I've been trying to get sanguine staff for my run and is this pond too small or do I just have bad luck (I have the demonite fishing rod, enchanted nightcrawlers and fishing+sonar potions) I fished for a whole blood moon and couldn't get even one to spawn, buy saw every other enemy, am I just unlucky? (Sorry if photo is blurry)

by soughtbeetle


  1. 300+ tiles of liquid is best, but that looks big enough to be usable.

    Probably just bad luck.

  2. Cute_Agency814 on

    If you can fish it you can get dreadnautilus as far as I know, but bigger is better

  3. Godklngzeus on

    I guarantee you can send a screenshot to your phone on whatever console or PC you play on bro it’s a useful feature use it 😭🙏

  4. ComplaintPlus3173 on

    its a 1/6 chance for enemies to spawn from blood moon fishing. You should use the chum caster for a 1/3 chance. Dreadnautilis is a 1/10 chance to spawn. Fishing power doesnt matter. You might just be unlucky since terraria seems to give you everything but the one thing you want. Ive went like 4 bloodmoons without dreadnautilis before

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