Drove myself crazy trying to figure out where the last walnut is. Turns out it’s a glitch, and my year 8 farm will technically never get perfection 😩😭

by undercovercatman


  1. Don’t worry, in 1.6, >!you can pay a golden parrot to find the remaining walnuts, including glitched ones i think.!<

  2. BUBBLEGUM8466 on

    /recountnuts – idk if you can pull up the chat box on whatever you’re playing on but if you can, type that and it will fix the bug

  3. inconspicuous_male on

    Some of the walnuts don’t have a hint from the parrot. For me, the last one was from the pirate darts game. There was one more than I had already won

  4. The north you say? Did you get the slingshot one?

    Because there’s a hidden in the north clue and a buried in the north clue, and I don’t think either of them refer to the volcano, although I’m not sure, and the wiki doesn’t say which walnut goes to which clue… (I use the other sdv wiki—the one with all the ads, must be the unofficial one?—for the walnuts because it has a really clear walkthrough instructions on how to find every nut; might be worth looking into on your next check).

  5. Double check all the digging spots on the beach of island west. On multiple save files for me, the parrot didn’t talk, and /recount did nothing. I just missed 2 spots that I guess the parrot didn’t know about. I also main the switch (:

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