I Trapped 200 Kids on 1 Block Each.

yo how’s it going guys welcome back to another video so in today’s video I have trapped 200 kids on one block each now if they mine the block They will receive a random item every single time just like so we’re already losing a lot of players all they have to do right now is not fall off and they’ll be good yo this dude already has a diamond chest plate okay what steppy’s goat has a netherite sword steppy’s goat needs to win this event there you go Sky’s goat take the stuff take the stuff they can now place blocks down just like that oh we got water we got blocks this dude is stacking up a bunch of them are stacking up and a bunch of people are just dying wouldn’t you want to stay on your block so that you can just keep getting items like this oh my gosh if they got a lava bucket they can just dump it on people what is Susy doing come on Susy do something smart oh my God this Steve is on fire because Sky’s creamy has a flint and steel oh that’s evil that is actually evil oh they got a god Apple they’re chilling this grass block right here has just gotten a lot of blocks and they’re stacked all the way up here well I hope this strategy works out for you there’s a lot of water how did you manage to get down here what is going on they should be able to make their way back up and be okay pruy Sky you need more armor get stuff quicker here you guys go oh this is not a good look for you Iron Man Sky Iron Man Sky do something you can’t just die here here I’ll tell you what I’ll give you one glass block right there and if you somehow save yourself you’ll be good good luck Iron Man Sky we’re still losing a lot of players and I haven’t even turned on PVP yet so that’s exactly what I’m going to do PVP is now officially on so they could hit each other and they are people are pvping oh that guy is getting shot oh my God he’s dead this is dangerous nowhere is safe oh my my God I guess if they fall in the water maybe they’ll be okay border just killed some guy and killed someone else oh my God bro is just going in he does not care okay we lost a lot of players like that so I’m going to give them another grace period where I turn off PVP look how many people are just in the water floating back up if someone blocks off the water they’re just done for well I guess they should probably get back to work and start getting more items orphan kicker 08 it’s just chilling this map is just a collection of any and every every block in Minecraft I wonder what Iron Man sky is up to oh he has a friend now and they’re just on the platform wait what if I gave them a one block you can just use it now to get any item you want there you go okay what the heck I guess you can have a one block too but if I’m going to do that I’m going to replace all the water to air in 5 seconds okay all the water is now air there we go now these guys are really stuck okay I’ve def definitely given them enough time to stack up more so PVP is going to turn on again in 30 seconds you better strategize now what you’re going to do panda bear look I’ll build you a bridge upwards over here and now you’re just safe and you’re away from everyone there you go you’re welcome all right PVP is on in three 2 now people are about to fall and die oh yo yo this area is dangerous oh my God that guy’s gone this Steve guys doing really good oh no but he could save himself he didn’t even try to Orphan kicker is just safe and happy what if you get shot out with a bow then what yo they just pearled over here and are just wiping everyone out oh my God border is running away if you’re not paying attention you can just get hit off the map oh oh my God my goat go up my goat that is a really dangerous spot to be in but I think they’ll be okay oh no they’re not going to be okay you’re definitely not going to be okay wait he got back up he’s chilling you should probably get a little bit more stacked up it’s just an allout War oh and that’s exactly what I mean can you just ask me for an elytra uh I guess you could if you go down and get it oh why would he do that what the heck did he get it what did I just witness uh okay B’s dead why would he try and go for that Iron Man Sky’s base is slowly coming along oh thank you for the armor but you probably need that more than I do oh that guy’s gone this dude’s also probably going to die I mean you’ve got nowhere to go oh he missed it all right well it’s time to replace all the water into air oh my God what the heck that dude lived but he got knocked off and he went to Lava there’s no way he lives now there’s no way we just have more random blocks everywhere this is really something hey you don’t have that much armor you could probably use one of those how are you still living help us Sky uh yeah sure there’s a diamond you’re welcome dude there is a huge battle going on over here oh my God yo some of them are going to fall and die here it’s all over it is all over well then at least you’re still alive bro so rich yo wtk bota is on the Run cuz these guys are about to attack them oh my God they’re trying to sple the blocks but that’s not going to work oh dude that guy just fell and these guys are fighting oh no he missed the jump rip please tell me Iron Man sky is still alive where is Sky Iron Man no Iron Man Sky oh this sunglasses guy is going to die there’s no way he has the least armor he’s actually putting in work though what the heck how is he still going sunglasses guys dead okay his name wasn’t sunglasses but it kind of looked like it yo I just watched that happen didn’t even try and go for the water Sky’s goat is still well strong and Alive wait this is smart they like block themselves off completely if anyone comes over here I just wouldn’t do that subscribe to Sky I agree that is not an ideal spot to be in wait no way they get out oh they almost got out they almost did yo these two are fighting in the water the TK Diamond has nowhere to go and they’re definitely low oh the water is gone that is just tragic oh my gosh oh wait no the Dank Diamond will be okay they’ thought on their feet and they’re going to go back up this water sorce uh-oh uh the Dank Diamond you really need to figure something out oh my God they got fished where are they going to go from here okay they’re going to the next water platform and they’ll be okay as long as the water doesn’t get blocked off which I don’t think it will uh-oh bro don’t fish me wait okay yeah the DK diamond is okay they just went through so much oh my God they could die after going through all of that oh no they did so good okay bro is stacked even has a him now okay you’ve been here for a while and you have like nothing so there you go you have a free Block to get extra stuff no Sky goat died they had a good run but now that guy’s probably going to die too oh that’s rough wait they lived you lived that bro’s dead where are they going to go oh my God they actually found a place what my dad’s goed even if you get all the way back up here are you really safe well I guess for the time being they are bro what is happening in there that isn’t all out MOS pit oh the totem just went off and they flew away all right I’m going to do a Revival for anyone who’s dead anyone who said the number seven is getting revived so this dude is back really don’t have that much stuff so you can have one of those and border is also back there you go well they could just kill him right now well there we go all the water has been replaced I can’t believe there’s a guy down here how did you get here I mean this is pretty smart but there’s no way that works look at this map please don’t kill me okay I won’t kill you but I can’t really promise what these guys are about to do to you I can try my best to help oh my God I just keep killing border this event might as well just kill him one more time oh that guy is gone that guy is gone there’s no way oh my God the water is just saving lives out here I am cutting most the blocks that are there so a lot of the edges are just disappearing oh my God that guy needs to live he barely did and this is all that we have left this dude is still grinding stuff I respect that honestly and this is really what it’s all come down to oh my God what oh that could be really bad for a lot of them dude they’re legit just all on fire oh that dude is going to die Blaze boy you’ve had a really good run this is not looking good for you oh wait no it is it is looking good for them I don’t know how they pull that off what are they building bro did someone just spawn in a warden what the heck there’s no way someone got a warden spawn egg and literally spawned it that’s so dangerous well that definitely changes things okay how did you get here how are you this safe this is the most optimal location ever y this Warden is moving around what the heck there’s a guy there what did it just get someone did it actually just get someone oh my God what how’s the warden so smart oh never mind the warden is not that smart okay well I’m going to replace all the Cobblestone and water just to air hello there and I will proceed to cut even more blocks how that’s a w spot oh oh my God bro actually lived this is all that we have left dude just popped a totem oh my gosh y this is it for one of them oh and it was Apple Rex we do have people just all the way up here ohy is dead oh people are fighting here elytra and totems are saving lives oh my gosh they’re betraying each other they are betraying each other okay we are reaching end game now oh my God he’s being attacked by everyone okay for the people up here I’m not going to allow this anymore they can stay on the TNT right there if they want to you I don’t know about this anymore oh someone just fell I guess you can stay here a little bit longer look how many players are just grouped into this are area right here you know it was kind of funny when the warden was spawned in so I’m just going to give everyone a warden spawn egg I don’t know if they’re going to place it cuz like why would they oh my God one of them placed it I don’t know why they do that y buddy stuck I think we should just let this Warden go goodbye and I’ve also just given everyone a free ender pearl oh what someone threw it uh all right then that was very interesting border is still somehow alive after all he’s been through it looks like he’s trying to Pearl all the way up here oh yo yo that PE is gone wait someone just spawned in a warden this is funny oh my God it’s an allout War now all the water is gone as well and if you fall now I don’t know where you’re going to go I guess down over there oh my God are they even friendly though oh my God wait one of them are going to die here oh wait never mind they’re teamed up now you’ve had this Advantage for long enough I think it’s time we drop you down in fact I think it’s time we drop everyone down oh my God W’s going to die how are you still up here someone just spawned in a warden over here yo that Warden is going for someone that Warden is angry oh my gosh how is this dude still up here and Alive oh GG rip oh I would not have gone there wait there’s people under there as well here I’ll help you guys out there you go Warden problem taken care of oh my gosh yo okay all the people in here hiding it is time to go yo someone spawned in a warden bro that is not good for them this is the end oh that Warden is so mad that Warden is so angry this guy’s doing a good job at surviving though there’s no way he survived that oh my God you know what I’m going to kill the warden Goodbye Oh those dudes just got poisoned really bad oh my god dude if they fall now it’s GG dude missed the Pearl that was the saddest thing I’ve ever seen bro what was that well now there’s three people here wait are you seriously telling me we people down here and you’re just stuck in the water I guess I’ll save you before I replace all the water to air that is oh they are fighting there oh my gosh there’s like five players on this little island and someone just died over there well we only have two players left here oh wait I stand corrected there’s someone in there oh they’re going for the Snipes oh and they’re hitting these are all the remaining players and this is it now who is going to make a move dude if you get fished you’re on oh they’re pelting arrows at this guy I wonder what would happen if I set that entire floor to TNT at least now if they fall they have some insurance which is why I think it’s in my best interest to connect everyone just like so oh my God no way he just got back up oh if you’re down here it is not very safe where are you going to go why would you do that oh no way no way that actually worked I can’t believe that worked oh no bro’s going to die Skies needs to throw their Pearl accurately oh oh oh oh oh my God what there’s no way I guess they’re good for now but everyone up here might not be so good oh this is the end this is 100% the end where are you going to go having blocks right now is probably key oh my gosh I don’t know how there’s still going the top five players and I’m just going to go ahead cut all of this just like that oh my gosh they’re spamming arrows at each other they have a cobweb to keep them safe for now but I don’t know if it’s going to be enough oh wait they just placed lava that was smart is it going to be enough though oh it might oh one of them just fell yo they’re dead that guy’s dead too which means it’s a one V2 situation they just fell oh my God wait what how did they just do that oh they’re throwing a pearl attacking them and then they TP back it’s a 1 V one unless manages to come all the way back up which I doubt yeah there’s no way and if R Sushi wins this he just managed to take on a 2v one oh my gosh dude the strats are insane the strats are insane oh that could be it for him sushi that could be it oh it’s not though oh his shield just broke dude he’s going to attack you watch out watch out oh bro he walked off from his Pearl but still oh my God he died which means means tread Jack wins the event congratulations I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did like the video and click this one right here don’t forget to subscribe bye

I Trapped 200 Kids on 1 Block Each.

Follow My Twitter – @Skeppy
Follow My Instagram – @Skeppy

My Server IP: Invadedlands.net


  1. The fact i got 15th in this event is kinda wild(i was collecting flowers and messing around with a spyglass for over half the event)😭


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