mean to make that many of them that’s okay um I want to get how many did I have oh my God no wood left yikes that’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine um oh hoppers for making extra fertilizer that’s smart that is smart yeah maybe I’ll put like a hering frenzy as beun at the beach okay my vision was to fill in some of this space okay just checking we’re good my vision is to fill in some of this space and we’ll get like oops probably one further up maybe we’ll do four one two three four and then I’ll get my hoppers in there okay oh you don’t want to break because you have something in you oh my God all of this just so I can experiment with these stupid Hoppers oh I just broke one of my cheese presses oh no okay well that will make coffee out of that seems nice right I need to put um I guess you’ll go right there probably not as good of a placement but it’s fine Bridget thank you for the resub I really appreciate it um oh no the cheese I know we wasted one whole cheese from that it’s heartbreaking it’s okay um I don’t think The Hoppers also collect right they just Place stuff maybe I’m wrong I don’t think they collect though okay you got to collect yeah that’s what I thought just go in there but it does help to automate a little bit which is all that we need I’m going to go to the night market real quick cuz I don’t want to miss it and then then um we’ll come back and work on that some more Greek thank you for the 26 months and star drop thank you for the resub too thank you um yeah there’s so much in the game that like you know people don’t don’t often a even get to or B think about using I mean I’ve never really used The Hoppers and I’ve played this game a lot but I never really felt the need to I don’t even know if I really feel the need to do it right now but I I’m kind of trying to like oh my God if you don’t get away from me I’m trying to to like fill in more of the farm um so never use the crab pots yeah I don’t really care about the crab pots either that’s not high on my list I’m trying to buy all kinds of art land of clay okay strangerville um oh there’s the rarecrow cursed thing what do you have I don’t need any of those okay use not for oil makers that makes sense that makes sense I don’t think I need to be here anymore I don’t think we have much to do I did see that star drop yeah I did see they’re making a show out of it um I read all of the books I found oh you know what I actually saw a really cool addition of a good girls guide to murder when I was in the Netherlands this week they had like a really nice sprayed edges Edition um that I thought was quite cool but anyway I I did see that they’re making a TV show out of it um I oh someone’s calling hold on I’m going to check it I liked the first book The the later books got a little bit too unhinged for me um so I don’t know just wanted to check up on you and see if mosm Farm is doing well oh the farm is very productive it’s boosted the local economy you’re welcome okay bye okay bye going back down oh no that’s why I came inside I was going to get my coffee from in there next plan must get these things oh look some of them grew oops I’m trying to keep all these nice I think that they maybe have to grow like one more time on a couple of them yeah I forgot that we got the phone last stream it kind of scared me when I saw it hi M thank you for the 64 months oh I picked up a judo by accident where do you belong probably down there that’s terrible leave the Judo alone okay um I will be taking now like most most of these most of these are going to come down here with me um yeah there is Daisy I thought that’s what I had on there if I’m being honest with you U but I have learned uh over the last few streams that it is not what I had on there cuz it doesn’t stay watered so um our goals now Emma are to finish decorating the Farm Really and we’re trying to get 2 million gold so I can have a return scepter that’s our like shortterm goal is return scepter long-term goal is to finish decorating the farm we try to do a lot of things like I made sure I got my Infinity Blade um we bought Pam’s house we bought the shortcuts you know all of that stuff we’ve been working on slowly okay here’s my chest yeah we got the clock we finished Perfection we’re we’re done with all the Perfection stuff now but you see look you see how it’s like super dark down here that’s one of those things that I think that we need to try and add to to see if we can help that part I can get some torches on this fence like we just there’s a lot that needs to be done to make the farm feel more finished um I don’t remember if my shortcuts are ready yet they might be ready I’m going to guess that they’ll be maybe ready tomorrow the shortcuts but I guess we’ll see okay what else was I thinking about putting in The Hoppers we had talked about using it for like some things in here like making fertilizer right um okay maybe you should go up there and maybe you should go right here how is the WEA there a twitchcon oh you know what it was really hot the first day um like extremely hot the first day um but it wasn’t that bad later first two days I guess uh it was actually really nice the rest of the convention when I was there the first couple of days it was like 85° fah um and everybody was like oh my God you’re going to die when you come it’s going to be so hot and it was cooler there than here and then they say oh my God you don’t get it they don’t have AC oh my God it’s horrible it’s still not as bad as here but it was hot the first couple days we were joking that I I brought the heat with me when I showed up U but it’s still not still not that bad okay they don’t want to hear it but it still wasn’t that bad I’d like to make some more lamp post I think I’d like to make some like iron lamp posts but but maybe I’ll buy wood from Robin and make wood ones cuz they look better that way and I think I’m going to make another bone Mill just cuz it’s good vibes um anyway sorry for bringing all of the heat with me um I’m so sorry everyone my sincerest apologies to all of you um 85 is too hot for you I think it’s probably 85 right now it’s 84 right now no it’s 85 it refreshed it’s going to be 93 today feels like 92 right now so hey cimmy thank you for the raid welcome in welcome welcome in it’s good to see you um we are currently working on doing some redecorating of our farm um I finished Perfection so I’m kind of trying to go through and see what else we can achieve you know what other extra machines would be good oh you know what I have that might be good I have two of these I’ll just put them there for now um well what’s expensive none of you okay I won’t use you then um does this go anywhere or is it too full it’s too full the room is basically as full as it can get okay okay yeah that’ll that’ll do it can I put a painting on the wall or is this wall full too yeah full that’s fine um it was fun Clarissa I had a good time um yeah everybody I was joking to chat earlier about how everybody keeps being like Kayla did you do anything wild in Amsterdam you went to amster did you do anything wild I was literally in bed before dark like every single night so no I wasn’t doing anything wacky I was just I was there went to some museums came back for the sunset it sunset’s it sunsets at 10 p.m. there which is very late for me this Floridian um so I was not I was not doing anything um wild definitely not um yeah it gets it gets dark so late there I I knew that obviously um but it’s still very different for me cuz I’m from Florida and we’re quite close to the equator so we have pretty moderate days like um we we don’t have like ridiculously long days and we don’t have ridiculously short days either it’s like pretty moderate the whole year I mean the latest the sunsets here is like a little bit after 8:30 in the summer and the earliest is like around 5 in the winter um so the the difference is not that great here um again because we’re close to the equator so you go places where the sun sets at like 11:00 at night it’s WI it throws you off so much when you’re not used to it um so yeah it sets quite early in the summer here compared to a lot of places um but anyway it’s very interesting I’m still waiting for those to finish so I can have them all be on the same timer I think um yeah it definitely definitely was throwing me off oh plus one luck bombs cannot hurt you wait wait wait wait this might be the day to do our our foodless skull Caverns run okay we have really good luck today and these bonuses we’re going to go to the skull Caverns without any food I just got a bomb in the mail oh oh our secret friend is Vincent oh that’s cute okay I’ll give him a gift um I will bring a spicy eel to eat before I get in there and I will bring some cheese with me as well for emergencies um cuz you can have food before you go in you just can’t have food while you are in um okay I’m going to bring the magic quiver that’s my good one that’ll do damage and it also has knockback so it pushes the monsters away um and then I will get my bombs is it an achievement or a challenge no it’s just a challenge it’s uh Mr key hungry challenge we’ve done it a few times um but I want more points so I’m doing it again okay we have barely any bombs that’s no good all right that again is for emergencies only emergencies only um I will bring some of those for trading for bombs and then I will craft myself some more bombs uh that’ll probably do okay I think I have some stairs already in a chest but just in case I look get some more I think five will be okay for us with this today all right let’s go can bring a fairy to heal you the fairy is the only trinket that I don’t have I have every other trinket I have multiple of every other trinket I don’t have a fairy so I can’t Amanda caty Sarah thanks for the subs I don’t I have all of the other ones but I don’t have the fairy maybe we’ll get one today all right let’s roll I’m going to zoom out too oops I almost clicked exit to title that would have been funny um all right um how can I get one it’s a like a random find basically um with those things oh my God this is terrible I don’t want to waste all my bombs there we go uh it’s a random find with the trinkets so we just have to get lucky and find a fairy trinket um which we have not been able to do yet so killing monsters and stuff I guess today’s not really a good day to be killing monsters though cuz we’re not able to eat on this day um The Challenge here is that we have to get to level 100 of the skull Caverns without eating anything see my trinket is pretty good um get some okay anyway all of these hours I have in this and I’ve not gotten the fairy one still to this day so okay I’m going to try and kill this one is going to drop me oh and a prismatic Shard that gives me Health cuz it had a heart in it so we need that my trink now is the magic quiver yeah we have so many frogs I probably have like 10 frog Trinkets and I’m not exaggerating cuz I have like five or six in the chest uh that I keep them in and then I also have a bunch in my fish tank so I have so many frog Trinkets and I have none of the fairy I actually think that the magic quiver is probably better for this particular task than the fairy though still if I’m being honest it’s nice cuz the knockback is really helpful oh cuz you don’t want them to get near you cuz you can’t have them hit you when you can’t heal did I get every colored frog no I haven’t gotten every colored frog yet I still want a prismatic frog but I haven’t um really worked on it in a tiny bit you have to use a bunch of aridium bars to change them and I was selling aridium bars for a while there when I was trying to get enough money to get Perfection but we can probably try the aridium Frog again today it wouldn’t hurt okay nothing really ouch this level is rough this level is very rough oh my yeah I think we all want the Prismatic frog so I think we can all agree that we should probably try and put some effort into getting it right all right oh that’s going to be one of those little crabs we’re on 26 already the early levels when you’re doing the no eating challenge are not that bad it’s the later ones when the monsters do more damage that are kind of a problem problem um there’s not really a strat to get a certain frog Nera but you can put them in the Forge um and and you can with any of the trinkets you can put them in the Forge and then you can try to like roll it stats with the Frog to give you an example like this one it would roll the time and the Damage amount if you put it in the Forge but with the Frog it rerolls the color um you do need to have three aridium bars to do that um but again there’s no Strat really it’s just luck for which one it rolls for you um but you can do it so oh c was great to meet you on Saturday I had so much fun thanks for coming by um it was really nice to get to see you um and Mia and love for all peoples thank you for the subs oh Ys um how many different frogs are there um I mean there’s green blue green red yellow void purple at least and then the Prismatic one is that all of them I’m not sure oh there’s Brown too yeah I don’t remember exactly all of them I’m sorry not helpful that’s most of them oh I like the yellow one and I like the blue green one and I want the I want to have the um Prismatic one but I don’t have it yet the void one’s kind of cool too everybody always says like oh how do you get the void one oh I got to stop this oh my God we’re in trouble um everyone I may have to stop going to down the holes please stay away from me please stay away from me okay [Music] uh-oh uhoh we’re on 64 I have ladders and enough stuff to make more ladders if we need to ah I took damage oh no I was facing the wrong way when I thought I was going to hit that thing uhoh chat uhoh uhoh uhoh that one doesn’t have a heart in it yeah anyway the fairies are good because they do heal you a little bit the vampire one is there oh oh you know what I have a vampire sword don’t I so that gives me a tiny bit of Health when I kill them so we have that too so we can’t eat cheese because we’re doing a quest where we cannot eat anything in the skull Caverns the quest is to get to level 100 without eating anything so that’s why I’m not eating I’m not just being silly uh I I’m not allowed to eat anything I’ll show you um sees make it 100 without eating or drinking anything while there oh it is crusader never mind it used to be the vampiric one sad for Kayla today never mind okay I’m not wearing anything that Cas from being damaged for the bombs but I have this from the statue today the bombs cannot damage me so it’s specifically just um my like statue blessing today is that I can’t be damaged by bombs normally you would but today I cannot which is why I chose to come in here today that this is making the quest a lot easier not hurting myself with the bombs you know okay no 100’s not the bottom level the skull Caverns are technically endless um but 100 is like it gets used a lot for like quest lines and stuff um because it’s like kind of a big accomplishment to get down to 100 you get like a chest on level 100 after you’ve done it multiple times when you get there the first time you get a prize um ah no okay should I jump in there I’m going to take damage but I think it’s worth it ah I took damage bad bad bad bad just go just go okay we’re on 7 9 nope nothing good okay okay 80 we can do this oh no so many of them no I still have no fairy I have all the other trinkets I still have no fairy it’s terrible yeah my spicy eel ran out so I’m not going as fast anymore which is also sad oh my goodness you don’t have any trinkets yet really yeah there I have I found a whole bunch of trinkets like all at once oh rain TOA and then I haven’t gotten like any trinkets in a long time so I don’t know you got Perfection with no frogs and no fairies oh I’m so glad I at least have frogs cuz I would have been devastated if I had no frogs truly devastated so at least I have that how was twitchcon it was fun I had a good time at twitchcon this year um I’m glad I got to go um I’m not sure if I’ll go back to twitchcon EU next year I guess we’ll kind of see what the Vibes are and like when it ends up being um but I did have fun with this one I’m going to be at the San Diego twitchcon so I will be there too it’s just that like conventions are a lot you know don’t hit me so I don’t know how much we can handle with the wedding next year too you know okay um almost there em Samantha thank you for the reubs we’re on 91 as long as we don’t die between now and level 100 we will be fine you got to stop taking damage though Kayla oh my gosh yeah we did film some Vlog stuff I don’t think it’s good um the problem is it’s very embarrassing and hard to talk out loud um so I don’t have like oh a prismatic Shard um so uh I don’t have that many Vlog Clips but you got this highly chat it’s good to see you yeah I actually really like doing the quest where you get to 100 without eating I’ve done it a lot of times before um and it is fun to do would you people stay away from me oh my God I kind of want the mine cart but maybe that’s a mistake it’s open I’ll take that I’ll take that yeah I don’t know how vloggers are oh it’s empty I don’t know how vloggers are comfortable with like the talking out loud in public stuff because it makes me feel so uncomfortable and also like I’m extremely aware of the fact that I do not want to get anybody else in the video like like trying to hold the camera in a way where you’re not like filming strangers and I think a lot of vloggers just don’t really worry about that as much like they’re just in the background and or they’re filming them on purpose sometimes um and that I do not want to do so it’s hard for me to Vlog but we filmed a little bit so we’ll see what we can put together and if it’s worth posting on YouTube um we shall see yeah and I think that they just do it enough that they’re used to it and obviously I don’t so I am extremely not used to it we did it I got my prize not bad um Kelsey thank you for the sub and Miss Riley thank you for the sub Anonymous with the sub gift to Lea thank you um well now we can eat cuz we got to 100 now we can eat that’s good I also have some spicy eel don’t I I didn’t bring more with me for some reason but I’ve gotten a couple look I got a frog what did I just tell you this whole time I still to this day I do not have any of the fairy trinkets but I just got another frog I have like a million I actually have like a million frogs I’m not mad I like the frogs look at them and watch it’ll there’s no monsters for it to eat it does eat monsters moners though which is pretty fun come on give me Monster I want to show the people maybe I need to be trying to hit more barrels when I see them why didn’t I eat the spicy eel um I deleted the items of the hotkey Nera I I hit the delete key to trash them and my trash can is upgraded so I get some money back when I put stuff in there my record level in the skull Cavern is 252 I just checked I don’t like this level oh see my frog ate that do you understand now do you get it yeah maybe we should look is there be bar in the middle of this think I should go around and around and around to try and get barrels in the middle on purpose maybe I’ll get a fairy in there we’re not trying to get like a record skull Cavern run today so we might as well right I’ll blow these up so if you’re just tuning in um at this point in the save we’ve got Perfection already um we’ve got pretty much everything already uh I’ve got my Infinity Blade Forge with my cat sword we’ve got everything the main thing that I’m trying to do right now is get 2 million gold again so that I can buy uh the return scepter and then I want to finish decorating the farm and both of our houses I have most of it decorated but I just want to get a little bit more and then we’re probably going to and I want a fairy I guess and I want a fairy oh and I want to play some prairie king um but then then I want to do a um modded save again is my plan I just walked past a barrel to get more barrels oh I did didn’t I well I’m not thinking straight okay I’m extremely jetlagged listen don’t judge me okay should I walk all the way back no I won’t I don’t have any mods in this save uh no I don’t this was a completely vanilla save I actually have very little mod experience in stardo we did uh of save playing with the expanded mod a while back um but um we haven’t really done it finished it or anything Kayla how are you live right now I’m dead well Sasha I knew that I was going to be more dead later so I was like there’s no way I can stream at my regular time tonight cuz I’m going to be so dead so I may as well just stream now that was kind of my thought process I knew I wasn’t going to make it till later so I went live now I was telling them I was like I I was been up I’ve been up since like 3:00 this morning so there’s no way I’m going to be able to stream that late tonight purple slime egg cool no trinkets no trinkets how’s Dan doing with jet lag I don’t know Dan was up later than I was last night which is um ideal oh my God another Prismatic Shard for helping with this so I think he’s probably going to have an easier time today than me you woke up at 2: a.m. and just accepted your F that’s so funny yeah we were all the group chat was all awake this morning at like 2: 3 in the morning we were all talking in there granted Like Jesse and and Steph they had more of a reason to be awake um it was like early in the morning in the UK but we me and Sasha were like wide awake at 3:00 in the morning like hello I have just woken up group chat stays active yeah Meg in Kate and very thank you for the subs oh god um no it was um it was funny though I was very excited because all the cats were asleep with me on the bed um I didn’t know this but apparently they were there like right after I fell asleep last night too Dan was taking pictures but I was asleep so I didn’t know um the cats are always asleep on the bed but it was fun for me when I woke up and there was like cats pinning me down on all sides cuz I was like I miss you guys too you know so that was fun I liked it um you’re going to pass out yeah I’m going to be here until 2:00 a.m. on purpose that is the goal it was intentional it’s not a very good run today but it wasn’t meant to be we were trying to get down to level 100 without eating so oh yeah the cats were very excited J uh when we got back the kittens were running around yelling and stuff I think they had a good time with my sister being here though my sister was letting them spend a lot of time on the patio cuz Shana was like here um doing her schoolwork and stuff so she was like sitting on the we have a screened in porch that we kind of use as like a ctio almost um and so shanana was here doing her school work like all day every day with them um and then like they were sitting on the patio during the day a lot with Shana which I think she was uh very much much enjoying and they were very much enjoying so no it’s not a mod I have um statue of the dwarf king’s blessing today was that bombs won’t damage me it was just my blessing today I got lucky um yeah she’s taking summer classes um this year so o and we passed out 154 um oh Megan thank you for the resub 24 months oh my God oh my God um yeah good run considering we couldn’t eat anything for most of it exactly um let’s go and put all this stuff away we got a lot of iron which is what we needed I will put all of that oh I don’t have enough that’s okay I’ll put everything else back um yeah I would like to play until the next desert Festival I might try and sleep through some time cuz this is what I’m talking about by the way we got lucky with the no damage from the bombs on that that thing um you found me last night blah blah blah blah blah okay here take all of that stuff and do not forget oh I have it already okay good I was going to say Do not forget your um Horse flute but I didn’t so we’re fine I might get the special trinket depending on who’s selling things yeah exactly so I’d like to go purely for that reason alone to be honest okay let’s check on all this uhoh chat turns out I’ve been pushed off the cliff imagine I just end stream oh reception’s real bad down here in the Ravine I can’t be live uh uh poop and average of popcat Megan thank you for the sub sorry I can’t even speak oh my God long day long day okay let me grab all this stuff and then I will probably go to the island and check on it oh Snappy’s being very cute isn’t she she’s been uh thriving on the cat cam Today Show Off okay got all that now we can go to the island that is my plan oh probably take these too I’m so excited for it to be spring again I’m sick and tired of the winter already and it’s not even late in the winter terrible honestly may as well start saving some of those cuz I might start drying them like I can take five of each of them um is there anything else that’s worth starting to dry maybe I’ll dry some grapes we always talked about how we want to oh we need to make sure we have enough grapes for us to give raisins to the junimos in the junimo huts and then I never got Juno Huts so I don’t know our Farm’s not really like optimized for Juno Huds anymore but anyway when am I streaming till um I usually stream for about 3 hours so I’ll probably be live for about 3 hours today it’s been almost two um I probably be live until noon eastern time I think oh you know what we should do is try and turn this one into a prismatic frog does luck affect that at all do you know these are important questions I don’t feel like it should but if it does I need to know don’t think so okay okay I have 30 aridium bars and I have do I have oh oh no I thought I had exactly 1999 no I have an extra stack of them that’s fine okay let’s start making some more that means I can roll this 10 times with my aridium bars oops watch so here’s how you do it oh come here it’s going to use three aridium bars each time and then it rolls it was green before now it’s brown boo we want pris itic Brown okay Sim to thank you for the resub oh God blue green okay the Prismatic one is really rare really really rare so it’s not a high chance of it happening blue green again I’m still going to try Brown oh oh is underneath the cat cam oh you can’t see cuz of snap I’ll tell you green here let me move this up there we go Prismatic I got it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my God that was so do you understand that I’ve been trying to do that for weeks I have spent let me show you how many frogs I have if only you knew so these are I have four frogs inside of this chest we have void brown blue green and red I also have a yellow frog somewhere and I have probably another green one so I think I have like seven or eight frogs total cuz I’ve got some of them yeah there’s a frog in there do you see a little frog right there there’s that’s a void frog so I have two more frogs in there plus the four in the chest so we have seven and I know I have a I think I have a yellow frog somewhere but I don’t know where it went oh my God I’m so excited that we finally got this Prismatic frog this is the best day of my life and I’m actually not exaggerating when I say that yeah you get the void frog egg the same way just by like doing it over and over and over again basically um okay I’m going to take these out and I’m going to go put some on the different little things you see how I feel like it would probably be good for us if we had some more torches oops you go right there I have like none over here it’s very dark and sad so we’re trying to get some more stuff figured out like that okay put this up here I also want to build some more of the um like lanterns kind of like this I want to have a bunch of those but I need more wood for that so I’m going to go buy it from Robin I’m willing to spend a significant amount of money on this I won’t lie our budget is endless Nat Sarah thank you for the reubs oh I’m stuck cuz of my cat okay yeah we have to name this frog honestly we get the rainbow frog the first stream back after pride month kind of messed up we have our shortcuts now by the way so they are done this is one of the shortcuts that’s open we paid for those um so we’ll have to think about something fun though for it to be called and maybe we should walk around and look at all the shortcuts cuz now we have them built um okay let’s see I here to shop from you I would like to buy what am I doing wood this is literally just so I can buy or build sorry more of the lanterns like I said and then do you think that we should build another Coupe or something maybe I will waste of my money Mone it’s okay I’ll just spend it right now cuz I want to put um I was planning on having maybe I don’t want another C I already have two coops maybe I should get a third barn cuz then I can have one that’s just for I’ll show you hold on we could get a CPE full of golden chickens if we wanted to I think I want to have I have already all pigs I’ve got cows and sheep no I don’t have any sheep actually I think I want to get another barn and another Coupe I think that’s where I’m at right now is that I want both so maybe I will build this Barn here and then we’ll get a CPE right next to it eventually oh I was going to talk to her about getting rid of my crib wasn’t I oh no okay well we can’t finish that now um what I will do though is we’ll go and work on the Island house to finish the rest of it you joined stream just at the time for the Prismatic frog that was good timing U Court freezy thank you for the subs I’m really excited about my fmatic frog this just made my day I know that’s silly but I really like it I really really really like it okay I kind of want to have these built on a flooring am I silly for that I don’t know I also think I want to build some more fences so we have a lot to work on let’s start thinking about that do I have any fences in here no okay some more fences and then as many of these as we can get that’s 100 fences I don’t think I need that many that was perhaps a little bit foolish but it’s okay um I don’t know if I want that there or not I might put it like here okay and we have that one I might want to add more of those in once it becomes dark cuz with it still being light out it’s hard to know where we need more of the lights you know okay I don’t know if I like how those look anymore but it’s okay we’ll worry about that eventually well I guess that’s something I don’t know about all of this I don’t know about all this oh these finished growing I was going to put tappers on those too okay am I Romancing anyone I’m married tomoru we finished Perfection um so we’ve done all the things we’re kind of at some like last minute points trying to get some like last little bits of decor and everything added in um okay we have finished all the Romancing and friendship though at this point um and then some to be honest we finished and then some um okay this might be good right there that might help light it all up maybe put that right there I might get this here and then get like a little plant put next to it yeah we’re trying to decorate the farm right now I hate that it’s winter it’s like so annoying to decorate the farm in the winter time cuz the Vibes are like so off but we got to do what we got to do okay I will take any of these little things that we have left over can I put you right there oh good okay what did I think of the new dances in the trailer oh the the trailer is so silly I cannot believe that they have like basically literally made a woohoo pack like this is a woohoo pack at the end of the day which is so funny I never ever ever ever would have guessed that the Sims would do that um so it is a an interesting one I think we’ll see um what it ends up being like when it’s like fully done but yeah I did not see this coming it comes out on your wedding day are you serious that’s hilarious yeah it comes out on my sister’s birthday um the packs always come out around the end of July so it’s always like a fun little birthday present for shanana I think she’s always pretty excited about it um yeah I got to get torches on the rest of the sprinklers we haven’t finished doing that yet either so I need to make some more torches um I know I have like nine in there okay we have no wood left you know what I can do is I can take these soggy newspapers and recycle them no PMR they haven’t said what simmers helped build for it I assume that they’ll announce that closer to um when it’s coming out um but they have not said what simmers worked on building for it it was not me please do not make assumptions I’m just getting ahead of it it was not me okay I promise I promise um okay I’m just going to chop a couple of these real quick reminds you of older Sims games yeah it kind of has that energy I’m really excited about this pack I can see myself using this like nonstop and I think the world’s going to be super cool um so I think it should be fun all right let’s make some more 12 more of those torches will that be enough one two three four five six yeah we could probably use like some more of the lanterns over there this Farm layout is the new one the Meadow Farm is what we’re playing on right now Meadow Lands or whatever it’s called um and it’s been pretty good I was telling chat before how I don’t think that this is something that I’m going to be super interested in playing in like long term in every save but I had fun playing with it on this save um I have enjoyed this one so I don’t really like how this whole part looks but hopefully it’ll be better once it’s done like once we have um the grass back too I think that’ll help okay yeah we definitely want to get some more torches over here this is a mess it doesn’t look very good oh you aren’t even lit I must have turned you off by accident okay let’s go to bed nice work team things are looking up we’ve made some good progress uh to it’s Speedy thank you for the subs I think I’m going to go to the island now now in the morning and we’ll work on decorating around the island again yeah the chickens early on is a huge bonus it’s a big time saer to use the chickens early on um so that’s a big help okay are you done please no okay okay well my crops will be done on the island today so that’s our big thing um first order of business will be to go and worry about all of that I have no wood left uh that’s pretty rough I’m not going to lie literally none left at all um okay just sell soell okay will winter last much longer uh winter has like eight more days left and I’m going to skip ahead through some of it I think cuz I’m finding it Dre you know but we’ll we’ll skip past it a little bit don’t worry I got to play at least today though um are the barrels behind the clock lights no they’re actually plants but they will they look ugly in the winter you can’t really tell that they’re plants right now but they they are plants and they’ll they’ll look more like plants in the spring is starting one sale right now oh gosh if that’s true then now is a great time to grab the game if you’ve been thinking about it chat cannot recommend this game enough okay I just got a few more of these stop okay oh my God the number of times I put that not on this thing like I wanted to wow all right slowly but surely getting all of our torches on there um how was my jet lag I’m honestly I woke up at 3:00 this morning like I was wide awake at 3: in the morning um cuz obviously 3: in the morning here is 9 in the morning in uh in Amsterdam so um I was wide awake not great oops I wanted you to go in there that was you when you flew back from Paris yeah yeah this it happens it’s honestly not the worst thing in the world I think it’ll be a lot easier tomorrow if I can make it uh and stay up later tonight I’ll have an easier time I just had to leave the I had to leave for the airport at 6:00 in the morning yesterday which was midnight my time so when I got home and I stayed up until 8:00 p.m. I had been awake for like almost 24 hours you know and that it was had been such a long day um cuz I left the house so early um so I think I think that today will be an easier adjustment but that’s why I went live this morning cuz I was worried about um being like I don’t know alert enough later to stream I guess it’s the best way I could put it um okay save all those let’s go to the island the item next to my Scythe oh this is My Horse flute you can call your horse wherever you are with the Horse flute like that um yeah I don’t think the stream will be very good if I’m half asleep so and then it probably would have been short too um so yeah I thought I would wait go live now um Anna thank you for the 31 months I appreciate it all right we will hopefully soon now with all of this stuff be able to get our um we’ll be able to get our return scepter although I might have to go and buy more starfruit seeds I think I’m out so that’s bad that’s going to cost us some money okay that’ll do it 170,000 from the wine that we have here we did get Perfection yeah we did get Perfection so we’re doing some like last minute little things now um just to like wrap up some loose end decorating trying to get the return scepter and like any other tools that we don’t have you know stuff like that yeah twitchcon was really fun did you have a good time was it was it your first time at the con oh my God those aren’t even watered all the way oh you know what it was I bet that there’s not any um speed grow on those little spots I bet that’s why that happened uhoh and some of it fell into the water that’s no good does this game have an end game you know um the end game I guess is perfection um and there’s like a whole Perfection tracker perfection in this means like 100% thing literally where you’re trying to like befriend everybody craft everything cook everything do all the achievements you know everything uh but you don’t have to stop after that um and there’s uh it took me 100 hours like 100 hours and 40 minutes or something to get perfection in this save um so it’s a and that honestly I I wasn’t playing like speedr running but I was maybe like better equipped than the average player to do it fast so it’s definitely like not a quick run through um but you don’t have to stop you can just keep playing if you want to and there are some things that I I haven’t done yet that I still want to do in this save so um yeah I feel like 100 hours is like fast casual um I didn’t speedrun anything but it wasn’t slow you know I got it in 3 years in game too so um took you 130 your first time yeah that makes sense to me that checks out um took you like 250 hours and you were on year six yeah that checks out too yeah that makes sense um okay I think I have to go back to the desert real quick so I can buy some more starfruit seeds I will start there um see me wear the sun thank you for the subs um I appreciate it okay but I really enjoy it I missed your sub Adventures did I oh I’m so silly Adventures thank you I might have missed zero and Chronicles then too I’m really sorry if that’s the case I’m very silly thank you for resubbing everybody I’m really sorry if I didn’t read yours I’m a monster um okay okay you beat Juno Kart for the first time last night oh did you oh my God you know what I’ll do today in game we’ll go to the bar tonight in game and I’ll I’ll play progress mode for a sec and we’ll see what we can do yeah I won’t get I won’t fall deep into it just like a little bit I need to play what I need to do is play um the prairie king game cuz that’s what you get an achievement for but I’m so bad at it is Lee has not still here right as long as she’s not still here then we can play I can’t embarrass myself in front of her get this she’s a streamer stard streamer um speedrunner and stuff literally played junimo Kart and beat it upside down upside down do you remember when I was screaming near tears about trying to get 50,000 points not beating it just 50,000 points she flipped her like monitor display upside down and she played it upside down and beat it I’m not built like that I’m not built like that I also I can’t do that like I tried to do a Sims build with the screen flipped upside down once and it made me feel sick like I I can’t it’s like a weird motion sickness thing maybe but like it it made me feel unwell trying to play The Sims upside down like so I definitely could not play Juno cart like that um I can put hold on let me put it does it work when it’s all caps I my caps lock on yeah it worked there you go you can follow her channel from there if you want to um this was my second twitchcon EU I went to I went to the one in 2019 in Berlin the first one U but I haven’t been at the past couple um last year it was right around when the horse ranch pack was coming out for the Sims or like something and it was also right after VidCon so I I went to VidCon uh instead this year it was the same weekend as VidCon so you couldn’t go to either of them or you couldn’t go to both really I mean um but yeah I didn’t go CU it was the timing and right after VidCon and stuff but um last year I got invited to VidCon for the first time so it was like really exciting for me as a longtime YouTube fan to get to go to VidCon um but I think the twitchcon is way more fun than VidCon uh I speak from extensive experience um I don’t think VidCon is as good I think that also uh if you are an adult twitchcon is a way better experience like VidCon is um I think a lot of the crowd that attends VidCon is a little bit younger um so like if you wanted to buy a ticket to go to that con for the first time you might have a better time at twitch con yeah they inv me to VidCon this year but I decided I wanted to go to twitchcon instead um which maybe was dumb of me because VidCon was going to pay for my hotel and my flight and twitch won’t so I paid out of pocket for twitchcon and Vidcon would have paid for it but I wanted to go I wanted to like as as a tourist I really wanted to get a chance to go to like Amsterdam and rdam so um it was worth it for me but um I would have had my flight paid for if I went to to Anaheim instead um but I got to go to Amsterdam it was really cool um so I’ve always like been so curious to get to go and see it you know um so that was really fun for me um okay I will save all of you in there yeah we watched the drag Showcase in uh in person in real life on Saturday night and that was so fun I really like the energy of stuff like that I mean I mean plus it was packed like they they stopped letting people in because the theater was full which is huge and I think a really fun cool thing um but also I just love the like positivity of stuff like that and like everybody being so supportive I just think it was really nice so I enjoyed the drag showcase a lot um it was a good time okay I have a couple of these extra things now so we want to make sure we put these away they would earn more money than Sear mentions more yeah well the thing about VidCon and twitchcon is that well I mean this was very unfortunate like the overlap especially because of like creators AR probably aren’t going to go to both um but the audience most of the people that attend twitchcon EU are never going to go to VidCon and Anaheim California like it’s not the same target audience at all like a lot of those people wouldn’t even want to go to VidCon at all if it was in Europe so like in that sense like the audience of ticket buyers doesn’t overlap that much but there are a lot of creators that go to twitchcon that might also go to VidCon people like me um so then it like means that maybe you would have gone to VidCon if I was going but you didn’t CU I didn’t go or whatever you know um but yeah it’s the audiences are so different of the two um okay wow look how much sap we we have jeez that’s ridiculous yeah it’s unfortunate for creators a couple of my friends went not a couple of my friends one of my friends a couple other creators that I don’t know as well and one of my friends went to VidCon and twitchcon get this Amy I don’t know what you were doing vidcon’s in California okay these people flew from the UK all the way to California to go to VidCon they went for like one day at VidCon all the way in California then they had to fly all the way back to Europe This is like a 10hour flight okay VidCon and twitchcon would not pay for like direct flights either so they all had to fly like vidcom is like I’ll pay for you to fly to and from London and twitch was like I’ll pay for you to fly to and from London to Anaheim and then to Amsterdam so they had to get a connecting flight they had to go back to London they were gone the whole time Amy got back I think because Amy had to play in um what’s it called in MCC on Sunday and so I I’m pretty sure that the plane landed at like 700 a.m. and then full day of the convention panel meet and greet the the MCC 3-hour long Minecraft tournament after having been awake on the plane and like just been in a different convention I mean like what what I don’t know why but but both VidCon and twitchcon were like please please please come to our convention so when you’re getting pulled in both directions not paid by the way not paid just because they asked but like yeah that’s not for me I’m too old for that these days I could not do that I could not do that okay I think this is good right the house in here is done I think it can be done not even paid no most creators uh in my experience don’t get paid to go to these conventions sometimes they’ll there will be like a slight paid event like maybe they’ll have like one um show that’s being on the main stage that they’re getting paid for or like if they’re participating in like one of the twitch rivals tournaments there a lot of those are paid as well um but like not usually enough to cover the cost of your flight and most of the time they won’t cover the cost of your flight twitch covers the cost of flights for a lot of big creators but not me so you got to be big on Twitch to get them to cover your flight or to have like certain if you’re doing like certain opportunities like certain shows if they’re like struggling to get people they might offer to pay for your flight twitch offered to pay for my flight to do a stage show like a game show thing at twitchcon this year but they offered it to me like two weeks ago and I already had booked a flight in a hotel so I said could you reimburse me for the flight in the hotel and they said no and I said well you offered to pay for it though but only if I buy it new but I’m already going I booked it months ago like I’m going to Europe like I didn’t I’m not going to book it two weeks before like so I didn’t do the show I would have have probably done it if honestly if they hadn’t offered the flight thing I probably would have done it but then they offered to pay for my flight but not pay me back for my flight so I said well no then well then never mind I went done it for free but now with this no on principle I’m not doing I was kind of scared of it though I I was nervous about the game show thing I maybe would have regretted saying yes anyway so it’s probably for the best that I Didn’t Do It um but it is funny how that kind of stuff happens like why why would I not have a flight Book 2 weeks in advance that’s ridiculous ridiculous going all the way like anyway um fellow and C thank you for the reubs Maggie too lla and goat thank you for the reubs um yeah two weeks is like such a short notice as well just in general like if you don’t think you’re going to twitchcon and then you get a two we notice and then you go I’m just going to go to sleep I’m trying to get past the winter I think um yeah yeah and it’s more expensive the closer you look too yeah um and that’s assuming like well they probably would have they had like a hotel that um a lot of the creators were staying at so probably would have been in that hotel but like most of the hotels would be booked up at that point you know um oh yeah I assume that somebody dropped it I I assume that’s what happened Lucy is that like they had people for it and then someone said they couldn’t do it anymore so they were like scrambling for a replacement and that’s why they asked me but that happens so much close to the con like you will I get asked in emails for like 10 different panels close to the con and often times they for things that like I’m not even uh to give an example I think last year at VidCon I got invited to be on a panel of cooking content creators I said no to it obviously because these are like people who make like cooking YouTube videos I’ve done like five baking streams ever in my life I’m not a cooking content creator I don’t even know if they knew I had done baking streams before like they probably just were like anybody I’ll ask anybody cuz we need one more person but like they they ask the most random people to be on things last minute because they’re like scrambling if somebody drops out and they don’t have someone but obviously I’m not I’m not going to go beyond a panel of cooking creators I’m not a cooking Creator like I don’t know what I’m doing oh I didn’t mean to do that I guess that’s fine um yeah anyway I don’t even know if they knew that I had done cooking streams in the past genuinely I think that was like just a coincidence um but it’s funny how that kind of stuff happens desperate times call for desperate measures with these conventions um they could have asked a smaller crator instead well at VidCon I don’t even know if they had that many smaller creators that they had already coming because it was so close to the event um that’s the thing it’s like they it’s too late to invite someone to come now because the con is happening in like a week um and you could invite somebody but most people can’t fly all the I mean California it’s like a 6-hour flight for me to go to Anaheim um so it’s not like easy to just up and go there you know it’d be one thing if it was like in the same state or something but no for most people that’s not really doable look I’ve got golden eggs my chicken grew okay they looked up home chefs and they said home Chef hustle close enough they’re Google searching home chefs and they get a home Chef hustle review that’ll do it that’ll do it call her up see if she’s busy no that’s so funny uh monkey thank you for the resub okay I think I’m going to sleep past today um she’s an expert no the blue chickens don’t give you special eggs the blue chickens just give you regular eggs unfortunately um they give you brown or white eggs but they look cool cuz they’re blue um how was twitchcon it was fun I had a good time at twitchcon I’m really glad I got to go um I really enjoyed doing a bunch of touristy stuff while we were there um cuz I’ve always wanted to so um I just in general honestly the Netherlands is so nice it is such a nice country and like speaking as um like obviously as an English speaker it’s so easy to go there as a tourist like so many people speak English so much is already in English like this is common knowledge right but like even to the point where I was going to a lot of bookstores while I was there and a lot of them had like half and half like half English books being sold even um and there’s so it’s very easy as a tourist to go there like easier than any other country in Europe that I’ve been to because a lot of places like I people say like oh a lot of people speak English in Paris and blah blah blah or like in other places people say about like Berlin when I was there for twitchcon EU a couple years ago and it is true like you can definitely get around but here it’s so easy it’s so like it it everybody and everything is in English like it’s so easy and it’s so nice there the transit is so easy it’s clean it’s beautiful it’s just um yeah it’s really nice there so um and it’s quite close to other places so if you get a chance to go there um on a trip uh it might be worth stopping in because I really enjoyed it also they have British TV um some British TV channels so I was watching like um uh what’s that show called the one it’s like a bed and breakfast competition is that one that is that the one that’s called four in a bed but they have British TV on the TV even so I was thriving I had a great time oh nothing there still okay love that show yeah it’s fun it really is fun okay let me see if Robin is finished with my my new Coupe or whatever it is I think it’s a barn maybe and then I’m going to ask her to get rid of my crib and then I will spend the day decorating my kids room um me and Dan have been watching Love Island yes um I’m actually decently um I’m actually decently caught up on love Island I fell asleep in the middle of watching it last night though so I haven’t seen last night’s episode we have been watching L Island UK L Island UK is terrible I can’t recommend you watch it but if for some reason you decide to I have been watching it’s Kasa more right now big stuff yeah I’ve been hearing everybody saying that the US one is so much more entertaining especially this year um which is kind of a first but I don’t know if I’m interested in starting it from the beginning and I feel as though I’m so invested on this one that like it’s too late for me like I’m in it on this one now so that’s a shame but oh well oh well air thank you for the sub I appreciate it um okay Island UK is good because of the accents I’m I can see why it would feel that way and then there’s something about the original that’s nice I’ve watched like one or two episodes of was it last season of the US love Island and there’s something about them being American that is offputting to me does that make sense I can’t really explain it but it just like it doesn’t hit the same I don’t know I don’t know if I could do it okay I did not watch the love Island All Star either maybe I should have I didn’t watch that there’s too many love Islands now it’s too much too much okay almost there it’s so slow trying to do all these but I do it slow on purpose so I don’t miss any do the Americans use British slang now too do they really oh my God they all watched L Island like in advance to prep for the show and they picked up a bunch of words a lot of the slang that gets used on love Island scares me when they call women Birds it like genuinely gives me the biggest ick like stop talking like that [Laughter] yuck yuck oh than for 23 months that’s a thing yeah they’ll refer to like someone’s like I don’t want to say even partner cuz that’s probably a strong word but they’ll refer to like someone’s partner as their bird I don’t know for me offputting I think a lot of other people in a lot of other British people agree though like like a person like Dan would never say that you know um it feels a little bit like objectifying to me that’s the way that it reads to me um but anyway like like people like Dan or like his friends wouldn’t really say stuff like that you know um okay 69 of these um yeah a very specific type of man would use that word you can picture it you know didn’t notice snap until now oh you can barely even see her here maybe I could try and rotate this oh don’t go upside down maybe I can put it like this so you can tell it’s a cat more there you go that angle is probably better um like calling a girl a chick honestly I I think that bird has worse Vibes than calling someone a chick because when when they say I don’t know they often like refer to it with like a possessive like it’s my bird or whatever as well um so it almost feels worse than that but anyway it’s not like the worst thing a person could say it just I don’t like they say it that’s just an example of some of the weird weird slang that gets used um Stevie cat thank you for the subs oh let me there okay 4600 from that and 863 th000 from that there we go now I can get my return scepter yeah I don’t like the term chick that much either but it’s definitely not as bad to me I don’t think I would like to be called that but um no one does call me that so okay um I think I might honestly just go to bed I’m trying to get us past the uh winter a little bit more book sellers in town soon okay let’s go 871 th000 thank you very much I’m ready survive eternity thank you for the 10 months yeah okay we needed 2 million so we’ve got enough um oh I was supposed to go to Robin yesterday and I didn’t yes okay I’ve been waiting for these to be finished cuz they were only a couple days behind and I wanted them to all be um on the same schedule so I can fill these up now don’t worry I I have more I didn’t just sell all of the stuff that I have there we go 422,000 okay hopefully we have enough I think I have 100 if it’s not enough I’m going to be extremely upset I think it’s going to be just barely not enough and I just sold all of the stuff that I have uhoh how long do I think I’ll be live for today um I was planning on streaming for like 3 hours I’ve been live for about 2 and a half so I’ll be here at least like 40 more minutes not 100% certain oh no maybe I have some more inside of a chest somewhere oh why did I wait all this time and why did I sell it all yesterday bad bad bad hi Owen by the way can I get it back no cuz I sold it yesterday it’s not that big of a deal we could also age cheese or something if we really wanted to I don’t really want to melon wine that’s worthless to me to age um do you want to AG some goat cheese why not we can I can make some um give me all of these okay I will probably put do you get golden Mayo if I put the gold egg in there I literally have never done that so I don’t actually no gold eggs oh you can zoom oh my game is hold on I have it way zoomed uh in or zoomed out sorry because I was playing um I guess I’ll go back up I had it zoomed out cuz I was in the skull Caverns I don’t normally play with it that zoomed out I didn’t really realize that I was playing with it like that to be honest think it’s just gold star okay that makes sense that’s kind of what I thought but I wasn’t sure so I felt like I should ask okay so one thing that we still have not done is go walk around um to all the shortcuts so I’ll show you we just saw one at the bus stop we can walk around some more of them if we want to we might as well right what golden eggs how do you get those oh you eventually can buy a Golden Chicken from Marne and it’s like 100,000 to buy to buy a golden egg and then you can put them inside of your um incubator this is where it is right look at this shortcut so you can buy these um once you like start paying to upgrade the town to Robin you can pay for her to build some shortcuts for you and there’s some pretty useful ones I mean like look at that easy easy easy hello you going to the beach I got carrot seeds you never use that one yeah I’m trying to remember where the other ones are um maybe I should look it up shortcuts guide to community upgrades how do build P Pam’s house blah blah blah um headed to the beach oh you can get up to the mountains here um let me come this way yeah there’s like some by the river in town I think oh Prismatic butterfly thank you um a Jeet Center thank you for the bits it was great meeting you thank you for for saying that um and Christina thank you for the four months too I think you can get oh yeah look shortcut um and then there’s another one uh oh oh oh oh oh here come back up this way there’s another one up here I’ll show you you see this it builds another um little Bridge right here so it’s easier to get across and there’s one down by the museum right to get to the beach also yeah and you can go to the bus stop um from the farm one too lots of stuff lots of little ones I’m going to come down here and show you master thank you for the 42 months I really appreciate that um yeah do you like our new Prismatic frog we just got it I’m very excited about it like this yeah so when you build the bridge there Hannah it’s when you pay for Robin to build you some shortcuts as like one of the Town upgrades um it’s pretty useful have I gotten a fairy yet no I still still don’t have one still I have no fairy I’m actually sad about it I’m actually sad about it you have four fairies oh my God I have like seven frogs so yeah it’s a sore subject maybe should I go to like the skull caverns and see if I can get another one like this is the other one by the way look if you come up here um do you see where does it have you walk through is it I’m lost hold on I need to go around the other way so I can see it better to the left oh it’s over there that’s right right right right right right yeah you can get up this now so that’s also helpful you have have no fairies or frogs oh cuz you have no 1.6 on I’m sorry see oh that hurts that one hurts I’m so sorry okay so honestly do you think that we should spend some time tomorrow in game trying to get more fairies like are we committing yeah I I built Pam’s house we upgraded Pam’s house too we did that already okay I’m going to go back cuz I’m going to buy my return conceptor from kopus in a minute and that was the last main thing that I wanted to buy so we will have that in just a second take this I would like for you to take these to okay are you still going to play progress mode I will I’ll play it a little bit I guess I said I was going to do it on Saturday night and then I slept didn’t I okay maybe I’ll play a little bit of the Juno Kart after I finish getting my return septer cuz I’m so brave and I can play bravely totally right okay all of that away I guess the town upgrades are a relatively recent addition to the game though gift for Vince it’s not today is it I have I have stuff for him I’m going to give him some grapes but it’s not the holiday yet today okay let’s go I’m going to get my return scepter you thought snap was a different cat cuz of the sun oh gosh yeah you can’t really tell who it is with the sun it makes it dark um yeah the prairie king is a steam achievement so that’s the incentive there we’ll be fine I can do it yeah the T upgrade was 1.5 so that was in the last update granted it was like 2020 I think but there’s a lot of little things that you forget you know okay kobis I have been waiting for this moment for so long oh my God okay we officially have a return scepter so if I clicked this watch I’m home Isn’t that cool yeah feels good feels good to have we’ve been waiting for that we thought about buying it pre Perfection but if we had done that we wouldn’t have gotten Perfection until just now cuz we wouldn’t have had enough money so it was for the best to wait it was for the best to wait oh I didn’t mean to summon you I was trying to go inside okay I’m starting with prairie king okay here we go I can do it I can do it I can do it wait ah I wasn’t I wasn’t clicking the right thing hold on I can do it this time sh it’s fine I have my mouse set of my how do you do [Applause] this I don’t understand like do you have to kill all of them and then you beat the level and if so how many is in the first level see I’m going to die if I stand in the corner do you think I can like oh this might be the way is this how they do it no it helps on levels without the flying monsters there’s literally no way that I can do this I’m being so serious like I’m so bad at games all right I actually have not played progress mode like at all cuz we started playing a bunch of endless mode um and I have not really got any hold on you made your husband play it for you that’s hilarious oh I get it I wonder if Dan is any good at the prairie king has Dan played it on stream at all tell me he’s bad at it please oh my God see I can play the first level now like I didn’t mess up yet and you get lives on progress mode so there’s that [Music] too beautiful stunning perfect yeah the little lights are all checkpoints [Music] here we go okay okay okay okay honestly chat this is not as bad if you watched our prior runs well if you watch them I’m sorry I’ll probably start there but comparatively this could be a lot worse award for most improved is it easier to play on Pro or on progress mode endless mode is um endless mode is longer or sorry backwards unless mode is shorter but what the heck oh no this is a different one than I was EXP I just feel like it’s more forgiving oh my God I need to be I think I’m also better at it now which is helping [Music] yikes if you do good you can skip levels really I don’t like the music on this one it’s creeping me out like Why didn’t it give me my whales I was expecting the whales okay oh my goodness no oh I got the the checkpoint though okay no oh my god I’ve used like all of my lives up jeez yeah maybe it skipped the whale level cuz I was not doing terrible I’ve never seen this before this is my first time doing this okay I’ll get it this time it also skipped Shrek did it well I’ve only seen Shrek once okay I don’t know how to jump on these the squishy little mushrooms oh maybe my well we died FL thank you for the sub now it starts you over well that was my first time ever playing that I’ve never done that before in my defense which is actually not a terrible run considering well I mean I didn’t get a single checkpoint on that but I had never even seen it so that was for science I won’t play jimo card that much today I just was curious to see I am pressed at my own progress I’m not going to lie cuz we did so bad last time so this is an improvement well so on progress mode it saves for the amount of lives that you have oh my God don’t even um but I ran out of lives so then it started me over as long as you have lives saves your progress [Applause] okay ah okay I’m going to stay put I think no just die and try again I’m getting practice okay okay how many levels are there and prairie king oh I just what the heck what was that start again don’t mess up yeah you can hold too many can use my wheel with space [Applause] okay dead what’s the wheel do oh okay I’m just trying to get the hang of it it takes like 30 minutes to beat prairie king are you serious you have to play this for 30 minutes ah I should have just held click I’m starting over again there’s 15 levels I’m dead why would anyone play this but it saves not if you die [Music] I’m never going to be able to do this I just [Music] can’t one more time on jimo car and then I’ll stop I just want to see wow oh if you do the second level well enough on jumo cart it skips the ghost I see interesting well I can do it well as an expert I can’t believe I like Judo Kart more than prairie king I I keep saying this but I haven’t done it yet I need to watch somebody like actually play prairie king like one of the speedrunners who’s good at this game I need to watch them do it and like take notes or something I still haven’t done that that cuz I don’t want to but we’ll get there eventually it doesn’t have to be today it was never going to be today that was not the plan one last try fantasy JC Benny and plus s thank you for the subs oh you would never be the last level without habo really okay I’ll need to watch him play it then I’m done I’m done I’m done I had a checkpoint in that one I know but I don’t want that I don’t want to waste my lives if I’m losing lives early on I’m there’s no point cuz I’ll never win that’s the problem even the speedrunners don’t want to play it even the speedr runners don’t want to play Judo cart that’s so funny I mean sorry prairie king can of done with a controller um probably I probably could hook up a controller and use a controller for it if I wanted to um oh I have a return scepter I didn’t even use it I just spent 2 million gold on that and I didn’t even use it well that’s a shame we just spent so much money what am I doing okay tomorrow is the winter star no you don’t have to get the arcade games to get Perfection I’ve already got Perfection that’s where I got this statue from and I didn’t beat the arcade games yet so you don’t have to do it for Perfection but there is an achievement from the stupid prairie king game and I don’t it’s the only achievements that I don’t have and I would like to get it like I would like to do that but I don’t know if it’s in my future I have my Golden Chicken I can show you Lisa if you want I can show you hold on let’s go see a gold chicken chat oh wait they’re mad at me oh H I also need to build a coupe from Robin and I need to have her destroy my child’s bed okay we’ll do that first but before what I shall do is go down here yeah I might need to get another Silo I mean right now the problem is not that I don’t have enough silos it’s that um I don’t have enough hay so yeah I have a little bit of hay in a chest by my house too but we I just bought more than I need to use and it’s almost the end of winter so I think that they just went hungry for one day so it’s not that big of a deal it’s fine yeah see 480 total okay I’m going to go build another Coupe from Robin too but only after I have her destroy the crib why would you destroy your child’s bed cuz I have a crib and I don’t need it I have two my kids are in beds now they have aged out of the crib it does sound bad but it’s not bad it just sounds a lot worse than it is okay well I don’t have enough wine in here I thought I did but turns out I don’t so I’m going to quickly put some cheese in here to start aging it of course it’s all the way at the very bottom all the way this way okay I’ll start there you can have kids yeah yeah you can have two kids um when you get married there’s a random chance of your partner asking you after the wedding and your house being upgraded if you want to have a child um and then it takes two weeks and then you have one then it can happen again okay let’s go see our friend Robin shall we you’re not past day one oh yeah you got a while to go until you can have kids it’ll be a while until the game is ready for you to have kids that’s for sure um and if you don’t want them anymore you could turn them into Birds kryp than 43 months oh you maybe got into summer one time oh really I know a lot of people struggle to get like deep into this game um but I really have so much fun with it I’m serious I have so much fun okay I would like for you um can you remove the crib okay um she didn’t have to blow it up I mean like wow okay I’ll fill myself a CO that was a bit much like okay that’s good I may want to move that once it’s done but we’ll see all right now we shall go back home and I’m going to decorate the kids’ rooms that’s the plan we’re going to redo the kids space um River thank you for the 33 month resub um the crib is definitely removed yeah she got it f thanks for the 301s as well um need more hay now too uh no we’ll be okay I don’t have anything in there so we’ll be fine for now oh I have a ticket you know what I didn’t use is my return scepter I’m going to go use my ticket and I’m going to use my return scepter that’s my plan oh good thanks for the 38 months it was so great to meet you thank you for the reub um and Michaela thank you for the 24 months too thank you so much um okay oh look at Leo’s little winter outfit that’s so cute yeah one day I’ll remember to use it it’s just new still it’s new still so I’m not used to it I want that pig okay ready magic okay well I have this and it can’t be used oh God I guess I could eventually replace some of these um but I I sort of like how it’s laid out you know like we could replace it with aridium sprinklers instead but no maybe I should maybe now is our time to like rearrange this a little bit oh I just broke one I’ve been honestly liking how these are this whole time but or maybe it’s fine like this and I’m just being silly I don’t know what should I do it is cute like this so maybe I should just leave it even though it’s not the most efficient we have Sprinklers and crops everywhere like it’s fine don’t let it get to you Kayla you don’t need to be doing that okay um I was going to try and get why are you blocking the door the absolute Dramatics of this okay thank you these will sell for some good money if it works why change it yeah exactly I need two more torches there yeah I need um a lot more torches just in general um we’ve been kind of struggling for wood but now that I’ve just gone to Robin to buy more we should be okay most of the sprinklers on the far side don’t have any torches on them we can go finish it are you really Marissa I hope you have a good time that’ll be fun that’ll be a fun day yeah see these don’t have any oops I’d like to put them honestly on the fence a little bit if if I could yeah one like right there in the middle should be fine you can put torches on sprinklers yeah it’s new um in as of this update you can put torches on sprinklers you didn’t used to be able to do that and now you can which is quite cool I was pcon it was fun I had a really good time it was a it was definitely a good time I am exhausted um hi am bye [Music] am thanks for dropping in hopefully you got home safe and everything um I feel like I barely did but I did um okay oops that doesn’t go there oh good I used almost all of them so if we could just put a couple more torches oh maybe I should make some more for this actually maybe like five more or six more surprised I’m awake well so I’m fine like it’s the morning is fine it’s the night time that’s going to be rough because I woke up at like 3:00 in the morning today and I felt like it was 9:00 a.m. so I was wide awake um so it’s like later tonight that I’m going to be struggling with I think um oh to the top left ones oh they don’t have any either um so that’s why I decided to stream in the morning cuz I normally stream in the morning on Wednesdays but I went live in the morning today instead and like did a little Switcheroo because I feel like I’m going to have a hard time being awake and like on it tonight you know um I think I’ll be back to normal tomorrow I just need another day to like adjust time zone wise um okay what books did I read uh during the flight and stuff you know I barely had any time to read while I was there I started reading a book about the history of Amsterdam while I was there like on the trains and stuff um but this week here let me open my I’ll tell you what books I read I read a lot of books on the plains um I read on the first plane um a book called The Story life of AJ ficker a govern Us’s guide to passion and Peril which is such a silly book um it’s like a historical romance except they’re trying to solve a murder um I read a book called a novel Love Story by Ashley poson I started that one on the plane and then finished it yesterday and then I read a book called A the wishing game by Meg shaer on the plane yesterday the whole thing and then I also read like 65% of a book called Wayward yesterday um so that’s uh that was my my plain reading and the Amsterdam book is called Amsterdam a history of the world’s most liberal City by Russell Sho and I’ve read about half of it um while I was there so I really am enjoying Wayward um I’ve been meaning to read it for a long time so I’m uh glad I finally am but anyway I’m going to finish it tonight I think my Kindle says I have like an hour and a half left in it so I’ll finish it tonight which will be good um oh the historical romance with the murder um I’ve read there’s four of them and I’ve read all four of them now um the one that I just read is called the Govern Us’s guide to passion and Peril but I wouldn’t read that one first they’re not it’s not like a series that you have to read them all in order it’s like the first book is a couple characters and then the second book is about their friend and then the next book is about their other friend so it’s one of those where it’s like you could read it as a standalone but I would read the first one because it’s better um so I did read that CLA I liked it a lot I really liked it a lot um that was a good book um I haven’t read Ready Player one I don’t know if I would like it um I have to give it a try maybe but okay I’m going to bed early um 87,000 look it’s Santa you watch the movie I haven’t ever seen the movie I haven’t ever seen the movie um okay feat of the winter star are our uh gift is for Vincent so you have to leave for work soon what you’re working today on Christmas Blessing of luck okay for Vincent I got him um oh do I have no aridium quality grapes anymore okay I have a I have this grape I mean I guess I could give him something better if it’s his Christmas gift I don’t have to just give him a grape every time he likes things like snails he also likes pink cake so we could give him we can make him a cake do I have a snail for him though I don’t think I have a snail for him a singular grape here you go Vincent a singular grape for you he likes the cranberry candy as well um if I wanted to make that no I think I have a pink cake oh there you go oh I also have this you know what let’s give him this I’ve had it sitting in my chest for about 2 years he can have that so generous of me to to give to him man Christen Micha than you for the subs um okay oh finally they gave me Dragon’s Teeth I’ve been wanting them to give me Dragon’s Teeth for so long and they finally gave me one that’s pretty good it’s about time okay sell cell sure um the fish that I got the dragon teeth from those are that’s stingrays right and I put the Stingrays there on purpose just in hopes of getting Dragon Teeth I think so once the spring comes I’m going to reorganize this whole section cuz it’s looking a mess and it’s making me upset you know what I could do one two three four five these are the heavy tappers I’m going to replace these on the middle section cuz these these are the ones where my Oak resin comes from the heavy tappers are better cuz they work faster honestly I’d try and replace them all with heavy tappers if I could there’s no tappers on that I think we never even finish all of those how long do I stream for um I usually stream for about 3 hours I’ll probably play at least a couple more days in game though cuz I’m having fun I need to check in here you a feeling that you’re getting sick Oh no I hope you feel better um I hope you feel better hopefully I uh I’m okay after twitchcon um I got my this is maybe TMI I don’t know but I got my period yesterday no Sunday night the last day of the con and I was kind of dying in my hotel room with horrible cramps and I didn’t have my heating pad or anything cuz I wasn’t expecting it to come early I think it was because of the flight um but that was unfortunate uh the last day in Amsterdam I was like I’m going to bed at 8:00 p.m. like I’m not thriving right now I feel mostly okay right now yesterday was a rough day on the plane too but I feel okay right now so that’s good okay yeah at least it last year at VidCon um I had absolutely horrible cramps during my meet and greet and I was like standing the whole time um like meeting 180 people or something that came to the meet and greet and that was bad timing I’ll admit that was really bad timing um but thankfully that did not happen at twitchcon um cuz that would have been rough but I I uh felt fine during my Mee and greet no cramps or anything this time thankfully um thankfully yeah being on the plane during that is just horrible like no one wants to be on a plane during that it’s no good no good um I kind of forget other people have periods sometimes no I get that and it’s also easy to forget other people also have like bad experiences you know because you get so in your own head about like your experience but you forget other people also have um sometimes extremely bad times um that is a good prot tip last minute yeah I haven’t um been traveling and on my period in a long time that was the first time in a long time that that has happened to me um so I guess with Co I guess I haven’t been traveling much at all anyway so that explains it but um said in like the last few years I mean you know um but oh my God Owen I’m so sorry that happened to you that happened to me not on the plane but coming back from twitchcon in like 2018 I had a migraine um and then I was dying on this is gross but I was dying on the bathroom floor of the the airport in San Jose and I was by myself as well I flew there alone and I was flying back alone and I had like a carry-on bag and oh my God it was so bad and then I checked it at the gate cuz they were like we need help check we need to like check more bags and I was like you can take it and then they lost it cuz I had to get a connecting flight in Atlanta and they lost my back but it was fine cuz they brought it to my house but it’s like of course that happened you know um I get these migraines with aura it’s called um so I couldn’t see I was so nauseous literally died basically and then I had like a 5H hour flight to Atlanta and then um it kind of went away or at least calm down on the plane so it wasn’t as bad once I was on the plane but um the journey and the time in the airport like the car ride to the airport and then the time in the airport was bad it was real bad okay I’m going to see if I’ve got any more down here we’re just Wai for the festival to start I think oh no these cannot have anything done to them um I’m sorry you get those migraines rage it’s horrible it’s horrible my dad gets them too only me and my dad and my whole family get them um and it’s horrible so I’m sorry that that happens to you as well cuz it really is rough um that’s when you reschedule a flight I yeah that’s the thing I just wanted to be home I just wanted to be home starts at 9: oh never mind I can go go now I thought it started at two maybe it ends at two sometimes I get them confused I’m sorry an that’s horrible that is horrible to have like pneumonia and the migraine at the same time it’s just cruel like why why do they make you do that both I meant to decorate for the winter her star but I never did it’s okay that’s okay where is here’s my children hello I have to give Vincent his gift okay I brought this for you so it’s you a cranberry candy thanks you’re welcome I’m glad to hear that arrow mine have also gotten less frequent as I’ve gotten older I started getting them when I was like 10 but it’s gotten less frequent as I’ve gotten older I still get them but I used to happen to be way more often um no I’ve never gotten a tea set before okay Shane open it what’s it going to be what’s it going to be what’s it going to be what’s it going to be a single Jade sorry I shouldn’t complain about him not being able to afford a better gift for me I just spent $2 million on a return scepter like meanwhile these people I are they I’m I’m horrible I’m the worst person in this town sorry I’m a monster sorry sorry like I than she a 13 mons uh thank you so much and I made his job go away oh my God I shut down the place that he works um you know I I’m sorry for complaining that he didn’t spend enough money on my Christmas gift that was actually really messed up like H okay well I’m just going to go to bed then oh no okay I think I’ll play like one more day maybe we’ll see um that’s true in real life if someone got me a huge Jade like that I would be their friend I would be very excited about that in real life so maybe I should stop talking cuz like that would be really cool a bomb okay I’m going to decorate the kidss room today that’s our next plan we’ve been meeting to and we haven’t done it yet one more day Famous Last Words yeah yeah yeah yeah I know I know I know we got to actually do the decorations though it’s about time once Mario gave you a bomb gave you a bomb and you accidentally immediately gave it back to her and she was disgusted it was upsetting I think I would cry if I upset her by accident I would feel so bad like that’s my wife and I made her upset okay I kind of like my cookie flooring so I think I might have this be the kids’ room or cookie walls sorry that’s like the same stuff I don’t want that um we used a carpet this is heart flooring that looks bad together that kind of looks like a white carpet they also have pink carpet and all of these oh I think I like the pink one right how far down was it pretty far like that one actually looked really nice right I think so should I have tried to get different beds like as long as they have two single beds they’re fine yeah is that how that works oh look at that corn plant um oh here this is a cute kids item Patchwork [Music] rug oh my tropical bed H maybe it’s okay being like this I was thinking about going and buying the blue oh I need to get another one of these pink rugs that looks terrible I was thinking about trying to buy the blue stripey beds from Robin cuz I think that maybe that would look better to have a little bit more yeah I got for the two bookshelves back too yeah cuz I got got rid of them did Snappy just po something in her sleep did she oh that’s pretty cute that is pretty cute let me message Jam back really quick um I was just going to ask him cuz we have to buy groceries today we have no food in the house so I was just for my like writing it down so I don’t forget um oh we have to wait come [Music] on is she not going to come in today if so oh she’s working on my Coupe I forgot about that she is in fact building my C all right they can’t have nice new beds they have to deal with these beds but that’s fine I think that’s fine they’ll get over it I like these pink and purple chairs we also have a cute chair I’ll give them a dresser that thing’s weird I’m kind of just trying to look through and see like basically every single item that might be good for this and then take them you know H this is rough it is rough okay basic windows I’m surprised that I didn’t put any windows in here before like I don’t really know what I was thinking with that you know okay interesting no don’t do that okay interesting oh arill it’s good to see you I’m glad you can make it to the stream I know I’m sorry that I’m live at kind of a weird um kind of a weird time um I was worried that I wasn’t going to be able to make it if I stayed up to stream later so I thought I’ll just do it now I’ll just do it now um honestly that little star might be kind of cute oh I like that right okay they have their little plushies there as long as we can just bring in some more color I think that would be really good maybe I won’t have a dresser how do you have kids and they disappear or something um no so when you have kids in stardew the your partner after you’re married can ask you if you want to have children um and then uh it’s like okay we’ve decided to have kids and then two weeks later um the kid shows up so there’s not like any like woohoo or anything like that I guess if that’s what you’re asking um it’s very simple um I should use the strawberry because I that’s kind of cute right they had that thing before brochure cabinet I think books will also be good I think our children like to read so I will give them some things like that what else do the junos have honestly I think having like a Juno or two would be pretty good for in here cuz it gives them like some cute little things and then we have these really nice items retro flowers retro radio I don’t know if that’s very kid-like but okay if you do that you can’t get through so maybe you shouldn’t do that um hold on let me move okay that’s cool right I can move the bunny over there maybe there could be like one purple [Music] junimo one yellow [Music] junimo I don’t know what I’m going for I never know how much to put I’m scared I’m going to like overdo it the fireplace is a is a fire hazard the fireplace feels like a hazard in general like maybe the kids should not have that but you know we’ve done it so um I only have one cookie wallpaper is that okay just put it out no I need I want to have it on cuz I’m using it to help light up the room oh we could put oh you can’t put junos on the chairs but we could have done stools instead and then we could have had junimos but it’s okay I don’t think we need to have one um I think I will get what about like oh sorry for yawning uh oh it’s hitting me chat the waking up at 3:00 a.m. it’s getting to me who would have thought maybe I’ll use something different than this because I used to have this picture in the kit I don’t think I can do that it’s ugly um what seems more appropriate this one’s not so bad but it’s not really like a decal everything else is like a decal and I like that about them being decals I think it’s cool these are not very fun we do have these cool oh there’s a space picture that probably doesn’t make any sense for this room does it maybe I should just get like the flower one cuz we do have also like a map isn’t so bad but we do have sunflower wall decals and that’s not terrible maybe I’ll get a dresser um what happens if they can’t technically get into the bed because I have a bunny right there does do it matter or is it fine and honestly maybe this is fine I don’t think it’s that bad in here it’s kind of cute they just stand around at night okay I probably should make it so they could get in then cuz we don’t want them to just stand around that would be bad that would be bad I will make make sure they have beds um maybe I’ll put those like right there and I’ll put some cute items on it cuz I have like a Juno and stuff that seems good right what do I have left to do you you know in this save not much um the main goal today was to get enough money to get the return scepter did it we finished Perfection I bought pamama house I bought the shortcuts um the last big thing that I wanted to do was finish decorating the farm and like finished decorating our house cuz this whole time I still never fixed the kids room and I never fixed this room either and I also wanted to finish like fixing the outside um but after that we’re pretty much done aside from like trying to do the prayer stuff um which I started today and it’s not going very well I also still still to this day do not have the fairy trinket and I would really like to have the fairy trinket but I still don’t have it so that’s sad for me um okay we could probably do this where we make it seem like these two things are like two separate rooms if we wanted to and that might be kind of cool maybe I could build like a extra cool space room for Maru she already has one kind of but we could get like another one you know and that might be fun cuz it helps take up some of this space that looks bad but we can we can give her more you know okay what about floors what does that look like yeah see if you can paint them different colors it helps them all look like different areas and the picture Blends in it looks like a window or something doesn’t it I think that’s cool I have this weird modern lamp that seems space likee I have this blue chair let’s just scroll through everything we also have a metal chair that might not be so bad dark couch um industrial pipe no no no no no no tree column oh we can have this modern fish tank that thing’s kind of weird we also have this dark bookcase I was thinking about trying to put that kind of thing like there to see if it helps to split up the room a little bit more yeah there’s like a space port hole it’s kind of like a window I use that um in our Island house but we could totally put that in here I think that would be cool then we have to get another light uh Marie I’ll probably end the stream relatively soon I usually stream for about 3 hours so I was kind of planning on uh getting off here in just a little bit oh the child is like trapped back there oh sorry to the child have I tried floor dividers yeah we’ll put some in we’ll put some in we just haven’t done it yet um I don’t know what the room’s going to look like over there so that does not help oh I didn’t get enough I need one more of that side and and then like a bunch of those yeah see that kind of thing helps too um yeah it was so nice to meet you I’m glad that we got to we got to meet that was really fun um I had a good time there um okay so it being a little bit further forward is good cuz it helps to like space it out move space it out get it move all those in there this one is the one with the the Retro stuff right that’s probably more our Vibes oh bless you did you sneeze well maybe I’ll try and use the Retro stuff instead of putting all these like I actually really like that lamp you know what maybe I don’t want it to be as aggressively space likee Maybe I just want it to be kind of cool and retro cuz that might look better right like I don’t know I don’t know go here why do these things have to not line up isn’t that just horrible what where did you come from leave Marina thank you for the fits and I’ll find a MADD and eight thank you for the reubs too oh my God my child is so annoying oh that could be good right there though H maybe our wallpaper is bad I don’t like that thing I don’t like it one bit then there’s the Dark couch which in hindsight maybe looks better stop still not centered go away you can’t even move them no you can’t even push them they just block you in evil little thing sorry I feel like calling a child an evil little thing is like inappropriate but it is I’m trying to decorate K let’s an PC so I can call it evil is that what you’re saying well it is an evil little thing so there what do the wall sconces look like I could get some of those maybe I’ll put a couple Windows here too um should I use like a different kind of window I don’t really like like it though unfortunately I find that window sort of ugly NPC non pushable character that’s what it stands for that’s a good one you got to admit that was a good one okay how about a small little space picture retro Banner no I do like this big giant UFO thing too but I think that probably it’s too much unless it’s not too much in which case maybe it works I don’t know it’s hard to say I feel like then we can’t have Windows I have such a problem with like overthinking these things maybe there’s no windows cuz it’s a space room we’re TR I think we’re trying to pretend that these are the windows how about that my son is still in the way I I don’t know if I can deal with this right now I don’t know if I can deal with this you need to get out of my way perhaps I should just line up my chairs then and worry about it later there’s nothing blocking the beds right no they can get into the beds you can get into this one um and you can get into this one is there a child in that one hm is something blocking the bed I feel like if I can’t get in there probably is a child there so does that mean he can’t get into this bed is that what his problem is cuz if so absolute Dramatics I want that in the middle I have decided they can just deal with it let me see if I leave and reenter and if they’ll teleport into the bed no he’s still just standing there and now my turtle’s blocking so I can’t get through what you know what I don’t care I’m glad that he’s not sleeping I’m fine it’s fine we may I was going to say we may turn the kids into doves but no I don’t think I actually will that would be bad okay I think with that I might say that’s our last day so here is the plan for the next few days um we have the I guess the stream schedule is a little bit weird because I normally stream in the morning on Wednesdays but we’re going to live stream in the morning today instead um so I’ll be here in the afternoon tomorrow at like 4:00 eastern time um it’s currently 12:30 so it’s about noon Eastern Time right now where I am uh I’ll be here here in like 3 and 1 half hours tomorrow um if you’re uh hoping to hang out we’re going to do some building I think in The Sims tomorrow uh I posted the whole stream schedule in my Discord server if you are looking for it um so tomorrow we’re going to do like a Sims Build Challenge kind of vibe I have a couple of ideas I haven’t decided which one we’re going to do yet um so but we’ll do like a fun little Sims Build Challenge silly build on Thursday we’re going to play Not So Berry and then on Friday and Saturday we’re going to start building a new High School um is the plan so we’re going to make a high school build we’ve been talking about doing it for a while um but we haven’t done it so we’re going to work on a high school build I think um I I think I might try and do it I haven’t decided if I want to use packs for it or not we’ll maybe we could do like a limited pack thing so it’s a little bit more downloadable but it’s not like only high school years you know so that’s the plan high school on Thursday and or sorry on Friday and Saturday um I also saw someone ask if I have the Ultimate Weapon yet yeah I do this is the Infinity Blade but it’s forged with the cat sword so it looks like a cat sword but it functions like an Infinity Blade does that make sense um so that’s how we got it it looks like a weenie sword but it is the Infinity Blade um anyway uh did I use the wallpaper trick what to get it no I didn’t do any cheating or anything in this save um no duping um since when can you do that oh you can do it on if you have a forge so you can do that um on I guess I can show you how to unforge it real quick um and then I can do it again for you if I just close without saving this day um but oh hold on inside of this room so if you have a mini Forge or if you’ve been to the forge like on the island um I can unforge this real quick um so you see I have the Infinity Blade and this sword if you put that there and this here you can forge them together so it looks like that weapon the second slot weapon but it functions like this one um so pretty cool uh pretty cool I’ve really enjoyed doing that I think it looks cool it’s way cuter this way U but you can basically do that with any of the weapons if you if you like for example the look of like the frying pan or whatever you could Forge the frying pan onto it and then have that um you can do it with the shoes too on the sewing machine so um anyway that’s how it works um guess you finally have to go clean after I end stream I’m so sorry I have I have a little bit of cleaning to do too we cleaned the house like deep clean it before we left but um then my sister was here taking care of the pets so it’s a little dirty again um but anyway we’ve got 110 hours in this save now that’s ridiculous um so that’s our plan for the next few days um I think I’m going to go read now um is my plan oh I got to go to the grocery store oh my God and I got it clean okay that’s what I’ll do now I got chores to do around the house today um and I will see you tomorrow sorry about the weird stream time um again I just think I’m be just think I’m going to be tired later so um I thought I would stream now so I would make sure I at least streamed once today U well have a great rest of your day thank you for hanging out um I’ll show you Snappy while I find somebody to raid and then we’ll go and see who all is live um I think it might be kind of fun to go and raid someone who is playing The Sims if possible oh you know what um My Friend Lucy uh is live right now oh this build looks so good you are going to love this I I know I’m like teasing you but it’s a mama mia inspired build is the stream title um chat I think we have to go there we have to go there I want to see that um so I’ll start the raid now um and and we’ll go over there and say Hello thank you again for hanging out it’s been fun I’m sorry I couldn’t stream for the last few days cuz I was away at twitchcon um but I’m glad to be back I’m glad to see you again um and I’ll catch you tomorrow for some Sims okay okay have a good rest of your day bye and stop streaming

First stream back from TwitchCon!

I’m live every night at 4pm EST! Don’t miss my next stream! https://www.twitch.tv/lilsimsie

I post daily Sims content on my main YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/lilsimsie

Use my creator code “LILSIMSIE” when purchasing Sims packs to help support my channel! I’ll earn a 5% commission on your purchase! #EAPartner

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– Origin ID: lilsimsie

Business Inquiries: teamlilsimsie@unitedtalent.com


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