My farm setup (ignore the bad quality)

by Equivalent-Tip-6171


  1. PsychologicalFault on

    Ah, i see, so this is that famous “what a horrible night to have a farm” mod I’ve heard so much about

  2. this screams “I found an old nintendo switch and it had stardew valley on it. and when I started the game there was an old save file named 666 and its favorite thing was satan and the cat’s name was lucifer and it turned on by itself at 2 am and I couldn’t turn it off and the farmer had hyper realistic bloody eyes”

  3. iampierremonteux on

    Which sub am I on? Is it r/stardewvalley or r/dwarffortress.

    If I squint, I see a what looks like a mine far underground from the game “Slaves to Armok: God of Blood Chapter II: Dwarf Fortress”

  4. Familiar-Tennis8111 on

    This looks like the poorly copied, deep fried pictures teachers give on tests and expect you to label the diagram (or worse, analyze the art)

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