Beating Terraria’s Ultimate Skyblock Mod. [New]

so what would you get if you took a professional terraria Mod developer and a professional Terraria Builder with over 2,000 hours in the game and have them come together to make a map well you get this ultimate Sky Block a beautiful yet terrifying challenge you start thousands of blocks in the air surrounded by nothing but void your objective being to expand out past the void to other distant Islands these islands are great because they have the loot you need to progress forward but they also come with new enemies what the freak these enemies make progressing a lot harder and even terrifying at some points this run you’re going to see that things can go wrong pretty quickly when you’re up in the sky but he can fly in Sky Block and from having very limited ways of gearing up in this challenge I’d have to use everything around me to its fullest potential and get pretty creative all right for the first couple minutes my mic audio didn’t record so it’s just going to be narration basically I spawn in Sky Block and I’m like damn this looks good and I see I have a book but we we’re not going to bother reading that I open a starter chest and get a bucket of lava and water and some bombs but then I realized I already had a cobblestone generator I’m very glad Tommy tsunami just added one himself because if I had to make this thing I’d probably mess it up somehow I mean already like 5 seconds in I got trapped on the small little part of the island anyways I thought the first thing I should probably do is get the tree on my Island cuz there was only one and then I noticed I had dirt bombs so I threw those down to get the extra dirts meanwhile the guide offed himself dude stuff like this always happens to me but actually because I built away from my Island mob started spawning on the other side and coming towards me and for the majority of this day I was basically getting terrorized I’m playing this on Master mode so even like small slimes are pretty strong and there was living tree people during all this chaos though I checked my map and I saw there were other Islands marked on the map if we want to expand out from this island we’re going to need as many blocks as possible so for the upcoming night I decided to farm Stone the entire night so I’d have enough to actually Branch over to the new islands while farming the Cobblestone though I accidentally broke the generator luckily they did give us spare water buckets and stuff so I fixed it but not before duplicating the water bucket up I had because if we broke this thing again I would I think I would lose the challenge basically instantly all right so now we had plenty of stone blocks to actually Branch out to other Islands I went left in the direction of the Jungle Island because on the right there was the hollow Island and I don’t think we’re really ready for that coming across an island on the way with the chest in it I opened it and I got Jack so I blew this island and replaced it with NPC housing hoping to get people like the merchant or the demolitionist then continued on building towards the jungle and when I got there I decided to drop down safely looks like we got a little unlucky cuz my Jungle Island was split in half to some messed up terrain generation but I did notice there was some good loot here so I went back almost dying again to the same way but I caught myself and collected up the loot I got two heart crystals feral claws flower boots and even a jungle fishing rod that would be very useful later and then on the right side I got my first good weapon the enchanted Boomerang and with that I can throw away the stupid spear I got and I can start actually being able to kill some enemies hopefully it’s also important to note that the jungle chest was on this island I can’t open that yet but that will be useful later so just I need to remember that so earlier I learned that not all islands are marked in my map and it kind of made me wonder if maybe there was a mining Island so I wrote myself down and I threw a torch but if there was a mining Island it ain’t here so I went back up I branched out right where I’d find another one of these islands decided to jump onto it the island had nothing but a spear once again like the other one so I blew most of it up and turned into NPC houses before going home and realizing I didn’t have much wood so I made a tree farm I Ed the dirt I got from dirt bombs and a few grass seeds I had left over from the starting chest to make an a where I could grow some trees at my spawn base and then I decided to take a visit to the guide like ever since he died in the beginning he respawned in some random floating area so I built over to him and he was cooking he was chilling dude he like I’m starting to think this dude purposely killed himself just to get a new house I mean his place was nice I’m not even going to lie or should I say my place cuz I robbed the fool got a heart Crystal open his chest looted it inside I got an extractinator which made me think there has to be some sort of mining Island because this thing requires slush and silt and I mean where else would I get that so I d off with cobwebs in hand ready to save my fall and there was an island wasn’t a mining Island but we got a ma so that was cool then I did it again and I was falling for quite a while until I found a hell Island there wasn’t much I could do here I couldn’t open a shadow chest yet so I just robbed the place of its furniture before a demon ended up killing me and sending me home all right so y’all think you can just not tell me that my mic wasn’t recording yall some fake fans for real all right so it’s about time AG go exploring some more Islands I mean I desperately need some armor first of all night time is is a huge problem for me right now and I’m not going to find any of that stuff just sitting here at home so during the night I farmed up a bunch of stone so I could go out to find more Islands when I was done I left my hole and struggled to survive no come on but then I started heading right because the crimson and snow biomes over there and I figure they’d have the best loot oh we already got another Island yo Shimmer hold up what do we got here yeah the loot on these islands weren’t really the best and Not only was the loot bad but there was also like trap set up on the island Another Life Crystal oh I’m I’m dumb or maybe I’m just dumb but they got me killed anyways oh that kills me when I tried going back out exploring a slime rain happened and a master mode a whole bunch of slimes early game is actually a big problem I’m getting bullied bro so I was basically trapped in the guy’s house the entire day until eventually the guide and me died these aren’t slimes I also did not kill King Slime please please please please not a chance after another painful night of doing absolutely nothing but mining stone I went to set back out to get some good loot and uh hopefully find something other than a GL stick in a chest very quickly I got an upgrade to My Boomerang found a castle even hey look at this place bro got items like the blizzard in the bottle and snowball gun making sure to collect all heart crystals on the islands that I passed oh oh hey sorry taking a trip back to my Jungle Island to mine some of these gems up I wasn’t sure if these were just for decoration or purposely placed here for me to collect but either way I took advantage of them bam no more falling off Islands anymore with this gear I had now I felt pretty confident I could take out some bosses only problem is we still had no armor at all so what I was really looking for right now was some sort of mining Island this entire time I’ve been pretty schizophrenic about a mining Island maybe there was a mining Island please be a mining Island be a mining Island where’s the mining Island I think I probably saw something in like a trailer or something cuz I was so confident that there that there was a mining Island somewhere out there so after exploring the Crimson Islands I jumped off the map to try to find this mining Island I did this multiple times and I found absolutely nothing I even checked the area of my map where the planta ball was but still no mining Island oh I was starting to think the devs expected me to Just Fish up all my armor until I finally went to explore the left side of the world ooh ankler to the wind finally a good item oh this looks like some sort of mining area if I’ve ever seen one upon opening this chest I found three unique items what the heck and before I could really read any of them I just shook one of the lanterns oh wao wo wao and it teleported me to a mining Island oh hey when I was here I saw I had bombs so I started blowing this place up and just like I thought there was ores gold yes surprisingly there’s also big open caves in this place which is something I didn’t really expect I went back home to make a golden helmet and then buy a bunch of bombs and dynamite then I returned to focus on mainly just getting gold so I can make a full set of armor this place also had underground houses with loot in them and I did happen to blow myself up a bit ow don’t fall oh my but other than me killing myself there really wasn’t any real danger in this place or so I thought I looked back in that one chest and I saw that there was a key which made me think there has to be something more to this place and as I went lower and lower that’s exactly what I found I’m not sure what is that there’s a demon in here what the hell am I looking at what am I looking at is that part of the Sky Block Mod dude no bro dude what the hell are those things bro and why are they sitting there bro just just look at him standing there he’s just standing there menacingly don’t die don’t die don’t die hey better to go out by him than these things yeah I had no idea what these things were or what they were guarding but for now I chose to avoid them however I did notice there was hard mud ores down there which means we have to go back at some point so I can’t stay safe for long I don’t even know how fighting bosses in the sky is really going to work it it shouldn’t affect the fight too much I don’t think unless I’m literally falling off I think these fights are going to go well so with the arena in place and now that we had gold armor we were ready to start fighting some bosses the first one I was going to fight is King Slime so I collected rubies and gold back down in the underground area luckily didn’t see any of those monsters again I had to run to the edge of the world though so I could actually get to a crimson alter and make this summon when I did I also fed up for vertebrae while was there until a Blood Moon happened a Blood Moon oh I killed myself and I sent home this wasn’t terrible cuz I also needed eyelenses for the I kadulu so I took advantage of this Blood Moon well I I tried at least but I died a lot please and I mean a lot I still kind of don’t have a shelter at this point so uh you know but once it became morning I was ready to fight King Slime let’s go I’m going to get my my Vengeance wait King Slime is no longer after you why oh did he fall off the map and then despawn that’s a big problem to fix it though I just made a protective layer at the bottom protection saves all then we fought him again come on big belly boy this fight already was going a lot better than the last one he wasn’t falling off we had solved that issue but there were a lot of mob spawns still which were catching me off guard and wolves as well as king Slim’s weird Maneuvers so the fight was really close but we died no twice I’m I’m going to leave the game I’m going to why dude and to add to our suffering he actually despawned the next two times I fought him I took a break and went on exploring when the I cthulu started spawning the I cthulu is spawning naturally so I rushed back to my base where I’d fight him nice sip of coffee before he spawns and unlike King Slime this boss was a lot easier I never thought I’d say it but yeah boomerangs being our only option kind of made this fight a little Annoying soz I kept missing My Boomerang scared to fight bro cuz he he’s just running away but other than that the fight went easy there we go and then I went exploring there’s a chest here Barrow’s robe oh you know what the feral robe shimmers into the sand bottle doesn’t it yes the magic carpet even honestly I got to go with the magic carpet now one cool thing about this mod pack that you can now do is you can take your boss Relic combine it with the heart Crystal and make an extra accessory slot which just makes every boss fight more worth it so I fight King slam again and it really can’t go wrong this time I have four movement accessories on there we gooo finally make a king slime artifact boom I put on a shackle to fill my empty accessory slot and then came up with a plan for the brain fight all right before any attempts on the brain I I want to upgrade my weapon so so right now I’m going to go to where the mushroom biome is and try to get a Schumer rang or whatever it’s called cuz if I combine it with the two boomerangs I have I can make a very good weapon so I found the mushroom biome and what I did is I built below the biome so that I could go to the cave layer where bats spawn because they dropped the shimang oh while I was down there though a new mob spawned wa hold up blocks are coming out and this guy was so goofy like and beefy this guy really wasn’t all that good even he just kind of looks intimidating cuz I just kind of smacked them up but about three bats in and we got the weapon which is pretty good considering this thing on average takes about 40 bats to get take all three of those and make the triar rang I’ve never had this item before I think it throws two three I mean that makes sense but damn think we’re ready for this brain fight so I head over to the Crimson with this new weapon and by the way this place was completely detailed with the most beautiful astonishing decorations is that an altar bro there’s literally a sacrificial altar here dude with like butt cheeks bro but when I was here I didn’t notice that there was like a boss Island I was kind of confused how I was supposed to spawn this dude but at one point I built up and I actually found giant circles in the air with the the hearts in them as well as some meteor Islands just right to the right oh there a meteorite Island yo we really have not explored the sky like at all dude there’s balls all across the top of the map but what I did is I set up an arena and started blowing these things up I got a raincloud from one of these orbs which is really good then I threw a bomb at my last one and ran to my Arena where I’d fight this dude for the first time okay he’s here he’s here now because the Crimson Island isn’t all that big I had to stay pretty close to the center of my Arena or I’d get too far from the Crimson biome and the Brain would try to run away cuz you can only fight him when you’re in the Crimson I take out his first phase with the triang fairly easy and then he switches to his second phase where I definitely had some struggle why is he not taking knock back why is he not taking knock [Music] back and I end up getting [ __ ] on really now I might have lost cuz I suck but the reason I thought I lost was because I didn’t have enough horizontal speed so what I end up doing is I take my jungle fishing rod I got earlier and all the bait I end up collecting from like crates and chests I set up an little area I could fish above my base I’m soaking in liquid and I start fishing my objective was to get the sailfish boots which are just Hermes boots but fishy and after not too long we get it hey there we go also found an Abigail’s flower right below my base at this point which is a nice little summon that’ll help me for extra damage and with these new things I try the fight again why do I not know this dude’s attack patterns Dash and jump that’s the key no I’m just kidding I don’t even know what I’m talking about I just hope I don’t die I’m just pulling this all on my ass I ended up dying this fight dude but I fight him right after a little bit more focused up and we get the job done yes I was like 2 Hp there we go brain of cthulu artifact that I might as well wear that with the drops from the brain of cthulu I’m able to use them to make a pickaxe which I take over to the meatball Islands the the meteor islands and I basically vein mine all three of these islands up get them Jerry with the meteor bars I switch my main weapon from the boomerang to the Space Gun then also switch to the full meteorite setup before a goblin army arrive with already here now in this mod pack there is a new enemy added to the the event as you might see and what these guys do is they basically just throw bombs at you kind of like the balloons from Clash of Clans they are particularly really fast or anything so it’s kind of hard for them to catch up to you but the annoying part about these guys is they have 900 HP and even if you break the balloon the dude just Falls right out so you have to kill two enemies with a bunch of HP and meanwhile you’re being shot by their goblins and having Goblin Sorcerers teleport on you you know these guys could be a bit annoying oh I actually died to one of those bombs funny enough when I broke one of their balloons they actually Dropped a Bomb Bag and basically it’s just an infinite amount of bombs stored in one item which is pretty useful oh another one so the only way was going to beat this event in a timely manner was to use my lava pit I made earlier I never showed it but I spawned with two buckets of lava of course and I end up using one for the cobon generator one for this little pit uh great we got another goon my lava pit because the lava does way more damage than my space gun I was hoping this could kind of help me but of course now we have to deal with the dudes in the air oh my gosh which made this a little difficult when that kind of failed I also tried hiding under an island if I do this it’ll fall off the map but that does not make the event go any further oh didn’t work there was even a point where I went too high up and only balloons started spawning coming through my pool which is funny why is there that many is that necessary but after about a nice 10 minutes of fighting these guys we eventually cleared enough of them out for the event to end and I moved on all right guys I’m currently underground the place I said I didn’t want to go because skeleton’s our next boss and I never found an island for Skeletron oh there’s people so I feel like he has to be down here I brought my uh deepstone keys but I’m just going to keep going lower hopefully find something something I could use the keys on and and find the dungeon so without any real direction of where to go I just kind of went around aimlessly looking for some sort of structure I guess I’ll just mine in this direction there’s a house yeah definitely got some sort of dungeon here but it wasn’t without um some friends you could say oh my gosh so far I’ve not seen that those things move they might not even have ai or they move when they see you that’s that’s what I’m worried about I went around looting the house for anything I could find there’s mostly just pots in there but I got some crates and also found two deepstone chests none of which had any great items in them ra detector afterwards I left the dungeon and I ended up doing something I shouldn’t have done oh but a test out these guys are actually what they look like the [ __ ] he froze me um it gave me a Frozen and fear buff and that was so accurate bro cuz that scared the [ __ ] out of [Music] me bro it’s like late right now like bro dude why bro I’m like depressed now while continuing my search for the dungeon I find two more of these things I’m killing it one which I trap in a hole and the other one I come across by accident oh dude luckily when he froze me my brain in confusion had hit him so he started walking backwards but once I wore off and he was coming towards me I I left the game y there there’s no way I’m facing him dude you know what would have happened to me if I stayed I don’t want to find out later I realized that the dungeon wasn’t even underground either it was actually to the right side of my world on a crimson an island oh my goodness and the dungeon actually looks like a castle now which I thought was pretty cool it’s like properly 3D now and kind of just for fun to test my strength I spawn Skeletron just right there in the spot no Arena no Buffs and it went basically how I expected it to masteral Skeletron is actually hard to defeat him though I had a plan I went ahead and I clicked up the goblin underground but then I made a house put that dude in it I bought the rocket boots and tinker’s workshop and then combined it a lot of my accessories up to like open up new spaces and stuff I also reforged all my accessories at least once just to get random modifier you know it adds up when you have like 10 accessories and after that I had one more idea of gearing up but it’s it’s a little bit more difficult up top in the sky I noticed that there’s an island with a beehive in it now if we break that of course queen bee spawns and if we kill her we get a relic AKA another accessory slot it’s just a small problem that the queen bee actually gets enraged when she’s not in the jungle biome so we got to spawn this girl and then go all the way down under ground before we can even start the fight I accidentally break the Lara with my star Fury wait I then immediately jump down and start falling I open my map to try to see where I’m going luckily the player’s falling speed just slightly enough to out run her and eventually we’re good to go so I just start the fight pretty basic simple fight the rocket boo Magic Carpet combo really carried me in this fight hey the Magic Carpet was actually a great choice though it’s been carrying me bro where am I aiming thank you I use a relic to make my artifact pop it and then head to the dungeon while I was here I started blowing this place up of course to set up an arena when I realized that the dungeon is supposed to have an actual dungeon so I was like hm and I saw this giant door right so I click it and I get murdered why did they let you go through the door if you haven’t beat him yet oh that’s a that’s a Golem but dude I just clicked on the door to see like if it was a door I didn’t know it was a door and then teleported me and killed me oh I respawn here I’m might have to a word the mod developer well all right guys I do want to take a break from the whole progression thing for now and I want to work at my base like let’s just take a look at my base right now this uh is not really the best I mean we got this floating water tank up here looks okay but then we got this long ugly type of tree farm Graves everywhere there’s like no border between my base and my Arena it’s just all kind of jumbled together so I actually want to take the time to make this all look good and separate each part of my base so I can actually look back in this world and have something to to look at and feel good about cuz right now it just it ain’t here uh all right I finished it I think and here it is what the all right it looks a little interesting you could say but basically I Tred to go for like I don’t know maybe like a cyberpunk industrial type of thing where it just looks like there’s like machines everywhere it’s all metally I was thinking you know like the more detailed the better so that’s kind of what I went for as you can see we got some like electric thing over there we got a tub got multiple chimneys uh this that’s supposed to be like a pipe and you can see like the pipe traveling through my base you know you got all your little gadgets here got some storage got this little cooking area you got some spare lavva the garbage all that uh this thing over here is supposed to be like a sign kind of it was really hard to get like color in the base so that’s that’s that and it’s really dark in here uh as you might notice is it supposed to be uh yeah yeah right now the arena though is just like the same so I think I want to do that next and actually make this look a little bit better maybe all right basically just added some like uh Power Line strip pole looking oh not strip pole wait what what am I saying we got a power line and we got like I don’t know just some grass you know made it look a little bit better all right now we’re going to fight Skeletron and it’s kind of funny something almost goes extremely wrong right away to spawn Skeletron in of course you need the old man and this dude nearly just walks right off the map bro he gets like a sliver away dude the old man can’t die wait I need to fight him but I do box him right up and uh we we solved that problem this guy’s an idiot but after that I spawn Skeletron in and I decid to use my space gun for this fight uh we do have a few options with all the movement accessories I have dodging this dude with was very easy in his first stage I think it’s like a minute in and I still have not gotten hit but his second stage in master mode is a big problem for me luckily for me though I have a trick up my sleeve all right I’m doing something a little oh don’t mind what I’m doing guys I I have a strategy that and we’ll need this we’ll need this dude he’s he’s actually hitting me though and what did I expect all right that’s probably good enough I finished breaking skeleton’s hands and he goes into a second phase where he’s no longer able to hit me if you didn’t know Skeletron actually needs a direct line of sight to shoot his skull and by hiding behind this dirt he can’t see me so he can’t shoot I can use my star Fury to hit him through the blocks and the fight is basically over and if you’re wondering when I got the star Fury it was during the goblin Invasion I got pretty creative and I used like my slime Mount to jump on the balloons until they took me up to a Skyland so yeah star Fury somehow he does kill me still though uh that was unfortunate but the next night we tried it again and I found out I could hit him 13 times about before he starts spinning I got pretty exact with my strategy here and before long we beat him the dungeon a place I probably spent way too much time in mostly just collecting little stuff like paintings for some reason I mean hey some of these paintings huh let me tell you like but anyways this place is basically just a whole death trap oh my gosh oh my come on come on while here I was after the cobal shield and the shadow key know pretty standard items in progression but I had a really hard time just getting anywhere in here I come across new species of eyeball and once again more of those giant skeletons who ended up being surprisingly Troublesome he’s literally putting his hand hands up like a volleyball player bro like trying to block me from jumping over him too this is insane and throughout this whole time I did not get a single cobal Shield another yo-yo you know as if I didn’t suffer enough already all right yeah just send me just send me back bro yeah okay I am able to use the shadow key I got though to open hell chests and there was tons of these things like literally just one Magic Carpet away from each other so I got all those up I’m just getting all these chests and below the hell Islands actually there was these circles with hellstone in them which I didn’t know about until now I kind of just assume there wasn’t any hellstone but I mined those up as well until I ran into a pretty big problem a singular piece of obsidian the recipe for hellstone actually requires obsidian which we don’t really have in Sky Block it’s like a rare commodity around these parts this one obsidian I had was only from when I broke the cobblestone generator other than that I didn’t have any at first I made a whole bunch of buckets and started cherry-picking lava on these underground Islands but this was very slow and pretty brutal what is killing me I eventually realized when you m hellstone it turns into lava which was an easy way to get lava buckets so that solved my problem but I still had to go up to Skylands to actually uh dump this stuff into water and turn it into obsidian which got me killed but anyways now we’re ready to fight the wall flesh I start by dropping Connor into lava just kidding I accidentally dropped him into the void without realizing oh there wasn’t oh there wasn’t lava down there whoopsie my bad Connor he’s dying I need to get position get in position and now for this fight I didn’t actually make a hellbridge the plan was just to fly around with the feather fling potion using my magic carpet to go from Island to Island get to the next Island kind of like surf them as I go and the strategy was working pretty good I just had to avoid the lasers which is easy with the fast fall mechanic however I overlooked something very important my ability to actually hit shots I wasn’t really aiming much and I ended up running out of ammo actually guys I think we’re cooked I ran out of arrows do these chests have arrows what and at that point there’s really nothing else to do but die do you want going to use a star Fury refilling my arrows though I go back into this fight everything goes pretty much the same it was going great there was one point where he got kind of grabby with me like I guess I went too high up but the fight goes decent and we end up taking him out putting us into hard mode all right guys now that we beat the Wall flesh I kind of want to talk about what we’re after in this challenge you know the actual goal for the video I know a lot of you just assume that we’re after the moon Lord like that’s our goal we’re going to beat him and then beat this challenge but we actually aren’t going to be beating Moon Lord we’re going to be beating a dragon to complete this challenge which I know it’s it’s it’s weird it’s like why would I do that I feel like the whole Moon Lord thing is it’s very overdone you know every single tra videos just like oh I’m going to beat Moon Lord I’m going to be Moon lord it’s just the same fight over and over and over again so I wanted to do something kind of different and I decided to just go for a dragon cuz you know it’s like a wing to Beast giant Wing to Beast we’re in the sky kind of makes sense I guess and it’s also very hard if you don’t know what the the dragon I’m talking about is I’m talking about Betsy okay which is the final boss of the old ones Army and is unlocked after beating Gollum so we still have to get very far and prepare for this dude but yeah with that out of the way I think we can go back and start preparing for this boss all right so I kind of have a predicament here how does one gear up while in the sky without many ways of actually like getting resources um while in hard mode I’m not sure drad you got any ideas I mean I’m starting to get an idea out a pocket for that [ __ ] way out of pocket the first thing I thought of was to go get the amck yo-yo just from mobs in the snow biome when I went there though I was introduced to a new mob oh what the freak is that bro dude there’s a mammoth bro oh he’s kind of Trapped what items do you drop buddy after brutally killing that Mammoth though and hearing it scream I got its Tusk which I took to the guide and it turns out I could actually make a shield with this so I spent the next few days actually trapping Mammoth and killing them sounds delightful and then went to make this beautiful accessory and I tested it on a new mob I found I mean it looks cool but it’s just like a normal I get through the shield nothing too crazy I then go to mine up some ore so I can actually get some better armor I get a c pickaxe then go to mine mithil and I can’t mine it um am I like bad at Terraria now I wasn’t sure if I was stupid or if that was a glitch but I kind of let the game Gaslight me to thinking I was an idiot and I was like looking on the wiki to see how do you mind myth roll I mean they got me thinking I’d to use a driller something wait what is going on I I mean I was getting gas lit hard guys oh my gosh now I could have just cheated mythal in but I decided not to because I couldn’t mind mythal I decided just to go for Cobalt armor and Cobalt gear it is a slight downgrade but it wasn’t a big deal yeah like really dumb I then go underground and start making a farm so I could hopefully Farm up some underground enemies and get a better weapon yo they’re already spawning in here I can build this quick bro before they like start killing me now this little puny Arena needed many upgrades that I needed to make while the mobs were spawning on me so I died quite a bit wait how am I dying bro oh the Wizard’s here bro I mean I I should go get him oh but we get the farm pretty good and then I basically just have to go AFK now there were multiple mimic spawning which gave me good accessory drops the two best weapons I got from this were the marrow and then the beam sword oh it’s a beam sword that’s kind of like good right neither are the best weapons in the world but these are the weapons we have to use to beat the mech bosses because I have kid here for like 30 minutes and this is all we got before I fight my first Mech boss though I did want to fight the Old One’s Army and just test out a few things which meant I had to free up NPC housing help me so I spawn the event and start testing ways I could cheese it okay so they’re falling off the map now what is going to happen do they float back up oh they’re floating back up I thought so but what if like the whole ground was gone though would they just keep floating or these things can’t even kill a slime bro this is ridiculous so it turns out the beam sword is actually a pretty good weapon versus this version of the old wind’s Army because I mostly just kind of wipe the floor with these guys of course the invasion will get progressively harder as I beat more bosses and stuff but for now it really wasn’t a problem I even killed the Mage and then spawned it again and continued on testing the conclusions to my research was that you can’t really cheese this event to my knowledge wa they float right over so if the game knows you’re cheating it just makes you lose basically the game can see through your trick so oh well now that we got some of that testing out of the way though it was time to fight our first Mech boss the destroyer and apparently this guy just has some weird AI when you spawn him in the sky because this dude is just straight up flying beneath my Arena wa he can fly in Sky Block what is happening bro what is happening I did end up solving that problem though yes higher yes okay we just got to stay high up high up I’m going fight him and eventually using this mechanic to my advantage actually but not during this fight this fight goes horribly wrong that might be this might be it for me dude a anyways the next attempt I decided to take advantage of this mechanic as I said and every time I got low I decided to just go to the bottom of my Arena where the Destroyer would then fly off this way I could avoid him fighting me and just have a free time to heal back up another important thing I did for this fight though is I went and farmed up for the Nimbus Rod which I got during a rainstorm and that was the thing doing the most damage for me in this fight and eventually after some poorly executed nurse heals and some elbow grease and we take this dude out there we go and then fight him again immediately after so what I did is I made a hollow Spear and this thing was actually pretty good versus The Destroyer oh my goodness we beat him again and then I use all the hollowed bars to make myself a full set of hollowed armor and another hollowed weapon the jousting Lance I know kind of a weird choice but this thing ends up being pretty [Music] good with Hollow gear we’re now ready to fight the Twins and for this fight I had a strategy that was only going to work because we were in Sky Block matter of fact I wasn’t even sure if it was going to work because it’s never been done to get this item I cross the Seven Seas of straight air to discover every mob I could to get my BC to 35% which is the requirements to unlock this item now I explored basically everywhere I even created new biomes found Weird corly Mobs found mushrooms that were trying to kill me and still the beti ARA was not full [Music] enough while exploring though I did come across a map oh a pirate map we could actually use that these Pirates would pillage rans sack and murder me but while they do it I would discover them and I would unlock them in my B area bro this par is cheating [Music] damn and you know what I just said earlier about sailing the 7 Seas well I actually kind of did do that because there’s no air blocks I just ride this ship infinitely throughout my world got to keep dashing oh he got stuck that would have been actually so sick though after some final mob discoveries I head back and I I buy the item I needed which was the mole mine cart all right so now if we get on here we okay we have a mine cart that builds for us now my idea is just to fight the boss with while this builds mine cart for me I just don’t know if it’s going to be fast enough that’s the thing um what I wanted was the Minecart Track to actually build itself while I was in the fight but there was no way I could do that but I thought hey at least I could just AFK and it’ll build the track I need for me anyways that also didn’t work I I had to hold my D key to move right this entire time I mean this thing is basically practically useless anyways I start the twin fight and I use this m track to fight them this is working oh no and while doing so this actually looks sick as hell he’s actually the only source of light I have during this fight it’s kind of goofy something about half the screen being underground and the other half being trees was just really cool this fight was basically projectile dodging Simulator for most of it woo and also try not to get the boss to despawn simulator what during this fight I was forced off the mine cart track multiple times this is bogus bro this is actual bogus why did that happen it gets me killed once but the second time I’m actually able to kind of hold my own for a bit until I eventually miss my grappling hook and start falling out of the air oh shoot and I actually killed him while in hell hey okay thank you I use the statues I’ve been collecting to increase my accessory slots and fill them with random items and then I go right into the Skeletron fight how all like 25 accessories weren weighing me down in this fight I’m not really sure during this fight I was also reminded that I still don’t have wings yet yo he seems a little quicker than normal though I don’t really got room to fight him but what am I doing regardless I am able to beat Skeletron Prime and by taking him out we now unlock a new item the mechanical Minecart and I plan to use this thing in a pretty unique way first things first I just went to test my weapons on the Old One’s Army again because it’s now gotten an upgrade and I got to say I don’t really remember the old one’s Army being like this these guys got some disgusting noises I’m not going to lie gross do you hear that [ __ ] sounds like he’s getting off to it bro what seems like they might have added a couple new features anyways yeah my weapons were definitely not good enough for this event anymore but that’s where the mine cart comes in cuz I could just set up rails and then the mine cart actually damages enemies as I drive by and lasers them down which I didn’t even know there’s just a small small Teensy linty linty Wy peny uh problem with the strategy we die of course y so that’s why I end up upgrading all my accessories to warning well most of them anyways cuz this Goblin dude is he’s a scammer also to prepare I switched to chlori armor which I just m the chlori from the Jungle of course in this little floating meatball then also around the plantar Arena got some more glori then I tried the fight again so far we’ve not really gone Below near 100 HP so it’s looking good also the mine cart pushes back the enemies so that’s like it slows him down that’s actually perfect another bomb dude all right wave three going pretty good here completed health is looking good but will they destroy the crystal I’m not sure hopefully not dragon has to go ooh explosive guys do a lot of damage oh bro Dragon there’s like dinosaur dragons dude wave complete wave complete get out all right so just about barely survived that uh I’d say we’re guaranteed uh death here oh oh now they got kamakazi freaking planes bro get on the mine cart [Music] all right defense was great but we didn’t beat the thing we we lost so what I got of this test run is that our defense is good but our attack power not so much not to worry though we can just beat planta for a better weapon once I get a weapon to beat her that is all right guys right now what I’m doing is just making a little pool here in the ocean biome because I want to get the mini shark but that requires shark fins and currently we don’t have any way of spawning sharks I’m going to just like make a little pool here and see what happens if like sharks are in to spawn so I kept spam checking for about 10 minutes and we got absolutely nothing at first I’m modified the pool to make it a little bit bigger though and then broke the train and surrounding area to get the spawns up and eventually we got one hey wait what the hell I’m dying help me I did this for another 10 minutes and then made the mega shark with the fins and this weapon right here should be enough to kill planta so that’s what I went to go do still at this point I didn’t have any wings I just kind of I kind of didn’t need them I forgot about them our build is extremely tanky we have I think 148 defense from the warding and all their accessories and plant really isn’t much of a problem other than her spiky balls in her first phase all right it’s not looking too spe spectacular once she pops into her second phase it’s mostly just simple dodging honestly the fight was probably a little too easy boom even at the end of the fight I just stood my ground and let her bite me because we have 150 defense by the way we all know planetara doesn’t actually drop anything useful though so I have to go to the dungeon the hard mode dungeon now and collect the weapon for the old Army he can throw through walls why did I forget that all right as long as we don’t run out of ammo this is a guaranteed [Music] kill Paladin Shield awesome I wasn’t after any particular weapon from the dungeon I was kind of just surviving and seeing what I would get oh and also Shadow beam staff that’s that’s pretty good as I stayed I died more and more but also got better and better loot whisp in a bottle and I ended up settling on the Paladin’s Hammer Paladin’s Hammer then I go to fight this event again and still we don’t die but we lose hello again so I basically have no choice but to visit my scamming Goblin again and reforge my accessories the defense wasn’t required clearly so I decided to switch to damage en chance I just went for Lucky on most my stuff but he he did kind of run my pockets dry at one point but then I go back to do this event for a third fifth time or something like that and we actually Beat It we completed it okay let’s let’s go so now that we know we can actually beat it the last step to do is to beat Gollum to fully upgrade the event and then fight it for one last time and kill Betsy well one last thing guys the event ended up being a lot harder than I thought it got upgraded quite a bit and I actually lost on Wave two yo am I I’m being overrun on Wave 2 bro hey so what I end up doing is making the teror blade a solar eclipse that happened when I was practicing this event so it was a perfect time to get the uh the hero sword I needed hey broken hero sword so I made that bad boy up I also made Turtle armor and then turned it into Beetle armor and now I’m going to go fight Betsy and free our world or something like that and also by the way I think most people usually fight this event with post Moon Lord gear so what we’re doing actually might be harder than just playing the game normally but anyways let’s find out and if I complete this then our world is finished and then we’re going to stack them on one side only by the way this ter blade is absolutely insane all right wave one over instantly I didn’t even have to move basically all right we got some stronger enemies coming now dude my speed is [Music] crazy dark Mage and they’re dead okay is there another one though yeah there is the side I’m guessing nope same side another dark Mage really I can kill these guys but I don’t know like if their numbers keep increasing I might be screwed a bit and ogre spawns this wave so we got to take that dude out quick here he is I’m when get close Max damage oh no he hit me with that slow sonus another another ogre all right I’m going to get really close Dash away very close again he hit me with that stupid thing again all right both ugar down I don’t think there’s any more I don’t know if bety Comes This wave or the next I kind of forget honestly our wave complete that means this next wave is Betsy 100% like 100% fight oh she’s here already oh no dude what if she like goes for the crystal wait I need to fight her while she’s up top yeah go for me she’s taking a lot of damage I need to get [Music] close oh she’s have HP already with my crystal I think we got it uh oh I’m half HP though I’m low I’m low oh my gosh I can’t go near her what the hell Dash Magic Carpet we got her we beat it oh wait [Music]

One of Terrarias best modders and greatest builders came together to re invent Terraria Skyblock and today i played it along with some other mods as well.

The Builder:

The Modder:

Thumbnail Sprite Artist:


jesus watchin


  1. 28:01 you can cheese all landbased OOA enemys by having a platform blockswap hoike. Platforms are normally able to be passed through but because its ahoike it cant so the enemys dont jump and the crystal dosent pop out

  2. Bro didn't have real pipes so he used copper walls! How amazing can people get? Wild lmao is the honestly one of the funniest terraria players out there!😃

  3. You know, i heard you say. A builder and modder with both over 2k hours. On that small dirt platform. I i thought. 2k hours.. and all you have is a dirt platform 😅

  4. How to cheese the ooa: place a block and hammer it 3 – 4 times where the triangle looks to the lower left & right, and then block swap them with a platform and boom you can cheese all enemies except dark Mage's ranged attack & skeletons, and flying enemies (or if this is too confusing just make a hoik and block swap it with a platform). Also make sure that the hoiks are far enough so projectile enemies don't attack the crystal.

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