Answering 101 Questions About Minecraft! ▫ Survival Guide S3 ▫ Tutorial Let’s Play [Ep.101]

hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you’re all having a good day in today’s episode this is episode 101 we’re going to answer 101 questions about Minecraft so let’s get to it what’s your favorite update in Minecraft since you started playing at this point caves and cliffs takes that award from me terrain is so much more interesting now what do you enjoy the most in Minecraft I’m a big believer and enjoying every single part of the game but I’m still a builder at heart Can Enderman teleport toward loged leaves no they can’t enman can’t teleport to any waterlogged block regardless of whether or not the player can stand in it without getting wet and this is a really useful thing to know in teleport proofing Enderman Farms if the mace could have block interaction functionality like the axe being able to strip wood what would you like to see it do flatten blocks into slabs what is your favorite block in Minecraft emerald ore could you show off some inventory mechanics using number keys to swap items between inventory and hot bar holding shift and double clicking to move all stacks of one item in and out of your inventory and middle clicking to pick block are my three favorite inventory tricks do you think there will ever be a mob vote with past mobs such as the crab muo Bloom and upgraded Blaze whose name I’m blanking on that’s called the wildfire and it’s actually in Minecraft dungeons now but no I doubt they’ll do a runers up vote it feels weird to get leftovers sometimes are slime chunk Farms still a viable method to farm slime absolutely they are even if more efficient methods are available a farm is still a farm how far away do splash potions affect entities splash potions have a radius of four blocks but the the effect duration decreases the further away you are from the center one of the top three things new players should know so don’t get discouraged dying all the time sleep away the knights make yourself some backup tools and remember you started with nothing and you made it this far what is the best biome to build an efficient Wither Skeleton Farm in a Soul Sand Valley or a warped Forest I still prefer the Warped Forest because you don’t have to deal with Ghasts which par feature do you want on Java from bedrock and vice versa subtitles for bedrock and impaling damage on Java what do you think the ominous bottle tastes like Revenge no wait vanilla what’s one Minecraft mechanical game Quirk you love but rarely get to share if you name tag of indicator Johnny and let it join a Pillager Patrol the pillagers crossbows start firing at everything what color wo do we get if we Shear a Jeb sheep whatever color the Sheep was before you name tagged this are parrots still found in Minecraft if yes I definitely want you to tame all variants of those in upcoming episodes yes parrots are still in the game and Can Be Tamed but can’t be bred what’s an actual good use for The Craft it’s got a face you can use for statues seriously if you’re not sold on the concept of automatic crafting by now I’m not sure what I can tell you if someone has little time to play Minecraft what kind of projects do you think are best for them work on a single base something small like a village or maybe an expanding cave base you can just add bits to or live nomadically explore and have Adventures without concern for the consequences which biomes spawn trial Chambers pretty much all of the ones in the Overworld do I think they try to avoid the deep dark which passive mob spawns in the most biomes I couldn’t quite track down exact data on this but if I had to guess it’s probably sheep there are some biomes where other passive mobs like cows and chickens and stuff don’t spawn but you can usually find sheep in those like Meadows and Cherry Groves for example will still spawn sheep even though they have a limited supply of other passive mobs how does glazed terra cotta placement work the opposite way around to how you think it does look at the magenta glazed terra cotta in my hand the arrow is facing towards me right when I place it the arrow is facing away from me go figure what’s the most complicated crafting recipe ironically I think it might be the crafter or maybe cake what are some simple ways to improve your world’s efficiency like the composters over your item sort of Hopper line these are actually obsolete now I’m fairly certain any solid block will now prevent a hopper from checking above it for items so we don’t need to worry about that as much anymore aside from that try and keep entity countdown so removing things like armor stands and item frames should hopefully free up a bit of resources but these are really concerns for a multiplayer server with a lot of players doing the same stuff in a single player world you shouldn’t really need to worry about it which mob from Minecraft would you bring to the real world if you could assuming it would have the exact same geometry and behaviors definitely the sniffer any advice for finding dogs in the various biomes I would say visit biomes you haven’t traveled to before or reset some chunks that makes a higher likelihood that the game will generate a bunch of new Mobs when the chunks themselves start to generate what would improve your Minecraft life the most in an inventory update probably the bundle actually being in the game that’s right bundles get ready to to optimize your inventory with bundles have a great summer everyone what kinds of arrows do you wish you could make with a Fletching table I think explosive arrows or an arrow that placed a torch on a wall would be really useful why is the animal breeding advancement called the parrots and the bats referencing the birds and the bees obviously when neither parrots nor bats are breedable in Game very good question also we have bees and they can breed but the advancement was named before bees were added what’s the best approach to take when designing roofs I don’t know and if you know call me but seriously look up reference images if you plan on building realistic roofs and try not to overthink about it if you’re designing something more cartoony what is your go-to way to store items auto storage for bulk stuff nearby barrels for all of the variants an Ender Chest for the essentials and accept that everything else is going to be miscellaneous why wolves instead of actual dogs probably because there are way too many dog breeds to be inclusive to everyone’s desires plus you know block bench exists how often do you go to your storage room for something and then forget what you came in for what was the question I just recently learned that furnace Minecarts can link to other Minecarts is that a feature of Minecraft that’s too fiddles some to bother with I also just learned this and it seems like the mechanics that allow them to stay attached are just too inconsistent plus furnace mine cuts are weird to interact with they don’t even exist on Bedrock Edition which biome would you say is the easiest to start in it’s probably PLS there’s lots of open space for building easy access to animals for food and there’s almost always wood available plus you can see monsters before they sneak up on you and which is the hardest I think bad lands are actually bad in this case most of the time the Wood is on top of plateaus that you can’t reach easily there’s no mobs around for food it’s a tricky situation what are the best or most useful Redstone Circuits to familiarize yourself with Observer clocks dropper clocks Observer and piston systems Hopper item filters and autocrafters what is the best villager profession Librarians what tips do you have for building massive circles plots. do you think we should be able to combine a shulker box with a netherite Ingot to create a fireproof shulker box for better nether exploration so little known fact shulkers actually dropped their contents when destroyed now although if it’s in lava you have to go into lava to get it back also caus still destroys everything where my caus haters at who do you recommend we watch for Bedrock tweaks to things like iron Farms there are lots of great Bedrock tutorial creators out there but I recommend prow 8413 blue J silent Whisperer and JC plays do hidden achievements like how did we get here show up after you’ve completed the required previous achievement like a furious cocktail they don’t and here’s an example we can do together I’m going to go and buy a couple of cakes from one of my Farmer Villages and revise my opinion that one of the things I want from Bedrock that isn’t on Java is stackable cakes but right now I have all the visible achievements associated with Al the most recent one You’ve Got a Friend in Me for having an LA deliver items to you there is a hidden advancement right here we’re going to get it now by giving this laay a cake and then dropping off a cake for it to deliver to this note block where I’ve been using it to gather stuff for composting and we get the hidden advancement Birthday song which now shows up where there was no advancement before also a great time to point out that cake can be composted what changes if any would you make to the enchanting system recently I’ve been finding it kind of strange that player XP is never used to improve the player it’s only ever used to improve your equipment so I would maybe separate it from player XP and create a skill tree I would also remove or raise the level cap for Anvil repairs because it feels kind of outdated at this point we placing a small Bud amethyst cluster on a buding amethyst block get it to start growing again let’s see all we got to do is place this here and potentially wait 90 minutes yes the answer is yes besides the mace what could be other good uses for the heavy core you got to ask yourself the core of what I would love more multi-block structures like beacons or conduits maybe some sort of netherite Golem if you could add an additional enchantment there’s not sharpness to the Trident what would it be by Poseidon’s beard some way of controlling fish but once again I would just settle for impaling doing as much damage to stuff in the rain or in water as it does on Bedrock what are your recommendations for someone who is coming back to the game but hasn’t played for several years I mean I’ve got an entire series of advice for people who are new to the game but consider following the advancement trees to find new stuff to do and just explore because the world has changed a lot in the last few updates do you think there should be upgrades like diamond etc for dog armor wolf armor already absorbs 100% of damage and can be repaired with more armadillo scuts so I don’t think we really need diamond wolf armor it feels like the only advantage that would have would be increased durability which doesn’t make any sense when you can repair this stuff infinitely our raid Farms whether stacking or not it’s going to be worth building not only for the normal loot but also for the ominous bottles at this point stacking raid Farms may be a thing of the past but raids are still going to give you emeralds witch drops and totems so your mileage may vary but if it’s just ominous bottles you want consider setting up a farm around a Pillager Outpost if you had to choose one old texture or sound to bring back which one would it be and why personally I liked the crafter better in snapshots before it had this Stone border around it but it’s worth remembering textures and sounds can always be changed by resource packs when you leave your base to go exploring what are some things you always take with you all the tools except for the hoe a bow and arrow some pre-made torches and stuff to craft them another stack of logs just in case a bucket of water a stack of food and an Ender Chest containing everything else can you use the potion effect of a tipped Arrow any number of times without losing the effect from the arrow as long as the arrow doesn’t hit anything and you still pick it up while it’s emitting particles piercing crossbows are really good for this cuz they can hit multiple targets and the arrow still lands on the ground to be picked up by the player afterwards is there really a useful use for the new potions I mean cobwebs are renewable now and any mob can be farmed for slime I’m going to go with yes I wanted to take this cow pen down anyway but this is an absolute mess 15 cobwebs and 24 slime blocks out of that not bad honestly we’d got more cobwebs if this wasn’t such a constrained area out of every block Family Stone copper deep slate quartz Etc which one has the highest variety of blocks I originally thought this was going to be deep slate it’s got a couple CP of cracked variants of things like tiles and bricks and all of those are stairs and slabs and everything else and then I remembered copper has four variants of every block is your tool durability usually displayed in vanilla or do you use something to show it on Java Edition you can press F3 and H to enable and disable the advanced tool tips which shows you durability and a few other bits and pieces of the technical details behind the scenes of your tools unfortunately this doesn’t work on Bedrock but I’m pretty sure there’s an add-on for it so maybe look into that what are the best trades for grinding XP and emeralds depends on what Farms you have but I’m trading a lot of iron these days melons and pumpkins are also good anything that you can get down to a one item per one Emerald trait do you think the Fletching table will ever have a functionality it has a functionality now it turns villagers into Fletchers how would you recommend a new player approaches learning Redstone everyone learns differently I prefer to learn by experimentation video tutorials are a close second if I read text about Redstone I glaze over but I think the most important thing is to figure out what Redstone can do to help you in your world instead of just doing Redstone for Redstone sake consider using it to make Automatic Farms that can help you gather resources how do you think the Mace will change Minecraft’s combat I don’t really know about the PVP scene but in PVE everyone’s going to use it for trick shots and then go back to using swords because they’re easier does the Rarity of the mace and the penalty for falling into the void make an End update less likely I don’t know what the Rarity of the mace has to do with it but here’s a counter point to the other part elytra Electra are both the reason that we explore the outer end in the first place risking falling into the void in order to acquire some and there also a way that we can make exploring the void safer so that we can find anything new in an end update do you ever freehand your Builds on occasion or are they all planned in Creative first bit of both sometimes planning helps other times I can wing it a bit I rarely do Interiors in Creative first what happens if you have two bells in a village do they both work or does only the first Bell work villagers should gather around either of them depending on which one they claim can you change the mob from trial spawners by changing the four surrounding blocks nope as you can see here I’ve moved all of the blocks from around these trial spawners and when they activate there will still spawn a breeze the only way you can change trial spawners is with spawn eggs which are only available in creative mode what are some good reasons to use locking a repeater and why doesn’t anyone ever use it there are some occasions on which locking repeaters can show up but typically you don’t find much use for them outside of very compact Redstone Circuits before the Minecraft team introduced calibrated skull sensors a circuit like this was one of the only ways you could get a precise frequency out of a skull sensor without including any of the other frequency so right here this setup outputs a redstone signal if it hears my footsteps but if it hears me jumping up and down or doing anything else this repeater here locks and that prevents it from outputting a redstone signal of course we now have calibrated skull sensors so this was sort of rendered obsolete but a redstone decoder circuit like that where an input signal outputs from certain places depending on the signal strength is actually really useful in a lot of other situations what’s the best source to find information about miscellaneous technical changes in Minecraft updates either slic lime or Zuma’s YouTube channels are there any uses you know of for endermites outside of Enderman Farms annoying your server mates on multiplayer dying humiliating deaths if that’s what you’re into what’s a block or group of blocks you think should get some stairs slabs and so forth I’m going to nominate calite for this one a lot of people will say concrete but I think at the moment that’s an inventory management nightmare why are there two different kinds of ominous Banner one type has a list of patterns applied to the banner the other doesn’t they don’t stack together banners from Pillager captains should stack together if you don’t do anything with them after that but used to make them unstackable if you placed and broke them because the way Banner recipes work I think since the item component system was introduced that’s been fixed but these two still don’t stack together is there a way to get a chicken to take full damage and how ridiculous can you make it so the best shot I could take at this was going back to an earlier version of Minecraft where players would take full damage in boats from certain Heights that’s been fixed in 1.21 but here in 1.9.4 it still works if you fall from 49 blocks the boat breaks and you hit the ground it’s also one of the only times these days where you see a boat break into planks and sticks again and if this happens to the player it should also happen to passengers so this villager is going to die on impact as well but if we do this with a chicken in the boat notice it’s already flapping its wings the chicken is going to survive so I conclude that chickens are immune to fall damage but if you can find another way let me know in the comments do different cartographers give maps to different Mansions monuments and trial Chambers yes but on Bedrock a single cartographer does that which they don’t on Java do you think farming trial Chambers will be worthwhile compared to traditional mob Farms of course if there is unique loot it is definitely worth farming consider that you can’t get breezes anywhere else also ominous keys and trial keys are worth farming too aside from that it’s a great way of getting slime if you haven’t set up a slime farm yet provided your trial chamber has slime spawners anyway but since the spawners have a coold down Farm designs could be challenging and we’re going to talk about those in a future video what’s the most challenging Redstone project you’ve ever done say hello to David this is a project I created to spread copper out for me based on the fact that copper ages faster when it’s at least four blocks apart this is it incidentally another place I’ve used locking repeaters but launching this flying machine will distribute copper throughout the system divided into rows which are collected by these machines that separate them out four blocks apart and let them age is this Overkill yes do I love it also yes and you can check out the full tutorial Elsewhere on my channel why does Minecraft have no migrating birds because they’d probably just fly into unloaded chunks is it possible to automate a farm using only the breeze wind charges can manipulate certain Redstone components they can also apparently break point dripstone although maybe that’s more true of the Breeze’s wind charge than the players or maybe that just doesn’t happen anymore most projectiles can also be used to break chorus flowers so you could automate A Chorus Farm using the breeze are bogged or skeletons or Strays I guess the harder enemy skeletons are tougher and shoot faster but don’t poison or slow you Strays also have 20 health and fast attacks so I think the Strays probably win poison from the bogged arrows only last a couple of seconds they have less health and they also shoot slower what are some methods to stay focused and better manage your time when when working on a huge build project that’s where I will advocate for using planning tools there’s mods out there light maaka is one I’ve used in the past they really help you plan stuff in creative mode and that can help tremendously plus they have some tools that do help speeding up the process of rebuilding it in survival if that’s not your jam I completely understand but if it’s time saves you’re looking for that will help a lot because a lot of the time in survival building is wasted through stuff like trial and error realizing you’ve built half the build one block too far over or something like that when does skeleton horses spawn during thunderstorms in any biomes that can have natural lightning strikes which is any biome where it rains there is still I think a misconception that skeleton horses happen when lightning strikes an existing horse that is not the case the lightning itself actually spawns a horse we’ll do a video about these whenever I encounter one what method do you prefer for Gathering large amounts of redstone I will advocate for trading with clerics raid Farms used to be faster I don’t know if they still are witches recently got a buff in terms of how much Redstone they drop but I prefer playing the game more actively and that involves trading is there an enchantment you have never used I’ve still never used breach or wind burst how do you feel about Minecraft pets you can have them as pets or game mechanics but not both I kind of feel the same about villagers you can treat them like people or you can treat them like game mechanics but the waters get muddy if you try to combine the two are there any ideas for new raid Farms that you know about since the traditional ones don’t work anymore actually traditional raid Farms should still work in terms of actually helping you to complete raids easily they just won’t Stack Up multiple raids per minute there’s now a bit of a cooldown between when raids can happen and you also have to keep drinking ominous bottles but consider farming those from a Pillager Outpost and I’m sure the community will have new raid Farms optimized soon enough what mods if any should vanilla Minecrafters consider that’s entirely up to your personal preference obviously performance mods will help with vanilla mini map mods are out there that can be very helpful I would say try some community-made data packs before you dip into modded content but then look at vanilla plus stuff like Quark is it theoretically possible regardless of how rare to come across a naturally generated loot chest filled with 27 enchanted golden apples no because loot chests always have to have some empty space ancient cities loot chests always contain a maximum of four to 10 stacks of specific items so you could never have more than 10 enchanted golden apples do you think there’s a point where Mojang will add too many features to Minecraft that they won’t all be used they’ve done that now there are unused features in the code itself like Giants illusioners and bundles and let’s be real when was the last time any of you saw a rabbit what’s the best method of large vertical liftoff wind burst mace or Riptide Trident so a trident with Riptide 3 will carry you about 21 blocks into the air a mace with wind burst gives you seven blocks of vertical travel for every level of wind burst which maxes out at three so once again 21 blocks they’re basically identical but if you’re using rip tide in the rain you might never come down what are some fun and easy projects to do with friends build set up Minecart roller coasters raid Woodland mansions and watch them die what is the best way to deal with cursed armor and tools smelt them to be honest you can’t even get rid of curses by combining them in an interface anymore you could always consider giving them to armor stands how long have they removed the bone meal sugarcane for you can still do it on bedrock and it’s never been a thing in Java what is the chance of getting a heavy core 7.5% odds are you’ll get one after 13 ominous vaults what are some clean ways to hinder villagers from walking into my nether portal fence gates or rails in front of it should prevent them from walking in carpets over the top of berry bushes also works what is the coolest looking armor trim basically silence although honestly I quite like the rib one as well is the carrying capacity of a llama genetic yes you do have to breed up for bigger storage in llamas also wow it took me a long time to find llamas two three slot llamas are capable of producing a six slot llama but not a 15 slot llama you have to breed up for larger capacity yet another reason why people still prefer horses what are some tips for not getting lost in a very straightforward sense I recommend enabling coordinates and making sure you know the coordinates of places you want to return to but for a more immersive approach consider navigating using Maps or make sure that there are landmarks nearby you can easily spot you can also navigate using the sun much as the same as you can in real life if the sun rises in the East it sets in the west meaning that if you’re facing west and you turn right you’re looking North if you turn left you’re looking South you can also leave yourself a trail of torches to follow I do this a lot in caves where I put torches on the left so I can find the right way back in more cavernous terrain like the nether consider using the scpass a simple twoo High pillar of material that stands out with a torch indicating the way back to your nether portal why is wool the preferred method for showing Redstone Circuits well as you can see from this example you don’t have to use it all the time but different materials help you divide up the different parts of a circuit so you know what each one does and for a while wool was the only colorful material so it just kind of stuck around is Minecraft on hard difficulty actually easier long term compared to easier normal due to better mob drops more rewarding raids and some mob damages being equal suppose it depends heavily on your gameplay style and your definition of easy but I like to have 100% chance to zombify villagers and a bit more XP from armored mobs I dislike being shot more accurately by skeletons which is a side effect of playing on hard mode is the current best infinite fuel lava dripstone cauldron method or another method lava is a pretty cool fuel but you can’t collect it automatically and it doesn’t stack with the Advent of the crafter kelp blocks are now automatically craftable they can stack to 64 and each one will smelt 20 items so five of these in a stack is the equivalent of a bucket of lava anyway if you don’t want to smelt stuff in bulk consider bamboo if you have an automatic Tree Farm consider charcoal if you have a wither skeleton Farm consider coal the thing about fuel is it smelts everything the same way what structures need upgrading personally I would love an overhaul or an expansion to jungle temples what’s your favorite death message you’ve managed to get left the confines of the world is one that I got on Minecraft SOS for being outside the world border although that was an admin accident why does bone meal only spread nyum by one block instead of several maybe for slightly more precise control and to limit griefing but my follow-up question is why so many green particles what information do we have about the portal in the deep dark well we know that the game’s structure files call it a portal it’s made of reinforced deep slate which cannot be moved and doesn’t drop if you take the time to break it that’s it what is your favorite mob death sound honestly pillagers what is your Avatar’s shoe size 101 questions have now been answered thank you so much for watching this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide my name has been pixor ifs don’t forget to leave a like on this video If you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now w [Music]

The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 3 continues in Minecraft 1.21 – the Tricky Trials Update!

In today’s video, I’m answering 101 Questions about Minecraft, submitted by YOU to my Community page here on YouTube. Curious which biomes spawn Trial Chambers? What colour wool a Jeb Sheep gives you? What’s the most complex crafting recipe? Which biome is the hardest to start in? What else could the Heavy Core be used for?

We answer all this and more in today’s episode! If you have any alternate answers to these questions, let me know in the comments – I’d love to hear them!

Survival Guide Season 3 world seed: 787419271612053211

Minecraft soundtrack by C418, Lena Raine, Kumi Tanioka, Aaron Cherof

Season 3 of the Minecraft Survival Guide will teach you how to master Survival Mode in Minecraft 1.20 and beyond!

Follow the Season 3 playlist here:


Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm UK Time!
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GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #Trivia


  1. Regarding locked repeaters, I have an amethyst farm in the spawn chunks that can fire every 3 hours. But if no one is there, no random ticks and the harvesting yields nothing. So I have a random tick detector, and if enough ticks haven't happened, it sends a signal to lock the repeater coming from the main timer so it doesn't harvest partial amethyst.

  2. On the arrow, would be more likely to have a glow lichen arrow than a torch arrow. I had this idea when they were making the deep dark. It would be nice to shoot an arrow down into a dark cave before you enter so you can see how many mobs are around before you take the plunge.

  3. Pix can be such a smartass sometimes

    "Do you think fletching tables will ever be given functionality?"

    "They already have one. They turn villagers into fletchers" 😂

  4. Step 1: Make an automatic bamboo farm
    Step 2: Hook up a crafter to it
    Profit: Never need to chop down trees to make sticks, chests, barrels etc.

    But you do need tree logs to make campfires.

    My melons are auto crafted into blocks, I've a PAPER farm instead of a sugar farm, have a bamboo block (Plus a bamboo plank|) farm and gonna make a kelp block farm but gonna need to study some slime block flying machine tutorials.

  5. In terms of pvp, the mace is quite useless. A strength 2 maxed netherite sword does more dps and the mace requires the opponent be in 1 place which obviously isn’t going to happen in pvp. Also netherite armour reduces the boost on wind charges and it can easily be counterable by slow falling arrows/splash potions

  6. David is super complicated. I've spent almost a full year building it and trying to understand how it works I'm building the 9stacks version. But I put him under my storage room and right now can do a full stack I just need to repeat it 8 more times

  7. Pix, you are so great at your job 😂 Even knowing what the answers were going to be from stream, this video was 100% worth the watch time with your visual examples and cheeky delivery. 10/10, will always recommend!

  8. 14:37 Chickens have an "entity_type" tag called "fall_damage_immune" which includes mobs like iron golems, shulkers, and cats. This special tag gives them immunity to the damage type "fall." This same tag is applied to the player or any mob affected by a slow falling potion.

  9. My favorite use of a locked repeater: Bedrock: tiny mud farm.
    I haven't seen anyone else use it yet.
    My mud farm allows the player to place a block in front of a dispenser, which then dispenses a water bottle. The empty water bottle gets filtered back into the (water bottle filler) system. The hopper in front of the dispenser then automatically picks it the mudblock once it's broken, allowing the player to click place/punch for mud blocks in one spot very quickly without inventory clog.

    The locked redstone repeater was a very simple solution to a very simple problem I had in previous designs; a locked hopper not picking up mudblocks.

  10. at 20:20 you talk about stuff to help navigate, like using coordinates, landmarks, maps, the sun

    but all those feel either too immersion breaking, as is the case with coordinates, or finicky, as is the case with maps (given how it can be hard to tell where you are in relation to the map), not to mention how it can be hard to remember to bring your map… and that's an extra inventory spot

    but what if we could navigate via stars? in this essay i will-

  11. Mods wise: MouseTweaks and ItemSwapper. They sooth some of the inventory interaction woes.

    Axiom's also very good for creative mode building/experimenting, you don't need to touch the "Blender/3d modeling" mode of it, the enhancements to Creative mode (move/clone/stack) are soooo nice when designing stuff.

  12. Ah, that’s why I’ve been so confused when I hear you or other YTs talk about having to get another Cartographer to find another structure. I kept remembering the patch notes where that was changed I just thought it was for both versions not just Bedrock

  13. ?I don't understand why "surrounding the mob spawner won't change its type" would even be a question. Has this ever been a thing with other spawners? 12:24 Anyone?

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