I “Beat” Terraria With Only 1 Health

hardcore Terraria is one of the game’s most difficult challenges you can’t die even a single time and managing to keep yourself alive in a game designed to kill you and kill you frequently isn’t the easiest task but what if we took that idea to its absolute limit instead of not being able to die what if I wasn’t able to incur even a single tick of damage if any enemy hits me I am dead if I fall just a little too far or walk into the th horns in the jungle Crimson or corruption then the whole run ends immediately just how far can you get with this absurd difficulty well that’s what I aim to find out today after having beat Terraria hardcore and expert and master mode I figured it would only make sense to continue doing Master mode because the moment you do hardcore on one difficulty you can’t simply lower it especially when you’re a YouTuber and everybody’s watching so I set the world to small a random eval and master mode this is going to be an absolute pain and I don’t expect to live for more than a minute even a minute would be an accomplishment actually I’m pretty bad at not being hit by slimes oh I also randomized how my character looks because let’s just say I’ve done a lot of these runs and it’s simpler this way it doesn’t take long for slimes to attack spawn which is why I had to Chomp down trees super quickly and set up a nice little home for safety I have to rely on the guide to clear some of these slimes for me and I wanted to add a a door so he can get back inside without dying but of course the slimes are little in the way so this will require finesse I quickly started learning strategies for survival such as chomping down trees from behind a door waiting for slime to be just about dead from the guide before opening it and finishing the slimy boy with a pokey pokei from My Sword I set up the houses to be suitable for NPCs with a workbench for my table I was actually thinking I’d need a bunch of wood for armor but then it occurred to me I can’t get hit so I guess there’s no need to increase my defense and thus there’s no point in any armor if it doesn’t have a modifier other than defense so no wood armor for me I guess I can use it for other more useful things now previous hardcore runs taught me that a good spawn is essential to survival in this type of challenge so I ventured off to the left until I saw a slime in my way so I returned back but of course two slimes were waiting for me over there now doubtful of my skill and not having time to mine I built a quick wall on either side of me that was just tall enough to prevent the slimes from jumping over do I know how many blocks these things can jump no but it would seem the answer is seven I need a range weapon I can’t keep living like this so afraid of enemies that I dare not approach them so I collect a bunch of stone with which I can craft a whole lot of arrows a new slime is in the way of me and my house but this time I make a much more efficient and effective safety box would have done this instead of walls before but there was a dumb tree in the way who knew the mere existence of a tree could be a threat to my survival at the house I made a wooden sword a bow and a bunch of arrows the sword swings around my character’s body rather than poking so it’ll have a lot more coverage and the bow is useful in a hitless run for obvious reasons I think now I’m more than capable of doing some actual exploration so I head to the right side of the world collecting extra wood along the way to my great relief there is a cave by it’s not all roses because it would turn out the tundra is right next door and the underground Tundra is a bit more dangerous than the regular caves in my opinion but I head down there anyways I drank a shine potion and wanted to make good use of it so hopefully there will be easily accessible treasure I did also stop to mine some of the ores along the way for improved weapons the most important thing I can find down here is a recall potion or magic mirror there’s no way I can safely travel back to the surface and any hardcore run even non 1 HP p1s require an easy way to escape back home in case I find myself in a bad situation thankfully I found one which wasn’t ideal as I’d rather not be left potionless after using it so I’ll have to be sure to get another one while I’m in the caves but at least I have the one it’ll greatly improve my odds of survival hopefully speaking of there’s a bat in the cave in front of me and I’m not liking my chances with warding it off with a wooden bow so I figured I’d Venture down an alternative cave I spotted a little earlier and this turned out to be a very good choice come on Snowball Cannon come on Snowball Cannon come on Snowball Cannon ice skates oh we got some silver got dangerous sense some recall all right well not as good of a choice as I would have hoped a snowball Cannon would have been an absolute GameChanger at this point in progression a powerful rang weapon like that could easily keep me alive for the foreseeable future a blizzard in a bottle would also have been great for its Mobility but no I’m stuck with the stinking ice skates probably one of the most useless things I could have found in the ice chest even with all that said though pretty sure it prevents me from falling through these blocks I totally forget if that’s a thing that it does but I think they do and I just want to look at the bright side at the moment they’re they’re not useless they can be good okay well there there are you happy they’re they’re fine I mind a vein of silver ore as it’s been the most prevalent to this point so I’ll likely be able to get some Silver gear and headed to the other side of the cave where two Undead Vikings give me a good scare I started making a safety box so I can loot the treasure chest without fear of dying oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh snowball Cannon Game Changer acquired I Min some more silver in the ice just above me but while I did a few bats started flying my direction I was hoping they’d bounce off the blocks and end up somewhere other than the path I had just mined but alas I did not have such luck and thought it wise to retreat home I’m already doing so very much better than I thought I would do in a 1 HP hardcore challenge least of all on my first attempt I’m hoping that I can at the very least defeat King Slime that is my big objective killing just one boss would be such a huge accomplishment in this Challenge and in my mind would be enough to declare this whole thing conquered so that’s the goal kill King Slime the snowball Cannon is definitely a good enough weapon handle them but I have no accessories I could use to keep me alive and I hardly have any iron with which to make Minecraft tracks in fact I don’t even have enough to make an anvil I’m also starting to run a bit low on basic supplies so I set up two more houses hoping the merchant will spawn in the morning rather than Farm slimes or search for the caves or torches and rope I’d much rather just buy those utility items and call it a day before that I knew I needed a metric ton of snow to keep my snowball Cannon nice and loaded so I brave the night crawling with zombies using the few hundred snowballs I was able to craft after my time in the tundra to make my way back to the snowy biome at which point I drank a mining potion and went down to town went down to town I went I mined a bunch of snow after being sure to block off the entrance so as to remain undisturbed while working on this task one block of snow is able to make 15 snowballs but the snowball Cannon shoots pretty fast and considering how it is going to be my main weapon if not only weapon I’m going to need every snowball that I can gather but even so mining with a copper pickaxe even with a mining potion it’s not very quick business I still put quite the dent in the side of the hill I think and I have collected plenty of snow I figured so I headed down this natural cave in the hopes of finding another spot to search for ice chest but this cave ended up immediately connecting to the one I had already been on which I guess is okay I need those movement accessories I had mentioned earlier and the tundra would just so happen to have the flurry boots and blizzard in the bottle which is really more than I would need to take on King Slime assuming I played well as hook or even a regular gem hook would also be a very big help but we’ll take this one step at a time or at least that was the plan until an undead Viking was in my way and I thought to myself that I should gather some more supplies to improve my odds for exploration and lucky me the merchant happened to spawn soon after I returned home and you see I wanted rope and torches from him but I totally forgot that he also sells the mining helmet armor is useless to me outside of the bonuses that they give which makes the mining helmet perhaps one of the best stor pieces I could ask for at this point in progression emitting a strong light at all times will keep me so much more safe while exploring and is overall just a very big help I’m still going to want the Torches because even if I can see myself I still want to light the cave so when I return I can see what is in front and behind me but this is huge I also had to buy the Anvil because yeah I still don’t have enough iron uh it’s nowhere I don’t know where it is it’s just poof gone with the Anvil I made a silver pickaxe and axe making the axe almost seems unnecessary but chopping trees just a little bit faster is Handy and realistically what else am I going to use the silver for anyways might as well right with this new gear in hand I thought I’d try mining straight down to start a elevator and maybe find a cave there’s a few things I’ll need to keep an eye out for while doing this for one falling could mean instant death so I can’t allow myself to mine into a deep cave as my only method for recovering is a recall potion and I don’t trust my reflexes will be fast enough to react to that and I’d rather not waste what could be a bigger issue though is enemies falling on my head as I might which is more of an issue when you’re deeper in the caves than I am now but any old enemy could spawn in the open areas around me and fall straight down this hole on top of my head and I know for a fact there is no chance I’ll teleport home before they hit me I could be putting blocks above my head as I mind to prevent this from happening but nah after making it a short ways down I decided to explore the surface a little bit more so I’d have a better idea as to where everything is the desert was on the left side of the world and so I chomped up some Cactus I’m so used to doing this on Instinct since Cactus is very helpful for early game armor but it’s primarily used as for the Thorns effect that only works when you are hit by an enemy so I suppose I could use the armor and then take the enemy down with me but other than that the cactus has little to no use other than the cactus sword which could make sense at this point in progression the corruption was on the other side and I really considered blowing up a shadow orb but I saw the Eaters of Souls and figured it wouldn’t be worth it I was also afraid of the goblin army being able to spawn after blowing up an or but now that I think about it I suppose the Army can’t spawn at all when I’m doing this challenge can they don’t you have to have at least 200 Health like with the I cthulu natural spawn or am I mixing things up do you only have to blow up an orb or are there these two stipulations either way I didn’t decide to go down into the corruption and while I was home I considered upgrading my sword with the Cactus I had collected but went with the silver broadsword instead it’s a seemingly obvious choice as The Silver broadsword does a bit more damage but the cactus sword is a chunky boy and thus is pretty good at keeping enemies away from you so long as they don’t have a high knockback resistance but I went with the damage route and headed down the hole I had dug and Min some more until I came into an opening but it had no luck with it leading into a cave I mind into some water and sure I’m always careful not to drown but now I can’t let those air bubbles go out for even a Split Second and a water chest just so happened to be down there a trident or water walking boots would be great but instead I’m given the breathing Rod can anybody tell me the last time they actually used the breathing Rod I have never found a use for it but I guess it is funny how this thing works as a weapon so if somehow you found a water chest super early then it could function as your primary weapon i m some silver and put stuff away in a treasure chest which just feels great actually having gathered enough stuff that I need to store some away feels like a genuine Milestone when you’re not allowed to be hit even once or else you lose all your stuff I killed a couple of stink bugs and then figured I’d return to the tundra for the blizzard in the bottle and flurry boots I wanted to mine into a different cave underneath spawn as I figured that’d be easier to survive but with no luck on that front I supposed returning to the only caves that are open enough to explore is my best option even if I could encounter little Frozen Spike slimes so I’m not looking forward to those earlier I had notice this Minecart Track below the frozen ice Bridge here it’s easy enough to access but Minecart tracks are not exactly the safest thing in the world traveling them is an easy way to get yourself hit by something which isn’t that big of a deal in most normal runs but this is no normal run thankfully no enemies responding so I fell down and went to the left only to be met with a dead end and after a second or so I headed to the right where I encountered a flinks these things suck because of how much knockback they take this does make it easy to prevent them from touching you but it also makes them hard to kill every time you touch them they fly away and you have to chase them down which invites all kinds of mistakes I could avoid killing it all together but a flank staff summon would be a great help in this run a bat tried to interrupt the fight but was really quickly dispatched thanks to the snowball Canon I love this thing and I managed to pin the flinks against the wall for a much smoother kill at the far end of the Minecart Track was a worse snowball Cannon than the one I had which sucks but in the cave just above our are a few rubies that I’ll need in order to craft the slimy crown with which to summon King Slime remember that’s all they want to do kill King Slime at which point I’ll declare this challenge one but I need some movement accessories and this Frozen Spike slime is in the way on my left so I headed to the right in mine to a different opening which just so happens to have another one of those dastardly slimes I bridge over the thing and try to box it in but wasn’t able to place the last one block nearly in time and was terrified the Slime would just pH through the block like the green Slam at the start but he jumped back so I was fine but I don’t have any good options from here and Mining in the tundra can be a pain so I returned home and dug up a bunch of dirt I realized I didn’t have a whole lot of any solid blocks with which to box enemies in I suppose I could have gathered these blocks while exploring the tundra but oh well live and learn I also built a few more homes expanding to the left and to the right the reason being that I want a long house not a tall house that way the NPCs will be more spread out and help prevent spawns on the surface around me see even your SP building you got to really think things through but I guess I’m not really one to think things through all the time and that’s exactly what happened when I started mining again glowing mushroom biome I’m pretty sure always spawns somewhere beneath spawn and maybe one of those would have a golden chest with the accessories I’m after as I did this I saw a salamander I was going to kill it from a distance but then oh I forgot to make him hardcore but I died gosh darn it yeah I accidentally mined one too many blocks and of course it would seem I had forgotten to make the character hardcore one I actually tried to do this Challenge on vanilla before I realized I could use a mod to make my character have 1 HP and then must have forgotten to make this one hardcore when creating it but I got hits and that means the Run ends and I was so close to I could just taste King Slime I could have had him but that was a fun little experiment no I am not going to be actually trying to beat the game like this I don’t have that kind of patience but it was a good time [Music] [Music]

What happens when you take on Terraria but with only 1 health? Well that’s what I aimed to figure out today.
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*Terraria Original Soundtrack:* https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBO2h-GzDvIazWs1jFf0QwzLjKqTW5w5a
*Terraria Otherworld Sountrack:* https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIkIdl6mePBshFxcxazePZxgBNq2oxWo2
*Calamity Mod Soundtrack:* https://soundcloud.com/dm-dokuro/sets/the-calamity-mod-ost
*Mod of Redemption Soundtrack:* https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzKXyrhs_w8UC0yQ7p42XTwgAplYw4SnR
*Core Keeper Soundtrack:* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDCZZR-i5z4
– Axolotl Pet, New Animations, New Shields, Shadow Armor Revamp, Color Buffs, Colored Emblems, Chinese Moonlord, Tomes retextured, Desk dragon, Better World Icons, Colored Boss Relics, Pylon, Crabby Angler, Dryad Deer, Eevee Fennec, Cyborg, Clockwork Dragon, Kobold Invasion
#terraria #gaming


  1. OMG you beat the game on 1hp hardcore!

    5:00 Ice skates do prevent you from falling through thin ice, usually if you fall from more than three blocks they’ll break.

    Maybe try doing a 1hp non-hardcore run?

  2. You should watch sbubby's 1hp master hardcore run. He is a speed runner and current wr holder who did a 1hp run a few months ago. There are a bunch of cools tricks that you should use

  3. By the logic of KING slime being a king… Aquiring a crown from a fallen foe is seen as a victory.
    Thus you have beaten the game
    Good luck

  4. i think crabbar has done their own 1hp hardcore and lemme tell you it's not even finished and imo they didnt intend that to even be a thing

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