1. Ill-Advisor-3429 on

    I love the music a lot, but I also like listening to podcasts in the background

  2. Sometimes I’m using the Music Player mod and forgot to turn the music back on.

  3. BillyWhizz09 on

    – I play with friends a lot so the music distracts me
    – I like to listen to my own music sometimes when playing on my own
    – I forget to turn it back on
    – if I do want to listen to it it doesn’t always play so I have to play it on YouTube or something

  4. SpitefulChuckle on

    I don’t turn it off completely. Just to about say, maybe 20-30%. I like listening to my own music when playing, especially if I just want to relax.

  5. mateo222210 on

    The music Is beautiful but I mute it when I’m not playing and then I forget to turn it back on

  6. KorniliusKorndogs on

    I love it but it makes me feel nostalgic and then I get incredibly sad because I wanna go back to them times *I miss the old days*

  7. 42SillyPeanuts on

    Sometimes I’m in Hypixel, so the music clashes with Hypixel music. Other times I have Twitch open to make grinding/digging large holes/afking more interesting.

  8. I love the music to death, but I dont want to listen to the same 10 songs on a 2+ hour mining project.

  9. Well, I have adhd and the music can be really distracting sometimes or if I’m listening to something else I’ll usually mute it so that its not like overlapping

  10. Weird-Analysis5522 on

    “BuT I liStEn To ThInGs In ThE bAcKgRoUnD” you can fucking pause it when a song comes on!

  11. Um_retardado_burro on

    Well, I always have a video or song playing while im playing, but even then, the music is good on it’s own or when you’re calmly exploring, but when you’re in a trial chamber holding on by a thread I don’t wanna listen to a calming song

  12. Present-Program-9252 on

    Wait people actually do this… Who doesn’t like minecraft music???

  13. angrybackgroundnoise on

    Because I want to pick which ones I listen to through ✨ Spotify ✨

  14. Professional_Soil986 on

    I do switch the volume lower but never mute unless I am in the mood of listening to my own music. Minecraft music is ass loud comparing to other sounds.

  15. HubertVenom2 on

    I mute it to listen to other things. Sometimes Minecraft music irritates me. Currently I’m playing with music turned on – just for some fun.

  16. Pyter_Gadjes_743 on

    I simply can’t just play the game, I NEED to listen to something else at the same time… Sometimes I think that I am running out of videos to listen to in youtube for that reason, but THERE MUST BE SOMETHING OR ELSE I’M EMPTY (that’s how it feels when I try to just play the game without anything else) that’s why I turn off the game’s music, something else must be playing

  17. ImNot_AnAlien88 on

    It can literally heal your depression and people just wanna mute it 😩😩😩

  18. The only time I muted the music was when I put on Halo 3’s Warthog run music while I was running to get my stuff back after I died.

  19. Sometimes I get overwhelmed when I have the music a discord call and a YouTube video, so I have to mute 2 of them

  20. Prestigious_Eye9095 on

    minecraft fans: Minecraft has such good music

    Minecraft music: *3 piano notes fading out*

  21. az_isupro_official on

    I don’t play with music coz I’m basically always on call but also coz I like that quiet sometimes and listening to *insert minecraft music here* for hours makes me go insane

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