Terraria is the HARDEST GAME I’VE EVER PLAYED! How does anyone win this?

[Music] Terraria is the best game ever said someone in my chat Minecraft wishes it was as good as Terraria said a review on steam I’ve never played either this is my final day of my big 10day variety spree and I thought what better way to use this final day than to check out a little niche Indie gem on Steam it was hard to dig this up and find it I doubt any of you have ever heard of this game before but let’s jump into Aria I have never really played a game like it I think it is uh contrary to my stupid intro wildly popular let’s charact let’s uh make our character and uh jump in what’s this game about I I couldn’t tell I am not in the uh educator role here I cannot tell you what the game is like this hair is a little bit like mine well maybe not today today it’s more like this but I think of myself as this or this all right let’s get dark brown is there it is eye color doubt it really matters but this is roughly my eye color jacket color yeah yeah shoes green all right let’s begin so I have health and Mana points classic Journey medium core hardcore classic classic characters drop money on death Journey medium core drop items on death die for good all right let’s do classic didn’t I just make my character oh oh I see oh I keep making new characters oh there we go so now I make a world creating second character let’s see small medium large what do you guys recommend random n let nature decide whether corruption or Crimson oh Crimson is like Scarlet rod in Elden ring medium game over Man game over brutally hard for the truly Brave expert fortune and Glory kit classic the standard Terraria experience anything above small is for multiplayer all right I’ll go small and master seems too much let’s do expert and then random Crimson or corruption let’s do random here we go this is my 10th game yes my 10th variety game after into the breach empires of the undergrowth prey cocoon inside Mella Return of the auin hi from Slovakia here I forced myself to donate you and thank you for all good content of my Nostalgia game Warcraft 3 you a lovely person and your videos are amazing have a nice stream wish you best less than three also great grubbies Watchers I appreciate your support a lot but I can’t help but feel a Pang of guilt or at least concern when you say the words I force myself to donate I take positive feedback to Heart without the necessity of a sub or a donation uh just as well I wouldn’t ever want you to be uncomfortable uh from support uh like this only if you can miss it then it’s comfy so if you regret your message has been heard and appreciate it if you regret it just DM me and I can refund you I forc myself to message in chat hi gry hi jobling don’t make don’t make me ban you all right we’ve selected our world let’s go in now what do I do W SD all right do I have bullets a cute music space is jumping ah get him Okie doie this game is very [Music] good why sometimes I have arrow and sometimes sometimes I have Arrow sometimes I don’t [Music] hey am I playing multiplayer or why is there a guy [Music] there it does like no damage I I’m down to 29 life arrows are from NPC expert slime you got sankers by the Acres what do what does that mean [Music] so when kids say they play Minecraft does that mean they’re better Gamers they have no problem with this kind of stuff [Music] huh it’s tough cuz it’s expert mode yeah why did you make me go expert chat we lost money I wonder why sometimes there’s a bow oh look sometimes I shoot with bow and sometimes I don’t or or are the arrows always oh the arrows are from the NPC oh cool we can stop the slimes [Music] jumping no I don’t think I control both of them I’m just saying I do like 10 stabs and one in every 10 stabs is an arrow but it was actually an arrow from behind me hey let me move chat you guys are covering the mini map if you don’t mind all [Music] right this one does much more damage than sword wait is this like uh vampire [Music] survivors huh I’m I’m digging a hole huh where are we going well they did call it Terraria so I guess digging into soil as part of it is this open world is this open world or uh can you go anywhere you [Music] like hit control for better digging ah thank you I’m sure surely I can dig my way out right quite creative oh no I just took 1 million damage from the Slime is there another weapon that can attack down or what corrupter was eaten from the bottom up by green slime doy space created oh God Timber I’m calling Timber it’s going down so I thought the tree was going to fall on me and deal damage so is this the game shift key selects the necessary tool if you Mouse over something oh yeah yep that’s the whole game slimes and trees all right cool uh how do you win how do you win the game [Music] [Music] what where did he come from oh my god did he just spawn there or did he fall down maybe I should like dig down and then go back up again so that uh he can’t catch me do you you know what I mean [Music] wait is there grass growing on the dirt here I think there’s grass growing and Moss and [Music] lyans so all this dirt is going to my inventory right so I have a lot of dirt is there something down here [Music] I wonder if there’s an inventory button yeah me [Music] too that’s the map camera mode tab oh like Diablo 2 mini map overlay Escape oh I tried everything [Music] else is Warcraft 3 over yeah I’m a Terraria Pro Gamer now it’s [Music] done I think there’s nothing down here I need to time up reunite with my NPC and then we’re going to go walk left or [Music] right ooh shiny oh I found Ora tinor [Music] [Music] h I’m going up I’m just afraid of the slimes [Music] ah got him all right how do I damn it ah how do I talk to him T [ __ ] oh right cck greetings scrts there’s something I can help you with understanding I wanted point that I’m lazy as hell nothing about fory my London is just bad here have another money [Music] XD greetings friend got it man no worries thank you so much Sero glad you’re enjoying the content uh so much to be that generous [Music] it’s so dark here I need a flashlight spell potion shows the location of treasure craft a torch quick stack to nearby chest sword inventry open emotes I would have talked to the guy you know but uh we’re constantly under attacked by slimes I can’t see [ __ ] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] help oh my God they did me dirty [Music] I’m glad that was hidden from sight did that guy eat my torch how much money did I lose just now I had 100 gold 100 money now nothing no I still have 100 so I have a torch but then when I left clicked he threw it on the ground can I put it in my hand I guess I should just not left click or something damn it stupid slimes hold left shift to walk with torch left shift is running oh right click take off oh shoot [Music] help this game is hard this is like Hollow night but it doesn’t explain anything and and you’re always under [Music] attack why do I always get baited into expert mode let’s restart why does chat do that you know I’m new at the game you know I’m new and then you you’re like Go Master go expert [Music] expert hardcore but expert mode also has additional item drops you can’t get a normal well that’s really going to matter for me as a first [Music] Tim sorry we forgot how hard kids games can be for you [Music] un ironically that’s the type of game where you wouldn’t upset anyone if you had a Wiki open yeah it is far if few were slimes now we can actually talk to our dude ah you have to hold shift hey it’s the same character on a different world I keep the Infantry I [Music] found interesting progression all right let’s talk I’m here to give you advice on what to do next it is recommended you talk with me anytime you get stuck [Music] happiness he likes wandering through the forest to crafting Place some material here showing recipes that use gel AKA none [Music] [Music] wooden Arrow you can make wooden arrow with stone make it then [Music] [Music] [Music] goie doggy wow is grubby playing one of my favorite games grub smoke [Music] [Music] game is loud maybe a little you need a workbench oh my God slime attack we’re under [Music] attack from out of nowhere is it spoiler free no I need help the guy you’re talking to now is the guide he’s showing you the recipes What a fine choice of game but you have to have an actual crafting bench or eal to actually craft stuff orientated once you start getting mid game resources a fair warning but a good taste sample to try it so Wiki oriented means poor in-game [Music] tutorial there’s a rabbit hey the Slime got hit by the arrow and then he killed me that’s last I promise a poor rabbit can I harvest its meat where should I make my house hey an acorn should I just make my house anywhere or is there like a specific place I can go to anywhere you like okay um let’s see we’ll build clay [Music] blocks that’s it this is my home now [Music] yay we’re safe [Music] it’s not safe you need a roof yeah yeah yeah I’ll make a roof uh do I need to stand oh there we go [Music] huh I have quite a range huh it’s a very small [Music] house look [Music] [Music] we need a chimney I can’t I guess it’s the highest I can build all [Music] right so we have a house this is a prison this is a house and now should I make a basement level the floor this [Music] one you need background walls what does that [Music] mean make a workbench okay crafting [Music] and then oops craft it need 10 wood I have [Music] wood do I need to equip it [Music] I’m swinging my [Music] wood click it in the list left oh my God cool how do I disassemble this piece of wood you were crafted by selecting it yeah makes sense I just have to select it again a boat ah all right all right all right build this wall stuff around guide 2 and talk to him and select help several times it’s a bit weird how do I get there anyway it’s I’m stuck I would need a door I don’t need him wooden fence fishing pole wooden helmet yeah let’s make a helmet oh cool I’m wearing a helmet all right I’m safe now doors let’s see rope coil a campfire life regen increased oh there’s life regen equipment menu is on the right oh yeah load out one two and three I was actually in Loadout three camera mode it’s for screenshots housing Zack the guide this room is missing a [Music] wall what I have walls move chat yeah move chat it’s missing background okay let’s see how do I make [Music] background housing go to the station ah okay I see it increases options wooden [Music] door oh I got two doors now what am I hitting people with wood or with a door I got three door four I got four door off [Music] door needs a hole oh okay I see I need to unmake something hey I can make a bow and a [Music] hammer there we go let’s make a [Music] campfire nice use your pickaxe to break blocks okay [Music] dude bow is [Music] op now we can place the door a you can turn it off there it is the [Music] door [ __ ] what [Music] ah how how did he get [Music] in oh they’re trying to break through [Music] it is a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Beholder oh that was hard and I did all that with the inventory screen open how do I close this door I’ll right click [Music] cool [Music] [Music] good damn we can’t shoot through the door ah I’m out of [Music] arrows [Music] no why is it only one damage [Music] I’m going to need to make some better [Music] weapon with I’m right now I got the [Music] [Music] sword zombie arm wand of sparking uses two Mana where’s the zombie arm lazy ah damn it I can’t I can’t leave anymore oh cuz I’m on top of it oh my God it’s cuz it put me on top of the workbench and I couldn’t leave I was [Music] stuck I can’t see [ __ ] this is so fun press down when you’re on top of platforms and benches ah okay I see oh I see the zombie [Music] arm oh that’s a good [Music] [Music] weapon all right come with me Zach come on attract people to move into our town they’ll need a home in order for a room door chair table light source make sure there’s walls wait I can have uh Village members there can be other people it’s like Rim world oh that’s [Music] that’s [Music] fun so if I go up here and then down ah okay I see so this is a bit small then yeah this game took everything from Rim world I can’t tell if that’s a joke because of the chronology or escaping true criticism I don’t know when the game came out it needs a third wall [Music] where I can’t build because I keep fighting they never stop [Music] [Music] attacking turn blocks into walls at the crafting table let’s see [Music] oh so these blocks are not walls huh dirt wall stone wall wood wall shuriken gel wood tin ore rope dirt block I guess we’re making dirt walls [Music] [Music] I have to make them here [Music] [Music] huh how come I can walk through walls oh my God they can walk through walls too oh wait oh it’s the background wall it’s like uh flooring in Rim [Music] world oh I see so the blocks are part of the wall boie doie D I love this game glad to see you play it I still have to learn to love it I want to know what makes it [Music] good but right now I’m running into some skill issues that prevents me from tasting [Music] it oh it makes it so that Monsters can’t spawn inside I see and [Music] interesting honest question yeah how the hell are you supposed to find that out by [Music] yourself all this stuff reading [Music] nice the NPC guide you just do reading is overpowered Wiki the guy tells you all the basics but he didn’t he didn’t come with me the guide [Music] this is an extremely Wiki heavy [Music] game that’s the point the game is all about exploring the world it’s not a race to the end I had the same experience grubby the first night was very difficult hey I never said the first night was difficult Oh you mean in Terraria second day is when you truly start the game all right I hear you I hear you cby it’s easier than you think after a while you’ll naturally fend off yomes and the guy tells you a lot of basic stuff your house is invalid he will if you make a room for him okay and so the slimes cannot come in now outside the door I need to make some arrows wooden Arrow how come it went straight to Flaming I can’t make wooden arrows anymore oh I don’t have the stone I see I like The Arrow physics all right all right all right let’s let’s build our friend a room so I guess we’ll be using dirt blocks as well to level the the floor [Music] yeah this level with an underground torch how badass is [Music] that the hell yo surow thank you for the gift up [Music] dude use the hammer yes to change the shape of a block oh hammer what the this thing is [Music] huge gel [Music] the hammer is to destroy walls and change the shape of blocks okay but the hammer and the pickaxe seem to do the same thing to [Music] blocks oh you can just hold down your button [Music] explore during day improve house during night but I want to bring our NPC over he’s actually becoming interested to come here finally I wonder why I guess he’s just getting kited by monsters will trees grow [Music] again yes yeah he said I need a chair and some other things he’s leaving again where where [Music] [Music] [Applause] this game is so hard the hammer destroys background stuff Graves tablets okay can’t build there those holes are half blocks you can Hammer them or break them okay [Music] it was constantly rotating in looks did you see that I was stuck in purgatory I realized it and I went on for a bit longer for fun all right let’s rebuild [Music] this wait we don’t get anything for killing the the ladybug [Music] [Music] [Music] what’s this oh [ __ ] slime attack we need more houses the music is absolute banging for [Music] sound oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] why did it swap huh when I run out it swaps the wall that feels kind of [Music] troll hold it is faster oh we have made a house you can also use the achievements as a guide on what to do next it says 20 out of 20 is cozy fire active as above I think it is we won gu completed oh that’s Mana [Music] [Applause] all right and now we need a chair and maybe some more torches I don’t have torches anymore I guess I threw them oh wait I do I have a few [Music] so cute okay what difficulty I I switched the normal Empire or Emperor or whatever expert expert was a bit too hard cuz I kept getting Pelt by slime attacks let’s get a table and a chair so I guess we both need our own table otherwise we won’t both of our own uh house and then two [Music] chairs achievement complete no hobo the chairs are facing the wrong [Music] [Music] way what’s the goal of the game is it like Minecraft to kill big dragon bot I have no idea it never told me he can’t get in at the means I probably can’t get out yeah but he is trying to get in which is a big Improvement no he’s going to die kind of a sick defense position think I need to kill the tree first [Music] I can’t they cut this little Shrubbery this one I killed the tree oh the stop is left I can’t kill because of the [Music] stump axes oh okay I don’t like killing the squirrels but they attacked my house where’s my door block okay nice the thanks can scroll between the item in the hot bar outside of Infantry oh cool it’s kind of useful all right let’s go uh dig he took the small room so polite how deep do I need to go to find life 10 yeah I noticed if you hold shift it auto selects the right tool um but then defaults back to what you have better to find natural caves instead of digging yeah I found a cave just now on the right this is more this is more carpan it seems like uh our guide is completely unconcerned with the developments I think they cannot break through do you have a favorite genre of music I like deep house instrumental like uh violin Dio cello need more adequate housing for more NPCs I couldn’t build the roof higher but I guess there might be if I make it more attractive more things to do Hobby and more separate rooms then I might get more people yeah I do not like Kanye West music is that controversial you could make like five rooms out of the long one yeah I think I will later I feel like I’m already 10 floors down but there’s nothing here yeah maybe the music is still loud oh oh my God this is the map it’s big whoa oh I just uh drank something I need to make use of this now for small moments of time for 5 minutes I have revealed gold my first time fighting this yes spelunker potion this reminds me honestly of Dungeon Keeper there’s content above you as well I guess we could build bridges into the sky right Dungeon Keeper for dir the Imp I know such ignoble fate I recommend using one of the tools to climb vertically be it platform stairs ropes or chains oh instead of making like uh climbable jumpable jump well okay I already failed can’t actually make my way back up all right I’m going to make a vertical with a rope can hold space for higher jumps oh yeah oh cool okay how do we use the r three plus range can be placed can be climbed on cool nice good so could we theoretically dig into the sky with a rope could we just rope into the sky where’s my rope there it is this night lasts forever dude does the night not end if I don’t kill the skeletons [Applause] [ __ ] cool all right much better hey are these Vines I can climb on maybe not between this and slay despire grubby is choosing games from my library when did this game come out Terraria I feel like I saw this long time ago uh by some other streamers 2011 oh my God [Music] [Music] it’s still getting updates Wow have to been any tournaments in Terraria speed runs a single rope is enough gby ah really oh yeah but not mine looks like a rope ladder oh yeah there is enough though mine is convenient because you don’t have to walk left or right to go up and [Music] down this is what we in business called the elevator what’s wrong with it [Music] I know it’s a waste of rope but it looks so much better when it’s uh one piece I went it’s two pieces [Music] you’ll need a lot more rope then I know it’s inefficient but it looks so goodie doie thank you for the sub Harmony [Music] you know what would be really efficient two two gaps every time so that you could jump in between it’s daylight go explore okay for oh my God Magikarp help ah oh my God I couldn’t swim I tried up and I tried Space I couldn’t swim oh we lost so much money 43 silver where do I see my money where do I see all my money I lost half my [Music] money turns out I can make larger houses I can just climb on top of my uh walls press shift to Quick select torches oh oh huh I thought shift was [Music] running a it’s a glow stick look I can’t swim I can only [Music] jump build platform don’t have to pick up my money ah it’s fine we’ll get more money we can build a platform on the water I think it’s night time I keep being attacked where do I see the time I mean besides the fact that it’s literally [Music] dark let’s see [Music] oh [ __ ] damn it give my weapon back I TR I I tried to uh equip my weapon but it wouldn’t unequip the platform for some reason B [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it’s [Music] daytime yeah we could try platform again [Music] okie dokie [Music] [Music] it’s actually more code oh [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] okay all right [Music] why are they attacking in the day they never just let you [Music] build this game is harder than Elden ring DLC [Music] it’s a bit like fortnite isn’t it constantly building while being attacked and building Sky platforms this is what all the kids love Sky castles wonderful brid it’s a beautiful Bridge [Music]

Terraria is the HARDEST GAME I’VE EVER PLAYED! How does anyone win this? (Game played on 2024)

Catch me live all days of the week at: https://twitch.tv/grubby

#Terraria #SoHard


  1. I understand why you felt that way about this game; I had a similar experience. I gave it a longer try, but eventually realized it just wasn't for me. There are numerous aspects of the game that I find unappealing, and I can't quite grasp why it has gained such immense popularity.

  2. Yeah I also had the displeasure of trying this game and having to bear with the horrendous backwards-logic UI and controls.
    Unlucky recommendation.

  3. I’ve never played Terraria and I want to thank @Grubby for showing me that this game “ain’t for me”. Seems awful honestly.

  4. The monitor Grubby has must be at least 80" wide if he couldn't see the arrows coming from the NPC or the slime sneaking up on him while digging the hole. Haha. Good stuff.

  5. Hey Grubby! I have been a long time enjoyer of your videos and trust me when I say this(not gonna spoil anything): this game gets so much better the more you get into it. Excited to see more to come!

  6. Gotta love when streamers complain a game doesn't explain anything when they completely ignore the guide put in front of them.. for fuck sakes.

  7. "How are you supposed to figure that out?" Well chat did tell you about 8000 times to talk to the guide … coulda maybe tried that more than for just learning about chairs and tables XD

  8. I totally understand your frustration, but underneath the clunky UI there is a great game. If you decide to play this again, here are some hints:

    – you "broke" first house by digging a hole in it without "sealing" it with a wood platform. NPCs dont like to have endless holes in their rooms ,).
    – you can use the hammer to make actual walable stairs out of wood platforms
    – the jungle biome is a bit higher level (and its a bit unlucky that it spawned right next to you). Better go down or left for now.
    – maybe consider a smaller world, yours is medium sized
    – general early progression steps include: Find desert and craft cactus gear, find ore (preferably better than tin) and craft gear from that, or explore, find caves and loot some chests.
    – Also need more homes. Your one "long" room can easily house 3 or 4 NPCs by just subdeviding it with walls and doors.

  9. Cool to see you try out Terraria.
    It has many great aspects and many detrimental aspects as shown by how you interacted with the game with no prior experience.
    A lot of experienced players may very well have forgotten how painful it could be when you knew nothing about the game, but there's also a lot of players who enjoy that aspect (I do not).

    Terraria has a rather steep learning curve if u're starting at square 0, but after that it absolutely picks up in terms of quality.
    It's basically "It gets good after 5h of gameplay". Which is and always has been a weird way of saying that a game is both shit and great.

    I like Terraria 😀

  10. still got my og char n world and have built structures around my base to illustrate a teleporter then copied my base to newer updates and modded worlds and higher difficulties. games still vhard using tlauncher & various packs

  11. u can protect doors by statues behind them inside and teleporter pits outside to i think 8x1lava rooms where the loot doesnt melt but they die

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