1. Lazy_To_Name on

    > Has anyone actually found a blue axolotl spawn naturally before

    It straight up *cannot* spawn naturally, I’m pretty sure…

  2. Right_Gas2569 on

    Blue axolotls can’t spawn naturally, at least they can’t anymore. They used to spawn naturally only in 1.17, when 1.17.1 was released that was changed. Now you can only get them by breeding them with buckets of tropical fish which is a massive pain because it’s not stackable and you have to constantly go and fill up the buckets with tropical fish.

  3. For a very brief time they spawned naturally or could come from a spawn egg, but that was canned the very next update.

  4. rosariobono on

    Axolotls are impossible to keep alive just like dolphins. They need air, but if you unload them when they are underwater they drown

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