SOMTHING’S WRONG… Minecraft: From The Fog EP1

[Music] um welcome back guys we are playing from the fog today we’re starting off a little new season cuz uh you already know I enjoyed the last one and the one before and listen I feel like we should uh yeah okay I mhm I’ll run down real quick on the mod pack we have a lot of new scary mobs in here also just a couple dwellers but um we have a lot of new stuff in here okay I’m talking I’m talking stuff that is uh too real to be true typee of things okay so uh I do have some goals number one let’s go and make some tools and also the things in this mod pack I don’t want to spoil too much but I did figure out one thing don’t trust the animals that’s all I’m going to say Mr Piggy I’m not trusting you okay maybe he’s trusted don’t do it don’t jump don’t do it but uh yeah by the time I’m uploading this I’m probably on vacation so uh I hope youall are having a good day today you already know your boy is having a great time I am on the beach right now speaking of the beach oh my gosh let me tell yall I got one more year and I’m trying to like think about moving down to the beach that be so nice it’s going to be crazy but for real how we doing today okay how we doing cuz uh your boy’s been vibing I’ve been hanging out another thing for this new series I will be taking time to actually perfect these videos cuz uh listen I want these to be amazing for yall so if it does take more time then yeah don’t yell at me okay I’m trying to perfect okay Perfecto but yeah some goals I got for this uh little playthrough [Music] oh that’s fun I want to try to get full iron okay during like this episode so yeah we can do that and try to find a village too cuz that would be nice and as yall can see our food problem is solved come here [Applause] cow but yeah we need to go find a village so that would be good before it turns night because I think oh no it’s turning night wait wait wait wait we don’t have that much time out here so uh yeah we need to go look around we’re in a PLS environment so hopefully we can find a village uh I don’t yeah I don’t like this spot right over here no the the Herobrine Forest uh-uh no thank you I never saw one of these in the last playthrough from the foog so seeing it now is oh could have sworn I saw something I don’t know yeah I don’t yeah I don’t don’t like the Herobrine for oh no way we found a village yes your boy has found a village right before sunset too Mr Iron Golem how are you kitty cat okay so now we need to find the where where’s the crops at I need no way there’s a real nether portal too o I got o I got plans let me tell you I’m excited dude that is so like creepy I no all right so this is not a big Village but hey it’s okay it’s something and uh sir I’m taking this bed I’m so tempted to sleep T night right now let me tell youall okay like I’m very tempted you know what I want to go explore this room nether portal real quick and I think I’ll be fine I mean I know it’s night time let me go ahead and make some torches real quick yeah I think I’ll be [Music] okay oh hello give me that gold nice so we got iron ingots we got a h chest plate with mending I’ll take that thank you H there already creepy things happening what are you looking at I did not miss those guys from last series we have a forest over here so that’s good so we can make a house nearby and uh yeah we’ll be chilling let’s go back to the village and uh let’s sleep sleep the night cuz I don’t want to be out here during night I I don’t like the night I really don’t it’s it’s not a fan [Music] favorite okay no MM no no no no sleeping okay sleep oh oh Herobrine’s already here I did not miss you no not at all get me in the bed hello guys it’s morning good mornings yeah it is beautiful outside amazing I’m not wasting any time today okay listen I I need a house up I need iron armor I need iron tools I need everything all the above and uh yeah we we got this guy too to help us so that’s cool wait I just found a resource pack real quick quick hold up I got to show you all this this is crazy yeah my boy they look so real now what about these guys hello this is crazy crazy I’m not crazy you’re crazy but um yeah I’m really excited for this new series because the amount of new things I put in here is I am so excited for okay it may take a while for them to pop out but I I’m excited okay let me tell so the trees are alive uh-huh the trees are alive uh-huh okay sick of this stupid did I your foot steps Sheep watch [Music] it there’s just a really unsettling Vibe I’m getting right now I don’t know what it is it’s just it’s too it’s too calm in a sense dude the animals are freaking get me [Music] out I also have a let go for yall today can we hit 10,000 likes on the first episode of from the fog can we do this guys come on I know y’all can do it 10,000 likes that’s I’m asking for and uh you don’t even have to subscribe but if you want to subscribe come join the gang okay we post weekly and we all hang out here that that’s what we do hello what are these oh okay I just now realized I’m out here chopping down trees with a wooden axe nasty time to get more Cobble how am I even out of cobblestone bro this is crazy I need to actually stock up on this and wood so we can make a house and be safe I also realized during last playthrough from the fog I was barely building structures listen it’s going to change today okay today I’m going to try to build a whole bunch of things yall leave down the comments and whatever the most like comment is on this video then I’ll build it so uh yeah just give me some ideas cuz I’m trying to make this new world insane I’m talking like crazy cool yeah you know crazy cool type style what um uh-huh okay um you’re just going to we’re going to ignore that there’s really blood and [ __ ] around here this is uh what a great start let me tell you I thinking though uh for the house I want to live near the village but not too close to it cuz you know raids start and whatnot I hate that stupid we could ooh wait we could we could start a little underground house in here this is not bad next to the herrine forest ooh there’s coal too yeah we’re going to start right here right here is not that bad yeah I swear I keep hearing like screaming in the distance but it’s okay not even going to worry about it yeah we’re going to build right here why not kind of similar to last season but hey I I’m going to try to switch it up okay during this playr that is my goal all we need right now is a little bunker what no no oh my no creation oh my gosh where did you get here Scooby-Doo that is ridiculous no that’s not cool are you serious you were silent I didn’t hear anything I just heard him like just running above me and he dropped on my head am I good can I come back up is he gone what the okay uh-huh yeah we still got the Skin Walkers in here too and Herobrine’s cousins yeah that’s cool no no no it’s fine it’s fine of course he’s just running back into the forest that he lives in oh great why did I build here again nah nah nah listen it’s okay it’s fine don’t I do not need to worry okay also guys I don’t even want to talk about what’s in the caves y’all seen the other videos I’ve done what’s in the caves is it’s not safe it’s just not safe okay as I mine into a cave no way it’s already night time that’s probably one of the nicest screenshots I’ve ever took like that’s a wallpaper I’m talking wallpaper worthy that’s not funny don’t do that to me you know what we’re getting up a door as sap you’re not coming in my house leave me alone goofball stay out no herob beans allowed going to get this coal real quick this is stupid I’m so glad I kept vay Miner in here this is one of the best mods I’ve ever added in I’m telling y’all like the best mods ever oh oh oh my dude my heart get out of here spider dude they’re gone gban and his pet dog dude I came with Scooby-Doo we also have a couple new HeroBrine Mods in here too guys so uh this is going to be fun apparently they act different they stalk differently and uh yeah the things they do is different and I mm- not used to it okay I probably will get used to it but now no I’m not used to it okay I’m not used to it at all so like I’m just I’m terrified while we’re chilling in here we’re going to get the food cooking up cuz uh yeah your boy is running out of food and that’s not good what was that hello what the who is you that is a messed up looking zombie bro let me tell you yo Cuzo what happened to your friend okay go talk to him go do what you got to do what the hell is that no no no no no no no no what was that no wait wait wait wait oh my gosh wait what was [Music] that [Music] hello I I’m so confused right now that does not look like Herobrine hello that’s totally not uh creepy welcome to from the fog season 4 this is ridiculous man and my pickaxe breaks again I can just count during this episode how many of my tools break bro like this is stupid but yeah we’re going to carve this out we’re going to make a little small base just for the night little Basics and then we can go caving okay and go get that iron if we’re lucky what the what where did that thing come from no [ __ ] it up oh my gosh oh it’s in here are you serious oh my gosh my heart bro okay I straight up froze we’re going to go back and get our stuff now um is that Steve thing over here F okay it’s not good I don’t know what that thing was that’s okay that’s one of the new things I was talking about added like a whole bunch of things I’m not used to it and I’m freaked out uh-huh I missed that guy let me tell you I totally missed that guy oh man this is so stupid I got to break this to get in my house give me my stuff now I know the where did he come from I blocked the door where did he come from where to go came from right here I need to block up this cave area also clean up my house cuz I freaked out and did messed it up place blocks everywhere this cave is freaking me out I need to put torches down here wait how deep does this cave go okay you know what this is a easy fix okay looks like uh this will be our mining cave let’s just do this and uh boom put a door down right there and yeah we’re vibing this is our little cave area now I have cleared it I’m going to start crying hey cut it out that laughing oh my gosh it’s morning what a beautiful morning it’s nice out here nothing bad nothing scary but zombies and whatever that thing is what even is that bro I’ve never seen that before let’s go and make a chest real quick just so we can have stuff in here and yeah we’re chilling all right boys let’s not waste any more time it is time to go mining okay I’m going to sort out my inventory real quick and yeah we’re going to go mining wait hold up I just realized I have these how much iron can I make with these two wait hold up oh my gosh we got a shield we got a shield on day two we are vibing oh my that’s amazing all right cool so we have food we got wood on us yeah we’re chilling let’s go mining let’s try to go find some iron and uh yeah let’s get decked out and listen I know y’all are going to yell at me there’s a cave underneath the house I’m not going to that one yet cuz that one seemed disturbing to me I don’t want to go to it so instead I’m going to go run around see what I can find over here cuz uh we started over here and we didn’t look around I still can’t believe I saw that long-legged creature thing what even was that that looked like Herobrine but without a face and long legs I don’t even think that’s normal you don’t just see that on a day daily okay that is not that’s not something you see that’s only one thing I keep forgetting is that a cave I think we found a cave boys and creepy eyeballs you looking at I’m not even scared of those things they just whisper and they look at you let’s see what we working with boys okay wait we have a whole bunch of coal up here I’m going to grab that real quick and oh okay that goes deep cool damn bro we just got so much coal from that appreciate it oh I almost fell I almost died I got to be careful during this play through okay I I just got to be careful okay I did not miss the caves dude as long as we don’t run into any of those cave dwellers then uh we’re fine chilling okay vibing it’s only a matter of time before that happens but oh oh my gosh stupid zombie dude your boy just wants iron that’s all he wants I don’t like how it’s like so quiet in this cave I haven’t seen one mob yet there there’s just nothing in here I don’t know if that’s bad or uh uh yeah I don’t know if that’s bad it’s okay I think we’re chilling is there any iron though there’s some iron give me that yoink all right cool so we got iron that’s good that’s a start that’s a start of something you know uh nothing crazy but let a start okay yo this cave is giant dude oh my gosh okay we’re going to have some exploring to do dude [Music] stop what what just giggled I’m so confused right now uh-uh no thank you no thank you nope I have a shield I’m fine I have a shield I’m fine it’s just a cade wer it is just the Celler relax the Cade deller it’s the Cade dweller I’m scared of the CW I’m still scared of the just stay away from open areas and you’ll be fine oh there goes another pickaxe boom down the drain it’s okay though let’s go ahead and make a iron pickaxe hook up that iron and we’ll be chilling found a m shaft so I’m just down here to get iron and leave okay that is really the only thing I’m down here for and I’m dipping okay just don’t care oh it’s the spiders get out of here spider spawner you say more iron yes give what what what what oh k no no no no no no no Shield oh my gosh no I’m not dying to you oh dude oh my okay that was too close no no no that that was listen that was that was too close [Music] some gold I’ll take that I need to make golden apples too during the series so uh yeah those are going to come in handy too we need to leave dude we need to what the [ __ ] okay okay we’re just going to mine up from here guys and nothing crazy okay leaving the cave what was that bro I don’t like the new stuff not a fan o iron give why is there a villager in the cave what why and why does it not have a face and why was the head twitching I I have so many [Music] questions what the hello I just heard mining dude got to keep going up bro nah I heard a sheppe we got to be close to the surface please yes yes we’re out okay how is your day Mr sheep hope you’re doing well watch out for the the other types of sheep they look like you but are not you it’s a face on that tree dude okay so where are we at I’m very confused right now so it is time to go home we’re going to cook up all the iron I’m talking cook up all the iron and we’re going to get started on the house a little bit more make it look nicer hey there’s the creepy Forest that we all love that means home is that [Music] way what is that no that is not no [Music] sheep what is that dude okay you know what leave the animals alone remember what the the person said [Music] every time I walk through here I always just I feel a chill go up my spine the weirdest thing I don’t maybe living next to like the Herobrine forest was a bad idea but uh oh well nothing nothing to worry about something to worry about but nothing crazy to worry about you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying I’m just glad we’re home okay I’m glad we got back safe to the home but now we know there’s sheep and different animals that have uh faces apparently and that’s that’s cool nothing nothing bad nothing bad totally nothing bad they just don’t have a face like that Steve thing I’m not going to get over that I’m not getting over that no not anytime soon that thing was not okay not okay go and make a new chest plate real quick because this gold one not going to cut it we’ll put the stuff in here that we don’t need dude the zombie jump scares this episode are ridiculous ulous time to get working on the house captain I’m thinking for the house we can have something like a carve out this right we’ll have it lead up and then we can make like a tower on top of the house like a little Watchtower that’ be cool and also I could go up and see if it’s safe to go outside whenever I want to go outside instead of just staying in here that is the safest thing to do cuz I don’t have Windows in here in here there’s no windows like there’s just Cobblestone and a door oh my gosh it’s turning [Music] night it’s a half moon this time that’s kind of strange oh well carrying [Music] on no just know I don’t like that the man from the fog the night dweller not even worried okay oh great block that up I heard the K dweller why do I hear the night dweller I’m it’s raining oh no block it up oh my gosh block it up block it up what am I do oh oh I got in no oh my gosh what the [Music] hell the Sheep was going after a villager I know for a damn fact I did not just see that okay you’re normal what what was that sheep thing then I hate it when it rains because the night dweller he does like a lightning strike when he starts chasing you and lightning and rain see what I’m talking about it’s the same thing and I just don’t know which one is real or not oh are you serious bro I’ve died twice this episode and this is only episode one this is stupid bro I’m angry angry angry all the above going to go ahead and patch that up I can’t even open up a area for a window because you want to know why this stupid night dweller is going to run in and bring it really don’t like that [Music] guy who is knocking at the door uh-huh stop knocking herob beans go away the whistling mhm the whistling cool you know what I should probably yeah we’re blocking up the door for tonight night don’t care you know what no don’t care I have two beds why don’t I just sleep nothing bad’s going to happen if I sleep right no I’m sleeping what you can’t sleep what do you mean I can’t sleep no let me sleep no no no game the game doesn’t like me okay cool I can’t even sleep you know it’s fine I’m just going to work on the house that’s fine that’s perfectly [Music] fine dude the night dweller is so active like why all right can I sleep now finally it’s about time sick of the Hero Beans and also the night dweller I’m sick of all of them oh of course of course he was here the night dweller was here broke my door while I was sleeping and whatnot that’s why you bored up your door kids what a beautiful morning though real quick I’m going to head back over to the village and I’m going to see if I missed any hay bals cuz uh yeah we need food your boy needs to eat hello Mr villager now that I’m realizing it I think this is a small village I’m not going to lie with y’all there should be hay Bell somewhere I’m just I might be blind okay hold up hey there we go they were just over here they were hiding from me how dare y’all I’m going take them all why not okay cool so we got the hay bales now and uh we’re leaving goodbye yeah why was he looking at me like that why did that cow look at me like that no no no no no no why did that cow look at me like that what that wasn’t a real cow was it dude I feel safe I feel safe when I’m at the house like I’m being so FR with y’all like I feel very safe while I’m here I should probably try to make an iron golem at some point wait I can do that there were pumpkins over there yo I need to do that at some point we’ll make an iron golem and we’ll name him and put them in the house that’ be amazing until then we’re going to start cooking up all the ores and food while we work on the house because I want to make this look good and right now it looks like a trash pit like look at this I’m going to clean up the house real quick and I’ll be right back so uh yeah got to make a new pickaxe cuz I keep breaking my pickaxe this is annoying but it’s okay cuz uh the house is looking nice so far it’s coming along just give me a second give me some time your boy cook in you know what I’m going to make an iron door too real quick cuz these are my opinion the most safest things and for the outside I’m just going to use a button because I don’t want anything stepping on my pressure plate and then trying to walk into my house I don’t want that I carved out the main house I’m going to put a door here that’ll be into the mines area also guys I just wanted to mention we are almost to 400,000 subscribers it’s insane like dude the growth I don’t even know how to explain it every morning I wake up I look at the YouTube stats and I keep seeing like every day we’re growing and growing and growing it’s insane bro I appreciate every single one of youall okay like y’all are amazing y’all are joining me along my journey so yeah if you’re if you’re new uh welcome to the channel and I need to get a door up that Cade Willer thing is going to come up from the mine and it’s going to like attack me [Music] again what the hell okay you know what we’re just going to we’re going to do this just for now just for now okay it’s a little simple easy fix okay what I just heard was not okay bro put an iron door right here during the series I I am going to use iron doors there’s no such thing as a wooden door anymore okay there’s iron doors though those are good I don’t like what I’m hearing boom just like that the crib is done I like it I like it this is nice well somewhat done I’m going to go ahead and put some torches down in here just to feel safe all we have to worry about is the roof wait it’s night time dude oh [Music] [ __ ] oh Herobrine go away in the fire too okay I’m going back inside [Music] scared bro this is G it’s been a minute since I played from the fog and I just I returned to it day one and this is what happens oh fo what did I say I can’t handle this I can’t do this hey no I saw that Hine go away oh my gosh you were like breathing on my neck bro that is not personal space that is like in someone’s personal space stay out I’m so confused bro it’s a skelaton and there’s fire no Fire’s not good put the fire out not scare me that time you got issues I’m going to put some torches down out here what [Music] yeah walk away walk away Cuzo stop bro okay almost done with this I need to get this done this is so what who was knocking on my door [Music]

#minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days
#SwayleMC #minecrafthorror

Today I returned to From The Fog..




#minecrafthorror #cavesandcliffs #fyp #cavedweller #minecraftsurvival #horrorgaming

#minecraft #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #wendigos

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  1. When I was watching but I saw something so is try’s to again repeating and saw a horse guy appeared in front of you I think in 26:18 minutes but am not sure if I had seen it right but the video is amazing I hope you could do more episodes swely!

  2. So… the series has "Hardcore" and the minecraft hearts are hardcore hearts BUT HE DIED? Nahhh whats with this clickbait

  3. Mod suggestion
    You should add this mod called star worm equestrian
    It’s not a scary mod but you get upgraded horses but you need a special new ore
    Called catazirite and you need to make a potion out of it
    You’ll find it at diamond level

  4. Bro got a gab spawn.
    (Good and bad)

    Swayle moments 🙂

    7:35 "al we need is this bunker :)"

    "Dweller:this is my bunker now"

    17:42 " they look like you, but are not you but are not you :)"

    18:04 " That is not no sheep"

  5. Uhmm. Swayle. Not to be a hater, but you mite chance the thumnail of the video bc dang it looks alot like calvins thumnail… (THIS IS NOT A HATE COMMENT JUST A WARNING FOR HIM SO HE DOSENT GET IN MORE TROBEL)

  6. “I’ll be fine!”

    herobrine proceeds to spawn
    Creation proceeds to jump on bro
    herobrine proceeds to bring his whole family

    dave the spider spawns
    a mutated wendigo breaks his walls

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