I personally like all of them.

by PetVenturer


  1. announcemous on

    axlotl and the wolf,the wolf is the best and only friend I have and the axlotl is just a goofy goober

  2. TheHazzelNut on

    e) All the alternatives above. I simply like to collect every pet that exists in the game

  3. Psycho_pigeon007 on

    I like the kitty the best. Because my hatred for creepers knows no bounds, and cats are cats

  4. therubyminecraft on


    I am starting to think they forgot how to make tameable mobs at this point…

    Also same for allays why aren’t they tameble

  5. SamsamGaming on

    Cat, easy to obtain and is actually usefull since it scares off creepers and phantoms

  6. axolotls cause they’re my favorite animal irl and in mc you can hold them

  7. BreAKADarylsgirl on

    WOLF. when the new update came out I made sure to first thing get all different ones 😭

  8. Not part of the image, but parrots all the way! They dance when you play the jukebox 

  9. DragonTheOneDZA on

    I’m a cat person irl. I always tame a cat if I have fish

    And always kill the others

  10. Lhenkhantus on

    I love the foxes, if only you could make the tamed one follow you instead of a lead

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