What to do……. (Stardew Valley Livestream / Playthrough 20)

what is up we are back to playing some stardew today and my camera is [ __ ] up again really God I need a new camera there we go you know what with so many h holy [ __ ] that’s an expensive [ __ ] camera I’m I’m really just trying to find like a new like a DS or DSLR camera that I can start using and then eventually upgrade so it only does 1920 by it does it does full 4K but I don’t need 4K h doesn’t have any reviews great not tested yeah not buy God that’s still so expensive okay Sony a57 still so [ __ ] expensive Nikon okay I guess I’m not getting a new webcam as far as a DSLR stre how much is the Elgato one how much is this one it’s 150 it’s 110 if I go with the original yeah it’s just gotten more expensive apparently h C920 that’s not bad yeah so this nexigo that I have it’s a 1080p camera but it’s only 30 frames and the software is just [ __ ] terrible can’t stand it so if I can get another camera under 100 bucks I am full like I am all for it side mic FR like I don’t need the mics I just need the camera quality itself is there any reviews of using it so the webcam doesn’t look too bad looks about the same as what mine does just not at 60 frames what’s the review or what’s the star rating on it 4.3 not bad yeah I would definitely look into getting that maybe webcam we cam I want 60 frames and then it has to be 1080p so next to go does have another one software control USB camera built-in noise I don’t need that it’s got a wide angle oh see that’s what I don’t want I don’t want a wide angle so here’s a $60 one it’s got a shutter so it’s 1080p so the n660 P Gen 2 that’s the one I have autofocus webcam but is it 1080p60 no 30 frames I don’t know I’ll look into it later I’m sorry I apologize in advance for that I know some people are going to be like why the hell is he playing a game I’m sorry so let’s get start up and let’s do this all right while that’s all launching and everything I’m going to go ahead and grab my drink real quick sorry about that I peaked in on my brother real quick just to make sure he wasn’t doing anything stupid but we’re back as farmer Chad bro farmer Chad in my toga the other thing I need that would be really good would be a new gaming chair all right we got all this coal 13 pieces so the other thing I thought about doing and we might do it just because then I can move the furnaces to the basement but that means it’s a whole another screen um but oh well we could add other rooms actually damn she already want more children Lonnie’s awake yeah look at my kid yeah I have a child and I’m throwing him around I’m just going to keep throwing him this is the stream now guys where’s my child yeah he’s got a heart already if I just keep throwing him does that like no okay whatever we got things to do why are you in my way babe all right so we’re going to go up to Robins at some point O more strawberries sweet um yeah do that um yeah we’re going to go up to robins and see if we can’t uh get a expansion for the house that’s all of them we got all these guys still growing okay I don’t know if we’ll get another one after that I have 80 now Jesus all right all those are done now animal time hello chimpin bunny oink okay we got some fur some wool if you will can’t put that in a mayonnaise machine all righty and then let’s go over to the cows you got the goat MooMoo so I do have it to where the cows can get pregnant so we’ll see if that ever happens but I think you have to have the last barn but that’s what this is so I’m kind of surprised it hasn’t happened yet I don’t know when’s When’s Cal mating season I don’t know uh let’s go check in here okay those are still going cool those mahogany trees are growing hey the Corn’s done and so right now no do not eat the corn do not eat the corn uh we’re just growing this little bit of corn so that way we have some like food in the fridge and then we can use it to like make ingredients and whatnot so but this now marks where we can go and see Robin and see if we can’t get the house fix mied up a little bit more get some more rooms and whatnot so yeah the only thing like big left that we can do for the house is going to be um the basement so a Sellar basically should here yeah she’s here upgrade house no make house renovations here we go a southern room so south of our bedroom at a cubby at an attic expand The Corner Room for 100,000 well I technically have two Corner rooms don’t I Northeast okay so it’s that side so adds a large room to the left of the kitchen adds an attic what can we throw in the attic though you know what [ __ ] it you only live once holy [ __ ] okay we’re moving everything over there then that thing’s [ __ ] huge I didn’t think it was going to be that big I just thought it was going to be like a double extension basically you know you just extend it you know times itself that thing’s [ __ ] huge so we’re going to move all of the like mining stuff and everything over to that side of the house I have no idea what the hell I’m going to put in that little small Corner area but maybe I’ll put the TV there now and get it out of the baby’s room so take all this cuz that’s going to be like right outside the bedroom now oh yeah there’s stuff in there hi Baby W holy [ __ ] all right get all this stuff we’re going to organize this okay so God that’s [ __ ] huge oops no God damn it yeah that’s fine and then the charcoal kills sure all right and then we need to take everything out of our inventory real quick and then grab everything out of this stupid chest and then go grab my axe because I forgot I kind of need that pickaxe I meant to grab the chest and move it you know what yeah just put it here black T and then I’ll probably make another chest and put it over here and then we’ll do the recyclers that’d be sick okay and grab all my [ __ ] back got reorganize it there we go and then we’ll put the recyclers over here cool I like it looks great all right so yeah I have no idea what I’m going to put in that other freaking room now that means we got to get monies how you say I have no idea got to figure that out so new Season’s on the horizon and that means with a new season new crops God [ __ ] loud as [ __ ] yeah I got the cheese I got the cheese cheese still not what I want yeah I think summertime is when we can get hops that’s what I’m waiting on basically is to get hops so I could start my whole beer pale ALS operation oh yeah let’s go see if anybody moved into the new house yet I don’t think they did but you never know raccoon hello Mr raccoon raccoon hungry need fish he wants five Periwinkles and a smoked largemouth bass okay well are I traps still down here yeah they are well I’ll try and get something for you buddy and then a smoked God smoked large mouth huh I don’t even think I have a large mouth home come on give me a large mouth that’s a bream which means it’s nighttime I don’t know why in the hell I’m not catching higher grade fish there we go [ __ ] purple chub finally I’m just’s going to fish for a bit get some money can’t you see I’m fishing here Leo oops [ __ ] oh three Frozen geod all right let’s head home so I was thinking what if I got if I made more um egg machine or mayonnaise makers and um uh cheese machines because if I made more I could just let that stuff kind of build up and sure it’s like I mean most cases that doesn’t matter that much but at the same time like that way I could just kind of build it up and then you know put it put it all in when I need it I don’t know it kind of seems interesting all righty let’s go inside because with the if you get the like Auto ier or whatever the [ __ ] they call it I don’t know the automatic thingy then you can just uh like the eggs won’t just stay in the same place they’ll go into that and then you can just collect it that way but and all that means is I just have to check on the animals every so off or every day and then when I have enough to put in all the machines I can do that but that means we’ll have high dollar day but not as much like passive income I guess I got to go sell the fish and all right time for a bed nice 16,000 so how much have we made we’ve made over $700,000 I have to go to town today don’t work too hard need something good for lunch yay baby hello baby I love that the baby just jumps out of its crib still only has one heart dang it weather report beautiful sunny day tomorrow fortune teller happy with you okay well we need to go see Clint get these geod broke open um are these done yet oh the par Snips are done though so are these so you can reload this I want to see if I can make more of those 50 wood Stone and coal [ __ ] okay hold on also the wandering Merchants uh here wow that’s actually really fast okay that should be enough to get a few more and now I’m out of coal now I only have three wood to my name God damn it need to get more wood but we got four more preserves jars so five 10 15 18 so we now have 18 of those so I need 18 strawberries perfect I really hope we get one more batch of that cuz that would just set it for a while sweet those will be done in a couple of days and now it’s time for the paret party be a nice day for dollars sh so many [ __ ] parsnips it’s kind of ridiculous and that’s it that’s all we can grow we can’t grow anything enough or fast enough to make more money this season so don’t and oh yeah that’s like 10 grand on its own all right manimals we are going to have to get more wood though perfect all right wandering Merchant or traveling Merchant I don’t know what the [ __ ] he’s called Don’t Judge Me don’t judge me don’t judge me hi buddy nothing I want that’s fine you know what we should do we should go to Pierre’s and see what seeds we want to keep for the greenhouse uh supply shop oh animal catalog that’s cool yeah sure let’s grab that we kind of need that autog Grabber yes that’s what I want cool all right thank God they put that in the game Tada so no more Eggies on the floor okay um let’s go check the fruit back cave real quick come on nope nothing I want well let’s go to Pierre’s and see if there’s anything that we can throw in the um Greenhouse for right now oo there’s a mission 15 iron ores nah not worth it I do need to get more coal though R shoots car snip seeds Bean starters cauliflowers potato seeds let’s get 32 yeah so that’s enough to do four plots of something um and we’ll throw those in the we’re going to throw these in the greenhouse it’d be cool if you could upgrade it I don’t know if you can I don’t think you can I don’t know let’s look actually cuz I don’t as at least as far as I’m aware you’re not able to so I could be wrong but yeah it doesn’t look like it can be upgraded at all which kind of sucks was kind of hoping you could but so do I have extra sprinklers yes sa have three sweet and then I mean obviously I have all these but those are going to get used again so I’ve got this guy here you know what [ __ ] it let’s just use that for now TDA so this means we’re going to have some seeds left over but that’s fine yeah so we have a eight we have eight seeds so let’s just throw that uh right here there we go sure sweet cool so that’s doing something now uh we need wood to get more wood so I’m [ __ ] eating plants or something for I’m just making my own kind of like Tree Farm in this area excuse me yeah I’m trying my best not to hit the saplings unfortunately but sometimes you just got to do what you got to do sweet we call that good good evening my day was fine thanks how was yours it was nice it was okay nothing crazy forgot we have rain totems he’s sleeping I need to get some torches up here thankfully I have a [ __ ] ton okay I don’t know what that is but um yeah where my torches at nope torches can you put battery packs in a crystarium there we go somewhat lit up all right cool call it a day yeah nice 16 Grand again all righty 27th Lonnie what up buddy woo yeah look at how high he goes God that kid’s going to be sick it still only has one star that kind of sucks a she’s just sitting in the garden mess you more peaceful with my old spot in town I’m very happy here good I’d hope so cuz you’re my wife you’re my wife wow truffles another one over here so many Tres all righty oh yeah we didn’t get the Animal product up we’ll just leave those in there same with those just leave those in there grab the product that we already have so I’m going to get more of those grab these how much what does it take to make those [ __ ] it takes hardwood that kind of sucks wood Stone okay what about the man machines so those I can do easily it’s just the cheese machines that take [ __ ] so much material how much hardwood do I have I don’t even know let’s go to see how much hardwood I have woo seven yeah we’re going to need more than that we’re also going to need more copper well [ __ ] all right well these won’t take that long now we’ll go down to the forest and grab more hardwood what is the earth what does that me copper copper so they both just need copper so thankfully I made a [ __ ] ton uh hardwood so yeah we’re going to need 10 hardwood per machine Jesus Christ we might have enough to make two actually yeah we may have enough to make two for Lucky three oh yeah I never check my traps perwinkle rest is all trash really all right I didn’t know you could catch fish in here what looks like the only thing I’m really catching is Smallmouth and trash so don’t have stuff to recycle though and ton of fish to sell damn okay let’s go to the forest wow we actually might have enough to make three cuz there’s two more stumps down here nope never mind two it is damn need another Earth crystal hell maybe I’ll get one out of a geod though so we’ll have to do that tomorrow see if we can’t do that put all this stuff back uh that that that and that and we can sell all the fish but we’re going to go put these in The Farmhouse real quick perfect yeah so I have six eggs right there so if I get one more of those then I can actually do 12 at one time uh throw these in here then Sol the fish cool all right that was a good day got some good stuff done okay not a slouchy day though which is nice last day of spring is the baby awake oh baby’s awake baby come on go really high yeah come on really high come on come on really high come on wo yeah there you go Lonnie still at one heart damn it all right grab our bait check on the kitty give me some water uh throw this in the cellin okay those are still going let’s go check on the greenhouse okay everything seems fine um check on the animals real quick uh we can do the milk and then uh it’s Sunday so we can go see the wandering Trader and then we’ll go see Clint I swear I swear this time we’ll go see Clint oh yeah we need to check our fishing traps too let’s do that first then go see the trader then go see Clint what do we got more trash but we got another par Winkle and some snails we got four snails Jesus uh we’ll have to go to the beach and see if we can’t find any more Periwinkles he doesn’t have anything that I need God damn it all right let’s go get the hardwood and then go see Clint real quick hogy seed nice all righty apparently there was a slime in there somewhere um all right clints get these geodes broke open see what I can get I’m hoping for an Earth crystal at least I mean if I get something better that I mean that’s fine but like we’ve been holding on to these for a while should also stop by the Quarry see how it looks cuz it’ll change after today process GE normal geog first just some rocks cool Okay frozen geod I have no idea what that is FL fuor flop I don’t know Flor appetite cool nice really well I didn’t get an Earth crystal that kind of sucks but so everything else can get sold okay uh let’s stop by the Cory real quick okay it’s not looking half bad get some of this coal and then like the big gems and ores but I’ll leave the other rocks cool oh there’s a c geod grab this iron that’s here no not the tree you dumbass grab the Ruby all right cool no oh hold on I see the iron over there I forgot about it cool we got another 13 uh coal I’m down with that no not Town wow oh how’s my combat it’s almost there sweet well let’s go see Clint again real quick he got two boxes we got two boxes for him to break open so we should do it while he’s still open and I remember cross geod hey Mountain to them another one sweet I’ll take that I’m fine with that all right bu so let’s head home cool all righty and then um totems yeah I didn’t go outside that’s fine woo unlucky today okay well oops how do I make lucky lunch C cucumber tortilla and blue Jazz okay well let’s check on this real quick okay still not done all right well we basically just got to wait on um the recycling stuff to get done to get the rest of my inventory kind of sorted out sweet more refined quartz always good always good so we got six of that can’t believe we’re out of Earth crystals that’s like one of the few things that I’m like oh yeah I should probably save these but then like never really do unfortunately but it happens um okay let’s go check out the fruit back cave real quick just take all this dude I just need that last Apple for the bundle for Marney and then we’re good with that bundle and then we also need a rabbit’s foot all right let’s go do the animal products real quick why are you sleeping on my crops yeah it sucks we didn’t get another pull of the strawberries though really does suck all right so I’m going to leave the duck eggs wait a minute oh sardine frenzy at the beach [ __ ] how do we make a beach totem hardwood coral and fiber do I have a coral I don’t think I have a coral Maybe I have a coral I have a coral [ __ ] but I need 10 hardwood don’t I I have 10 hardwood [ __ ] I have no fiber ah it’s fine I’m not worried about it it’s just sardines hell we’ll go to the beach anyway it’s going to be faster going down this way I believe hi Shane chicken toucher what I didn’t see nothing see how many sardines I can get if I get there in time I hear them oh they’re over there okay I got to go to the beach beach part a it’s over already that’s fine I don’t really need that yeah Coral I got more Coral summer squash seeds yeah it’s currently spring and I got summer squash seeds surprisingly all right well let’s just head home I really wish there was a mine cart to the beach kind of sucks there isn’t okay um another diamond God I have so many [ __ ] seeds it’s actually kind of ridiculous Lonnie sleeping yeah he sleeping all right three grand that’s a slouch day but we didn’t grab any of the Animal product to sell I kind of forgot Lonnie what up buddy woo all right weather report beautiful sunny day tomorrow fortune teller annoyed today cool y all right it’s time to start a new not the mailbox that’s stupid yay one of the trees finally grew for pinear about damn time I’m so happy about that you out of the way I have to cut down these trees at some point all righty cool then that’s stuff we can sell and then I’ll just wait a day for the milk okay so we’ll sell all those clean up the farm a bit sweet train everything else can wait train train I really hope there’s coal on it that would be so awesome train [ __ ] they’re just going to waste my time huh really nothing well that [ __ ] sucks that really makes me mad it’s like there’s a train coming it’s like oh cool we might get some materials from it no not at all all right um clean up the farm a little bit so I’m going to make this whatever like the um the longest crop is going to be I need to get this or hoe upgraded like absolutely have to at this point all right let’s go get seeds we need seeds I’m really hoping they have hops I’m hoping for it flounder for a burrito yeah no thanks Pi melons oh yeah Peppers radishes hops yes so corn takes the longest but it keeps producing so but melons they like I don’t know blueberries ooh blueberries would be nice okay so what I’m thinking is that we split the other one once I get it ready um cuz corn we really don’t need we’re going to do corn anyway so you know what I will grab like another 20 some seeds do 25 that’s fine uh red cabbage seeds so we need hops for sure uh I’m just going to grab like a 100 uh wheat we already have we don’t really need it isn’t there maybe that’s fall melon seeds so oh God trying to remember the math for some of this [ __ ] so let’s do God I’m trying to think of how to do this yeah sure let’s grab a giant thing of blueberry seeds I don’t know why I bought that many just do 50 pepper seeds yes another 50 of those radishes those are six days got a ton of corn already melon seeds we really do should we really should do they’re really high dollar I’ll find a use for them somewhere let’s just do 50 of those actually 64 all right we got a [ __ ] ton of seeds more than I thought I was going to buy but we have to get the farm like going like it’s got to be autonomous at this point so once we get it going remind me to upgrade the hoe because we have to we need to it is a must at this point because of how much we’re having to use it uh okay so 5 by3 that’s 15 so 15 * 8 hey Google 15 time 8 120 H so 8 16 32 so we could do the melons here so and that’s 3 * 3 so that’s N9 so 9 * 8 is 72 yeah so let’s just do the melons here oh [ __ ] did I math wrong 8 16 32 what oh I did math wrong oh [ __ ] he’s closed that’s fine we’ll keep 16 then um and then we will do so if I do the Hops and the middle like through here and through here and through here actually you know what I’m just going to do a row of hops here row of hops here and then we’ll do the same thing here so as long as we skip them and that’ll be a decent amount of them and then just plant something else here so that way I can walk through on this side and the other side and we’re still doing the plan for the greenhouse uh I can also do this since I’m not going to do anything on the inside it’ll be fully enclosed and they’ll still all get watered so and then one here it’s actually exactly 20 perfect so then to water them okay now those are all watered I think these are all watered so then for okay so one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 hey Google 12 time 8 96 plus whatever this is so that’s 24 hey Google 96 plus 24 so I could put more melons there or I don’t know I’ll think on it it’s already getting late so those are growing okay so what if we did the peppers here so we need to go get more Peppers so we’ll do the peppers here for okay so we got that so Pierre should be open by the time we get there um we’ll do another thing of melons as well so they’ll just be a day late which is fine I’m entirely okay with that um so because it’s just going to be added income um so we’ve got 16 so 8 16 24 so we need eight more so eight more melon seeds um [ __ ] so eight more melon seeds and we need more pepper seeds [ __ ] so 96 minus 50 that’s 46 so we need 46 of those and then God I got to clean this up so four one two three four five six seven 7 * 4 that is 28 so 20 Google 28 * 8 224 okay hey Google 224 divid 2 so 112 no don’t water it damn it so what I’m thinking is that we do another we we pick we do tomatoes as well I’m I’m thinking um or we could just do corn cuz then corn will actually grow into the next season um okay so we need 46 Peppers so we got those we need eight more melon seeds um so then we need a ton more blueberry seeds yep and then those take 13 days ah [ __ ] it why not so we’ll do tomato seeds Jesus crme miny there better be a great payoff for this at this scale like there has to be a good payoff hey my apple tree is fully grown I didn’t even realize it I’m just going to grab this because it just goes right to the fishing pool anyway so okay finish up these perfect okay e well I’ve got that outlined there’s just so much to do on this freaking Farm now hence why I could never be like a real farmer well I mean nowadays we have like tractors and whatnot that do this seating but it still takes a lot of energy in general so I admire Farmers quite a bit in this day and age because even though technology has gotten better and yes like they don’t have to do as much it’s still not easy managing it there’s a ton of math you have to do to know the costs of what you’re doing uh you have to know the time you have to have people still inspect the fields you know to be able to figure out if everything’s going as planned like there’s a ton of work that goes into being a farmer so it it’s definitely one of those jobs that is not to be taken lightly e okay so we’ll do blueberries on the right and then tomatoes on the left for all righty and then the tomatoes that there we go I missed one somewhere probably this corner nope where did I miss one right there perfect I got to water at all this shit’s going to take forever God there’s so much to water out of water I need to replenish oh bug refill again but we’re almost done which is the nice thing and then this will all be automized by the time we’re done so we won’t have to ever worried about it again I know what getting late I’m almost done I have nothing I can eat on me oh God damn it wait I do have something I can eat God damn it I’m stupid got to hurry though I didn’t do the animals again today which kind of sucks but can’t really do much about it the farm the farm is what makes me more money so or farming is what makes me more money uhoh something oh I didn’t sell anything that’s why I was like something happening my energy level is still really low thank you okay so where are the other seeds for the corn right there okay so I want to get some other hops going too in the greenhouse so that way they have a head start oh these are done cool do this Okay cool so we got all that okay so be corn plant corn plant corn plant corn there we go um and then I can just do this and I can do corn here just make sure everything’s watered it looks like everything cool uh and then where’s my pickaxe here we go go sweet all right cool so that’s done apple trees there awesome one of the other trees grew [ __ ] yes oh happy about that animals what’s up guys I know I haven’t checked in on you guys in a minute I’ve been busy with the farm it’s a whole new day you know it’s a whole new week or a whole new season pig pig bunny okay oh chimpin was there okay perfect get all those going grab those later this one I’m going to regret because yeah [ __ ] okay um grab that all right the farm is autom or automized so at least for the most part basically we’re just grabbing all the [ __ ] that we need to sell right now yeah the blueberries I’m going to keep for the most part because they are going to be what provide more for jams in like the winter and stuff so sweet the corn goes in the fridge there we go come and check that later it’s Wednesday so Pierre’s is closed but that’s fine we don’t need anything from him um yeah what does it take to make another thing a doable uh iridium sprinkler gold iridium and a battery pack I have the battery pack it’s in here a’t it no but I have two tappers yes sweet yeah we’ll do that here in a second uh there’s the battery pack and then I need gold and aridium perfect okay the cloth thing goes in there cool um all right let’s go let’s check on the fish real quick too fish seem to be thriving awesome all right tappers okay sweet we’ll just wait on this one e oh it’s done cool awesome all righty and then we go in here perfect right okay so we got to go put some of this stuff away um all right grab those why did I put those seeds away I need those perfect okay and then for for do not trap me in that oh I just thought about that [ __ ] hold on e damn okay well here’s what I’ll do just to get to that corner in the middle is that I will leave one open it’ll be that one same with when I do it over here actually no I don’t have to here so for yeah that’ll do for now that’s no that’s not how I wanted to do it there we go there there this is mainly about the Hops not the other plants so I mean I’ll just take them as I get them kind of sucks you can’t walk through the Hops though oh yeah the last of the Animal product Oh there’s a truffle right there too I have to get some grass starter since they’re eating through that so damn fast but might have to wait for a bit cool that’s all done I want the dwarf Gadget can I not make that yet wonder why I can’t come into bed yeah here in a sec sorry babe that’s actually cool I didn’t know that they did that where they talk to you like as in there kind of sleepy all righty now it’s time for bed there we go there’s some good money nice 7,000 strawberry jelly [ __ ] yeah see why I do that okay day four those are starting to grow that’s good hi babe got up early and fed up the farm animals to makees job a little easier it’s all automated sorry I’ll be thinking of you no love you all right what do we got oh five Earth crystals I don’t have five Earth crystals though God damn it all right well this is where we’re going to end the stream today thank you guys so much for tuning in it is much appreciated so if you want to check out more feel free to visit us over on Facebook or on YouTube if you’re not there already we do more than just video games we talk about music have music reactions do some silly [ __ ] every so often but thank you guys and as always I will see you in the next one goodbye

I’m starting to forget what the plan is here.

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