Mikey POOR Temple vs JJ RICH Temple Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

Mikey I can’t believe we got these beautiful temples I can’t understand your enthusiasm JJ because you have a rich Temple and I have a poor one but that doesn’t mean we can’t compete the rules are the following each of us has hidden an artifact in a temple the winner is the one who can steal it and save his own artifact H that sounds like fun let’s get started all right Mikey But I’m warning you I’m not going to lose to you I’ve prepared myself so you’re going to love my surprises don’t make me laugh even if you’re planning something you can’t beat me all right now I’m going to prove to you that I can easily beat you where was that lever H there’s no leverage here great there it is that lever calls for a tornado I can’t wait to see Mikey’s reaction and the sand tornado was even bigger than I thought it’s coming our way where did the sand tornado come from from did you activate it like you did why is this sand tornado so huge I got sand in my eyes that’s not all I can control these tornadoes look what’s about to happen to your house how fun to watch you react you should see your face right now it’s not funny JJ I’m going to get back at you you think I haven’t prepared a weapon against you better give up now you’re not going to beat me JJ don’t make me laugh and what will you do my staff is much stronger so my magic is cooler look at your temple it is covered with sand I wish I could call a stronger tornado it would have blown your temple well let’s see who’s stronger H so I’ll start with the skeletons I’ll bring them back to life and make them fight JJ now he’ll have no doubt I’m good at Magic resurrecting skeletons is not as easy as it seems I need a lot of strength and focus on the gold I think one skeleton won’t be enough there’s four coffins I think four skeletons will be enough to beat JJ now we just have to wait for the skeleton to come back to life we are resurrected to serve you Mikey tell us what to do we will do whatever you say listen to the skeleton attack JJ make him regret that he decided to compete with us all right we get it if that’s your only order we’ll execute it we’ll attack JJ we’ve got a weapon we are strengthened by Magic so we simply cannot be defeated huh how I fight for skeletons Mikey seems you haven’t thought of one thing skeletons burn in the Sun and you almost beat me I was beginning to think that I had come to the end would you now see your surprise face that’s not all I have another weapon against you so you will definitely lose back away from the skeletons do you think that I don’t know that you can revive them I can still beat you if not now then a little later I will defin it’s time to activate the second lever this lever calls the Scorpion Army now we just have to wait for the Scorpion Army to emerge H where is Mikey and he is sitting in his house well there are scorpions listen to the Scorpions you have to attack Mikey you can definitely beat him how many of you how I hate spiders and insects they are so disgusting come on I wish I had fiery magic so Mikey what a gift to use magic I need to focus but how am I going to do it when I’m being chased by an army of scorpions do you think you’re safe in a temple do you know that these are unusual scorpions they can break blocks so they’re going to crawl into your house don’t lie if they knew how to break the blocks they would have already infiltrated the house now I’m using magic and I will drive out all the Scorpions thanks to the Scorpions I know you have things to do I have to deactivate the second lever because these scorpions I summoned with magic and when they are summoned I am wasting a lot of energy so far Mikey is restoring his Temple while there’s time he’s removing moving the sand what how come he’s got the golden blocks did you steal my gold blocks yeah and you’re just noticing that now because of my magic I can become very fast and quiet huh how could I not notice it he ruined my temple I can’t believe I didn’t notice Mikey sneaking up on my temple and stealing my we need to urgently remove this Stone from the sea Temple I’m going to get my gold blocks from Mikey H Mikey replac my gold blocks with this Rock when he did and I went in to deactivate the lever for a second great I’ve removed the blocks of stone H apparently Mikey isn’t a greenhorn he can really speed himself up with magic Gold Blocks back I have to sneak up to Mikey’s Temple and get my golden blocks great now I have to go home H I’ll take a couple of blocks of dirt I have an idea how I can attack Mikey I imagine Mikey would be surpris urised to see the golden blocks gone honestly it’s a little weird that I don’t see Mikey maybe he’s up to something okay now I got to get my golden blocks back I have a really bad feeling about this so now you need to use the dirt blocks that I picked up I will smear myself with dirt and then I will not be seen great that’s an incredible camouflage suit Mikey’s not going to notice me because of that Temple is made of Earth I can go inside and know no one will notice me just need to speak quietly though I can’t see but Mikey can hear me great so far everything is going as I planned I prepared a resource for an attack what I want to remove Mikey it’ll be very funny ouch what is it I was hit by someone but I can’t see anyone maybe I thought H I can’t believe he didn’t notice me this camouflage suit is just incredible I’m going to hit him again someone hit me again and again who’s here show yourself maybe it’s spiders and I just don’t see them because they’re small H well I’m all set to go watch JJ’s Temple I wonder what he’s doing I’m sure he’s up to something he said he’s prepared the resources for it where Mikey’s TNT came from I’m going to take it to myself is that emeralds I need them I can buy myself something uh-oh somehow I couldn’t find JJ maybe he’s hiding now and waiting for me to make my move well then I’ll wait I still have TNT I can blow up his Temple at any moment so I didn’t understand but where are my resources they were here I definitely put them in this chest but where are they ouch did someone steal my TNT but someone I have to get out of here Mikey noticed that his resources are gone but he does not yet know that I did it I have to get out of here if I stay here then Mikey can spot me I’m looking TNT Mikey won’t expect it I’m constantly being hit by someone maybe it’s a ghost I don’t understand where my TNT went maybe I put it in another chest what’s that that’s TNT that was an explosion H what is it there’s a long hole here and a chest at the bottom so Mikey had a hidden chest of resources all along you have to jump down great I managed to land and didn’t break my leg H wow how did Mikey get so many resources it’s full of diamonds and gold and iron is that an artifact I found Mikey’s artifact I won it was the easiest Victory ever you think I didn’t know you broke into my house that was my plan you fell into my trap while you sit at the bottom of the pit I will search your temple and find the artifact H how could I have fallen into such an obvious trap I have to choose from here it is good that I have a drill I pull out my own passage I have to hurry I can’t let Mikey beat me where’s the water coming from I have to keep digging and if I stop now and don’t get up there Mikey’s going to find my artifact and then I’m going to lose well I almost got out just a little bit in fact it’s uncomfortable to swim with a heavy drill in your hand well I got out if I’m being honest I was starting to think I was going to choke to death underwater I think the camouflage suit is coming off me H great I ran to my temple like it’s not here H is that a sign it wasn’t there a few minutes ago what does it say h the sign says I went fishing can’t be maybe he really went fishing there’s a small Lake just around the corner h no I’m one 100% sure it’s a trap but I’m going to fall for it and Mikey’s going to trick me h H but where is Mikey that’s whose Footprints I think it’s Mikey’s I just need to follow them and then I can find him maybe Mikey really went fishing although it’s unlikely I know him very well I think he’s just planning something H it’s strange why the footprints lead to my temple it can’t be he couldn’t get into my temple the tracks are being tampered with here apparently Mikey really got into my temple how could this happen hm there’s a hole in the field so when I got out of Mikey’s pit did I get into my treasury I have to leave him I can’t let him win you finally came I stole your artifact I can’t choose there are spikes everywhere I’ll still get out of here I can’t lose I’m so close to winning this is what parkour test is excellent I jump very well see if you can catch me stand up Mikey give me the artifact you still can’t run far this parkour test is very difficult ult even for me to pass it if you give up now I’ll spare you and stand Mikey I still beat you don’t forget I have your artifact have you forgotten that you’re holding a fake artifact I know these are real artifacts when you said this artifact is fake I checked it out right away so I know that the artifact that I found at your temple is real when I catch you I will win to win you need two artifacts you can’t can’t pass this test it’s parkour on TNT one mistake and you’ll explode stop it Mikey you know you can’t run forever sooner or later I’ll catch up with you I’ll show you you know you can’t catch me I’m weaker than you but I’m stronger than you and don’t forget that I can speed myself up with magic so you still can’t beat me all right this is the way out it seems like you still can’t catch me I feel sorry for you JJ but you can never win fine it’s a dead end now you can’t escape all this time you’ve been walking yourself into a trap give me the artifact that you stole from me and then you can get out of here what do you say what do I think a good deal apparently you still think you have a chance against me give me the artifact you stole from me it belongs to me look at the walls you can’t run if you want to okay take your artifact did you promise me that if I gave you your artifact that you’d let me go or did you lie Mikey still ran away but it doesn’t matter anyway I won it was not an easy Victory but I did it it was still a lot of fun when I get out I’ll show Mikey that I have all two artifacts and I won great I have to go to my temple I can’t wait to see his surprise face here you are Mikey and I was wondering where you went look I have two artifacts I won and you lost do you have something to say I beat you it was easy you lost again what do you really think I’ve lost look what I have in my hands huh you got that right your artifact is fake I told you from the start that the artifact you found at my house was a fake uh-oh you should have seen your face right now in other words you won you needed another artifact to win H what are you doing you’re building a fence so I don’t break into your territory all right I’ll do the same I need to figure out how to steal the artifact from Mikey so we’re back to the beginning you have your artifact and I have mine I needed to check the artifact from the start when I found it well I just didn’t think Mikey would think of something to replace the artifact well it’s nothing I can get the artifact a second time just need to come up with a plan of action H Mikey’s not doing anything suspicious yet I wanted to follow him to see what he’s doing but in the meantime he’s really building the fence hm have to hurry and get the artifact as soon as possible I’m going to run out of and I can’t use magic I have to patch up all the passages in my temple I don’t want Mikey to be able to sneak into my treasury a second time H in fact I have two spells left and I know I’ll conjure although it’s dangerous I have no choice I practically sealed all the passages to the temple well now Mikey definitely cannot get into my temple unnoticed now I have to go to the temple H I have to close the hole in the ceiling well I’ve recovered a little so I can use magic there are no more openings H great I finished I fortified my temple I need to use magic that will give me a 100% Victory H I have just something suitable I didn’t think I’d ever use it I’m going to resurrect The Mummy she’s very old and dangerous with her help I can easy eily defeat Mikey why is she not resurrected I use the same Spells at last it began to come to life she began to slowly recover listen Mommy I resurrected you I have one order for you you must take the artifact from Mikey if that’s your order I’ll help you you resurrected me so you owe me I can beat Mikey in 1 minute well I could really use the help of Someone Like You So if you can beat Mikey i’ appreciate it he lives over there get on with it compared to me JJ you can’t even do magic I call lightning and thunder I’ll show you what a powerful wizard is all over the world I need to prepare a little I haven’t practiced magic in a long time well fly I’m the great Pharaoh of the past and now you will know my anger thunderstorm and lightning is just the beginning give up Mikey huh it looks just incredible I wonder what’s going on there all sounds abruptly disappeared I can’t believe this mummy can use such powerful magic it’s just incredible I can imagine how surprised Mikey is now there’s the mummy flying here could she have taken the artifact so quickly you were incredible you took the artifact in just a few seconds you really are the most powerful wizard in the world you asked for this artifact so you can have it now I’m glad I could help you but I have a lot to do I have granted one of your wishes huh what was it some mummy got pregnant in my temple I first thought it would just change into a mummy costume and scare me and then this mummy started shooting lightning at me it was just something I thought I couldn’t survive but he took my artifact and flew away how do I know you summoned him okay you beat JJ you did good listen Mikey I have an idea maybe we can go get some ice cream what do you say I think you and I deserve some ice cream yep

Mikey POOR Temple vs JJ RICH Temple Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

Escape the Empire – Ep2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMnTZ7-E3zk


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