LINUS MOVES IN? – Stardew Valley 1.6 Full Playthrough [Ep.23]

hello everyone welcome back to another episode of the 1.6 playthrough in stardew Valley we are in the winter season very close to finishing our first year on Bluebell Farm what a journey it’s been we’ve still got a bit to do I want to try and complete this year I want to get the CC done that is the main goal right now we should be able to finish the CC very soon uh once we donate all the winter forage some of the bulletin board things that we need we’ll get that CC finally up and running which is going to be amazing lus has gave us a fish taco recipe because he is our good pal look at that nearly Max Arts with lus we’ve still got to work on George and Willie a little bit more as well because these three are Walter’s best Pals so I really do want to get all of these to Max Hearts I’d love to do that as well but let’s say good morning to Lady where is oh you hiding behind the bush he’s always behind the bush there’s Winston you can follow me today buddy let’s go for a winter Adventure now we can start learning Winston the trick hunt it’s going to cost 15 treats to get it started so we’ll do that and that should be now at 25% and very soon we can take him to the mines with us and he can start helping us with combat we didn’t get no cloth from the recyle machine yet again of course right let’s get all this Oak resin just do all of our daily chores here uh ancient fruit is looking good in the greenhouse obviously we can’t let the animals outside oh yeah we moved the coup always forget about that we did move it let’s put the bait on the rod got some wormies the chicken statue which we do already have I’ve got to feed these as well because they can’t be outside so let’s take the milk get that cheese started this is going to be our main source of income through winter is all the animal products but I’ve still got to wait for these cegs to finish cuz I want to sink everything up together uh when this is done I’m going to get a fresh batch of maybe pumpkins in there and then this one outside I’m also going to put something in there just so I know when it’s ready let’s get the dried mushrooms and I’ll also put some more in there as well come on Winston keep up now we got to go all the way to the chickens we move them right in the top left near Grandpa’s Shrine because that is going to be where the rabbits are going to live they’re going to live on bunny island over here like said soon we’ll have all the rabbits in here and we did get our first two in the last episode I think yeah floppy and hoppy because we’re still waiting for that rabbit’s foot so hopefully we can get that very soon the sturgeons are nearly populated to five which is amazing soon they’re going to ask for more well another item so they can populate even further I want to Max that out oh it’s checking the bushes it’s already checking them oh we got one more soggy newspaper let’s try again come on we can go and finish the winter forage bundle right now cuz we have got everything that we need for that gun for also wants these two artifacts and this mineral so what we could do have we got any GEOS to process yeah we’ve got a little bit of something we can go ahead and do that today now we’ve got no iron bars so I’m going to smell some of the this before we leave okay let’s go to the CC and to Clint maybe we’ll go to Clint first oh we got the cut scene here with um one of the shadow people so we can get the magnifying glass so we can start reading secret notes and discovering them which is awesome oh he’s found something what he got boy a snow yam okay good job this is crazy we’re trying to take him for a walk trying to do things and he’s just searching everything a typical dog slow you down on a walk just finding everything you can oh he found something again what is it some Fiber we don’t want fiber lad leave it there we want the good stuff only search if it’s good Jesus granny Evelyn’s here I do actually have another crocus so I’m going to give Granny Evelyn this one he looks wonderful oh she loves it today I’m baking cookies they’re shaped like little Winter Stars are so festive go on Wiston oh my God this dog’s crazy guys he searching every Bush he can come on over here what have you got now cranber thank you a snow am good boy but let’s go in here so we want to process geodes let’s do all of this first cuz we might be able to find more minerals that we can go and give to Guna but so far it’s not looking good is that new I don’t know oh it is let’s go that a new one as well ocean Stone oh what’s that one a Fairy Stone I think we’ve already got that one though we’ve actually got some um magma ones to process but we’ve not got very much space in the old inventory so let’s go ahead and donate some things first oh that was a new one nice and we did get another new reward what is this the bear statue okay we’ll take it and we’ll put it maybe in the bottom corner here of the of the library this looks kind of cool down here there we go we’re decorating the town you know we don’t need this right let’s process these last nine the final one okay I think there was a few new stuff there that we needed yeah we got three more let’s go and we got the crystal chair let’s take that home that sounds good IO take the vase as well or the vase and that means we’ve got quite a lot of dupes that we can sell a little bit of cash so we’ll do that now cuz we don’t need them lovely now let’s head to the CC and finally finish the winter forage bundle oh there’s a pan spot there but I don’t think I’m going to be able to reach that from here it’s on the other side and that’s probably going to disappear when I get there I mean I’ll try I don’t think I can reach it though we have upgraded to the steel though yes we can reach it nice I know let’s go oh I think I’ve just heard another spot pop straight back up that could be anywhere though that could be literally anywhere oh he’s found something as well a snow yam well he’s definitely finding us lots of food oh we found a red snapper and he found another item another snow yam got so many of these good food source to be honest so I’m not complaining but come on we got to go up here we got also check this bush here where one of kobus friends is the shadow people I don’t think this one is actually kobus himself shadow guy e you caught me I’m sorry take it take it it looks so valuable I couldn’t help myself and there we go a new key item in the wallet the magnifying glass for the secret notes so we can start finding a lot of those oh look some of the new wormies oh we need these powder melons I want to grow these through winter so that is a really nice find right the fish we’ only got two left to do guys there two left and this one is about to finish right now we’ve got the bulletin board left and that’s it can you believe it we are so close and this means the Quarry is now unlocked we’ve got 30 winter seeds which we can put down on the farm as well when we’re done here we’ll return to the other world right so that is amazing guys the final star which is the bulletin board now let’s refresh our memory what we need of course we need need five more salmon berries cuz we’ve got five at home and we can only do that either in Spring next year or try our look at the travel lady or we can maybe get lucky and find an ancient doll the rabbit’s foot will be done very soon cuz we’ve now got rabbits on the farm that is going to finish the enchanters bundle and then the last one is the winter star we just need to wait for our powder melons to grow and we need to donate five of them or we could maybe try and find some stuffing or five holes which is again quite easy so that’s going to be very close to finish too but there we go little Juno put the star up there woohoo all right we will be back to finish that off very soon I guess we take the long way back home and let Winston search more bushes see if we can find anything good can of course get the mystery boxes which is a very nice find but he’s having fun he’s enjoying himself so that means Walt’s happy as well oh what have we got a winter route this time oh what have you got two pine cone not like we need those at all right happy have you done these ones over here oh yes we got something a snow yam right you happy now let’s go we still got so many more to search on the way back winter night walk oh I think I’ve just heard some bubbles so that means there’s going to going to be a pan spot question is where though it’s super dark oh there’s one up here please don’t disappear what have we got copper and 12 pieces of coal by the way oh I’ve just heard another one it’s over here come on come on come on I know right nothing else search these bushes lad and we’ll go oh yeah has got something fine going right that was a super long walk back I’ve got time to plant the uh the winter seeds but I can plant these two powder melons so that’s four in the ground already that’s nice and it’s already been watered that as well right we got to hurry up let’s put the vs in here this looks quite nice actually and we got a crystal chair look at that right good night doggos oh yes the bridge is getting prepared let’s go we can go to the Quarry and we made 6,000 gold that’s really good okay so the next day here the 5ifth of winter we got a very good luck day today and the travel L is in town so we can try and get some things that we need what’s Goa doing here is it the sewers oh the golden shovel award does that mean we get anything give me the key the rusty key so we can actually go down to the sewers as well which is amazing kobis is down there there’s a lot of stuff we can do in there as well the mutant B we can get some of the new fish the legendary that is exciting so we’ve unlocked the Quarry and the sewers in one day do a little bit more iron here then we need some more or we are literally out no more iron or left right that’s the animals sorted we can actually put some more milk in here today there we go get some extra cheese later on but let’s go all the way up to the chickens and the rabbits so I think in this episode we’re going to to get another Coupe started and I’m going to have this one here and I can slowly start to move the chickens back over here and this is going to be the chicken place I only want rabbits up this way cuz it’s kind of out the way and rabbits don’t produce much often so it’s it’s not too much of a problem them being far away whereas chickens you need you know you need to look after them daily right they’re all happy as well perfect ooh pant spot on the farm iridium let’s go typical I’m walking away and one pops back up again I heard it it’s not in the ponds it’s got to be back in the river maybe not I don’t know where it’s gone there it is it’s in this one gold or nice gold and aridium panning is amazing got dried mushrooms can we put anything else in here just normal mushrooms right now I I still definitely want more dehydrators and we’ve got some sturgeon row that’s amazing and we can age this right now in there and get some caviar Also let’s before we go to the travel lady let me dig a spot for some winter seeds and any more winter for that we find I can just craft more seeds right here we are come on give me something we need absolutely nothing ooh prehistoric and ax we need this what a fine we should bring the dog down here look look at all these bushes I bet he find so much stuff down here that would be incredible it take a long time though oh got more wormies ooh a combat book a skill book as well which is nice because we’re only combat seven so this is going to give us some XP let’s read it I think we’ got to level eight let’s go right it’s Friday so I do actually want to get some beers in for Willie give some gifts to George as well oh yeah the sewers let’s unlock it as well there we go we’ve used the key we can now get down this is amazing so the first ever time speaking to kobus a human visitor this is unusual I’m kobus Merchant of rare and exotic goods and there we go guys we can now buy iridium sprinklers down here on certain days void egg this is the other star drop that we potentially do need to buy I might do this right now there’s some recipes as well that pick up this is where you can get the butterfly powder so if you want to remove a pet uh you no longer want a certain type and you want to replace it you can use this um to get rid of it and of course the main thing here is the return scepter uh so we can get back home instantly I’m going to get the star drop I think while I’m here get more stamina we’re trying to collect them all as well [Music] so oh yeah I forgot about that cheers grubers oh look at this another pan spot there’s the idium and some Omni geodes wores another one up here look at this gold or we’re finding some amazing things we need to upgrade this again to the gold stage let’s GA the mayonnaise and the cheese we can sell this today I kind of want a gate here as well cuz there’s no way of getting to this side so I’ll have to build one for that but there go lots of cheese now as well so tomorrow we’re going to try and get the legendary the mutant carb and then we’re going to pop up to the Quarry and gather lots of stuff up there cuz we do need some ore quite bad but for now we’re just going to sleep this one oh we got this mini fridge that I completely forgot about we can only place it down with a kitchen of course fair enough we need to upgrade the house that’s maybe something we should do and we made 12K let’s go Clint wants us to get an amethyst for Emily good morning doggos there’s your drink enjoy let’s also learn you 30 treats yeah we can do that but we’re going to need to buy some more now I’ve only got five left lady’s not even at one heart yet it’s taking a long time hey we got five sturgeon now we leave it like that they’ll start asking for uh certain items so I’ll definitely not take any fish out we’ll leave them until they request something so they can populate even further oh a duck feather nice we don’t see much of them we still want that rabbit’s foot though we still need that rabbit’s foot hey the Wine’s popped up today the melon wine that means we can now sink all this up together I think I’ll put a fresh batch of pumpkins in there and we’ll do some pumpkin juice that’s going to be some deep decent money right there and let me put one in here as well so I know when it’s ready oh got some mushrooms here as well today sadly no purple mushrooms though they’re all common and a few Chantell there in the back oh we got some different ones here as well so that’s five Chantell we can dry right I think it’s time to get the legendary let’s try and get it let’s sell some of this stuff though get some cash let’s go to the sewers first and then we’ll head up to the Quarry and then I think I’m going to go to the saloon and um give some gifts out and speak to some people of course we do have the school key now I completely forgot about that we could do our first run there maybe we’ll do that tomorrow cuz we are playing through tomorrow as well so we’ll do our first O P Spot hiding near the bridge Frozen tier Fire Quartz and seven copper ore let’s go here we go let’s do the fish I brought a dish of the sea with me just because why not it helps we had quite a few of them left over we are already Max fishing so this should not be a challenge you should be quite easy to get this fish and here it is with a chest as well but look how big our bar is no problem for Walter there we go first ever catch and we got some bait with it as well well done Walter we’re looking good on the fish there’s just a few more a lot of these are ginger Island we can actually also get the squid this season which we’ve not got yet so I’m going to go ahead and go for that but I think it’s a nighttime fish so it’s not till like 5 or 6 p.m. but one fish that we can get right now up until night time is the sea cucumber we still didn’t get the uh the eel complet forgot to get it in Fall which is annoying but Spring’s coming around soon so we should be okay and the angler as well which we did Miss in Fall completely forgot about catching this legendary and it’s one of the easiest ones as well can’t believe I forgot about that one so yeah was a bit behind on some of the fish there oh we got a cut scene with our best friend Willie ah it’s a good thing you turned up lad I’ve got a a bit of a problem I could use a hand with is this is the crab this is the crab cut scene right it’ be best if I just showed you oh no Will’s got crabs uhoh the crabs are got to loose ah as you can see and smell the old girls ran wild last night my experiment needs a little work what’s he trying to do oh no Gus is here too oh back at it again huh willly they look fresh all right I these are the finest meatiest crabs you’ll ever set your eyes on they’d be a little too feisty though I’ll take the whole lot with a discount for the extra labor of course well Gus is making crab tonight looks like we got them all goodbye me sweet ladies he so lonely Walter don’t tell Willie but I’ve been doing a special on crab cakes at the saloon for the next few days oh nice and you know what crab cakes are pretty good we’ve still got the dish of the sea active so fishing’s going to be a little easier there we go CQ com CAU first ever catch let’s go so we’ve got some time to kill up until 600 p.m. when the squid turns up so I’m just going to forage on the beach here uh pop up to the Quarry just pop me head and see how crazy it’s looking look at all this Coral though let’s bait up them crab pots I feel like I’ve not done that in a long time and we got plenty of bait so the mine cart should take us straight up to the Quarry which is nice as well here we go we’ll go straight to the Quarry yeah as I thought this is pretty crazy oh train uh let’s go to the mines get out of here let’s see it’s winter so the train could actually be one of the Christmas ones and you can actually get some good stuff no it’s they’re all closed this is not very good so all of these containers would be red if it was San’s train oh this one’s open is this wood yeah there we go some wormies over here let’s take them a lost book ooh is this coal this is open yes oh it’s quite a bit there as well nine pieces of coal anymore right we need to go ahead and try and catch the squid now see some wormies just behind these train cars but this is a massive train oh more wood more wood yes hardwood as well this is the longest train ever where me all that for a snow yam jokes and then they’re all going to the saloon which I do want to do but I just want to get this squid ASAP let’s see if we can do it pretty fast first time So eventually I want to get this to Perfection actually that brings me onto a good topic of what’s going to be happening with the series so once we finish year 1 and we get to Spring year 2 and I’ve done the CC when we’ve done all the bundles and the community center is up and running once that is done there’s no longer going to be like episodes uh individual episodes on the channel I will be continuing it but it’s going to be for live streams every Saturday we’re going to be jumping onto this save file to try and get Perfection but that’s not going to be uh just like what it is right now episodes that way it’s more consistent we can get a lot of progress done I can stream for fre four even 5 hours uh once a week and get a lot done but also me and pox will be starting our multiplayer series our season 3 so that’s going to be going up as episode so I don’t want to confuse it and it’s going to be quite difficult to maintain two series at a time so if you do like this series and you still want to see it and you want to see me perfect it eventually tune to the streams every Saturday with Walter here and yeah we’re going to continue the progress and try and get 100% uh on this safe fire we’ll do all of it we’ll go to Ginger Island in year two we’ll finish all of the collection all of the achievements you know we’ll do everything guys this was just a onee 1.6 playthrough for the 1.6 update of course we got two squid now uh so I don’t want to drag it out because it does get repetitive there’s only so much stuff we can do uh in like video video format so yeah every Saturday if you still want to see this that is what’s going to happen but that’s not going to be happening yet we still need to get through winter and we still do need to finish the CC and get it all done oh look at all these lights for Christmas oh we got a cut scene here we G this is Gus’s giant Taco once again we’re all gathered for a very special occasion a rare visit from a very dear friend my world famous giant omelette oh it’s an omelet sorry I thought it looked like a taco zesty bell pepper juicy tomato rich mushroom and tangy cheese all androed in a blanket of Rich fluffy egg dig in folks that is ginormous Willie what do you think h ah the mushrooms are a tat cheer than last year is that a good thing I lad it’s great Gus and it tastes even better because it’s on the house tight Pam these eggs are so rich and yellow money are these from your place nope you can thank Walter over at Bluebell Farm yes that’s right Walter’s chickens Bluebell eggs oh that’s amazing look at that guys our eggs got made into a giant omelet all of this um all the produce that we selling is getting put to good use right there’s willly ha something tells me you’ve been fishing in the sewers lad how did he know it’s an unconventional approach to be sure there’s a legend of gargantuan carp Twisted into monsters from the toxic sludge that’s crazy that’s new dialogue you knew that was fishing in there that’s so cool let’s get some beers in I get one for um I get one for Pam there we go Pam hey hey now this is really something and of course we’ll get one for Willie it looks great thank you Clint do you want one as well right well you know where the bar is Gus thinks I’m buying him a beer who does he think he is we aren’t on that level can we hold on can we smoke this um mutant cop cuz this would be insane oh my God you can and of course we’ll do the squid as well cuz we don’t need squid for anything else so we’ll smoke that and maybe a sea cucumber can we do that I look it looks like it I’ve got some more fish to smoke I’m going to go with this squid and then we’ve got two lava eel I’m going to put in there as well and then we’ve got two more lava eel that I’m going to use for the fish pond 53 oh my God the smoke mutant carp is like 6 and 1 12K that’s insane that is some good money right there right let’s go to bed let’s hit the sack oh my God 26k that’s insane and this is going to be the final day of this episode and it’s Caroline’s birthday and we can actually check the travel lady one more time let’s learn this cooking recipe too Plum Pudding is that the one we need no we need stuffing we’ve already done the plum pudding what’s Pier One oh no so your first year in sty Valley is almost over if you keep buying seeds from me you’ll be twice as productive next year oh this guy and I have some exciting news I’ll be selling new seed varieties in my shop next year I should have one new variety per season well that’s all I want to say have a good one you know I would even bother try my competitor seeds Pier seeds are the highest quality seeds you’ll find anywhere that’s a promise yeah sure thing right tomorrow Festival of ice that is exciting where is oh we got a mystery box and we’ve got some pickles we got some more smoked fish we got all the good stuff today oh and Winston found us one piece of stone cheers Winston mushrooms done we got the dried Chantell today 1.7k we love to see it but before we do the animals I’m going to go straight down to this um travel lady just see if she’s got anything that we need I need salmon berries oh look some more of these um powder melons yes we need these oh got three in there as well great find let’s do a loop around and get all these forage and wormies I need Holly as well we need five of those so if we can try and find some on the way that’ll be nice pant Spot Golden Omni geod these are spicy we get some good stuff in there oh we can also get the glacia fish right we’ve never caught this yeah we can get the winter legendary I might do this first things first let’s find out what you’ve got cranberry candy absolutely nothing right all the farm animals there we go taken care of got to put some feed in there too we got no Auto feeder in this one I said I wanted to go to the Quarry to clear that the school cabern I wanted to build a goop and we’ve just not done it got to do something today one of them things that I’ve said I don’t think it’s going to be School cabin we’ve not got long enough we at least go up to the Quarry and maybe clear some of that that’ be quite nice next episode we’ll get the winter legendary fish and we’ll go to the school Cavern animals all done do we have enough wood and stone for a new Coupe we could also do that today I remember in the last one yeah we gathered a lot of wood a little bit of stone we might be all right we might be able to do this I got some stuff to sell uh that those and we do have three more of these to PL here we go right Quarry but first Robin let’s buy a coue to go right here in that spot where me got two here hold on one oh a mystery box and a lost book oh my goodness yes let’s go we got the ancient doll and this time we didn’t lose it in the water this is our second one we found but the first one we did lose and we need this guys for the children’s bundle the last one I’m going to check that in there right now what a find let’s go got even more up here oh an arroweed a new one that we need also I can’t believe we just did that oh worm is in the corner look at this coal right Robin there you are let’s construct a coupe for our chickens well have to upgrade this eventually as well but it’s going to go right there back where it belongs but look lonus is checking bushes just like our dog Winston he’s trying to forage but it’s kind of hard in Winter right oh Robin oh it’s lus right are you hungry I could make you some lunch how about some leftover cave carrot stew that’s very nice of you but no thanks I’ve had great look foraging today a bless him okay just wants to do his own thing you know he don’t like relying on people Walter you look like you have something to say I’m just pleased that lus is doing well I’d like to invite lonus to live on the farm with me I would I’d love this I really want this to happen but you know he’s happy he’s doing well and he doesn’t want to come and live on the farm with us let’s try and invite him to the farm that’s really generous what a great idea I could build a real cozy house for you lonus you finally have running water heat a roof over your head just like the rest of us isn’t that wonderful less uh no thanks [Music] what I appreciate the kindness I really do but I’ve told you before I choose to live this way I like to be alone most of the time I like The Quiet Sounds moving with the rhythm of nature it’s a way of life that I’m comfortable with I don’t ever want to change that I guess I never thought about it that way Walter I cherish our friendship very much and I know you do too but you don’t need to try and help me I know best how to live live my own life okay okay lonus can you smell that it’s the sweet Aroma of ripe berries he’s happy he loves his life he’ll be I mean I would love lonus to come and be on the farm with us but you know he’s happy doing his own thing and that’s all that matters if he’s happy I’m happy right so we should try and clear some of this up let’s get some good things here before we head over to donate the ancient doll I see a diamond there as well and some coal of course the new coal Lo here on the Quarry which is amazing it makes the the Quarry a little bit more useful it’s always nice to gather a lot of coal we’re nearly level 10 mining imagine if you get that today Max mining come on I keep hearing all the pan spots up here he’s trying to take me away the game knows what he’s doing let’s take these trees down so then more Quarry things can spawn right there we go that’ll do I’ve cleared all the bottom bit out now still more at the top but that can wait oh look at this right on Q I know oh some of the new wormies right um I don’t want to lose these nice oh some more another pan spot here so much is happening gold or yeah we got six more of those powder melons which is nice oh look at the new winter butterflies glowing they’re so cute there we go go guys so we got three battery packs and we got two bundles left the rabbit’s foot and the melons or the Holly it’s one of these two that’s all we need guys we are so close I think we should do that in the next episode I can’t find any Holly anywhere though but we have got some crops growing the winter seeds in the ground so maybe we’ll get five from that if not we’ll just wait for the the melons the powder melons but let’s head back that was a busy shift did quite a lot to be honest in this episode all the progress we needed just trying to see the end of the year you know trying to see that CC built up and finished that is the main goal right now right I’ve got a little bit of stuff to sell and let’s go to sleep and that’s going to be the end of this episode guys I do also want to say as well I’m not going to be creating those long intros well not long they’re about two three minute intros but they’re very detailed they take a lot of editing and I know you guys just kind of want to see the episodes um so it’s going to be a lot faster for me to get these out for you guys without the intros so if you just want to see the game play see you know Walter progress and try and finish the year I’ll have to cut out the intros because it takes too much time plus trying to think of the idea and do all the editing it does take a long time just to make that two three minute intro and that’s why sometimes it goes a week or so without an episode so I’m just going to start cutting those out now and eventually when we stream every Saturday there’ll be no intros anyway so I know there’s a lot of you guys who enjoy the little intro that I do but we’ve done quite a lot of them I think it’s the perfect time to kind of let them go now especially because the views have dropped on this playthrough over time which is natural but I want to thank everyone who supported this series so far and still continues to please smash the like button subscribe for more and yeah stick around until we finish the end of this year and then every Saturday we’ll continue this to take it to another level but until then guys make sure you stay safe I’ll see you on the next one and also stay cozy

🐔 Welcome to new beginnings. A brand new Stardew Valley playthrough for the 1.6 update. Join me and Walter on this new adventure as we go back in time to re-live the cozy farmers life, all while exploring the new content!

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  1. I hope the livestreams will be put up as VODs. I can't wait for you and Pox's competition but I'm going to miss the livestreams, or at least most of them! That breaks my heart! Love Walter, Winston, Lady and this playthrough!!

  2. I got a bit of an idea for ya Sharky, perhaps at the end of the last vid before the Saturday livestreams start for Walter you could do a bit of a flashback for Walter. Show us some of your favorite moments from this play-through as though Walter was looking back over the last year.

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