1. CryztalPKMN-MC on

    All machines in the Create mod have a stress multiplier attached to them meaning what RPM they run at they’re multiply that number by their multiplier and that is the stress they’ll need to run, adding all of these values up to the stress supplier you have you will find the minimum amount of stress it’ll need to run, large water wheels each make 512 stress, so divide the amount of stress you need by the amount of stress the source makes and that is how many of that source you will need to have it run. TL;DR machine need stress, stress source can’t go over amount that it makes, overstress happens if that occurs, your specific set up needs 4096 stress units SU, you need 8 large water wheels all with water on them to have that run.

  2. Your system are overstressed, one simple solution for this is add more water wheels

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