Does brown mean they died? I don’t remember what seeds where this but I got it from the community center afterr completing the green first box

by bro080


  1. No_Parsnip1891 on

    This may be a spoiler for some:

    That is wild seeds. That is giving you random plants from that spring.

  2. Those are spring seeds, they grow spring forage. They’re supposed to look like that.

  3. Wild seeds grow seasonal forage. Each forage has different looking sprites that represent each type of forage for the season. The brown roots are usually used for forage that typically grows under the surface.

  4. Not_Enough_Thyme_ on

    If you’re ever unsure if a crop is dead or not, just swing your scythe over it. It will remove dead plants, harvest any that are ready (if they need to be harvested with the scythe), and anything still growing will be left alone.

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