stardew valley stream 7/3/24

hello back to stard Valley today haven’t played in a little while here so I kind of forget um what we had coming up I don’t think it was anything big though yeah Ran’s working on our house okay we got oh right we got like a a weird number of letters from Emily andine us Okie do oh yeah I have this this here and cookies why not pretty sure I have some more somewhere and in a different chest but whatever yeah there all right we have something for all these but we’ll keep this close in chest the claims forgot CLS away nowhere’s open yet anyway so can take our time here did I forget hey last time oh I did sorry fellas now that I’ve experienced all them I think my favorite season in game would have to be either Autumn or winter just like in real life let’s see here Sunfish I’m just going to really quickly look up uh where those spawn Sunfish stardy Valley in the river might as well just get started on that CU we’re waiting till 9: and then I suppose we go to the mayor’s house and I also want to give this to Harvey oh right I have bait that I never use I should probably I should probably do that should probably use that if you could please see a sunfish that oh wow look at that it actually was gold start cool another one amazing always got to trigger people’s dialogue when they walk past even if you’re not the biggest fan of theirs man I mean I’ll eat it though get some energy back all that I don’t think this the Sunfish different oh it was good hey look at that gold star Silver Star normal perfect oh and I can put him in a bundle how come you never play catch with me Alex like you you always offer it just never happens all right okay ready whip pry my prediction is that he’s going to either just not change or be wear I was about to say wearing all black I was about to say that I swear I swear okay I I was about okay whatever that’s it’s fine it’s fine [ __ ] here CL come on nice nice he loves purple wait where did he get the mustache from she has fake mustaches in there too nice I mean I’d recommend that for the winter but you know all right you know got to say not a fan of the Beret just personally C’s good CL come on I just feel like it doesn’t suit him like Brays aren’t bad but you wait I don’t get to do it no no no you’re not no you’re not no no come no come back this actually seems like a really big thing that we should talk about no I’m literally dating Harvey all right like they it’s it’s understandable that they wouldn’t be able to get together if either you date Emily or you’re single and therefore could date Emily but like come on speaking of let’s go 10 Hearts I’m amazing all right got to find Demetrius next get me my 90 gold I’m sure you could like like this guy little science stuff was yeah better not be better not be trying to better know if you’re trying to steal man Maru yeah on the one hand it is good he’s opening up to me um but on the other I wish there was she could be more proactive you know try to help him Okie do I’m assuming this goes in the riverfish bundle call me crazy know it’s just a a hunch catfish and tiger trap guess I got to fish more often I guess my only my only real goal now is just complete the bundles so how big is it oh I’m not doing that I thought it would be like a maybe like a one tile thing maybe something you could put like on a table what am I going to do with a life-size cow statue that can’t even be placed Outdoors well you know not life sizeing universe don’t know what I mean so you yeah just about a year and 3 days actually Farm’s going wonderful all right yeah might as well I’m going give the wizard this St though e oh wow three nice when did I get two hearts with JZ I guess probably the winter thing right I guess she liked the Earth crystal Earth crystal that I gave her not a Kent and the dwarf I don’t know if you can gain friendship with the dwarf whilst not being able to understand them I also don’t know if there is a I mean okay like I definitely assume that you will eventually you can like obtain some way to understand the dwarf like feel like it wouldn’t really make sense otherwise but still see here I think the fish chest is full oh well look at that perfect so everything here either doesn’t go in a bundle or I’ve already put it in one I believe wait silly me really feel like it’s silly that the that this can’t be placed Outdoors honestly do you want it oh can’t need the green red blue yellow Scrolls donated at the library then you can understand the dwarf oh so I’m 3/4 of the way there that’s good news that’s where I put him let’s see here I already got a two and three in the museum so there’s a four Somewhere Out There wait almost forgot to just take the mine cart silly me that oops oh wait oh dang it okay here’s um a little a little theory that I had um so we have to find the use for the skull key yes yes I have thanks for asking and uh this right here is the only thing we know of at the moment that requires a key nope that was worth a shot all right just what what what what do you mean by that what do I mean you always do like I guess it’s not bad necessarily but I’m I’m just like curious as what she means anyo I’m just going to fish a bunch that’s what’s happening out cuz we have H Two River fish that we have yet to obtain forgot the bait again damn it okay first thing I’ll do tomorrow when the day starts is I will put the bait in my inventory desert for skull so damn 60 items that’s just too many items man there should be less of those did I just get a [ __ ] JoJo Cola from the river take the bus he say don’t believe the is working at the moment I suppose got to come on come on come on well thank you fish that’s very accommodating very and it’s just another three small mouth basses oh bream goes in a bundle good good I was scratching my nose I didn’t expect the fish to bite so quickly I’m going to say Sunfish damn it was a Breen all right then I’ll say Bo for this one God I’m so smart it’s crazy all right I’m going to go to bed now you’re allowed to go to bed man I mean well that’s good but like it’s 10 p.m. what oh yay wow that’s jar I mean it’s good is good and it’s raining so I I don’t have to water my crops thank God ask some hand in marriage we need to give them a mermaid’s pendant H just as soon as I categorize everything oh dang it I don’t have any bre in here do I have now y’all might be assuming that this is like um another chest for like um fishing stuff but um actually it’s just for gream I’m just going to put greams there it’s just going to be uh nothing nothing but dreams any who’s okay so I should be going all the way up there buy the railroad tracks Harvey come on you have to wait till 9: it’s always best to mine the surrounding rocks when you get stood up by a boyfriend that’s what I always say I always say that okay I’m going to reload the area there we go yeah for sure hary what the [ __ ] the book seller oh no balloon rentals I just saw the stripes t i I thought maybe that’s how the book seller traveled well this is amazing love it nice oh [ __ ] well hey you know what if if he’s he’s dedicated to it you’re pretty yo this sky is bisexual everybody has a fear nice beautiful love that cut scene what is he MH looks good I’m sure I’ll get used to it soon I will say if I ever do like a second playthrough I would I would probably uh date Mary Martin uh she’s she’s cool too no I think he actually F right in all right for the geod nice I think I already donated one of those too F put all this away and what I think I’m going to do next is oh wait no no no wait far be it for me to forget the plan that we have I all right yeah I think you guys actually fit right in right there actually yep okay where’s the bait where do I put it it’s somewhere here I got to there I know it’s just me I mean that is how you make bait so maybe I sold it to Willie if that’s possible I very distinctly remember having it at some point oh wow SP yeah sure all right okie dokie back to the river so I’ll say tomorrow I’m going to go to the mines with the goal of uh getting some gold to upgrade my tools some more I should probably also upgrade the ho at at this point JS so so gold and maybe I’ll spend some time in the lower levels for some copper no all right let’s see just how much faster the bait makes the fish bik damn it all right that doesn’t count but that uses it was a newspaper did the newspaper fall for the bait is is that what I meant to understand oh all right got an active fish on our hand no no no that was probably a new type of fish probably also God damn it I’m bad at this I’ll never complete the fish bundles at this rate hey wait didn’t I have that trash contactor something about trash that was either an item I saw in the crafting menu or whatever or it was an item that I got from someone at some I forget is probably not a new type of I would venture to say no bundles for you Chad I would venture to say this isn’t a new type of fish either no bundles for the small mouth pass either oh my God it’s going fast get out of here demri should post Quest about you guys sometime that’ll be easy Green Oh I leveled up there was a 100% expecting it to just like fly straight up to the top as soon as it hit the oh Bullhead damn it I already have one Dam it I I take my hand off my mouse all right I think we’re good on that one I should shift my focus towards other bunds oh wait oh wait um [ __ ] is the Apple sapling a spring sapling I need to check tomorrow and I didn’t check the Quest for today AB oh AB Abigail that that took me a second um yeah I can bring her that tomorrow I don’t think I can unless she’s at the bar I don’t think I have any way to get to her right now see here well that’s great Harvey sorry guys that was really mean it was Wonder I I think it was wonderful too wait all right that that that confirms it her sister is haly they’re siblings right cuz cuz cuz no other because we wouldn’t have the opportunity to to give her sister Prismatic Shard otherwise if she wasn’t character in the game I have absolutely no reason to not have just looked this up at some point um but still a that was that very very risky of me CU I had no idea if I was actually to spawn item coin lucky me I wonder if it automatically spawns in your arm all right we’re going to have to save this one till the end unless we come across another one in which case we can use it oh wellow immediately no got the damn three shooter that is just that is insanely unlucky guess I just have to all right I’ll I’ll save this um unless I should come across another Sheriff star so we’re going to say that if I die either to the boss or um at any point um it’s it’s actually because of all that um and not because of my skill yep oh God damn it oh my nose is so [ __ ] itchy I can’t scratch it or else I’ll die immediately I know that’s okay there we go God damn that’s a shame can’t upgrade my bullets hey ARS that I managed to beat the boss already I have beat the boss before on stream not uh this stream um although as it turns out that is the only the uh first boss of hopefully only two cuz I did make it to the second one um didn’t beat them but yeah that is not the end of the game tragically I mean this attempt is going amazingly though you knew it but that that it wouldn’t be the that that one boss wouldn’t be the final boss a no must had a little frog in my throat there sorry about that yes right at the last second that’s very very lucky all right so I have died once so technically this attempt isn’t the best that it could have been but it is still just about my best get I think when you think the boss is the there more you feel like the dead inside that is very very true unfortunately that’s how that works you know that reminds me of when uh Reichard had a second phase in elen ring which I definitely should have anticipated but but it was still very it was still very diser easy all right made it to the second world which is my third time doing this actually butterflies are a really annoying but also really clever Edition cuz they discourage you from just standing on the edge was that easy the first ow damn it I got distracted it was not that easy the first time around no um I just uh since become the best player ever the whole world is the thing well also cuz like I was uh that’s the reason I was purposefully saving that sheriff star item cuz it makes you uh shoot really quickly and three bullets out of time so it’s like quite overpowered so you know there is a pretty big RNG element to it finally took my advice get good exactly yeah I just I I realized you were right I came to my census let’s see here nope saving up I could have used that ex that was silly of me that one was my fault I’ll take credit for that death specifically none of the other on see that one no that was just that was just a glitch hit boxes are like acting up clearly all right I’m going to I’m going to read the message in chat uh once once the round’s done I saw I saw that it happened I saw chat moved and all but I got to keep my eyes on the screen even I don’t take my own advice did you by any chance use the wer Compass no no I I would never I would never that that would be cheating that would like that would like take away from it you know it’s like what would it even matter at that point like what’s next did I use a debug mod you know fire be it for me damn it to equip Wayward compass beautiful really hoping drop some extra life just in case I’ll take the automatic oh that’s amazing as well to see these items working as ah yay thanks mushroom guy well good thing they Dro that extra life right yeah oh man com to me a little quicker okay 51 coins amazing I can buy this and oh no wait no you can’t buy multiple things can I was about to say I could also buy you know the other um anyways Trail Ends Here Cowboy I’m I’m hoping that means you’re the final boss wait I’m still going to respawn the right yeah no no no no no no no wait no no no wait a don’t tell me there’s another world don’t dude come on dude that’s [ __ ] up that’s so this is so [ __ ] up get good cycle never ends you’re more right than you even know at the moment with the oh God that’s too fast fast Oh My Bullets can travel over the graveston that’s good at least okay I’m going to I’m going to save the next um automatic thing I get all right well this one is significantly easier than the second so CU they they uh they gave us a break for the most part seems like a lot of these guys also died rich with all the money I’m getting should I save up for it I’m going to oh no oh no is it just okay say like what if it was just bats that would be a nightmare to deal this will be fun oh that was so productive I’m really hoping I get another either Sheriff star or automatic it seems like they just want to give me a bunch of three Shooters bad iose oh hey I’m back at three times I mean I haven’t died at all is what I meant to say first death in the third world okay okay oh finally my reflexes were a little faster pretty good thank you strawberry SK I appreciate that certainly the best they’re better FL all right let’s see what’s in store oh it’s empty but it seems like enemies are only coming from the left and right I neglected the bats and enemies are in fact coming from all directions oh my oh my god there should be less of y’all damn a skill isue you’re just a hater man literally no way to survive that nothing nothing I could have done there okay maybe if we’re defining skill issue as not being literally like a Tas spot then then sure I’ll conceed the point I’m getting swarmed here tragic all right now what you can oh hey I didn’t even know that okay I should put a par snip in my inventory just so I don’t forget to uh bring one to aale no what no okay you can’t move it perfect let’s see here well I don’t really ever sell fish so I I guess maybe this is a sign to start on the crab pots wow everything’s really out of whack put that there oh yeah honey that shoot what was I thinking of I should totally craft one of these Z yes I upgraded it um actually like pretty much um just a little while before you joined the stream can’t put it in a bundle which is kind of surprising unless I did I already put it in one I feel like it has it has to be a bundle a bundle item what I’m say all right anyo um let’s see here if I’m not green bean can I buy green bean seeds or how do I get a green bean um wait okay 45 wood 45 Stone and hardwood copper bottle I’m pretty sure cheese was an item in one of the bundles too oh yeah I also have to check on the um when I’m supposed to uh plant the Apple oh wait was that my pomegranate tree that I planted you can’t share you sure you can’t share with the homeless guy I I would if I could I promise you cut down my pum tree I’m so bad Okie do you can live with the chickens I would not put him through that fate I don’t know if you’ve um ever ever smelled the chicken poop but I would that that is not something I would wish on any human being to live in one of those like the the most the most that I would do is like if it had to be the chicken coop I would I would like let him stay there during like storms but to live in a chicken cop sounds nightmarish what I just lose the stone man anys I have plenty already and I should have the one copper bar right wait no I moved everything wait I don’t oh I do I have seven silly me oh wait I can upgrade the hoe especially because I don’t see myself tilling anything anytime soon all right um parsnip for Abigail that there 25 of that do I have any hardwood at the moment I might not you got chickens okay then you know then you know like I I find it to be in and suffer this oh yeah let’s not forget the hay you’ll get to live with a chicken you’ll get used to it no man wait what why are they what why are they still grumpy God like you neglect to feed them for one day and that’s just your thing now like I bake one cake it doesn’t make me a chef I deprive someone of food one time and it’s like come on all right oh it’s 45 St Sil me okay so three things to do and I should be able to knock them out quickly enough um getting used to that is impossible that’s what I’m saying man um all righty got another Quest oh [ __ ] I missed Kent’s birthday sorry Kent all right have we go we’ll go get some seaweed I’m bringing you parsnip and seaweed wait I I was I was thinking of algae in my head I hope I have sewe okay good okay now the plans are um bring Abigail the parsnip and seaweed you don’t care about his birthday I would have gotten him something all right if if I had known mocky roll never heard of it no wait meant to talk to Jody oh yeah apple sapling in the fall damn it you how exciting did you think the pro would be oh yeah that hell no I’m going to lie to her though see I cook in real life I love cooking in real life um I just haven’t delved into that part of the game yet why do you threaten the villagers at the sword with the end of each dialogue I have no idea what you’re talking about cut scene I was just going to talk to George all right let’s see what’s up Alex okay well don’t lie to him um don’t be a [ __ ] be middle of the road which is not to malign his intelligence right but like I wouldn’t go so far as to say genius I mean it’s not like I’m a genius either right it’s not it’s not a bad thing how the hell did I get a reputation as a smart person all right any who see it’s it’s actually it’s a it’s a friendly um Swinging The Sword atam you know it’s actually a gesture of like Goodwill can you read them for me that would be funny who knows if I’ll would accept that Quest or not I wonder if anyone’s right now admiring all the beautiful items that I have donated yes yes Jazz it’s a great bow oh also that that’s just cuz like I I just accidentally um right click every time which it just also happens to uh be the uh buttton for guarding okie dokie already chokey y sort of took me long enough didn’t it wait no I’m not looking for copper let’s go 90 floor 90 already can you do your favor drop a dwarf scroll 4 damn it that’s a solar essence excuse me and look at us already four fths of the way there to our goal of 25 oh and five coal that’s actually like six coal quite perfect I would actually really appreciate if you Dr the dwarf scroll for damn it that’s a copper ore are all the enemy slimes what there a huge variety of En I I agree with yall um Cheez oh damn I’m pretty low a oh okay just please not the bomb or the gold or that’s all I’m asking here preferably not the coal either but I might be asking for too much at that point solar Essence oh and the 45 Stone God damn it got to go get that now too thanks oh [ __ ] I was one gold or short actually wait I think I have one in the chest we’re good we’re good go put Essence he know how to win one gold let’s hear it wish I could meet the sound of chests opening specifically do let’s see if I can get 10 hardwood yall bet one gold if you lose it you bet two if you lose you bet three up until you win that is a very sensible philosophy I’m surprised more people don’t do that really man no no logs no logs at all nothing but this gosh darn meteorite who even cares all right I’ll go to the bar talk to everybody like usual all righty Friday hell no uh yes very I so Robin wait oh no damn it didn’t read didn’t read his dialogue it was probably something real weird judged by those first few words oh thank you yep oh dang it everyone’s leaving before I can talk to them man wake the [ __ ] up Sam wait up wait up hard event he trying to talk to Sam man why you got a sword I mean I have an idea my voice definitely didn’t crack there don’t even worry about it oh we should for sure duel sometime when the [ __ ] did I say where’s my clone again no idea what you’re talking about g yep only in self-defense I mean there are like 120 floors in there so what the [ __ ] I mean that’s kind of what my character does lurks all right I guess I’m going to have to take the Fall For This being in the graveyard for privacy is messed up yeah it is it’s a Prett pretty pretty strange oh I’m going to have to choose aren’t I can I say yes oh oh I just go momm there you are um none of these none of these apply at all more farming is the closest but that’s not really true I tend to go into the mines how was mines not an option sh you’re at the how many drinks have you had all right um oh damn I’ve been streaming for way too long yeah I did not realize that um I will give us our usual preview of the next day and then I’m going to end it there I don’t know if my mic is picking up my fan but my apologies or oh Driftwood thanks buddy Okie do let’s uh see what all is in store not really expecting anything big bars of course uh what are these again oh yeah garlic forgot I garlic and parsnips and more garlic pier in French means Rock oh nice I got the item recovered and apricot that’s easy and the gold is smelted so that’s what all is going to happen next stream goodbye

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