Can you date EVERYONE in Stardew Valley?!

there you go Dizzy’s got the plan if you’re tired of working there just have them shut it down hi YouTube Welcome to another journey tonight we’re going into sardu Valley and we’re going to be talking about life flowers and getting married to You Tube anyway we’re now live on Twitch and YouTube chat oh man I’m glad I’m a normal person um let me get my YouTube dashboard open Chad I’m falling apart I’m G be honest with you it’s been a weird it’s been a weird life the only way to describe it okay I think I have backup chat now I I actually don’t have primary chat today I lost my real um um I lost my mouse Without Borders a lot of you don’t know what that means but uh I don’t have two keyboards and two mice even though I have two PC I have a virtual software that moves my mouse from one PC to the other it’s worked flawlessly for years but you have to reset the key on it once a year and today was that day yeah good times um yeah all right YouTube stream dashboard do the thing if a lot of you guys watch on YouTube for the rest of the week we’ll probably have YouTube partner again next week can well it’s there I don’t know the exact day cuz it fluctuates but still it’s been going pretty fast Dizzy’s already in there I see you dizzy thank you and thank you for reminding me I actually got a copyright request on the stream two days ago and I disputed it and won within an hour and so it caused me to do a little Googling and it turns out that it’s one of those people who copyright claim a bunch of music that isn’t theirs it’s like a problem that YouTube has with people doing that and if anybody disputes it they just immediately to not arise suspicion just to prove it but it was for one of my resub sounds yeah so I disputed it and within the hour the dispute was settled and I was like well that was weird but I for forget that there’s people who like shut up no Mac there’s people who try to scam the system on YouTube to get copyrights that that are not theirs you know what I mean I wonder how they even collect the money on that though how do you how do they monetize I’m sure they find a way I’m sure they find some kind of way thank you f Dracula Samir thank you guys for lurking on the YouTube I appreciate it if you like the YouTube stream chat I think it helps people find it um hey what is this I kind of forgot that my wife dressed up as Winnie to PO today the other day for no reason her and Jonah both uh this was my wife on like last Friday this is a Alo the face Jonah makes when you say smile he doesn’t like smile natural they look so much alike there but yeah she dressed up as Pooh and Tigger in the daycare and I told her she should just do that like once every two weeks just to keep the kids on their toes you know well thank you Fe I appreciate it there are many you YouTube fight Watchers yeah that’s so weird gamer Tech I’m glad it went away right away that means they’re giving you watch hours I I don’t know how that works I was glad it got resolved so fast because I thought it was really weird that I got the copyright it wasn’t a strike it was just someone requesting to share monetization basically so if I were to play you guys a song right now like by ACDC um YouTube automatically shares the revenue with the content owner the crazy thing is if I do an eight hour video with 30 seconds of an ACDC song how old am I you you you have to share the revenue for the entire video with them because you played a snippet of their song it’s wild and that’s how it work they don’t have a way to make it not work that way they have a they have a system where they’re like oh snip the video and just remove that part but if the video’s long I’ve learned like a live stream they don’t let you snip long videos so you can’t even do that but we have almost no copyright on our stream ever I do think it’s a 50/50 split yeah for one song some of them are outright denials like sometimes you get AIT hit and it’s just you’re not allowed to monetize this at all you must demonetize the entire video or prove that you fair used it that’s the only way I also wonder if you do a fair use claim with YouTube and while the fair use claim is in YouTube’s books and you get like a 100,000 views do you lose all of that Revenue while YouTube is trying to resolve it or do you get it I would assume you’re effed when that happens it’s held in escrow oh is it really so they continue to run ads I mean that makes sense for YouTube right yeah I’m really really bad about taking pictures Destin noas I it’s why most of the pictures of my wife and our kids are Selfies and I feel like in some ways as time goes on I need to improve on that so that there’s more pictures third person of my wife and the kid you know what I mean I want her to have those pictures in the future cuz she loves that stuff but I’m so forgetful I what I mean Destin noas is like if Disney for example or Nintendo Flags a video usually they don’t flag it for sharing they flag it for they don’t want you to monetize their stuff and if they if you can’t dispute it then you wouldn’t get any AD revenue on the video at all I bet they still run ads on it though I bet you they still do that also hi Gambler what’s going on man it’s good to see you dude yeah um but I did plant flowers in the Garden today chat so the I I cleaned up three hanging baskets no one two three four hanging baskets um you know the hanging like little pots that you hang and fill with flowers and I put flower seeds in four of them and uh I also put flower seeds in one pot on the ground and I still have three flower packets left but those need to not not go in pots so yeah they they bloom in 45 days though so we’re not going to see anything until mid August so mid August we’re gonna have all kinds of flowers you’re supposed to plant those chat in like may but I didn’t the hunter wild never mild let’s go baby thanks for 51 juicy months buddy how are you how is your Elden ring life the that was the first flower thing I did today chat the second flower thing was this do you see these flowers right here these are like little decorations in these boxes by in our in front of our house right and they used to be colorful but time has defeated the color out of them so I decided to make them very colorful and do this to them so now they’re going to pop so hopefully that’ll brighten up the front of our house right that’s going to be so cute I’ll tell you what doing the fading orange away from the middle was not easy I actually used a trick I saw a car detailer do where he takes the you can actually see it on the right side right here you take a paper towel and you fold it in half without a crease so it’s looks like it’s still 3D right um it’s like a loop right and then you spray paint against it and the Mist hits whatever you’re trying to hit underneath it it’s a very clever trick to make it so you don’t just spray paint the whole middle I also used a toilet paper roll to help me with the middle part yeah yeah yeah like the like the the Misty gradient to make it so I don’t have like just bright orange spray paint here but I think they turned out super cute so that was the other thing I did we run a daycare so I try to take the Frontage of our house somewhat seriously so that um you know it looks nice when parents pull up to the house and stuff like that yeah I think they look nice thank you and the nice thing is I didn’t have to go for Perfection and that’s not not common for me I’m usually a staunch perfectionist to a fault but these you’re going to see from only from a distance so I was able to be a little liberal with these and just like like if it’s close enough it’s close enough right no one’s going to be inspecting them up close oh Hunter how dare you well Gambler so my resub sounds I paid for them I bought the rights to all of my resub sounds because I wanted unique on so I bought them from a paid Library so when you guys resub those are coming from Paid sounds that I bought the rights to um so I do have licenses for all of that music and this was one of those songs so I’m guessing someone just claims one of those songs as their own is my guess because I don’t it wasn’t the person who created it yeah at least you blend and increase ining lighter variance of the color along the edge until you’re satisfied how to do that yeah spray paint is uh were you sucking dick spray paint is a I think spray paint it does blow technically I guess Jesus um some aggressive spray paint uh that that’s a donation from Admiral broo that says What did the astronomer say as he looked in his telescope and discovered a new dwarf planet orbiting between Mars and Jupiter you cannot be series the best part about that and the worst part about it is there’s only a certain group of people who will know why that’s funny thanks I hate it yeah say thank you for the $10 admal bro code you can take that joke and you can shove it in your black hole how about that oh I might gamer Tech I do still have it yeah really Gambler huh yeah I bet that was very expensive really expensive I got it but I don’t want to acknowledge it that’s a mood it’s a niche market yeah apparently thanks for the $10 you butt you butt oh my eyes um I was also supposed to cut the grass today chat but [ __ ] didn’t it was a long day chat the daycare was at Max Capacity the boys were very uh energetic I sat down today chat and this is how I’m raising my son are you ready for this he looked at me and he said Daddy play Outcast and I said okay and I turned on Outcast and then him and the rest of the boys in the daycare ran in a circle around the table for like 30 minutes and I just kind of sat there like was it like this when I was a kid like did I used to run around for 30 minutes straight and just not feel tired just like endless sprinting in circles I don’t know about you Chad but if I walk around a table three times I’m going to be like half dizzy and ready to fall on the floor and they’re just sprinting in circles like they’re on a carousel just like getting dizzy watching them the Hot Pocket chaos has begun goodness gracious ban ADM broo so he can think about what he’s done yeah the good news is I told lady ma while they were doing it I said wait till nap time because they ran for so long and one of the kids went and laid down for nap time without her even ask asking I was like yeah they’re going to be exhausted and they all napped really really well me and my wife have a weird thing going on with nap time where both of the boys want me to put them to sleep so I have to put them to sleep one at a time and while while I’m I put Gideon to sleep first always and I I rock him to sleep in the rocking chair right and the whole time Jonah is grilling lady Mac where’s Daddy when’s he coming will be here soon no I don’t want you I want Daddy and she’s like well [ __ ] you too she you know it’s funny because sometimes you shouldn’t ask your kid questions that you can’t handle the answer to because today today just happened to her twice today the first one was what am I chopped liver and Jonah said yes it’s like babe don’t ask that question he doesn’t doesn’t know what it means you’re setting yourself up for failure the second one was she said what kind of animal am I and Jonah said oink oink oink oink and I I about lost it man I about lost it I laughed so [ __ ] hard and she looked at me and she goes that’s not funny and I said no no Jonah pick a different animal and he went I was like babe I don’t think you should ask any more questions just stop just stop talking to him he only knows so many animals what answer were you looking for like there’s no giraffe sound he can’t make like a giraffe noise which giraff is his favorite animal chat not saying lady ma resembles a giraffe just that he loves giraffes so yeah that was my day chat yeah quit while you’re behind yeah exactly good times don’t worry chat she forgave him because she took him to the store today chat because he kept saying I want a Mario and he’s because one of the kids showed up today with a Mario hey what’s going on Danny and he just kept saying I want a Mario so she bought him a Mario you should go buy one Hunter she said it was only $16 it’s pretty big for $16 but she said he kept looking at it like this the whole time it was in the cart like lovingly all right Hunter come visit Columbus and I’ll take you to get a Mario I got you my treat I’ll drop 16 bucks on you I got you I’ll spoil you oh gosh it’s so adorable Jonah’s just such a trip he’s at such a fun age where his like mental development is like off the chart so he’s constantly like just neurons are firing yeah it’s pretty cool he also started doing something that really caught me off guard today he started talking to me with eye contact like that’s like a a big thing kids don’t do that a lot cuz they kind of like just stare into space and they’re like I want a Mario but today he looked at me he was like looking me right in my face and he was like do you think Miles will be here today and I was like yes I do think he will be here and he’s like hm what about and he’s like naming all the kids in the daycare and I was like Wow but he’s like looking right at me and it was just neat I just didn’t realize he was ready for that it’s not a threat he’s not threat in me she’s going to have her revenge I think lady Max Revenge Ador bro code involves like feeding them olives and here’s your lunch kids today she gave them watermelon chat and the kids were arguing with her that it wasn’t watermelon because she bought yellow watermelon so they were all like no this isn’t watermelon well Jonah was convinced it was pineapple he’s like it’s pineapple I know pineapple when I see it also yellow yellow watermelon super overrated I’ll say it chat people buy it because it’s cutesy it’s not better than red it’s not it’s less sweet it’s not and my wife is one of those people who salts her melons not you that the the Watermelons you know it’s funny because on Twitch chat as I say it I know how you’re all gonna [ __ ] take it can you just train your kids I mean technically I feel like that’s what you’re doing when they’re this age hi Ultima what’s going on baby I don’t think so iron bar I don’t think so thanks Destin noas thank you yeah are Scotch bonnet peppers just pineapples maybe I’m not going to give them a scotch bonnet to just test it is kind of weird chat like just as an aside giving your kids food that you don’t like so we buy food that we don’t eat so that they can have it and try it olives is a good example of that we both hate olives and both boys eat them well giddy ate them for a while but he had one yesterday and he definitely spit it right back out so he might be over them already we’ll see we’ll see I giddy is really gross when he eats because if he doesn’t wants something and he’s been chewing it he just sticks his whole hand in his mouth and takes it out and tries to give it to you he’s like here I don’t want this you’re like I don’t want that either get away from me go hide it somewhere like under the couch I don’t want yeah your daughter used to do that too like yeah thank you I I like when people bring me post chewed food to deal with oh they’ll throw the olives at you machine do I have any olive lovers in chat do any of you exist anybody no yes maybe I like specific olives like from uh Popeye that one there’s one good quality Olive you love olives you’re neutral cinnamon powder melons oh I feel like melons don’t need help do do I have any people in chat who salt their melons this question’s for you ladies no I mean like they’re watermelons and stuff like that really Diablo huh I can eat a can of black olives as a snack W yeah chaos black olives are the kinds we’ve been giving them black olives on Pizza don’t dig the green ones okay hi thi thi I planted your flowers today I hope you’re excited they’re zenas that’s what kind they’re going to be we won’t see the blooms for 45 days it says though if you have any tips on how to not kill flowers as they grow feel free to share because you know more about it than I do really Hunter I feel like you’re at like the olive aisle in the grocery store just going not you not you you you’ve never salted your melons no it’s traditional down their iron bar yeah my remember my my wife’s family is very Ki and so assume some stuff they do is very Southern it does mean also though that her mom makes really good fried chicken but that’s because she makes it with Crisco hi Tino good to see you man do you Hunter do you sing the song when you do it I threw it on the ground Love full sun and draining soil other than that they should be easy okay they’re definitely going to be in full sun probably God almost all day like they’ll be in Sun about an hour after Sunrise until about an hour before Sunset so yeah very long time but I planted zenas today I planted mystery flower that I don’t know how to pronounce um and what was the the other one there was another one it was called like the description this is why I bought these flowers the description said a chaotic Bloom of colors and I was like that sounds fun let’s do that yeah water them on the ground okay they’re going to be in hanging basket so that’s going to be a test of my laziness so we’ll see no promises yeah the garden is booming though chat I got to take new pictures this week because it’s going so fast um one of the tomato plants has Tomatoes already even though the plant’s only a foot tall it’s try Harding it’s way too early hi Derpy good morning bye Derpy JK JK you want to be a chaotic mess of flowers I mean I could switch you to those if you want yeah hi Castle what’s going on dude it’s good to see you man bye y oh I also put another layer of slime goop on the car I decided to hit it one more time Chad even though it wasn’t leaking last time I’m like I’m going to do one more layer of the goop of the crack sealer everybody’s favorite carfix material the old crack sealer just to make sure so that when it hits bumps on the road and stuff it’s extra secure hopefully all right thy that sounds good I planted three different kinds of flowers today so they’re all yours yes Derpy uh yeah Hunter have you seen the cat Pervert video please tell me you’ve seen it derp do you have the the link we’ll watch it again here hold on here we go chat you ready I just want to be clear you’re upset because we made friends with your cats you’re unreasonable people you’re holding our cat go in your yard and say Mercury go home don’t come in our yard anymore they want you to is a cat she doesn’t speak English it’s a cat dude really okay all right well we’ll have the police department figure it out absolutely great idea cat pervert I have I’ve done nothing to bring the cat I’ve done nothing to I just want to be clear you’re maybe you should think about why your cat doesn’t want to be at home anymore those poor police I know imagine the police show up and they’re like what seems to be the problem my cat’s in his yard and he won’t tell him to go home I feel like they should arrest you for that for calling for that reason also like if you’re a cat owner you know that there’s no telling a cat what to do you know what I’m saying like pulls out the cups yeah the yeah they needed to call the police cat hurting unit yeah at the very least a field sobriety test yeah I love that Derpy no that’s my kind of silliness I appreciate the effort it was well done I can’t imagine going up to a cat and be like go home now the cat just going to look at you like who the [ __ ] you think you’re talking to you forget what animal I am that’s like when people say yeah I’m going to train my cat good luck even if you do it it’s GNA be a bumpy road dogs are like yes please train me I want to listen C are like I training you sir did you call your neighbor a checks notes cat pervert Yeah also it’s very obvious in that video like the cat’s laying on top of their car like it’s not like they put food up there try to get him up there you have an outdoor cat they’re going to go places like if you don’t want that don’t have an outdoor cat like keep them in the house I would assume cats obey commands when they’re food motivated mostly would be my guest I’ve never tried to train a cat but I would assume that’s their most motivation or cat responds to come sit turn around and a few others yeah yeah Hunter so Hunter comes over and I’m like sit I have a taco and he’s like okay yeah she Derpy yeah I like how food motivated this conversation is becoming also my camera feels too high my camera’s been messing with me all week it’s annoying right exactly Hunter it’s funny how sometimes you sit for tacos but sometimes you have to lay down I’m in a mood chat happy July um we’re falling apart um that’s fair justtin novas yeah yeah that’s what I mean castle like if you don’t want your cat going to other people’s houses then you shouldn’t let them outside cats are not going to be like oh let me just stay in my yard that’s where my owner wants me like what no oh really Destin noas oh we got bad news when we were at the zoo last time I don’t want to be a downer but um the dog that lived with the cheetah passed away and now they’re looking for a new dog to put in there with them the cheetah didn’t like eat him it’s not that kind of story he was just I think they said he was like 14 years old and he’s a big boy and Big Dog’s living to 14 is he had a good life right he lived at the zoo he HED a couple cheetahs um he was a big boy yeah yeah he had a very good ass life cuz he’s apparently the the putting the dogs in the enclosure with the the cheetah it calms the Cheetahs down but the other side effect is the Cheetahs don’t attack the humans when the dogs are around meaning that like random bites and stuff from the Cheetahs are almost zero if the dog is around it was really neat hearing them talk about it so the Dog’s Purpose is not just to keep the cheetah calm it’s also to keep them in line because if I mean I assume it’s cuz the dog was so big the Cheetahs are afraid of the dog or at least respected enough to not attack anybody or hurt anybody yeah like an intermediary thing yeah so I would assume finding a new dog is not going to be super easy right oh God Derpy stop it yeah as big as that dog was it’s still not nearly as big as a lion right that’s true cheetahs are much lighter animals than lions lions are stocky he did food head he did yeah exactly Hunter exactly yeah we never let our cats outside our our well Jackson broke out twice but Stella has never been outside um I think if Stella got out we wouldn’t get her back cuz she’d be so afraid that I think she would drift really far away and I think we wouldn’t get her back she also doesn’t she won’t let us pick her up and she’ll run away constantly so it’s the good news is she’s afraid of everything so she never tries to escape I’m also pretty sure that in her old age and overweightness I could just catch her now even though she’s a cat she’s not exactly very Nimble at this point in her her life okay ardin yeah yeah I don’t know oh that’s smart Dustin noas yeah when Jackson ran away he didn’t know what to do with himself so he burrowed himself between the two fences between our house and the house behind us and that’s how we found him I kept calling him in the backyard and I could hear him meowing but I didn’t know where he was and I eventually dug a hole under the fence where he was cuz he was just like Frozen in fear just sitting there and I dug a hole under the fence and I pulled him underneath it when he was there when he was back there he was just sitting there like afraid poor baby yeah but he wouldn’t move I couldn’t get him to like go around the fence and I don’t fit back there so I could I also couldn’t go back there and get him so I had to dig a hole don’t worry though chat I sang the Diggy Diggy Hole song the whole time I was digging and that that calmed him down he was like ah perfect dad knows the right jams for rescuing all right chat that’s all today’s updates um today and tomorrow are our last two days in stard Valley so I hope you’re all very excited we’re going to try to get married we’re going to try to remain herpy free and we’ll see what else I don’t know what else we’re going to do we’re going to not be cat perverts that’s very important to not do if you guys want to lurk on the YouTube stream I’m going to put a link in chat for that anybody wants to hang out there and help us build up our watch hours we’re only hopefully less than a week away from having enough watch hours for you to partner again pretty much ardan yeah pretty much he felt safe in that little cubby he created for himself so he just stopped moving I would assume that indoor cats that go outside struggle a little bit with wanting to drift and explore because fear but also because they don’t know how to find food or water typically right cuz they’ve never been out there so they probably get thirsty fast and then like oh crap what do I do there’s no water bowl yeah I don’t know no I’m sure instincts kick in but they’re not used to it you know so if you’re afraid and thirsty I don’t know that they’ll just go find a stream to drink out of you know there also might not be one nearby yeah I learned a valuable lesson once as a kid Destin noas and it’s that stray dogs are not afraid of you I remember I was walking to the library as a kid I was probably like 10 years old and there was a a little field we used to walk past that had a pack of stray dogs in it um and one of the dogs was on the sidewalk and like wouldn’t move out of the way so I stomped at it cuz I was a little kid and it went I was like oh [ __ ] uh JK I’ll cross the street turns out stray dogs aren afraid of your little [ __ ] kid they’re teaching me life lessons at least see bite me oh my God Derpy that’s so funny that’s kind of crazy to think about yeah DUS noas did it really you got attacked by the mama duck yeah I could see that ardan I could see that I mean there’s no way we could have outdoor cats where we live cuz the road we live on is way too busy and I wouldn’t trust it you know um but I would like to live on a property eventually where we can do that you know that would be nice where we could have outdoor cats and and dogs that can roam more freely in the yard and stuff yeah pretty much Castle yeah pretty much much when you’re a kid you don’t know better and sometimes the world has to teach you life lessons right like don’t don’t try to scare stray dogs away by aggressively stomping at them wow Des NOA that’s so crazy to think about that duck got not only that you were turning the baby so the duck got retribution you’re like here’s your baby and it’s like nah that’s not enough there’s going to be consequences you must learn from your actions all right chat two days of stardew what should we try to accomplish I would like to marry Leia I think yeah wait do you still have any of the scars dinovas or do they all go away I’m making lots of beer anal bro code if you’re thirsty let me know okay I got you listen Derpy you’re going to sit there and you’re going to enjoy my STW Valley content okay there you go is Audrey are you and Audrey a take off your shirt and let me scratch your back type of couple me and ladym are that kind of couple why do I have a crib it’s kind of creepy that your house has a crib before you have children I guess being prepared is fine like imagine if one of you right now just was like let me throw a crib in the house just in case you never no I might need this wait chat the cat why do I have so many things I wonder if anybody likes void Mayo as a gift do you Destin noas yeah have you ever heard that story where one time lady Mac looked over at me and she said you have a pimple on your neck and I said oh man yeah okay and she said don’t worry I’ll get it and she came over and started trying to break it and I said we are inside of Target you uh you can’t wait till we leave or I guess not wow that’s crazy Angela goodness goodness I guess it makes sense though feral cats don’t exactly have the safety luxury of a home I would assume indoor outdoor Blended cats especially Farm cats probably have a little bit more level of safety I don’t know though yeah zero that’s so gross your first message zero really going to get banned before you got started my wife was so excited when she discovered that show Dr pimple popper she like oh my God yes let’s watch all of these episodes and I was like no I don’t want to you watch them why are people upset with me am I not feeding some of these people oh I’m not feeding the bunnies just go outside and eat my animals are like I’m starving and it’s like there’s food outside actually they are out of food I guess that’s on me they are actually out of food so I guess that one’s my fault oh really Angela have you seen that video of the cat like scaling its porch because a coyote was after it but you can’t see the coyote come into frame until like the very end it’s wild I’m GNA sell most of these beans also does anybody want a 54 stack of sushimi let me know chat let me know oh my God Derpy goodness gracious that’s kind of a reminder of how fast foxes are that they’re catching cats you know kind of wild like cats are so fast hopefully some of them are getting saved Angela like fingers crossed you know it’d be nice to think some of them are like finding home H you know hopefully I’m making my own rhubarb seeds because I’m cheap and I don’t want to pay for them most of my motivations in stardy Valley are around my cheapness I’m also aging cheese in my basement I feel like I’m running like an illegal cheese operation so if you love cheese I’ve got an illegal cheese joint going on yeah we’re legal cheese operations yeah yeah yeah for sure I personally could never handle the anxiety of having an outdoor cat I I don’t think I could do it I’d be too I’d be too worried all of the time even though cats are resilient in my head I wouldn’t be able to shake like something might happen you know all right wait what are we going to do today chat I should focus on something what should we focus on chat do I have any quests all George wants me to gather 12 leaks that ain’t gonna happen ain’t no way on that one Chief oh I was going to upgrade my weapon that’s what I was going to do I learned to upgrade my weapons but I don’t remember where where do you upgrade your weapons chat in the desert maybe oh it’s in the Forge isn’t it like in the volcano I think that’s where it is oh yeah we have a flower farm I knew that chat I knew what’ you do Angela hit me I also wanted to make everyone my boyfriend and girlfriend in town chat so if you want to like be part of the polyle now is your moment we’re taking applications to have many girlfriends and boyfriends I don’t know why all this time playing stardew Valley I still find it funny that you walk around holding stuff above your head it’s like walking around with a giant Ruby do I have no strawberry oh that’s cuz I don’t have very many I basically been taking whatever fruit I end up with the most of and drying it oh God Derpy Derpy that’s not making me want to play long War I’m just saying I’ve never actually beat um I’ve never actually beat XCOM in Iron Man mode I’ve done honest man but I’ve never actually done Iron Man mode my back is itching Chad I think we’ve decided not to drive 3 hours today by the way or tomorrow I don’t think I can do it 3 hours on FR Thursday 3 hours in the emergency room on Friday and then five six hours of driving on Saturday is too much Chad so I think the Line in the Sand is we’re not going to go do it twice oops so if you’ve been stalking me and you’re wondering where I’m going to be this weekend it’s going to be not out of town well on Saturday we’re going out of town though this just going to be a lot of driving man oh man the tire our tire has a hole in it crap I need to take that and get that fixed um crap process the bread I start around no today for their slow proof in the fridge and then when I started those loaves I also started a fresh batch 11 in case I wanted to start another loaf in the evening uhoh is there a bread emergency I’m supposed to go to a desert festival today chat is that what the game said whatever that means I don’t know what that is though oh it looks lit am I hungry yes I’m very pleased to hear that I’d like to make you a very special dish something perfectly suited to your unique taste may I hearty beans cave loaf rare fruit extremely sharp cheddar shrimp um extremely sharp cheddar ah yes it’s the extremely sharp cheddar exing tost now what kind of sauce will you have um uncomfortably hot sauce I’m making a dish for Gambler chat very good a healthy drizzle of uncomfortably hot sauce to round out the dish this is exactly what angel look like today while I call its nachos of the desert enjoy wait I just ate it straight up gave me attack and speed these nachos make me go fast chat oh gosh Angela goodness so I guess you’re going to be hanging out tonight is that what I’m to understand is that what I’m supposed to be working on uh oh where’s Hunter I found a fish taco oh gosh so the long War mod is finicky hi Superwoman how are you enjoy Gambler I hope you’re hungry buddy fried mushrooms do you think this counts as leaks for George probably not but I’m going to buy them anyway oh I don’t have any eggs except for the egg chat Scarlet greetings friend care for a test of knowledge if you can answer my question correctly you earn a prize what do you say excellent now the first question question one who runs the animal shop in Pelican Town Marney correct what does aoke grow in fall chat right I’m it’s definitely fall right like 100% ah okay Derpy okay well Angela I hope you have lots of delicious bread at least to pay up pay for being up late fall okay in what season can you catch Solomon rzy hi rzy good morning hopefully not Ultima hopefully not guess first any season is my guess because I think I’m used to catching it in the ocean all year the wiki says just fall the wiki is right where might you catch the lava eel Mine level 100 probably okay very good I’m impressed with your knowledge friend here is your prize you gave me 50 Calico eggs dang oh yeah the race wait what’s Demetrius doing here oh he also runs a little shop what’s at the top he’s selling a periodic table what a nerd uh there’s a little a little kid shop this is like having a it’s like having a lemonade stand right this is probably the busiest time of year for me it’s nice to be able to see everyone I’m sensing your fashion doesn’t quite match your inner feelings Step In The Box and we’ll fix you up sure chat okay before we continue let me visualize your aura to see what kind of style will make you happiest yes yes I see okay we’ve got it don’t be alarmed I’m coming in ladies night chat thank you dizzy thank you superwoman hey Rizzy good to see you I can feel it your inner self and OU of self and now in perfect alignment I can’t wait to see the new you you’re looking great come back another day and we’ll put a fresh new look for you did you put a flower in my hair I believe so chat and she put in a skirt am I am I am I a pretty lady chat say yes Haley greets you with a smile you notice that she’s wearing her great-grandmother’s BL bracelet a if you smell something good it’s the coconut oil I rubbed all over my skin I’m going all in with the desert feelings GL that’s not creepy or overly seductive so pretty thank you appreciate it chat glad you got my back sourdough chabata rolls that sounds delightful I would like to taste test that hey Ma check out my Cactus I’m trying to think of a name for him Kevin his name should be Kevin let me know if you have any other questions just hanging out like this bird seems to like me I guess the flamingo feeling pretty good about the egg hunt huh what she’s still worried about the egg hunt feeling pretty good about the egg hunt huh next year you won’t be so lucky peace uh I uh I got theart match for you are you ready to welcome a new Cactus into your life did it meow well then that’s certainly a thing that happened I was just wondering if I lived here instead of stardy Valley would my art look different maybe Elliot Whispers a sweet secret into your ear interesting wait is Elliot my boyfriend I don’t remember yes he is my boyfriend you ever just forget your boyfriend chat we need to give Haley a gift crocus sweet pee oh she likes coffee good good D for me thank you so much okay she maxed out she’s got to be getting close right she probably will be tomorrow wait a CH even here I don’t think so after a long dark winter this Festival is a good way to revive everyone is it what’s up bro have you seen the size of these Calico eggs just imagine the protein yeah what I was thinking also all that protein oh my God Shad I got the coughs you saw your first cyber truck in the wild had spots all over do you mean like rust spots they don’t tell you what the secret is no it’s a secret Dustin noas it was covered in Rust I mean it is a steel chassis isn’t it like a steel body maybe the rust is considered a feature have you really Superwoman I’ve never seen a cyber truck in the wild I guess I’m trying to do the the level 30 thing but I believe the spirits were perturbed today it’s pre- rushed but you could tell it was getting damaged yeah you’re wrecked bro I really should go upgrade my weapon I keep forgetting about that I should have brought explosives maybe that probably would have been helpful no don’t water things silly goose I really need to change this location so that it’s easier for me to hot key it I don’t think I’m be able to do this but we’ll find out wait can’t I just make explosives now that I have some materials oh I need copper ore oh I guess not the monster yeah the monster did just drop a house plant just carrying that around totally normal behavior wait what does that noise mean that was like a fancy noise chat I don’t know what it meant but nope not today um come on L is that a Calico egg over there yep sure is chat wait don’t the egg statues do something monsters do more damage oh good wouldn’t want this to be too easy thank you this is very a what do your elfi see type of thing um inventory is full what do we not need in here chat the extra clothes are not helping I guess I could also eat some of the food here let’s eat some beans that’s always the key to happiness chat just eat all the beans 20 levels let’s go nine levels but to Dinosaur Land I don’t want to fight dinosaurs though let me out I don’t want to fight oh my gosh chat I showed up with so much stuff in my inventory which is foolish obviously but I I hadn’t planned on doing all of this not bats chat oh that bat almost killed me we are on the brink of death chat um this might be one of those levels where I have to kill everything to get through I suppose I know I’ve already hatched them we already have dinosaur babies Destin noas and Audrey time to make hard decisions chat I’m guessing I won’t be able to get out of here unless I kill the dinosaurs though because the door is not opening and I’m in a bit of a state of panic for some reason I don’t know why like I probably shouldn’t be but I am oh Al I should eat before I go when I’m almost dead um we only got to get to level 30 right how do I know what level I’m on 27 okay thank you so we might actually make it right we’re getting pretty close like I needed the tibas didn’t I if I remember right ibly going to blow me up oh no we made it this should do it nice here let’s get these extras first well that was easy chat right do I win a million do wait what was the reward did I not get a reward for that I thought that was a reward maybe I got it instantly no idea chat oh I got 50 eggs when it happen hi belf how’s it going buddy how was your day I got to figure out where to spend the eggs I don’t I even know where to spend them like do you do you no who uses egg currency here wait did they catch the bus home oh they do cool oh it’s this guy isn’t it yeah this guy oh that’s a pretty picture wood cutters weekly how do I subscribe so got down with valheim friend and I spent like the past four hours finding a spot for a home did oh they just released a DLC didn’t they or an update I feel like I saw something about that I think I want that picture I have 100 eggs is there anything else that I really should be spending money on for eggs chat like anything worth the time oh God all of our wine is done we have a lot of crap in our inventory what kind of wine do we want to make chat how about peach wine does that sound good chat would you drink peach wine you don’t really have a choice cuz that’s what I’m making I hope you enjoy it CH I’m in a pretty flower I like the flower in the hair though that’s very cute I think I walk around with a flower in my hair for a little while that’s adorable that’s super adorable I got to go to the basement and age my wine there was an update semi recently Peach schnaps close enough I’ll go to bed we’re all getting kind kind of sick of stard Valley so my Thursday group started playing valheim instead hey we’re almost done with stard Valley too it’s becoming a theme wait have you and your friends tried V Rising yet the beer is Aging in the basement I think can you age beer I think all aged beer just eventually becomes Guinness right I think that’s how that works Spirits are happy today no I meant in real life do people age beer I guess is the cactus an outdoor decoration or indoor indoor right here chat perfect also got this random house plant Haley might be able to become my girlfriend today chat we might we might be able to do that it’s kind of nice that I’m just getting Deluxe bait for free every day I I fixed a lot of things with like free farming in the in the farm and that feels awesome cuz I feel like I wasn’t very good at that for a while mostly because I wasn’t paying attention to what I could build Ah that’s fair belf yeah yeah yeah that’s very fair um what does Harvey like as gifts let’s double check chat rvey everybody likes aimi oh but he loves coffee you’re welcome buddy enjoy today is no one’s birthday can’t click on the other thing green I don’t think I can give her green algae I feel like I need that for something if I remember right just checking all my relationships chat Woodley likes a lot of things also loves coffee that’s warm to the old heart that’s right it’s wait did haly’s thing actually go up no Haley doesn’t love me more than she did before well that’s kind of uncool yeah the fish farm is what I need it for yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean kenamar that’s a hell of a deal ah okay Snow Queen okay that makes sense what’s my relationship with the mayor like it’s got to be oh it’s maxed have any of you guys ever maxed out every relationship ship of every companion in stardew Valley Emily’s my girlfriend I really should try to give Shane something probably it’s probably not that hard I think I just don’t pay enough attention to it like like you can probably do it with the right level of paying attention and staying on top of gifts and stuff I bet you could even do it in the first year if you were really motivated I kind of ignored everybody for the first two years and then I was like hey maybe we should try to make some friends Shane loves Sashimi right pizza pepper poppers and beer he does like Sashimi not as much as the other stuff though life isn’t so bad at least I got pizza and eggs yeah at least what the didn’t I just give him what some Sashimi that was so fast I’m sorry my life it’s a pathetic joke look at me why do I even try it’s too small and stupid to to take control of my life I’m just a piece of soiled garbage filtering in the Wind come here off looking down there’s a chance to finally take control of my life but I’m too scared too anxious just like always Shane’s story is heavy man I’ve never really got this far in with Shane all I do is work sleep and drink to to the dull feelings of self-hatred why should I even go on tell me tell me why I shouldn’t just roll off this cliff it would be a sin H cuz there’s so much to live for J needs you you’re like a father to her the decision is your own just know that I’m here for you goodness yeah I bet Snow Queen bet I’m thinking the first one or the second one chat no no I know that I went to church as a kid I’m going to say Jass needs you you’re right J oh God I’m horrible now I feel even worse oh Mac I think you should take me to the hospital now goodness gracious chat I’ve pumped his stomach and rehydrated his body he’s going to be okay you brought him in though too much alcohol is terrible for the body but right now it’s most worried about his mental health when he comes to I’ll have a chat with him about his treatment options I know an excellent counselor in zuu City Life can be painful sometimes there’s always hope for a better future you’ve got to believe in that it’s true chat goodness I I suppose this is why some people like the Redemption Arc for Shane of helping him turn that corner and stuff like that you know what I mean am I allowed in your room yet yes I did a really B bad job with Sam for the longest time but I think I’ve gotten better over time I’m really good friends with that guy’s wife let me tell you chhat let me tell you he loves tacos coffee and sashimi luckily like most of the Town loves Sashimi that’s really worked out for me guess I need to go to the Festival I mean kenar that sounds lovely to me like if I walked in and someone in chat was in my house but they had Sashimi I’d probably forgive them for breaking in like wel come on in oh you’re hoping for a release date soon feel like I betrayed Abigail this playthrough like I know I didn’t but it feels like I did what does Clint even like gaslighting how do you give someone gaslighting dang it I tried to get it to him in time but I didn’t make it did I already give jod a gift today oh she’s maxed stop trying to burn the city to the ground war B we talked about this also hi pumpkin how are you that was a very delayed reaction to YouTube I need to have YouTube like blink when there’s a message yes we are Live on YouTube at the same time that was a very delayed reaction that was like 24 minutes what you got for me bud all right I made Gambler a meal now let’s make someone else a meal H all right let’s see here chat this is going to be for belf Knight and vbar to share it’s not a date but there’s going to be candle light and a nice quiet corner of the restaurant for you to eat it in we’re going to start out with some shrimp ah yes shrimp excellent choice what kind of sauce will you have pungent garlic it sounds nice for shrimp right a nice pungent garlic sauce very good a healthy drizzle of pungent garlic to round it out it’s basically a shrimp scampy right I call it smell of the sea it makes you better at fishing and better at attacking people that’s a hell of a date I’m not saying but I’m saying Chad wait what does Marne want a green algae should we go fishing I guess chat I guess wants me to catch oh my God look at my fishing skill it’s not what I was looking for but wait can I catch the Scorpion in this Lake hopefully cuz I have no idea does everyone in chat know what plant they got in the garden do we have anybody who’s in the dark starting to worry that maybe I can’t catch that scorpion here and Cherry syrup on shrimp sounds so gross gosh Chad help thank god oh shut up belf I’m trying I’m doing my best okay chief I’m need a challenging kiss don’t you think here’s 50 Calico eggs I mean I don’t know what I’m supposed to spend all these Calico eggs on doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of vendors that sell stuff for a lot of money aby’s planat a level eight dagger he sells weapons wow 50 flower seeds for two eggs is so good oh BR I was saying that I was making you guys shrimp to share that’s all dried fruit you’re welcome should we play dress up again chat free clothes right it’s okay forar yeah wait what’s a prism Shard I like that Emily does a little dance for you said I’m sorry if that hurt what’s going on in there all see chat did she dress me like Fred Flintstone is Emily is she sunbathing I believe Haley’s sunbathing give her a coffee he’s GL listening in the sunlight be like that sometimes chat are my alerts not on apparently not um zela Zam how was your stream thank you for the ra I have alerts on who told you that makers and crafting what were you making hi everybody welcome on in sorry I’m just fungineering at stardew Valley you know like a normal person crochet and ranked had a good time and heard you’re also doing a good time over here yeah I’m almost done with my stard Valley playthrough at least done for for now um so we’re just vibing today and dressing as Fred Flintstone I guess yeah thank you very much for the raid if you guys are following Zam chat you’re just to click away there’s a link in chat where you can go follow right now um but yeah we’re just vibing out having a good time I’ve never made it this far into stardy Valley I usually get distracted after year two and this time I’m going to get distracted after year three to mix it up and uh yeah we’re I don’t really have any goals still even though I know it’s my last couple of days my goals are still nothingness what distracts me other games basically that’s pretty much what distracts me I don’t know how to buy the thing that you’re talking about um Rizzy did he just say I hitch to ride underneath the bus I checked all the vendors though and no one has it so unless I’m missing a vendor somewhere yeah I suppose we could buy mystery boxes why do humans enjoy spicy food it’s counterintuitive from a biological perspective unless there’s something I’m missing go ask Gambler why he eats that stuff that’s me I think Frank’s Red Hot is too spicy I’m not a good yeah okay so no one knows how to buy the Prismatic Shard here enjoy the eggs my friend I’ll be back next year okay so he doesn’t give you anything extra it doesn’t look like it oh I should give Penny and Maru gifts she loves emerald and poppies but she’s going to get coffee cuz that’s what I have and that’s why she doesn’t like me very much the worst part is some of them have like stuff that I do indeed have wait does she like rubies she does nice I wonder if that was really high on her list no but it is liked at least I have lots of rubies yeah Rizzy said I could buy prism shards but I don’t I don’t know where from he likes dried fruit I do remember that one Emily’s stock 500 eggs Al so talk to Emily but how do I buy from her she just wants to get me dressed I’m not sure how to shop from her yeah the village Avengers appear to change every day oh we have to wait till Emily to sell tomorrow probably I suppose I’ll leave then and come back tomorrow tomorrow’s another day right oh you have to hope for Emily okay so she won’t run the clothing stand every day you mean oops oh man I keep forgetting to go do this whoops flounder I’m not going to do either of those I don’t even know where to catch a flounder probably the ocean aren’t I supposed to also occasionally be trying to catch a lobster I guess I already caught one but I think I’m supposed to be trying to catch more of them I’m also supposed to be leveling my combat because I haven’t done that yet it’s the only skill I haven’t leveled I really wanted to work on Mastery cuz I wanted to see what that was but I haven’t found I’ve never found how to get my combat up high enough so that has proven to be a problem oh aren’t I supposed to build pamama house isn’t that a thing I’m supposed to do yay George likes to shimi thanks period didn’t he have a quest for me 12 leaks I don’t think I’m going to get there chat oh she does not like Sashimi I might have to try something new on her does she like salmon berries smells awful that’d be a no chat she does not like them Alex really really doesn’t like me either I think it’s cuz like the first 10 gifts I gave Alex he hated all of them which apparently isn’t good for friendship turns out Chad if you keep giving somebody gifts and they hate them they won’t be your friend go figure right who would have th it who what a thk get sh I need to make more tea I guess I’ll go hit things in the cave until it’s too late at night and then go to sleep I got to farm my 8 billion salmon berries first a that doesn’t connect can I believe there’s a thunderstorm he reboot how you doing buddy I assume the Mastery system is super worthwhile I kill things too fast here so maybe not the best place to hunt oh my God I did the thing again where I showed up with a full inventory H we don’t need the Nautilus fossil right I can throw that away here we go again chat a holy Blade with Crusader on it yeah that’s a nice sword really gambler oh I guess I won’t do that anymore I guess I don’t need the warp totem for the beach right probably not I don’t know chat um I got a crab oh Chad I don’t think it’s going to happen I wish there was a way to know more accurately how close you were you know what I mean I mean I have now used two books for combat I just went level 30 in the mines the southern mines it’s just proving to be extremely difficult I’m not sure why it’s so hard yeah because it’s too far Gambler is that why it’s too much well we did not get it unfortunately excuse me everybody’s returning home for the night yeah that’s what I mean like are you supposed to do something special or is it just hope for the Book seller to have stuff maybe maybe that’s the thing you’re supposed to Hope is that you get books I might dress as a Flintstone for a while chat but I think I want the the daisy in my hair though this is my kind of silly just walking around dressed as red Flintstone I I feel like I made those two things specifically for the raccoons right isn’t that what they asked me for some sort of pickled something I don’t remember they wanted something though stop crying that crap around that’ll help um oh I should have sold this crap I have two holy blades but the right one is much much better the one I just got so maybe sell that that one tomorrow hey doing good for the ls how are you buddy hi osat what’s going on bud yeah is someone after my pickle uh I don’t think so not not that I know of I guess someone could be in secret and I wouldn’t really know that’s no of us no behave yourself I don’t have time to go see the raccoons unfortunately oh crap the tea um I need a strong tea we’re doing English breakfast tonight I’m not operating on a ton of sleep today so we’re going to go caffeine heavy tea I haven’t had English breakfast in a while I don’t know why I drink English breakfast because of all my teas I feel it’s the strongest it’s like drinking coffee oh God for the Ws we’re going to have so many people setting off fireworks for like the whole weekend it’s going to be exhausting it’s coming there’s no getting away from it also I’m lucky enough to live in a place where sometimes people just shoot off guns to celebrate the 4th of July so that’s exciting so we’ll get to hear some random gunshots over the next 24 hours cuz America ah okay yeah usually when the Fourth of July hits we end up getting fireworks the whole weekend so it’ll probably be all weekend I apparently dizzy I show up with a full inventory to the caves all the time by the way chat we are Live on YouTube and twitch at the same time for anybody who wants to lurk on YouTube and help us build up our watch hours I also will check the YouTube chat every once in a while and hope for the letter e apparently okay so Shane got drunk passed out by the cliffs told us he was not feeling well mentally and this is the next after out of that he got out of the hospital hey oh man how do I say this I’m really sorry about what happened at the cliffs that was embarrassing I’m glad I was there to help you need a serious wakeup call I’m happy you’re still here a wow was that serious huh I can hardly remember I’ve decided I want to see a therapist Harvey got me in touch with a colleague is anyway just wanted to thank you for taking care of me and I want you to know that going to take things a little more serious from now on I don’t want to be a burden I feel like he should start disliking wine and beer as a gift after that event you know what I mean I do you know what I should do Angela is I should bring the mayor’s chest with me because that one I can just sell stuff the one where he said he’ll pick it up at night you know what I mean really machine so nothing really changes oh God parsnips that’s a lot of parsnips um I think I have parsnip seeds I do only 19 and I need 24 maybe I should check the things Aging in my basement too that would probably be a good thing to do we have exactly 24 did you guys find when you guys went for the level 10 of all your stats did you find that combat was the hardest like is it just me or is that pretty common that that’s the biggest pain I need to make another batch of coffee it was your last one too okay so it’s not completely out of sorts that I that’s the one I’m struggling with hi everyone big hugs big hugs many many truffle okay they have food at least we do have a dinosaur if you’re wondering for those you wondering that please stop trying to eat the Truffle I just want you to oh my gosh want you to pick up some hay so I don’t forget to feed them again since they hate me now all right it’s a really awesome amount of parsnip seeds we’ll take that all day chat um should I be making I I haven’t been making oil anymore oh my God I bet the strawberries are actually ready that’s probably true I also want to visit the raccoons today is that weird Chad do you want to visit some raccoons not even at the zoo Chad just in the wild Chad I feel like this is how I got all these problems with rabies in the first place let’s go say hi to the raccoons that’ll be good gosh we never find the type that I actually need just in case I’m running low on Hay I’m going to farm a little bit here no we don’t need a more improved version of rabies it’s still it’s potent enough belf trust me I am excited at least we have to go to the emergency room for three more hours on Friday which sucks but at least this is our last dose right that part’s exciting our final rabies vaccine finally is this Friday which is in two days so that’s good news do I have carrot seeds chat there they are no those are peppers carrots they’re there I knew they were somewhere also have a ton of mushrooms um that’s the kind that I need so I’m glad we actually found some of those we’ve been saving our mushrooms to build healing potions which is awesome but yeah inventory is an absolute tragedy I’m going to be honest with you chat if you’re here to judge me now is a great time now is a fantastic time to do that some of you have already been doing it so I hope you’ve been enjoying that Chad do you think it would be awesome to live in Hawaii or would you dislike being that disconnected from the world me and Lady Mac were talking about this today do you think that you would feel too isolated cuz you lose a lot of amenities of like if you live in the country though it’d probably be 601 I mean for all of the US’s problems I do still enjoy living here truth be told it’s not like I wake up every day in just a state of misery you know doesn’t mean we don’t want improvements though expensive but a ton of fun yeah that’s what I was like looking at like if just things like building a house is is really expensive in Hawaii because they have to import everything from the mainland I guess it’s not importing but you know what I mean like they don’t make enough lumber on their own make enough milk on their own stuff like that a lot of stuff they have to depend on boats to bring it in which is also why you don’t get overnight shipping from Prime if you live in Hawaii that’s a very fruitful amount of sales that’ll be good money yeah I bet if you live on what is it aahu that’s probably the island to live on if you actually want more amenities that feel like the mainland because of the population being so much higher than the other Islands okay we really need to make coffee definitely not going to find enough leaks I actually don’t know where I deposited my horse does Hawaii have big spiders and scorpions I don’t think so I don’t think Hawaii has problems with storms either hurricanes don’t hit Haw if you’re worried about hurricanes hurricanes don’t hit Hawaii very often mostly because it’s a tiny Target it’s also not a heavy hurricane Zone CH where did I leave my horse I think by the mushrooms yeah uh oh is it yeah I would probably be okay living on any Hawaiian island because they’re all nice for different reasons well not maybe not that one machine but Kawaii aahu Maui and the Big Island would probably all be fine yeah I don’t I don’t think that the weather is typically a scary thing about Hawaii in general Hawaii is actually pretty mountainous like if you if you’ve never been when you’re on Hawaii pretty much most of the islands you can see the ocean and mountains everywhere you are all of the time why is my back so itchy probably those metal shards still in there oh Mac the lighting is so nice now let’s to come out and shoot some nature shots no dizzy I’ve been trying to connect with the outdoors a little more I want to know what it’s like being a farmer it’s a way of life I’ve never really thought about until now oh these cars are so cute have an idea let’s take some pictures with these cows you can show me how to approach one I’ll just set it to shoot on a timer are we having a romantic cow date chat oh my God alar Ohio oh she’s riding the cow okay uhoh don’t worry about it belf oh my God okay Chad we’re in a weird place what a dirty girl machine that was fun Mac and these photos are hilarious I’m going to go home and take a shower now hopefully not alone well that was a fun event what do you need raccoons pickled cauliflower and potato juice potato isn’t that whiskey like we’ve had this conversation before chat oh yeah vodka I got to make it to the desert I should go do that now before it’s too late really see I love being near the ocean and lakes and stuff we actually found a house on Lake Yuri that was 429,000 which is way out of our price range but for being on the water and having over an acre of land it was a hell of a price so if we can just stumble across $400,000 you know as one does so don’t you love when you’re just out in public and you accidentally find 400 Grand that’s always nice right yeah I just got to do a subathon how many Subs to get $400,000 sorry you to see me like that Mac came here once when I was a kid the only thing I remember is getting sick on the bus ride all right what’s the food chat whose turn is it to eat dizzy you hungry machine all right this is for dizzy and machine I got good news bad news the good news is we’re starting with beans the bad news is we’re starting with beans ah yes the hty beans excellent choice now what kind of sauce will you have might be time for Cherry syrup oh you both want spicy fine spicy beans it is very good Al of uncomfortable hot sauce you both have to give Gambler one bite of your beans so he can try them though wait he made Bean tacos he turned them into tacos that’s cheating it was tacos the whole time chat I did not get Emily as a vendor oh my God my tea well I wanted strong tea I’m sure [ __ ] going to have it that’s going to be very strong dizzy you can also count first mishap of the night yeah we’re right there we’re right there oh gosh wait 500 stone for one egg no one stone per egg it’s not as good as a deal as I thought but I have nothing to spend my eggs on at this point so I might as well throw something at them right okay we’re going to skip it this time since I’ve watched that twice tonight this is what I’m in today chat no other outfit much cuter can you save the Calico eggs for next year if so that’s what we should do do thanks I hate it it’s pretty much what I just did she gave you a trash can skirt that’s a Vibe oh I forgot to buy that pretty painting I have a silly goose chat that’s my bad morning hey Mac I’m just thinking about milk oh good glad glad to hear that is Haley sunbathing down there again I don’t think I saw Haley here today no I don’t think she’s here I guess each person doesn’t go go every day do you like daffodils yay you do we did it everybody comes one day okay they don’t go to the Festival three days in a row like I do I don’t think Marne oh I am maxed on Marne what about mayor Lewis am I maxed on mayor Lewis I am I need to give Haley a bouquet is why I was asking that question our goal right now chat is to level up combat wait can you just Farm Combat on the zombies cuz they’ll keep coming back like is that how that works like is this like a hack or do you only get XP the first time you kill them does anyone know cuz this would be a very convenient way to do it doesn’t this do something bad full refresh whatever that means I think I’m going to Google whether you can Farm combat XP on the zombies mummies I mean no you get no XP it says none the only way you get it is if you kill them with the Holy blade it says so they have to be fully dead for you to get the XP so that’s pretty hardcore if you wanted 400,000 you would need 133,000 subs which put you in a solid second place of total current Subs on Twitch and it cost Chad about $666,000 what do you think Chad that’s doable right that’s probably only like what a level 10 hype train give or take well this is a ton of combat at least oh the ladder’s blocking me I also have too much crap again as his custom someone in town loves spicy eel I don’t need either of these I think they sell for like nothing though really Gambler oh what’s my average sub count per month um right now it’s right around 300 that fluctuates though because at the beginning of the year it was averaging around 550 to 600 but for May and June it’s been right around 300 and now right now it’s at 287 so we’re only 600 we’re only 133 3,000 away basically almost there hey good morning zou it doesn’t really help me that’s very temporary could also eat the Pickled cauliflower yum everybody likes a nice pickled cauliflower right get over here need that combat XP I don’t think it was Mass Effect related I mean I can’t be certain God I carry so much junk around chat I’m a champion at carrying junk wait can I just sell the dwarf Scrolls I can just sell those right there’s no reason to save them that makes me kind of sad lady Mac said to me today like truth be told she was sitting on the back porch and we were talking about like life and what we want to do and our long-term plans and she said it’s kind of amazing to think that no one pays us any money except for the money we create for ourselves like we’re both self-employed no bosses no nothing and she was kind of musing as to how cool that is in a way right that we don’t have bosses and stuff like that I I think both of us have our doubts about whether the longevity of this can last because kids will only get more expensive but as of now it’s a it’s a fun thing to think about let’s just go down try to find some combat like we were the reason we were talking about is cuz we’re starting to think that maybe we might need a third small business so it’s an idea we’re wrestling with and what that would be and what that would look like you know what’s funny chat is she made the joke that all of you would make yeah that one she said what about the only fan yeah and I said babe it doesn’t really work that way even if we did only fans you have to promote it and find an audience and it doesn’t just money doesn’t just appear in your account well kear sometimes you don’t have a choice right don’t tell bunny she’s not the boss you think bunny thinks she’s the boss of me I guess technically Chad if you guys are the ones supporting me are you my boss the whole time it was twitch chat go figure who knew chat twitch chat the whole time I’m a little frustrated myself that I keep doing this by this I mean I’m not cleaning my inventory properly damn I can’t believe we still still haven’t gotten it you want to talk about my kpis that’s the most disgusting thing anybody’s ever said in my chat how dare you I guess I’ll go back home should I spend my 87 eggs on something I have gamer Tech yeah well I I I I think kenar it’s we’re certainly not looking looking at it from the perspective of being shortsighted we think about it a lot it’s not like we’re not giving it serious consideration on life and balance and stuff like that I mean it’s the whole point the whole reason we are self-employed is so that we can be a family and have time together and kids and you know what I mean kills per instance that’s better oh drop off the clothes yep we got two kids now I did say if we weren’t pregnant by August we probably won’t have any more kids so we’ll see if that ends up being true all right how we looking chat shouldn’t carry around this at the very least I need to go sell that freaking sword my kids are one and two although Jonah chat is only two months away from being three ug time does fly but I mean Kar we have to be able to live right right we have to be able to pay our bills and stuff like that you know we wouldn’t make the decision lightly to try to supplement our income you know I think trying to buy a house has really exacer baited the conversation it’s the ghost chat remember the kids are sleeping in their own bedroom now now so I got to be a little more aware at night if they’re attempting to escape and roam the house let me go check on them real quick Chad make sure they’re not setting the kitchen on fire or something I’ll be right back Chad for e oh thanks for your patience giddy was awake daddy daddy daddy daddy so I laid with him for a minute till he fell asleep sorry that that took so long I just wanted to help him fall asleep so he didn’t scream and keep mommy up all night I was singing to him and now I realized the music was off and I was like oh no what if chat heard me that’s not allowed to hear me singing I’ll get judged is that why belf was dancing oh no Chad let me know if you need me to start singing you good night songs I’ll start singing chat to sleep for some of you it will do the opposite effect if I ever did a karaoke stream I think the only thing I would ever want to do is attempt to mimic singer voices cuz I think that’d be kind of fun to try to do but that’s as good as it’s getting hey there’s potato juice right isn’t that it pretty sure that’s it right potato juice chat we did it finally we have the potato juice oh my God there’s so much going on in stardew just a pile of things to do that’s what we are if you need things to do stardew will provide you’ll never say no wait to which part to me singing you good night songs Lullaby I think I would protest that I’m the one singing all right well we got the potato juice chat thank God so potato juice online raccoons are going to be pumped I can’t see I need to cut down a tree hey good morning snuffle Hi zilly how are you how long was that time Shara eventually my YouTube response time is going to get better I probably should just do a unified chat so that it’s easier for me and I don’t miss it as much all right do any animals hate me right now no wait dang it chat I did not mute that I’m sorry um I need to see if Destin noas is alive yet Audrey laid an egg did it hatch it still has not hatched we don’t have second dinosaur baby yet Destin noas will be here soon though you’re not ignored YouTube I’m sorry okay you’re a little bit ignored but not not on purpose I promise just because of forgetfulness there’s coffee um I have 13 garlics right that’s not enough but it’s cuz when I get gold I try to turn some of them to seeds but I also try to just sell some of them also why do I have mail thought it would be fun to write you a note I had so much fun with the cows yesterday I’m starting to understand why you choose the Farm’s life I hope to see you soon oops that Haley’s in love with me yeah that tasty potato juice is going to be nice right everybody always says how much they love potato juice nummy in your tummy chat as Jonah would say um I’m going to go make Haley my girlfriend chat third girlfriend there she is chat I’ll accept this thank you I was waiting for you to ask me that don’t worry about what I’m talking to Penny about over here I may actually go get Penny and emerald no no I’m not girlfriends with Penny not yet I mean I’m working on it B but not yet no I’m one pip away from her that’s why I said I’m going to go grab an emerald but soon all right are we going the harm Road I I don’t know what I’m doing snuffle I just keep asking people to date me and they keep saying yes so wait what is this event what do you think you’re doing that’s private property uh I uh uh sorry sir I was uh being radical youth these days sometimes wonder ofous Town isn’t doomed hey it’s me in my Fred Flintstone outfit you saw what happened M what do you have to say about it you’re right sir Sam should respect private property don’t blame Sam there’s nowhere else for him to ride that one exactly there was a park in town I could ride there and everyone would be happy thought you were more mature than this Mac nope sorry yod you just please try to not damage anything in the future you got it braah yes sir I guess did you see that trick though [ __ ] was rad it’s true it was pretty good chat he is correct hopefully Penny didn’t move because I don’t want to go looking for her Penny get back here thank you I really love this maybe I’ll live in a place for someday where I can garden you mean like a farm oh my God maybe I’ll live on a Farm giggle giggle giggle in nudge nudge well or ask her to be our girlfriend tomorrow chat how many people can we get to be our girlfriend and boyfriend today chat wait what H happens in the game to all your girlfriends and boyfriends when you get married do they get pissed hi Shane you look unusually happy today you’re right I haven’t felt this light since I was a kid ma let me guess Gus had a clearance sale on uh ale a actually I’ve been drinking sparkling water instead of beer I feel great you know I sometimes forget that I really do have friends people that care about me it’s C me to rely on them it doesn’t make me weak good message in life chat oh they chop you up with axes hey Jess I got something for you present is that a new bow for her hair no they’re bunny Jewel slippers aug how did you afford them they’re so expensive St back on the expensive habit I have a lot more spending money now funny how that works out chat right let’s not give him any more beer as a gift chat how’s that sound I have pizza and po pepper poppers can’t I just buy one of those from Gus I believe so I know snuffle he’s so awesome now that we’ve got him to turn the corner no I’m not giving him any more beer I’m not going to be an enabler dude’s back there getting jacked chat Alex hates me more than pretty much everybody can I buy the complete breakfast from Gus let’s see what Gus has to sell some spaghet there’s the pizza we’ll buy two of them he sells hash browns maybe he’ll like hash browns I think I’ll roll the dice on that he probably prefers protein based foods though so I bet he doesn’t super love it this cool thanks bro no problem Chief don’t you e in the YouTube chat and the twitch chat you save that for YouTube exclusively wait are we going to start having avocado toast chat oh wow Mac how’d you know this is my favorite my aunt to dislike you give her clay she hates that I guess everyone has their Hang-Ups you trying to help me hate people now Sam also loves pizza where where does Sam live I always forget where Sam lives lives this house no this is Emily Haley right yeah oh so he’s not home I need to go give Maru something too I’m really behind on maru’s relationship do I know what Maru loves amethyst for Abigail oh yeah the wizard exists forgot about him too oh she’s at work diamonds and oh strawberry strawberry nice and easy let’s go get some stuff to give to them do always forget that belf yeah cuz I’m what they call a slacker if you haven’t heard of that before all right raccoons enjoy your juice did you just call me BoBo wait what the hell’s fairy dust chat what does fairy dust do it makes kegs go faster huh you end up with so many salmon berries look at this [ __ ] and then nobody likes them in town the game is not without a sense of humor chat uh I brought you some dried fruits here you go oh making the stuff in the cellar go faster is that the only thing only purpose it really has I guess we wait to talk to the raccoons again in the future maybe I’ll just sell the stack of salmon berries cuz holy cow do we have a lot of them I’m going to guess I have a ton of fruit in the Batcave Two Pixie no stop eating the F I really should put a walking path there that would probably be very effective I chat what are these like am I supposed to do something with these oh you just click them and get slime I guess not the Slime goo message stop it stop it all right let’s clean up the inventory of smidge at least probably sell this honey okay so what I need to bring with me is strawberry for Maru what else was there chat there was something else strawberry for Maru Sam also likes Pizza I have to find Sam here likes coffee that’s easy oh amethyst let’s just clutter up our inventory even further chat let’s make it even worse wow we got a lot of petrified slime there I’m not sure if that’s worth anything but we got a ton of it I suppose once I have like 10 people dating me on Mary Leia seems like a good plan just break everyone’s heart in one Fell Swoop CH you’re a bunch of troublemakers you know that about yourselves I missed Maru unfortunately unless she’s walking home I’ve got to have over a hundred of these I don’t believe that’s what it is for the ls I don’t believe anyways no it’s not escort that’s not we don’t have an escort command just so we’re all on the same page we are not doing ES squir giveaways listen times aren’t that tough chat we found out that Clint likes Simi which makes life a lot easier I believe I’ve already given um chus two gifts yeah yeah I have no idea where Maru hangs out in the middle of the night I’m going to assume in her house why is that message being highlighted did you pay for that oh you did pay for that you paid a 100 bits to look for an escort I I’ve never seen that message effect before that’s my first time seeing that one wait you know what if you’re using a message effect can you only pay the amount it costs or can you pay a different amount if you choose to like can you pay 200 bits for a 100 bit activation or is it literally more like buying something in a store thank you for the 100 bits I appreciate it here is dery throwing pennies at nomac the highlighted message looks kind of cool actually I think they announced at twitchcon they’re going to expand that program too okay only 100 you can CH I can change the price I can make it cost more but for those effects 100 seemed like the right price I don’t think they should be like super expensive well the good news Derpy since people have to pay for it you won’t see it very often well it also helps the streamer right with a lot of conversation tonight about wanting to make a living I think twitch doing things to help streamers monetized is important for the longevity of a lot of streamers careers you know I wanted to sell him this make sure it’s the right one yeah I drove all the way out there just to sell him that I did it set it to 40 million bits you want to highlight your message Chat yeah Derpy and Mr Penguin thank you guys very much for the bits I appreciate it I think that thing is Twitch is adding things for bits but in this channel you guys already have a lot of valuable things to spend your bits on not to say they that you guys won’t use the message effects I do think people will use them from time to time um but I will also say that we have such an abundance of bit usage or ways to use bits that are created by the community at this point I only read highlighted messages going forward there you go the new me I I must be paid to talk to you you want to talk to me chat that’s going to cost you listen YouTube chat no ease tonight there’s been enough of those we’ve had two new Chatters in the YouTube chat tonight and I missed them both cuz I was too slow that’s how good I am at paying attention to the YouTube chat I feel guilty now though so now I’m paying a lot better attention all right let’s gather everything up um hi Kitty it’s not letting me pet you again so I have a couple of r p I thought I send to you maybe I’ll help you more M more or something take them I already know how to make that don’t I not that the thought isn’t appreciated sound ungrateful chat um let’s make more coliflower seeds I don’t think I can oh know I can probably make one more batch of cauliflower yeah yeah yeah we’re good what’s my salmon Berry stack out 158 am I in standard or in portrait I’m not sure what you mean I did spec I do see your message in uh YouTube Derpy it only took me one minute I I have a unified chat window in Discord but I don’t have one on on my main PC yet not because I can’t have it just because I haven’t sat down and put it together is the only reason why I don’t have it oh Gunther actually wants one of those that’s kind of cool no there it is I’m not sure if I have any cauliflower seeds no I do I have 18 nice I’ve thought of doing different things for the chat feeling more immersive on YouTube like so that they could see the twitch chat because YouTube is smaller and but do people do watch the Youtube VOD so I feel like being able to see the chat would make more interactions make more sense that makes sense all right we are making a lot of coffee that’s been great since we really need it a lot of people like it as gifts kind of win-win if you stream in portrait like YouTube shorts format apparently pushes in the algorithm how would I stream in portrait I’m not allowed to put YouTube chat in twitch chat so that’s against twitch to I mean wouldn’t that really hurt my wouldn’t that really hurt my twitch stream to move it change it to Portrait I don’t think I can do different on each of them can I not sure that’s a thing are you Canuck I see you yeah hi to everybody on YouTube hope you’re doing awesome yeah I mean I already use a multistream service so we do do that already that is a thing that we currently do are you admal bro code well thanks for hanging out on the YouTube Buddy there you go Ultima heck yeah like I said um I don’t want YouTube to be my focus twitch is my focus I just want YouTube to be a secondary plan that can grow in its own little ecosystem right cuz it’s never going to feel like twitch on YouTube right I mean most of what happens on YouTube right now is just you guys supporting me and helping me we’ve only met a a few not zero but we’ve only met a few new people on YouTube so far actually since I started live streaming on YouTube my sub count has actually gone down I assume it’s because a lot of people don’t like people who subscribe to me for my video content don’t necessarily want to consume live content right my live content is also also very different than my my crafted content right like extremely different yeah I don’t think I’ll worry about it too much right now ad bro code no you can’t double dip and put your joke into YouTube and twitch that’s cheating sir I can make my own grass starter but I just can’t be bothered yeah but I mean we have had two new chats in in um the YouTube tonight so I do think the algorithm is feeding us the occasional person right so I mean it’s a nonzero amount at least this is what I keep meaning to do CU they’ll eat this but I’ve been slacking this basically is just to save hay okay that’s at least slightly better you’re saying adal broko needs to say the same joke with two different punch lines don’t give him any ideas please we don’t need any more admal bro code ideas in here okay he causes enough shenanigans no it’s not brilliant see see dizzy are you happy now do you know who suffers the consequences of your actions cuz it’s not you yeah I know it’s not you you butt yeah it’s kind of crazy that I have more coffee beans now than when I started brewing coffee just because of how many we can make hi replac him how are you you say you’re you watch my stream just to suffer no I appreciate that Al Ultima this is what I assume will happen with the YouTube and this is what I expect to happen and I don’t want you guys to feel like I’m saying this to make anybody feel bad I feel like a lot of you will watch the Youtube to help me get YouTube partnered and then it will reduce the amount of people who watch YouTube so a lot of you will pull back after that cuz we will have reached our goal and I don’t want you to feel like that’s not I expect that and and I don’t think you should feel bad about that if that’s what you do I appreciate you guys helping me get there I think the best part about being partnered on YouTube again will be if I do create a video at least we know that it’s win-win right it’s not just content but then it also can put you know income and stuff like that as a secondary thing you know I made her mad last time when I gave her crappy gift likes beats here how about a daffodil anyway chat yeah so that’s that’s kind of how I expect things to go I do hope the YouTube creates its own little community and ecosystem though I do hope that’s a thing that develops over time it doesn’t have to be huge just something that’s secondary and it would be kind of win-win all around right Derpy what sportun reason to leave you plus your F session with the Wimbledon championships I replied that’s 15 love oh my God what am I going to do with you wait why is Penny not she should have got another point where is Maru oh Sam likes pizza that’s why I have a pizza oh yeah Pizza time that’s right baby enjoy wait isn’t Wimbledon actually happening right now too I’m pretty sure it is Wimbledon is a a tennis Battle Royale I think I don’t watch but I follow One tennis player on Twitter um because she’s the daughter of the owner of the bills she said I gave her a strawberry and she said this is spectacular you’re welcome where do you guys think Abigail’s hanging out right now Friday 300 p.m. now I don’t think it’s a murder thing unless you can get killed at tennis not yet Derpy no not yet oh yeah fasion exists I knew that chat I’m really close to Demetrius right yeah pretty close Bean Hot Pot sashimi and wine getting Sashimi bud it’s weird that you give him food and he says it’s an interesting specimen I feel like I’d be insulted by that in real life wouldn’t you chat if you gave someone like food and they were like this is an interesting specimen oh all right where the heck is Abigail Abby where are you oh man I should have went and saw Gunther chat but it’s 420 I’m not going to make it why can’t more people be open till night time that would be very convenient for me yeah I don’t even think the horse fits right there if the horse did fit I probably probably would have made it oh I did make it Chad we did it don’t read the books chat ever very important to never read the books wait where did she come from is there a secret up there the musque is kind of awesome I’ve completed so much of it I don’t think I’m going to complete all of it unfortunately but we completed a lot of it for the Lo are you implying I should do the drugs is that what I’m to understand about you right now I already give Alex two gifts this week indeed I’m gonna ban you too for the ls we’re Banning everybody tonight chat where’s Marne on my list maxed baby no wait why do you hate all the fish dishes you’re a fisherman who hates fish I don’t understand you’re saying if something is legal you should just do it is that what I’m hearing from you for the ls that’s certainly a take I know but I brought him a cooked meal of fish and he basically said you eat this [ __ ] like bro man lady Ma and I when we cooked lunch today we made like these like high-end fish sticks chat I didn’t know it was a thing either but um they were delicious like surprisingly so Mr Penguin if you’re going to go to the YouTube you have to behave yourself like everybody else does you don’t wait I’m maxed with Haley now right yeah she’s literally my girlfriend oh not maxed though but yes to girlfriend part aw you look really pretty today aw that’s so sweet sweet Haley would be the one who would uh shower you in um compliments right she would definitely be that type of girlfriend I never found Abigail all day belf would say look at the map find Abigail I’m not allowed in her house at night though is she Angela she seems like she would be oh there’s a whole ass party on Friday night I don’t have Coraline maxed in my head I keep thinking I do but I do not Mar’s we have a lot of people maxed though I feel like we’ve made really good progress there’s Abigail it’s her favorite Stone chat we did it I already gave the other two boys a gift well I’ve spent my entire day today playing this game chat just trying to date everybody how’s the bread coming along Angela you getting close I bet you’re getting sleepy another Ed to the YouTube chat there are 13 people watching YouTube and I feel like they’re all fans of hitting me with the letter e as a community Chad I need to go to the place chat you know the place I need to go there I keep forgetting that we have have that Island we need to go visit the reason that’s important is we planted all those very expensive plants there that I kind of forgot about ah there you go Angela I’m sorry it’s being a but head yeah Angela is making homemade bread right now oh good luck Mythic are any of the games we love to play on sale on the Steam Sale I feel like everything’s on sale right let’s see what stard do Valley cost $ 8.99 for stardy Valley there you go Community listen to you troublemakers Mass Effect wait is that for the legendary edition yeah6 for the legendary edition of Mass Effect yesh yesh what about darkest dungeon darkest dungeon two is $20 and darkest dungeon one is $374 slay the Spire $849 80s 9.99 wow what a steal XCOM 2 is $3 what Wier wild Hunt $4 I already owned that oddly enough even though I’ve never played it is backpack battles on sale 1169 I don’t what is it 1499 usually 12.99 usually so 10% off it doesn’t need to be discounted more than that I don’t think I’m going to do Hades 2 playthrough when it releases into 1.0 that’s my current plan I don’t need to see that game early personally me2 stream that’s the current sub goal is Mass Effect 2 so in about 500 Subs but last time we were far away far away far away far away and then The Perfect Storm happened and we were there so I’m sure it will happen eventually okay I think we’re doing an okay job of working on relationships today I think we’re doing pretty good I already cleared that wow you know is I don’t actually know the answer to this does the E have a meaning that I just don’t understand like genuine question chat was there an actual meaning behind you guys using the letter e on YouTube besides being a bunch of trolls it was just something bunny started and we just kind of ran with it so bunny being a troublemaker is the problem you’re saying okay so there’s the fairy I didn’t even use the fairy dust but there is one egg begins with e that’s true no don’t start e being in the the twitch chat that’s YouTube exclusive don’t cross the streams chat and those of you that don’t know about the YouTube stream here you go there you go chat hi malok how’s it going you know what’s funny is YouTube support told me they weren’t going to UNP partner me and then they did UNP partner me which I knew the person at YouTube support was incorrect um but then I sent them another email saying hey guess what happened and they never replied oh man she’s making these not hatch at the same time now that’s annoying more than helpful I also just said hatch totally normal behavior all right I think I have enough did my second PC just pop up by Windows 11 I actually have Windows 11 on the laptop cuz I fig that’s the place I can test it to me it works exactly like Windows 10 I haven’t noticed a single difference but I’m also not a a Hightech user so it could that could also be why like I won’t notice the Deep intricacies of the code and stuff like that is what I mean okay let’s do more aridium 30 parsnip seeds well that’s lovely yeah see I don’t even know what that means more Telemetry bugs like that means nothing to me like oh no whatever that means dang all right chat who wants some kale the kale in the real life Garden is rocking too it’s doing really great man planting the parsnips out of order is going to drive me crazy I suppose I should do it though otherwise I’m going to lose those spots in the garden and stuff the desire for clean Perfection though does not like that that makes me feel disorganized Chad they want more of my data and they’re screwing up sending it ah they can have it they can enjoy my dad all they want a bait maker is what that is oh in case I want to be baiting if I use it in much well do you think I’ll become a master chat probably right 18 kale seeds we need 24 chat and then some oh my God these are done too kind of forgot about potatoes Chad the potatoes in the buckets look so good I’m not sure how well they’re growing in the dirt but the plants themselves are super super healthy all right how long do potatoes take six days okay I have time we can do one more batch it’s going to be fun harvesting the potatoes this year too cuz it’s basically going to be dump bucket into wheelbarrow wait wait I want to make more seeds I need two oh I forgot I need to be planting kale what do you think chat should I just go level up combat does anybody know do you get more XP based on the difficulty of the enemy like is that a thing or is it 6 to one half a dozen really I would assume harder enemies give more XP you know what happens when you assume chat you get asked for you and me think that’s how the saying goes right that’s how it goes all right that’s all good um what else do we need chat I wonder when we can pick the kale I haven’t really done a lot of research on Kale I would assume that we can eat it relatively soon given that it’s just a leafy green you know okay those are my last three seed growths for today I’m going to sell the rest of the kale get that money chat you guys want to hear something fun you know we’ve been house shopping and just like looking at different neighborhoods and different cities and like we really been looking all over the place um in the last couple days while we were looking the house four houses down from where my sister lives went for sale we could live right next door yeah it’s unfortunately listed for like 459,000 so another $400,000 house subathon if we did a subathon that gave me enough money to buy a house I would I would start an only fans for free no charge parrots are also done aren’t they dang it I mean I’m supposed to be excited but I wanted to go to the mines imagine it would be kind of funny like being a smaller community and having a subathon goal of 133,000 Subs no no there’s lots of house Ohio’s got houses that are expensive it has houses that are cheaper too you could also buy a house in Ohio for $155,000 as this as it goes though it’s location location location right my sister lives in a really really nice School District she also lives in a very small area that’s kind of like secluded her neighborhood is one of the quietest I’ve ever been in like if you sit on her front porch um there’s no cars you don’t you can’t even hear the cars cuz the highway is so far away um and you just hear nature all day it’s a very relaxing place across the street from her rich people live there um and they take care of their property really nice but it’s like basically one side of her block is just rich people and the other side is where she lives which is not rich people but nice house is in a nice calm kid-friendly neighborhood basically as kid-friendly as a neighborhood can be I suppose um maybe I should go fight in the mines next to the Quarry perhaps I could go flirt with more people I guess I’ve given a lot of people gifts already though I thought I had maxed out Coraline’s relationship but I apparently have not it’s Shane’s birthday h oops I need my horse 300 p.m. I I don’t know that Shane will still be at home that seems unlikely nope he’s not at home he’s probably not at the bar at 3 is he suppose he might be I mean I I just got to wait it out right cuz he’ll be there eventually wait a minute now that Haley’s my girlfriend that means the sisters are both my girlfriend isn’t that what that means already gave him two gifts did I really I really was on top of it this week I gave Pierre nothing seems like a dick move on my part gave everybody a gift but not Pier [ __ ] that guy like damn bro I think I also need to give Harvey a gift right yep as with almost half the town he’s down for some sushimi oh crap I already gave him two gifts uh what do we give him Pierre I think he likes coffee right yep and sushimi oh there’s Shane wait if I already gave him a though I won’t be able to give him another one right so I can’t give him a birthday gift what if I gave him a bouquet well he’s now my boyfriend we’re dating everybody chat I think I’ll buy him a pizza for his birthday right that sounds nice yeah let’s go buy him a pizza that’ll be nice good old birthday pizza that’s right I dressed as Fred Flintstone so he gets a cosplay from his brand new girlfriend and a pizza oh it’s my birthday I was hoping I’d forget it’s actually really nice thank you you’re welcome enjoy your pizza buddy I don’t think I’ve given two gifts to Evelyn right no I don’t I never see Coraline where the hell does Coraline hang out Al always forget to give the little kids gifts too she likes oh J likes flowers I do have flowers well that worked out what’s what’s Penny’s relationship with me now now damn she’s so close about jazz oh maybe I should remember the little kid’s name and they wouldn’t hate me so much oh I don’t have anything he likes I might have to roll the dice that I have something else that he likes um but little kids have to love pizza right yeah right there’s no way they don’t there’s Jodie I have maximum relationship with jod not the casserole recipe we haven’t listened to those videos in a while I do remember those yeah that lion recipe stealing [ __ ] good times that guy got super popular and it made him create less content I suppose that probably happens to people from time to time cuz then he probably felt a little pigeon hold because everybody wants the same exact videos now they want to be fed and he didn’t want to he did a bunch of them though I feel like he did more than enough to help himself did I give Maru her second gift this week I could go give the wizard a gift Assuming he’s open past eight oh my God for the ls you’re like well this is suspicious but I am hungry it would be rude not to just taste the pizza at least all right we’re all good up here we’re all good up here chat and then the gifts reset in the morning so I can start pushing those relationships even further what do you got raccoons oh they’re going to have another baby am I helping the raccoons create like a raccoon Haven they’re apparently starting a massive family thanks to me suppose when I get rabies in game there should be no question as to how it happened have I many made any Headway with the forest Spirits uh no I don’t believe I have ah okay man I was just trying to read a story the other day Derpy on YouTube and I could not find the story normally without someone throwing commentary on top of it like I just wanted to hear the story and I could not without hearing a ton of people giving their take which is fine like I don’t if you want to create that kind of content great but it was frustrating to not be able to just get the content cuz it just buried I guess we go to base and go to bed I did not go to the mines and and work on my combat XP which sucks when does the Book seller come to town hopefully she has the combat book cuz that doesn’t seem to be happening naturally partially because it’s slow and partially because I keep forgetting to go do it I think I will stubbornly run up there and try to do a few floors of the mines though just be stubborn okay so we’re looking for combat I suppose it doesn’t mean Farm nothing we should prioritize combat at least um pickaxe this is what we want rooms like this nothing think both of those would be empty send some more keep them coming chat oh that’s it come on we can do a chat don’t die no dying allow chat wait I got it that was it right and then we got it right at the end there nice also did I find a book read this book will gain Grant some combat experience I don’t think I I want to use it now I want to wait till I can go for Mastery I think all right here we go can I go to sleep in real life chat we did it chat we finally got there as if I would ever take Defender when I could just do more HP all right how do I start Mastery do I have to go do something specific yeah yeah Derpy when I was making um when I was making videos on YouTube and I was learning and teaching myself how to use um Adobe Premiere those videos were invaluable two minutes straight to the point here is how you do it so helpful it’s the door where the spring onions grow like by ‘s house those are where that where I consider the spring onions to be down by where Leia lives I’m definitely taking more damage by the way as if I would ever take defense good morning Jimmy you sense that a new way is open the book seller is in town o wow this going to be a lot of stuff at least my farm has become so self-reliant that I am just swimming in the stuff another day at the grindstone hey weekend’s right around the corner buddy halfway there oops some beans made out of greens chat you can see you can now see your XP oh right here well that’s kind of neat I believe that says I got a slime yep oops h all right how many pars of seeds do I have so have seven days of planting remaining this season in my head I thought Mastery was going to work a little different than this I thought it was going to be um like each individual skill gets its own separate Mastery managed to beat one of the major boss in Elden ring DLC right on time for work I was struggling with it a bit the other day but I guess it was mostly because I was tired super cool dragon bass fight nice that dude that’s awesome wait you mean like just now right all right cheese is done maybe I’ll use fairy desence I just put those in there now where did I put the fairy dust there it is yep I was like like a 20 minute before let’s give it another try nice there’s definitely times in games where that happens right where you just needed your eyes to take a break and then everything was fine in the world I the last one misclicked a little bit on me just a little bit not a lot of [ __ ] chance a little bit well it’s Sunday chat time to work on boyfriend and girlfriend number like six and seven o all right Harvest Harvest Harvest chat today we’ve asked like three people to be our boyfriend and girlfriend almost feel like I should go for that one scene you guys keep talking about the confrontation scene I could probably harvest the fruit just barely right yep got him got him chat oh yeah for sure I actually saw a viral video today Derpy of someone who creates cinematics of them fighting bosses and it was a demonstration of how one of the bosses in Dark Souls can be parried and I love when bosses and Dark Souls games can be parried it’s the end of Dark Souls 1 right where you can Parry the final boss right oh did you Derpy yeah he does a really good job not just with like the gameplay but just with editing the videos and way that makes them very cool you can Parry Gwyn yeah that was very cool I think I actually beat him by parrying him the first time anyways don’t need you don’t need you you you you we’re going to save two of those for Maru okay Hi izy how are you Hi Shiro demon taking a break from Final Fantasy are we yep 12 hours straight goodness gracious MMOs be like that they be like that chat I’m going to take a very short break if you guys want to stretch your legs grab a drink whatever you need to do um I’ll be right back I’m just going to sleep for like an hour and then I’ll continue or two minutes we’ll see we’ll see chat e e for e for for all right chat did you guys get your two-minute nap me too feeling right as rain I’m also freezing let’s warm up a little bit chat unless you’re in the YouTube stream you have to stay cold warmth is for twitch only no being warm on YouTube that’s good God why am I so cold it did I felt like gwy Derpy it was a lot of rolling if you did it the regular way and pares was just so cool you could also Parry that one dive attack which just felt so badass really is he goodness gracious yeah that’ll do it you’re bringing you know I actually have Hot Pockets upstairs should we make some what do you think Admiral bro code is it hot pocket time all right we’re going to spend the rest of the day flirting now that I’m ready I have strawberries for Maru we also need amethyst emeralds can I make more crystarium I could make some H do I want to that’s another question I could just cancel these two crystarium right and then redo them and I’m just want to make things that I’m using a lot of to save me a Little Bit Of Heartache of having to farm that stuff later okay I think we’re ready to go chat let’s go flirt I didn’t say pizza rolls I said Hot Pockets okay I didn’t say I’m going to go get pizza rolls all right Harvey what do you like he loves coffee like offensively loves it no don’t drink it right in front of him what are we taunting him it’s weird that the doctor in town is always struggling how he doesn’t make enough money booty cheek flavored underwear ew nobody actually likes edible underwear that’s a common myth only disgusting people like that just so we’re all on the same page daffodils she likes daffodils maybe go give a gift to her hus oh wait wait there’s Abigail cross some people off the list one at a time chat wonder what would happen if I spent all night at the graveyard she asks me I’m sure normal stuff wait what’s going on in here whose bedroom am I in you found Pierre’s secret stash wait what what am I King shaming only if you eat booty cheek flavored underwear then yes back is so itchy hey who’s in the bedroom uh not me well how did you find that find what bro quick give it to me right now promise me you won’t tell anyone about this your secret to safe with me your wife deserves to know wait who’s his wife Coraline Caroline wait what is the secret stash it didn’t tell me was it actually drugs like is heart is he is CH what’s Happ happening it was magic the Gathering cards he will bring us the warmth listen listen Ultima really is one of these answers better than the other like is keeping his secret a good thing or should I tell him to go tell his wife and stop being a douche stop hiding your drugs from your wife keeping the secret safe is better a enjoy your meat Derpy I hope it’s in and out in no time all right fine I’ll keep it secret thanks I appreciate that just forget you ever saw this okay and I’ll forget that you were snooping around in my bedroom now i’ find a new hiding spot Grumble Grumble Grumble people doing the drugs chat all right Coraline loves tacos don’t we all Coraline don’t we all do you like cheese she does love cheese yeah yay well that’s good he likes strawberries um old man likes shimi I didn’t even give Pierre a gift pretty sure he loves coffee though and Jody’s max level so I stopped giving her gifts God she said she’s dreaming of freedom I think she means from her from her husband I think but I don’t know Chad I’m just I’m just making it up as I go along all right who else we giv stuff to I’m surprised Emily’s not more upset that I’m also dating her sister wait Emily and I just realize that they don’t have parents in town that’s what she’s alluding to there all right just walking around looking for people to flirt with chat if you like flirting now’s your time chat a you like pomegranates that’s nice don’t have any right now but this is for me that’s marvelous I was hoping you’d show up it’s always a pleasure to see you I would hope you’d say that since you’re my boyfriend some people chat you know what I’m actually going to give him pizza because it’s so easy to acquire and I’ll get I’m behind on his relationship Maru is here everybody’s here you can never have too many girlfriends and boyfriends chat let’s be honest isn’t that how the saying goes trout soup M yum I’m kind of surprised pen is not maxed out this Emerald has to do it though right it’s got to I thought oh it did wait so can I give her a bouquet now you want to get more serious I feel the same way I I don’t know what to say I’m so happy all right girlfriend number like six good to know oh my God I’m so behind on Alex maybe if I can make him a salmon dinner or a complete breakfast I could alleviate some of the difficulties of those ones I I don’t know that I know how to make those things though probably worth a shot hi Pam just saying hi just saying hi chat all right let’s see what kind of cooking I can do all right he likes a complete breakfast fried eggs salad cheese cauliflower parsnip soup vegetable medley there it is milk eggs hash browns and panc cakes well what the f how do you make that’s a lot of things you also like salmon dinner but I don’t have any salmon so pancakes is wheat flour and egg Ash Browns is potato and oil okay I can’t make any of this we’re going to need a different gift for him to like does anybody know what else Sam likes wa not Sam Sam’s the wrong one Alex we need something that’s not salmon dinner or complete breakfast cuz they’re too hard to get maybe he also likes Pizza who doesn’t love a nice Pizza chat right actually low on gold bars so I’m make a couple batches do I have a Jack B Nimble book I have had two of them wait aren’t I supposed to go somewhere for Mastery I keep forgetting I need to do that too damn it Chad I can’t do everything there’s no way you don’t like pizza okay maru’s max level relationship oh I don’t have to do anything until I Max this first goal so just nothing at all needs to be done right now what about kobus can you date kobis do you like coffee there you go kobis have a nice glass of coffee ah okay so I just need to keep farming as per usual oh no I’m going to break a lot of Hearts when I get married aren’t I I think so chat oh crap I I misclicked luckily he liked it I was just trying to talk to him we’re making good progress on Maru Sebastian we are not Sebastian’s the one I’m doing the worst on it’s cuz I keep forgetting to go north and give him stuff like he’s so far away oh crap I keep forgetting to do that too what do you got bud wait so if I do these books do they just give me generic XP now wait I can have Who as a roommate I he I made myself orobus small amount of experience in all areas that’s a lot of that’s really expensive that’s very very expensive fine chat yeah I guess I’m not going to rush it wait what was that first book but once I get Mastery won’t I want the specific books all right caviar Prismatic Shard and wine how do I make caviar can I I assume that’s a recipe I should maybe have gone to I I don’t I don’t have a good uh Focus right now chat I’m going to be honest I’m kind of like just drifting in the wind happens to me a lot in stardew she’s Max relationship but I’m going to give her some cheese anyway just cuz she’s my ba think I already did this yep all right keep coming keep coming wait to far south somehow okay this is apparently not the easy way through we’ll just go around time to cut down every tree and stardy Valley that makes it inconvenient to walk around gosh I’m I didn’t make it I tried too much nonsense in the way I want to know his hours anyway oh he’s opened past 10 what do you know chat what do you know chat Forest schmor just put some sturgeon row in a barrel okay I don’t believe like basement Barrel or regular just regular everyday Barrel they have two babies now chat okay the problem I may have is I just put a bunch of wine in in there so I probably don’t have a barrel I suppose I could just make another one though oh we have a lot a lot of junk again sell sell sell well go clean up some [ __ ] um I want to save some of this and not toss it in here we have an abundance of mushrooms the gold ones of these mushrooms and the aridium ones I should sell I should actually sell this as well probably and the wild horseradish as well unless my horse wants to eat his namesake yeah I don’t have an empty Barrel I just make one more just so I can start aging it you know what I mean so we’re going to age oh but I don’t think either one of my stacks a row is sturgeon nope that’s why we were trying to visit um oh it needs a bigger stack probably five that’s why we need to visit Robin right so that she can build that for us that makes sense okay night night chat you do make money every day but it’s definitely slow going like if you really want to get like big money you have to be on it right like you have to be making a concerted effort to make good money can you take wine out early yep you sure can okay we have replenished our gold bar supply which is great so let’s put this way this way the reason I took the wine out of one of them is cuz I need it for the JoJo Mar Center all right that whole side is humming that’s all I wouldn’t say humming but it’s all going now finding a prismatic Shard or caviar those are going to be the difficult ones those are going to be very difficult okay if I want to visit Robin I need five and five of seaweed and green oh I only have four seaweed so we’re going to need to go get seaweed out of the ocean if I remember correctly oops last time we sold everything and I kind of regreted did it I think seaweed is ocean right if anybody thinks I’m incorrect just yell at me okay no birthday for a little while I really ship with him has got to be way better yeah I say it’s been cooking okay he also likes coffee it’s good to know dring down Prismatic slimes Poes all right chat I need your good luck okay it’s the time for needing luck that part of the stream has begun oh yeah these are mine need that chat there we go there we go Chad very nice uh put you on the fishing rod and then let’s fish chat we’re looking for seaweed I think I actually usually find it in here so maybe I should shift over there it also kind of looks like there’s seaweed in there I don’t know if looks matters but it does look like there’s seaweed now watch I’ll catch nothing but fish this time let’s get it out there that’s definitely seaweed I look you can see it it’s right there chat hey that’s twice now where it didn’t respond in time either I didn’t respond in time or it didn’t respond in time I don’t think it can be me chat with my MLG status and all that intact what time is it chat 4 in the morning okay I don’t know why the casts aren’t working but we’re not catching these fish uhoh when you don’t want seaweed you catch it all the time when you do want it you never see it again just give me one seaweed chat just the one chat oh gosh chat lucky lucky chat did that say my bobber wore out I believe it did say that it’s actually such an expensive item with the items that it requires you can tell the bobber’s missing right away you know what’s funny is I almost bought one at the last fishing vendor we saw but I bypassed it I should have probably just went for it hey we got it and I have time to make it to Robins heck yeah I think I saved some sturgeons if memory serves I think think we saved it all right what does Sam like pizza oh yeah Pizza time all right so Robin’s house we go chat if she’s even home which I feel like is like 50/50 at best hey she’s home let’s go give her daughter a gift oh maybe I already gave her both h no I only gave her one oh she gets strawberries Demetrius gets shimi Robin gets to date me right 200 Stone I do have that actually all right where we putting it chat in a little fishery somewhere like right there we’ll clear some trees so we can see better okay now that’s cook going to be cooking it’s good news um there’s our XP situation right there we have 964 out of 10, so Mastery is slow which I mean is not shocking I feel like Mastery being slow is pretty fine I think there’s also the side effect of everything’s giving me XP so it won’t feel slow I think as time goes on I we’ll see right but I would assume the juice is worth the squeeze at this point all right let’s take a short break chat stretch your legs grab a drink chat we’ll be back momentarily I’ll be right back for for thanks for your patience Chad are we um oh God I didn’t stop the clock [ __ ] whoops listen I’m sleepy okay Chad I brought back cookies we can all enjoy these together right no cook good cuz I do usually don’t eat on stream chat but I didn’t eat before Stream So I need a little something I didn’t do the milk treatment because that plant exploded not like physically and then it outgrew the disease and I cut off the worst leaves so I haven’t used it yet doesn’t mean I won’t just that I haven’t yet if you’re thinking that I made an unhealthy Choice chat by eating cookies I’ll have you know that that I’m washing them down with Mountain Dew so it cancels out right hi Benny how are you how is Elliot not maxed these cookies are very good I will be honest with you they’re salted caramel with chocolate chips and they are delightful yeah they’re very nice here’s the best part they um lady ma made two kinds of cookies on the same day and um she likes the other ones more so I basically get this whole batch to myself there’s got to be something else that Coraline loves green tea can I buy that somewhere do Gus sell that we got to make it ourselves then I’ll just give her a coffee I guess sorry chat I’m almost done eating what happened to my amethyst did I accidentally deposit that I believe I did no I want it to be amethyst oh I don’t think I’ll be allowed back in there now all right chat snack time is over we did it that was delicious that is a very weird cookie emote you’re right I bet someone has made those cookies before though that look like that you know what chat remove remove that’s the new plan oops my inventory is a mess give me those give me those give me one one I’m going to sell a bunch of that fish let’s sell you you you you um this this this this this this this that well that was lovely should be a fairly profitable day think I had some garbage to process yeah I probably should do that the other way around not that it’s a big deal but yeah probably at some point night chat we’re going to remember to go to Ginger Island and get all those ancient fruits at some point okay oh I am allowed in here now your daughter’s in your playing video games died again this is so hard it’s my favorite Stone it’s so pretty all right Abigail’s good for the week what about Coraline Coraline is really close to maximum yep she’s good for the week it’s kind of funny like that eventually you can just go into kids the the like parents kids bedrooms even though the parents are home like like parents would normally not be okay with that but in this instance it’s fine because they like you enough I guess something like that chat how’s my relationship with uh with my dude right here Willie he likes coffee and cheese have both there you go Bud we’re not allowed to go into his house and make him take us to the island I don’t give wine to the children shut up don’t you lie about me well caviar will be somewhat soon but not soon soon is she just sitting in the graveyard with her sword chat and laughing I guess you’re wondering why I’m in the graveyard at this hour well Amir it’s the best place in town for people to shut the [ __ ] up wait what what’ she say I’m all sweaty because I’ve been practicing my swordsmanship Chad how do people not like Abigail it has to be a meme right to not like her she loves like DND D video games practices sweet sword skills in the graveyard at night yeah she eats rocks chap but who doesn’t right how many of you not eaten rocks you know what I mean hey what you think I’m too weak to swing a blade no why would I think that sorry I guess I’m getting a little defensive you see I want to explore the mountain caves but I know it’s too dangerous I go all the time baby girl you’ve used this board before haven’t you yes and it’s exciting see you understand why I’m AR here I’ve lived in the valley my whole life but I’ve never really done anything memorable I want to go on an adventure time to wait how is Pierre out here what I haven’t eaten rocks in years see there you go lock what’s Pier going to try to sell me some seeds dad what are you spying I’ve been looking all over for you your mother wants you to come home and help her with dinner right now young lady and who’s the skank mind your business dad you think I should be at home cooking dinner because I’m a girl don’t you you’re really stuck in the past Dad let’s get out of here Mac Get Wrecked Pier later jerk okay my dad won’t find us here can you believe my parents were ever young they don’t understand my perspective at all I know I know they grew up in a different era with different values that still ticks me off sometimes okay oh thanks for hearing me out Mac now could you help me untangle my bra sure I’ll help you untangle that I mean what well that was fun chat and don’t worry I got her bra all un tingle chat no big deal easy peasy lemon squeezy chat okay is Shane’s not Max is he oh he’s up there right where is he he’s literally my boyfriend I find it funny that Elliot comes your boyfriend and it’s not Max relationship it’s the single people I’m supposed to be worried about right so like Maru Sam Abigail Harvey If I want the really weird event that you guys are talking about oh my God I’m so far behind on Alex that’s probably the thing that’s going to stop me from getting it is I’m not going to get Alex I really need to make Alex’s favorite stuff but it’s really really hard to make I need to look Alex up Alex stardew Valley Wiki cuz we need another thing that’s not the two things he’s asking for he likes complete s breakfast the book Jack B nimble Jack B thick and salmon dinner well that sucks those are all extremely difficult things to make why can’t he just see rocks like a normal person exactly exactly Mal some people right the rabbit foot wait is the rabbit foot really universally liked cuz that would be easy I I have a ton of rabbit feet I’m just trying to speed it up Izzy that’s all so trying to get as much as I possibly can basically jeez I don’t have an auto collector for just that one I do have another dinosaur egg Penny hates rabbit foot okay it’s good to know um how do we want to do this chat let’s take that and that oh God I have some kegs not even doing anything I need to save one of the kegs for something though forgot what I was saving it for oh caviar all right so complete breakfast Rees hash browns and pancakes see pancakes require wheat flour which I suppose I could be processing wheat flour right but also hash browns which is potato and oil and I don’t have any oil oh preserve jars for the row okay thank you okay well I guess I could just give him rabbit’s feet then and call it a day that could just be what he gets from now on especially if it’s love because then that’s the same as giving him his favorite gifts right I don’t I’m actually out of corn because I made too much oil so I actually don’t have any corn left does the Rarity of the item dictate how much it gives you like do purple like like will you get more XP if you give them the higher level one okay The Duality chat striking a little bit though just a little bit um okay so let’s do let’s make some salmon Berry Wine there we are making a lot of things now but I have all these rabbits feet to give away now it’s not actually as many as I thought I had I thought I had way more more than that but I actually only have a handful but I only have two rabbits and I keep thinking they’re going to make a baby and they haven’t made one maybe that’s my fault maybe I don’t have them set to make babies don’t you have to press a button oh RAB won’t make babies ah well that’ll do it then won’t it that would explain the problem yeah yeah that’s how I felt too I was like oh the bunnies will probably be really easy to breed exactly how I felt I feel good with how many relationships we’ve gotten better today though it feels like we’ve made really good progress oh who sent me a mail Shane I thought it would have been fun to send you a letter I don’t really know what to write though here I’ve enclosed a treat for you don’t don’t tell anyone but I snagged this from the back room of stop sending me old food food from the back room of jojamart so nasty wait a minute what happens at the flower dance if you are dating like seven people I guess you just take your pick there’s a small part of me that does wish I could oh my God that battery that’s the first battery I’ve gotten from that I have 35 batteries though so no big deal oh I want to make a new bobber this guy there we go I do really like having one of those no one cares who you dance with so I’ll literally just get to have my choice is what you’re saying so that’s fun no no clear some of this out we have way too much crap in our inventory although I could give the pepper poppers to someone else who likes them as a gift I suppose I’ll do that honey if I could just buy the stuff appear appears I suppose I could do that the oil and the flour what’s flour made out out of wheat right which I apparently have zero of I apparently have not been saving that I do have unmilled rice I can Mill the rice not sure how helpful that will be but yeah I think I’m just going to go buy it from Pierre that’s what I think the plan is that seems like the better play carrots I just fed my horse like nine carrots whoops hope they were good bud just shoving carrots down my horse’s mouth okay let’s see we definitely don’t have enough carrot seeds yet but we will yeah I suppose I don’t mind buying it you know what I mean cat like it’s not really that huge of a deal we’ll just snag snag a little bit of it from Good Old Pierre suppose I owe him that since I’ve been sneaking off with his daughter in the middle of the night no get away from me train nobody cares fool me 746 times shame on me stupid trains fine I’ll go look at the train chat oh no I won’t cuz I got stuck never mind I’ve had really bad luck with the trains though they’re almost always a nothing Burger that’s nice there’s all that what else I want to a in here this do you guys want to go to Ginger Island finally I planted something very cool on Ginger Island and then I never went back because I’m what they call a silly goose oh if I want to do the weapon UPG how do I what do I bring besides rubies do I need something else do does anybody remember how to do that like is it just rubies rubies and money wait I do have some oil I have a little bit of oil so that’s nice I don’t I don’t actually think I have any potatoes oddly enough the cind shards H do I have any of those these things right here right I have eight of them I guess we’ll see how Bountiful they’re going to need to be hopefully not too much so um so first things first let’s do this get this out of the way let’s do this hop on this go to Pier’s then go to Ginger Island yeah we’ll just do some hunting in the volcano that’s no big deal okay cool I’m so sick of preparing these samples oh no the whole sample is ruin off is going to kill me not if I kill him first I mean what chat no chat no what should I do scoop it off the floor he won’t know the difference tell Harvey it was my fault yeah tell him it was my fault that’s fine okay I’ll blame it on you then that was easy she didn’t even fight it Matt came in and slammed the door so loud I dropped the sample she really didn’t mind blaming you did she chat oh my God he said you shouldn’t blame others for your own problems I’ll have to call the patient back in to recollect the sample this will probably put us in the red for another month I tried to help chat wait two events in a row ah man I was just about to write you a letter where are you you see my records indicate that you’re due for your annual checkup now now there’s no need to worry I’ll be quick and painless please follow me oh chat okay hold still please wait you can use diamonds instead I have a lot of diamonds probably like a stack of 50 say ah okay you can stop I just need to check your vital your pulse is high I’m out of breath from working on the farm are you really a doctor hospitals make you nervous huh just try and relax I’m here to help mie well then you seem very healthy Mac just make sure not to overwork yourself on that farm okay Admiral bro code have a good night buddy have a good day tomorrow I’m glad you got some good news man keep kicking ass keep taking names we’ll talk we’ll talk again soon bud I’m not thanking you for your dad jokes though Jimmy this is why we can’t bring you to the doctor Mario I brought you strawberries no I want to give you a strawberry take it damn it I can’t even give her a gift it’s in my face chat okay I’m starting to memorize gifts that people want at least okay I’m supposed to be going to Ginger Island but I got tricked into a doctor’s appointment wait does the mayor love me all the away yes Pierre definitely doesn’t no I need to give Coraline a gift too all right here’s we’re going to do chat we’re going to go 20 of these another couple of bouquet for my future extra girlfriends and boyfriends let’s go sneak and GI to Coraline before we go CU I don’t think I have Coraline maxed he gave her two gifts I’m starting to give too many gifts chat is that how you got your kids to Jabs the promise of Ginger Island yeah I told them I would take them to a random Island we still have one more shot to go man this Friday GH it’s never ending chat never freaking ending all right let’s see Elliot my boyfriend loves pomegranates I don’t have any pomegranates so oh there’s so many events come in my darling I wish to play you a song from my heart to yours imagine if he just broke out chat i’ at the time of my life like Elliot chill chill how old are you I thought someone was there that was wonderful thank you I’m not very good but it’s fun to play I’ve Been Working Day and Night to try and finish my book it’s been driving me insane Mac aaso tune is the only Recreation I allow myself there’s just too much work to do and my bank account starting to run dry sometimes I wish I could throw it all away and become a farmer like you it’s just as hard to be a farmer you know wait if I invite Elliot to live on the farm what happens if I someone else Mr Penguin you stop that like if you’re like oh yeah Elliot come live on the farm and then you’re like oh but I’m going to marry Leia instead does he like leave no clue should I just risk it I guess I guess it’s it’s weird that I’m asking to live on the farm cuz he’s not my husband right yeah we’re just roommates just a couple of confirmed Bachelors oh you think he’s going to refuse I’ll probably say the first one then yeah yeah I’ll probably say the first one you’re right I don’t want to ask him to come work on the farm you know what I mean that just weird you okay Irish Fury are you just going around twitch posting that in everybody’s chat hoping for the best you’re all right that was an insensitive thing to say what I meant is I’d like to get away from this dark musty prison and experience a little bit of real life that’s all sorry I’m complaining like this I just need someone to talk to now and then uh you’re not complaining Bae you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine I’m fine we’re all fine here eat some shashimi this is for me that is marvelous sweet friction of pen and paper is the music of my soul almost as good as the sweet friction of anyway what was I saying you always marry Elliott by marry him do you mean turn him into a farmand tell the truth malok I mean for the LOLs malok probably marries them too though let’s be honest all right chat I need to I need to sell some crap before I leave I don’t need the glass shards anymore right so I can sell them those don’t need the muscle not cleaning out my inventory is a bold strategy here can I give do you not have events with Willie I guess a lot of your events were tailored around fixing the boat so we already had them all right Ginger Island chat finally after five and a half hours of stream time we’re finally going really for the ls huh we’re here we did it nothing to worry about wow three golden Co coconuts as soon as I arrive you want 20 walnuts what am I weight of made of Walnut money oh they’re not even done yet now I feel better they take a full month I thought maybe I had missed the Harvest but they’re not they’re still not done I wanted to also start growing star fruit here just cleaning up the place a little bit chat yeah we don’t got that nut money well so I guess I’m here for no reason then right I don’t really need anything from here I could Farm some ginger but I don’t really need that either oh yeah the volcano for upgrading I could go do that that is probably the better play at this point I need to figure out how to get my horse here that’s what I need to figure out get that whistle thing or whatever it is yeah I don’t know how how do you when you want to forge the weapons do you have to find the forge oh I don’t have my my watering can right so no watering can no no no go right yeah yeah yeah it’s my own fault for forgetting oh well chat maybe tomorrow it’s okay we had a lot of other stuff we needed to do we were going to craft that magical breakfast which I still don’t think I can make everything because I don’t have potatoes and I don’t have oh eggs I’ll have a ton of eggs won’t be a problem we’re going to have a billion eggs potato yep um no eggs here CU that’s the milk section I think I did for the ls you said the gemstones I don’t remember it’s gone already it has already gone from this place a new baby lizard hatched finally Destin novas is here I probably promised that dinosaur to Destin noas like a thousand hours ago there I new baby dinosaur chat we did it um I also need to steal eggs while I’m here oh no here I go again chat with my super full overly stuffed inventory it’s kind of becoming my thing Aquaman gives more crit hit chance Emerald gives more weapon speed J gives oh yeah yeah Ruby is the one I want that’s why I have the rubies in my inventory sorry yeah yeah yeah I just want pure damage see yeah yeah we’re good you’d upgrade the weapon before enchanting it I assume they both happen at the same place right oh what does it take to upgrade it just like straight up upgrade I thought they happened at the same time uh complete breakfast Galaxy Souls I don’t even think I’ve seen a Galaxy Soul before 10 stacks of pancakes chat still not enough I want more than that how do I get back to Chi if I if I’ve been to level 100 is there an easier way to get back to him is that the what the Wizards portal is for oh yeah there you go for the ls oh chat Big Stretch oh man is in the northwest of the island okay wait is he the bone dude no that’s different dude I kind of need more eggs I don’t want to take the gold eggs I only want to take the not rare ones oh that’s what else I wanted to do I’m no longer getting fur from this one so I want to stop storing it here you want to be the bone dude fair I don’t know why right at the end I decided let’s make a little bit of cheese but a little bit of bonus cheese chat just for you one goat cheese one regular no not bone or cheese I’m not even sure what that is I don’t want to know what that is going to be honest with you I have no further questions your honor okay we’re going to make 30 of those apparently you just time yourself out Mr Penguin because of your special cheese I can’t do the other half of the breakfast until I have the potatoes which are right here so I got to wait for the potatoes to hatch oh my God the garlic almost didn’t see that glad we caught it at 950 at night right on time chat hey I already have 24 garlic seeds though that’s sexy AF there we go I still have 5 days left I actually didn’t check how long garlic takes to grow okay 4 days good I mean I knew the whole time chat is what I meant to say Obviously all right let’s deposit some of the gold not all of them I’ll probably keep five of these so I can do two more Stacks then I don’t have to buy anything from Pierre because screw Pierre and is price gouging nonsense I don’t think the leak Quest do I still have the leak Quest I do six days to do that we haven’t been seeing enough leaks to do that Quest you know what I mean wait got him what’ you say I must have missed how you got got me there okay let’s put those seeds away and then we just got to wait for potatoes tomorrow oh I might as well grab this before I forget because I will inevitably forget and we ended up with 25 garlic seeds again beautiful like I thought doesn’t check well the other chat just says the letter D it doesn’t say anything else I said was like yeah it was an e so I was confused all right another 13k throw it on the pile stack these nuts on your head okay so I don’t see that in the YouTube chat oddly enough I see the how dare wait maybe it autof filtered you Sandy greetings from Calico desert come visit me soon I’m really bored out here I’ve included a gift from the desert you can come and thank me in person oh damn girl uh-oh not the mistimed parsnips that fairy was more of a betrayal than anything else I think we can all agree to that H I guess I should age the cheese that seems like probably the better choice how many parsnip seeds are we rocking 28 okay I can stop making those yeah maybe you can’t say de’s nuts in YouTube chat maybe yeah that’s all cooking getting aridium Level getting aridium Level wine seems to be very difficult let’s put those back in exactly 24 how sexy is that very is the answer chat if such a thing can be very sexy no all I see is letter e’s in in YouTube chat right now just e e e e e you can ask other people who are in the YouTube chat is anybody else in the YouTube chat watching I’ll put the link oh wait as soon as I spell it right and thanks for lurking in YouTube chat I appreciate it yeah so de’s nuts must Auto filter I wonder if I as the broadcaster have the ability to change change how it Al filters on YouTube this is outrageous send a strongly worded message to YouTube about them not letting you use these nuts he’s still not done building oh isn’t today the festival I need to go to the Festival that reminds me that lady Mac wants to go watch fireworks chat but it’s in a place where it’s going to be packed with bad parking and it’s going to be stressful I wish there was an easier way to do it I still don’t want to drive to her mom’s house though I do think watching the fireworks is better at her mom’s house but this is way way too much driving can’t do it chat yeah yeah I don’t know then it’s not really a high priority Problem I suppose all right let’s throw these in here and these I also made some rice for essentially no reason just for fun same with these seeds I don’t really need these seeds but they’re for when for when I have the reset button on the greenhouse if I do if I hit it wait Derpy what are you yelling at me about this time you’re saying that I should try to get de nuts allowable on YouTube as a top priority which that sentence in it of itself sounds very funny oh did my potatoes need harvested unfortunately no I wish I remembered when I planted those things on Ginger Island but I have no recollection supposed to be making a complete breakfast but I don’t have any potatoes all right let’s see who’s next chat how am I not leveling up Coraline like I’ve tried so hard it just won’t go up she’s been a huge pain in the butt haven’t given Haley any gifts this month jeez do I even love girlfriend number six all right let’s see Sam I need to give you pizza I believe I still have pizza oh damn it I guess I should go to the flower festival thing or I forget yeah let’s just do that send a YouTube headquarter email you know they don’t respond to my emails anymore because I’m not a partner that’s a true story all right chat you guys enjoy the party I don’t want to go to the party I want to be antisocial so you enjoy a chat and I’ll see you later okay I’ll wait in the car all right did you guys enjoy the party who’s ready to go home you had your chances chat all right let’s talk to all of our girlfriends and boyfriends all right girlfriend number one uh boyfriend number one screen stuff is spicy is it other girlfriend hi M glad to see you here who should I dance with chat I wore my best shirt I can ask Elliot to dance Too bunny do you think I should dance with Elliot at the flower dance oh I’m sorry to hear that goodness goodness I’m glad you’re here oh God Derpy good luck buddy I’m naice are you have I talked to all of my partners I think so she doesn’t want to dance in front of everyone why is she laughing are you going to be dancing today see you maybe later if the meeting’s less than an hour then yes I think I want to dance with the flower Queen this year chat oh sure I dance with you we’ll have a great time see chat in before she doesn’t get flower Queen because she danced with me whoops oh no bunny it’s hard it’s hard to solve that problem uh I mean obviously it’s also hard to give people advice cuz everyone’s anxiety is so different so different you know how people react to Medicine how people react to different activities like things that work for one person don’t work for another like for me I like being outside and being busy is really helpful for me like the more I’m working with my hands or doing something that like requires me to put my focus elsewhere it can be really helpful wait what’s a PCP oh Primary Care wait they won’t let you try anxiety medicine why wouldn’t they that’s so silly cuz anxiety medicine is like a trial and error thing right cuz not every medicine is the same I remember when lady Mac was cycling through medicines trying to find the right one it was hard to find the like pinpoint the one that was right for her have you tried allowing yourself to do something like that occupies your mind and makes your mind a little busy in a good way like playing Final Fantasy or you know something that you usually find joy in was the 27th does your PCP keep slots open for emergency care because my primary care person they usually have a if you say like it’s urgent I need to be there they usually leave a spot open every day for that if it’s not a normal appointment you know reading music gardening camping yeah I think going through things that bring you Joy or things that you like and allowing yourself to at least attempt to do those things and try those things can be very mentally alleviating oh goodness bunny I’m sorry I wish I had I wish I could just give you answers I know how frustrating of a feeling it can be that’s very difficult I guess we’re going to Dan with Haley and hopefully not ruin the dance for I’m not really sure oh we did not wear a blue outfit we we wore the Fred Flintstone outfit why do we seem like we’re further ahead than everybody else oh I just realized that Haley stands right next to her sister I don’t think I ever knew that well we didn’t ruin the dance at least oh gosh my brain is so foggy man and I’m sorry bunny I I wish I could flip a switch and just turn it off all you can do is try to solve one problem at a time and not take them all on at the same time you know we can’t solve all of the world’s problems in one day you know One Foot In Front of the other that’s right I wonder if you Google your situation and how other people in your area What er then what urgent cares they prefer I wonder you can also because I’m a twitch streamer I’m not a psychiatrist or a psychologist I I do wonder if there’s like support lines for stuff like this um that maybe people who have more intimate knowledge could share ideas and mechanisms with you you know especially if medicinal Solutions are not coming to fruition at a pace that’s helpful yeah I know there there is no cost for your health that will ever be too high I know that sucks to say but it’s also I I know this was alluded to in Discord since they can no longer affect your credit score with medical bills I wouldn’t let the weight of medical bills really weigh you down as much as you do it’s fine you got to take care of yourself you know remember we we got $1.2 million in medical bills from the hospital and we paid none of it we just waited till they gave up cuz who has a million dollars to pay for you know what I mean and they all but gave up except for one of them are they yeah I mean eventually most of them will pass it off to a creditor and it’s illegal for them to now hit your credit score with it so now that they can’t hit your credit score it alleviates a lot of the concerns for a lot of people I mean it’s a really horrible thing to think to yourself I should not get medical care because I it’s expensive you know that’s a very horrible feeling to have you know I use Psychology today website to find other therapist psychologists some of them do offer sliding scale income type of thing and you can see what they specialize in as well oh nice Psychology today I mean you don’t have to bunny you could wait till morning so that you can talk to the doctor again for now I mean it’s like I said I would try to do things that that break your mind’s like focus on where you are you know but that’s again just sharing what works for me and everybody’s different just going to go to bed CU I don’t really know what else I want to accomplish today I think I may game switch chat pick up stardew again tomorrow what do you guys think or do you think just play stardew all the way through now Emily sent me one piece of fabric I mean thank you tomorrow is our last day in stardo so whatever we want to accomplish we have to accomplish tomorrow okay let’s do that some backpack battles why should we should decide that before I start actually starting a day otherwise I’ll get too far in no I’m okay with stardy Valley or backpack battles I’m I’m not this isn’t a like oh man I’m just so bored or not having fun It’s just sometimes I like to change the mental break um and give a different like pacing you know oh don’t be silly bunny these are you’re amongst friends and you’re amongst people who care about you you’re fine sometimes you need to just let it out and not feel alone in the world you know especially when your brain can feel so mentally isolated eventually I’ll come back to STV while I continue this Farm you know I’m really bad at that every time I’ve come back I’ve started a new Farm cuz it felt like the thing I should do and usually usually it’s because I wait 2 years and then I don’t remember even what I was doing you know what I mean yeah exactly Derpy exactly it’s 150 I didn’t realize that was so high oh the potatoes ready a they’re not ready I guess I’m doing one more day I guess since here we are I’m not modding the game langi no if that’s what you’re asking me oh I shouldn’t plant any more plants it’s end of season so no more plants chat we are du and done I mean it sounds like you’re doing some stuff to help to try to help but I know it’s frustrating when the answer is not presenting itself um what happened in here why is there so much nonsense oh this tree this one I one day Chad I’m going to learn Inventory management that day is not today I tell you what let’s do one more batch and then sell the rest you know I haven’t been given out a lot of this stuff as gifts so I should just stop carrying it like the dandelion for example I’m going to take a risk that I could find somebody to like that soup I don’t know that I will but I’m I’m going to attempt night so I don’t have potatoes so I can’t do anything about that yet I could try to go give away some food in town to free up inventory slots see if anybody likes any of this stuff I thought about going for a walk like outside get some fresh air not like to anywhere dangerous or anything but just to breathe look at the stars look at the Moon get out of the get out of the house for a little while sometimes late at night I just stand outside look at the stars and just breathe a little you know the nice cool air yeah it also helps especially when you’re lost in your own head inside your house and you just need to get away from it I also do it a lot to get away from digital because sometimes digital things can be over overly taxing mentally you know Doom scrolling and it’s like I stream on a PC sometimes I have to do work on a PC you know yeah yeah exactly for the L just let the world be quiet you know or maybe listening to like a book on tape or something like that something to just let your brain escape and drift a little I know when lady Mac was like trying to figure out things that she wanted to do that she had lost along the way from getting too busy job kids blah blah blah blah blah she switched because she lost reading she couldn’t really read anymore so she switched to listening to like audio books and stuff and that was helpful too yeah I I I should still be here for another hour or so but that’s good she cooked dinner last night but I did make a huge mess in the kitchen I just need a big strong Mommy to help me clean it her words Chad not mine I can’t give her those two things cuz I don’t have them unfortunately do I have anything she likes on me oh Sashimi no don’t eat it give it to her she said she made a good meal so I gave her even more food I love that fossil parrot I feel like living in the digital world comes with a lot of mental fatiguing activities being on social media getting lost on like Tik Tok or YouTube shorts and like these other like addictive digital mechanisms that sometimes you got to rip yourself out of you know yeah just the Doom scrolling this is why like this is actually what caused me to for and a lot of YouTube probably to initially do the big cut from things like Facebook it’s also why I don’t post on Twitter anymore because once I realized that you know there’s a common thing in streaming that streamers need to have a social media presence and I believe for some streamers that’s true but I no longer have one and it’s made no difference to my streaming career so it’s been like well [ __ ] it then I just won’t have one anymore because I don’t really enjoy social media or being a part of social media systems I like to instead have smaller Circles of people that I get to know and have friendships with you know what I mean really naring goodness gracious nice fossil pair very nice no for the ls good that makes me glad for you I bet the strawberries are ready I mean they design YouTube shorts reals Tik Tock to hit the addictive t Tendencies right that’s like in their design and in their analytics like that’s what they’re trying to do right that’s their goal they want us all to get lost in the sauce as it were no I do need that for something I just don’t remember what but it there’s something I need it for I’ll remember eventually I have found that like so when I end stream now I go grab food I play a couple games of Magic the Gathering so I could yell at people um and then I turned my PC off for the rest of the day and I found that to be a very liberating feeling to just turn it off and be like I’m out you know what I mean like I’m done that’s enough and then I end up doing all kinds of stuff like today I painted flowers that’s true story I was talking about this at the beginning of stream today um I I had these flowers that we use as decorations and you see they lost all their color over the years so today I brought them in the house and I painted them really bright colors I was like that’s going to look a lot better than that right like they’re going to really pop now yeah I was really happy with how the blue turned out um they’re still wet here but this orange actually ended up blending really nicely getting the Feathering down was kind of a pain in the butt but I did eventually get there I wanted them to still look rustic so I wasn’t trying to clean them up if if that makes sense like they’re Stone I I don’t want them to look new as it were you know what I mean but just little stuff like this like dist disconnecting building things like just today um I worked in the garden I messed with my solar panel and plugged things into the solar battery um I spent time with the kids I did the dishes I worked on the the flowers I planted flowers I cleaned out all of our garden boxes like just having busy days can be very mentally like fulfilling no yeah for sure for sure bunny Derpy you don’t suffer while you’re here my stream is a gift a luxurious delicious ious gift who doesn’t love egg think about it everybody loves egg okay let’s clean out the rest of this now that I have some inventory space all right chat let’s um let’s burn the farm to the ground and then tell all of our boyfriends and girlfriends that we need to live with them on a rotating basis how does that sound chat and not pay rent cuz we’re only going to be there one day a week it’s only one day a week right why would I pay rent for that think about it think about it um what was I going to do I was going to put this here and then I was going to make strawberry dried strawberries and then I was going to go here and deposit this um sell all this other crap I got sell sell sell sell cell cell I’m going to actually save all of this one of those strawberries needs to go to Maru all right um okay get the rest of the fruit off the trees I think it’s safe to say I won’t be redoing the greenhouse I think that that’d be a safe assumption since we’re our time in stardo is coming to an end soon I don’t believe I will get to that H so that’s done let’s go do something else what do we do chat what do we do continue to find people to give gifts to Demetrius let’s go give one to Demetrius he likes sashimi I already gave her one I guess I could go forging on Ginger Island I don’t think I can make it now right it’s 5:00 isn’t it too late I thought I couldn’t catch the boat past 5 I’m not sure what that is gamer Tech but I hope it’s good nope can’t catch the boat too late maybe tomorrow all right Sam what are we looking at pizza oh I need to pay attention to who I’ve given two gifts to before I start trying to give everybody gifts look have I given Elliot his second gift it’s weird that it doesn’t put your girlfriends and boyfriends at the top I suppose you could have friendships that were were good all right this is our hardest relationship to fix right now is Alex we did find out that he didn’t mind pizza so that’s good I think the problem is I gave him like five gifts without double cheing and he hated them all and so his relationship really lagged behind the rest of the group okay Demetrius likes sashimi how’s business going is parsnip season right imagine being pretty peaceful working outdoors with the plants all day it’s not bad oh my fish pond I need to go stick the sturgeon in there thanks Robin that’s what we need to do chat no I don’t hate Alex well yes also but no I don’t hate him on purpose I hate him on accident all right fish pond where’s my sturgeon did I Save Sturgeon I don’t know what they look like oh they’re alphabetical a I don’t have a sturgeon I thought for sure I saved one I must have accidentally crafted with it a have a good night Samir get some good rest I did have some I thought I did I’m not sure what happened to him I I may have accidentally crafted with them sturgeon’s the only one that can do the row right it’s the only one that could actually make caviar right I don’t think I can catch sturgeon in the spring yeah that’s too bad well I guess we’re not doing that that means that my only way to get um to get the the remake of jojamart done is to I would have to find a prismatic shard like how the F can I possibly force that you know what I mean I don’t think I can yeah I don’t know chat there’s not really an easy answer I guess does anybody know where the best place to farm Prismatic shards is oh maybe I’ll Paca we’ll know tomorrow tomorrow in game G God gamer Tech did I want to get the surgeon before summer I I was trying yeah but I guess it’s okay it’s only three days right mine’s level 100 plus okay from a Mystic Stone what’s a Mystic Stone oh it’s skull Caverns only oh so these are the wrong mines you know I thought I was getting close to killing the the Thousand slimes and I’m not even close I was at like 400 what the oh my God Maru is such a nerd I love it I have been to skull Cavern 100 plus before Ma I’m surprised to see you here so late are you the night sky looks amazing right now come over here I want to show you something here take a peek what do you see a cold dark abyss a beautiful planet it’s amazing isn’t it I can’t go to the volcano right now I could go tomorrow though by the time any of these Stars I visited you and I will be long gone yes that’s the trouble with being human huh Mac um never mind here let me show you a binary star system binary star system chat I’m picking up what she’s putting down you already did that here Irish Fury remember you’re supposed to rotate to other streams unless you want to talk and hang out and make friends then you’re you’re in the right place again what a beautiful night Maru showed you something new a but did she kiss me chat the real question uh oh uh I have absolutely zero explosives I like fishing for a random Prismatic Shard is probably a horrendous idea Derpy do you happen to know what the plural of compass is I don’t suppose you know that’s what people should spam in other people’s twitch Channel just ask them to Google the plural of compass uhoh never mind I guess you had to be there for that quote to be as funny as it is cuz it was definitely funnier at the time yeah it’s because the plural being I’m not going to say it I’m not getting caught getting quoted saying coom p a i i but you can all say it out loud where you are I forgot how we ended up there in that conversation either like I have no recollection of any of that probably for the best yeah I’m going to give your character a big pound like a pound of beef you think cuz you think that’s what that was probably there’s probably a pound of beef to make tacos with or something probably what else could it have been in the before covid times oh no that’s back before I had gray in my beard there’s going to come a funny time in my kids lives chat like right now you know I asked Jonah lots of questions throughout the day like just as his brain Dev velops and I see like how his observational skills are working and I’ll say like what color is your hair what color is Mommy’s hair what color are my eyes um and I’ll say what color is my hair and he still says brown but eventually he won’t eventually he’s going to say white or gray he does have that s his chat and I feel like this is just for all of you he does say Daddy have little bit of hair no justtin noas he’s actually very observant he he puts his hand on the back of my head and goes you got a little bit of hair and then sometimes he’ll gra he’ll do this on my face and he’ll go you got hair here like yeah I do have hair there yesterday or not yesterday a couple days ago he was trying to show me that when his arm gets wet that he has hair on his arm too he goes look daddy I have hair too probably Derpy yeah hopefully my son never calls me old man hopefully not although it’s probably inevitable especially when he’s like 13 14 yeah my goal is to uh to be the old man who’s fit enough to still do stuff with him though I mean I won’t be that old right see 15 years from now I’ll be 39 right so that’s not that old chat right 39 is not that bad anyone in chat like 39 plus it’s not so bad right did you really Destin noas goodness gracious man I feel like your dad and stepdad probably didn’t try to walk a road that led to that moment and that gives me really good like food for thought trying to think about like how people end up there you know I mean not asking you to share your story or tell your story I just I’m just sharing like an observation as a dad of like most people don’t mean to get where they are but they still end up there you know what I mean I mean sometimes you’re just a miserable bastard right like that’s just who you are did you for the ls yeah was it Destin NOA see that was my perspective about myself too like me and my grandmother fought a lot when I was a teenager and it’s just cuz I was a [ __ ] like I was just a bad teenager and I try to like think about how I’ll make my kids not be bad teenagers but chemical imbalances are hard to like adolescence is hard right it’s puberty and Adolescence are tricky things that sometimes you you can’t completely control yeah yeah for the ls at least you don’t have this problem currently my boys do this to me or Jonah does this to me he’ll say um why you washing the car and I’ll say cuz it’s dirty and he’ll say why and I’ll say cuz we were driving it why cuz we had to go places why I have to stop answering at some point grounded is why yeah I’m glad you’re on the other side of it Destin noas I also feel like it probably gives you a lot of empathy for bullies I that’s a weird thing to say but I know you’ll understand what I mean it having perspect perspective sometimes helps people understand the struggle that leads to it you know what I mean yeah I kind of wanted you to have that reality as long as possible for the ls that’s a more fun reality did you Benny yeah for the LS your parents like why did you get divorced cuz we needed to stop hearing why all the time shut up Derpy that wouldn’t bother me that wouldn’t bother me at all there’s almost no way my kids could end up that I wouldn’t be down with except for being a bad person I’ll be honest with you I I no matter how they end up as long as it’s not a terrible human being I’m going to be down have to end up being goth with with somehow jenos come back or if God forbid they love pineapple pizza then I’ll just grit my teeth and bear it Dad are you GNA eat pizza with us no son cuz I have self-respect what’s that mean Dad I’m seven nothing nothing kid don’t worry about it um chat let’s uh what if they enjoy booty flavored underwears I I don’t know how much me and my sons will talk about that given that my love interest is their mom I’m sure they won’t be asking me those kinds of questions see Destin noas this is there’s times like this where I think to myself I should just ban Destin noas you know like forever you know just like for life you know the Betrayal is why you know it’s 548 I might not be able to actually play a game of backpack battles now chat this might be a stardo only night I think it is chat I was going to switch but it’s 548 549 I think that ship has sailed am I still not married no I’ve decided to make everyone my boyfriend and girlfriend instead the entirety of the stardew valley will date me is what I’ve decided pineapple pizza you think you know a guy Destin noas you know I actually had a really weird Pizza once that chat made me eat eat it was pickle pizza and that was better than pineapple pizza shockingly so it was better you wouldn’t believe it but it was pretty good I was really surprised at how good it was if I’m honest with you now it’s not something I’ve ever ordered again so take it for what what it’s worth I’ve never been like oh let’s get that pickle pizza again no no I don’t think pickle pizza is good it’s just better than pineapple pizza it’s sort of like if someone said do you want me to punch you in your stomach or your balls I would choose stomach but I still wouldn’t like it you know you’re picking up what I’m putting down chat right hi animals oh I’m supposed to I need to do a lot of things chesse this is sty Valley eventually becomes like a job I love pineapple I would argue that pineapple is my favorite fruit it’s up there man but not on Pizza no it’s because tomato sauce with the pineapple just tastes so gross to me I’ve tried it like on three different occasions over the course of like a 15year period and I’ve still never liked it what the okay I get it I’ll tell you what if we do another subathon at some point in the next decade chat can make me have pineapple pizza again and we’ll see we’ll see if anything has changed with the old pallet I would rather have the finger flick because if that kick hits with a pointed toe just right now you’re in the hospital don’t make me piter that stuff come on are those high heels some of you sick sistic people in chat are like God I hope so you know you’re out there Chad don’t pretend oh wait I have potatoes chat we can finally make food potatoes I miss spotle don’t worry two days of stardew then we’re back to Esports hero like I said I just wanted to tie up my loose ends and feel like I gave it a proper send off so those of you that miss the the Esports hero it’s coming back and then a big campaign in one of our Classics is coming too we have a lot to look forward to hopefully you guys are excited as I am to do XCOM 2 darkest dungeon etc etc going back to some classes we haven’t touched in a couple years there it is yeah I if I fall in love with XCOM again and have a good time maybe we’ll play it twice but no promises we’ll see meaning that maybe we’ll do long war after cuz I don’t think I’m going to start with it but maybe I’ll be compelled to keep going again afterwards yeah once without long war and once with we’ll see how we’re feeling I mean I would say 50% of the reason I love XCOM 2 is the story and interactions and voice acting and stuff like that I would say that’s pretty a big big reason why I enjoy it so muching ah welcome back bunny I’m glad you went for a walk it’s at least a little bit of a workout get the bones moving a little bit now a nice warm bath there you go I don’t have any Focus what am I doing cooking Ash Browns and we’re going to make a complete breakfast right 30 of them is how many I would like to make why can I still not make the complete breakfast I need milk and eggs 30 of each 30 milk 30 eggs chat let’s go oh not the right way chat would anybody like a complete breakfast right in your face hole all right how many of these are you going to make Gambler just chill Bud relax it’s a lot of truffles in one day I want that for you too bunny for sure 30 8 12 and then 18 um okay there’s that and now we need 30 eggs Harden in the garden 28 to go 26 to go all right let’s go make some complete breakfast shall we I should be able to make 30 of these I don’t know why I made so many oh you got to make fried eggs oh that doesn’t matter that’s fine though I can still do that so there’s that 30 stacks of complete breakfast it probably feels excessive Chad and that’s because it is it’s very excessive I should make more kale it’s not nearly enough how about potato seeds 20 I should make more potato I’m also supposed to be going to the volcanic area I also need to buy more rabbits I also need to so much to do can’t do everything chat I’m trying to do everything unsuccessfully I know Benny yeah oh God I love breakfast food Destin NOA we have thick cut bacon sitting in the fridge ready to go maybe I’ll cook that today oh Penny wants to have a picnic it’s perfect timing that you showed up I brought the children on a little field trip into the countryside you know all about life in the country right so I was thinking could you be my guest speaker today no I can’t stand kids some of you clicked that without even reading the other two didn’t you easy you know what I find funny about this is it’ be hilarious if Penny said oh God me neither even though she babysits them every day I’d love to great let me just call the children over vent get over here get over here I have a very special guest here to talk to you today our very own local farmer Mac she has firsthand experience living in the countryside so she knows all about the Valley’s resources can anyone tell me what a natural resources a natural resource is a material source of wealth that occurs in a natural state and has economic value how smart are these kids wait what am I presenting country life is all about farming is all about Gathering From The Wild no no what are we Linus it’s definitely about farming go grow some corn and be quiet okay the valley soil is ideal for growing delicious vegetables the Valley’s air and grass are perfect for raising animals vegetables or animals I’m going to say animals cuz they’re little kids questions I put a saddle on one of your cows and ride it into town I want to be a real cowboy behave yourself oh my God Penny’s so strict shut up kid no stupid questions it’s a lot of work to take care of these kids but I don’t really mind I enjoy seeing them learn and hopefully I can help them grow to be good people do you ever want to be a parent Mac God no Chad have you seen kids yeah I was telling chat earlier for those of you who weren’t here that Gideon now likes to take food out of his mouth and hand it to you after he’s done chewing it so instead of swallowing it he wants to share it with you like he’s a mama bird the world’s crowded enough already I don’t think I’d be good at it I don’t want to be tied down it’s a natural urge I want a big juicy family H I want a big family chat huge me too I’m glad you feel that way does stardew valley have like kissing and like seex not like sex scenes like I know it’s not like a hentai game but you know what I mean like does it have like implied like you made a baby with somebody Smoochy Smoochy yeah sex no so babies just like show up like from the stor type of thing lady Mac already got me bunny where do you think those two boys came from wait oh I thought I was having a raccoon cut scene kind of implied like a scene or two just like it believe lead to okay that seems about like stardy Valley’s limitations ah okay so bunny you’re just walking around and then a cup pops into your inventory and you have to fill it up and take it to the clinic okay yeah I’ve done that before I understand really ardan yeah H wait they have oh there’s three raccoon babies now you need a gift for the misses a diamond and a rusty spoon I don’t think I have Rusty Spoons oh no wait he he keeps asking you wait there’s cut scenes with the kids I didn’t know that I guess I’ve also never been this far into the game Shane’s in the bond he said uh he said he said to tell you he wants to show you something uh okay why are their chickens blue that should do it it’s the perfect home for you hens we’ll have the best eggs in the whole valley fresh and healthy with Rich golden yolks not like those pale sickly joa eggs that’s right Juicy eggs chat the best kind of eggs buffed and all that good stuff you know Charlie I was thinking guy like me is always teetering on the edge of Despair you know what I mean but you and the other hands are going to keep me upright from now on I know it what’s wrong too much pressure so Shane likes eggs chat interesting hey Max what do you think I think you’re chickens are blue my special Blue Ends I’ve been raising them in secret for the last few months oh so he sees them as blue too it’s not just me just make it sure I will I don’t I won’t be living here forever and I wanted to pass something on to Jazz been teaching how to care for him I want to feel like I’m not just a leech I want to contribute even in a small way like this I’m not yawning at him chat I’m just yawning in general purchase animals I don’t know how many animals I have of each kind I believe I can see that though right chicken chicken chicken cow cow cow four five cows two dinosaurs four five ducks three goats three pigs two bunnies only one sheep so let’s buy another sheep I could click clicking it I think eventually it will work nope the lad Destin noas I am currently dating an an boyfriend or girlfriend with like seven people in stard also full okay so I can’t take I can’t get a sheep right now all right would anybody like to be a bunny rabbit that doesn’t have an animal yet yeah ardan I’ll have to move some some animals around and maybe upgrade one of my coups any subscribers subscriber only chat it’s very luxurious I think most of you have an animal Destin noas you were actually born tonight Derpy the bunny I’ll send little Derpy to his new home right away let me know if you need anything else now darling I’m gu that’s no is you’re just a baby dinosaur makees sure you thank Audrey for giving birth to you actually tell her thanks for laying you that’s better much better I don’t remember what I need chat I feel like I need hard wood regular wood maybe some Stone that’s probably about it I guess we’ll just go see what we need we’ll go to her hopefully she’s actually open I feel like Robin works like four hours a week I can also build Pam a house but I keep denying that oh I need another barn that’s what I need it’s 500,000 gold what am I made of money I could build her a house or build myself a second Barn no Derpy you know what chat I’m going to make pamama house so generous of you I’ll start working on the upgrade tomorrow it should take around three [ __ ] days wait why’d she swear seemed unnecessary on my good Christian Minecraft server oh yeah I need to occasionally remember that Sebastian exists hey bud good to see you what did you do when you what do you do when you aren’t working comic books yeah what did you read the new cave Saga X I won’t spoil it if you but oh man oh my God Sebastian’s a nerd had I only known had I only known chat what else did I want to do today I built pamama house do I have a quest I gave out some gifts it’s 330 so I just want to make sure I didn’t miss anything I guess I could go to if I’m fast I might be able to make it to Ginger Island but I’m going to have to get down there in a hurry think we’ll make it just fine all gas no breaks chat oh no almost debited myself 420 chat we’re fine we’re fine plus all everybody loves when you show up right at the end of their shift and ask them to do something for you everybody loves that chat they love it thought I should eat more cookies I only ate two I I feel like the proper quantity of cookies is four now I’ll just eat four later and have a big enough Gap that I won’t feel guilty about it yeah perfect chat you know I’ve been working on the car and getting vaccines like every couple of days and um you know working in the yard working on the garden and in the last like three weeks I lost five lbs just from doing all those things just like naturally we also went to the beach where I had to take my shoes off chat to walk in the sand and um my feet are like nine Shades lighter than my legs so I’m like full farmer tan at this point like full on all the way on the deep end at this point damn I should have put those seeds away huh yeah rabies is great for weight loss is what I’m trying to tell you yeah a that’s not allowed to hit just snipe him out of there what’s wrong with the little rabies you don’t like rabies truth be told I can’t wait till Friday gets here I need to find 100 walnuts total to be allowed in that room we have one vaccine to go chat this Friday we’re almost to the Finish Line almost you gained 5 lbs in the last month so as a team we’re doing pretty good it’s a teamwork thing right why are there so many birds over here all right who you passing your five pounds too all right chat who wants five pounds we’re doing a free giveaway wow 80 pounds that’s amazing dude heck yeah bunny says can she put the weight directly into her boobs I’m going to go ahead and say that most of us would highly encourage such Behavior have you met this community I guess I can get some more ginger while I’m here not that I need it but I know you’re supposed to reberry it but I just can’t be bothered chat really that’s kind of crazy Destin noas and obviously very telling like sheesh um let’s make another kale I guess two more potatoes okay I should get rid of the bomb because I don’t want to accidentally blow myself up which I’ve been known to do if you don’t know me chat that’s certainly something I’ve been known to do my horse where’s my horse no Horse Chat about two years ago and the doctor said it was early enough that it wasn’t permanent so I took it very seriously good for you dude now when you do blood tests now are you completely good to go like blood sugar is super stable now yeah 60 lbs of boobs might be a bit much maybe damn Dustin noas heck yeah heck yeah that happened to my sister too not the same story as yours she didn’t give up sugar she had she had um gastric bypass and she no longer has diabetic symptoms anymore either she coin this is this is coincidental she also lost right around 80 lbs so far he’s kind of plateauing right now but that’s not super uncommon during weight loss yes I can make more Sashimi yeah no kidding I just keep turning all of this into sashimi every time I get it so she me such a loved gift in the in the town that I just keep making it why do I have so many bouquet you know why you know exactly why my character is a love bird oh because I I have a lot of girlfriends and boyfriends is why let’s see two girlfriends and a boyfriend three girlfriends and two boyfriends four girlfriends and three boyfriends five girlfriends okay so I have five four girlfriends and three boyfriends and Sam and Maru and Abigail are in my sights soon soon before you know it chat I don’t think I’m going to finish this quest for George right three more days I mean I only do need three more maybe I’ll find them tomorrow did I clean out the don’t think I cleaned out the greenhouse it does cause problems I believe if you romance every single person in town if you can get everybody it will cause a problem so that’s what I’m trying to do I want to see the scene that it causes okay um inventory is still murky but that’s cuz I need to give a lot of this stuff out as gifts and some of it’s for crafting and some of it’s just junk this will be gone soon still need to go upgrade my weapons which I keep forgetting to do I suppose now the best thing to do is just go to bed have my kitty first yeah I guess if you date everybody but one person yeah apparently it doesn’t matter it just can’t be everybody we’ll date everybody except for Harvey there you go chat the guy who keeps saying he wishes people got more sick so we could make more money yeah maybe we don’t date that guy a Benny hope things go well with Mom have a good visit buddy okay I’m glad you’re going to be there with her yeah get hecked Harvey that’s right we’ll see you tomorrow wait not tomorrow I’m not streaming tomorrow am I wait yes I am see you tomorrow I know my schedule chat hey Mac uh so I got two tickets to the tunnel is game tonight if you want to come meet me at the bus stop around 5 the tunnelers what sport is that lacrosse listen Derpy I’m doing my best okay I hope not bunny I hope you’re able to get some good rest after a little walk a little bath make sure you’re eating well don’t do don’t do yourself any disservices when it comes to this type of stuff you know what I mean eat well keep yourself fed hydrated don’t let those be problems you know I’ll be right back chat I need a very short break give me one second CH I’ve kind of completely forgot what day of the week it is Wednesday it’s Wednesday not Thursday Wednesday chat it’s Wednesday in my head I can’t shake that it’s not like I keep thinking man we got to go see fireworks later today but that’s tomorrow yeah falling apart over here chat all right where are we oh God I gotta remember to do that too God I have so much to do chat it’s so exhausting okay yeah fireworks tomorrow fireworks tomorrow all right chat oh I think that’s what we’re going to call it tonight tomorrow’s our finale of stardew Valley we’ll probably get married break a whole bunch of hearts and that’ll be our send off doesn’t mean we’ll never come back it just means we’re going to take a break from it from a while um I feel like stardew is something that’s fun to visit every year couple of years whenever the case whenever the mood strikes um but I think we’re going to start digging into something strategic something deep something sexy chat something thick and girthy you know what I mean we still talking about video games um I probably should go get the tire fixed today yeah probably I don’t want to chat but I should you’re welcome for the ls thank you for being here thanks for hanging out let’s find somebody to host thank you all for being here chat if you’re new to the stream make sure you follow before you go if you’re watching on YouTube make sure you’re subscribed if you guys don’t know we stream on YouTube you guys can all help me by subscribing there and watching old videos or the live stream there to help me build up watch hours um which we’re almost at our goal we’re getting very very close you’re welcome stormy have a good night bye gamer tag bye serus puppy Destin noas You Beautiful your whole [ __ ] face um yeah I’ll see you guys tomorrow chat hopefully I get more sleep today hopefully bye bunny if you’re still out there I hope your day gets better and improves minute by minute Derpy have a good day bye ardan bye ERS bye Maple leafer have a good one for the ls Gambler OG have a good one buddy all right God my I pulled up my follow list Elden ring Elden ring Elden ring stardew Valley lot of Elden rings in there my goodness um I kind of don’t want to watch Elden ring so let’s host somebody not playing Elden ring FG is playing Rim world so let’s go do that no yeah there’s a new DLC for Elden ring everybody’s playing it everybody I don’t blame them but I I don’t want to see it right now so I’m going to take you guys to somewhere different you’re welcome Ultima have a good night see you Udo thanks for lurking thanks for lurking and hanging appreciate you all chat um yeah tonight was a lot of fun chat I hope you’ve been enjoying the end of our stardo run um hope you guys are excited for what’s to come next probably XCOM 2 darkest dungeon all of the above lots of things lots of Classics get some nostalgia in our life chat something like that we’ll see where it takes us chat one day at a time right one foot in front of the other that’s all we can do we can’t solve every problem all at once just take one knock it out and then move on to the next you know what I’m saying it’s been a pleasure chat twitch is a big place YouTube’s even bigger but you’re here with me and you’re dope as [ __ ] for that remember to take those Positive Vibes and share them with the world chat remember that a small act of kindness can change the world around you tell someone you love them tell someone you appreciate them tell someone they look damn good today chat those moments make the world a better place to be baby all day every day we’re go do that right now for my friend FG Square to go into her chat drop a heart say hello and we’ll bring some good energy her way okay I’ll see you guys tomorrow for a l a bit more stardew Valley and then who knows chat who knows and then I get a rabies vaccine again that’s what’s next anyway I’ll see you guys soon before you know it chat as always chat you know the most important thing get naked wait what no no no that’s not my line keep being you cuz it’s all I’ll ever need cuz you’re amazing sexy beautiful and good things are coming fam get out there get after it and always be the best version of you baby come on get it I’m grateful oh yeah a oh yeah I’m stable

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