Which do you think has the most potential? Take into consideration looks, usefulness, traversable-ness, etc! Be creative ๐Ÿ™‚

by Peppers-For-Life


  1. mountains have a lot of iron and coal, messa has a lot of gold, mushroom islands dont really get much mobs apart from moshrooms and the desert has a lot of temples. overall its probably mountains as they’re close to basically anything, as mentioned before have a lot of good ores and have useful stuff like the ancient city and cherry groves

  2. Who says jungle must be a maniac , you cant move around properly , you cant cut the entire tree cuz its tall af and cant get fast meat if needed

  3. Llama_eats_bananas96 on

    I like to build treehouses in the jungle.

    And if it’s a Bamboo jungle then it’s easier to get wood.

  4. MorseCode2848 on

    Mushroom island. With no hostile mobs any caves underneath are just free loot, the mooshrooms provide infinite food. The only downside is you need to bring your saplings for wood.

  5. Reytotheroxx on

    Plains. Iโ€™m too lazy to clear trees/deal with biome specific issues and donโ€™t wanna travel very far for anything else. Letโ€™s me build a lot more.

  6. Logical-Bake5715 on

    Early game, savanah or plains for the easy resources.

    Mid-late game, any you like; we’re gods, masters of our domain.

  7. uranium-unicorn on

    Terraformed mushroom island basically playing peaceful and the grass is extremely green. The no hostile mobs spawning (except phantoms :/ ) mean my villager city and town builds can be more stylistic without flooding every area with torches.

    However cherry groves are growing on me for their soft water color.

  8. I allways wannted to build a nice little base in the Taiga woods, but ended up allways in a plains biome spammed full with farms xD

  9. LiminalAddiction on

    a large stony peak biome. love being a mountain hermit with my dog.

  10. sparse jungle, almost like plains but the grass texture much greener and more vibrant.

  11. KrazyGreenFox on

    You can never go wrong with the plains biome. My second choice would be the Cherry Grove.

  12. tanoinfinity on

    I’ve gone through phases, but always get excited when I see a snowy tiaga.

    On my current survival world I found a mushroom island and moved there after outgrowing my starter base. It’s been fun, and I’m getting some grass and trees put in now and it’s *so green!*

  13. I always live in plains. Villages commonly spawning on flat terrain means I can easily build a breeder and trading hall there, as well as many other farms, without having to clear very much land.

  14. Caglavasaguros on

    As someone who likes building cozy homes, the Snowy Taiga is my preference because I love having a snowy environment without having to deal with Strays.

    Only downside is that I also like the ambience of rain and thunderstorms, so occasionally I will build in meadows or cherry groves because theyโ€™re pretty and at higher elevations, so you get more space to build underground structures before you hit deepslate layers.

  15. Ju3tAc00ldugg on

    I prefer the frozen taiga forests. Especially with some weather mods that add blizzards. makes survival a little more interesting.

  16. zambie-lord on

    I love the mountains because you can incorporate the caves into your builds, but it also makes it dangerous to move around sometimes. But maybe the best biome to build in is the mooshroom biome mainly because hostile mobs typically donโ€™t spawn there so you can just mind your own business building.

  17. I_poop_rootbeer on

    Plains for practicality. They usually connect to forest biomes so trees aren’t too hard to come by, and the flatness just makes it so much easier to build. Plus horses spawn there so you have a readily available source of transport.

    Now the funnest? I love Mesa biomes. They’re flat and I love the tall, flat mountains. Fun place to make bases, but they’re pretty rare and devoid of vegetation so theyre not all that practicalย 

  18. Terraformed mushroom island. I play on Bugrock and was tired of the glitchy mobs. You can kill mycelium with water, so all you need is a bucket and a grass block if there isnโ€™t already one on the island.

  19. What I usually plan to do late game is build a base in every biome after building a main base in a plains

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