I Made Terraria Enemies 500x BIGGER…

Terraria but all bosses and enemies are 500 times bigger will I be able to defeat any bosses during this challenge let’s hop in the game and find out but this is our mod list right here we got some different mods in here AKA Lun Bale why not I don’t know that’s our main mod we’ll figure it out and then we have this our star of the show simple NPC customizer and the reason I say 500 times is cuz I literally went in here and I typed 500 now I don’t even know if you could set it to 500 times but that’s what I did oh my God dialogue hey love can you hear me I think this is getting to you right thanks for telling me damn the guy tweaking that boy should be playing in the NBA the hell he’s like touching himself do you see that potentially might be oh my God what is that is that an enemy oh that’s an enemy oh look I can hit him from here I don’t think he can hit me so I really don’t got to worry yo the whole gang is here what’s popping they got a whole family gathering going on reunion can I just slide by you thank you they’re too big for their own good they can’t hit me see thank God I can hit these dudes from here I’m kind of worried about the damage I’m doing I feel like it has to be the sword cuz unless they’re like defense is scaling it’s got to be the sword right who is this you a good guy where you going hey do you think the guide is going to fit in this house he’s good right he’s good you know what I would love to get is a beautiful summon you ever hear about one of them little little dude ads one of them little summon dads I’d love to get one of those dude I can’t tell what’s what hold up look at the size of that slime look at the size of that grasshopper God damn look at the size of that girl oh I [ __ ] that grasshopper up this weapon is sick is a homing weapon yo they heard my calling slime staff zoie’s Quest and she got a shop ppic jar toss ppic hold up they got Pikmin I might need that yes sir get a little uh little Pikmin action this is an amazing weapon I love Pikmin I don’t think you guys understand how much I love Pikmin minions are surrounded by regenerative Aura yo I like this little mod pack we got going on experiencing some new things here yo bro does not fit in here you think I was the one that was giant the way I hit my head like 10 times right there hey hold up you ruined the [ __ ] house you big [ __ ] let’s use my Pikman weapon I paid good money for this Pikmin weapon I got to use it it looks like it also sticks to enemies I’m about to sneeze they not everywhere what’s going on what the hell who’s freaking out someone’s freaking out is he laughing at me I don’t think I respect that what did I do that was funny beat his ass Pikmin whoa pinky where are you Pinky versus Pikmin what you about to do pinky you’re stuck in the damn floor yeah nice one beat his ass oh my God beautiful just beautiful music to my ears those noises what is that noise my [ __ ] hold up my game crashed my game crashed for me unplugging my headphones my headphones started making a buzzing noise so I unplugged them who is uh who the baddy over here this is like you guys ever played Dark Souls one what’s her name gwi are these spikes what the hell that [ __ ] hurt with like the highest defense possible whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s going on damn tornado this what feels like to live in the midwest what the heck a cans this moment and then when I got to the final oh I guess that thing instant kills my guy he’s cool nobody hurt him holy you see how girthy that worm was that dude had girth you know what I’m sorry we got to kill everything I I just need to clear the area I can’t think straight there’s too many giant enemies everywhere I can’t think straight I just feel like I’m being pressed into a corner yeah beat him up beat him up yo this is like the beginning of Pikmin 2 where you fight the giant bu black worm is what this feels like ah [ __ ] [ __ ] ah the hit boxes yo he dropped ice cream oh God I got too excited when I saw the ice cream I like how like Choy the is that a word chy I like how the worms look the cactus worms let’s do it though I’m ready to take on this boss let’s grab all our peeds let’s get get it I’m ready to fight whatever the hell this thing is a bird what is this thing like a miniature King Slime look how many Pikmin I had on him okay King Slime no longer after you King Slime King Slime King slim he’s doing [ __ ] drive buys on me sunstalker damn I’m dead already that hit box is actually crazy that hit boox is huge huge I know that’s the whole point of the challenge but that hit box was unavoidable like I don’t think I could move at all running [Music] back don’t teleport dude this dude hurts like actually hurts it’s got to be the three defense my armor is giving me six defense he said not enough ugly ass armor this not the armor I was looking for who is this what even is this what am I looking at what is hitting me kill it I don’t I don’t know what’s happening rusted bomber I’m getting bombed what the hell 70 damage I just need like one piece of gold armor 12 bars that is not even enough to think about crafting armor like not even I can’t even have the thought about crafting gold armor with that you know what let’s get fossil armor this might actually be a genius thing fossil armor the thing is they really could have made thr rower something cool they could have made a stand out if they actually put in a little bit of effort if mod devs can do it then reler can do it and I I keep seeing a dude on some of my like shorts that I post he keeps on saying the same [ __ ] it’s ly genius every time he says it he’s like they should turn yo-yos into throwing weapons and I’m like yo that makes so much sense that is what they should have done boom right there that would have filled out a majority of the throwing class if I try to talk to any of the ter Des about throwing it’s going to be like [ __ ] like uh trying to talk to like a president about like a plane crash that happened like oh do you remember throwing I like huh that never happened what are you talking about that doesn’t exist they’re going to hit me with a Men In Black the pen that like erases your memory will this armor set this 15 defense will it allow me to defeat the Sunbird that takes up the whole Arena let’s find out Sunbird activate not a good start he teleported and did like 80 damage okay I don’t think it’s going to be possible to beat That Bird maybe it’s cuz I doubl the damage on all enemies so it makes it a little bit harder okay what rock another rock use it to descend to the old Guardian Shrine yo nice brought me to his little basement what what was that thing ow ow it’s invincible Jesus all right where’s he at let’s just fight him let’s just fight him I don’t know where he’s at but as long as we can hit his hit box it doesn’t really matter where he’s at what the hell is going on little grunts every time dude the attacks are gigantic what the what is happening what is that the giny armor Army is approaching I don’t even know what you’re what is that is that the army my time is up y’all I’m getting drafted I thought I wasn’t going to make the age cut but I’m young enough by a year to make it into the draft me and my Pikmin versus their army my Army low key better my Army will obey and listen to Everything I Do what about your army David versus Goliath’s family the ultimate matchup beat Goliath’s ass so bad he pulled up with his family oh now he pulls up with big bro I don’t even know who we’re fighting they’re so like big that I can’t even see them boss yeah I generally don’t even know where we’re fighting am I hitting I’m doing damage that’s all that matters T but all bosses are invisible there we go that’s another boss down I’m kind of just wrecking right click to open gamble away your soul hell yeah I want to gamble wooo what I get I just got a gilded bag that’s it okay I mean that’s not terrible so gambling is good everybody in chat you hear that all right let’s fight the I culu I think we call it there let’s see how big he is oh my God this might really be a Pikmin fight right here get him Pikmin oh my God he hurts he hurts and he’s not taking any damage oh my God this is terrifying I’m dead run it back I culu round two ow ow okay I don’t know if some of these fights are possible at least not with the speed that I have okay try again slime go go oh my God go this is like finding the Wall of Flesh go go go there’s nothing to grab on to oh my God this is actually hard dude I can’t like I really need a whole world set up for this fight I can’t fight him I bet if I had like op weapons if I really wanted to sit here for like 40 more minutes and get all the supplies to beat them I probably could move out the way oh I’m [ __ ] it’s the little area right here that’s [ __ ] me and then the zombies also like why is there got to be zombies there there’s barely been any mobs spawning but the mob Ms want to spawn exactly where I need to go okay running back of course is a zombie exactly where I need to go yet again dude he’s so fast okay explosions he’s so fast if this ain’t even like second form I don’t want to go too far cuz I have a feeling if I get too far he’s going to despawn cuz that’s how terrar Works can like a falling star just like clobber him oh [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] go go go B oh God go go go keep going what is going on why did he just start doing that what is happening I don’t know what’s going on my boy brought out new attacks midf fight he tried to change it up okay we did it but Jesus he legit brought out a new attack my boy said hold up my boy tried to bring ter 1.4.5 early he said actually I got something new we did beat him though but what’s in what’s in the gambling what’s in the gambling come on what you should not be this lucky yes sir how do you grab people again yeah that’s how you do it right there looks like a milk the eye I don’t know about this yo he’s bringing me up to the crystal in this Sky whoa my character is tweaking this is a weird fight yo what the hell that’s a second w we take that challenge is over what bosses do y’all want to see holy [ __ ] Skeletron is actually fast too even with the 15% speed he’s actually fast look how big his hands are imagine getting slapped by one of those hands Golem Golem crashed my game that guy should get banned for suggesting Golem oh my God there’s only two segments uh the brain oh my God you are not dodging something like that you literally can’t Dodge that and it teleports oh my God plant arena is already gigantic imagine having to make another one bigger oh my God this thing could abduct like a chunk of the world Mr Destroyer please come out here yeah that’s like what’s his name yman gander deerclops deerclops should be louder this is actual deerclops what he looks like in Don’t Starve like Colossus oh hell no l cultist actually looks scary torch God oh my God oh my God he’s gigantic bro he’s got us looking at his wee wee did he just bust on us oh hell no I don’t want to fight this boss ever again show me your face this is actually terrifying star bomber why is it so tiny hell he did the opposite music to my ears this is actually terrifying this is really what the wall FL fight should be this is [ __ ] Whitebeard [ __ ] from one piece bro this [ __ ] can hold like a thousand people

What if Terraria Bosses were the size of the whole screen? Let’s find out!

500x Bigger Enemies Mod – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3030382104

Join the Gameraiders Discord! – https://discord.gg/G7Fwd7GyRJ