I Found CUSTOM TREASURE in Minecraft!

mining can be really boring but in this video every time you mine you have a chance of finding treasure these chests can be anywhere from common to Legendary containing some insanely good items so me and my friend have 45 minutes to gather as many materials as we can and then we fight so enjoy the video okay Henry let’s let’s just do this you you’ll figure it out soon enough bye buddy what do you mean by that yeah nothing nothing ooh M shaft oh what the that’s some weird looking M shaft but okay this is going to be weird because for all I know Henry is going to get way more stacked than me and just make it impossible for me to win I have absolutely no idea but hopefully that’s not the case I mean you never know ooh but this is actually good got horses here so we can get leather and sugarcane yep okay perfect literally always by the water because I’m going to want to try and get enchants because mining fast is going to be extremely important cuz every time we mine we have a tiny little chance of getting treasure and there’s different tiers of treasure so I have abs absolutely no idea what’s in what are you kidding me no way did oh oh no way Henry just got treasure and then I got it straight after what what was that Rider Strider call upon a horse mind treasure guide book treasure types biome specific Stone types loot progression oh my goodness and wait what was this this was a common default treasure okay so that’s literally the worst we can get and we got another one common default treasure considering this is the worst we can get that’s insane potion of night vision okay I’ll drink that when we go mining perfect super slow stone tools you know I’m not even going to get more wood I don’t think I need it will’ll use this XP though thank you now give me leather please I don’t need much no okay zero is more than no why okay thank goodness two wow that was seriously atrocious yoink see we’re going to need more food but do I risk it and just hope that I find it in these treasure chests I’ll kill this pig just to tie me over oh are we got three pork chops and a Normy bread what is a Normy bread gives one extra hunger bar okay I will take that let’s uh let’s just mine quickly until we get another chest thank you you speak and you show food I told you and it giv us an extra hunger bar I’m fine I don’t need to worry about that we already have so many XP bottles so enchanting is going to go swimmingly the problem is I have no idea how many things Henry is getting and he could be getting more but I doubt it we’re actually getting so lucky right now so also the loot progresses it gets better that’s what it was saying in the book that’s fine what do we have oh okay I tell you what night vision thank you let’s get groovy yes down we go what is this m shaft ooh I might as well m a bit of iron thank you in this book it says different Stone types are extremely important Stone has the standard rates diorite has common rates but lower epic and rare so oh the four tiers are common rare epic and Legendary Legendary which has one in 500 chance and epic has even less less okay deep slate or even high okay so I need to M deep slate ORS okay great that’s really good to know thank you ORS come here that’s why that’s a different one Rare Find find your first rare treasure what you Diamonds oh my goodness thank you on give me another one give me another oh there’s another one oh I wonder if it varies on what or you’re mining cuz there’s Redstone back there that would be really good I don’t really know if there’s much point of me actually exploring this m shaft oh yeah there was gold there there was gold and if it does mean that the higher tier the or I’m just going to do this okay please give me another give me another so Henry hasn’t even got a rare one yet so we’re looking good on that front we really are no nothing oh what am I doing I’ve got diamonds Diamond Pickaxe yes thank you and now that we know we can get diamonds from these chests that’s just insane okay at least we’ll just getting gold I suppose that’s helpful I don’t just want to strip mine oh but going to the nether will be huge oh yeah genuinely I think my bet is just looking through these caves and Mining loads and loads of ores oh okay we just lost no don’t like that it’s tooo dark thank you please come on copper be good for one thing first in your life go on yes oh oh un breaking to oh I can put that on my pickaxe actually and once again more wood thank you okay I am wondering if I just maybe strip mine a little bit or at least strip mine toward caves or something oh this cave this cave is huge yes that’s exactly what we want and there we are another chest perfect gunpowder as well all right this is working this is working we might as well do all right now but once we get to a certain point we’re going to want to save it cuz once you get higher levels it just gets harder and harder to get them and if we want to do like mixing of things with an anvil we might as well have lower levels go on okay that’s oh oh we just got that from a regular thing that’s sick so that was just from Deep slate so deep slate is definitely the best option to be mining at because not only can we just mine loads of deep slate ores but deep slate has a higher chance go away no leave me alone yeah you suck that’s it I don’t know how much this UPS your chances of everything I figure if I just mine loads and loads of ORS we get better options we want more of the rare ones I want more diamonds go my bad o found iron though oh rare one more diamonds yes oh and Unbreaking three helmet all right this is actually nuts oh there we go un breaking two definitely don’t need that I’m actually going to start saving my XP bottles now yes okay please tell me diamonds have a higher chance than other ORS I really hope it is the rarer the or the better the chances are of everything how many diamonds nice you didn’t have to M for any would this is sick I’m hoping that in the hour we’re doing this I can find one legendary chest if I get one legendary I’m happy extremely how many diamonds do I have got five diamonds all right should probably I make an enchantment table then we can enchant our pickaxe put Unbreaking on it yeah let’s do that cuz then we’ll get efficiency in Unbreaking that’s huge and more diamonds thank you go one Diamond give me a rare oh you suck dang it oh Unbreaking terrible but we’ve got it and oh night vision yes I’ll be taking that thank you make my life so much easier I need to make a shield this this is not going well for me nope don’t you dare okay we’re running thank you I hear you behind me zombie waa what did Henry just get it sure feels windy that’s definitely not a Minecraft achievement find your first Common wind treasure oh biome specific wait biome specific is a feature that makes every biome feel unique loot tables are heavily altered from biome to biome wait that’s huge okay that’s good because we’re not near any of them other than the planes we’re in but there is a savannah nearby is it in the hot biomes Savannah biomes yes and there’s a jungle nearby ooh okay I don’t know what a wind biome is I actually have no idea that’s fine let’s grab our iron let’s do this all right we need to get obsidian we need to find a lava pool and I’m actually just going to make some better stuff kid what are you doing in my cave oh my you’re full iron I’m not full iron this he just went completely out of my Rend I didn’t hear a word he said hey buddy oh oh hey um yeah don’t mind me I’m just going mine all the diamonds while I’m here um uh hry leave no this is literally my cave it’s my cave he’s up there I’m not going to mine ORS when he can see me cuz I don’t want him knowing that ORS have higher chances of getting stuff oh my goodness I just had an insane idea there are loads of custom items but wait I want to go over and check nether default oh my goodness we will be able to mine so quickly in the nether what do you want nothing I’m literally just chilling leave this is literally my cave no it’s not I actually am leaving soz I’m done here okay well good cuz I’m going to use my efficiency five Unbreaking three pick how you know just just doing what I’m doing oh have you what have you found have you found a rare chest yet no oh diamonds hey no don’t you dare don’t you dare leave me Al leave me Al come here yeah that’s what I thought no hey hey hey skeleton get him oh my God oh my there’s more there’s more there’s more yes my timers ha okay I’m leaving I’m leaving we don’t need hry we don’t need hemry he hasn’t even found a rare chest we’re fine I think we should just try and find lava pool and goes to the nether and well make enchantments first so we can just mine quicker I then mined for what felt like forever until I finally came across something worthwhile oh lava pool wait also I saw a diamond somewhere there you are oh multiple nice wait what what did Henry just get he found a swamp treasure okay yeah I’m not wasting any more time we’re getting everything we need right now there we are just get some Obby done nice now while we were doing that Henry got his first rare chest and oh okay so we found a rare swamp chest I don’t know what’s in that once we’ve been to the Nether and we’ve explored a bit I’m going to go try out some other biomes I’ve just had a really good idea actually it might be a stupid idea but I don’t actually care we’ll just need a bit more iron and for now we just need to go like this thank you enchantment table let’s enchant efficiency oh no efficiency two that’ll be so good I’m doing it efficiency okay fine efficiency Unbreaking one would have been insane but you know what it works yes nether portal speed thank you and done I just need Flint thank you through to the nether we go I really should have a shield shouldn’t I oh oh my what that’s huge and have we got we’ve got different biomes as well okay this is really good it’s fine we go over here do not fall in the lava please yep good all right yeah this is C if we get efficiency 2 even it might even be lower than that we don’t even need efficiency 2 but we can instant mine every everything in the nether pretty much so that will just mean so much free treasure but I am assuming that it’s the same rates if it’s not a I should have thought about that yeah doesn’t say anything about the nether so I’m just going to assume it’s better just have to make an anvil just like that thank you still efficiency one diamond pickaxe woo okay I don’t know if that means it’s a good diamond pickaxe or if hry just likes Terrible Things yep oh my goodness yep oh yes okay I’m making efficiency 3 and I’m doing Unbreaking I’m doing it thank you boom efficiency one efficiency one we’ve got so many XP bottles so even if we don’t have enough levels which we do doesn’t even matter yoink yoink Unbreaking three efficiency 3 yes I need to try and find better stuff now cuz yeah this is all just terrible oh what is that holy moly find your first epic treasure what engine debris gas tears full respawn anchor it’s already fully charged oh that’s not well it doesn’t matter if I die because then I’m just dead completely so that’s kind of worthless but still in the Overworld we can use it to explode hemry yes I like that I like that a lot rare chest okay right do you know what that’s awesome we finally got an epic chest wait so the only one we haven’t got is a legendary now which is nuts we got it from mining gold Oh Henry just got one as well are you kidding me a what is that find your first epic deep oh Henry’s in the deep dark okay this pickaxe has barely taken any damage this is good I don’t feel bad doing this I just want to get as much as I can oh nice oh my flame and fire aspect thank you we’ll take that we’ll take the gold and you know what that’s me happy that’s me happy with the nether okay that works that works I don’t care we’re setting our spawn here who cares we don’t need respawn anchors realistically I don’t even need a Bastion there might be load of gold in there doesn’t matter I just need to keep mining stuff in here cuz now we’ve got an insane pickaxe we can do so much more and I’m going to go find a cave in a different biome CU I want to know some other stuff I can get cuz everything we’re getting now is just default stuff and if it’s themed like if you’re in a hot biome can you get hot stuff like could we get another Flame or fire aspect or something like that or if we’re in a rare biome do we get rarer stuff that’s this is all questions that need to be answered oh and we can just swim what if he’s got efficiency six we need to get that wait Henry’s got to be near me because he was near us oh do I go and try and find whatever he’s getting in the deep dark yeah it was over this way oh Henry’s got Diamond arm oh is this a desert or a Mesa but this this is M shaft I believe yep stupid spider okay this is good this can’t be where Henry is though can oh my God actually could be are we in a deep dark eroded Badlands wait so is this way deep dark deep dark yes we’re in deep dark okay we St mine wait okay we want to follow this deep dark wait this must be where Henry is so this was literally Round the Corner we just missed this yep nice is this ooh gold medium powered rocket deals instant damage yep we’re taking it absorption potion that’s huge just want to mine things that are quick to mine that’s what I’m going for here ooh Diamonds though and a spawner okay so Henry hasn’t been here either he has and he just doesn’t need diamonds at all or he hasn’t been here I’m hoping it’s the earlier there’s Henry there he is I knew it Henry get Henry oh my how have you got so many chests because I have efficiency six boy wait no no no don’t open that don’t open that I’ll kill you I’ll kill you okay okay okay okay wait you’ve got efficiency six yeah check this out what hey heyou he okay okay okay okay okay I will I I’ll do the unthinkable if you come anywhere anywhere wait wait wait wait wait I’m I’m willing to offer you a trade okay okay this is I’m not even joking this is actually nuts I’ve got a fire aspect 2 and Flame book and an efficiency 3 Unbreaking Three diamond pickaxe I’ll trade it for your efficiency six how about I do you one better I keep my efficiency six but I give you an efficiency five netherite pickaxe for the fire aspect book okay you can also take this one I tried put them together earlier it didn’t work but thank you for the book oh my what alone what got to get to as many blocks M as possible dude this is insane I’m never going to follow to that I’m leaving leaving I’m leaving Henry I’m leaving how on Earth has he got efficiency 5 that easily are we going to have to go back to the nether he’s doing so much better than me he’s got oh no this is bad I don’t care about these medium powered things that’s terrible yeah we need to continue mining deep slate I just need to find a cave again Henry is actually just destroying me right now oh gold block though that’s insane what oh oh my goodness okay okay let’s just mine in the deep dark should we be mining ores in the deep dark and wait are there any spawners here no there’s just shers okay good shers are fine I don’t care about shers let’s mine ORS here good thank you chest oh wa that’s good does that just mean we can just effectively M no Henry found legendary what no that’s terrible that’s actually terrible oh my God how how is Henry getting Legendary stuff I don’t know if we can win this at this rate we definitely can’t this isn’t sustainable at least we found other biomes actually what biome are we in we are in desert okay he just said yeah a GG bro that’s not that I don’t like that you’re actually done wonderful absolutely wonderful Henry’s getting cocky that’s the last thing I needed hemry is already cocky as it is is that the legendary chest it’s highlighted oh you’re kidding me that’s so annoying now as I knew I stood no chance to Henry as it was I needed to go absolutely crazy so I just zoned in and AD mined for as long as I could until something went my way no oh that’s promising though that is what we need and I think I’ve just figured out a loophole please tell me I’m a genius tell me I’m a genius I’m a geni genius efficiency 6 mending as well okay boom I need to just start mining loads and loads of stuff this stuff mines so quickly and in a deep dark biome can give us insane stuff so please keep it coming or diamonds as well yes res H desert treasure sucks oh diamonds okay thank you now we’re actually cooking fire protection level 17 no way that’s insane armor does that have Unbreaking Unbreaking three as well that’s better than what we’ve got for sure all right let’s make some armor right now and then we’re just going to go searching now mining tff only got me so far so I decided to do it in a new biome oh okay that is huge we haven’t seen anything from a jungle yet but I’m pretty sure I can instant mine Stone yep I can oh yes let’s just do this in the jungle see what we get uh trash okay absolute trash that’s fine rares though golden apples nice oh of course because of the jungle temples poison arrows as well poison 2 blindness and slowness four for 7 Seconds yep let’s get more of them please monkey potion wa speed two jump boost two that’s crazy yes please oh this is going to be such a broken fight between us the bo is going to have insane stuff that just makes us dizzy oh o two more though thank you skeleton helmet projectile protection 9 ooh that’s definitely better than the helmet I’ve got on right now might as well oh my thank you we’re in a default chest okay so we’re back in default that’s annoying so wait what oh we’ve gone all the way through we’re back in oh no we’re just in Jungle what okay let’s get a few more then we’ll explore another area because the reason I was so happy giving Henry that book that we gave him is because I went to the Nether and got that he hasn’t been to the nether I can just go again it’s not difficult strength thank you okay y we’re leaving we’re leaving I think this is just Plains isn’t yeah this isn’t hilly terrain or anything but yes Mangrove that’s where we’re going oh no only 15 minutes remaining that is annoying so I’ve got 15 minutes to find a legendary no you’re you’re actually joking me that’s as I said that that’s a bunch of rubbish find your first Legend very default treasure I hate this man I hate this man with every fiber of my being stinky Splash poken mining fatigue nausea poison and bad Omen for okay that’s awesome all right good I like this I like this so far protection four dep Sher three power four yep efficiency four protection three sharp you’re joking you’re actually joking me how is he doing this I haven’t got a single one he’s got three I’m doomed come on legendary if Henry can get three I can get one I truly believe maybe I don’t maybe that’s the problem I really don’t believe I’m just gigar drilling torpedo going through a mountain and it’s doing nothing you’re kidding me oh my goodness speed 4 and haste 2 why is this called drug trafficking Ultra fire resistance resistance oh my this is insane Ultra splasher weakness yes bad luck potency nine oh my goodness now so far the swamp hadn’t been my friend but I decided to persevere and keep going until I found a legendary oh oh my goodness yes protection two Unbreaking eight mending when a full set of refined netherite armor is worn the user gains permanent resistance one oh my goodness protection four oh my goodness yep we’re done we have done it finally efficiency efficiency and Fortune oh that’s insane right we’ll go we’ll go do you know what now that I’ve got one I just want one more to match with hry I’m going to get it in the Nether and then we’re just going to go fight it because I’m not I’m not wasting any more time this is just taking too long okay it’s fine we got this nice away we go this is it this is my moment give me a legendary netherite flame yes 2 hours later here oh oh yes star full respawn anchor don’t need that demon potion strength three oh my okay oh no no no no no no okay that’s perfect timing though to be fair let’s go boom let’s go no actually I don’t need any of that do I wait was there netherite there was netherite in one of these netherite scrap oh ancient debris make a diamond helmet we’ll put protection three on the helmet we don’t need this one anymore it kind of sucks protection four depth strier three on the boots and then we’ve got the refined another chest plate sadly we didn’t get the full refined netherite armor you know what protection four unreal and oh I can’t make this netherite I don’t have the netherite template the upgrading template okay we’ve got 5 minutes we’ll just try and find it try and oh food nice we’ll try and find a template right now if we can if we can’t we can’t it’s fine we literally have nothing but time right now we just got to wait until it’s over no this is bad I want a netherite sword I haven’t even made my bow yet o oh yes good and what’s this FL Fire 2 don’t need it we got food we’ve got blocks we’ve got everything go back yes yes oh my goodness netherite sword oh yes I can finally leave I’m going oh my goodness I actually think we have a chance against Henry now I didn’t make a bow flame okay that’s fine no that’s fine I still can’t that’s me being stupid boom boom okay okay we’re near the mangrove as well so as we’re on our way up we might be able to get power oh my please oh Enchanted don’t care about any of that don’t care about any of the rest I literally need one power book please that would please ah no no no no no this is bad this is bad get me out of here oh yes what you’re joking me Ultra Splash damage Ultra Splash slowness oh my goodness oh my goodness laser gunpowder Ultra instant heal I don’t know what I’m looking at forget it we’re just not getting the bow we’re just not getting the bow ultimate potion yep oh my goodness Ultra potion that is strength three Ultra splash potion okay yeah we’re good oh okay okay okay we’re going up are you kidding me that could not have been more perfect timing and just in case we’ve got the better chest plate and we go up and fight Henry now oh god of course we’re in a mangrove yep lovely Henry uh wait oh my goodness I don’t have Shield Qui quick quick this is not how I’m going out I’m not going out because I don’t have a shield nope oh my goodness I don’t have a bow either wow okay we’re just going to have to rely on everything else unless unless we just do it on the way now I don’t even know if I need a shield I’ll make it just to be safe but there is Bow and Flame all right that’s the best we’re going to get we need everything already to go now oh good God I don’t see him where is he he should be somewhere here he’s going to think I haven’t got what what Henry what is that uh where are you uh oh my goodness come here get off no don’t leave my dokey alone man leave my donkey alone I will shoot your donkey if I have to Henry come here what do you have your donkey is too quick yeah he is come here come here Henry why do I keep missing you cuz you suck ouch okay come here no you know what you know what this isn’t going to be a One V one fight this is going to be a 1 V3 fight are you kidding me no oh my goodness oh no my doy my dokey no no my doy oh my goodness why did you Spa the Wither did you do this why did you do this why am I blind what’s going I can’t see I can’t see you stay back why have you spawned the with oh it’s not going for us okay good okay uh commit let’s do this no no no no dude why have I got wither two for 20 seconds okay okay okay okay what else can I use against you you know what I I I I can use this against you wait what was that nothing what was self-destruct why are you so fast come here no don’t you dare spawn the warden my good yeah I’m going to the water I’m going to do it why have you done this no no no don’t break it don’t break it don’t break it no get off no yes yes yes yes come here come here now I’ve got speed four buddy what okay I’m yes you are hey stop this stop this w w wo how many notches do you have uh just you know a handful don’t worry about it don’t worry about it speed for is actually I I could put fire on my sword said it was too powerful stop with your stupid potions oh my God oh my God my screwed I’m going to throw up I’m going to throw up I hate this have you got yours oh my God I how long do okay it’s only for 9 seconds do oh my goodness no that did nothing okay you know what maybe maybe if I come I’m coming big boy no no you don’t goodness what okay that’s fine hry no I’ve got strength three buddy I’ve got strength three stra through here no okay land the water bucket come here come here going in the cave I drank a demon potion buddy back stay back come here don’t you no come here no yes Henry come here come here no yes no no get off me oh my goodness leave me alone no please no oh my goodness yeah no no no yes oh my God I was on one heart I hate this game

Minecraft, but MINING = TREASURE… (Challenge)

Instagram – @wispexe
Photo Instagram – @wisp.photos
Discord – https://discord.gg/wisp

Henry: @Henwy

Mod: https://modrinth.com/datapack/mine-treasure

Use Code “WISP” for a discount or go to:

Use code “Wisp” for 15% off Dedicated MC:

#MinecraftChallenge​​ #minecraft #minecraftsmp


  1. Stop making this fight with your friend after 45 min content.
    We used to watch you beating minecraft with interesting mods. Make those type of videos. I know beating dragon with over powered items is boring but try to make them also powerful or make a complete new boss or do something eles but give those minecraft beating content back. Rather than fighting each other and if u want to fight then make a minecraft battle royal video.

  2. i love this 1v1 in 45 minuts it is why better then traing to beat the game i love yore work wisp i have bean sub to you when you had less then 1 mil subs keap up the good work i know that i will have a good time when i see you have uplouded a video love you wisp

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