Even for a nothing character like the Governor you guys do not disappoint one bit! The Winner for the Governor is Eat It by Weird Al Yankovic! Fantastic array of artists we have here! You can find the full Spotify playlist of suggestions here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2b09JLsC6BhqcotL8OAQHN?si=cXYv52IZQTGjYoq8jAR2uQ&pi=u-hKPCaIUKRJ6q

As always, please support the original artist for the above image by checking out Talkohlooey’s portrait mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/5269

We are now on the final row of characters! Don’t fret as we will be doing a Wave 2! Just make sure to include suggestions on who should be added to said Wave. For now, we turn our focus to Pam, the world’s best drunk bus driver apparently. She has such a divisive perception in the community that someone made a Pam Horse mod…crazy.

Pick a song you believe best represents Pam as a character, reminds you of her in some way, or one that you believe she would listen to on her own!

Now please be kind, be creative, and be having fun!

(Also if you are interested in a Wave 2, include a character you want added in!)

by PipPip-OiOi


  1. elegant-atrocities on


  2. TheChlocelot on

    Half-Decade Hangover, by Will Wood.

    The name’s pretty self-explanatory, but the lyrics also remind me of Pam. I don’t know if Will Wood would be her style of music exactly, but this is too good not to at least have in her playlist.

  3. GengarSucksBalls on

    Oh boy, another day I was looking forward to! I have do have more than one submission:

    – “This is what it makes us girls” by Lana del Rey. Pam seems like the type of gal that was absolutely reckless at a young age, which is talked about in the lyrics.

    – “Mistaken” by Tove Lo. At high hearts Penny mentions that her father abandoned her and Pam, because he felt “trapped”. I think this song represents Pam’s feelings right before her husband left.

    – [“Happy Hour”](https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/1368IhdPAF6IavJHNI2V5a) by Tara McDonald. Pam drowns her sorrows in alcohol, and she also looks like she likes to party and without giving a fuck about what people think. This song is perfect for that.

    I have a ton of songs in my library that are about alcohol, depression, partying and being reckless, but three are enough.

  4. MoistLagsna on

    Free bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd, the anthem of driving fast and under the influence

  5. lovelettersto on

    RV, by Faith no More.

    Look. She’s a slob who lives in a trailer. I didn’t do it. Take it up with ConcernedApe.

  6. heretoaskquestionsst on

    Chris Stapleton – Tennessee Whiskey

    I think she’d love that song

  7. Sub-Mongoloid on

    [Sunday Morning Coming Down](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DSPiSYVLFCM8&ved=2ahUKEwiJouPzyI2HAxWwU0EAHQVGAmUQ78AJegQITBAB&usg=AOvVaw0YGm7GfdjIILM69449WcM8) – Johnny Cash (Kris Kristofferson)

    A song for when life has beaten you at every turn but you still see something out there that promises you salvation. A country classic that makes perfect sense for the tragic history of Pam stuck in her rut and only looking forward to an endless series of beers right up until the day she dies.

  8. Tasty_Plantain5948 on

    See American Right by The Mountain goats. “Got on the bus bus have drunk again, the driver glared at me”

  9. SquirrelSanctuary on

    Middletown Dreams by Rush

    It’s the epitome of the “commoner with big dreams, but is stuck in a small town rut” archetype.

  10. AgentNewMexico on

    [Need a Favor by Jellyroll](https://youtu.be/VB6VrrXPCi0?si=7w725EWsxd29lyam). Based on one of her later heart events, I get the feeling that she is legitimately trying to kick alcoholism but doesn’t know how and, as a result, is failing. So, she turns to trying to worship Yoba as a sort of last ditch edit. Even still, she remains doubtful. And then there’s the line in the song “I’ve spent more days drunk off my [butt] than I have at church.”

  11. tigercoloured on

    Dancing with the Devil by Demi Lovato, maybe? I guess she doesn’t do drugs but the religious references remind me of the late game cutscene

  12. jmspinafore on

    I’m going to hire a wino to decorate our home-David Frizzell

    this may fit more from Penny’s perspective. It’s about a wife telling her husband to stop going out to the bar all the time and says maybe you’ll stay home if we decorated house like your favorite bar. Penny always wishes her mom would spend less time at the saloon.

    5 o’clock Somewhere by Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffett.

    I Drink Alone by George Thorogood

  13. Fluffy-Draft-3030 on

    omg these are so good. bring me to life for abby? good luck babe for haley (lmao)???? WE’RE GONNA BE FRIENDS FOR VINCENT 🥹????

    pam should definitely be bug like an angel by mitski it hurts so good

  14. SlowEar5209 on

    That tequila song that’s just like dun dun dun dun dun dun dun TEQUILA dun dun dun dun dun dun

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