Climbing a 7,803,635 Floor Skyscraper in Minecraft

this is the tallest skyscraper in Minecraft at the very top the FBI has a secret vault can I climb thousands of blocks high past the FBI’s obstacles without falling down and break into the Vault before its contents fall into the wrong hands all right tower director we need to get to floor 353 look how tall this thing is it’s me and Z versus S why why why no go go go we got to beat them we got to get to the secure FBI fault wait shoot him out out shoot shot shoot him I got him nice okay uh boys we got to go come on Z Z work together with me come on here we go so you can see our item right it’s it’s a Grappler it pulls us up right uh shoot me he fell fell oh I’m trapped wait are you oh come here boys the higher we go the more items we get so uh is that we need to hurry got come here boys oh no I didn’t make it Z what is wrong with you I got up oh hi you can’t be up I was weak did you kill him my boy we need to find this first item we need to find the first item come on ah shoo me from behind yeah look in the top left we’re on a floor 116 or not floor but like height this goes up to like 2,000 or something like that so uh peing stop it why is he jiggling my peek jiggle stop it jiggly your Peaks stop it stop it leave me alone jiggly I’m jiggly your Peaks come hereit nice where are you I’m above you cuz I’m better than you look above you I’m right above you look up wait I made it I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here hey Dad here hi how do we get up there I’m above you I don’t know I was hoping you would know I did it in the casino how do we get up high where behind you how did you get up there hello a Grappler item it’s really cool I know that but how do oh gosh oh over there oh there are launch pads there are launch pads there are launch pads what here you go I’ll shoot [Music] him I have so much floor to cover I know it’s shot down I’m covering fire for you don’t worry covering fire how do I get up there Z zud I need you to tell me how to get up there grab right here grab at me grab me hold on I found a ladder there we go oh there’s the FBI wait oh I forgot you can also press your key bind and look at this I’m looking at myself from oh this is a checkpoint so if I jump off watch this oh hi look look how high we are now oh yeah bi has like another mod show it’s like it’s infinite uh render distance so I can just see everything once we get to the top of this I’ll be able to look down ah help save your arrows guys this is pointless it’s literally a checkpoint a waste of time we’re all here except one person maybe we should why is he is it why did he I don’t I’m going to the FBI I’m literally going to the FBI wait no wait what is there isn’t there supposed to be a new item up here where’s the new item I want a new item you have the new item do you not have the new item I want to climb faster get out my way I’m literally at the FBI headquarters look it literally says FBI H wait I can run while I’m in F5 mode look at that that is sick that is sibi the federal booby sorry no you can’t say that you literally can’t say that guys listen hit the like button hit the Subscribe did you just hook me just hit the like button hit the Subscribe button uh we need to feed our families with likes that’s just how it works sh get out skin oh gosh I pressed the wrong button Z where did you go I’m as usual as usual above you I’m done he’s trying to kill me please help me he’s trying to kill me he’s actively trying to kill me please where’s the new item I want the new item where is it hi s hi hey stop it how do I get up here how do I get up there where do I go nobody help me what if I do that right there right there supposed to leave me okay now we’re cooking I’m going to leave you yeah wait you’re leaving your teammate right now that’s kind of sad R’s not used to people leaving him though ever leaves me no one ever does me item item swing hook fire a hook reactivate after it hits a block to swing on the Rope we got to stop him we got to stop him we got to stop from getting up here kill him and reset him back to the checkpoint got it get out of here oh I got s boy okay swing hook right click to throw grapple right click again to swing shift to remove grapple rope is that how you launch yourself let me try it here we go okay oh son be careful oh oh gosh I hit it we shoot them while they’re coming down there hold on hold on okay work together work together work together together together work together work together hey man that’s not really working together how do we do this hold on here we go there we go easy dub easy du easy du wait is there a check why is there a giant bird up there that I just saw Birds I just saw a Giant Eagle BT Reynolds there’s an eag go why why why oh oh I get it literally just look straight up you’re Fly I get it straight up exping no it threw me backwards why is it throwing me backwards okay here we go here we go here we go here we go hi out oh easy okay thought I figured it out I figured it out I figured it out did come on and I fig I thought I figured it out I thought you gra it you grab I thought oh I’m back in I’m back in I’m back in I’m back in I’m back in grab it come on I’m trying Stop Don’t Panic just look straight up and release hold on hold on I got to wait I got to wait I’m still doing it I did a get him off Biffle get away get away oh ladder ladder ladder is there a checkpoint up here please tell me who I got a checkpoint I got a checkpoint I got a check I got a check we don’t need to fight we don’t need to fight it’s a waste of time we got to get bi bi hasn’t got the checkpoint yet I haven’t got the guys I’m not a Pata please do not checkpoint please don’t hit me I haven’t got the checkpoint yet just chilling [Music] here you got my here you got my please please I fell where’s the new item I don’t like the swing one the swing one’s doo doo poo poo wait I hit these I hit these I hit these I hit these no I didn’t hit these no this is so difficult hold on I got this truce don’t say my name sorry hold on cooking cooking cooking cooking cooking nice sunny sunny sunny use the swing one on this one and over across would hurry I hate you I hate you so okay hold on that what do I do all right Spider-Man it’s momentum it’s velocity use all your knowledge come ontor you’re doing I I did I did I cooked I cooked I cooked I cooked I cooked nice let me cook let me cook let me cook he’s trying to shoot me get him out oh my God z z z and go he fell he fell grab this I promise and do it on the up momentum hold down right come on you got this here we go here we go we on on the up on the up where are you going where are you going oh oh oh suy the clutch checkpoint call me dad call me [Music] dad wait where they at where they at wait we got the checkpoint I’m going to go stop him I’m going to go stop loser wait I fell okay and then he falls I’m fine wait wait I’m in the gear I’m literally I’m in the I’m in the clock hold on so this is where you’re supposed to go sh you genius I told you no they found an exploit they how are they no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no kill them hold on Z come over here destroy Sig Z get on the platform I’m coming I’m coming no you’re don’t leave me don’t leave me you want to take that you want to shoot at me I’ll shoot back at you jump on this platform right I assume yep here we go hi come on okay I’m on the next one I’m coming oh hi okay waing a parkour map hold on I don’t know but I get out here I got this why would you hit me no no no no wait te okay work together work together work together work together together together how do I make this shoot them you want me to shoot them didn’t make it wait are you up there you’re up there did you how did you make that uh hey you know you don’t have to do the whole thing we have Grapplers right yeah but what yeah but we paid good money for this BTS man I’ll shoot s for you here we go stay away from me you freak please don’t you said truce you said truce hi Biff Biff truce Biff truing TR I never agreed with the truth on keep off keep off keep off Batman you’re Batman shoot them shoot them shoot them I don’t want to get shot off he is there is there is there a checkpoint oh we got to go up the elevator come on come on nice oh all right here I come I will remember this hold on right there jump we might have just made an enemy oh I’m falling what yeah obviously they’re they’re emies did I make it door please give us a checkpoint give us a checkpoint I don’t want to go through that thingy hold let me look at that thingy okay we’re about the clock up there there’s not wait there’s one to the right hold on there’s one over here go go go go go go go go go I’m right behind you I think you almost pushed me you ugly idiot I’m not even near you oh sorry new item what is this item oh Get It Go spring boots hit the associated key bind to jump high hold on what’s the keybind why did you hit me hello why not hold on there is an eagle up there by the way hold on look get there oh there’s no ledge there okay that side doesn’t count all right that’s pointless why did I do that why did you tell me to do that zud okay suy I have a new Strat are you ready combine the boots with the grappling hook that’s what I’m doing you Dingus yeah but obviously you didn’t do it good so wait okay sorry are you mad at me it threw me backwards I didn’t like that hold on how do I get up there right there no my mom there’s a way to get up why did I say Mom hold on we got some block we got some new blocks over here boys how do I get up there new blocks oh how zud uh you’re going to see um do you know how to speak pig Latin oh yes uh slimo bloo is that Pig Latin what did you say I hit the boing I found a Bo now if I hit this boinging what happens don’t know how I did that oh we’re on this one why are you right now I’m on 643 height Russell zoom in on it put a bald head on it that’s named sigils Sig D we are so high if anybody has a fear of height sigil I see you way down there that’s sad no no I saved this I save this we hit these Z why are you not here with me because I’m nervous and I’m not doing that good anymore okay all right here we go I got to hit the boing along there is an eagle up there that I assume we’re going to have to fight boing boinging okay boinging on that one boinging on this one boing Che everywhere wait a chest wait you got a checkpoint I’m almost wait what you get what you giggling why is he why is he almost CAU up to you I think I got a chest with something special what is what did you find nothing wait Z did this hit you Z look look look to your left look behind you see that Arrow do they have that can you pick that up you see what it is did oh thank you thank you very much maybe use it on them yeah maybe I should excuse me okay zud get here now zud I’m fighting him there is a literal Eagle that I’m going to have to kill zud okay I’m coming boing boinging boinging I boing along too far oh I can use my jump boots I forgot about my checkpoint new item what is this giant feather when right click is held fall slowly and glide hello the eagle is attacking me um um you deserve it hey man are you ow he hit me did I poison him he doesn’t take damage he’s poisoned he’s poisoned wait hold on can I flip out these now uh snd I’m I’m not there I’m having a hard time Z I killed the eagle oh I fored the boat um Russell zo been on those enchants on that bat hey wait English or Spanish a what the hey hey watch this you almost got Corner Peak that light destroyed me oh yeah Z where are you I’m here there he is I got TR down how how how I got the checkpoint no we’re good I got it oh my boy okay check this out barely reached it look at this bow look at this bow look at it it has power five yeah get the get the giant feather I don’t know what it does let me check uh while that is that fall giant feather it’s a literal giant feather look how high we are oh no I pressed the new Strat ow stop hitting why did you come back I didn’t mean to I got scared Z where did you go oh I’m right behind you cuz I fell oh why did you fall Bad idiot oh it’s over here oh okay you got to leg it oh and there’s blocks there’s Bo LS here boing LS here help help oh my God this is so difficult hold on you got to just boing the hold on I got a boinging let me boinging oh I boing Lo every day of my life boing what does that mean okay Z we are cooking now yeah we’re doing so good I’m doing a lot Z you’re L okay I got to hold let me look let me look are there any more there’s no boing alongo what about over here are there any boings over here why are you guys not saying boing along do you want to know why cuz we don’t have to boing to Lo our way up this way what is it saying he’s trying best you get it hold I make this Bo along boing along Bo along why am I say oh use the thingy I don’t know what is wrong with you oh okay I’m up here Su I’m higher than you right now where are you I fell Su we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re chilling we’re chilling got around around you’re chilling on the side sunde this side look I don’t like that side that side’s ugly what you watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this Bo trying to shoot us’re trying to right now hit that easy then boing along he used the feather oh okay we are crack where are they at oh we literally have a platform right there is that the checko where’s our platform can we go to the right can we go to the right here this is so easy now I know no this is good this is really good um okay we got to we got to hit a we got to hit a quick Bo okay let’s Bo a Lo everywhere what what I know what that means go to this side this side this we have to go back and forth yeah yeah look a new platform right here right here jump over here boing along where’re the bo boys wait they’re up there they made it hold on hold on [Music] no go over here Bo we got to go back and forth scale the ability back and forth I see Biff wait I see them sh I got the checkpoint where are you I’m over here I’m going to stop them from getting here no you’re not don’t do it please I will do anything I’ll save your leg as many times as you want I’ll use your face to get up there come here no God I got to stop wait why did he got up I actually used his face I use your stupid face I’m out of you get out of here I don’t want you just one tapped me with that what I didn’t no that wasn’t me the top yet where did you get that bow oh there’s D there’s dingling no not dingling uh bo no um thingies dingling over here oh bouncy pads uh boies we got we got we got boingy dingies and what is the other one I forgot not boingy a boy guys if you’re trying to explain something to your friend say boingy doy no don’t probably me fun of no no what just say sky Ohio you know you’d be fine oh true if I hit this son you got to kill him come on nice oh my God no uh-uh no that’s not fair no that’s not fair no I cheated I cheated I think wait oh you cheated I’m okay with that you’re my teammate no I’m boing a doing though oh we got to hit this boado doing over here hit this boing aing come on oh I see it not the bo I do no bo okay Z we’re on the get out of my face Z no you’re in my face what do we do I can’t see anything I can’t either oh we got to land on that platform okay sick dude of course we do Bo I landed it oh nice okay now we got to land on this boado doing over here why are you not explaining things with boado do I might have fed we got to go up there now I can’t get up um the new ability is broken hold on you got a new ability oh no where how did s just get up there there’s a checkpoint right above us there also me right above you for you that bow is broken that bow is actually broken hi I’m right next to you come on hold on right there I latched it Bo just bo bo bo I got up I get up bo bo dun new item what is this item uh Super Goo spray goo which gives speed and jump power what that’s actually disgusting hold on why am I gooping okay we got a new word now we’re going to start saying goopy oh shoot goopy goopy goopy oh we’re goating we’re goating goopy oh this is sick you jump on the goop Z you be you be in charge of gooping I’m going to be in charge of killing I will be in the goer no thank you got to go hold on I gotting I got to goop sigils I got to goop sigils stay away from me I’m gooping everything is being goated goop me I shouldn’t say goop me right you why are you not gooping I’m goop SC maxing got to go hey s hey s come on over here over here where where where where follow me where me where to my my okay we are at500 blocks oh we’re we’re in the stars now oh no he’s trying to shoot bi you don’t want this you have the bow bi with the B you don’t want this you can’t hit when I’m gooping you can’t hit when I’m gooping I hit that mean can you SM they don’t call me goop jump up here hurry where up here up here where I’m here what did that do that doesn’t do anything though do good no what if I go this trust me that was a bad idea yeah that was an awful idea maybe follow me okay follow it I follow why are you not gooping yeah there solid blocks right here this is perfect I can goop this area oh grop it now what gooping so much uh I don’t know jump up oh jump and grapple jump and grapple jump and grapple what I’m going to use the I’m going to I’m going to use the oh I used the feather oh I found a ladder wait how’ you do that what did you just do i f wait that’s that’s what that was um checkpoint checkpoint checkpoint creeper UFOs are invading what do why is Arizona here oh my go shoot them shoot we having a good race guys we need to all work together now yep uh I’m not working together with you what is what is this is this is this the FBI FBI open up the moves what wait what there’s so many what do we do we just got to go we just got to go creeper mother ship oh great what do we do where’s the mother oh my gosh I’m scared sorry I thought you were oh creeper I thought I thought you were an alien what the heck from Arizona Al look his get power crying I’m literally I I have I’m out of why did you shoot me arrows I literally what I do I sh that’s all we’re shooting right now totally I’m not trying to get that stop I will goop you stop gooping don’t stop stop it come on please please oh okay what do I do now what happens now that it’s shooting at me what do I do now just follow me sun I know where to go do you where up here where we go up oh I’m going up I’m going up that didn’t go anywhere wait guys side of the building hold on hold on let me cook pleas there’s still uh UFOs here from Arizona there is oh I got one I’m take him down hold on let me goop get out gooping currently gooping currently gooping why is there so much goop oh we got to make it here oh okay now I got to goop here you I’m gooping I’m literally gooping why are you gooping so much oh you just goop and go to the side oh you goop and I’m gooping and pooping hold on yeah go goop and poop I made it wait I didn’t get a checkpoint I am so high up here what do I do now do not fall at this not don’t look down oh I gooped what do I do now I hit my gooping head right here now I’m gooping 1800 no access what do you mean no access nice I got up hi I’m with you no access access what do you mean checkpoint nice oh wait kill them don’t let them up don’t let them up don’t let them up of course wanted there keep him down uh what is this private storage this is a storage it’s locked I’m going to try a different thing sh tickle the door tile it pickle it wait how’ you how do I get up there we broke it by running through it uh you justun door button located at the top of the antenna don’t say that out loud what’s WR you we are literally 1,800 blocks high I’m trying to goop hold on they don’t call me goopy for nothing I to call you that but I agree they’re top of the anteny top of the antenna come I’m here so close I did it get it get up there get it get it I can’t I can’t hit the B I collect it I collected it what just happened hold on nothing happened where do we go now where do we go now down here is this it where they at there it is wait here it is it’s open go Sun going get in get in get in the boom Hammer was inside the FBI Vault right click to superheat the area wait what do you mean superate the area what’s what is that what oh my where huh and it doesn’t have a cool down oh what do you mean he doesn’t have AOL hold on hold on let me find the front of this thing so if I just like Yeet off of this right what are you doing what are you doing why is it all 20 red oh no oh my God we’re falling look how high what is happening oh my god um hey no this is no this is fun no I’m having fun I think I win guys H hit the like button wait what wait I’m at the I’m at the clock now we’re we’re still not on the ground we’re literally still not on the ground and we’re here guys I got the banhammer okay well um hit the like button subscribe let me go ahead and ban Z first uh Z wait why me I was literally yeah I know I like this sorry hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we did it

We try and see how high we can climb in this modded Minecraft Minigame

Friends in the Video
⭑ @Zud
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
⭑ @sigils

• Video Editor ► Russell

• Discord:

​​• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu – Such Fun
Video Link:
Download the album!

#gaming #ssundee #minecraft

Thanks for watching!


  1. Day 170 of asking Ssundee to play Sons of The Forest pls answer me or pin me down 😢I've been doing this so long now lol 😂😂good mincecraft vid btw

  2. SSundee was probably one of the bases of my childhood. He's so funny and relatable and I am glad that I have stuck to my likes and didn't stop watching after school kids started bullying me for watching him. Thank you for making the awesome vids! ☺️

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